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Lysophospholipid Growth Factors Edward J. Goetzl*, Hsinyu Lee and G.J. Tigyi University of California at San Franscisco, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, 533 Parnassus at 4th, UB8B, Box 0711, San Francisco, CA 94143-0711, USA *corresponding author tel: 415-476-5339, fax: 415-476-6915, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2000.13004. SUMMARY Heringdorf et al., 1997; Moolenaar et al., 1997; An et al., 1998a; Goetzl and An, 1998; Lee et al., 1999b; Tigyi et al., 1999; Goetzl and Lynch, 2000). The Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine 1- PLGFs/LPLs were discovered first chemically in the phosphate (S1P) are the biologically predominant mid- to late 1800s among other organic solvent- members of a family of mediators termed lysophos- extractable components of cells and tissues. The dis- pholipid growth factors (PLGFs) or lysophospho- covery of LPA as a biologically active acidic lipids (LPLs). These amphipathic phospholipids are phospholipid dates back to the late 1940s and 1950s generated by platelets, macrophages, other leuko- (Vogt, 1949, 1957; Gabr, 1956) when it was isolated cytes, epithelial cells, and some tumors in amounts and identified as a stimulator of intestinal smooth thatresultinmicromolarconcentrationsinserumand muscle contraction. The only unifying structural some tissue fluids. A family of G protein-coupled motif of LPLs/PLGFs is the ubiquitous presenceof a receptors bind LPA and S1P to transduce signals sti- phosphate ester moiety and a hydrocarbon chain, mulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, survi- which are linked to glycerol or serine backbone. val,andcellularfunctions.LPAandS1Phaverolesin Glycero-PLGFs/LPLs, exemplified by LPA, are hemostasis, cardiovascular regulation, wound heal- members of the phospholipid family which predomi- ing, cytoprotection, immunity, inflammation, and nates quantitatively among lipid structural constitu- organ system development normally, and in the ents of cellular membranes. Sphingolipids were pathogenesis of some types of cancer. named for their shared sphingoid backbone and represent a quantitatively diminutive family com- pared with phospholipids. However, as shown by the BACKGROUND protean biological activities of S1P, sphingolipids are oneofthestructurallyandfunctionallymostcomplex Discovery classes of biological mediators. As for our evolving understanding of other bioactive lipids, the apprecia- Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine 1-phos- tion of crucial roles of PLGFs/LPLs in cellular bio- phate (S1P), and other LPLs/PLGFs are amphipa- logy derives from recent observations of their rapid thic metabolic products of membrane phospholipids generation from cell membrane precursors, ability to in stimulated cells, which are present in many directly regulate lipid-metabolizing enzymes (Baker mammalian physiological fluids at up to micro- and Chang, 2000), often transient appearance in molar concentrations and have diverse effects on relation to cellular responses, capacity to move with cellular proliferation, differentiation, survival, and proteins in the planes of membranes, and potent functions (Moolenaar, 1995; Spiegel and Milstien, effects on critical activities of cells both as intra- 1995; Tokumura, 1995; Spiegel and Merrill, 1996; cellular messengers and extracellular mediators. 1408 Edward J. Goetzl, Hsinyu Lee and G.J. Tigyi Alternative names effects, PLGFs/LPLs have prominent secondary effects on cells through their abilities to alter pro- duction of protein growth factors, act synergistically Lysoglycerophospholipids,lysosphingophospholipids, with other growth factors, and modify expression of phosphatidates. receptors for protein growth factors. The current intense focus on PLGFs/LPLs was Structure initiated in part by the discovery that many of their effects as extracellular mediators for diverse types of cells are transduced by a novel family of highly spe- The LPLs all are complex lipids with one phosphate, cificGprotein-coupledreceptors(GPCRs)(seechap- one free hydroxyl group, and a medium- or long- ter on Lysophospholipid growth factor receptors). chain fatty acid on aglycerol or sphingoidbackbone. These GPCRs were identified first as elements of The glycerolipid PLGFs/LPLs usually contain one expression of immediate-early responses of endothe- phosphate ester moiety and an ester- or ether-linked lialcellstodifferentiatingstimuli,andthushavebeen hydrocarbon chain. Although many of them contain designated tentatively the endothelial differentiation a hydroxyl group in the sn-1 or sn-2 position of the gene receptors (Edg Rs). The consideration of glycerol backbone, its presence is not essential for PLGFs/LPLs in this section and of Edg Rs in the biological activity, as naturally occurring 1,2-cyclic- companion section will be directed principally to phosphatidic acid (Fischer et al., 1998; Liliom et al., descriptionsoftheirdistinctivecytokine-likeeffectsin 1998; Kobayashi et al., 1999), as well as short-chain cellular differentiation, survival, proliferation, and (Jalink et al., 1994) and/or long-chain phosphatidic cytoskeleton-based functions, and of new findings acids (Siddiqui and English, 1996, 1997) elicit simi- about their possible roles in human diseases. lar cellular responses. The sphingolipid phosphates implicated as extracellular mediators include S1P (Postma et al., 1996), sphingosylphosphorylcholine, GENE AND GENE REGULATION psychosine, glucopsychosine (Himmel et al., 1998), and ceramide-1-phosphate (Gomez-Munoz et al., 1995). As PLGFs/LPLs are generated and biodegraded by complex cellular pathways involving multiple Main activities and enzymes (Table 1), expression of the genes encoding pathway-controlling enzymes and their regulatory pathophysiological roles factors determines the net levels of each LPL during any tissue reaction. The predominant pathways and The PLGFs/LPLs serve as both extracellular media- enzymes also may differ in each type of cell, which tors and intracellular messengers for many types of resultsinalevelofcomplexityprecludingatpresenta cells (see the sections on In vitro activities and In vivo meaningful tabulation of genes controlling the family biological activities). In addition to their primary of PLGFs/LPLs. Table 1 Rate-controlling and regulatory enzymes of lysolipid phosphate biosynthesis Activity LPA S1P Release and metabolism of Phospholipase D and/or Sphingomyelinases (ceramide) membrane precursor (product) phospholipase C+DAGK with Ceramidase (sphingosine) sphingomyelinase (phosphatidic acid) Conversion to LPL (product) Secretory PLA (LPA) Sphingosine kinase (S1P) 2 Biodegradation of LPL Phosphatidate PH PP-lyase Lysophospholipases LPA acyltransferase DAGK,diacylglycerolkinase;PH, phosphohydrolase;PP,pyridoxalphosphate-dependent. Lysophospholipid Growth Factors 1409 Accession numbers which is converted to LPA by secretory PLA and 2 possibly other PLs (Table 1) (Gaits et al., 1997). Analogously, S1P is generated by the sequential See Protein accession numbers. actions of sphingomyelinases, ceramidase, and sphin- gosine kinase (Table 1) (Hannun, 1994; Spiegel and Chromosome location Merrill, 1996; Schissel et al., 1998; Tomiuk et al., 1998).PLA andsphingosinekinasearethedominant 2 rate-controlling enzymes in the respective synthetic The location of the gene for each lipid-metabolizing pathways (Fourcade et al., 1995; Higgs et al., 1998; enzyme is available from standard databases. Kohama et al., 1998). Concurrent degradative acti- vities of a series of lysophospholipases, lysolipid Cells and tissues that express the phosphatases, acyltransferases, and an S1P-specific lyase contribute significantly to the courses of app- gene earance and net maximal concentrations of LPA and S1P attained in any reaction (Waggoner et al., 1996; These studies are not complete, but available data Eberhardt et al., 1997; Kai et al., 1997; Wang et al., suggest expression of genes encoding the LPL syn- 1997; Brindley and Waggoner, 1998; Mandala et al., thetic systems principally in megakaryocytes (plate- 1998; Roberts et al., 1998). The dependence of tissue lets), macrophages, some other leukocytes, epithelial andfluidconcentrationsofLPAandS1Ponmultiple cells, and some tumor cells. LPL-generating and -metabolizing enzymes suggests that a genetic defect in any one will alter the respective downstream pathways with functional PROTEIN significance. Accession numbers CELLULAR SOURCES AND Criticallipid-metabolizingenzymesofthesystemsfor TISSUE EXPRESSION generating LPA and S1P are as follows: Human: Cellular sources that produce Acid sphingomyelinase: M59916 Neutral sphingomyelinase: AJ222801 Ceramidase: U70063 LPA was definitively characterized structurally and Phospholipase C (PLC): (cid:11) D16234, (cid:13) M34667 as a serum and incubated-plasma vasoactive and Phospholipase D (PLD): L11701 platelet-active factor in the late 1970s (Tokumura Diacylglycerol kinase: X62535 etal.,1978;Schumacheretal.,1979).Threestimulus- Secretory PLA : AF112982 coupled cellular synthetic schemes have been impli- 2 Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase: AF000237 cated in LPA generation and, by analogy S1P Mouse: production. (1) Generation by degradation of com- Sphingosine kinase: AF068749 plex membrane phospholipids. After sphingomyeli- nase conditioning of plasma membrane vesicles released from activated cells, PLC- and/or PLD- Sequence dependent mechanisms liberate phosphatidic acid, which is converted to LPA by secretory PLA and 2 These are available through accession numbers. possibly other PLs (Table 1). (2) Generation by lipid kinases.Inthrombin-activatedplateletsdiacylglycerol kinase is thought to generate PA, which in turn is Description of protein cleaved to LPA by secretory PLA (Lapetina et al., 2 1981a,b). (3) Generation by oxidative degradation. The enzymes responsible for production of LPA and Siess and colleagues have shown the production of S1P are phospholipases (PLs), sphingolipases, and LPA in minimally oxidized low-density lipoprotein, highly specialized lipid kinases. After sphingomyeli- by mechanisms similar to those that generate PAF- nase conditioning of plasma membrane vesicles derivatives (Siess et al., 1999). The serum con- released from activated platelets, leukocytes, epithe- centration of LPA is micromolar, in contrast with lial cells, and some tumors, PLC- and/or PLD- nanomolar levels in fresh plasma, suggesting that dependent mechanisms liberate phosphatidic acid, platelets are a major source of LPA (Gerrard and 1410 Edward J. Goetzl, Hsinyu Lee and G.J. Tigyi Robinson, 1984; Eichholtz et al., 1993). Macro- cytokines stimulate generation of LPA and S1P. phages, some other types of leukocytes, many epithe- PDGF stimulation of fibroblasts and (cid:11) -adrenergic 1 lial cells, ovarian cancer cells, and some other tumor stimulationofadipocytesleadtothesecretionofLPA cells also produce and retain LPA at rates which into the extracellular medium. Thrombin stimulation result in intracellular concentrations ranging up to of platelets causes the release of stored S1P into the 30–60mM (Tokumura et al., 1999). The interactions bloodstream (Yatomi et al., 1995). of LPA with various intracellular lipid-binding proteins have not been studied to date. ExtracellularLPAisboundbyserumalbuminwith RECEPTOR UTILIZATION an apparent K of 350nM, which enhances cellular d delivery and effective potency (Tigyi and Miledi, Two distinct types of GPCRs bind LPLs specifically 1992; Thumser et al., 1994; Goetzl et al., 1999c). andconsequentlytransducediversecellularsignalsby Recent analyses have shown high-affinity binding of associating with one or more G proteins. The Edg R LPA to plasma gelsolin, with an apparent K of 6– d familyiscomposedoftwosubfamiliesinwhichmem- 7nM,whichdeliversLPAtosometypesofcellsmore bers are linked by higher levels of structural efficiently and with more potent activity than serum homology and specific recognition of the same LPL albumin (Goetzl et al., 1999c). LPA binds to the two ligand (see chapter on Lysophospholipid growth fac- phosphatidylinositol diphosphate (PIP ) sites of 2 torreceptors).Edg-1,-3and-5exhibitapproximately gelsolin in competition with PIP . Cellular delivery 2 50% amino acid sequence identity and bind S1P, but ofLPAbygelsolin ismosteffective atconcentrations not LPA, with high-affinity (An et al., 1997b, 1998a; of 1% to up to 10% of those in normal plasma. At Zondag et al., 1998). Edg-2, -4, and -7 represent a concentrations <10% of those in normal plasma, second cluster of structural similarity and bind LPA, gelsolin traps LPA and prevents access to cells with butnotS1P,withhighaffinity(Hechtetal.,1996;An an efficiency which may explain the lack of effect of etal.,1997a,1998b;Bandohetal.,1999).EachEdgR LPAinplasmaonendothelialcellsnormally.Thefact also shows a distinctive profile of association with G that lower ratios of gelsolin to LPA may lead to proteins, which explains in part the differences in decreased binding affinity has suggested negative site cellular activities between members of a subfamily. cooperativity.ThusplasmagelsolinmaycarryLPAin The LPL ligands for Edg-6 and Edg-8 have not been an inactive state and then deliver it to cells in an defined to date. Xenopus oocytes and some rodent active state when gelsolin levels drop in plasma and cellsexpressasecondtypeofGPCRforLPA,termed tissue fluids, as a result of dilution and binding to PSP24, which is modestly homologous with the actin released from injured cells. This possibility is GPCRforphospholipidplatelet-activatingfactorbut supported by findings of gelsolin concentrations not with Edg Rs (Guo et al., 1996; Kawasawa, et al., optimal for cellular delivery of LPA in fluids of 1998). PSP24 transduces LPA-evoked oscillatory burnedtissues andairway secretions ofinflammatory Cl(cid:255)currents through activation of the inositol tris- lung diseases (Goetzl et al., 1999c). phosphate-Ca2+ system and is most highly expressed Sphingolysolipid phosphate mediators, such as in the central nervous system of mice, but its physio- S1P, are formed during turnover and degradation of logical roles are still under investigation. membrane sphingolipids by diverse sphingomyeli- nases and downstream enzymes in numerous types of cells (Spiegel and Milstien, 1995; Spiegel and Merrill, IN VITRO ACTIVITIES 1996) (Table 1). Plasma and serum concentrations of S1P are in the high nanomolar to micromolar range In vitro findings with extensive binding normally to serum albumin and possibly other proteins, but not gelsolin. The capacity of S1P to act as a potent intracellular messengerwassuggestedinitiallybyitscompartment- Eliciting and inhibitory stimuli, alized generation and concentration in cells respond- including exogenous and ing to protein growth factors (Rani et al., 1997; Melendezetal.,1998).Thefactsthatinhibitorsofthe endogenous modulators sphingosine kinase, which controls synthesis of S1P, suppressed transduction of signals from receptors for Platelet adherence and aggregation, induced by a some protein growth factors selectively and that wide range of platelet-activating factors, and activa- exogenous S1P reversed this suppression support a tion of macrophages and fibroblasts by relevant roleforS1Pasanintracellularmessenger(Spiegeland Lysophospholipid Growth Factors 1411 Merrill, 1996). LPA has been implicated as an 1995;Wuetal.,1995;Cuvillieretal.,1996;Seufferlein intracellular mediator of synaptic vesicle formation et al., 1996; Inoue et al., 1997; Levine et al., 1997; (Schmidt et al., 1999). Herrlichetal.,1998;Holtsbergetal.,1998;Kohetal., The principal biological activities of LPA and S1P 1998; Dixon et al., 1999; Goetzl et al., 1999a; Hisano are as extracellular mediators, which have three basic et al., 1999; Pebayet al., 1999; Pyne et al., 1999; Sato typesofeffects(Table2).Thefirst are growth-related et al., 1999). The second are cytoskeleton-based and include proliferation, differentiation, enhanced functional effects, which include shape change, survival, and decreased sensitivity to apoptosis of altered adherence, chemotaxis, contraction, and diverse types of cells (Van Corven et al., 1989, 1993; secretion (Tigyi and Miledi, 1992; Imamura et al., Tigyietal.,1994;Tokumuraetal.,1994;Piazzaetal., 1993; Kolodney and Elson, 1993; Bornfeldt et al., Table 2 Biological activities of LPA and S1P Activities LPA S1P Growth-related effects Stimulate cellular proliferation Fibroblasts Fibroblasts Renal tubular cells Monocytes Mesangial cells T cells Smooth muscle cells (vascular) Cancer cells Keratinocytes T cells Cancer cells Increase cellular survival Macrophages B lymphocytes Suppress apoptosis Renal tubular cells Fibroblasts Cardiac monocytes Endothelial cells T cells T cells Monocytes Monocytes Oocytes Cytoskeleton-based responses Cell morphology Neurite retraction Neurite retraction Actin cytoskeletal remodeling Myocyte hypertrophy Myocyte hypertrophy Cell–cell/cell–matrix adhesion Focal adhesion Fibronectin matrix assembly Platelet aggregation Platelet aggregation Leukocyte–endothelial interactions Leukocyte–endothelial interactions Chemotaxis/kinesis Tumor cells (transcellular) Neutrophils (inhibition) Endothelial cells Endothelial cells Secretion Neurotransmitter release Protein growth factors Protein growth factors Altered electrical excitability; Neuroblasts Ventricular myocytes ion conductance Smooth muscle cells Cerebrovascular myocytes Intracellular signaling TNF(cid:11), adhesion PDGF, proliferation 1412 Edward J. Goetzl, Hsinyu Lee and G.J. Tigyi 1995; Tigyi et al., 1995, 1996a,b; Postma et al., 1996; protective effects of LPLs are associated with Sakanoetal.,1996;Duranteetal.,1997;Kawaetal., increases in protective Bcl-2, decreases in apoptosis- 1997; Oral et al., 1997; Seewald et al., 1997; Yatomi promotingBax,andinhibitionofcaspases3,6,and7, et al., 1997; MacDonell et al., 1998; Mathes et al., but not 8 (Cuvillier et al., 1996, 1998; Goetzl et al., 1998; Rodriguez-Fernandez and Rozengurt, 1998; 1999a). Titievskyetal.,1998;Xiaetal.,1998;Brocklynetal., Cytoskeleton-based functional responses to LPLs 1999;Dubinetal.,1999;Kranenburgetal.,1999;Lee include alterations in cellular morphology during et al., 1999a; Panetti et al., 1999; Rizza et al., 1999; differentiation, as typified by LPA-induced rounding Shahrestanifar et al., 1999; Siess et al., 1999; Zhang of stellate periventricular neurons, and retraction of et al., 1999). The third are linked to activation of neurites evoked by LPA and S1P in postmitotic ionfluxesthatincludeCa2+,K+,andCl(cid:255),whichlead neurons (Table 2) (Tigyi and Miledi, 1992; Hecht to contraction, secretion, and altered excitability in et al., 1996; Postma et al., 1996; Tigyi et al., 1996a,b; different cell types (Jalink et al., 1994; Watsky, 1995; Brocklyn et al., 1999; Kranenburg et al., 1999). In Postma et al., 1996). Stimulation of proliferation of suchresponses,stressfiberformationreflectschanges many different types of cells by both LPA and S1P, in the state of the microfilament network. Activation through a pertussis toxin-inhibitable mechanism, is of Rho-mediated signaling is responsible for the the defining activity of PLGFs/LPLs. A complex set rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton and actin- of LPL-initiated signaling pathways results in associated signaling molecules causing a loss of the increases in intranuclear levels of the Ras-dependent differentiated phenotype. However, Rho-mediated ternarycomplexfactor(TCF)andtheRho-dependent signals also inhibit the signal transduction program serum response factor (SRF), which together bind to of neuronal differentiation by inhibiting neurite out- and transcriptionally activate the serum response ele- growth and the cessation of cell proliferation in ment (SRE) in promoters of many immediate-early response totreatments, which induceneuronaldiffer- response genes critical to cellular proliferation (Hill entiation (Jalink et al., 1994; Kozma et al., 1997; and Treisman, 1995; Hill et al., 1995; Fromm et al., Sebok et al., 1999). Similarly to LPA, S1P affects 1997).ItispresumedthatEdgRtransductionofLPL vascular differentiation of endothelial cells, which signals to SRE requires association with both G/ to involves the Rho-dependent formation of adherens i o recruit Ras and with G / to engage Rho. junctions(Leeetal.,1999b).LPAandS1Pevokefocal 12 13 Confirming evidence comes from the individual abi- adhesionkinaseactivity,activatecellsurfaceadhesive lities of pertussis toxin inactivation of G and of proteins,andinitiateassemblyofafibronectinmatrix i Clostridium botulinum C3 ADP-ribosyltransferase oncells(RidleyandHall,1992;Seufferleinetal.,1996; inactivation of Rho to inhibit proliferative effects of Rodriguez-Fernandez and Rozengurt, 1998; Sakai LPLs and to exert greater suppression when applied etal.,1998;Zhangetal.,1999).Integratedexpression in combination. oftheseresponsesmediatesPLGF/LPL-elicitedplate- In addition to direct nuclear stimulation of cellular let aggregation and endothelial interactions with proliferation, LPLs also have indirect effects, which platelets and leukocytes. These and other related include increased secretion of autocrine protein events are crucial to cellular chemotactic, secretory, growth factors, heightened expression of receptors and contractile responses to LPA and S1P. The prin- for protein growth factors, and enhanced expression cipal current obstacle to better understanding of the ofplasmamembrane-localizedproteingrowthfactors mechanisms underlying cellular effects of LPLs is the such as the heparin-binding epidermal growth factor absence of bioavailable and potent pharmacological (EGF)-like growth factor, which acts on EGF agonists and antagonists specific for Edg Rs and receptors of neighboring cells by a juxtacrine mecha- other LPL Rs. nism (Piazza et al., 1995; Goetzl et al., 1999b,d). In a few types of cells, where LPA elicits an increase in intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP, there is Regulatory molecules: Inhibitors suppression of cellular proliferation (Tigyi et al., and enhancers 1994). The mechanisms whereby LPLs improve cell- ular survival are not fully understood, but include reduction in apoptosis. In the few types of cells for A wide range of analogs and other variants of LPA which mechanisms of suppression of apoptosis by and S1P have been synthesized in studies of the LPLs have been elucidated, studies have detected structural determinantsof activity of the parent com- both alterations in intracellular levels of effector pounds (Bittman et al., 1996; Liliom et al., 1996; proteins of the Bcl family and selective inhibition of Lynchetal.,1997;Fischeretal.,1998),butmosthave activity of specific caspases. In T lymphocytes, the the same undesirable physicochemical properties as Lysophospholipid Growth Factors 1413 LPAandS1P,andnoneisasignificantlymorepotent Initiation of lung inflammation in guinea pigs by agonist or full antagonist of mammalian receptors. intratrachealadministrationofLPSinducedsecretion Limited applications of antireceptor antibodies, of type II secretory phospholipase A (sPLA ) into 2 2 biochemical inhibitors of characteristic signaling bronchoalveolar fluid and accompanying 3- to 10- pathways, and genetic approaches – such as over- fold increases in the concentrations of palmitic acid, expression of one receptor or antisense ablation of total free fatty acids (FFAs), and lyso-phosphatidyl- one receptor, have been useful in the early phases of choline (lyso-PC) (Chilton et al., 1996; Arbibe et al., research, but have not delineated use of individual 1998). A specific inhibitor of sPLA reduced by a 2 receptors by cells nor been helpful for in vivo meanof60%theincreasesinlevelsofFFAsandlyso- investigations. PC evoked by LPS. Similar increases in the con- centrations of FFAs and lyso-PC were attained by administration of guinea pig recombinant sPLA , in Bioassays used 2 parallel with major decreases in surfactant content of phospholipids (Arbibe et al., 1998). The capacity of The basicbioassays have been summarized succinctly lysophospholipase D in lung tissues to convert lyso- in published works (Spiegel and Merrill, 1996; Tigyi PC to LPAis suggested tobe onesource ofincreased et al., 1999). LPA in pulmonary secretions of injured or inflamed lungs,butwasnotdemonstrateddirectly.LPAandits active variants cyclic PA and alkenyl-GP and lyso- IN VIVO BIOLOGICAL phosphatidylserine were identified at biologically active concentrations in aqueous humor and lacrimal ACTIVITIES OF LIGANDS IN glandfluidfrom rabbiteyes(Liliometal.,1998).The ANIMAL MODELS concentrations of LPA and its homologs were increased after corneal injury to levels which sti- Normal physiological roles mulated proliferation of keratinocytes isolated from uninjured rabbit corneas, suggesting a role in normal LPA and/or fluid-phase lysophospholipid precursors wound healing. of LPA are elevated in at least four different clinical settings (Table 3): (1) acute lung diseases, such as adultrespiratorydistresssyndrome(ARDS)andacute Knockout mouse phenotypes inflammatory exacerbations of chronic lung diseases, such as asthma, (2) surface epithelial cell injury, as in These are limited to a receptor knockout (see chapter transcorneal freezing or cutaneous burns, (3) certain on Lysophospholipid growth factor receptors). malignancies of which ovarian cancer is the most extensively analyzed, and (4) in CSF following subarachnoid hemorrhage (Yakubu et al., 1997). Of Interactions with cytokine network theseconditions,animalmodelshavebeenestablished or adapted for studies of the roles of lysophos- pholipids in lung and ocular tissue trauma and LPLs modify secretion of some cytokine growth inflammation. factors as noted above. Table 3 Pathophysiological contributions Model or disease Site LPL Contribution Rabbit corneal injury Aqueous humor LPA, LPA isomers Wound healing Human lung injury BAL LPA, LPC, other PLs Wound healing Human atherosclerosis Vascular lesions LPA Platelet/endothelial activation Human ovarian cancer Tumor/metastases LPA Tumor growth, spread Increased vascular permeability BAL,bronchoalveolarlavagefluid. 1414 Edward J. Goetzl, Hsinyu Lee and G.J. Tigyi PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES two G protein-coupled receptors for lysosphingolipids. FEBS Lett.417,279–282. IN NORMAL HUMANS AND An,S.,Goetzl,E.J.,andLee,H.(1998a).Signalingmechanisms andmolecularcharacteristicsofGprotein-coupledreceptorsfor DISEASE STATES AND lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine 1-phosphate. J. Cell. DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY Biochem.Suppl.30/31,147–157. An, S., Bleu, T., Hallmark, O. G., and Goetzl, E. J. (1998b). Characterization of a novel subtype of human G protein- Normal levels and effects coupled receptor for lysophosphatidic acid. J. Biol. Chem. 273,7906–7910. Arbibe, L., Koumanov, K., Vial, D., Rougeot, C., Faure, G., The plasma concentrations of LPA and S1P are mid- Havet, N., Longacre, S., Vargaftig, B. B., Bereziat, G., nanomolar and up to micromolar, respectively, and Voelker, D. R., Wolf, C., and Touqui, L. (1998). Generation serum concentrations of both are micromolar. of lyso-phospholipids from surfactant in acute lung injury is mediatedbytype-IIphospholipaseA2andinhibitedbyadirect surfactant protein a-phospholipase A2 protein interaction. 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(1996). plasma levels of LPA been increased so consistently Inhibitors of lipid phosphatidate receptors: N-palmitol-serine as to suggest pathogenetic roles and even utility as a and N-palmitoyl-tyrosine phosphoric acids. J. Lipid Res. 37, biochemical marker of these malignancies (Xu et al., 391–398. 1998). The ability of LPA to stimulate increased Bornfeldt, K. E., Graves, L. M., Raines, E. W., Igarashi, Y., expressionbyovariancancercellsofadhesiveproteins Wayman, G., Yamamura, S., Yatomi, Y., Sidhu, J. S., Krebs, E. G., Hakomori, S.-I., and Ross, R. (1995). characteristic of the neoplastic state, such as vascular Sphingosine-1-phosphate inhibits PDGF-induced chemotaxis endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (Hu et al., 2000), of human arterial smooth muscle cells: spatial and temporal transcellular migration (Imamura et al., 1993), and modulationofPDGFchemotacticsignaltransduction.J.Cell. proliferation (Goetzl et al., 1999e), without effects on Biol.130,193–206. normal ovarian surface epithelial cells, has contrib- Brindley,D.N.,andWaggoner, D.W.(1998).Mammalianlipid phosphate phospholydrolases. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 24281–- uted to the authenticity of suggestions that plasma 24284. levelsofLPArepresentausefulmarkerforevenearly Brocklyn, J. R. V., Tu, Z., Edsall, L. C., Schmidt, R. R., and stages of ovarian cancer. 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