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Lyapunov Exponents: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, May 28 – June 2, 1990 PDF

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Preview Lyapunov Exponents: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, May 28 – June 2, 1990

Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1486 Editors: A. Dold, Heidelberg B. Eckmann, Zt~rich E Takens, Groningen L. Arnold H. Crauel J.-R Eckmann ~.saE( vonupayL stnenopxE Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, May 28 - June 2, 1990 galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg NewYork London Paris Tokyo Kong Hong Barcelona Budapest Editors LudwiAgr nold Institut ffir Dynamische Systeme ti~tisrevinU Bremen Postfach 330 440 W-2800 Bremen 33, Germany Hans Crauel Fachbereich 9 Mathematik Universiffit des Saarlandes W-6600 Saarbrticken ,11 Germany Jean-Pierre Eckmann Ddpartement de Physique Th6orique Universit6 de Gen~ve CH- 1211 Genbve 4, Switzerland Front cover: .V I. Oseledets: A multiplicative ergodic theorem. Trudy Moskov. Mat. Obsc. 91 (1968), 179-210 Mathematics Subject Classification (1980): Primary: 58F Secondary: 34F, 35R60, 58G32, 60F, 60G, 60H, 70L05, 70K, 73H, 73K, 93D, 93E ISBN 3-540-54662-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-54662-6 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction omni crofilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and a copyright feem ust always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Printed in Germany Typesetting: Camera readyb y author Printing and binding: Druckhaus Beltz, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 46/3140-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface These are the Proceedings of a conference on Lyapunov Exponents held at Ober- wolfach May 28 - June 2, 1990. The volume contains an introductory survey and 26 original research papers, some of which have, in addition, survey character. This conference was the second one on the subject of Lyapunov Exponents. The first one took place in Bremen in November 1984 and lead to the Proceedings volume Lec- ture Notes in Mathematics # 1186 (1986). Comparing those two volumes, one can reMize pronounced shifts, particulazly towards nonlinear and infinite-dimensional systems and engineering applications. We would like to thank tile 'Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach' for letting us have the confercnce at this unique venue. March 1991 Ludwig Arnold Hans Crauel Jean-Pierre Eckmann (Bremen) (Saarbriicken) (Gen~ve) Table of Contents Preface V .L,DLONRA H. LEUARC modnaR lacimanyD smetsyS Chapter 1: Linear Random Dynamical Systems I. .AY DIEHSDLOG Lyapunov exponents and asymptotic behaviour of the product of random matrices 32 H. LEUARC Lyapunov exponents of random dynamical systems on Grassmannians 83 A. ZTIWORAZIEL Eigenvatue representation for the Lyapunov exponents of certain Markov processes 15 Y. SEREP Analytic dependence of Lyapunov exponents on transition probabilities 46 Y. EL NAJ A second order extension of Oseledets theorem 18 O. LLINK ehT upper vonupayL fo tnenopxe )R,2(IS :selcycoc ytiunitnocsiD dna eht melborp fo ytivitisop 68 .uY ,NI .DKHSUTAL .A .M NIPETS Linear skew-product flows and semigroups of weighted composition operators 89 P. LOREGUOB Filtre de Kalman Bucy et exposants de Lyapounov 211 Chapter 2: Nonlinear Random Dynamical Systems P. ELADNEXAB Invariant measures for nonlinear stochastic differential equations 321 P. RELXOB How to construct stochastic center manifolds on the level of vector fields 141 L. ,DLONRA P. RELXOB Additive noise turns a hyperbolic fixed point into a stationary solution 951 X. OAM Lyapunofvu nctions and almost sure exponential stability 561 Y. KIFER Large deviations for random expanding maps 871 Chapter 3: Infinite-dimensional Random Dynamical Systems K. LEFFOLMUAHGS Multiplicative ergodic theorems in infinite dimensions 781 ILOF. DNALF Stochastic flow and Lyapunov exponents for abstract stochastic PDEs of parabolic type 691 R. GNILRAD The Lyapunov exponents for products of infinite-dimensional random matrices 602 Chapter 4: Deterministic Dynamical Systems G . RELLEK Lyapunov exponents and complexity of interval maps 612 F. REUABFOH An inequality for the Ljapunov exponent of an ergodic invariant measure for a piecewise monotonic map of the interval 722 P. NELLUEIHT G6n~ralisation du th~or6me de Pesin pour l'c~-entropie 232 M. IKSWOKTJOW Systems of classical interacting particles with nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents 342 J. ,SSUFZLOH U. ZTILRAP Lyapunov exponentsf rom time series 362 Chapter 5: Engineering Applications and Control Theory .S T. ,MANTARAIRA W.-C. XIE Lyapunov exponents in stochastic structural mechanics 172 N. IRS ,AYAVIHCHCAMAN M. A. PAl, M. ELYOD Stochastic approach to small disturbance stability in power systems 292 W. GIDEW Lyapunov exponents and invariant measures of equilibria and limit cycles 903 .HC REHCUB Sample stability of multi-degree-of-freedom systems 223 F. ,SUINOLOC W. NNAMEILK Lyapunov exponents of control swolf 133 Random Dynamical Systems Ludwig Arnold Hans Crauel Institut ffir Dynamische Systeme Fachbereich 9 KITAMEHTAM Universit£t Bremen Universit£t des Saarlandes 2800 Bremen 33 6600 Saarbr/icken 11 1 Introduction The main purpose of this survey is to present and popularize the notion of a random dynamical system )SD~P( and to give an impression of its scope. The notion of SD~I covers the most important families of dynamical systems with randomness which are currently of interest. For instance, products of random maps -- in particular products of random matrices -- are RDS as well as (the solution flows of) stochastic and random ordinary and partial differential equations. One of the basic results for RDS is the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem (MET) of Oseledec .]83[ Originally formulated for products of random matrices, it has been reformulated and reproved several times during the past twenty years. Basically, there are two classes of proofs. One makes use of Kingman's Subadditive Ergodic Theorem together with the polar decomposition of square matrices. The other one starts by proving the assertions of the MET for triangular systems, and then enlarges the probability space by the compact group of special orthogonal matrices, so that every matrix cocycleb ecomes homologous to a triangular one. Let us emphasize that the MET is a .linear result. It is possible to introduce Lyapunov exponenblike quantities for nonlinear systems directly k la )9( below, or, much more sophisticated, as by Kifer [27]. However, the wealth of structure provided by the MET is available for linear systems only. Speaking of an "MET for nonlinear systems" always means the MET for the lineariza~ion of a nonlinear system. What is new for nonlinear systems is the fact that the linearization lives on the tangent bundle of a manifold (instead of the flat bundle x a N ft as for products of random matrices). The MET yields nontrivial consequences for deterministic systems already. This case has been dealt with by Ruelle [39]. I~uelle's argument proceeds by trivialization of the nonflat tangent bundle. It is exactly the same argument that works for nonlinear random systems: infer the MET for the linearization of the system from the ordinary MET together with a trivialization argument. We reproduce the argument below. Stochastic flows have entered the scene a couple of years ago. They are related to RDS, but they are not the same. We describe their relations, and point out their differences. The final Section briefly reviews all contributions to the present volume. 2 Random Dynamical Systems and Multiplicative Ergodic Theory 2.1 RDS Consider a set T (time), T = N, Z; N +, or N, and a family {~t : f/ -* f/ I t 6 T} of measure preserving transformations of a probability space (f~, jr, P) such that (t, w) *-~ ~tw is measurable, {tgt I t E T} is ergodic, and #t+, = ~t ~ o for all t, s E T with ~0 = id. Thus (%gt)t~ T is a flow if T = N or Z, and a semi-flow if T = N+ or N. The set-up ((f~, jr, P), (t~t)~eT) is a (measurable) dynamical system. Definition A random dynamical system on a measurable space (X, B) over (4t)teT on (f~, jr, p) is a measurable map ~:TxXx~-~X such that qo(0,w) = id (identity on X) and + = o )1( for all t,s E T and for all w outside a P-nullset, where ~(t,w) X : +-- X is the map which arises when t E T and w 6 ~ are fixed, and ° means composition. A family of maps ~(t,~) satisfying (1) is called a cocyc/e, and (1) is the cocycle property. We often omit mentioning ((Ft, jr, P), (~t)teT) in the following, speaking of a random dynamical system (abbreviated RDS) ~. We do not assume the maps ~(t,~v) to be invertible a priori. By the cocycle property, ~(t,w) is automatically invertible (for all t E T and for P-almost all w) if T = N or Z, and ~(t, 0.,) -1 = ~,(-t, v~tw). The following examples are quite distinct in many respects. However, they all are I~DS. 1. The simplest case of a random dynamical system is a non-random -- viz., deterministic -- dynamical system. An I~DS is deterministic if oq does not depend on w, i. e., q~(t, x, to) = qo(t, x). Then the cocycle property (1) reads qo(t÷s) = qo(t)o~p(s), hence (~(t))teT consists of the iterates of a measurable map on X if T = Z(+),and (~(t))t~T is a measurable (semi-) flow if T = R (+), respectively. 2. Let 9z : f~ -. ~f be a measure preserving transformation, and let b% : X × f~ ~-- X be a measurable map. Put ~b% = b% o 9z ~-1. Then { ~bn(w) o ~bn-l(W)... o )W(lb% for n > 0 qo(n,w) = id for n = 0 <~1(~)o<~2(w) ..... %1@) for n < 0, defines an RDS (of course, defining T(n,w) for n < 0 needs ~ and ~b(.,w) invertible P- a.s.). In particular, if X = d R and x H ~b(x,w) is linear, then ~ is a product of random matrices. 3. Suppose T = (cid:127), and M is a 1 C manifold. Denote by TM the total space of the tangent bundle of M, and let Y : M x ~f *-- TM be a measurable map such that for P-almost all w the map Y(.,w) is a smooth vector field. Then the random differential equation ~(t) = Y(x(t), Otw), z(O) = Xo, (2) induces a map ~o(t,w) : M *-- M, such that x(t,w) = ~o(t,w)x solves (2) with x(0) = x for t E (t-(x,w),t+(x,w)), where t-(x,.) < 0 < t+(x, .) (P-a.s.) describe the maximal intervals of definition of solutions. If t-(x,-) = -oo and t+(x,-) = +c~ (for all x E M P-a.s.) then o~ is an RDS. In addition, x *-~ ~o(t,w)x is a diffeomorphism for all t E R (P-a. s.) in this case. The maximal interval of definition is automatically all of R if M is compact. If -oo < t-(x) or t+(x) < c~ for some x with positive probability we speak of a local RDS or locM random flow. 4. Suppose M is a 2 C manifold, and Y/, 0 < i < n, are smooth vector fields on M. Then the stochastic differential equation n dx(t) = Yo(x(t)) at + ~ Y/(x(t)) o dWi(t), x(O) = xo, (3) i=1 induces a (1ocM) stochastic flow. Usually (3) is understood for t > 0. We will describe below how to give (3) a meaning on the whole time axis. Once this is done, maximal intervals of solutions, containing t = 0 as an interior point, exist and have the same properties as for random flows described in the previous example. We have introduced locd random and stochastic flows because they play a role in stochas- tic bifurcation. For details see below. As for deterministic systems, KDS may be classified according to their spatial properties. If X is a topological space (with Bore1 a-algebra), a random dynamical system is said to be continuous if ~(t,w) : X *-- X is continuous for all t E T and all w E ~ outside a P-nullset. If X is a r C manifold, r >_ 1, an RDS o~ on X is said to be differentiable or smooth if ~o(t,w) : X *-- X is r C differentiable for all t E T and all w outside a P-nullset. A random dynamical system on a topological vector space X is said to be line&r if ~o(t, w) : X ~ X is linear for all t E T and all w outside a P-nullset. If an RDS consists of non-invertible maps then T cannot contain negative times. An RDS o~ consisting of invertible maps need not allow negative time, since 0t need not be invertible. So we have to distinguish between two kinds of invertibility. An RDS is said to be two sided if T = R or T = Z. It is said to be invertible if, for all t E T and P-almost all w, ~o(t,w) is invertible in the corresponding class (measurable, continuous, smooth). Clearly 'two sided' is stronger than 'invertible'. Any RDS induces a measurable skew product (semi-) flow Ot:Xx~ -~ Xx~ )O H t E T, where ~p(t,w)x = qo(t,x,w). The flow property ®t+, = Ot o O, follows from the cocycle property of o~ (see (1); we use the term flow for both continuous and discrete time T). From the point of view of abstract ergodic theory, an RDS is nothing but an ordinary (Ot)teT TEt)tO( dynamical system with a factor together with the extra bit of structure provided by the fact that the ergodic invariant measure P for the factor is given a priori. (This observation might serve as an abstract definition of RDS.) A probability measure g on X × fl (on the product a-algebra B ® ~-) is said to be an invariant measure for ~ if # is invaxiant under ®t, t E T, and if it has marginal P on ~. Invariant measures always exist for continuous RDS on a compact X (which is in complete analogy with deterministic dynamical systems). Denote by Pr(X) the space of probability measures on X, endowed with the smallest a-algebra making the maps Pr(X) ~ N, u ~-, fx h du, measurable with h varying over the bounded measurable functions on X. Given a measure # E Pr(X × f~) with marginal P on ,~f a measurable map #. : gt ~-- Pr(X), w s.. ~*I will be called a disintegration of # (with respect to P) if bt(B x C) = [ #~(B)alP(w) c for all B E B and C E .~. Disintegrations exist and axe unique (P-a. s.), e. g., if X is a Polish space. We will assume existence and uniqueness of a disintegration in the following. A measure/t is invariant for the RDS ~ if and only if E(~(t,.)#. I 0~-'5v)(w) = #e,~ P-a. s. for every t E T. (5) If T is two sided then = " z?~-l~ .T, hence for T two sided (5) reads ~(t, w)#~ = bta,~ P-a. s. for every t E T. 2.2 Lyapunov exponents and the Multiplicative Ergodic The- orem For a differentiable manifold M denote by TM the total space of its tangent bundle. The lineaxization of a differentiable map ¢ : M -~ M is denoted by T¢ : TM +-- TM with Tx¢ T~:M : ~-- T¢(~)M, x E M, denoting the action of T¢ on individual fibers. Suppose ~ is a smooth R.DS on a d-dimensional Riemannian manifold M. The chain rule yields T=~(t + s,w ) = Tv(~.~,)=~(t, ~,w) o T=~(8, w) (6) for all t, s E T and x E M with P-measure I. Consequently, the lineaxization p~T : T x TM .) ~f -* TM is a cocycle over the skew product flow Ot(x,w) = (~(t,w)x,~w) on U x 21 (of (4)).

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