NSFW LucKyi rkwood Characters CHARLOTIEtw,e nty-five RUPEtRwTe,n ty-eight SAM, twenty-four AIDAN, earfloyr ties MRB RADSHAW, laftoer ties MIRANDA, laftoer tifiefst/ieeasr ly NotoenT ext Aforwsalraidsn hd iicnatteeersdsr puepetch. Ac omomnai toswl ni inned iacb aetaaets s;i lsehnoctreht aenr ap auosraes ,h iiftnt houogrrh hty thm. Thanks Iw oullidtk oteh aSnikm Goond wDionm,i CnoiockM ee,l KenyaonnEd dH imTeh.e arreae l asn ou mboefper o pwlheo genergoauvoseftl hyet iirmk en,o wlaendedgx ep erwiheon ce don owta nttbo en amebdut,th kenyo wwh ot haeryae n Id thatnhket mo o. L.K. Thist ewxetn ttop rebsesf otrheeen odf r ehearasnadsl oms a y diffselri gfrhotmlt yhp el aasy p erformed. 3 1. Tehe dtioorffisc oefD oghomuasgeae za,wi eneypk ulcbalntiio fory onugm enT.hm ea gaznianmaeeps p eiannre soo nnt he walBleo.yn tdh deo oarno, p -epnloaffinc e. Threieas p otoalb alf er,io dfdgi ren Akda sr.t boThaerd. edirtsdo ehsakas d eskAtpopcplo em pounti eTtrh.e arree framepdr inotfto sp plheosstsho o oontt hswe a lAlc sir.cb kaett itnh ceo errAn.ne nromoLuisvp eoFroClfl asgt rfruonmtg h e ceigl.The ip notoalb ilsset rweiwttnoh ay nsgd a dgaendt s comprug taemtehsta htme a gahzairsne ev ioeriw se d revinige.w CHARLOTamI iEd,d leg-ifrcrollmoa ustsos Lfio dnedw hoon nolwi vienToo st iinssgi ,t otnaic nhgaa if ro,li dhnee lrra p, furiworiutsilnyg S hnheoa otste hfisel.roe nst hfleo owrh ich shceo nsfruolmtt istm ote i me. RUPEaRnTu ,p perb-ocfrylo amBs esr kwshhoi rlneio ivwne s Hoxtwoant,ch heBeros.r heeyd a,w lnoso,ak bsot uhoteffi ce. Wandoevrtesotr h peo toalb alngedi viaet s k ick. RUPRETW.h eInfi rsstta hretrweeedu, s tepodl oanty h aaltl thtei me. Thpilsa hcageso nteto h feu ckdionggs . Hes idtoswo nnt he aflCtoH oArRL OTTEsfeet. Scramtyhc eha d. Withloouotka iwnafrgyo mh ewro rokrs, t opwpriintgi ng, CHARLOrTIeEa cahh aensod ua tn sdc trcahReVsP ERTs he.aH deg roainpnsl eraes.u SAM,a w orgk-icnluansisv,e rcsaitbtyeo-frdyeo dmou ustide oLfo dnownh noo lwi viAenrs c hewnatye,r nsg,a juggli cardbtoroaafcryo d ff eHeesss.w eaantyfrd an tic· NSFW 4 SAM.A mJ l a?It hsee h er?e CHARLEOt TIakoenosetf h ceo ffeReUsPR.ET ta kes antohre. CHARLEO.HTI ei'ansm eetwiinfitgnh a nRcueni.nnl gtea . SAMm.akT eueh phrw eeamt rsih nwsidohsk,me e ia spSnnatt y a'irTnbahgune scdrmhk ceuesu'oc ,clsnh'o htd c ie s,o istnh'etare n!ld'a ughIni enag-r, lIy CHARLOSTIaEmC.?a ldmo wn. SAMN.oj utshtteh iinsigI,sw alsa otnMe o ndtao�yon I d ca'nIt1j , u csnat'- t RUPEMRaTtL.ea .ys etIa w ra rse viaebwisnifgnot trhhJ eneue issIgu oect.o mplmeutnetwleaydl ,k heedreA ,ii dna n's talcaim nege twiinRtgoh g feurc kHiinggh symeiatIhh ?, donr'etm eamt bheibrnu agtpp areItn otoolukymt yc ock anbda ,lijlgsgtlheeidmmn y h ansda,'i Hdo dw' yloiuk e thaepmp laentsdh? ru'e pow nh ifso lbdiicnygIc 'lme .s till hearree,In I?'t mt'e sd Yioa'ue.rn ogto itngoge fi tr feod·r beilnawgti est ohmc eo ffees. CHARLOTTYEe.aw hel iltd,'i sff efroyeron iuts, in t'.t RUPEHRoTiw.is dt i ffefromeren I?ta ma m emboetfrh e workforce. CHARLOsTTtEaa rehtsi m. CHARLODIT'Ey.ko nuoh wo Rwu pertj og/boS ,ta mt?h is RUPECRlTa..Rs esayflulcykc ilna,Cgs h sayrlotte. CHARLO.DTT y'Eo tuih kn' e dh .i a dni n.t erDv'iyteohwuki? n he s pehnotuc rhse ctkhfieon ongnht i CsV ? RiUEnPrRtvwCTeia ne n�trydFYuG io, tI d h I'1t·h , a� c nndoy knot aduI �uo tadcnm c t ytk n u eaIelld s'leia,ky dn yes smoeIp e olpwee C OULDME NTINO- I CHARLOITE. H e g oat/ In RUPERT 'Manydb'syB iga r,nsry i i ,.anarn.,, azn.T telw HIh:rboeDR ua.t AifbRuarlHTi ItTe,oStO nYtoR.h tenu eof 5 ONE RUEPR.T' OChh arlyoocuta tmeae,n,y d o u mgeave chlamydia.' CHARLOTTSEh.uu ptW! h awtr'oswn igyt ohu ? RUPEWRTh.a Itm'?j umsets swiinytgoh u . CHARLOTTSEa.dm o eksnn'ottwh at. RUPERTS.a mIw, a s measbsoIiuwtnta gj.s o kes. CHARLOTIdT iEnd.og ti hviecm h lamydia. RUPERNToO..fc ousrhsdeei dOnfc' otu.r se. Ofc ourse. He waitSn kAMs,s cartchhiecssr oMtocuht.th hssee ntence 'Iwtac sar basth' i sm,h iehlidsi nfrmgoo mu th CHARLOTTvEi'esw . CHARLOTWThEad.ti y do sua y? RUPE.R sTIaI iTWd A SC RABS. CHARLOTthTrEdo owwshn efi rl egso,foe rsh ihme, dodgheelsra ,u ghing. HerS ecGraertd cerna'wswl iiptnehgs S tasmO,!m nem relisnpqeuoimv t,oie sn trantes! Shcea tchhiepmsu, ht isim na h eadlsoicnhkkits,mho i s knees. CHARLOTTWEh.e ryeo'ucsro pAyi?d agno'itsnao gs k, what amIg oitntoge h lilm ? RUPRETY.o ut'hliolnfs k o met/h( iLanuggO!hws!.) CHARLOTTDEo. l Iol oikyk oeum ro thDeoIrl ?o loikyk oeu r /f uckmiontghb eirt,c h? RUPEROThd.,o nl'etfitg 'hdsta ,r lNiointfrng o !no tft hceh ild! CHARLOTTIE'.sm e riyoofuuus c,k wiansogtfs e p a-ce RUPER.ST ams,h efl'isr wtiimtnehgY! o u'wriet nsaeh ses',s fliirtnagn idt h'usr ting! Ji NSFW 6. . HfUVaHdArond e, esoiimsn snp eotrctap tANoa ntsreogeh ry cnis·et,ttil .dts r re nge i eSaes·wesahm A varlk tmse pttaa hvpaddileei. reeosnkl.gsh �g-i sbcse .on. 1ecle te ns aC�lAi.t.sgeecHIDa e0, t,d,kARLA1cffm, u 1ON d ocuc TTavermgarEe.dpi.othinsa dr i_ sbs oed e nl-boo rR oadw okUcann.n,PoPigrEs a g maRp tTshr11 e· e AIDAN-Graeitus .es reIay lm elatnh at. AID AN hicso ffee. SAMr usehst bor ign (NIom',a lrSiagmhh,ato d,n uep srtsa.i) SAMt akthelesio dfft hceo ffkeneo,ic btkas kci onne g o. Thhecemai roartntc ii'iufltsfisolio n ncratk l,aeil krtaydlei' eennsfi ag inptifle,'tia scerrd kllias.ey,ynPyb rguttit hn e journalliivsems a ntootd hafieygr.h t Ah alfa-rhtceehdefr eomrt hoet hHeerh so.lu dpts h peae lr.c Juarsrti frvoemtd hp er isnhto p. Hep uolfftl hswe r aptproie nvge laaglrefr aam epdr ioafn t topglrieklsn,lse i eonng uannm abdeed .n oaIt t 's profe ssi-osnntdaaarlidm aig'tebs,e etna kbeyn a amna r.t eu Thgeiha rsvl e lrya rbgree aasnitdiss n , a pose that emphatshaiirssce,hhs ie bnra gcp kr,e sehnetarri snAeg . sefxya lcieap,ps aa fir ntg,e r miount Shhh.iee sr u�ubtlebydae tuifbuulat,l vseonry a rtlauh,e mra ek-piu s a:: �ticer ludayep plhieherad ii,asr l itwtillsedhw eea ras wl tco�ot-npta ioref v edryapya ncthsi pbpienudae i l vrainsp,lh at. si bac nl eg os n h ewrr iAIsDtAsN.t askd ewon lsaytder s w inne.frro .m w. h e rl.eht a n gosnt hweal la,n d palcest ehn ewp rintin u sp alc.e Ladya ndg entmleen 'meeDto hgou'sLseo cLaolv ,e2 l10y2. They a 1llo oka ti .t CH� OTTE( raedinfn �: li1\vkieiglhstb o okt tehc atpin)o'.C arrieigeh,ten e, RUPERT.C h es t.ngi tonWi o rld eo mfAe dp vaerknstu.'res ! ONE 7 CHARLOTIIEtr.'e st arAdtle edla.as ystet a hra'tdsh r ee ading agoefa g rown-up. RUPE.CR hTarwlaorste taedP irnowguh setsn hw ea esi ghteen. CHARLOTRIueEpr.wt a psl aysiongbggi ys wchueihntew as eignh.t ee RUPERSTtld.i o lL.o veenltdyao n e venaig nogor,do uonfd olSdB . CHARLOTWIhEaw.te ryeod uo iwnhgey no wue reei ghteen, Sam? SAMR.e vising. CHARLOTTNEob. u ftof ru n. SAMR.e viPsrienmtgut.cyfr h o mw heIwn a ssi xttewoeh ne,n Ic amhee rIwe a,rs e vising. AIDAslN o okuipan ttgh p er ionntt hw ea ll. AIDAINr .e alliltkyhe i s. RUPERCTa.rrm ieee,Ht um beHrutm bert. AIDANNo.I,d oI,m eaAne.s thlelItyt i.hc itanhikiws sh awte shobuegl odi fnogMr u.c mho rnea ttuhrlaaanlys eta r's. Nat'ugsro aolTd h.ew raeass oorfpt,l aqsutaitlcloi a tsyt yeaarr'oshu,en -rd CHARLOTITEi.t s. AIDANNo.I,m eamnotri enh e/er nergy CHARLOTITEi.t s. AIDAINm .e atnh,ew raaesq ualainot vye,qr uaaltllhi Iat ty fouanb dii tn,t imiBd·tauhttiii gssno goi.dt v,'e srr eyva elr y next-vdenorooyrmr a Hlo.wm aneyn tdriiwdeeh s a vteh is year? SAMN.i nheu ndarnesddi xty-nine. RUPElRaTu gChHsA.RO LTIEg ivheiasml ook. RUPERSTi.x ty-nine. 8 ADIAN.NN SFWotb daU.p o nl atys era. CHARLO'ITE.Iw tas S ma'sc hoi.ce AIDAYNe.1sk ,n oIwt.a'n es x ceclhloe,iSn cat.em SAMIt. h ousghlheot o fkrieed.n dlSoyofar,ptr p ohabacel. Thaelyll o aottkh per int. CHAR'ITLEO.Y eathh,at thw'eos r Adp.p raoba.lceh ' AIDAONn.cm eo ruen tthobe r each. AIDAsNib thesi hnidds e sRkU.P EaRnTCd H ALROTTE grtahbte wo ot hcehrai itnrh sofe fi cSeA,Mh atsmo a kdeo wiatb he anbag. Ij uwsatnt stot bayrs ta ytihnagyn okIuk .n ohwo w hard youa'lvle worked, theIsw ea nyltota uos t few issues, and knoiwtb 'esen no taendad,pr peciCahtaerdlI.o' stletlne d, rouanned m ailiy,fo cubo uuptla dos ns gmrya ttitoth ued e reosftt hs et aff? CHARLOnToTttEeh dsio sw n. Howevtehre,ar l eo'wnsag ty go o . The climate is very hosAtsiy lokeun. o tww,oo ft hpeu bliiconau tri ons demogrhaapvgheoi nce iuntn hldeaet srht rm eoen ths. Half-hecahreteedrC HfArRoLmTO ETR,U PEaRnTd SAM. We'gvaei anl eidfrt otmlte h eriera debrunsthoa itsmp u ,hc as wleiA'kndetd .h iiassn o pporItd uonnti'httiwy ne,vk' e fuglrlays tphyeaedtIt m ,e awne 'gvoetth C e2 DEtshy,e'e r wiutshb, ui twf e 'crleew vece arbn r onao duaerpe pal, scouopsp o moetf h oAsBeCl - sy oduo nl'oteo xkic t.ed Everytorntieloe o seo xkc ited. Thiiessx ci.Wt ei'nnrgoteta lakbioneugidt t olrv ioeaaru,hl buat tarcetpiocnsagilT.t h ieoranenei' xsig sm tisisinno statenmooe nnest'a,sy t ionugtc hshet aetneRtom,gr e's certnaositan yltiyhn bagut It,' gmi vyionlugi cehe enrtceo ONE 9 beb oldg,yu sb,eb rayveeaT,hh ?e arlew'sras omy of or jkoe,st ehr'aesl wsa yroobmo otfbhosaar,gt ie'vnsb, uw tht a elistseh erroeof mo? r RUPERTp uhtishas n du p. Rupe?r t RUPERTB.u ms? AIADN-Bumsd otns 'ewlhlaI,t' s ma yiisinl,sge rte'alsli lvye itneh sp aecbse tewnte hbeo oybesa,Lh e?tn 'olstet th em outrgowu sIw, a nytoa ult lko epeupt ytoiunregsis ten hl ev haedo tfh eaitge hntt-toeh i-rfitvye--oymleadanT r.h iinnkg aobtuw hoh eia sn wdh ahtew anttsso p ehniddsi sploesab inocmeo nw,h adtoe s ahbeo wuitthta ihlmsk a t,we hsat makheislm a uwghhDa,ot g homuasgeac zaignni hevi em thhaect a gne'attn ywehlesree. Soo,nt hnaott e. Ounre MxatCn h allenge. Thoet hgerrosa n. Whwoa ntotg sot toh Aecr tfioacrw eeCkh?a rlotte? CHARLOSTTuEr.v euyh -suahy.s AIDARNu.p es? RUPERT.b eAelnr.e ady AIDAWNh.e n? RUPESRcoTho.tl r ip. SAMW.h aitlt'i sk e? RlJPEPRrTec.to tlyd . AIDNA.We 'lgley tos uo mmei ttens. RUPERTN.o I.m' s orbrunytoI d, i tdhd ei Yeotsu.a iiIfdd ,i d thde ited Iit dh na'tvoe adnmoyo rMea Cnh aglelfseoa nrt lessati mxo ntyhossua, i d. ADIAN.B utth oinswe i blefl u n. NSFW JO RUPERT1.a tnoet inhgbu mte afotrs iwxe eAkisdna.. AIDAN.T ehr aedrelsvo dei t. RUPRETIh. a tdgo o t toh heo sptigote matylb oewmle idcally di-sipamcetd. AIADN.T ehm esasegb aorswd etnc ra.zy RUPEARnTbd.eo frteh Ia ttd hised�le� d �priivo,Ian w tas halaltuifcniofignrv d ea .y sIp 1sxa11wmne y ss o puD.o y ou knowwh atth alti'kTseob ? ee ataib nogwo lfm isntenreo ansdee ev piiilxe fsrc oknligio ny orsu po?on CHARLOlTTtsEh .aaN ti gella? RUPEYRoTpu.r omNiosm eodrM.ea Cn halelse.n g AIDAONk..aS yam? SAMY.e s? AIDADNoy. o wua nttgo o t oth Aer ctic? SAM.When? AIDANNe.wx ete k. SAMI.tm 'ygs li rfribeinrdt'hsd ay. AIDATNa.hk eeSr e!he o mwa ntyi myeoscu a hna vseeix n sub-zero temperatures. RUPEBReTf.io gtro ebe lsa acnfkda olffl.s AIDAWNe.'c laill't lL oivaneC olCdl iem'a.t CHARLOIITtEw'.hs aN ta nMciyt fwooruhdla dvw eat ne,d Sam. SAMN.oI ,' rde,al litlkhyei a ttj',u-s sI t'e bv oeodkat hgi.n Fomryg irlfbriiernt,idh t'hd'seats ryh ir/at ni-de th RUPEHRaTr.ao nlMdda ude. SAMA.n Id wtamona tki set p escoib aoIlo ktehtidhns ,ig I v'e beseanv uipmn ygh olitdi-amyeId icdl eiwati rSt raha .h AIDAWNha.it is t ?