Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6321 EditedbyR.Goebel,J.Siekmann,andW.Wahlster Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science José Luis Balcázar Francesco Bonchi Aristides Gionis Michèle Sebag (Eds.) Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010 Barcelona, Spain, September 20-24, 2010 Proceedings, Part I 1 3 SeriesEditors RandyGoebel,UniversityofAlberta,Edmonton,Canada JörgSiekmann,UniversityofSaarland,Saarbrücken,Germany WolfgangWahlster,DFKIandUniversityofSaarland,Saarbrücken,Germany VolumeEditors JoséLuisBalcázar UniversidaddeCantabria DepartamentodeMatemáticas,EstadísticayComputación AvenidadelosCastros,s/n,39071Santander,Spain E-mail:[email protected] FrancescoBonchi AristidesGionis Yahoo!ResearchBarcelona AvingudaDiagonal177,08018Barcelona,Spain E-mail:{bonchi,gionis}@yahoo-inc.corp MichèleSebag TAO,CNRS-INRIA-LRI,UniversitéParis-Sud 91405,Orsay,France E-mail:[email protected] Cover illustration: Decoration detail at the Park Güell, designed byAntoni Gaudí, andoneofthelandmarksofmodernistartinBarcelona.LicenceCreativeCommons, JonRobson. LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2010934301 CRSubjectClassification(1998):I.2,H.3,H.4,H.2.8,J.1,H.5 LNCSSublibrary:SL7–ArtificialIntelligence ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-642-15879-XSpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-642-15879-7SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2010 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper 06/3180 Preface The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of KnowledgeDiscoveryin Databases,ECML PKDD 2010,was held in Barcelona, September 20–24, 2010, consolidating the long junction between the European Conference onMachine Learning(ofwhich the first instance asEuropeanwork- shop dates back to 1986) and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases (of which the first instance dates back to 1997). Since the two conferences were first collocated in 2001, both machine learning and data min- ing communities have realized how each discipline benefits from the advances, and participates to defining the challenges, of the sister discipline. Accordingly, a single ECML PKDD Steering Committee gathering senior members of both communities was appointed in 2008. In 2010, as in previous years, ECML PKDD lasted from Monday to Fri- day. It involved six plenary invited talks, by Christos Faloutsos, Jiawei Han, Hod Lipson, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomaso Poggio, and Ju¨rgen Schmidhuber, respectively.MondayandFridayweredevotedtoworkshopsandtutorials,orga- nizedandselectedbyColindelaHigueraandGemmaGarriga.Continuingfrom ECML PKDD 2009, an industrial session managed by Taneli Mielikainen and Hugo Zaragoza welcomed distinguished speakers from the ML and DM indus- try: Rakesh Agrawal, Mayank Bawa, Ignasi Belda, Michael Berthold, Jos´e Luis Flo´rez,ThoreGraepel,andAlejandroJaimes.Theconferencealsofeaturedadis- coverychallenge,organizedbyAndra´sBenczu´r,CarlosCastillo,Zolta´nGyo¨ngyi, and Julien Masan`es. From Tuesday to Thursday, 120 papers selected among 658 submitted full papers were presented in the technical parallel sessions. The selection process washandledby28areachairsandthe282membersoftheProgramCommittee; additional 298 reviewers were recruited. While the selection process was made particularly intense due to the recordnumber of submissions, we heartily thank all area chairs, members of the Program Committee, and additional reviewers for their commitment and hard work during the short reviewing period. The conference also featured a demo track,managedby Ulf Brefeld andXavier Car- reras; 12 demos out of 24 submitted ones were selected, attesting to the high impact technologies based on the ML and DM body of research. Following an earlier tradition, seven ML and seven DM papers were distin- guishedby the programchairsonthe basis oftheir exceptionalscientific quality and high impact on the field, and they were directly published in the Machine Learning Journal and the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal, re- spectively. Among these papers, some were selected by the Best Paper Chair Hiroshi Motoda, and received the Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards in Machine Learning and in Data Mining, sponsored by Springer. VI Preface AtopicwidelyexploredfrombothMLandDMperspectiveswasgraphs,with motivations ranging from molecular chemistry to social networks. The point of matchingorclusteringgraphswasexaminedinconnectionwithtractabilityand domain knowledge, where the latter could be acquired through common pat- terns, or formulated through spectral clustering. The study of social networks focused on how they develop, overlap, propagate information (and how infor- mationpropagationcanbe hindered). Link predictionandexploitationin static or dynamic, possibly heterogeneous, graphs, was motivated by applications in informationretrievaland collaborativefiltering,and in connectionwith random walks. Frequent itemset approaches were hybridized with constraint programming or statistical tools to efficiently explore the search space, deal with numerical attributes, or extract locally optimal patterns. Compressed representations and measuresofrobustnesswereproposedtooptimizeassociationrules.Formalcon- cept analysis, with applications to pharmacovigilance or Web ontologies, was considered in connection with version spaces. Bayesian learning features new geometric interpretations of prior knowledge and efficient approaches for independence testing. Generative approaches were motivated by applications in sequential, spatio-temporal or relational domains, ormulti-variatesignalswithhighdimensionality.Ensemblelearningwasusedto support clustering and biclustering; the post-processing of random forests was also investigated. Instatisticalrelationallearningandstructureidentification,withmotivating applications in bio-informatics, neuro-imagery, spatio-temporal domains, and traffic forecasting, the stress was put on new learning criteria; gradient ap- proaches, structural constraints, and/or feature selection were used to support computationally effective algorithms. (Multiple)kernellearningandrelatedapproaches,challengedbyapplications inimageretrieval,robotics,orbio-informatics,revisitedthelearningcriteriaand regularization terms, the processing of the kernel matrix, and the exploration of the kernel space. Dimensionality reduction, embeddings, and distance were investigated, notably in connection with image and document retrieval. Reinforcement learning focussed on ever more scalable and tractable ap- proaches through smart state or policy representations, a more efficient use of the available samples, and/or Bayesian approaches. Specific settings such as ranking, multi-task learning, semi-supervised learn- ing, and game-theoreticapproacheswere investigated,with some innovative ap- plications to astrophysics, relation extraction, and multi-agent systems. New boundswereprovedwithintheactive,multi-label,andweightedensemblelearn- ing frameworks. A few papers aimed at efficient algorithms or computing environments, e.g., relatedtolinearalgebra,cuttingplanealgorithms,orgraphicalprocessingunits, were proposed (with available source code in some cases). Numerical stability was also investigated in connection with sparse learning. Preface VII Among the applications presented were review mining, software debugging/ process modeling from traces, and audio mining. To conclude this rapid tour of the scientific program, our special thanks go to the localchairsRicardGavalda`,ElenaTorres,andEstefaniaRicart,the Web and registration chair Albert Bifet, the sponsorship chair Debora Denato, and the many volunteers that eagerly contributed to make ECML PKDD 2010 a memorable event. Ourlastandwarmestthanksgotoallinvitedspeakersandotherspeakers,to all tutorial, workshop, demo, industrial, discovery, best paper, and local chairs, to the area chairs and all reviewers, to all attendees — and overall, to the au- thorswhochosetosubmittheir worktothe ECMLPKDDconference,andthus enabled us to build up this memorable scientific event. July 2010 Jos´e L Balc´azar Francesco Bonchi Aristides Gionis Mich`ele Sebag Organization Program Chairs Jos´e L Balc´azar Universidad de Cantabria and Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain http://personales.unican.es/balcazarjl/ Francesco Bonchi Yahoo! Research Barcelona,Spain http://research.yahoo.com Aristides Gionis Yahoo! Research Barcelona,Spain http://research.yahoo.com Mich`ele Sebag CNRS Universit´e Paris Sud, Orsay Cedex, France http://www.lri.fr/ sebag/ Local Organization Chairs Ricard Gavalda` Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya Estefania Ricart Barcelona Media Elena Torres Barcelona Media Organization Team Ulf Brefeld Yahoo! Research Eugenia Fuenmayor Barcelona Media Mia Padull´es Yahoo! Research Natalia Pou Barcelona Media Workshop and Tutorial Chairs Gemma C. Garriga University of Paris 6 Colin de la Higuera University of Nantes X Organization Best Papers Chair Hiroshi Motoda AFOSR/AOARD and Osaka University Industrial Track Chairs Taneli Mielikainen Nokia Hugo Zaragoza Yahoo! Research Demo Chairs Ulf Brefeld Yahoo! Research Xavier Carreras Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya Discovery Challenge Chairs Andra´s Benczu´r Hungarian Academy of Sciences Carlos Castillo Yahoo! Research Zolt´an Gyo¨ngyi Google Julien Masan`es European Internet Archive Sponsorship Chair Debora Donato Yahoo! Labs Web and Registration Chair Albert Bifet University of Waikato Publicity Chair Ricard Gavalda` Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya Steering Committee Wray Buntine Walter Daelemans Bart Goethals Marko Grobelnik Katharina Morik Joost N. Kok Stan Matwin Dunja Mladenic John Shawe-Taylor Andrzej Skowron Organization XI Area Chairs Samy Bengio George Karypis Bettina Berendt Laks V.S. Lakshmanan Paolo Boldi Katharina Morik Wray Buntine Jan Peters Toon Calders Kai Puolama¨ki Luc de Raedt Yucel Saygin Carlotta Domeniconi Bruno Scherrer Martin Ester Arno Siebes Paolo Frasconi Soeren Sonnenburg Joao Gama Alexander Smola Ricard Gavalda` Einoshin Suzuki Joydeep Ghosh Evimaria Terzi Fosca Giannotti Michalis Vazirgiannis Tu-Bao Ho Zhi-Hua Zhou Program Committee Osman Abul Jean-Francois Boulicaut Gagan Agrawal Ulf Brefeld Erick Alphonse Laurent Brehelin Carlos Alzate Bjoern Bringmann Massih Amini Carla Brodley Aris Anagnostopoulos Rui Camacho Annalisa Appice St´ephane Canu Thierry Arti`eres Olivier Capp´e Sitaram Asur Carlos Castillo Jean-Yves Audibert Jorge Castro Maria-Florina Balcan Ciro Cattuto Peter Bartlett Nicolo` Cesa-Bianchi Younes Bennani Nitesh Chawla Paul Bennett Sanjay Chawla Michele Berlingerio David Cheung Michael Berthold Sylvia Chiappa Albert Bifet Boris Chidlovski Hendrik Blockeel Flavio Chierichetti Mario Boley Philipp Cimiano Antoine Bordes Alexander Clark Gloria Bordogna Christopher Clifton Christian Borgelt Antoine Cornu´ejols Karsten Borgwardt Fabrizio Costa Henrik Bostro¨m Bruno Cr´emilleux Marco Botta James Cussens Guillaume Bouchard Alfredo Cuzzocrea XII Organization Florence d’Alch´e-Buc Shantanu Godbole Claudia d’Amato Bart Goethals Gautam Das Sally Goldman Jeroen De Knijf Henrik Grosskreutz Colin de la Higuera Dimitrios Gunopulos Krzysztof Dembczynski Amaury Habrard Ayhan Demiriz Eyke Hu¨llermeier Francois Denis Nikolaus Hansen Christos Dimitrakakis Iris Hendrickx Josep Domingo Ferrer Melanie Hilario Debora Donato Alexander Hinneburg Dejing Dou Kouichi Hirata G´erardDreyfus Frank Hoeppner Kurt Driessens Jaakko Hollmen John Duchi Tamas Horvath Pierre Dupont Andreas Hotho Saso Dzeroski Alex Jaimes Charles Elkan Szymon Jaroszewicz Damien Ernst Daxin Jiang Floriana Esposito Felix Jungermann Fazel Famili Frederic Jurie Nicola Fanizzi Alexandros Kalousis Ad Feelders Panagiotis Karras Alan Fern Samuel Kaski Daan Fierens Dimitar Kazakov Peter Flach Sathiya Keerthi George Forman Jens Keilwagen Vojtech Franc Roni Khardon Eibe Frank Angelika Kimmig Dayne Freitag Ross King Elisa Fromont Marius Kloft Patrick Gallinari Arno Knobbe Auroop Ganguly Levente Kocsis Fred Garcia Jukka Kohonen Gemma Garriga Solmaz Kolahi Thomas G¨artner George Kollios Eric Gaussier Igor Kononenko Floris Geerts Nick Koudas Matthieu Geist Stefan Kramer Claudio Gentile Andreas Krause Mohammad Ghavamzadeh Vipin Kumar Gourab Ghoshal Pedro Larran˜aga Chris Giannella Mark Last Attilio Giordana Longin Jan Latecki Mark Girolami Silvio Lattanzi