Articulated 3D human model and CENTER FOR its animation for testing and MACHINE PERCEPTION learning algorithms of multi-camera systems CZECH TECHNICAL Ondˇrej Mazany´ UNIVERSITY {mazano1,svoboda} CTU–CMP–2007–02 January 15, 2007 S I S Available at E H Thesis Advisor: Tom´aˇs Svoboda T The work has been supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences un R derProject1ET101210407. Tom´aˇsSvobodaacknowledgessupporas E of the Czech Ministry of Education under Project 1M0567. T S Research Reports of CMP, Czech Technical University in Prague, No. 2, 2007 A Published by M Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University Technick´a 2, 16627 Prague 6, Czech Republic fax +420224357385, phone +420224357637, www: Prohl´aˇsen´ı Prohlaˇsuji, ˇze jsem svou diplomovou pr´aci vypracoval samostatnˇe a pouˇzil jsem pouze podklady (literaturu, projekty, SW atd.) uveden´e v pˇriloˇzen´em seznamu. V Praze dne ....................... ................................ podpis Acknowledgments I thank my advisers Tom´aˇs Svoboda and Petr Doubek for their mentor- ing and the time spent helping me with my work. I thank my wife Eva and my parents for their support during my studies. Finally I give thanks to Jesus Christ, for the faith that gives me hope and purpose to study. Abstract This document describes a software package for creating realistic simple hu- man animations. The package uses the open source 3D modeling software Blender and the scripting language Python. The animations generated for several cameras ought to be used for testing and learning of tracking algo- rithms in the multi-camera system where the ground-truth data are needed. We made a human skeletal model and designed the way how to animate it by scripts with using motion capture data. The texture of 3D human model is obtained from captured images. Transformations between computer vi- sion and computer graphics are discussed in detail. We designed our own algorithm for automatic rigging mesh model with the bones of the skeletal model. Steps of the design are covered in this thesis together with the usage of the software package. Abstrakt Tento dokument popisuje softwarovy´ bal´ık pro vytv´aˇren´ı realisticky´ch ani- mac´ı ˇclovˇeka. Softwarovy´ bal´ık je zaloˇzen na open source 3D modelovac´ım n´astroji Blender a programovac´ım jazyku Python. Vytvoˇren´e animace z pohledu nˇekolika kamer jsou urˇceny pro pouˇzit´ı v multikamerov´em syst´emu pro uˇcen´ı a testov´an´ı algoritm˚u poˇc´ıtaˇcov´eho vidˇen´ı. Vytvoˇrili jsme model kostry a navrhli zp˚usob animace s pomoc´ı nasn´ımany´ch dat pohybu. Tex- turytrojrozmˇern´ehomodeluˇclovˇekajsouz´ısk´anyzesn´ımk˚uzkamer. Trans- formace mezi poˇc´ıtaˇcovy´m vidˇen´ım a poˇc´ıta-ˇcovou grafikou jsou detailnˇe pops´any. Navrhli jsme vlastn´ı algoritmus pro automatick´e spojen´ı s´ıˇtov´eho modelu ˇclovˇeka s modelem kostry. Jednotliv´e kroky n´avrhu jsou zahrnuty v t´eto diplomov´e pr´aci spoleˇcnˇe s pouˇzit´ım softwarov´eho bal´ıku.