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Published By The Grand Lodge Of South Africa Grand Lodge Centre: No. 75, 13th. Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 640-1324 Cover Artwork: "Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, by Wor. Br. Jens Rusch, Germany, see page 18 Deo et Collegio For God and our Order Vir God en ons Orde Arms: Or a square with corner baseward surmounted by a compass Gules; on a chief Azure a sun in splendour; Or Crest: A lion couchant; Or Wreath; Or Gules, Supporters: Two Springboks proper; collared On Motto: Deo et Collegio Wapenskild van die Grootlosie van Suid-Afrika geregistreer by die Buro van Heraldiek, Sertifikaatnommer 1428 van 3 April 1987 CONTENT 3 Coat of Arms 40 Southern Division: Annual report 4 Grand Lodge of South Africa: Declaration 45 Northern Division: Annual report 8 The Grand Master, Most Wor. Armiston Watson 49 Central Division: Annual report 9 The Assistant Grand Masters 51 Eastern Division: Annual report 10 Annual report of the Grand Master 55 Eastern Cape Division: Annual report Jaarsverslag van die Grootmeester 57 The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of 16 Grand Lodge Officers 2008/2009 South Africa Annual report 18 Grand Committee 2008/2009 60 Grand Chapter Officers, Meritorious Service Award to 19 Grand Lodge Standing Committees 2008/2009 Royal Arch Freemasonry, Grand Superintendents 20 Order of Service to Freemasonry (O.S.M.) 61 Past Grand Chapter Officers, 21 Past Grand Masters Honorary Grand Chapter Officers 22 Past Grand Lodge Rank Served 62 Past Grand Chapter Ranks Conferred, 25 Past Grand Lodge Rank Conferred Representatives to Sister Grand Chapters 28 Sixty & Fifty year Masonic Service Jewel 63 Chapter meeting and installation dates, 2007/2008 30 Representatives to Sister Grand Lodges 64 Annual Report of the Grand Superintendent (s.d) 2008 33 Rt Wor Adrian (Bullet) Augustus Rhodes Alexander 65 Validictory Report of the Grand Superintendent 34 The National Grand Lodge Of Greece Northern Division 36 Lodge meeting and Installation Dates, 2008/2009 67 Supreme Council For South Africa 3 ¥ GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA | GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA ¥ Grand Lodge of Grootlosie van South Africa Suid-Afrika Declaration Declaration Verklaring Whereas Freemasonry has been practised in Southern Africa Nademaal Vrymesselary sedert die jaar AD 1772 in Suider- under the Grand East of the Netherlands since the year AD Afrika onder die Groot Ooste van die Nederlande beoefen is en 1772, and having flourished exceedingly well under the benign gedy het onder die heilsame bestuur van die Groot Ooste, het N rule of this Grand East, the Lodges have assembled at Cape die Losies op Saterdag 18 Februarie 1961 in Kaapstad vergader Town on Saturday, February 18th, 1961, and determined on en besluit om ‘n Grootlosie in Suider-Afrika in die lewe te W the formation of a Grand Lodge in Southern Africa for the roep om Vrymesselary met besondere verwysing na die Aloue furtherance of Freemasonry with special reference to the Opdragte te bevorder. Die Grootlosie van Suider-Afrika wat in Ancient Charges. Kaapstad tot stand gekom het, se eerste vereiste vir toelating tot die Orde is dat elke lid ondubbelsinnig die volgende The Grand Lodge of Southern Africa first established at Cape grondbeginsels onderskryf: Town demands that a prerequisite to admission to the Order is that every member shall unequivocally subscribe to the 1. Die eerste voorwaarde vir toelating tot lidmaatskap van die following basic principles: Orde is ‘n geloof in die Opperwese na wie die Vrymesselary verwys as die DOBVDH en Sy geopenbaarde wil. Dit is ‘n 1. The first condition of admission into, and membership of essensiële voorwaarde en laat geen kompromis toe nie. the Order is a belief in the Supreme Being referred to by Freemasons as TGAOTU and His revealed will. This is 2. Die Bybel, waarna die Vrymesselaars verwys as die Boek Van essential and admits no compromise. Die Heilige Wet, lê altyd in Losies oop. Elke kandidaat is gehoue om sy verpligtinge af te lê op dié Boek of Volume wat 2. The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as The Volume of the kragtens sy besondere geloof onskendbaarheidverleen aan Sacret Law, is always open in the Lodges. Every candidate ‘n eed of belofte watdaarop afgelê is.Die Drie Groot Ligte is required to take his Obligation on that Book or Volume van die Vrymesselaars (naamlik DBVDHW, dieWinkelhaak which is held by his particular creed to impart sanctity en Passer) moet altyd vertoon word tydends byeenkomste to an oath or promise taken upon it. That Three Great van die Grootlosieof sy Losies. Hiervan is DBVDHW (Die Lights of Freemasonry (viz TVOSL, the Square and the Boek Van Die Heilige Wet) die belangikste. Compasses) should always be exhibited when the Grand Lodge or its Lodges are at work, the chief of these being 3. Elkeen wat tot Vrymesselary toetree, word by toetrede the TVOSL. streng verbied om hom met enige daad te vereenselwig wat vrede en goeie orde van die samelewing omver kan werp; 3. Everyone who enters Freemasonry is at the outset strictly hy moet die verskuldigde gehoorsaamheid betoon aan die forbidden to countenance any act which may have a wette van enige staat waarin hy woon of wat beskerming tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; he aan hom verleen, en hy mag nooit in gebreke bly in die must pay due obedience to the Law of any State in which nakoming van sy verskuldigde trou aan die staatshoof van he resides or which may afford him protection, and must sy land nie. never be remiss in the allegiance due to the Head of State of his country. 4. Terwyl die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrymsselary op die wyse gehoorsaamheid aan die staat en sy verantwoordelikhede 8 4. While South Africa Freemasonry thus inculcates in each as burger by elkeen van sy lede inskerp, gun dit die indiwidu 0 of its members the duties of loyalty and citizenship, it ‘n eie siening oor sake van openbare belang. Maar nòg in die 0 reserves to the individual the right to hold his own opinion Losie, nòg te enige tyd in sy hoedanigheid as Vrymesselaar with regard to public affairs. But neither in Lodge, nor mag hy sy siening oor godsdienstige of politieke kwessies 2 any time in his capacity as a Freemason, is he permitted bespreek of probeer bevorder. kk to discuss or to advance his view on religious or political oe oo Africa ~ Year BAfrika ~ Jaarb 5. Tpquehreess oGtinoraanlnsitd .y ,L modagne’s a creksnpoownlseidbgileitsy t hfoe rh aigllh hviasl uaec toifo nhsu,m tahne 5. Dfbsuyrin oe desGedardemoeroeslitknklatoeeps l ieave aa sgnntees ldply i‘rkneeh epmekrieledinmk svhi ease eniod pp a ldvlilgiieer o mmmaele nhnssosy sme e,h imadnnideedti wetuloiindeniuwgvaeeyl,rd istideenliieegt, h d- of Soutvan Sui fburnotdhaemrhenootadl oef qmuaanli tayn do fe vaelrly hmuamn’asn d ubteyi ntog sl,a buonuirv ewristahl te beywer vir die welsyn van die gemeenskap. d Lodge ootlosie devotion for the welfare of the community. 6. Dkoiem Gmreonottalaors ioeo wr esearkheo rua kheonmd et ubius,i toefl ainnd dsiee obfu bitienlnaenlda,n vdasne anGr 6. The Grand Lodge refuses to express any opinion on staatsbeleid; laat nie toe dat sy naam gekoppel word aan Gr questions of foreign or domestic state policy either at home enige handeling, ongeag die skynbare humanitêre aard 4 ¥ GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA | GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA ¥ or abroad, and it will not allow its name to be associated daarvan , wat inbreuk maak op sy onwrikbare beleid with any action, however humanitarian it may appear van onpartydigheid wat betref alle kwessies rakende to be, which infringes its unalterable policy of standing betrekkinge tussen regerings of tussen politieke partye, of aloof from every question affecting the relations between botsende teorië oor staatsvorme. governments or between political parties or questions as to rival theories of government. 7. Die Grootlosie weier volstrek om hom op welke wyse ook al te vereenselwig met liggame, wat hulle voordoen as 7. The Grand Lodge refuses absolutely to have any relations Vrymesselaars, wat nie hierdie grondbeginsels onderskryf with Bodies, styling themselves as Freemasons, which do nie. Hy sal ook nie deelneem aan konferensies met not adhere to these basic principles. Nor will it participate sogenaamde internasionale organisasies wat lidmaatskap in Conference with so-called International Associations verleen aan liggame wat hulle nie streng by hierdie which fail to conform strictly to these principles. The Grand beginsels hou nie. Die Grootlosie kan nie deur so ‘n Lodge cannot be represented by any such Association. organisasie verteenwoordig word nie. 8. There is no secret with regard to any of the basic principles 8. Daar is niks geheimsinnig wat betref die grondbeginsels of Freemasonry. The Grand Lodge will always consider van Vrymesselary nie. Die Grootlosie sal altyd oorweging the recognition by those Grand Lodges which profess and skenk aan die erkenning van en erkenning soek by daardie practise and can show that they have consistently professed Grootlosies wat hierdie gevestigde en ongewysigde and practised these established and unaltered principles, beginsels bely en bedryf het. In geen omstandighede sal but in no circumstances will it enter into discussion with dit aan ‘n gesprek deelneem wat daarop gemik is om ‘n a view to any new or varied interpretation of them. They nuwe of gewysigde interpretasie aan die reëls te gee nie. must be accepted and practised wholeheartedly and in Die beginsels moet in die geheel volmondig bely en bedryf their entirety by those who desire to be recognised as word deur die wat as Vrymesselaars erken wil word. Die 2 Freemasons. Furthermore, the Grand Lodge will not enter Grootlosie sal verder geen betrekkinge aanknoop met ‘n 0 into relation with a Grand Lodge, which is in amity with Grootlosie wat op ‘n vriendskaplike voet verkeer met enige any body, which does not adhere strictly to these basic liggaam wat hom nie streng by hierdie basiese beginsels 0 principles. hou nie. 8 9. The Grand Lodge is a sovereign and independent body and 9. Die Grootlosie is ‘n soewereine en onafhanklike liggaam GG rora Dcoshoregnagaltrlrn eohielsas,av btewie osiintonh vgwie nirat e hiritg essns oap ljdeou mnaruisisitndbhilisoectr,tr iiaitonytnid oo oevnpve.ee rIrn tt tdh hdeeeon C etLr,s oa sdnfetgol ofet rsgr Soueyvcnmoedrgebnnroi iilnstiegcs Geosynrrgn abaddenees i ksb‘aniiksn ivnoee oemr ras esnyto tuewaiwdtosmeolrurienditieinlsiletikkr emae gs,a eiegos. na ogDao foriht o Lareno rdskkiieelei nVsk eaon,kn i esed enedlr fSi reisem ygb bbeeoreselhtinaeeadesneer, otlosie van Sund Lodge of S idou or admit the existence of any superior Masonic authority van enige hoër Masonieke gesag nie, hoe dit ookal betitel -Ath 10. AThochcwee epevtseetrda sb tMlyislahesdmo.nesn to fo fS otuhteh eGrrna nAdf rLicoad agse ao fs oAvnerceieignnt aanndd 10. wvDaioner dst.Siugitdinegr- vAafnri dkaie Aaslo u‘ne , Vsorye wener Aeianneg eenno moen Mafehsasneklalaikres frika ~ Jaarboek Africa ~ Year Bo o independent Grand Lodge by Lodges holding Charters Grootlosie deur Losies met Oktrooie van die Groot Ooste k 5 ¥ GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA | GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA ¥ from the Grand East of the Netherlands in the Republic of van die Nederlande in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, in South Africa, in Zimbabwe and Namibia, shall in no way Zimbabwe, en in Namibië, sal in geen opsig die regte affect the rights and privileges enjoyed by any Lodges en voorregte van enige Losie met ‘n Magsbrief van die holding Warrant from the United Grand Lodge of England, Verenigde Grootlosie van Engeland, die Grootlosie van the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Ierland en die Grootlosie van Skotland, wat nog altyd Scotland, which have always shared Masonic jurisdiction Masonieke gesag op gelyke voet in die genoemde oop in the said territories; and have granted Charters for new gebiede gedeel het, aantas nie, en in hulle diskresie Lodges at their discretion. Oktrooie toegestaan het aan nuwe Losies. The Grand Lodge of Southern Africa desires that this Dit is die wens van die Grootlosie van Suider-Afrika dat harmonious relationship and equality of jurisdiction should hierdie harmonieuse gesindheid en gelykheid wat betref gesag continue in the future as in the past, and thereby expressly in die toekoms soos in die verlede sal voortbestaan en verklaar declares: hierby uitdruklik: (a) That all the Lodges, and Royal Arch Chapters, of English, (a). Dat al die Losies en die Koninklike Gewelfkapittels van Irish, or Scottish origin, shall continue to be recognised on Engelse, Ierse en Skotse oorsprong steeds erken sal word a basis of absolute equality. op ‘n grondslag van absolute gelykheid. (b) The United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of (b). Dat die Verenigde Grootlosie van Engeland, die Grootlosie Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland, shall continue to van Ierland en die Grootlosie van Skotland steeds die have the right to grant new Charters for new Lodges (and bevoegdheid sal hê om in hulle diskresie nuwe Oktrooie uit Royal Arch Chapters) at their discretion, until such time te reik vir nuwe Losies (en Koninklike Gewelfkapittels) tot in the future when it might be expedient or necessary to tyd en wyl dit wenslik of nodig geag word om ‘n Verenigde form a United Grand Lodge of Southern Africa by the four Grootlosie van Suider-Afrika deur die vier Konstitusies Constitutions acting by mutual agreement. kragtens ‘n onderlinge ooreenkoms te stig. (c) That the existence of the Grand Lodge of Southern Africa (c). Dat die bestaan van die Grootlosie van Suider-Afrika as ‘n as a sovereign and independent Grand Lodge shall not onafhanklike Grootlosie nie die stigting van tyd tot tyd in preclude the establishment in the open territories from oop gebiede deur die Verenigde Grootlosie van Engeland, time to time by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grootlodie van Ierland en die Grootlosie van Skotland Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland, en hul onderskeie Distriks- en Provinsiale Grootlosies and their respective District and Provincial Grand Lodges en Dogterlosies van ‘n ander of ander Grootlosies ,met and daughter Lodges of another or other Grand Lodges uitsluitlike gesag in oop gebiede oor die Vak en Simboliese with sole and sovereign Masonic jurisdiction in the open Grade onder hulle administratiewe beheer, uitsluit nie. territories over the Craft and Symbolic Degrees within their administration (d). Dat aangesien Zimbabwe en Zambië buite die Republiek van Suid-Afrika geleë is, onderneem hierdie Grootlosie (d) That as Zimbabwe and Zambia are States outside the om nie Oktrooie vir nuwe Losies in hierdie gebiede uit te Republic of South Africa, this Grand Lodge undertakes not reik nie en dat sy jurisidiksie streng beperk word tot die to grant any Charters for new Lodges in those territories sewe bestaande Losies wat tans in Zimbabwe en Zambië and its jurisdiction is strictly confined to the seven Lodges werksaam is. at present existing and working in Zimbabwe and Zambia. 11. Dat die lidmaatskap van die Grootlosie en die indiwiduele 11. That the membership of the Grand Lodge and individual Losies uitsluitlik uit mans sal bestaan; en dat elke 8 Lodges shall be composed exclusively of men; and that Grootlosie nie Masonieke gemeenskap van enige aard sal 0 each Grand Lodge shall have no Masonic intercourse of hê met gemengde Losies of liggame wat vroue toelaat nie. 0 any kind with mixed Lodges or bodies which admit women to membership 12. Dat die beginsels van die Aloue Landmerke, sedes en 2 gebruike van die Vak stiptelik nagekom sal word. Met die kk 12. That the principles of the Ancient Landmarks, customs, toestemming van die Grootlosies van Engeland, Ierland en oe oo Africa ~ Year BAfrika ~ Jaarb wtSahncaeods t ccluoahsnnaadsnge,ge ntseht d eoo tffno tat thhmheeee GC Gorrfraa atfnhntde ds GLhLoaroadldlng gdbee es Lo ofos ftSd rEogicuent tgolhylfa ASonofbdrus,i tecIhrarev efrelonadlnl .Ao dWwf raiiinncthdga ESbokpenko g8tre lalJaagunntndidgi, e iov s1pe d9r 87iae 9nO ,nd knaetaaro mbsnae nvmr a 1den9is e7dp 9irGe.e WrkGoiranooatgolrso t dlsmoiieese itnev ad avainaem n SG SSuruuiodiiodd-tAeelrrof--rsAAiikeffa rrv iiaekknnaa h d- of Soutvan Sui 1d9i7sc9u, sasniodn sc owniftihr mtheed Gorna n8d OLocdtogbee or f 1E9n79g.l aCndon osne q8u eJnutnlye, voorkom, moet dit gelees word as Suid-Afrika. d Lodge ootlosie wash Seoreuvther A tfhreic naa. me Southern Africa appears, it must read anGr Gr 6 ¥ GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA | GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA ¥ 2 0 0 8 GG rora on tlosie van Sud Lodge of S idou -Ath The Eiffel Tao rweenro, wthnee dta Fllreeset mbuaislodnin agn idn wPaarsi bs u(3il2t 4a sm t)h, eis e nnatrmaendc ea aftrecrh i tfos rd tehseig 1n8e8r9, eWngorinlde'esr F Gauirs.tave Eiffel, frika ~ Jaarboe Africa ~ Year B ko o k 7 The Grand Master / Die Grootmeester 8 0 0 2 kk oe oo Bb Africa ~ Year Afrika ~ Jaar Most Worshipful Bro. / Hoogeerwaarde Br. h d- Soutn Sui Armiston Watson of va e e d Lodgootlosi anGr Gr A 8 W Grand Lodge of South Africa Grootlosie van Suid Afrika G Established / gestig 1961. L Dep. Grand Master Asst. Grand Master Asst. Grand Master Adj. Grootmeester Asst. Grootmeester Asst. Grootmeester Rt. Wor.Bro G Edwards. Rt.Wor, Bro P Coetzee Rt Wor. Bro GLN Schuitermaker Grand Secretary /Grootsekretaris Rt.Wor.Bro./ SV Br. Andrew Arthur. Registered Office: Grand Lodge Centre/ Grootlosiesentrum. 75, 13th Street, Orange Grove P.O. Box 46203, Orange Grove, 2119. Telephone: 011 640 1324 Fax: 011 640 3915 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.grandlodge.co.za 9 ¥ GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA | GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA ¥ Grand Lodge of South Africa Report of the Grand Master for 2007/2008 Report 2007/2008 Orange Grove, Johannesburg - 19 July 2008 WELCOME: Good afternoon Brethren, it is with a certain amount of mixed feelings that I greet you all today. I am, of course, very proud and honoured to welcome each one of you at this 47th Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge but I am, Wsimultaneously, saddened by the fact that our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John Bowen OSM, is unable to lead this meeting himself. I am, however, privileged to render this report on behalf of Most Worshipful Brother John Bowen and it is in his name that I, not only thank you all for gracing our Grand Lodge with your presence here today, but I am especially pleased to extend the most sincere fraternal greetings to a number distinguished Brethren in our midst. surgery, which, it was thought would render him indisposed Firstly, and most importantly, a very sincere welcome to our for at least ten weeks, he appointed me to act as Grand Master immediate Past Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Ben with full powers, until his return. His return to office was, Lindeque, a man who still toils for Freemasonry as if he is however, sadly delayed, time and time again when he was aspiring to climb the ladder whilst he has, in fact, reached the either re-admitted to Hospital or moved to other institutions very top rung - but more about that later. for treatment and I have therefore continued as mandated to this day. We are also most privileged to have a number of visiting Grand Lodge Representatives in our midst. Brethren, our Grand Master has suffered immensely these past months but I think that his dear wife June, who has been • From the National Grand Lodge of Greece we welcome their at his side every possible minute of the day, has suffered even Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Dimitrios Kontesis, more, albeit in a different way. I have asked this before and ask and you all again to think of them both and their children, in your prayers. I would also like to thank all those Brethren who have • From the Grand Lodge of Congo Brazzaville we welcome Very visited, written or phoned but I must single out two Brethren. Worshipful Brethren Vincent Gomes – Assistant Grand Master, Enoch Miata – Assistant Grand Master and Paul Obambe – Our sincere gratitude is extended to our Grand Almoner, Right Grand Inspector. Worshipful Bro Neville Klein, who has visited our Grand Master every single day, since his indisposition and still does We regard it as singular honour to be held in such high esteem so every day. This is more than can be expected from anyone by these Grand Lodges and extend to them, our warmest but we, in turn, can do no more than to say thank you, thank greetings and welcome to the Grand Lodge of South Africa you most sincerely! and trust that they will enjoy today’s proceedings and their 8 sojourn in our beloved South Africa. Brethren, kindly also The other worthy Brother is Most Worshipful Brother Ben 0 convey our Fraternal Best Wishes to the Brethren of your Lindeque, who not only travels from Johannesburg to visit our 0 various Jurisdictions. Grand Master regularly, but is also a source of great support and advice to the family. Most Worshipful Brother Lindeque, 2 REPORT ON ACTIVITIES: In the absence of our Most you are one of those unique Brethren who surface only now kk Worshipful Grand Master, it is now my pleasant duty to report and again in history and I am truly unable to express our oe oo Africa ~ Year BAfrika ~ Jaarb wioonnnidt hithsh piheso issabi cetdtihoiuavntlii,fte .it seh Isetf r oGomfm ruGa snrttdah n beM del aaLnstototeetdrerg dwep, aafhrsoto r uw ontefha vebOe lrcep,t etotrobhi oecadrot n22dt00uin0e0u7 7,e/t o 2ff r0uoh0lmli8ys, EasipXnpEcrCeerUceiT atIthViaoEnn Sk sUsu PaffnPidOc iRaepnTp:t lrIye s.c iMniacytei oBrenrlo.y t hbeelri,e wvee tahlsaot tshaelu ttaes ky ohua nwdiethd h d- of Soutvan Sui wBrhoitchhe tri mBeen h iLsi dnudteiqeus ew aenred sIh, awrehdi lbste tswoemeen dMuotsiet sW woerrseh ipalfsuol tgoiv uens tmheid osbtrveiaomus, dwisaasd vexanectaugteeds, aton dt hI ec abne scto noffi doeunrt layb rieliptioerst, d Lodge ootlosie delegated to a number of other senior Brethren. Cthoants Gtirtauntido Ln,o Ldagwe sis a onpde Rraetginugla wtieolnl sa. nd in accordance with it’s anGr At the start of the activities for this year, when it became Gr clear that the Grand Master would have to undergo major 10

Tel: (011) 640-1324. Cover Artwork: "Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, by Wor. van Niekerk A. Past Asst. Grand Master. 1983. Oud Ast. Grootmeester.
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