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Machine learning : proceedings of the ninth international workshop (ML92) PDF

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Preview Machine learning : proceedings of the ninth international workshop (ML92)

Machine Learning Proceedings otfh Nei nth International Workshop (ML92) Edibtye d DerSelke eamnadn PetEedrw ards MorgaKna ufmanPnu blishers SanM ateoC,a lifornia SponsorEidnigt or: B. MichaelM organ Production Manager: YoniOev erton ProductiEodni tor: CaroLle yba CoveDre signer: JoJ ackson Pasteup/AddiCtoimopnoasli tion: MarylanCdo mposiCtoimopna ny MorgaKna ufmanPnu blishIenrcs., EditorOiffiacle : 2929C ampus DrSiuviet,2e 6 0 SanM ateoC,A 94403 1992b yM orgaKna ufmanPnu blishIenrcs., © Allr ighrtess erved Printiendt heU niteSdt ateofsA merica No parotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducsetdo,r ienda retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnae ndy orb ya nym eans-electrmoencihca,n icpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r dionrog t,h erwise-without form thep riowrr ittpeenr missoifoth ne publisher. 95 94 93 92 4 3 2 1 Library ofC ongresCsa taloging-in-Publication Data Machinlee arni:pn rgo ceedionftg hsen intihn ternatiwoonrakls h(oMpL 92) I editbeydD ereSkl eemaann dP eteErd wards. p.c m. Contaipnasp erpsr esentaettd h eN intIhn ternatioMnaaclh inLee aming Conferenchee,l adt A berdeeSnc,o tla1n-d3J, u l1y9 92. Includbeisb liograrpehfeirceanlc aensdi ndex. ISBN1 -55860-247-X 1.M achinlee arning-CongreIs.sS else.e maDn., II.E dwardPse,t er. IIII.n ternatCioonnafelr enocneM achinLeea rning( 9t:h1 992:A berdeen, Scotland) Q325.5.M311999 2 006.3'1-dc20 92-17244 CIP vii Preface Thivso lumceo ntatihnesp aperasn dp osteprrse senatteM dL 92t,h eN intIhn ternatiMoancahli nLee aming Conferehneclead,tA berdeSecno,t la1n-d3J,u l1y992P.a perfosrt hei nformawlo rkshohpeslo dn S aturday, 4J ulya,l saot A berdeeanr,en oti ncludientd h ivso lumbeu tc anb eo btainferdo tmh ew orkshoorpg anizers whosnea mesa nda ffiliatiaornegs i veonn t hefo llowipnagg e. Thec onference aotvter1ra7 c0pt aepde rbse;s idessi zae able noufpm abpeerr frso mt heU SA,W estern Europaen,d A ustraliitwa a,sp leasitnosg e ea growinnugm befrro m ChinaE,a steErnu ropaen,d J apan. A consideraamboluen to fw orki sr equirteod a conferenocfet hissi zeW.e arep leasteod run acknowledge Them emberosft heP rograCmo mmittfoeret ,h eivri traoll oefr eviewtihnegs ubmittpeadp ers, • andfo rm aintainsitnagn dards; Them emberosft heP rograCmo mmittweheo t raveltloAe bde rdeiennF ebruatroyfi nalitzhee • selectoifpo anp ernsa,m elLya,r rByi rnbaumY,v esK odratoSfft,e pheMnu ggletSotnu,a rRtu ssell, LorenzSaai ttJau,d eS havliakn,dP auUlt goff; TheU .SO.ffi ceo fN avaRle searfocrhfi ,n ancial support; • ComputeRre ntals (Scofotrlfi annadn)c,is aulp port; • TheE uropeCaonm munit(yD GXIIaIn)d t heo rganizoeftr hseM L91a ndM L90m eetinfogrst heir • suppoforrtb ursaries; TheB anko fS cotlapnldwc h ow aivetdh eiurs uaclh argoensc redciatr tdr ansactions; • TheC itoyf A berdefoerns ponsorai bnugff erte ceptfoirod ne legates; • TheU niversoifAt bye rdefoernp rovid(ipnagr tisaulp)p oforrta reception; • IrenKea vanagJhi,lV la sea,n dK atiBel anchard (DepoafrC tommepnutt iSncgi enUcnei,v ersity • ofA berdeefonr)v itsaelc retasruipaplo rt; All them emberosft hes izealbolcesa ulp potreta mw hop rocesrseegdi strafotrimosna, c teads • guidedsr,o vseh uttblues easn,d p erformed othetra shkesl.p ful DerSelke emPaentE edrw dasr I Aberdeen 16Ap ri1l9 92 viii PrograCmo mmittee LawrencBei rnbaumN,o rthwestUenrni versiUtSyA, RayM ooneyU,n iversoiftT ye xasA,u stiUnS,A IvanB ratkJo.,S tefanI nstitute, Slovenia KathariMnoar ikU,n iversoiftD yo rtmunGde,r many PaveBlr azdUinl,i versoiftP yo rtPoo,r tugal JackM ostow, Rutgers UnUiSvAe rsity, BrucGe. B uchanaUnn,i versoiftP yi ttsburUgShA, StepheMnu ggletoTnu,r inIgn stitUuKt e, JaimGe. C arboneClalrn,e giMee lloUnn iversity, MichaelP aJz.z anUin,i versoiftC ya liforniaI,r vine, USA USA GeralFd.D eJongU,n iversoiftI yl linUoSiAs , BrucPeo rteUrn,i versoiftT ye xasA,u stiUnS,A KennetAh. D eJongG,e orgMea sonU niversity, USSAtu arRtu sselUln,i versoiftC ya liforniBae,r keley, PeteErd wardUsn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, USA DouglaFsi sheVra,n derbUinlitv ersiUtSyA, LorenzSaa ittUan,i versoiftT yo rinIot,a ly PatriGcakl linaUrnii,v ersoiftP ya ris-Sud, FrancJee ffS chlimmeWra,s hingtSotna tUen iversiUtSyA, JohnJ .G refensteNtatvea,l Research Lab, Alberto Segre, CornellU SUAn iversity, WashingtUoSnA, JudeS havliUkn,i versoiftW yi sconsMiand,i son, KristiJa.Hn a mmondU,n iversoiftC yh icagUoS,A USA RoberCt.H oltUen,i versoiftO yt tawaC,a nada DerekS leemaUnn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, YvesK odratoUffn,i versoiftP ya ris-SFurda,n ce RicharSd.S uttoGnT,E LaboratoIrniceU.sS ,A RyszarSd.M ichalsGkeio,r gMea sonU niversity, PaulE .U tgoffU,n iversoiftM ya ssachusetts, USA AmhersUtS,A Tom M.M itcheClalrn,e giMee lloUnn iversiUtSyA, JanM . ZytkowW,i tchiSttaa tUen iversiUtSyA, DerekS leeman, UnivoefAr bseirtdye eUnK, PrograanmdG eneral Chairman: PeteErd wardUsn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, LocaClh airman: InformWaolr kshoTph emesa ndC oordinators ML 92 BiaseisnI nductLievea ming DianGao rdonN,a vaRle searLcahb ,W ashingtUoSnA, Coordinator: Computational Archfoirt SeucptpuorretsiK nngo wledAgceq uisitainodMn a chinLee arning MikeW eintrauGbT,E LabsU,S A Coordinator: IntegraLteeadrni ngi nR eal-World Domains PatricRiiad dlBeo,e ing, Seattle, USA Coordinator: KnowledCgoem pilatainodnS peeduLpe aming PrasaTda depalOlrie,g oSnt atUen iversiCtoyr,v allUiSsA, Coordinator: MachinDei scovery JanZ ytkowW,i chitSat atUen iversiUtSyA, Coordinator: viii PrograCmo mmittee LawrencBei rnbaumN,o rthwestUenrni versiUtSyA, RayM ooneyU,n iversoiftT ye xasA,u stiUnS,A IvanB ratkJo.,S tefanI nstitute, Slovenia KathariMnoar ikU,n iversoiftD yo rtmunGde,r many PaveBlr azdUinl,i versoiftP yo rtPoo,r tugal JackM ostow, Rutgers UnUiSvAe rsity, BrucGe. B uchanaUnn,i versoiftP yi ttsburUgShA, StepheMnu ggletoTnu,r inIgn stitUuKt e, JaimGe. C arboneClalrn,e giMee lloUnn iversity, MichaelP aJz.z anUin,i versoiftC ya liforniaI,r vine, USA USA GeralFd.D eJongU,n iversoiftI yl linUoSiAs , BrucPeo rteUrn,i versoiftT ye xasA,u stiUnS,A KennetAh. D eJongG,e orgMea sonU niversity, USSAtu arRtu sselUln,i versoiftC ya liforniBae,r keley, PeteErd wardUsn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, USA DouglaFsi sheVra,n derbUinlitv ersiUtSyA, LorenzSaa ittUan,i versoiftT yo rinIot,a ly PatriGcakl linaUrnii,v ersoiftP ya ris-Sud, FrancJee ffS chlimmeWra,s hingtSotna tUen iversiUtSyA, JohnJ .G refensteNtatvea,l Research Lab, Alberto Segre, CornellU SUAn iversity, WashingtUoSnA, JudeS havliUkn,i versoiftW yi sconsMiand,i son, KristiJa.Hn a mmondU,n iversoiftC yh icagUoS,A USA RoberCt.H oltUen,i versoiftO yt tawaC,a nada DerekS leemaUnn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, YvesK odratoUffn,i versoiftP ya ris-SFurda,n ce RicharSd.S uttoGnT,E LaboratoIrniceU.sS ,A RyszarSd.M ichalsGkeio,r gMea sonU niversity, PaulE .U tgoffU,n iversoiftM ya ssachusetts, USA AmhersUtS,A Tom M.M itcheClalrn,e giMee lloUnn iversiUtSyA, JanM . ZytkowW,i tchiSttaa tUen iversiUtSyA, DerekS leeman, UnivoefAr bseirtdye eUnK, PrograanmdG eneral Chairman: PeteErd wardUsn,i versoiftA yb erdeeUnK, LocaClh airman: InformWaolr kshoTph emesa ndC oordinators ML 92 BiaseisnI nductLievea ming DianGao rdonN,a vaRle searLcahb ,W ashingtUoSnA, Coordinator: Computational Archfoirt SeucptpuorretsiK nngo wledAgceq uisitainodMn a chinLee arning MikeW eintrauGbT,E LabsU,S A Coordinator: IntegraLteeadrni ngi nR eal-World Domains PatricRiiad dlBeo,e ing, Seattle, USA Coordinator: KnowledCgoem pilatainodnS peeduLpe aming PrasaTda depalOlrie,g oSnt atUen iversiCtoyr,v allUiSsA, Coordinator: MachinDei scovery JanZ ytkowW,i chitSat atUen iversiUtSyA, Coordinator: Generaliinzgf rom CsaeS tudiesA: CaseS tudy DaviWd. A ha ReseCaerncthRe MrIG, r oup ApplPiheydsL iacbso ratory ThJeo hHnosp kUinneisrv sity LaurMeD2l 0,7 U2S3A [email protected] Abstract siwzhey tpheersfoer mdffaienrceeon ccceustr hreeidr, explanaariteni froenqsu eevnatlluayan mtdae ybd e Most emepviarliuoacfmtaa ilco hnlisen aer n­inaccMuorrasety es.t emmeatthiaocrdr ese qutior ed inaglo gritahrcmeass se t u-deiveuasal tionsa ccurgaetneelrcyaas sleti uzrede ys ults. omfu ltailpgloero inmt uhlmtsdia ptlaeb ases. Femwe thfoordg se neracaslseit zuidhniagve bese en Authoofcr assse t udiimepsl iocre ixtpllyi c­ repoirntth emeda chlienaerl niitnegrH aotwue,rv ee.r ithlyyp othtehsatithzp eea ttoeftr hne ir thaep proiancthr oidnu ctehdi hsas m upcaihpn e r resulwthsi,oct fhe snu ggtehsaottns ae l ­ commwoinRt ehn daenCldhl o ('1s9 i90n)v eisotnisg.a t goriptehormrf mssi gcnainfibtteltyte hra n Theuys eadr tlilfyi-cgieadnaetraabttasoeee xdsa mine otheirsns ol,ti mittehde tnsoum malble r hotwh pee rformoafn csteiwsmo ia llgaorr ithms were ofd atabiasnevset setbdiu,git an stheoaldd s affecbtyse edv edraatclah aractpearritsitciuclsa,r ly fors omgee necrlaasolsfl earpnrionbgl ems. concsei(pz.iteet .hp,ee ernctoafpg oes itive instances) Howevtehreh,sy ep ostehse raarrseeu lpy­ and ccoonncceepnt(t .ireta.htn,eiu omnbo efpr r oto­ porteadd dwiitetivhoi ndwaehlni clceevh,ae s typdeesf itnhtiean rgcg oenttc. )Te hppisa pienrs tead thesmu spTehcpitas.p d eers carnei mbpeisr ­ focusoenags e nemreatlht ohda t chatrhsaeic tt­erizes icmaelt hfoorgd e nerraelsifruzolimctn assge uationasr bwihtderffinae rrlieelnaytr anlignogr ithms studaineadsn e xamapplpel icTahtiiso n. havace o nsstiagnnntitp f eircfoarmdaienffrceen ce. methyoider ludldsese scrwihbesinon magel ­ goristihfigmcnsai notultyp eortfohroemnr s Morsep eccailtfilhypi,as p deert aas iilmsep mlpei rical somdee penmdeeasnutrA edsv.a nfotra gesm ethtohdag te nercaaslseit zuedsIi tie ss .i ndepen­ generfaorlmci aszseit nugad nildei sm itatidoenonsftt h seeo tdf e penadniednn dte pveanrdieanbtl es otfh piasr tri cauplpaarraoela dsceohis bcred. beiinngvi egsattthesede ,l elcetaertdnas ikan,ng d the selelcetaeradnl igtnohgrm Tish.oe bj ecotfi vgteeh ni­s eralimzeatthiiosod dn et roi voeft hrfoeur lm"e tsh is 1 PROBLEM ANDO BJETCIVES algooruittrhpfomert mhse osteh er aolntg hoersiet hms depenmdeeasnutrfo erds a tabwaisttehhs e cshea r­ acitsetriScuscr.hu" ls eusm mawrhie(zn.ie eu .n,d er A ceonbjtercaitlnmi a vceh iner elseeaiartsrno ci hn g whacto ndirtaitothnhesarw)nh ty hoeb seprevre­d detertmhcieon ned idteisocnrwsih beinhn egou nrei stic formadniceffer enoccecsu rHroewdet.vh eesryh, o uld learanlignogor uittphemor tfohrfoemrrsg s ia v seent of hetlop foscuubss emqautehnetm aantailocynats lhe es depenvdaernit(a eb.lpger.se, d iacctciuvsrepa ecye,d , taskep xloafi wnhitynh ge pseer formdaienffrceen ces storeactg.Ae),l. t hfoorumglmah a themaantailcya­l occeudrP.rr oviedviindfoger tn hcies rcelmaaaii mn s sesp raerfeetr odr eetdta hieclso en diitni footrnhmse gofoarlfu turrees earch. ofae vraegxep eccotmepdu tatio(nPaalz zbaenhia vior & Sarr1e9t9ts0),u, c h arredesi uffilcttuopsl r to duAclet hough this g(eeSncetr2ia)hol asni zation method sintchaeel goraintdhd/ma sot ra abrasuees su caolml­ym any li(mSietca4tt)iii,itoo s nnu ssa e frfualm ework pleIxn.s teemapdi,er viaclaulaa rtceio onndsut cot foerdg enerfraolmie zmipnilgr irceaSseucltt3di seo.­n yiecladss teu rdeys umletassu orfseo sm dee pendteanaitnla sp pliocfta htmiiesot nht ootd h rseuep ervised - variaobbltea(frison)mae pdp lay isneagtl goofr ictohnmcsle epatr ningo naa ll agrodgraeit tathbhmasaset too noerm orcea urleslfeyl edcatteadb( .aesgKe.is,­ pruocdesdo mewshuartp rciassseti unrdgey s uTlhtes . bl&e rL ang1l9e8yF8,r; e &y S la1t9e9,C1 l;a &r kr uliensd ucaer de souftl hte se case study general­ as Bosewl1l9,9 A1h; a1,9 91I)n.v arsioambaell yg,oi ­zataireoevn asl uianSt eecdt3 i.ao6nn 3ds. 7. ritahrmrese potrost iegcdna inofitultyp eortfohremr s int hceas set uAdlyt.h aouutghhuo srusah lylpyo the- 2 Aha Tab1l:eu tlitnheGe e nofe raMleitzhaotido n 1. oelc cta ssteyu e tsa i 2.M odtehlae p plidcaattaiwboiantas rhet idfiactiaa l 3.S eltehcietn dedepnevtan riaanbtdlh eessie rt tings 4.E valtuhaaetl eg oroinat rhtmlislfi yc-igaednaetrsaaebsta ed 5.D erair vuesl uem marwihzetinhpn eeg r formaenrceeno ccdecisuff r 2 GENERALIZCIANSGE S TUDIESi hsi gshilmyti olt ahorer igdiantaaltb hasseehy;o uld shamraenc yh aracatneydri iesslitldmiav icras l foure s Thep roospegde neramleitzha(otTdia ob1nl)a e s ­thsee ledcetpeednv daernita bles. sumes tohrma otro efto hanele g orsiitghnmisfi cantly outpetrhfooert mhsoe nsr osm dee penvdaernita ble(s) 2.3S ELECTTH EI NDEPENDENT wheanp pltiote hsdee ledcatteadbI aytsi eer.lu dlse s VARIABLES ANTDHE IRS ETTINGS detawihletinhn egps eer formdainffceero ecnccuers. Thdea tsaegb eanerpaatroarm'aesrtd eei rmse nsions 2.1C OLLECTC ASES TUDDYE TAILS int hdea tabaasceit-zecarhtsaiproancT eh.oe r iginal databsaestce h'oasfr acdteefiranineis snt sitciasnn ce Theisnec ltuhsdeee l eaclotgreidt thhmvesa ,lfo ure s thsipsa. Tc henee sxttoe tfph giesn eramleitzhaotdi on thdee penvdaernitaa nbtdlh ecesh ,a racotfte hrei stics attetmolp otcsta htiiens s toaran tlc eeaso,tn h ei ghly data(bcaR.sefen. d &e Clhlo1 ,9 9A0l)t. hoofutgehn simtioil tsao,tr h iactta bneu saesadb asifosre mpir­ diffitc uotlbot atihnec,she a racatrerere iqsutiircesd icaelxlpyl otrhdiean tga base-chasrpaacctee.r ization fort hseu bseaqtuteentmtomp itm tihcce as set udy Thirse quliorceasste itntfogir tn hgdesa tagbeasne­ resounla nta sr tlilfiyc-igaednaetraabEtaxesadme p.l e eratpoarr'asm seutctehhr atsth a el gorsiitg­hnmisf' paramfoerct hearrsa cdtaetrsaiebizsani cn1lg u de: icapnetr formdainffceerr eencocunetr sh g ee nerated dataasbe(esi. .w,ew antto retphlceias cseat tued y 1.n umbeirn sotfa nces, resauscl ltosas spe olsys ible dwait.ta h) artificial 2.n umboetfr a rcgoentc epts, Oncfoeu ntdh,ie n stiandna cteea -bcasharacterization 3.n umbaentrdy poefas t tripbeiurnt setsa nce, spaccoer ornedsiptnotg h epsaer amseettetri ngs, 4.c orreolfaa ttittorenitssbot u arget concept dis­ whiwcehw iclaltl hlbe a sien stiasan scseu,tm oe d juncts, liient hsea mdeji sunocftt h sapta asc teh ceh arac­ distroiifbn usttiwaoinntc dhejiissun tn oscf target 5. teriozfta htoeir oingd iantaalwb haseear,lie ln stances concepts, int hdijissu nycitet lhsdea msee ts iogifnc iapfnetr ­ 6.d istroifib nusttiaaomnnoc cneogsn caenpdt s,fo rmadniceffer enTchegese .n eramleitzhaootbdi­'osn 7.a mouannttd y poefn oissueb jetcott heiedn ­jecitsic vhteao r atchtdiejisrus in.zTc eht iidsso nbey stanactetsr,ia bntudta ersg,e t conceepxtasm.it nhviean lgou fte hsse e ledcetpeednv daernit­ abloebst awihneaenpd p ltyhaieln ggo rtisoti hmmisl ar Althomuorgpeha ramaertreee rqsut iopr eerdyfe citnlstiantn hcdeea st abase-chsapra(acic,e.t ee.rization characadt aetrsaie(bz eae. ign.t,e r-caotrtrreislbiaum­tisele atrtfo irtn hgdesa tagbeasnee rr'pasat roam­ tiso)tn,h ese pursoesvftriuatdlE.e a ciahvs a roire de tse.)rT hien depevnadreianartbse le elsefr cotme d heclodn sitSnae nctt3 i'eosxn p eriments.a montghd ea tsaegb eanerpaatroarm'esWt heerns . avlaaibklneo,w lceodngcee trhndeii nffge rbeen­ces 2.2M ODELT HED ATABASWEI TH twetehnae l igotrhcmasp'a bsihloiutluidse estbdo e ARTIFICIDAATLA guitdhesi esl ection. Idlelaeyv,e irnys tiandn actesa eb-acharacterization Thipsr opgoesneedr amleitzharotediq ouanina r ce­s spasciem itlota hrbe a sien stsahnocubele sd a m­ curcahtaer actoeftr hideza atatasitbeooy n i ealcd­ plteodd eterminieyt i weshliedmtssih ilegaranr ni tfi c curaaltgeo rithmr-uplArerestfe.irl fielcnyic-aec reated performaenrceenfo crde istsff heel eacltgeodr ithms. dataabrarese eqsufo irtr hetidass sk i nmcodeyi fitnhge Howevtehrii,ssn ofeta sifobrll ea rge database­ characotfed raait satwbiiacstssohe m u en kncohwanr ­ charactsepraiczIeansts.it osenta rdco,on ngt inuity acteriinsvteisoctnsitl ghyare te leasrt aittvhheeaa rbn ­ assumpatrireoe nqsu( iir.esedi. mi,il naserts ia nn c solbuethea vtihsoeer l eoacflot greidt( hgem..ass,d o ne datsaecb-haaractsepraiacrzeaea s tmsieuotdno y ield in( Quin19l8a6nH),o) w.e evveerer,offy rm tu sbte simiplearrfo rmdaienffrceenfo crte hsse e leacltgeod­ madteoe nstuhrtaeth a er tailfcliryce iadtaetsdae b a ritsh)Tm.h eerxei sttrsa dlaea orffg:e sra-mlspeisz ed 1 redtuhcseet reonfg ttahhs essuem pbturiteo qnusi re Theseex amplceh aracterfiosrteischsa dtohawt eoxu­r additiotnota hlde a ctsaaeglb elanse raanatddo dri ­ perimenitnsvo lcvoen celpeta rnitnags ksC.h aracteristics tioanpapll iocfat thaielo ignotsrh Smosm.me e thods shoulbdec hoseinna task-depenmdaennnte r. Genaelrigzfr ionmC asSet udAi eCsa:su ed yS t3 fore xplorsipnagic netc hltiuesds eto inin ngns cteas Tabl2e: C haractoeftr hiLese ttiRtceesgcr no ition thdaiteff frro mt hbeas ien stoann coeno lifyt v sao ln­e Datab(asFer &e Syl a1t99e1,) uefosrt hien depevanrdietanebtsl teisin,ngn s ctoeasn randsoammlpyal cecdo trods ionmdgei strciebnu­t1iN.ou nm boeftrr aiinnisntga1 n6c,e0s0:0 teroentd h bea sien staannudcs eia,nfa gc todrei­a2l.N umboetfr e isnts ta4n0c0e0s : sigang,ac ienn toentr hebedas ien stiawnnh cietc,hh e 3 .N umboeftra rcgleats2 s6e s: tesitnesdct ecason rretsoap loclno dm binoafat i4o.Nnu sm boefprr otopteycrpl eas2ss0 : fewv alfouree sa cihn dedepnevtnai rabAllel. th5r.N euem boefar t tri1b6u tes: oft hese amreeetx heomdpsl ifieexdp eirni m6te.Thny etpo sefa t triIbnutteegse:r -valued descirni bSeed3c .t ion 7.R anogfee a caht trsiv baultu[e,e11's6:] 8.D istroifib nusttiaaomnnoc cneogsn cUenpitfosr:m 9.D istroifb uitniasobtnoa punrtco etso Ntoyrpmeasl: 2.4E VALUATET HEA LGOIRTHMOSN THEG ENERATEDDA TABASSE Thsee lectedm uasbltegt oersritetephdem asot ne dly Tabl3eA: v erAacgceu raancSditn eadsaD redv iations eacshe tp aorfa mseettetsriot n hgtasth s ei gannitfi c (1t0r ioanFl rsea)yn S dlt ae('1s9 L9e1t)Rt eecro gni­ peorrfmadniecffree nccaaenrs i Tshene.u mboefrr e p­ tiDoant awbhaesTnees tionnig t s4 0l0Ian0ss tt ances etitsihoonuslc dh ocbsaeer ne ifudtlel tye;r tmhien es Algorithm Siozfte r aisneitnsg degroeffeer esd iontm h sei gcnaintfceies ts. 16,0001 600 2.5D ERIVER ULETSH AT SUMMARIZE BACKPROPAGATION 81±. 096. % - THESREE SUTLS IBl 95.07.±4 8%1 ±. 07.% 7 Thfien aslt edpe rirvueslt ehsad te sctrhicebo en diC­N2 879.±0.%8 687.±10.% tiounnsdw ehri tchhse i figcnaipnetr formdaienffrc­eC 4 86±. 04.%7 67±. 048.% encheoslT dh.ec yab ne magneunaelrblayynt oetdi ng Classsiyfisetre m8s2 .7% thceo mmonoaftl hiietn ideesp peanrdaemnsetet te­rs' - (Fr&e Sylt ae1,9 91) tingst hwsehi fiegcnna ipnetr formdainffceerr een­ces currFeomdro. rc eo mpslteuxdr iuelcseab,sne g ener­ atbeyda na pprorpurliea-tgeea nlegroar(.tie,git .nhgm CN2( Calr&k N ibl1e99t8)tw),h, e irnes cteaasrn ep rimsittaitvifeesa ttiucrtaehlpse i xodefil s tributions poiintnth sde a tabase-chasrpaacccltease sriifiizenad to tirhoienlgp iinxiaemglae osft hlee ttTrearisn.i ng accortdowi hnegtt hheseri fi gcnaipnetr formdainfco­ent hfier s1,t6 0i0n0ns cteaFsr,ea yn Sdl amtoes'ts ferenoccecsTu hrpe.a ramheetcledor nss sthaonutla dc cuvraartiheaa andnt8 2.p7r%e diacctciuorvnae c y bei nclauscd oendd ittoi otrnhusel Bseoest m.ha nuatlh fien a4l0 0i0n staFnocgeas(r.1t 9yd9 i2s)c overed anCdN 2-genreurlaaeretsexe edm pilnSie ficet3di. o tnh tahte nneeairgeahslbtigo otrrh amc'csu ornta hciys samtea wsak9s 5 .a7ni% n,c roef1as 3e% . Asw itohth leera rtnasikntsgh,r e u lreess ufrlotmi ng th"imse ta-lteasaskrh noiunlgd" bfoer t ehveaiIlrt u easfottueelrdde aranlignogro intt hhsema smt er aining accur.agoc.nya,d i(sejsoeoittfn etis nts tdarnacwenas n tde ssetat nsa,dt ,F og ar'stsuy ggeasltsioo nt,e sted fromt hdea tabaset-ecrhiazsrapaeta.c)icE oxna mplteh eomnt esnm aller-ssiezwtehsdo u snteir ioasni ning evaluaartdeie osncsir niSb eecdt3 i.ao6nn3 ds7. . thoer ilg itnraaiTnhirene gs ousftle httes.s ea rtee sts summairnTi azlbe3ed .T h ael gorairteh:m s 3 ANA PPILCTAION 1.BA CKPROPA(GARTuImOeNlM hcaCrlte,l& l and, thPeD P ReGsreoaur1pc9h,8t 6h)wee, l l-known Thsiesc dteisocnar nai pbcpealsti oitfoh nme e thiond­ multyiec-rol nanecatloigrointihsmt, trodiuSnce ecdt2 i.Aol nai istis, t sace alsfe asntdu dy, 2.I B(lA hKai,b &l Aelrb,e1 9r91ta,)m ,i nvoarr i­ onfolryt hrleeea ranlignogra intodhn dmeas t abase. anotf ntehaern eesitga hlbrgoiort hm, 2 3.C N2(Cl&a rNki bl1e9t8Ct9l,;a & r Bko swell, 3.1C OLLECTICNAGS SET UDDYE TAISL 1991a)s ,e t-corvuelrei-tnlhgeea amtrp nylesaor noise-stioglneirtfiaectnsaodttn e ctee rmine which TerreFnogcaer( t1y9 r9e2c)ed nitslcyos voemree ds ur­ rulteors ei tnaa,n d pricsasisent gu rdeys wuiltthsa nFSdrl eay(t 1e9'9s1 ) letrteegcrno itdiaotna (baTasbe2l e)T .h eayp plie4d.C 4( Quin1l96a8)an,d ,e cisiionnde-urttc hraete several ovfHa orlilaatnigdoe-nnssect tlyialcse s ifiperru tnreesteo ts o lenroaitsee . systoentm hsdi ast abaseea,ci hnw shterarenepc ree ­ senatt ysp ewlreittittoneen orneft wefonnttyas ni ds 2CN2 alweavyasl uusatiientodgsr dereodp­-rules describiendt ebgye art1-t6vr ailbuuetde s trie(opCnwrl as& aeB rsokes nw1te9il9nl1g,) . 4 Aha stanicnte h1se6 -0i0nsdtaatnacbteash eaasrtme e m­ Talb4e:A verAacgcecu iraeansSd t anDdeaivradt ions beorfos n oeft hefsicevl eass .s) e (1t0r iWahlesUn)s ionngtl hyFe i rFsitLv eet tienr s Freya nSdal te('1s9L 9e1t)Rt eecro gDnaittaiboasne 3.2M ODELINTGH ED ATABASWEI TH IA lgorIiA tchcmu raIc y ARTIFICIDAATLA IBl 919 .1±2. % Thdea ta-gepnreorgasrteailmne fogcr tt hesidts u dy CN2 84.156.±% hasse vpearraalm reetqeurtisocr l eodcs healeryra iczte C4 8.6±3 19.% thlee trteecro gdnaittaibIoasitneas m. i nvoarr iant ofB ened(i19c90tD)'G s/P 2 p rog:r am BACKP3Ra OnPIdB1 a ttasiingenndit hfilicyga phreer­ 1G.e nteear aparameteorfip zreodto tnyupmebse r dictive tahcaCcnNu 2ar naCdc4 i.Te4hs ii ssso me­ witlho cartainodnoscm hloysa ecnc ortdoai ng whastu rprpirseivcniogom;up sa risotnhCsa4 t s houwneidfo drims triwbiutathh iiyonpn e rs-ucbu­bic usuaolultyp erIfoB1ro mrre edc ordeadc csuirmai­slpaaroc fpe a ramestieczreein zteiedntr heiedn ­ cies, IaBlls 'at chcouuwrgasahs c iyg nihfiicgahnetrlsy t asnpcaec e. for dae nspeolptyue-ltdai c-teancd-gtdaoamete a bas2e. Geanp earraatmee ntuemrbioezfire n ds t,a nces whoastet ricbounttealsii ntietndlfo er mfoartC i4o'ns unifordmilsyt roivbeturhtp eer do tostuycphe s, splictrtiitn(egAr hi1ao99,n1 H)ow.e vtehrte,i c-tact­hati lseo accawhti etadhp ianr amemtaexr­ized toeen dgdaamtea ibqsau siedt ieeffr efrnotmt hlee t­ imudmi stfaornmac r ea ndosmellyep crtoetdo­ terre cogdnaittai(bogean..si ,eta st treisab rnueot t tyep.Th free queonfoc cyc urorfie nnscteia sn ces numerliucei-hdtva, oas n tlwyco l as.s)F suerthermonroer,m dailsltyr airbouuptnredodt e ost.y p wherCeNas2p erforasm weedasl IlB olnt htei c-tac­ 3.R andoamslseyia gcpnhr otottooy nopefae p a­ toeen dgdaamtea ibtasasec ,c uracsiiegcsna inwfitelrye rametneruimzboeefcdr l assEeasci.hn stance's lowheerr e. clasisass s igtnote hdoa fit t nse arpersotte o.t yp Thetsher aeleg orwietrhem ss foertl hepecr teesde nt studtyhd,ee5 p envdraeinactbh loews asec nl assifiTchapi­rso ggreanme irnasttedasen sccebrsyii nbteedg er­ tiaocnc uarnatdch yte,as c kh owsases nu percvoins­veaudle da ttridbiusttersdi,jib suucntteusns i formly celpeta rTnhioenb gj.e wcattsio yv iee alr dud lee­ amoncgo ncedpitsst,r iinbsuttaeunsnc iefosr mly scritbhcieno gni doiwnthse n1 y IiBes lidgsn ificaamnotndlgjiy su ncatndsdi, s tersii nbsuttnaonrcmeasl ly higchleasrs ifiaccactuirtoahncaC inNe 2as n Cd4 . aroutnhddeji nsuctpsr'o totypes. From tshtaen dopfco oimnptur teesror uerqcuei re­ 3.3S ELECTINTGH EI NDEPENDENT menititsqs ,u ifotret utnhasatitem rsi ilganidfi­icfant VARIABLES TAHNEDI SRE TTINGS ferenccabenseo btawiinstemhda s lulb soeftt hlsee t­ terre cogdnaittaibFoasoneer x. a mTpablle4e,s um­ FreaynS dl a(t9e119'e)sx tednessicvreoi ftp hteiiorn maritzhaeevs e rraegsewudhl etunss ionngtl hyfie r st dataablalsoietwt eob d em odealcecdu rwaitttehhli ys fivlee totfte hraesl phfarbotemhtt e e 1n6 -0i0nstance datagbeanseer Naotnoert.hm ealnoeyfis tcssh, a rac­ traisneiatnnsgtd h 4e0 00-itnessstetat In.Blcs 'e terirsetmiaucinsnk n(ogew.n.t ,hr ee leovfat nhcee accuraarcseit esisil gln nitfilhcyia gthhearCn N 2's attreisfob rpu rtediccltaiisnnsfog r matthdieio snt,r i­ (df 9t, 3.1,0p. 0a1nC)d4 '(fsd 9t, 2.=0 <, 00p=. 5 .)T h<ir se dutchleees a rtn=as iktn ob=g e butoifop nr otoitnty hpieen ss tancaen tdsh pea ce, amouannttdpy eo fn oiasnedd)on onte cescsoarr­ily modeiltneh edex perfriomm2e n6tt fiosv c el a(sis,.e es . respwoihntt dhg ee neraastmsopurt'iHso ownesv.ae r, cosrproentdoit nhfiegr fisvtle e rts,t1) e,60t0o30 11 brmiaenfu saelafo rrac rht ificialdlayt-agbeasneesr ated traiinnisntgaa nn4cd0e 0ts0o7, 5 t3e isnts t(ain.cees. , wihts impielraforr mdaienffrceenl coecsap taerda me­ theasrteeh aev ernaugmebo eftrr aiannitdne igsn t- tesre ttfoirtn hggese ner(aaTbt5lo)etr h at reyli­eld ativseilmyip learrfo rmdaienffrceen ctehste h forre e wast eswtiet9dh6 h iddneonda e0 s.,0 1 3BACKPROP algor(iTtah6bm)lAse.l h toutghhe rsees aurlneto st learrnaitan0e g.,m 6o menctouemffi caineadnt tt,r ibute identthiseca amslei, g nipfiecrafonrtmd ainffecenrec es valwueernseo rmablysi uzbetdr tahcemtieirana ngn d di ­ viditnhges itbrayr n ddd eaviation. hold bIeB1ta wnetdeh noe t her a(ld(gf o rithms = 4F oerx amp1l' aesc, c urwaecsriieeg sn ihfiigchaen1rt9t l, y2 .,5p0 .205a)n (dfd 19t, 3 .p9 0,.005) thaCnN 2o'nbsI o B tthh1 e,6 0(0d0f 9 t, 1.10,p forC= N2a n<Cd 4 r espvee)=lc .yt i= < 0.0a0n5d10 6-0insttarnacis=en e it(dn= s fg 9t,< < 9.)9 ,0p. 0.T0 h5ewye raels siog nihfi= icgathnh=et arln yT hfier fosutpr a ramseettetrsishn'og iwsnTn ab l5e << ) wersee letcomt aetdct hhfi ev lee trteecro gnition C4fo'rst hesed astaamsiee (.tdesf.9 ,, t1 3,.p2 0.0a0n5(dd f9 t, 1.09(,p0 .= 0r0e=5 spe.c<< t ivdealtyabsaestet'Tishnm ego sss.ta loifte hnetps aer am­ ) =a nFd= r eyS< <la anctdl)e a 'ssss yisf)wtieeermre e teirnssu mboefpr r otoItByslph eosou;ul tdp erform no5Bi tAnC KcPlRiOuPwtd o eudbl;edd i ffictuopl rto pteurntlehy e itrh oet haelrg oriinht ihgmdhsjil nsuyc tsipvaec es be­ paramfoeret aeocrfhts h dea tsaeibsna vestigatceadu.is rtee traaitnthshe agrne neroavlieinrzfo ersm a- GenerafrloimzC iansSget udAi eCsaS:st euy d 5 Filnlawyh,i le protowteyrspeee l erlcaotnce­adt ions Tabl5e:P aramSeettetforirt n hgFesi L veet Rteecro g­ domfrloym a u nifodrims tritbhuet isooufinb n,s­ et nitDiaotna abnastdeh See ttCihnogsfosert n h Aer ti- stancef ormsw phaictcehh ew ye rder awwasnc on­ ficiDaalt aGbe::i.AnPe rator trolIlnpe adr.t ipcruoltaorwt,ey rdpere asfrw onm Parameter Database witahh iynp er-scuubbsipccae cneti enr eidtn h­e FivLee tteArrtfisici al stasnpcaec es iwwzhaseov saer Simeladl.pe rro totype­ #Insta(ntcreaisn /test3)1 /17533 11/753d istrriabnusgtheiosoiu nnl cdr tehpasere u naicntgi v­ itoifCe Ns2 a nCd4 w hen theo ft rnauiminbnei­rn g #Classes 5 5 staniclseo sww h,hi w cidlelc rtehaseaeic rc urianc ies Eacha ttrivbaluutreea 'nsg e ,1 subspoaftc heiesn stsapnacwcehe e prreo tootfy pes [l,16r]ls 1 # Protopteycrpl easss 20 20 dieffrent lciclelas ostseoesgl ey6t ShienIrcB1.ei s a primailtgiovrweii tthhmon uoti sea- tmoelcehra­ating # Releavtatnrti bute?s( 1t6o tal) 13 nisimta,sc cursahcoinueoldstde crase qasuei ckly. # Irrelaetvtarnitb utes ? 3 Threa nogfet shv ea ltueessfot ret dhi en dependent Instance driasntgrei but?i on 1 variaarbselh eosiw nnT abl7e,w hevrael cuoe­rsr e Protodtiyspter irbauntgieo n ? 15 spontdoit nhfigev lee tter recoagrnei tion database boldfaTcheoedt .hv earl wueerssee lescott heaadt moderlaatrsegplehyi e esrx ep liotnrh eeexd p eriments, Tabl6e:A verAacgrceau caineSdstn adaDredv iatwihoentrshe si psh iesnr eea crelnyt oentr hebedas ei n­ 20t ri)fo arlt shFei vLee tDtaetra baasntedh See -stance. ( lecPta erda mtee t mfep;S rs o rte hD a aGte enr tao r £ AlgorithmD atabase 3.4E VAULATINTGH EA LGORITHMS FiLveet teArrsfit ciial ON THAER TFIICIDAALT ASETS !Bl 9.191±2. % 93±. 1l5. % Thteh raelegt ohrmwise reev alutawettneitdmy o ens CN2 84.156.±% 85.9±3.2% each psaerta msoeeftt etforir an lgolsft heex peri­ mendtesis cbrbeedo lw.T huasfa ,c torial exploration C4 86.139.±% 8.0±2 34.% usitnhvgea liunTe absl 7ei psr oheilbeyix tpievnsive; it re4q08u,2i 4r3 e 2s0 24,4 494,l0 e arning tri­ alOsn.e -tta-xi tlxe esdut= sset docw oemrpeta hraeev er­ ticoonn cesrmnadilinlsg j uanlctthtsoh,upi geshr for­ agcel assifiaccactuirooaftnc h iaeel sg orointt hhem s mandcieeff rewnicdleel c rase tashene u mboeftr r ain­ twenttarylip se irn stsapnacice.e te h.e,wre er1 e9 inign setsia nnccrtehasee ,n oufcm lbasedsree csr ease, ( degroeffee resd .oD mifferweenrcceoe nss isdiegr­ed thdei strriabnufogtrpei r oont soi tnycpreaenastdeh se, ) nificant 0w.h1e.n numboefpr r otopteycrpl easdsse creases. p < Thefi rsetx perciomnednutpc ltaescdte rdco onng­ Thneu mboefr realneidvr arnetla etvtarniwtbe urtee s tiintasuys umptointo hndesa tabase-characterization selecitneddee pnasvet an rditaoebx laemsti hcnele a im spaecaeci;hn deepnevtna rdiwaasbv laierei dn ddiuv­i thtahtae c cuorfna ecayr esta lngeoirgsihutbchohmr s alwlhyi tlhoeet hweerrhsee clodn sattta hnebtio rl d­ as IB1d ecrqeuasiecwski ltyh thoef niurmrbeelre vant facevda liuTneab l7e.T hriesq uoinr2le5yd3 20 attriAbhua1t,9e 8sK9 e;l lDya v&1i 9s9,R1 e)l.e ­ x x = ( 15l0e0a rniTnhgfoe l tlroipwaailrnsag.g s ruampmhas­ vant atatrtrehi obususeteb edyts h dea tagbeasne­ ritzhere e souftl hteisxs p er.i ment erattoo rg einnesrtaaItnrecr eesla.et vtarniatbr uet es addaetfde rwatrhdevsia;rla urees rasnedloemclNtyue mdb eorft rainiinnsgt anIcBsela s'c:c uracies accortdoaui nnigfo rm diosntt hraeit bturtiibwouentrs eei' gscn ainhfitilgyth heatrnh ofosrCe N 2a nCd4 valruaen Tghei.r rteeleeanvn atdnh tri erer ealte­vfoarna tlt lh vea ltueesstF eidg 1u)rIe.n cretashiinsg ( tribpurtoesv idetdh wareters seiu mltitolts ah ceras e numbaebrot vheme a ximvuamlt ueesw toeudel vde n­ sturdeys ults. tuaallllyao lwl t hoaefl gortioat thtmiasni sni gnifi­ candtielffrye anctc urcalcotiso1ee 0s 0 %. As maElulc liddiesatina. n1ecfo).er d , i striinb­uting ( stances aropurnodv gipodrofieodtdbt s eo ttwyepNeeunsm beorfc las!sBles si:fig cnainotultyp erformed performatnhcfieev lsee todtnae traa bnatdsh ceeo rrteh­oet her afolrgt ohsreei ottfv h amlstu eessfot re d sponadritnigdfi actiaabllasa erv;ga elrqu ueiscr kel­tyh iinsd epevrnaibdaleFeni tg 1u)r!.eB ple rformed ( duceda ctchuero afCc Ni2ae nsCd 4 S.i gcnaipnfietr ­comparwaetwlihlve etnlhp yer obaobfci olnifutsyi ng formadniceffer enschesoo uclcdiu nrd epeonft dheinsct l assiwfiachsai tgiho.n s paramsse ettetbrie'ncgai uctsa eon n lbyei nrceased anIdB sla 'dvansthaoguieln dc rmeoasneo tonically witthh viasl iu.ebe e.uc,sa teh iinsrc easceosn cept ( overalndadep l laeyasr innail ongrgi tthhmast use6 Lsairiggn­esrt ance-rdainscgtaerussis ibemu citolinao­rn nicfiantceest tots o lenroai.ts ee fusiTohnetssw.epo a ramaertpeea irrastlr leyd undant. )

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