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Macromias from Guangxi province, China, with the description of M. fulgidifrons spec. nov. (Anisoptera: Corduliidae) PDF

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by  WilsonK D P
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Preview Macromias from Guangxi province, China, with the description of M. fulgidifrons spec. nov. (Anisoptera: Corduliidae)

Odonatologica27(4): 467-472 December 1, 1998 Macromias fromGuangxiprovince, China, withthe descriptionof M. fulgidifronsspec. nov. (Anisoptera: Corduliidae) K.D.P.Wilson 6F, 25Borrett Road, Mid-Levels, HongKong ReceivedJanuary14, 1998/Revised andAcceptedMarch 17, 1998 M.fulgidifronssp.n. is described fromGuangxi(holotype$, Shi WanDaShan, Guangxi, 10-V-1997).The $ ofM.hamiferaLieftinck isdescribed forthefirst time. M. moorei malayanaLaidlaw and M. hamiferaLieftinck are newly recorded from Guangxi. INTRODUCTION Tenspecimens attributabletothreeMacromiaspecies were captured atShiWan DaShan,Guangxi inMay 1997.The specimenswereeithercaught by myselforby Graham Reels.Ofthese, two malesandonefemalebelong toanundescribedspe- cies, two males andtwo femalesto M. hamifera Lieftinckandthreemales to M. moorei malayana Laidlaw. The new species is described here and thefemaleof hamifera, whichwas hithertounknown, is alsodescribed.Asmallfourth species, probably M. uraniaRis, was observed atShiWanDa Shan,butnot captured. Pre- viously onlyM. uraniaandM. berlandihavebeenrecordedfrom Guangxi (ZHOU et al., 1994). The numberofMacromiaspecies nowrecordedfrom Chinatotals fifteen.TheChinesespecies andtheirdistributionsare listedinTableI. MACROMIAFULGIDIFRONS SP. NOV. Figures1-5 Material.— Holotype S: ShiWan Da Shan, 10-V-1997,coll. K.D.P.Wilson.— Paratypes: allotype 9, ditto,10-V-1997,G.Reelsleg.; 1 <J, Shi WanDaShan, 10-V-1997,coll. K.D.P.Wilson. The holotype andallotypematerial will be depositedwith the BMNH. Etymology.— FromtheLatin ”fulgidus”=shining,gleaming,glittering 468 K.D.P.Wilson TableI Macromia speciesrecordedfromChina SSppeecciieess AAuutthhoorr DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MM.. bbeerrllaannddii LLIIEEFFTTIINNCCKK,, 11994411 CChhiinnaa ((HHoonnggKKoonngg,,GGuuaannggxxii))VViieettnnaamm MM..cchhuuii AASSAAHHIINNAA,, 11996688 CChhiinnaa((TTaaiiwwaann)) MM..cclliioo RRIISS,, 11991166 CChhiinnaa ((TTaaiiwwaann)),, JJaappaann MM..ffllaavvooccoollaorraattaa FFRRAASSEERR,, 11992222 BBuurrmmaa,,CChhininaa((YYuunnnnaann)),, IInnddiiaa,,LLaaooss,,NNeeppaall,,TThhaailialanndd,, VViieettnnaamm MM..ffuullggiiddiiffrmonnss sspp..nnoovv.. CChhiinnaa ((GGuuaannggxxii)) MM..hhaammiiffeerraa LLIIEEFFTTIINNCCKK,, 11995555 CChhiinnaa ((FFuujjiiaann,,GGuuaannggxxii)) MM.. iicctteerriiccaa LLIIEEFFTTIINNCCKK,, 11992299 CChhiinnaa ((GGuuaannggddoonngg)) MM..kkaattaaee WWIILLSSOONN,, 11999933 CChhiinnaa((HHoonnggKKoonngg)) MM.. kkiiaauuttaaii ZZHHOOUUeetlaall.„, 11999944 CChhiinnaa ((YYuunnnnaann)) MM..mmaalllleeififeerraa LLIIEEFFTTIINNCCKK,,11995555 CChhiinnaa ((FFuujjiiaann,,ZZhheejjiiaanngg)) MM..mmaaccuullaa ZZHHOOUUeettaall.„, 11999944 CChhiinnaa ((ZZhheejjiiaanngg)) MM..mmaanncchhuurriiccaa AASSAAHHIINNAA,, 11996644 CChhiinnaa ((HHeeiilloonnggjjiiaanngg)) MM..mmoooorreeiimmaallaayyaannaa LLAAIIDDLLAAWW,, 11992288 BBuurrmmaa,,CChhiinnaa((SSiicchhuuaann,,GGuuaannggxxii)),,IInnddiiaa,,PP.. MMaallaayyssiiaa,, TThhaaiillaanndd., VViieettnnaamm MM..uurraanniiaa RRIISS,, 11991166 CChhiinnaa((HHoonnggKKoonngg,,GGuuaannggddoonngg,,GGuuaannggxxii,,TTaaiiwwaann,, ZZhheejjiiaanngg)),,JJaappaann,,VViieettnnaamm MM.. yyuunnnnaanneennssiiss ZZHHOOUUeettaall..., 11999933 CChhiinnaa((YYuunnnnaann)) MALE(Figs 1-5).— Arelatively smallMacromiawithsparselymarkedblackish abdomen.Labiumcreamy brown. Labrum, anteclypeus, mandiblesblack. Post- clypeus bright yellow. Frons black at sides with anterior faceborderedblack at base. Anteriorsurfacesoffronsheavily pittedand colouredbright metallic green. Upper surfacesoffronscomparatively smoothwithbrilliantmetallicgreenreflec- tions. The strength of colourofthe upper frons is stronger and brighter than is typical inChinesemacromias.Vertexisdullmetallicgreenwithbarely discernible twin peaks. Thorax mattblack withfaintmetallic greenhighlights (Fig. 3). Ante- alarsinus yellow.Antehumeralstripe bright yellow fallingshort ofthewingbases by one quarter of the length of the mesepisternum and continuing onto the mesokatepisternum. Coxae black.Fore-leg withhalfoftibiakeeledandhind leg withtibiakeeledalong theentirelengthapartfrombasal 1/6th. Middleleg withno trace of keel. Abdomen predominantly black with poorly developed yellow colouration(Figs. 3-4). Segments 1, 4-6, 9-10 allblack. Basal halfofsegment2 with yellow ring covering theauricle.The yellowring is invaded laterally witha triangularblackareabasaltotheauricle.Baseofsegment3withsmallyellow spot atlateralventrumandtwo small yellow spots atdistal marginofdorsum. Baseof segment7 withyellow bandextendedon dorsumwith asmalleryellow spot(Fig 4). Segment 8 with basalyellow spots on dorsumandventrum. Dorsal carinaof segment 10 strongly angled and keeled(Fig. 5). Posteriorhamulus elongate and obliquely flattened,whenviewedlaterally,withtip slightlyreflexedinwards(Figs. 1-2). Penile organ bificated, dorso-ventrally, attip to forma downwardpointing, Macromiafulgidifronssp.n. 469 perpendicular spike andalong, loose,spiralled tendril(Figs 1-2). FEMALE.- Single teneralspecimen. Apart from headsimilar to malebut with muchmoreextensiveyellowmarkingsontheabdomen.Labiumpalecreamybrown. Labrum, anteclypeus, mandiblesblack. Postclypeus bright yellow. Baseoffrons finelyborderedyellowwhichextendsonto theventralhalfofthesidesofthefrons. Fronsotherwiseblack withheavy pitting onanterior surface. Thetwo pyramidal peaks ofthefronsare deeply divided; considerably more so thanthemale.Vertex asmalebutblack. Occiputblackandraised.Thoraxasmale.Legs black,unkeeled. Abdomenblack withwell developed yellowpattern. Segment 1 black. Basalhalf ofsegment2ringed yellow. Segments 3-6withapairofyellowspotssitedanterior tothemid-dorsal,transverse carina.Thesespotsdecreaseinsizefromsegment3to segment6. Basalthirdofsegment 7ringed yellow. Anteriorventralbaseofseg- Figs 1-7. [1-5]Macromiafulgidifronssp.n., Shi Wan Da Shan, Guangxi: (1-2)male secondary genitalia;(3)male body,lateral view;(4)male abdomen,dorsal view; (5)male caudal appendages, lateral view.—[6-7]Macromiahamifera,ShiWanDaShan,Guangxi:(6)femalelabium; (7)female body, lateral view. 470 K.D.P.Wilson merit 7and8 yellow. Measurements (mm).- Male:abd.+ app.50.5-53.0,hw. 46.0- 48,5;- female;abd.+ app. 46.0, hw. 48.0. DISCUSSION. - The closestChinese congenertofulgidifrons appears to be M. chui (cf. ASAHINA, 1968:94-95, figs 15, 18-22)whichalso has a darkfacewith abrightyellow postclypeus, asimilarly shaped yellowantehumeralstripe, poorly developed yellow markingson themaleabdomen,andanangled, strongly keeled, dorsal carina on thetenthabdominalsegment. The posterior hamulusof chui is dorso-ventrally broaderthanfulgidifronsandtheinferiorappendage is proportion- ally longer. ASAH1NA (1968)remarks that:M.chuiisclosely alliedtotheJapanese and Korean M. daimoji. Ihave examined amale specimen ofM. daimoji, taken fromAichi Prefecture, Japankindly given tomeby K. Ikeda. Itis acomparatively larger species with proportionately larger, more robust, posterior hamuliandthe transverse yellow stripe ofthesecondabdominalsegmentis interrupted laterally. This latterfeatureisalso sharedwithchui. MACROMIA HAMIFERA LIEFTINCK, 1955 Figures6-7 MacromiahamiferaLIEFTINCK, 1955:253-256,figs 1-4,“1 6,typeloc.:Kuantun, Fukien Province”. Material.- First 9:ShiWanDaShan, Guangxi, 10-V-1997,coll. K.D.P.Wilson.- Additional material: 1 6, 1 9,Shi Wan DaShan, 10-V-1997,coll. K.D.P.Wilson;- 1 <?, ditto, 10-V-1997,G. Reels,leg. The first 9 will be depositedwiththe BMNFI. LIEFTINCK(1955) consideredthathamifera approached M. amphigena most closely in detailsofcolouring, armatureoftibiae,and genital organs. The middle tibiaofthe malesof hamifera and amphigena are keeled along nearly halftheir length.Thelateralyellowmarkings ofthethirdabdomialsegmentformacomplete ring in amphigena but are widely separated in hamifera. Inadditionthe second abdominalsegmenthasacomplete yellowringinamphigena butthisringis widely interrupted atthemidlateralpoint inhamifera. FEMALE (Figs 6-7). - Very similar to LIEFTINCK’s (1955) description ofthe male. Medianlobeoflabiumyellowandlaterallobesyellow withanteriorborder andinner halfblack (Fig. 6). Mandiblesblack with yellow spot at base. Labrum andanteclypeus black. Postclypeus brightyellow withlowermargin finelyblack. Face of frons, black, punctate with faintmetallicreflections on pyramidal proc- esses. Dorsal surface offrons deeply dividedwith thesurfaces ofthe pyramidal processesflatandroughlypunctatewithblue-green metallicreflections.Twosmall dull yellow circular spots at anteriorbaseof dorsalsurface offrons immediately adjacent thecentralocelli.Vertexblack withtwo sharplypointed tubercles.Occiput glossy blackand markedly raised.Backofhead glossy black. Thorax large, matt Macromiafulgidifronssp.n. 471 black, hirsute, withfaintisolated, metallicblue-green reflections (Fig. 7). Broad yellow antehumeralstripe whichfalls shortofthewingbases by onethirdofthe thoracicmetepistemum.Theantehumeralstripeextendsontothemesokatepisternum whereitis amuchpaleryellow. Ante-alarsinusyellow. Metepistemumwithbroad yellow stripe traversing the spiracle. Rearcomer ofmetepimeron finely yellow. Legs black and very long. Posteriorfemoraextendto mid-pointofabdominalseg- ment 2.Abdomenvery stout, black withlarge yellow dorsalspots (Fig. 7). Seg- ment 1 black. Segment 2 with yellow transverse spotoccupying midbasalquarter ofdorsumnot extending very farlaterally. Basalhalfofventrumofsegment2with large yellow spot, widely separatefrom dorsalyellow spot. Ventralbase ofseg- ment 3withtriangular yellow spot whichtaperstowardsapoint not quiteextend- ing tothetransverse suture.Thisspot iswidely separatedfromalarge dorsaltrian- gular yellow spot whichtaperstowardsmiddorsalbaseofsegment. Segments 4-6 with large yellow spots commencing nearbase of dorsumand extending to the transverse suture. Small ventralspotsoccupy thecorresponding basal latero-ven- tral marginsofsegments4-6.Thesetriangularspotsare narrowestbasally andwid- est posteriorly. Segment 7 with transverse yellow ring occupying basal third of segment. Segments 8-10entirely black. Measurements (mm).- Male: total length71.5, abd.+ app.52.0, hw44.0;- female: total length76.5,abd.+app, 54.5, hw. 49.0. MACROMIA MOOREIMALAYANALAIDLAW, 1928 Macromiam. moorei:ASAHINA, 1978: 246,figs27-30,“1 S,Sichuan”;- ZHOU etal., 1994: 155,“1 6,Sichuan”. Material. - 3 3.Shi Wan DaShan, 10-V-1997,coll. K.D.P.Wilson. ASAHINA (1987: 358-361,figs 18-20) discussed the diagnostic characters of the three describedsubspecies of M. moorei. These includem. mooreiSelys (Darjeeling,Nepal,Kumaon),mooreifumataKrueger (Java) andmooreimalayana Laidlaw(Assam, Burma,Thailand, Malaya, Sichuan). ASAHINA (1996) hasre- cently recordedm. malayana fromnorthVietnam.Theentireupper surfaceofthe fronsis metallic greeninm. malayana. Thegrooveseparating theflatsurfacesof theupperfronsis yellowish, or occasionally with metallicspot in m.mooreiand thetop ofthe fronshas a bluishreflectionin m. fumata. The upper frons of the Guangxispecimens are entirely metallicgreen.TheChinesem. malayanaaremuch largerthanMalayspecimens. ASAHINA(1987)tentativelyreidentifiedhisSichuan mooreispecimen, originally identifiedas m. moorei inASAHINA (1978), as m. malayana. Measurements (mm).- Male:- abd.+app. 54- 55.5,hw. 47.0- 48. biological NOTES.- The mainrivers atShiWanDaShanare broad, swiftand shallow.Thewidthvariesfrom approximately 10-20metres withtherivers domi- 472 K.D.P.Wilson natedbycobblestrewnriffles.MalesofM.hamiferaregularly patrolledthesebroad rivers throughoutthe day with femalesappearing inthelateafternoonto oviposit. Thefavouredoviposition sites for M. hamifera wererelatively slow flowing sec- tionsadjacent toemergent, marginal vegetation. MalesofM.m. malayana were foundduringthe day patrolling slightly smallertributary streams.M. fulgidifrons werefoundassociatedwiththesmalleststreams inthearea withchannelwidthsof less than 3metres. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Iam gratefultoDr. MATTIHAMALAINENand toJOHNFELLOWESforcommentsonthe draft paper. Iwouldalsoliketoacknowledgeandthank theKadoorieFarm &Botanic Gardenfor sponsor- ingthe survey work and the Guangxi DepartmentofForestry forpermission andassistance with fieldwork. REFERENCES ASAHINA,S., 1968. Taiwanese Odonatatakenby MrY.I. Chut. Kontyu36(1):89-98 ASAHINA,S., 1978. Notes onChinese Odonata. 7. Further studies onthe Graham Collection pre- served inthe U.S.NationalMuseum ofNatural History, suborder Anisoptera.Kontyu 46(2): 234-252. ASAHINA,S., 1987. Alist ofthe Odonata recorded from Thailand. 17. Corduliidae - Macromia. Kontyu 55(2):354-372. ASAHINA,S., 1996. Recordsofthe northern VietnameseOdonatataken by theexpeditionmembers fromthe National Science Museum,Tokyo. 3.Aeschnidae [sic],Corduliidae and Libellulidae. Bull. natn.Sci. Mus.,Tokyo(Zoology)22(2): 69-80. LIEFTINCK,M. A., 1929. Arevision ofthe known Malaysianspecies of dragonfliesofthe genus MacromiaRambur. withcomparativenotes onspecies fromneighbouringcountries and de- scriptions ofnewspecies. Tijdschr.Ent. 72(1): 59-108. LIEFTINCK,M.A., 1955. Further inquiriesintoOld World species ofMacromia Rambur(Odonata). Zool.Meded. 33(25):251-277. ZHOU,W.-B., Z.-D. WANG,X.-F. SHUAIandS.-D. LIU, 1994. Notes onChineseMacromiawith descriptionsofM. kiautaisp. n., M.macula sp. n. and I. yunnanensis sp. n. (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Odonalologica23(2): 149-157.

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