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Macroscopic dynamics of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of 1D and 2D optical lattices PDF

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Preview Macroscopic dynamics of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of 1D and 2D optical lattices

Macroscopic dynamics of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of 1D and 2D optical lattices M. Kr¨amera, L. Pitaevskiia,b and S. Stringaria aDipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Trento, and Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, I-38050 Povo, Italy b Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, ul. Kosygina 2, 117334 Moscow, Russia (February 1, 2008) the so called recoil energy and s is a dimensionless pa- 2 Thehydrodynamicequationsofsuperfluidsforaweaklyin- 0 rameter providing the intensity of the laser beam. The teractingBosegasaregeneralizedtoincludetheeffectsofpe- 0 opticalpotentialhasperiodicityd=π/q =λ/2alongthe riodic optical potentials produced by stationary laser beams. 2 z-axis. Thecaseofa2Dlatticewillbediscussedlater. In Thenewequationsarecharacterizedbyarenormalizedinter- n the following we will assume that the laser intensity be action couplingconstantandbyaneffectivemassaccounting a large enough to create many separated wells giving rise for the inertia of the system along the laser direction. For J large laser intensities the effective mass is directly related to to an array of several condensates. Still, due to quan- 2 the tunneling rate between two consecutive wells. The pre- tum tunneling, the overlap between the wave functions 2 dictions for the frequencies of the collective modes of a con- of two consecutive wells can be sufficient to ensure full densate confined by a magnetic harmonic trap are discussed coherence. In this case one is allowed to use the Gross- 1 v forboth1Dand2Dopticallatticesandcomparedwithrecent Pitaevskii (GP) theory for the order parameter to study 8 experimental data. both the equilibrium and the dynamic behaviour of the 9 system at zero temperature [8]. Eventually, if the tun- 3 The experimentalrealizationofopticallattices[1–6]is nellingbecomestoosmall,thefluctuationsoftherelative 1 stimulating new perpectives in the study of coherence phasebetweenthecondensateswilldestroythecoherence 0 phenomena in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. A 2 of the sample giving rise to new quantum configurations firstdirectmeasurementofthecriticalJosephsoncurrent 0 associated with the transition to a Mott insulator phase has been recently obtained in [3] by studying the center t/ [2,6]. a ofmassmotionofamagneticallytrappedgasinthepres- In the presence of coherence it is natural to make the m enceofa1Dperiodicopticalpotential. Underthesecon- ansatz - ditions the propagation of collective modes is a genuine d quantum effect produced by the tunneling through the Ψ(r)= Ψ (x,y)f (z)eiSk(x,y) (2) n k k barriersand by the superfluid behaviour associatedwith o Xk the coherence of the order parameter between different c : wells. Theeffectoftheopticalpotentialistoincreasethe for the order parameter in terms of a sum of many v inertia of the gas along the direction of the laser giving condensate wave-functions relative to each well. Here i X rise to a reduction of the frequency of the oscillation. Sk(x,y) is the phase of the k-component of the order r The purpose of the present work is to investigate the parameter, while Ψk and fk are real functions. We a collectiveoscillationsofamagneticallytrappedgasinthe will make the further periodicity assumption fk(z) = presenceof1Dand2Dopticallatticestakingintoaccount f0(z kd) where f0 is localized at the origin. The above − the effect of tunneling, the role of the mean field inter- assumptionsforΨandfk arejustifiedforrelativelylarge action and the 3D nature of the sample. Under suitable values of s where the interwell barriers are significantly conditionstheseeffectscanbedescribedbyproperlygen- higher than the chemical potential. In this case the con- eralizing the hydrodynamic equations of superfluids [7]. densate wave functions of different sites are well sepa- Letusassumethatthegas,atT =0,betrappedbyan rated (tight binding approximation). externalpotentialgivenbythesumofaharmonictrapof Using the ansatz (2) for the order parameterone finds magnetic originV andof a stationaryopticalpotential thefollowingresultforthemeanfieldexpectationvalueof ho Vopt modulatedalongthez-axis. The resultingpotential the effective HamiltonianH = j p2j/2m+Vext(rj) + is given by g j<kδ(rj −rk): P (cid:0) (cid:1) P 1 Vext = 2m(cid:0)ωx2x2+ωy2y2+ωz2z2(cid:1)+sERsin2qz (1) E =hHi=(cid:20)Z dz 2¯hm2 (∂zf0)2+f02Vopt(cid:21) ZdxdyΨ2k whereω ,ω ,ω arethefrequenciesoftheharmonictrap, Xk x y z g q =2π/λisfixedbythewavelengthofthelaserlightcre- + dzf4 dxdyΨ4 ating the stationary 1D lattice wave, ER = h¯2q2/2m is 2 (cid:20)Z 0(cid:21)Xk Z k 1 ¯h2 g˜n ¯h2 +(cid:20)Z dzf02(cid:21) Zdxdy(cid:20)2m(∂r⊥Ψk)2 E =Z dVnM(cid:20) 2M +Vho+ 2m(∂r⊥S)2−δcos[d∂zS](cid:21) , (7) Xk ¯h2 wherewehaveintroducedtherenormalizedcouplingcon- + Ψ2kVho(r⊥,kd)+ 2mΨ2k(∂r⊥Sk)2(cid:21) stantg˜=gd f04dz,wehaveneglectedquantumpressure terms originaRting from the radial term in the kinetic en- −δ ZdxdyΨkΨk+1cos[Sk−Sk+1] , (3) ergy and we have set ΨkΨk+1 ∼ Ψ2k = dnM. We have Xk also omitted some constant terms (first two terms in eq. (3)) which do not depend on n or on S. M where in the two-body and in the magnetic interaction Withrespecttothefunctionalcharacterizingatrapped terms as well as in the radial kinetic energy we have Bose gas in the absence of optical confinement, one no- ignored the overlap contributions arising from different tices twoimportantdifferences: firstthe interactioncou- wells. Intheevaluationoftheaxialkineticenergyandof pling constantis renormalizeddue to the presence ofthe the optical potential term we have instead kept also the optical lattice. This is the result of the local compres- overlap terms originating from consecutive wells. These sionofthegasproducedbythetightopticalconfinement are proportionalto the quantity which increases the repulsive effect of the interactions. Secondthe kinetic energyterm alongthe z-directionhas ¯h2 δ = 2 dz ∂ f (z)∂ f (z d)+f (z)f (z d)V , no longer the classical quadratic form as in the radial z 0 z 0 0 0 opt − Z 2m − − direction,butexhibits aperiodicdependence onthe gra- (4) dient of the phase. By expanding this term for small gradients, which is the case in the study of small am- related to the tunneling rate and responsible for the oc- plitude oscillations, one derives a quadratic term of the currence of Josephson effects. form(h¯2/2m∗) dVn (∂ S)2characterizedbytheeffec- M z By setting Sk = 0 (groundstate configuration), the tive mass R variation of E with respect to f0 yields the differential m mδd2 δ π2 equation = = (8) m∗ ¯h2 ER 2 ¯h2 ∂2 where δ is defined by eq. (4). Notice that within the (cid:20)−2m∂z2 +sERsin2qz(cid:21)f0(z)=ε0f0(z) (5) employedapproximationthevalueofδ,andhenceofm∗, does not depend on the number of atoms, nor on the where ε0 is introduced to ensure the normalization con- mean field interaction. dition d/2 dzf2 = 1 which implies that the functions The equilibrium density profile, obtained by minimiz- −d/2 0 Ψ areRnormalized to the number of atoms N occu- ing eq.(7) with S =0 has the typicalformof aninverted k k pying each site: Ψ2dxdy = N . In eq. (5) we have parabola [10] k k ignored the contrRibution arising from the two-body in- 1 teraction. Estimates of [9] show that this is a good ap- n0M =(cid:18)µ− 2m(ωx2x2+ωy2y2+ωzz2)(cid:19)/g˜, (9) proximationalreadyatmoderatelylarges. Wehavealso which conserves the aspect ratio of the original mag- neglected the external magnetic potential which is justi- netic trapping. The size of the condensate has instead fied if √sE >>¯hω ,¯hω . Since in the following we are R x y increasedsinceg˜>g. Forlargestheincreaseofthecou- interestedin the lowenergy excitationsof the systemwe plingconstantcanbelarge(g˜ s1/4 [9]). However,since willalwayskeepthefunctionf0 equaltothegroundstate ∼ the radius of the sample scales like the 1/5-th power of solution of (5). g˜ the resulting increase in the size of the system is not In order to discuss the macroscopic properties of the very spectacular (for s = 15 we find an increase of the system, including its low energy dynamics, it is conve- size by 20% for the experimental setting of [3]). nient to transform the discretized formalism described ∼ The functional (7) can be used to carry out dy- above into the one of continuum variables. This is ob- namic calculations. In this case one needs the action tained through the replacement (1/d) dz in the k → A= dt H i¯h ∂ ,with the secondterm givenby various terms of the energy. ThrPough such aRprocedure h i− h∂ti one naturally introduces a smoothed or ”macroscopic” i¯h (∂R/∂t)(cid:0) = dV¯hn(cid:1)MS˙. The resulting equations of h i − density defined by motion are obtaiRned by imposing the stationarity condi- tion on the actionwith respect to arbitraryvariations of n (x,y,z)=(1/d)Ψ2(x,y) (6) the density n and of the phase S. The equations take M k M the form with z dk, and a smoothed phase S (Sk S(x,y,z)). ¯h δd By ap≃plying the smoothing procedureto→eq.(3)we ob- n˙M + m∂r⊥(nM∂r⊥S)+ ¯h ∂z(nMsin[d∂zS]) =0, (10) tain the following macroscopic expression for the energy ¯h2 functional ¯hS˙ +g˜nM +Vmag + 2m(∂r⊥S)2−δcos[d∂zS] =0. (11) 2 In particular, at equilibrium these equations reproduce and (13) show that in the case of center-of-mass oscilla- result (9) for the equilibrium density. Furthermore, tions, the linearity condition is achieved for initial dis- Josephson-typeoscillationsareamongthosecapturedby placements ∆x of the trap satisfying ∆x<< 2δ/mω2, z eqs. (10) and (11). To see this consider the case of a a condition that becomes more and more sevpere as the uniform gradient of the phase along z, ∂ S = P (t)/¯h, laser intensity increases. For larger initial displacements z Z whereP isatime-dependentparameter. Fromeqs. (10) the oscillation is described by the pendulum equations. Z and(11)one canthen deriveequations ofmotionfor the For verylargeamplitudes the motionis howeverdynam- center of mass Z(t)= dVzn (t)/N and for the conju- ically unstable [11,13]. m gate momentum variabRle PZ [3,11] From the previous discussion it emerges that the ef- fective mass is the crucial parameter needed to pre- P ¯hZ˙ δdsin d Z =0, (12) dict the value of the small amplitude collective frequen- − (cid:20) ¯h (cid:21) cies. An estimate of m/m∗ can be made by neglecting P˙ +mω2Z =0, (13) the magnetic trapping as well as the role of the mean Z z field interaction. Within this approximation the effec- which have the typical Josephson form. tive mass is easily obtained from the excitation spec- In the limit of small oscillations the solutions of eqs. trum of the Schr¨odinger equation for the 1D Hamilto- (10)and (11) havethe form n=n0 +δn(r)eiωt with δn nian H = (h¯2/2m)∂2/∂z2+sE sin2qz, avoiding the M R − obeying the hydrodynamic equations: explicit determination of the tunneling parameter (4). Onelooksforsolutionsoftheformeipz/h¯f (z)wherepis µ V µ V p −ω2δn=∂r⊥(cid:20) −m ho∂r⊥δn(cid:21)+∂z(cid:20) −m∗ho∂zδn(cid:21) , (14) the quasi-momentumof the atomand fp(z)is a periodic function of period d. The resulting dispersion law ε(p) whereµ=g˜n0 (0)isthechemicalpotentialofthesample provides, for small p, the effective mass according to the and n0 (0) isMthe equilibrium density (9) evaluated at identification ε(p) ε0+p2/2m∗. The value of m/m∗, M ≃ which turns out to be a universal function of the inten- the center. The solutions of (14) provide the low energy sity parameter s, has been evaluated for a wide range of excitations of the system. In the absence of magnetic ∗ values of s (see fig.1). These results for m can be used trapping one finds phonons propagating at the velocity c = g˜n0 /m∗, in agreement with the result obtained to estimate the actualvalue of the collective frequencies. M ∗ The method described here to calculate m is expected in [1p2] for a 1D array of Josephson junctions. In the to be reliable not only for very large laser intensities s presenceofharmonictrappingthediscretizedfrequencies when the tight binding approximation applies and the of the time-dependent solutions of (14) do not depend effectivemasscanbe expressedintermsofthe tunneling on the value of the coupling constant. By applying the transformation z m∗/mz, one actually finds that rate(seeeqs. (8),(4)),butalsoforsmallervaluesofs. Of → course for very small laser intensities, as in the experi- the new frequencies arpe simply obtainedfromthe results ∗ ment[14],thedeterminationofm requirestheinclusion of [7] by replacing of the mean field interaction and of the magnetic trap- ω ω m/m∗. (15) ping through the explicit solution of the GP-equation. z z → p Infig. 2wecompareourpredictionsforthefrequencies For an elongated trap (ωx = ωy = ω⊥ ωz) the of the center-of-mass motion with the recent experimen- ≫ lowest solutions are given by the center-of-mass mo- tal data obtained in [3]. The comparison reveals good tion ωD = m/m∗ωz and by the quadrupole mode agreement with the experiments. Our results also agree ω = 5/2pm/m∗ω . The center-of-mass frequency well with those obtained from the numerical solution of Q z coincideps witph the value obtained from eqs. (12) and the time-dependent GP-equation [11,13]. (13) in the limit of small oscillations. Concerning the The above formalism is naturally generalized to in- quadrupolefrequency we notethat the occurrenceofthe clude a 2D optical lattice where the optical potential is factor 5/2 is a non-trivial consequence of the mean V = sE sin2qx + sE sin2qy. The actual potential opt R R field inpteraction predicted by the hydrodynamic theory now generates an array of 1D condensates which has al- of superfluids in the presence of harmonic trapping [7]. ready been the object of experimental studies [4]. For a In addition to the low-lying axial motion the system ex- 2D-lattice the ansatz for the order parameter is [15] hibitsradialoscillationsathighfrequency,oftheorderof ω⊥. The mostimportantones are the transversebreath- Φ(r)= Ψkx,ky(z)fkx,ky(x,y)eiSkx,ky(z). (16) ingandquadrupoleoscillationsoccuringatω =2ω⊥ and kXx,ky ω =√2ω⊥ respectively. Forelongatedtrapsthefrequen- Inthe TF-limit the groundstatesmootheddensity n = ciesofthesemodesshouldnotbeaffectedbythepresence M Ψ2 /d2 still has the familiar form n0 = (µ V )/g˜ of the optical potential. Different scenarios are obtained kx,ky M − ho fordisc-shapedtraps(ωz >>ω⊥). Theaboveresultsap- with the redefined coupling constant g˜ = g d dxf04 2, ply to the linear regime of small oscillations. Eqs. (12) where f0 is still given by the solution of eq.(cid:0)(5R) and (cid:1)we 3 have used the same approximations as in the 1D case. [12] J. Javanainen, Phys. Rev.A 60, 4902 (1999). Also with regard to dynamics, one can proceed as for [13] A. Trombettoni, A. Smerzi, unpublished. the 1D lattice. One finds that the equations of motions, [14] S.Burger,F.S.Cataliotti,C.Fort,F.Minardi,M.Ingus- after linearization, take the form cio, M.L. Chiofalo and M.P. Tosi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4447 (2001). δ¨n=∂z(cid:20)µ−mVho∂zδn(cid:21)+∂r⊥(cid:20)µ−mV∗ho∂r⊥δn(cid:21) . (17) [15] Ilinbraiunmalo,gtyhewiqthuatnhteityresΨul2ktxs,koyf [i9s]gwiveefinndbythaant,iantveerqtueid- parabola as a function of z. The number of particles The frequencies of the low energy collective modes are N = dzΨ2 occupying the corresponding site kx,ky kx,ky t[7h]enbyobstimainpelyd rfreopmlactinhgoseωin the ambs/emnc∗eωofatnhde lωattice is given byRNkx,ky =N0,0 1−kx2/Kx2−kx2/Ky2 3/2 with m/m∗ωy. For large lasexr i→ntenpsities thexvalue oyf m→∗ Kx,y = ¯hω¯/mωx2,yd2 1(cid:0)5Na d dxf04 2/aho(cid:1)1/5 and pcoincides with the one calculated for the 1D array. If N0,0 = 25pπN/KxKy. (cid:16) (cid:0) R (cid:1) (cid:17) ω >> ω m/m∗,ω m/m∗, the lowest energy solu- [16] S. Stringari, Phys.Rev.A 58, 2385 (1998). z x y tions involvpe the motiopn in the x y plane. The oscil- [17] T.-L.HoandM.Ma,J.Low.Temp.Phys.115,61(1999). lations in the z-direction are inste−ad fixed by the value [18] C. Menotti and S. Stringari, cond-mat/0201158. ofω . Theseinclude the center-of-massmotion(ω =ω ) z z andthe lowestcompressionmode (ω =√3ω )[7,8]. The z frequencyω =√3ωz coincideswiththevalueobtainedby directlyapplyingthehydrodynamictheoryto1Dsystems 1000 [16,17]and reveals the 1D nature of the tubes generated bythe2Dlattice. Iftheradialtrappinggeneratedbythe lattice becomes too strong the motion along the tubes 100 caanndnoonelojunmgeprsbientdoemscorirbeecdorbryeltahteedm1eDanrefigeimldeseq[u18a]t.ions m*/m 10 StimulatingdiscussionswithF.Cataliotti,C.Fort,M. Inguscio, A. Smerzi and A. Trombettoni are acknowl- edged. This researchis supported by the Ministero della 1 Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (MURST). 0 5 10 15 20 2s5 30 35 40 45 50 FIG.1. Effective mass as a function of thelaser intensity s (see eq.(1)) calculated neglecting the effects of interaction and harmonic trapping. 10 [1] B.P. 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