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LUSZTIG LIMIT OF QUANTUM SL(2) AT ROOT OF UNITY AND FUSION OF (1,P) VIRASORO LOGARITHMIC MINIMAL MODELS P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN ABSTRACT. We introduce a Kazhdan–Lusztig-dualquantum group for (1,p) Virasoro 9 0 logarithmicminimalmodelsastheLusztiglimitofthequantumsℓ(2)atpthrootofunity 0 and show that this limit is a Hopf algebra. We calculate tensor products of irreducible 2 andprojectiverepresentationsofthequantumgroupandshowthatthesetensorproducts n coincide with the fusion of irreducible and logarithmic modules in the (1,p) Virasoro a J logarithmicminimalmodels. 2 1 1. INTRODUCTION ] h t Logarithmic conformal field theories most naturally appear as a scaling limit of two- - p dimensional nonlocal lattice models at a critical point [1] and in quantum chains with a e h nondiagonalizableHamiltonian[2]. Generally speaking,aconformal field theory appear- [ ing at the limit depends on a way of taking the limit and on chosen boundary conditions. 1 Therecentinvestigations[3,4,5]arguethatforproperchoiceofboundaryconditionsthe v 2 latticemodels[1] givein a scalinglimitlogarithmicconformalmodels (p,q) with 0 WLM the triplet -algebra of symmetry introduced in [6] and in [7, 8] for q = 1. The chiral 6 p,q W 1 algebra in these conformal models is an extension of the vacuum module of the Virasoro . 1 algebra withthecentralchargec = 13 6p/q 6q/p bythetripletoftheVirasoro 0 Vp,q p,q − − 9 primaryfields withconformal dimension∆ . 1,3 0 : The most investigated models are those with q = 1. In this case, the conformal field v i theories (1,p)correspondingtothelatticemodelsweredescribedintermsofsym- X WLM plectic fermions in [9] (for p = 2) and were studied in numerous papers [10, 11, 12, 8, r a 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28]. Forthis set ofmodels, the representation categories of the triplet algebra and of the finite-dimensional quantum group U sℓ(2) [19] at the pth p q W root of unity are equivalent as braided tensor categories [20]. This is the manifestation of theKazhdan–Lusztigduality between vertex-operatoralgebras and quantumgroups in logarithmicmodels. This duality means that (i) there is a one-to-one correspondence be- tween representations; (ii) fusion rules of a conformal model can be calculated by tensor productsofaquantumgrouprepresentationsand(iii)themodulargroupactiongenerated from chiral characters coincides withtheoneon thecenterofthecorrespondingquantum group. In thelogarithmicmodels (1,p), theKazhdan–Lusztigdualityis presented WLM in its full strength (see also review [21]). In particular, the fusion calculated in [8] (see also[29]) coincideswiththeGrothendieck ringoftheU sℓ(2). q 1 2 P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN For general coprime p and q, the models (p,q) also demonstrate the Kazhdan– WLM Lusztigdualitywithaquantumgroup[6]butrelationbetweenthequantumgroupandthe algebra is more subtle. There is no one-to-one correspondence between representa- p,q W tionsbutthemodulargroupactiononthecenter[22]coincideswiththeoneonchiralchar- acters inthe theoryand thequantum-groupfusion[6]coincideswiththefusion[23] p,q W of representationsundertheidentificationofthefusiongenerators + (1,2) and Wp,q K1,2→ W + (2,1) ; we also identify + (a,b) , (∆ ) 1. This fusion was K2,1 → W Ka,b → W Ka−,b→ a,3q−b W alsoderived[24]from themodulargroup propertiesofthechiral characters. Otherchoiceof boundary conditionsin thelatticemodels [1]leads to logarithmiccon- formal field models (p,q) with the Virasoro symmetry . Fusion rules for these p,q LM V models were calculated in [25] using a lattice approach and for some cases in [26, 36] usingtheNahmalgorithmandin[2]usingquantum-groupsymmetriesinXXZmodelsat aroot ofunity. In the present paper, we propose using the Kazhdan–Lusztig duality in calculating the fusion rules for the simplest subset (1,p) of the (p,q) models. We construct LM LM a quantum group dual to the Virasoro algebra as an extension of the quantum group p V U sℓ(2) dual to from the (1,p) models. This quantum group is the Lusztig q p W WLM limitLU sℓ(2)oftheusualquantumsℓ(2)asq eıπ/p andhasthesetofirreduciblerep- q → resentations Xα , where s = 1,2,...,p and α = are U sℓ(2) highest weight parame- s,r ± q tersand r 1,r N,isthesℓ(2)spin(seeprecisedefinitionsinSec.3.1). ThemoduleXα −2 ∈ s,r is a tensor product of s-dimensional irreducible U sℓ(2)- and r-dimensional irreducible q sℓ(2)-modules. ToeachXα ,aprojectivecoverPα correspondsandPα = Xα . Theset s,r s,r p,r p,r ofirreducibleand projectivemodulesisclosed undertensorproducts. We show that the fusion [25] of irreducible and logarithmic -representations coin- p V cides withtensor products ofLU sℓ(2)irreducibleand projectivemodules. To formulate q themainresultofthepaper, weintroducethefollowingsumnotations b b 1 1 f(r) = (1 δ δ )f(r), ′ r,a r,b − 2 − 2 r=a r=a M M b b 3 1 1 3 f(r) = 1 δ δ (1+δ ) δ δ f(r). ′′ r,a r,a+2 a, 1 r,b 2 r,b − 4 − 4 − − 4 − − 4 r=a r=a M M(cid:0) (cid:1) 1 Indecomposable rank-2 and rank-3 representations appearing in the fusion [23] are identified with the corresponding quantum-group modules [22] in the following way: Pa+,b,+ → (Rpp−,ba,0)W, Pa+,b,−→(R0a,,qq−b)W andP+a,b →(Rpp−,qa,q−b)W,P−a,b →(Rp2p−,aq,q−b)W. LUSZTIGLIMITANDFUSION 3 1.1.Theorem. The tensorproductsbetween irreducibleLU sℓ(2)-modulesare q min(s1+s2 1, − r1+r2−1 2p−s1−s2−1) p−γ2 Xα Xβ = Xαβ + Pαβ s1,r1 ⊗ s2,r2 s,r s,r r=|srtM1e−p=r22|+1(cid:16) s=|sstM1e−p=s22|+1 s=2ps−tMesp1=−2s2+1 (cid:17) between theirreducibleandprojectivemodulesare min(s1+s2 1, − r1+r2−1 2p−s1−s2−1) p−γ2 r1+r2 p−γ1 Xα Pβ = Pαβ +2 Pαβ +2 P αβ, s1,r1 ⊗ s2,r2 s,r s,r ′ −s,r r=|srtM1e−p=r22|+1(cid:16)s=|sstM1e−p=s22|+1 s=2ps−tMesp1=−2s2+1 (cid:17) r=sMt|er1p−=r22|s=ps−tMes1p+=s22+1 andbetween theprojectivemodulesare min(s1+s2 1, − r1+r2−1 2p−s1−s2−1) p−γ2 Pα Pβ = 2 Pαβ +2 Pαβ s1,r1 ⊗ s2,r2 s,r s,r r=|srMt1e−p=r22|+1(cid:16)s=|ssMt1e−p=s22|+1 s=2ps−Mtesp1=−2s2+1 (cid:17) min(p s1+s2 1, − − r1+r2 p+s1−s2−1) p−γ1 r1+r2+1 p−γ2 +2 P αβ +2 P αβ +4 Pαβ, ′ −s,r −s,r ′′ s,r r=sMt|erp1=−2r2|(cid:16)s=|p−sMtesp1=−2s2|+1 s=mpi+ns(pM1−ss12++s12)+1, (cid:17) r=|sMrt1e−p=r22|−1s=ssMt1e+p=s22+1 − where weset γ = (s +s +1)mod 2, γ = (s +s +p+1)mod 2. 1 1 2 2 1 2 TheLU sℓ(2)representationcategoryC isadirectsumoftwofullsubcategoriesC = q p p C+ C suchthattherearenomorphismsbetweenC+ andC andthesubcategoryC+ is p ⊕ −p p −p p closedundertensorproducts. Thesetofirreduciblemodulesbelongingtothesubcategory C+isexhaustedbytheirreduciblemodulesXα withα = +wheneverrisodd,andα = p s,r − wheneverr iseven. The category C+ is equivalent as a tensor category to the category of Virasoro algebra p representations appearing in (1,p). We do not describe here this Virasoro category LM butnoteonlythatunderthisequivalenceirreducibleandprojectivemodulesareidentified inthefollowingway (1.1) X+p,2r−1 → R02r−1, X−p,2r → R02r, P+s,2r−1 → Rp2r−−s1, P−p−s,2r → Rs2r, X+ (2r 1,s), X (2r,s), 16s6p, r>1, s,2r 1 → − −s,2r → − where(r,s)aretheirreducibleVirasoromoduleswiththeheighestweights∆ = ((pr r,s − s)2 (p 1)2)/4p and the s are logarithmic Virasoro modules from (1,p). Un- − − Rr LM der this identification, the fusion [25] for (1,p) is given by tensor products of the LM correspondingLU sℓ(2)representations. q The quantum groups dual to the logarithmic conformal models (1,p) as well as LM (1,p) can be constructed in the free field approach [19, 6]. In this approach, the WLM 4 P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN corresponding quantum groups and the chiral algebras are mutual maximal centralizers of each other. To construct the quantum group for (1,p), we first note that the chi- LM ral algebras realized in the (1,p) models admit SL(2)-action by symmetries. p W WLM Invariants of this action is the universal enveloping of the Virasoro algebra with the p V central charge c = 13 6p 6/p. This suggests that a quantum group LU sℓ(2) dual p q − − to the Virasoro algebra from (1,p) should be a combination of the quantum group LM U sℓ(2)dualto and ordinary sℓ(2). q p W ThequantumgroupLU sℓ(2)isconstructedinthefree-fieldapproachusingthescreen- q ing operators of the Virasoro algebra with the central charge c . We recall there are p p V two screening operators e = e√2pϕ(z)dz and F = e−qp2ϕ(z)dz commuting with p V and thescreeningF commutes[8]withtheextendedchiral algebra and generates the H H Wp lower-triangularpartoftheU sℓ(2)withtherelationFp = 0. Then,consideringthedefor- q mationFǫ = e(−qp2+ǫ)ϕ(z)dz,wecanconstructanoperatorf = lǫim0 Fǫǫp. Theoperatorse and f generatethesℓ(2)from thepreviousparagraph. Toobtaina→Hopf-algebrastructure H on LU sℓ(2), weusehere thepurely algebraicapproach followingLusztig. Weconstruct q thequantumgroupLUqsℓ(2)asalimitofthequantumgroupUq(sℓ(2))asq eıpπ. There → is an evidentlimit in which Ep, Fp and Kp become central but we consider anotherlimit inwhich therelationsEp = Fp = 0, K2p = 1 are imposedbut thegenerators e = Ep and [p]! f = Fp are kept in the limit. In the limit q eıpπ, we have [p]! = 0 and the ambiguity 0 [p]! → 0 issolvedinsuchawaythattheeandf becomegeneratorsoftheordinarysℓ(2). Wethus obtainaHopfalgebraLU sℓ(2)thatcontainsthequantumgroupU sℓ(2)asaHopfideal q q and thequotientistheU(sℓ(2)), theuniversalenvelopingofthesℓ(2). It is noteworthy to mention that a similar duality is also presented in quantum spin chains (XXZ models) with nondiagonalizable action of the Hamiltonian. Here, there are two commuting actions of a Temperley–Lieb algebra (or a proper its extension) and of a quantumgroup. Inotherwords,thespaceofspinstatesisabimoduleovertheTemperley– Lieb algebra (or its extension) and the corresponding quantum group [2]. Moreover, the quantum group symmetries are stable with respect to increasing the number of sites and shouldbekeptinascalinglimit;fusionrules forTemperley–Liebalgebrarepresentations areobtainedbyaninductionprocedurejoiningtwochainsendtoendandcanbecalculated using only the quantum group symmetries [2, 30]. Thus, these two algebraic objects are insomedualitywhich isalatticeversionoftheKazhdan–Lusztigduality. We also note that tensor products of LU sℓ(2) projective modules reproduce the Vira- q soro fusionrules proposedin [2]undertheidentifications: p = 2 : P+ , P , r N, 1,2r−1 → R2r−1 −1,2r → R2r ∈ p = 3 : X+ , P+ , P , r N. 3,2r−1 → R3r−2 1,2r−1 → R3r−1 −2,2r → R3r ∈ LUSZTIGLIMITANDFUSION 5 Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.2,weintroducethequantumgroupLU sℓ(2) q dual to the Virasoro algebra and describe a Hopf algebra structure on LU sℓ(2). In p q V Sec. 3, we describe irreducible representations of LU sℓ(2), calculate all possible ex- q tensions between them and then construct projective modules. In Sec. 4, we decompose tensorproductsbetween irreducibleand projectiveLU sℓ(2)-modules. q 2. QUANTUM GROUPS AS CENTRALIZERS OF VOAS. Inthissection,weintroduceaquantumgroupthatcommuteswiththeVirasoroalgebra onthechiral spaceofstatesinthefree masslessscalar field theory p V ϕ(z)ϕ(w) = log(z w) − withtheenergy-momentumtensor (2.1) T = 1∂ϕ∂ϕ+ α0∂2ϕ, 2 2 where the background charge α = α + α = √2p 2/p. This quantum group is 0 + denotedasLU sℓ(2)andconstructedassome−extension−ofthefinite-dimensionalquantum q p group U sℓ(2) which is the maximal centralizer of the triplet algebra . We recall that q p W isan extensionof by thesℓ(2)-tripletofthefields W ,0(z) [8]: p p ± W V W (z) := e α+ϕ(z), W0(z) := [S ,W (z)], W+(z) := [S ,W0(z)], − − + − + where S is the “long screening” operator eα+ϕdz. These three fields are Virasoro + primariesandtheirconformaldimensionsequalto(2p 1). ThefieldW (z)isthelowest- H − − weight vector (with respect to the Cartan sℓ(2)-generator h = 1 ϕ and ϕ is the zero- α+ 0 0 mode of ∂ϕ(z)), the field W0(z) has the h-weight equals to 0 and W+(z) is the highest- weightvectorofthesℓ(2)-triplet. Irreducible representations of the triplet algebra admit two commuting actions, p W sℓ(2)- and -actions [6], and the Virasoro algebra is the invariant of the sℓ(2) ac- p p V V tion in the vacuum representation of . This suggests a construction of the maximal p W centralizer for as an extension of the centralizer U sℓ(2) for the triplet algebra by p q p V W the sℓ(2) triplet: e = S , h = 1 ϕ , and a “conjugate” operator f to the long screening + α+ 0 S . + 2.1. The centralizer of . We recall thedefinition ofthe quantumgroup U sℓ(2) [19] p q W thatcommuteswiththetripletalgebra actiononthechiralspaceofstates. TheU sℓ(2) p q W can be constructed as the Drinfeld double of the Hopf algebra generated by the “short screening” operator F = eα−ϕ(z)dz and K = e iπα−ϕ0. The Hopf algebra structure is − found from the action of these operators on fields. In particular, the comultiplication is H calculated from the action of F and K on operator product expansions of fields. Details ofconstructingU sℓ(2)aregivenin[19]. q 6 P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN The quantum group U sℓ(2) is the “restricted” quantum sℓ(2) with q = eiπ/p and the q threegenerators E, F,and K satisfyingthestandard relationsforthequantumsℓ(2), K K−1 (2.2) KEK−1 = q2E, KFK−1 = q−2F, [E,F] = q−q−1 , − withsomeadditionalconstraints, (2.3) Ep = Fp = 0, K2p = 1, and theHopf-algebrastructureisgivenby (2.4) ∆(E) = 1 E +E K, ∆(F) = K 1 F +F 1, ∆(K) = K K, − ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ (2.5) S(E) = EK 1, S(F) = KF, S(K) = K 1, − − − − (2.6) ǫ(E) = ǫ(F) = 0, ǫ(K) = 1. The quantum group U sℓ(2) admits (p 1) dimensional family of inequivalent ex- q − tensions by sℓ(2) algebras acting on U sℓ(2) as exterior derivatives [31]. There is an q extensionthat admitsaHopfalgebrastructuretobedefined in thefollowingsubsection. 2.2. The centralizer of . Here, we define a quantum group LU sℓ(2) (i.e. a Hopf p q V algebra)that commuteswiththeVirasoroalgebra on thechiral spaceofstates. p V 2.2.1. Definition. TheHopf-algebrastructureonLU sℓ(2)isthefollowing. Thedefining q relationsbetweentheE,F,andK generatorsarethesameasinU sℓ(2)andgivenin(2.2) q and (2.3), andtheusualsℓ(2)relationsbetweenthee, f, andh: (2.7) [h,e] = e, [h,f] = f, [e,f] = 2h, − and the“mixed”relations (2.8) [h,K] = 0, [E,e] = 0, [K,e] = 0, [F,f] = 0, [K,f] = 0, 1 qK q−1K−1 (2.9) [F,e] = [p 1]!Kp q− q−1 Ep−1, − − ( 1)p+1 qK q−1K−1 (2.10) [E,f] = [−p 1]! Fp−1 q− q−1 , − − 1 1 (2.11) [h,E] = EA, [h,F] = AF, 2 −2 where p 1 (2.12) A = − (us(q−s−1)−us(qs−1))K+qs−1us(qs−1)−q−s−1us(q−s−1) u (K)e (qs−1 q−s−1)u (q−s−1)u (qs−1) s s s s s=1 − X with us(K) = pn−=11,n=s(K − qs−1−2n), and es are the central primitive idempotents of U sℓ(2)giveninApp. A6 . q Q LUSZTIGLIMITANDFUSION 7 ThecomultiplicationinLU sℓ(2)isgivenin (2.4) fortheE, F, andK generators and q p 1 (2.13) ∆(e) = e 1+Kp e+ 1 − qr(p−r)KpEp r ErK r, − − ⊗ ⊗ [p 1]! [r] ⊗ − r=1 X p 1 (2.14) ∆(f) = f 1+Kp f + (−1)p − q−s(p−s)Kp+sFs Fp−s, ⊗ ⊗ [p 1]! [s] ⊗ − s=1 X an explicitform of∆(h) = 1[∆(e),∆(f)]isverybulkyand wedonotgiveithere. 2 TheantipodeS and thecounityǫ aregivenin(2.5)-(2.6)and (2.15) S(e) = Kpe, S(f) = Kpf, S(h) = h, − − − (2.16) ǫ(e) = ǫ(f) = ǫ(h) = 0. 2.2.2. LU sℓ(2)throughdividedpowers. ThequantumgroupLU sℓ(2)canberealized q q astheLusztigextensionoftherestrictedquantumgroupU sℓ(2)bydividedpowersofthe q E and F generators. In the usual quantum U sℓ(2) with the relations (2.2), (2.4), (2.5), q and (2.6)andwithgeneric q,thee, f and hexistas thefollowingelements, 1 ( 1)p e = KpEp, f = − Fp, [p]! [p]! and theCartan element p 1 1 1 q2p q2p 1 ( qp)p−1K2p − ( 1)rqr(p−1)[p 1]! h = [e,f] = − ef + − − + − − K2r + 2 2 2p(q q−1) [p] [p r]![r]! − (cid:16) Xr=1 − (cid:17) p 1 p n 1 n ( 1)p+1 − ( 1)n[p 1]! − − C q−(2k+1)K q(2k+1)K−1 qr−1K q−r+1K−1 + − Kp − − − − − , 2[p 1]! ([p n]!)2[n]! (q q−1)2 q q−1 − n=1 − k=0 − r=1 − X Y Y where the U sℓ(2) Casimir element C is given in App. A. The commutation relations q between these elements and their comultiplication, antipode, and counity satisfy (2.7)- (2.16)whenq eiπ/p. → 3. REPRESENTATIONS OF LU sℓ(2) q To describe the category C of finite-dimensional LU sℓ(2)-modules, we first study p q irreducibleLU sℓ(2)-modulesin3.1andthenobtainessentialinformationaboutpossible q extensions between them in 3.2. This let us construct all finite-dimensional projective LU sℓ(2)-modulesin3.3. Thenin3.4,wedecomposetherepresentationcategoryC into q p a direct sum of two full subcategories C+ and C . The subcategory C+ is then identified p −p p withatensorcategoryoftheVirasoroalgebrarepresentations. 8 P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN 3.1. Irreducible LU sℓ(2)-modules. An irreducible LU sℓ(2)-module X is labeled q q ±s,r by ( ,s,r), with 16s6p and r N, and has the highest weights qs 1 and r 1 with ± ∈ ± − −2 respect to K and h generators, respectively. The sr-dimensional module X is spanned ±s,r byelementsa ,06n6s 1,06m6r 1,wherea isthehighest-weightvectorand ±n,m − − ±0,0 theleftaction ofthealgebraon X is givenby ±s,r (3.1) Ka = qs 1 2na , ha = 1(r 1 2m)a , ±n,m ± − − ±n,m ±n,m 2 − − ±n,m (3.2) Ea = [n][s n]a , ea = m(r m)a , ±n,m ± − ±n−1,m ±n,m − ±n,m−1 (3.3) Fa = a , f a = a , ±n,m ±n+1,m ±n,m ±n,m+1 whereweset a = a = a = a = 0. ±1,m ±n, 1 ±s,m ±n,r − − 3.1.1.Remark. TheelementAdefinedin(2.12)and(2.11)isrepresentedinanirreducible representation of LU sℓ(2) by an operator acting as the identity on the highest-weight q vector and zero on all other vectors. Therefore, as it follows from the relations (2.8)- (2.11), the E, F, and K generators of the subalgebra U sℓ(2) commute on X with the q ±s,r e, f, andhgenerators ofthesubalgebrasℓ(2). 3.2. Extensions among irreducibles. Here, we study possible extensions between irre- ducible LU sℓ(2)-modules to construct indecomposable modules in what follows. Let q A and C be left LU sℓ(2)-modules. We say that a short exact sequence of LU sℓ(2)- q q modules 0 A B C 0 is an extension of C by A, and we let Ext1 (C,A) → → → → LUq denotetheset ofequivalenceclasses (see, e.g., [32])ofextensionsofC byA. 3.2.1. Lemma. For 16s6p 1, r N and α,α +, , there are vector-space ′ − ∈ ∈{ −} isomorphisms C, α = α, s = p s, r = r 1, Ext1 (Xα ,Xα′ ) = ′ − ′ − ′ ± LUq s,r s′,r′ ∼ (0, otherwise. There arenonontrivialextensionsbetween X andanyirreduciblemodule. ±p,r Proof. We first recall [20] that the space Ext1 of extensions between irreducible mod- U q ules over the subalgebra U sℓ(2) is at most two-dimensionaland there exists a nontrivial q extension only between X and X , where 16s6p 1 and we set X =X . ±s ∓p−s − ±s ±s,1|Uqsℓ(2) Moreover,thereisanactionofLU sℓ(2)onprojectiveresolutionsforirreducibleU sℓ(2)- q q modules and this generates an action of the quotient-algebra sℓ(2) on the correspond- ing cochain complexes and their cohomologies. Therefore, for an irreducible X and an U sℓ(2)-module M, all extension groups Ext (X,M) are sℓ(2)-modules. In particular, q •U q the space Ext1 (X ,X ) is the sℓ(2)-doublet and there is a nontrivial sℓ(2) action on U ±s ∓p s q − all HochschildcohomologiesofU sℓ(2)(see[31]). q LUSZTIGLIMITANDFUSION 9 Next,tocalculatethefirstextensiongroupsbetweentheirreducibleLU sℓ(2)-modules, q weusetheSerre-HochschildspectralsequencewithrespecttothesubalgebraU sℓ(2)and q the quotient-algebrasℓ(2). The spectral sequence is degenerate at thesecond term due to thesemisimplicityofthequotientalgebra andwethusobtain Ext1 (Xα ,Xα′ ) = H0(sℓ(2),Ext1 (Xα ,Xα′ )), LU s,r s′,r′ U s,r s′,r′ q q where the right-hand side is the vector space of the sℓ(2)-invariants in the sℓ(2)-module Ext1 (Xα ,Xα′ ). This module is nonzero only in the case α = α, s = p s and Uq s,r s′,r′ ′ − ′ − isomorphic to the tensor product X X X of the sℓ(2) modules, where X is the 2 r r′ r ⊗ ⊗ r-dimensionalmodule. Obviously,thetensorproductcontainsatrivialsℓ(2)-moduleonly inthecaser = r 1. Thiscompletestheproof. (cid:3) ′ ± 3.2.2. Example. As an example, we describe an extension of X by X . This ±s,r ∓p s,r+1 can be realized as an extension of r copies X by (r +1) copies X of th−e irreducible ±s ∓p s modulesoverthesubalgebraU sℓ(2), − q X± f // X± f // ... f // X± s s s ◦ ◦ ◦ E F E F E F E F zz ## {{ ## {{ ## {{ $$ X∓ // X∓ // X∓ // ... // X∓ // X∓ p−s p−s p−s p−s p−s f f f f f • • • • • with the indicated action of the E and F generators mixing X with X modules, and ±s ∓p s − with the e and f generators mapping different copies with the same sign. The extension thusconstructedcan bedepicted as X± s,r ◦ (cid:28)(cid:28) X∓ p−s,r+1 • withtheconventionthatthearrowisdirectedtothesubmoduleinthebottommarkedby , • incontrast tothesubquotient in thetop. ◦ 3.3. Projective LU sℓ(2)-modules. We next construct projective LU sℓ(2)-modules as q q projectivecoversofirreduciblemodules. Aprojectivecoverofan irreduciblemoduleisa “maximal” indecomposable module that can be mapped onto the irreducible. Lem. 3.2.1 state that we can “glue” two irreducible modules into an indecomposablemoduleonly in the case ifthe irreducibles have oppositesigns ofthe α-index, thedifference between the two r-indexes equals to one and the sum of the two s-indexes is equal to p. Therefore, to construct a projective cover for X , 16s6p 1 and r>2, we first have to obtain a ±s,r − nontrivialextensionofX bythemaximalnumberofirreduciblemodules,that is,by ±s,r X ⊠Ext1 (X ,X ) X ⊠Ext1 (X ,X ), ∓p−s,r−1 LUq ±s,r ∓p−s,r−1 ⊕ ∓p−s,r+1 LUq ±s,r ∓p−s,r+1 10 P.V.BUSHLANOV,B.L.FEIGIN,A.M.GAINUTDINOVANDI.YU.TIPUNIN whichis 0 X X M X 0. → ∓p−s,r−1⊕ ∓p−s,r+1 → ±s,r → ±s,r → where M is an indecomposable module. Next, to find the projective cover of X , we ±s,r ±s,r extendthesubmoduleX X M bythemaximalnumberofirreducible ∓p s,r 1⊕ ∓p s,r+1 ⊂ ±s,r modules,thatis,byX − −2X X− . ThecompatibilitywiththeLU sℓ(2)-algebra ±s,r−2⊕ ±s,r⊕ ±s,r+2 q relations (with Fp=Ep=0 and (2.11) in particular) leads to an extension corresponding tothemoduleP withthefollowingsubquotientstructure: ±s,r (3.4) X±s,r • zz $$ X∓ X∓ p−s,r−1 p−s,r+1 ◦ ◦ (cid:28)(cid:28) (cid:2)(cid:2) X± s,r • and the LU sℓ(2) action is explicitly described in App. B. This module being restricted q tothesubalgebraU sℓ(2)isadirect sumofprojectivemodulesthatcoversthedirect sum q r X , where we set X = X . Therefore, the P module is the projective ⊕i=1 ±s ±s ±s,1|Uqsℓ(2) ±s,r cover of X , for 16s6p 1 and r>2. Similar procedure gives the projective cover ±s,r − P for theirreduciblemoduleX withthefollowingsubquotientstructure: ±s,1 ±s,1 (3.5) X±s,1 • (cid:15)(cid:15) X∓ p−s,2 ◦ (cid:15)(cid:15) X± s,1 • and theLU sℓ(2)action isalsoexplicitlydescribed inApp. B. q A “half” of these projective modules is then identified in the fusion algebra calculated belowinSec. 4 withsomelogarithmicVirasororepresentations. 3.3.1. Remark. We note there are no additional parameters distinguishing nonisomor- phic indecomposable LU sℓ(2)-modules with the same subquotient structure as in (3.4) q and (3.5). This trivially follows from the fact that all infinitesimal deformations of ho- momorphisms f : LU sℓ(2) End(P ) continuing infinitesimal deformations of the q → ±s,r algebra End(P ) are in one-to-one correspondence with elements in the cohomology ±s,r space H1(LU sℓ(2),End(P )). Since the module End(P ) is a direct sum of projec- q ±s,r ±s,r tivemodulesthenthecohomologiesspaceH1 istrivial.

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