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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRILLING IN TEACHING IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS (An Experimental Study at the First Grade Students’ of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok) By Lutfi Anwar 207014000446 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHERS TRAINING SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2013 { ENDORSBMENT SHEET The examinationc omrlittee of the F-acr"rlotyf Tarbiyali and TeachersT raining certifies that the "Skripsi" (Scientific Paper) entitled "The Effectivenesso f Drilling in Teaching lrrcgutar Plural Nouns (An ExperintentaSl tudyc rt lhe First Gratle Stuc{entos/ -S MK LinggctK encanaD epok)" written by Lutfi Anwar, strrclentsr' egistratiorrn umber: 207014000446w, as exalnined at exatr]ination sessiono f the Facr,rltlo,f Tarbiyaha nd TeachersT rair-ringo n Monday, September 23't'2013.T he "skripsi" has beena ccepteda nd declaredt o have fulfilled one of 'S.Pd.' the reclr.rirelreltftosr acaclemicti tle of (Bacheloro f Arts) in English Langr.ragEed ucationa t the EnglisliE ducationD epartment. Jakarla2. 3'''S eptember2,0 13 EXAM I NA"I'IONC OMMITI'EE CIIAII{MAN Drs.S vauIGM.Pd NrP.1 964121129 91031 002 SECRETARY ZaharilA nasy,M . I'Ium 1) NrP. I 976 10012 007l0| 002 v EXAMINERSI : Dr. Atiq SusiloM, A NrP,1 s01 829 00 EXAMINERS II : ZaharilA nasy.M . ILum NrP.19761020070 710I 002 AckrrowledgebdY : Deano f'Tarbiyaha rtdT eachersT' rainingF aculty @ Dra. Nurlena,N IA..P h.D NIP. 1959102109 86032 001 / I TIIE EFFECTIVENESSO F DRILLING IN TEACI{ING IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS (An F,xperimental$ ndy of the First Grade Studentso f SMK Lingga Kencana Depok) ttSkripsitt A Presented to the Faculfy of Tarbiyah and Teacher's Training in a Partial Fulfitlment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education By: Lutfi Anwar 207014000446 NIP. 1974 072320000230 01 DEPARTMENTO F ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHERST RAINING SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATEI SLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 1434W2013M v I KEMENTERIAANG AMA No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-089 ,W,, UINJ AKARTA Tgl.T erbit : 1 Maret2 010 FORM( FR) |ffi1 FrrK No.R evisi: : 01 L{:.::-L Jl. tr. H. Juanda No gs ciputat 15412 tndonesia Hal 1t1 SURATP ERNYATAANK ARYAS ENDIRI Sayay angb ertandata ngand i bawahi ni, Nama Lutfi Anwar Tempat/Tgl.Lahir Bogor,0 8 Desembe1r 987 NIM 207014000446 Jurusan PendidikanB ahasaI nggris JudulS kripsi "The Effectivenesso f Drilling in Teaching Irregular Plural Nouns" (An Experimental Study at the First Grade Studentso f SMK Lingga KencanaD epok) DosenP embimbingI:smalianingE viyuliwatiM . Hum. Dengani ni menyatakanb ahwas kripsi yang sayab uat benar-benahr asil karya sendiri dan sayab ertanggungja wab secaraa kademisa tasa pay ang sayat ulis. Pernyataanin i dibuat sebagasi alahs atus yaratm enempuhU jian Munaqasah. Jakarta0, 2 Oktober2 0I 3 Y,g"be-Jtibqsv.," -a. . Lutfi Anwar NIM. 207014000446 ABSTRACT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRILLING IN TEACHING IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUN (An Experimental Study of The First Grade Students of SMK Lingga Kenca Depok), Skripsi, Departement of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of effectiveness of Drilling in teaching Irregular Plural nouns. It includes the mastery of students’ irregular plural nouns by using Drilling, the difference between students’ ability taught by using Drilling and that by Grammar Translation Method, and the students’ achievement by using Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns. The Sample of the research is 40 students. This research is using experimental method in the quantitative design by collecting data from observation and test. The data collected in this research are analyzed by using t- test. According to the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of “t ” (t-observation) is 3.262, and the value of “t” (t-table) from the df(40) on 0 t degree of significance of 5% is 2.02. It means that the value of t is higher than the 0 value of t. Based on the result, the null hypothesis (H ) which says it is not t o effective to use Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H ) which says it is effective to use Drilling in teaching a irregular plural nouns is accepted. Based on the finding of the study it can be concluded that Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns is effective and successful because this technique made students able to learn irregular plural nouns easier. i ABSTRAK THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRILLING IN TEACHING IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUN (An Experimental Study of The First Grade Students of SMK Lingga Kenca Depok), Skripsi, Departement of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan suatu kondisi yaitu keefektifan penggunaan teknik pengulangan (Drilling) dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns. Tujuan tersebut antara lain, keefektifan penggunaan teknik Drilling terhadap penguasaan kata dalam bentukirregular plural nouns siswa, perbedaan kemampuan siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik Drilling dibandingkan kemampuan siswa yang diajarkan dengan metode Grammar Translation Method, dan keberhasilan siswa dalam penguasaan bentuk kata irregular plural nouns yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik Drilling. Siswa yang termasuk dalam sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dalam bentuk kuantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data dari observasi dan tes.Data-data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan uji tes. Berdasarkan hasil statistik, telah didapatkan nilai “t ” (t- 0 observation) yaitu 3.262, dan nilai “t” (t-table) dari df (40) pada taraf signifikan t 5% yaitu sebesar 2.02. Dari hasil tersebut jelas bahwa t lebih besar dari pada t. 0 t Selanjutnya dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hipotesis nihil (H ) yaitu tidak ada o pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns ditolak. Sedangkan hipotesis alternatif (H ) yaitu ada a pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns diterima. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam mengajar irregular plural nouns adalah efektif dan cukup sukses karena tekhnik tersebut dapat membuat siswa mampu belajar irregular plural nouns lebih mudah. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful All praise be to Allah, the beneficent and the merciful, who has given the writer His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in his study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence. In this occasion, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to his advisor, Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum who has patiently given him valuable help, guidance, and corrections to finish this skripsi. The writer also would like to say his great honor and deepest gratitude to his beloved parents: Matamin and Mariyam, his lovely brother M. Burhani, M. Muslim, M.Pd. Ahmad Rifai, his lovely sisters, Nuryanih, Robiatul Adawiyah S.Pd.I, Siti Khoiriah, my girlfriend Putri Indriana Sari and whole family who always gives their love, support, motivation, and advice in accomplishing his study. The writer also realizes that he would never finish writing this skripsi without the help of some people around him. Therefore, he would like to say a lot of thanks to: 1. All lecturers of English Departement, who have taught and given their valuable knowledge for the writer during his study in English Departement 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the head of English Department. 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, the secretary of English Departement and staffs of English Education Department 4. Dra. Nurlena, MA., Ph.D, the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 5. Ruslan Muntaha, SH, the head master of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok 6. Khodirin S.Pd., the English teacher of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok 7. All friends in English Department 2007/2008, his beloved friends Eri Fatoni Handoyo, Nur Djumadil Iman, Rita Gestari, Nenden Kurniati, Rafli Rasydi, iii my best friend Imam Al-Anshori and all friends of English Education Department that writer cannot mention one by one. Thanks for the advice, kindness, support, and everything. The words are not enough to say any appreciations for their help and contributions on this skripsi. May Allah SWT protect and give them happiness throughout their life. Finally, the writer realizes that the skripsi is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive constructive critiques and suggestions from the readers. Depok, 03 Mei 2013 The Writer iv TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT. ................................................................................................ i ABSTARK ……… .................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................. vii LIST OF CHART .............................................................................................. viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 A. The Background of Study ................................................. 1 B. The Identification of Study ............................................... 5 C. The Limitation of study .................................................... 6 D. The Formulation of the Problem ....................................... 6 E. The Objective of the Study ............................................... 6 F. The Significance of the Study ........................................... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ..................................... 7 A. NOUN ............................................................................... 7 1. The Definition of Noun .............................................. 7 2. The Types of Noun ..................................................... 8 3. Form of Noun ............................................................. 9 4. Definition of Regular Singular and Plural Noun ........ 10 5. Definition of Irregular Plural Nouns ........................... 14 6. Irregular Plural from Latin and Greek ........................ 17 B. Drills ................................................................................. 18 1. Definition of Drill ......................................................... 19 2. Types of Drill ................................................................ 19 3. Use of Drill ................................................................... 23 C. GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD ....................... 26 1. Definition of Grammar Translation Method ............... 26 2. Characteristic of Grammar Translation Method ......... 27 3. The Procedure of Grammar Translation Method ........ 28 D. RELEVANT STUDY ..................................................... 28 v E. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK .................................... 30 F. HYPOTHESES ................................................................... 31 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 32 A. Objective of The Research ................................................ 32 B. Place And Time of Research ............................................ 32 C. Population and Sample ..................................................... 32 D. Research Method .............................................................. 32 E. Instrument of The Research .............................................. 33 F. Technique of Collecting Data ........................................... 33 G. Technique of Analyzing The Data .................................... 34 CHAPTER IV RESEARCHFINDING ......................................................... 36 A. Data Description ............................................................... 36 B. Hypothesis Testing ........................................................... 41 C. Finding…... ....................................................................... 41 D. Discussion ......................................................................... 42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGESSTION………………….. ... 43 A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 43 B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 43 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 44 APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 46 vi

Lingga Kenca Depok), Skripsi, Departement of English Education, The students' ability taught by using Drilling and that by Grammar Translation 11 Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Usung English Grammar, Echo. →. Echoes. Potato. → potatoes. If a vowel precedes the final o, or if the
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