[ This page left intentionally blank] LYING FOR GOD: What Adventists Knew And When They Knew It! 10th EDITION By KERRY B. WYNNE B.A., English & history (1970 & 1972), Pacific Union College M.A., educational administration, Andrews University (1978) WILLIAM H. HOHMANN B.A., theology, Ambassador College (1976) ROBERT K. SANDERS Founder Of Truth Or Fables.Com LARRY DEAN Retired Defense Attorney Independent Researcher & Cult Analyst D. M. Canright (Posthumously) Chief Opposer of Sabbatarianism During Ellen White's Lifetime Unique Portions Copyright by Kerry Wynne - 2015 Lying for God Version 10.4 6/18/2016 The PDF of this book is formatted for ease of reading. To print, set for letter size paper. Use the preview function to adjust so that margins are created top and bottom using your "fit" to page setting or other similar setting. i Chapter Index Chapter Index p. ii Section I — VERDICT: NO SABBATH IN GENESIS OR THE NEW COVENANT! p. iv INTRODUCTION TO THE 10TH EDITION p. v Chapter One: ADVENTIST SUNDAY LAW PARANOIA p. 1 Chapter Two: VERDICT: NO SABBATH IN GENESIS OR THE NEW COVENANT p. 12 Chapter Three: A POINT-BY-POINT REFUTATION OF EDWARD M. COTTO'S PAPER, “THE SABBATH IN GENESIS” p. 61 Chapter Four: BARRIERS TO SABBATARIAN THEOLOGY p. 98 Chapter Five: THE EXODUS JOURNEY p. 117 Chapter Six: THE SABBATH: A NON-ISSUE AT THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH COUNCILS p. 122 Chapter Seven: IGNORING EASTERN CHRISTIANITY FOR 175 YEARS p. 129 Chapter Eight: THE BOOK OF JUBILEES ANNIHILATES SOME PET ADVENTIST “SABBATH” MYTHS p. 165 Chapter Nine: THE REALITIES OF CHURCH HISTORY p. 177 Chapter Ten: MORE ABOUT SOME OF THE KEY BARRIERS TO SABBATARIAN THEOLOGY p. 200 Chapter Eleven: BARRIERS TO THE SABBATARIAN-FRIENDLY INTERPRETATION OF THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL p. 221 Chapter Twelve: BIBLICAL BARRIER: THE LORD'S DAY IN REVELATION p. 244 Chapter Thirteen: TERTULLIAN: WAS HE SABBATARIAN OR ANTI-SABBATARIAN? p. 245 Chapter Fourteen: THE LUNAR SABBATH WREAKS HAVOC WITH ADVENTISM p. 251 Chapter Fifteen: DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE INTO COLOSSIANS 2:14-17 p. 290 Chapter Sixteen: LOGIC, COMMON SENSE, THE LAW, AND THE COVENANTS p. 296 Chapter Seventeen: SABBATH NOT A LAW FOR CHRISTIANS p. 305 Chapter Eighteen: WHY THE SABBATH CAN NOT BE A "MORAL" LAW p. 316 Chapter Nineteen: WHAT GOD'S LAW IS p. 322 Chapter Twenty: NOAHIDE LAW AND ISRAEL’S DUAL COURT SYSTEM DEFLATE SABBATARIANISM p. 325 Chapter Twenty-One: WHAT DID JESUS SAY? p. 341 Chapter Twenty-Two: HISTORY'S GREATEST RELIGIOUS "COVER-UP” p. 346 Chapter Twenty-Three: HELLENIZED JEWS, THE SEPTUAGINT AND THE PASSOVER: ANNIHILATING DR. BACCHIOCCHI'S JEWISH PERSECUTION THEORY p. 353 ii SECTION II: ELLEN G. WHITE AND HER ENABLERS p. 365 Introduction to Section II: THE COMMANDMENTISM HERESY p. 366 Chapter One: THE PROPHETESS FROM HELL p. 368 Chapter Two: WAS WILLIAM MILLER A WHITE COLLAR CRIMINAL? p. 403 Chapter Three: ELLEN WHITE FALSIFIES THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMERS p. 413 Chapter Four: THE TWO FACES OF FRANK M. WILCOX p. 419 Chapter Five: THE “GENOCIDE EXCEPTION” TO THE SABBATH: p. 432 Chapter Six: THE REAL HISTORY OF ADVENTISM p. 441 Chapter Seven: ELLEN MAKES BILLIONS FOR THE CHURCH WITH HER UN-BIBLICAL TITHING DOCTRINE p. 498 Chapter Eight: UNPARALLELED HYPOCRISY AND ITS FRUITS p. 503 iii Section I VERDICT: No Sabbath In Genesis or the New Covenant! Including A Point-By Point Rebuttal of The Adventist Defense League’s Paper By Edwin M. Cotto, “The Sabbath In Genesis.” And Additional Refutations to Objections Submitted by Sabbatarian Apologist, Brendan Knudson. By KERRY B. WYNNE WILLIAM H. HOHMANN ROBERT K. SANDERS LARRY DEAN D. M. CANRIGHT You may contact the authors at the following e-mail address. In order to receive a reply you must read LYING FOR GOD from cover to cover, and the first line of your e-mail message must contain a statement to the effect that you have read it and still have additional questions. Due to time constraints and limited staff, we cannot answer questions that are already covered in the book. Also you have permission to distribute this publication in written or electronic form provided that the document is kept fully intact and proper credit is given to the authors. We request that you send copies of this book to 10 other people who fit our target audience. If you are a Hebrew language scholar with special training in the Ancient Hebrew form of the language, we would like to talk to you: [email protected] iv Introduction to the 10th Revision by William Hohmann Each of the authors of this book brings a different perspective to the book. The one thing we hold in common is the realization that we have all been played, big time. Whether the deceptions were perpetrated by well-meaning people who were mistaken in their take and interpretation of the Scriptures, or wolves in sheep's clothing, the end result is the same; a declaration and belief in a false gospel, and there is no Scriptural association between salvation and a false gospel. A Sabbatarian theology is a ripe field for perpetrating a false belief system. All it takes is a minor shift; a minor compromise with Scripture to accept the premise the Sabbath is required of Christianity (or all mankind). If someone is willing to compromise a little with the Scriptures, they will in turn compromise a lot. It cannot be emphasized enough ― there are rules to properly interpreting and understanding the Scriptures, and people are all too willing to compromise with the rules when confronted with arguments and claims that sound reasonable. The serpent confronted Eve with an argument and claim that all sounded reasonable to her. Instead of believing there was something to lose should she eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree, the serpent convinced her there was some-thing(s) to gain. By believing the serpent, there was a corresponding disbelief and rejection as true what God had told them. This same process is still extant. What God declares to be true, man ends up altering through addition, deletion, or out- right rejection and substitution. The message of salvation as found in the Scriptures; the message of the gospel, is a simple declaration― so simple that many reject it for no other reason than that it conflicts with their pride and arrogance. Ego gets in the way. Wolves see no profit in the gospel. They want and need a religious system that they can control. They need prestige. They need wealth. A Sabbatarian theology suits these people well. The gospel declares salvation through faith only, by grace only in Christ only. It all comes back full circle to Adam and Eve and believing what God says is true. You either believe God, or you do not. Most people can plainly see how the serpent deceived through rationalization, but are totally blind when it comes to seeing how they too have been misled through the same process when it comes to the gospel. Sabbatarianism is just one of many decep- tions. In the Sabbatarian belief system, an attempt is made to claim that keeping the Sabbath does not compro- mise the gospel; that they don't really teach one must keep the Sabbath also in order to be saved. One only needs ask what happens to their salvation should they quit keeping the Sabbath. Any group that holds to some distinctive needs to be examined carefully. I once had a person tell me that a person cannot be saved if they don't speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues to him was the tell-tale sign of a true Christian. It was the distinctive of his group. Man is easily misled. When it comes to the persuasion of deception, mankind is woefully inadequate. Men can be "sifted like wheat" by the demonic personage whom Jesus called the "prince of this world" who is also called the "prince of the power of the air". Only a fool would think he could avoid the wiles of the devil, who has had millennia to hone his skills. Jesus, in talking about the religious leaders of his time who sought out proselytes who "traversed land and sea" in order to do so, said they ended up making those people twice the child of hell than they themselves were. What did they teach those proselytes to do? Keep the law. The law was an end in itself. They served the law. The law be- came their god with the power to save or destroy. As the apostle Paul discovered, the law that he had been taught and thought led to life, actually could only accomplish the opposite; it led to death. In the opening chapters of Genesis, there is a contrast established in the Garden of Eden; two trees. One is called the tree of life, and the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. These two trees are symbolic. The fruit of the one tree led to life, and the other had a fruit that led to death. What do these two symbolize? What / who pro- vides life? What provides a knowledge of good and evil, whose fruit was death? v One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth ev- ery day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. —Romans 14:5 Chapter One ADVENTIST SUNDAY LAW PARANOIA Roman Catholic Sabbath-keeping Churches in Ethiopia! Pope Establishes Sabbath-keeping Catholic Church in Eritrea in 2015! Catholic Canon Law Makes Sunday Laws Impossible! What Samuele Bacchiocchi Really Learned in Rome! by Larry Dean, J.D. CHRISTIANS KILLING CHRISTIANS OVER SUNDAY KEEPING? The Seventh-day Adventist Church has spent billions and billions of dollars on the gamble that Colossians 2:14-17 does not mean what it says. This passage from St. Paul’s writings labels the weekly Sabbath a “shadow,” or sym- bol, that pointed forward to Christ and which became obsolete at the Cross. Paul warned Christian believers not to enforce Sabbath-keeping on other Christians. On the official website of the Roman Catholic Church, this text is one of several prominent ones used to explain why it abandoned Sabbath-keeping for Sunday observance. Ironically, some of these billions of dollars that Seventh-day Adventists are gambling with are being used to produce media presentations that warn its followers that a Sunday law is about to be passed, just like Ellen White said it would. One presentation predicts that Christ's Second Coming will occur before the Year 2020. These media releases teach what Ellen White taught, and that is that soon their Protestant friends will be joining civil authorities and the Catholics in the hunting down and killing of the Sabbath-keepers who refuse to worship on Sunday. Figuratively speaking, stop for just a moment and put this cult-like theology in your pipe and smoke it! Ellen White’s version of Sabbatarianism takes the Sabbatarian heresy to a new level of complexity that leaves ordi- nary Sabbath-keeping denominations with their feet firmly planted on Planet Earth and sky-rockets Adventism into another universe where you can make something true just by saying it. Ellen White called the 7th day Sabbath the “seal of God.” According to her cultic theology, Sabbath-keepers will have the seal of God written on their fore- heads whereas Sunday observers will have the Mark of the Beast written across theirs. As of July 2015 Adventists are in a world-wide panic. Why? Because the pope has just issued an encyclical on the topic of world environmentalism. He made the “mistake” of mentioning that Planet Earth needs a rest from the pol- lution caused by man just like the Jews needed the rest from Egyptian slavery that God gave Israel in the form of its Sabbath system— a system which also included giving fields a rest from planting every seven years. Then the pope “blundered” into upsetting the Adventists by commenting that Planet Earth needs a restoring power from God, similar to the spiritually restoring power of the Eucharist— and pointing out that Catholics partake of this sacrament every Sunday. He might even have implied that Catholics worshiping on Sundays might help to heal the Planet be- cause they corporately partake of the restoring power of the Lord’s Supper on this day. What we have just explained is a bit oversimplified, but it is a fairly reasonable representation of what he said. To get the pope’s exact shades of meaning, please take a few minutes to see how Adventists have taken the pope’s statement out of context, completing their unfortunate twisting job between a set of ellipses. Follow this link: http :/ / advindicate . com / articles /2015/6/28/ the - popes - encyclica l - and - the - mark - o f - the - beast Then please take a few minutes to see what the pope actually said by following this link: 1.1 1 http ://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html Scroll down and read paragraphs 236 and 237, both of which EMPHASIZE that Sunday is only important insofar as it is the day of the week when the Eucharist is dispensed. The Adventist commentator above dishonestly eliminated the first sentence of the paragraph #237: "On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has special importance." And the Adventist commentator also dishonestly eliminated the last sentence of paragraph 237: "And so the day of rest, centered on the Eucharist, sheds its light on the whole week, and motivates us to greater concern for nature and the poor." Read the entire paragraph, which also lauds the 7th Day Sabbath. How could anyone hallucinate that this Church wishes to punish Adventists for worshiping on the 7th Day, when that Day is effusively lauded in its own Papal encyclical? THE STRANGE CASE OF THE ETHIOPIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Has the Whore of Babylon gone “soft” on its goal of exterminating Sabbath-Keepers? Roman Catholicism Strongly Opposes Endorses Sabbath-Keeping We already suspected the papacy of going long in the tooth, given the wild popularity of Saturday Catholic masses in North America. The idea of the wily Whore of Babylon seeing the error of its ways, and embracing Sabbatarianism was unthinkable in Ellen’s day and time. Nowadays, “Seventh-Day Catholicism” is routine and popular. But do not jump to the conclusion that this is a recent development. The germane question is not whether “the Pope is Catholic?” It is whether the Pope is a secret closeted Sabbath-keeper. We have discussed at length the strange phenomena of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in a later chapter. That church claims it has the Ark of the Covenant and historical roots in a torrid romance between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Since it has never been in communion with the Pope, Ellen assumed that its long-standing tradition of Saturday Worship was a bitter bone of contention between itself and Rome. What if we were to tell you that Rome has strongly encouraged Saturday worship in Ethiopia? You would think we are kidding, wouldn’t you? We are not kidding. The Ethiopian Catholics have had a long and sometimes stormy relationship with Rome, but lately they have kissed and made up and are enjoying the finest marital bliss: “With Islamic attacks up to 1531 threatening Christian Ethiopia, an appeal from the Emperor to the Portuguese brought support to defeat the Ada l Sultanate in the Ethiopian – Ada l War. Jesuit missionaries came with the Por- tuguese to Ethiopia. “The Emperor Susenyos was converted primarily by Father Pedro Páez. In 1622, Susenyos made Catholicism the state religion. The next year, Pope Gregory XV named Afonso Mendes, a Portuguese Jesuit, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Church. A formal union in 1626 was declared when Patriarch Mendes came to the country.” Yep, it turns out the Pope has always LOVED the Sabbatarian Worship tradition of the Ethiopian Catholic Church. It has officially stated that it would be a “tragedy” if that church were to adopt “Latin practices” such as exclusive Sunday worship, and abandon its tradition of 7th day Sabbatarianism. The following quotes are straight from the Catholic Education Resource Center: “The Ge'ez Ethiopian Rite is a variation of the Alexandrian Coptic Rite with Syriac and Jewish influence. Judaism was practiced by some Ethiopians before the arrival of Christianity, and pocket communities of Jewish Ethiopians still exist. The Church there is 1.2 2 unique in retaining circumcision, dietary laws, and both Saturday and Sunday Sabbath. “Genuine apostolic tradition is preserved in the Eastern Catholic Churches. Insofar as some have drifted toward Latin practices, they've abandoned the unique traditions passed on to them by their founding apostles. This is a tragedy for all Catholics. Unity, again, is not uniformity. The Catholic Church is universal, and in its God-ordained diversity, there is great strength.” (emphasis added) The Pope has strongly-denounced the killing of Sabbatarian Ethiopian Christians by the Islamic State: “It makes no difference whether the victims are Catholic, Copt, Orthodox or Protestant,” Pope Francis said in his message. “Their blood is one and the same in their confession of Christ!” And just when you think the pope has gone completely bananas with his open and enthusiastic support of 7th Day Sabbatarianism in Ethiopia, he crazily turns around and starts a brand-new 7th-day Sabbatarian church in Eritrea in 2015. Recall that the Catholic Church of Ethiopia is Sabbatarian, so expanding it into Eritrea is the same thing as starting a new Sabbath-keeping Roman Catholic Church in Eritrea: “According to a January 19 announcement from the Holy See Press Office, Pope Francis has separated the four Eritrean eparchies (dioceses) from the Ethiopian Catholic Church and has created a new metropolitan sui iuris church for Eritrea. The Pontiff has named Bishop Menghesteab Tesfamariam of Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, as the church’s first met- ropolitan archbishop. The metropolitan archbishop of Asmara will henceforth be head of the church.” There you have it. Straight from the horse’s Pope’s mouth. Not only does the Roman Catholic Church embrace the Ethiopian Catholic Church, but also regards them as being fully in communion with Rome. And not only does it specifically endorse its Sabbatarianism, but it officially believes it would be a “tragedy for all Catholics” if its Ethiopian brethren were to abandon 7th Day Sabbatarianism! Finally, the pope has vehemently-denounced the murder of Sabbatarian Ethiopian Christians. And now, to add insult to injury, he just started a brand-new 7th-day Sabbatarian church in Eritrea. Yet, Ellen White claimed that the pope had a primitive version of the National Sun- day Law in effect 400 years ago under which Sabbatarian Christians were supposedly persecuted. Keep reading, because in a later chapter we will unpack her ludicrous claim as nothing more than elaborate fiction. THE EUCHARIST: THE ANATHEMA OF SUNDAY LAW PARANOIA Things seldom get crazier than this. Several of the Catholic Church’s official websites explain its abandonment of Sabbath-keeping on biblical grounds, including its compliance with St. Paul’s pronouncement in Colossians 2:14-17 that the Sabbath is an obsolete ordinance that must not be forced on other Christians. In fac t , the Catholic web- sites stand for the proposition tha t Sunday worship had commenced before Colossians 2:14-17 was written . Ad- ventists teach, amazingly, that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, and they offer Sabbath-keeping as a kind of sacrament around which all of their lives must revolve. By contrast, the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and most Lutheran churches offer the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist, as the sacrament around which all of their lives revolve. They celebrate the sacrament of the Eucharist every Sunday just like Adven- tists keep the Jewish Sabbath every Saturday. Seventh-day Adventists, although not entirely alone in doing so, accuse the Catholic Church of blasphemy in regard to the Eucharist, because it teaches that the bread and the wine literally become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ during the partaking of the Lord’s Supper. This is an interesting accusation because IF there is such a thing as transubstantiation, only Jesus Himself— God Almighty— could possibly do the creating that would make the com- munion bread and wine into His very own flesh and blood. A deeper-than-usual theological analysis of Colossians 2:14-17 demonstrates that it is probably the Adventists who are the REAL blasphemers. Because it probably takes a bad motive to sin in the full sense of the word, we are not saying that individual Adventists are committing sin by keeping the Sabbath. They have been cognitively 1.3 3