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Preview $L^p$-approximation of the integrated density of states for Schrödinger operators with finite local complexity

Lp-APPROXIMATION OF THE INTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES FOR SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS WITH FINITE LOCAL COMPLEXITY MICHAEL J. GRUBER, DANIELH. LENZ,AND IVANVESELIC´ Abstract. We study spectral properties of Schr¨odinger operators on 1 1 Rd. The electromagnetic potential is assumed to be determined locally 0 by a colouring of the lattice points in Zd, with the property that fre- 2 quenciesoffinitepatternsarewelldefined. Weprovethattheintegrated density of states (spectral distribution function) is approximated byits n finite volume analogues, i.e. the normalised eigenvalue counting func- a J tions. The convergence holds in the space Lp(I) where I is any finite energy interval and 1≤p<∞ is arbitrary. 6 2 ] P S 1. Introduction . h Spectralproperties play a key role in the analysis of selfadjoint operators. t a This is in particular the case for Hamiltonians describing the time evolution m ofquantummechanical systems. Inthecontext of mathematical physicsone [ often studies the integrated density of states, in the following abbreviated by IDS. It is very natural to think of the IDS as the normalized eigenvalue 2 v counting function of the restriction of the Hamiltonian to a large but finite 1 volume system. This leads to the question in what sense and how well one 7 can approximate the IDS of the full Hamilton operator by the spectral dis- 4 3 tribution functions of appropriately chosen finite-volume analogues. This . question has been pursued for various types of selfadjoint operators, resp. 4 0 Hamiltonians, in particular in the mathematical physics and geometry lit- 0 erature. Let us mention the seminal papers [Pas71, Shu79] and the recent 1 reviews[KM07,Ves08]. Thereonecan findalso anoverview of theliterature : v up to ’07. i X It turns out that in the discrete and in the one-dimensional setting one r can control the convergence of finite volume approximants to the IDS very a well. Let us state this more precisely: • For difference operators (with finite range) on combinatorial graphs theeigenvaluecountingfunctionsarebounded. Thisleadstouniform convergence (in supremum norm) for the IDS [LMV08, LV09]. • For Schro¨dinger operators on metric graphs (so called quantum graphs) with constant edge lengths one can achieve uniform con- vergence for the IDS as well [GLV07]. Here one has to assume that 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J10,81Q10. Key words and phrases. integrated density of states, random Schr¨odinger operators, finitelocal complexity. (cid:13)c2010 by the authors. Faithful reproduction of this article, in its entirety, by any means is permitted for non-commercial purposes. 1 2 M.J.GRUBER,D.H.LENZ,ANDI.VESELIC´ the randomness satisfies a finite local complexity condition. Note that for quantum graphs the eigenvalue counting functions are un- bounded: However, the technically relevant objects are the spectral shift functions, which are still bounded. • Metric graphs with non-constant edge lengths lead to unbounded shift functions; in this case, convergence holds locally uniformly, as wellasgloballyuniformlywithrespecttoaweightedsupremumnorm [GLV08]. See also [GLV08] for an overview. For electromagnetic Schro¨dinger operators on Rd even the perturbation by a compactly supported potential may lead to a locally unbounded spec- tral shift function. Thus the shift function diverges not only at infinity but also on compact energy intervals. This is in particular the case for Landau- type Hamiltonians, see, e.g., [RW02, HKN+06] and references therein. One may expect that the situation will be better for certain random perturba- tions oftheLandauHamiltonian. Inorderto obtain continuity of theIDSof Landau-typeHamiltonians plus a random, ergodic potential one has to pose appropriate conditions on the randomness. They amount to regularity con- ditions on the random distribution (see [CH96, Wan97, HLMW01, CHK07] and references therein). The results of the present paper apply to highly “singular” distributions, though: those of Bernoulli type; at each lattice site in Zd, local electric and magnetic potentials are chosen randomly from a fi- nitesetofprototypes. Forsuchmodelstherearenoresultsonthecontinuity of the IDS. Thus this property cannot help us proving uniform convergence of the distribution functions. Our main result is that one can still achieve a strong form of convergence. More precisely, we show that convergence holds in the space Lp(I) for any finite interval I ⊂ R and any finite p. In the following section we describeour modeland assumptions and state themaintheorems. Section3providesboundsonthespectralshiftfunction. They are applied in Section 4 which establishes certain almost additivity properties and thus concludes the proof of the main theorem. The latter is applied to certain types of alloy type random Schro¨dinger operators in the final section. 2. Model and results Throughout the paper we will consider electromagnetic Schro¨dinger op- erators which satisfy the following regularity Assumption 1. Let U be an open set in Rd, A: U → Rd a magnetic vector potential, each component of which is locally square integrable, V = V − + V : U → R a scalar electric potential, such that its positive part V ≥ 0 − + is locally integrable and its negative part V ≥ 0 is in the Kato class. This − implies that V is relatively form bounded with respect to −∆U, the Dirichlet − Laplacian on U, with relative bound δ strictly smaller than one. Under these conditions the magnetic Schro¨dinger operator (1) HU = (−i∇−A)2+V Lp-APPROXIMATION OF THE INTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES 3 is well defined via the corresponding lower semi-bounded quadratic form with core C∞(U)[Sim79]. Duetothischoice ofcore, wesaythatHU hasDirichlet c boundary conditions. Let us mention locally uniform Lp-integrability conditions which are suf- ficient for V to be in the Kato-class. More precisely, if V satisfies − − 1/p kV−kLp (Rd) = sup |V−(y)|pdy < ∞ loc,unif x∈Rd(cid:16)Z|x−y|≤1 (cid:17) for p = 1 if d = 1 and p > d/2 if d ≥2, then it belongs to the Kato-class. Next we want to introduce the notions of a colouring and a pattern. For this purpose we denote the set of all finite subsets of Zd by F (Zd) and an fin arbitrary finite set by A. A colouring is a map C :Zd → A and a pattern is a map P : D(P) → A, where D(P) ∈ F (Zd) is called fin the domain of P. We denote the set of all patterns by P. For a fixed Q ∈ F (Zd) we denote the subset of P which contains only the patterns fin with domain Q by P(Q). Given a set Q ⊂ D(P) and an element x ∈ Zd we define a restriction of a pattern P| and the translate of a pattern P +x by Q the vector x in the following way P| : Q → A,g 7→ P| (g) = P(g), P +x: D(P)+x → A,y+x 7→ P(y) Q Q Two patterns P ,P are equivalent if there exists an x ∈ Zd such that P = 1 2 2 P +x. The equivalence class of a pattern P in P is denoted by P˜. This 1 induces on P a set of equivalence classes P˜. For two patterns P and P′ the number of occurrences of the pattern P in P′ is denoted by ♯ (P′):= ♯{x ∈ Zd|D(P)+x ⊂ D(P′),P′| = P +x}. P D(P)+x Here, ♯ denotes the cardinality of a finite set. Next we define the notion of a van Hove sequence and of the frequency of a pattern along a given van Hove sequence. A sequence (Uj)j∈N of finite, non-empty subsets of Zd is called a van Hove sequence if ♯∂MU (2) for all M ∈ N: lim j = 0. j→∞ ♯Uj Here ∂MU = {x ∈U |dist(x,Zd\U) ≤M}∪{x ∈ Zd\U | dist(x,U) ≤ M}. It is sufficient to check the relation (2) for M = 1, it then follows for all M ∈ N, cf. for instance Lemma 2.1 in [LSV10]. If for a pattern P and a van Hove sequence (Uj)j∈N the limit ♯ (C| ) ν := lim P Uj . P j→∞ ♯Uj exists, we call νP the frequency of P along (Uj)j∈N in the colouring C. InoursettingA willbeafinitecollection of pairs(a,v) whereais afunction Rd → Rd such that all its components are in L2 and v is a function Rd → R such that its positive part is in L1 and its negative part is in the Kato class, 4 M.J.GRUBER,D.H.LENZ,ANDI.VESELIC´ cf. Assumption 1. Moreover, both the support of a and of v are contained in W := [0,1]d. 0 Given a colouring C: Zd → A we denote by C its first and by C its second a v component. To each colouring C we associate an electromagnetic potential (A ,V ): Rd → Rd×R C C A (x) := C (k)(x−k), V (x) := C (k)(x−k) C a C v kX∈Zd kX∈Zd and a Schro¨dinger operator H :=(−i∇−A )2+V . C C C Note that for any open subset U of Rd the restriction HU of H to U with C C Dirichlet boundary conditions satisfies Assumption 1. Now we want to define the IDS of H and of finite restrictions thereof. For C thispurposeweneedsomemorenotation. Inordertoassociatefinitesubsets of Zd with bounded subsets of Rd, we define W: F (Zd) → B(Rd), Q 7→ W := (W +t) fin Q 0 t∈Q [ whereweusethenaturalembeddingZd ⊂ RdanddenotetheBorel-σ-algebra by B. Furthermore, if U is an open set in Rd, HU a Schro¨dinger operator ◦ defined on U and Q ∈ F (Zd) such that W ⊂ U we define, by a slight but fin Q natural abuse of notation, ◦ HQ := HWQ, i.e. the restriction of HU to the interior of W in the sense of quadratic Q forms as above. Q Let us denote by χ H and χ H the spectral families of (−∞,λ] C (−∞,λ] C Q Q H and H , respectively. The IDS of H is the distribution function C C (cid:0) (cid:1) C (cid:0) (cid:1) N λ,Q := Tr χ HQ , (−∞,λ] C divided by the volume v(cid:0)olW (cid:1)= ♯Q(cid:2). Since(cid:0)Q is(cid:1)(cid:3)finite, HQ is an elliptic Q C Q operator on a bounded domain and χ H is trace-class. However, (−∞,λ] C χ H is not, which is the reason why we need the existence theorem (−∞,λ] C (cid:0) (cid:1) below, and why H may display any interesting spectral features at all. C For M(cid:0) ∈(cid:1)N we denote by C ⊂ Zd thecubeat theorigin with sidelength M M −1, i.e. C :={x ∈ Zd : 0 ≤x ≤ M −1,j = 1,...,d}. M j Now we are prepared to state our main theorem: Theorem 2. Let C: Zd → A be a colouring, (Uj)j∈N a van Hove sequence such that for all patterns P ∈ P(C ) the frequencies ν exist. Let M∈N M P I ⊂ R be a finite interval. Then there exists a function N belonging to all S Lp-APPROXIMATION OF THE INTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES 5 Lp(I) with 1 ≤ p < ∞ and independent of the van Hove sequence such that for j → ∞ we have p 1 (3) N λ)− N λ,U dλ → 0 j ♯U ZI(cid:12) j (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:12) for any any p ∈ [1,∞).(cid:12)More precisely, for an(cid:12)y M ∈N the above integral is (cid:12) (cid:12) bounded by C d 1 ♯∂MUj + C(T +C)2 +cp,dCp + M ♯U j (cid:16) (cid:17) ♯ (C| ) +C(T +C)d2 P Uj −νP ♯U j P∈XP(CM)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where T = supI. The dependencies of the constants appearing in the esti- mate are as follows: c depends only on the dimension d and the exponent p,d p, and C depends only on d and on (the Kato norm of) V . C,− Remark 3. • Obviously, the theorem yields a function N ∈ Lp(R) such that on each finite interval I the above holds, and we may extend this to (upper) semibounded intervals since our operators are uniformly semibounded below. • In particular one may choose the van Hove sequence U := C or a j j similar family of expanding cubes (if the frequencies exist) so that onegetsanexplicit 1-decayforthesecondtermintheerrorestimate. j A sequence of cubes is a common choice for defining the IDS. • Intherandomsetting,introducedinSection5,thereisanalternative definition of the IDS (Pastur-Shubin formula) which coincides with N, as we show there. 3. Bounds on the spectral shift function of facets In this section we prove certain bounds on the spectral shift function (SSF) which are needed in Section 4. They concern the SSFs of two elec- tromagnetic Schro¨dinger operators which differ by an (additional) Dirichlet boundary condition on a facet. This difference can be understood as a gen- eralized (positive) compactly supported potential. Hence we can use results established in [HKN+06], either verbatim or with slight modifications. Recall that if V is in the Kato class, then there exists some number δ − smaller than one such that V is relatively ∆-bounded with relative bound − δ. We quote Lemma 5 from [HKN+06]: Lemma 4. Let HU be a Schro¨dinger operator defined on the open set U ⊂ Rd of finite volume which satisfies Assumption 1. Denote by E the nth n eigenvalue counted from below including multiplicity of HU. Then there exists a constant C such that 1 2π(1−δ)d n 2/d (4) E ≥ −C for all n ∈ N. n 1 e |U| (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 M.J.GRUBER,D.H.LENZ,ANDI.VESELIC´ The constant C depends on the Kato norm of V only. Lemma 4 will 1 − be used in the proof of the next result, which is a slight modification of Theorem 1 in [HKN+06]. We will frequently use certain subsets of d−1 dimensional hyperplanes in Rd. They are unit squares in the hyperplanes. More formally we define: Definition 5. A set S ⊂ Rd is called canonical facet if there exists a j ∈ {1,...,d} such that S = {(x ,...,x )| x = 0 and x ∈[0,1] for i6= j}. 1 d j i A set S is called a facet if there exists a canonical facet S˜ and a vector x ∈ Zd such that S = x+S˜:= {y ∈ Rd | y−x ∈ S˜}. Let U be an open subset of Rd, S a facet as defined in Definition 5, and U˜ := U\S. LetH beaSchro¨dingeroperatoronU,satisfyingAssumption1. 1 Using quadratic forms we define H as the Dirichlet restriction of H to U˜. 2 1 Then the operators e−H1, e−H2, and V := e−H2−e−H1 are well defined by eff the spectral calculus. Theorem 6. (a) The operator V is compact. eff (b) Denote by µ the nth singular value of V counted from above including n eff multiplicity. Then there are finite positive constants c and C such that the 2 singular values of the operator V obey eff (5) µ ≤ C e−cn1/d. n 2 The constant c may be chosen depending only on d, while C depends only 2 on the Kato-class norm of V . − Proof. Toprovepart(a),i.e.thattheoperatorV iscompact,itissufficient eff tofindafamilyA ,R > 0ofcompactoperatorssuchthattheoperatornorm R of the difference D := V −A tends to zero as R → ∞. Indeed, such an R eff R operatorfamilywillbeconstructedintheproofofthequantitativestatement (b). The operators in the family will be even trace-class. Theproofof(b)isalmostthesameastheoneofTheorem1in[HKN+06]. We use the same notation as there and explain only the step in the proof which is slightly different in the present setting. Let B := B ⊂ Rd be an R open ball of radius R > 0 containing the facet S in its interior, and Sc the complement of S. Denote by HB the Dirichlet restriction of H to the set U∩B and by HB 1 1 2 the Dirichlet restriction of H to the set U˜∩B. Set 2 D = V − e−H2B −e−H1B . eff Let E and P denote expectation a(cid:0)nd probability(cid:1)for Brownian motion, b , x x t starting at x. For any open set U ⊂ Rd denote by τ = inf{t > 0 | b 6∈ U} U t the first exit time from U. We use the Feynman-Kac-Itˆo formula to express e−H1f for f ∈ C (U) as c e−H1f(x) =Ex e−iSA1(b)e−R01V(bs)dsχ{τU>1}(b)f(b1) h i Lp-APPROXIMATION OF THE INTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES 7 where St is a real valued stochastic process (Itˆo integral) corresponding A to the magnetic vector potential A of the Schro¨dinger operator; this repre- sentation holds for more general f [Sim79] but a dense set suffices for our purposes. Analogous representations hold for the operators e−H2, e−H1B , and e−H2B if one replaces the condition χ{τU>1} by χ ,χ , and χ , respectively. {τU˜>1} {τU∩B>1} {τU˜∩B>1} SincetheoperatorD canbeexpressedintermsoffourdifferentexponentials it follows that (Df)(x) = Ex ρ(b)e−iSA1(b)e−R01V(bs)dsf(b1) h i where ρ= χ −χ −χ +χ . {τU>1} {τU˜>1} {τU∩B>1} {τU˜∩B>1} A simple transformation (using χ −χ = χ (1−χ ) = {τU>1} {τU˜>1} {τU>1} {τU˜>1} χ χ = χ χ etc.) shows that {τU>1} {τU˜≤1} {τU>1} {τSc≤1} ρ = χ χ χ . {τU>1} {τSc≤1} {τB≤1} We abbreviate B := {τ ≤ 1}∩{τ ≤ 1}. The H¨older inequality implies Sc B that 1 1/4 1/4 1/2 |Df|(x)≤ Ex χ{τU>1}e−4R0 V(bs)ds Ex χB(b) Ex |f(b1)|2 . (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) At this point w(cid:2)e make the depende(cid:3)nce of the(cid:2) opera(cid:3)tor D on(cid:2)the rad(cid:3)ius of theballB = B explicit anddenoteit consequently by D . From this point R R on we can follow exactly the proof of Theorem 1 in [HKN+06] to conclude that −R2 kD k≤ const exp . R 32 (cid:18) (cid:19) With the choice R =R = n1/2d the desired estimate (5) follows. (cid:3) n ThenextLemmaisanabstractionoftheproofofTheorem2in[HKN+06], which in turn relies on [HS02]. The abstract formulation may be of use also in other contexts. Let A,B be two selfadjoint operators such that V = e−B−e−A is trace eff class. This implies that the sequence µ = {µn}n∈N of singular values of Veff (enumerated in decreasing order including multiplicity) converges to zero. Let F: [0,∞) → [0,∞) be a convex function with F(0) = 0. In particular, F is isotone because for x ∈ [0,∞),α ∈ [0,1] convexity gives F(αx) = F αx+(1−α)0 ≤ αF(x)+(1−α)F(0) = αF(x) which, since F(x) ≥ 0, implies F(αx) ≤ F(x). Set φ(n) = F(n)−F(n−1) for n ∈ N,n ≥ 2. (cid:0) (cid:1) Lemma 7. (a) Let F be as above. Then T (6) F |ξ(λ,B,A)| dλ ≤ eT hφ,µiℓ2(N) Z−∞ (b)Leth: R → R bea bou(cid:0)nded measur(cid:1)able functionwith support in(−∞,T]. Then T (7) h(λ)ξ(λ,B,A)dλ ≤ eT hφ,µiℓ2(N)+ G |h(λ)| dλ ZR Z−∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 M.J.GRUBER,D.H.LENZ,ANDI.VESELIC´ where G denotes the Legendre transform of F, i.e. G(y) = sup{xy−F(x) | x ≥ 0} for y ≥ 0. Of course the usefulness of the Lemma depends heavily on a priori in- formation about the decay of the sequence µ. However, for the choice of operators A = H and B = H we do know that the singular values decay 1 2 at an almost exponential rate. Remark 8. Depending on how many additional properties we assume for the function F, we obtain correspondingly more information about its Le- gendre transform G. This will be discussed next. (1) The following properties hold under no additional assumptions on F: G(0) = 0, G is convex (because xy −F(x) is convex in y) and G(y) ≥ 0 for all y. F(x) (2) If lim = ∞ then G takes on finite values only (and vice versa). x→∞ x (3) If F is twice differentiable, f := F′ > 0 and F′′ > 0 on [0,∞), then 0 if y ≤ f(0), G(y) = (yf−1(y)−F(f−1(y)) if y > f(0). Here f−1 denotes the inverse of the function f. Consequently, T G |h(λ)| dλ = |h(λ)|f−1(|h(λ)|)−F(f−1(|h(λ)|)) dλ. Z Z −∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) {λ≤T:|h(λ)|>f(0)} (cid:0) (cid:1) (4) If there exist a positive constant C and an exponent p > 1 such that µ ≤ Cn−p, then one can choose the function F as F(x) = xq+1, n where q is any number smaller than p−1. Indeed, for this choice of F we have φ(n) ≤ (q+1)nq. Thus µ φ(n) ≤ (q+1)C n−pnq < ∞. n n n X X q+1 Note that in this case G(y) = q y q . q+1 (5) If there exist positive constants(cid:16)c,C(cid:17)and p such that µ ≤ Ce−cnp n for all n ∈ N, then for each value of t < c, the choice x F(x) = etyp −1 dy Z0 (cid:0) (cid:1) gives a finite right hand side in (6). Indeed, φ(n) = n etyp − n−1 1 dy ≤ etnp and thus R (cid:0) (cid:1) hφ,µiℓ2(N) ≤ C e−cnpetnp < ∞. n X The Legendre transform for such a choice of F satisfies 1/p log(1+y) G(y) ≤ yf−1(y)= for all y ≥ 0. t (cid:18) (cid:19) Lp-APPROXIMATION OF THE INTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES 9 Thus in this specific case inequality (7) reads (8) h(λ)ξ(λ,B,A)dλ ≤ eT C e−(c−t)np+ R Z n∈N X 1/p log(1+|h(λ)|) |h(λ)| dλ t Z (cid:18) (cid:19) which recovers the result of [HKN+06]. Now we prove Lemma 7. Proof. Since V is trace class but not necessarily the operator difference eff A−B, the SSF is defined via the invariance principle T T F(|ξ(λ,B,A)|)dλ = F(|ξ(e−λ,e−B,e−A)|)dλ. Z−∞ Z−∞ Now a change of variables gives us T ∞ F(|ξ(e−λ,e−B,e−A)|)dλ ≤ eT F(|ξ(s,e−B,e−A)|)ds. Z−∞ Ze−T To the last expression we can apply the estimate of [HS02] and bound it above by ∞ F(|ξ(s,e−B,e−A)|)ds ≤ µ (V )φ(n). n eff Ze−T n∈N X This establishes claim (a). To prove (b), we note that by the very definition of the Legendre transform, the Young inequality |h·ξ|≤ F(|ξ|)+G(|h|) holds. Integrating over λ we obtain T h(λ)ξ(λ)dλ ≤ F(|ξ(λ,B,A)|)dλ+ G(|h(λ)|)dλ. Z Z−∞ Z Together with (a) this completes the proof. (cid:3) 4. Almost additivity for the eigenvalue counting functions In this section we prove Theorem 2. For this aim we will apply a Ba- nach space-valued ergodic theorem obtained in [LMV08]. Actually, for our purposes it will be convenient to quote a slightly streamlined version of this result from [LSV10]. To spell it out we need to introduce the notion of a boundary term and the properties of almost additivity and invariance. Definition 9. A function b: F (Zd) → [0,∞) is called a boundary term if fin the following three properties hold: (i) b(Q)= b(Q+x) for all x ∈ Zd and all Q ∈ F (Zd), fin (ii) jl→im∞b(♯UUjj) = 0 for any van Hove sequence (Uj)j∈N and (iii) there exists a constant D ∈ (0,∞) such that b(Q) ≤D♯Q for all Q ∈ F (Zd) fin 10 M.J.GRUBER,D.H.LENZ,ANDI.VESELIC´ Definition 10. Let(X,k·k) beaBanachspaceandF afunctionF (Zd) → fin X. (a)ThefunctionF issaid to bealmost-additive ifthereexists aboundary term b such that m m kF(∪m Q )− F(Q )k ≤ b(Q ) k=1 k k k k=1 k=1 X X for all m ∈ N and all pairwise disjoint sets Q ∈ F (Zd), k = 1,...,m. k fin (b) Let C : Zd −→ A be a colouring. The function F is said to be C-invariant if F(Q)= F(Q+x) whenever x ∈ Zd and Q ∈ F (Zd) obey C| +x = C| . fin Q Q+x In this case there exists a function F defined on the (classes of) patterns such that F(P) = F(Q) if C| = P. Q e If F: F (Zd) → X is almost additive and invariant there exists a K ∈ fien (0,∞) such that (9) kF(Q)k ≤ K♯Q for all Q ∈ F (Zd). fin Now we are in the position to quote the Banach space valued ergodic theorem from [LMV08], see [LSV10, §5.1] as well. Theorem 11. Let A be a finite set of colours, C: Zd → A a colouring and (U ) a van Hove sequence along which the frequencies of all patterns j P ∈ P(C ) exist. Let F : F(Zd) → X be a C-invariant and almost- M∈N M additive function. Then the limit S F(U ) F(P) j F := lim = lim ν P j→∞ ♯Uj M→∞ ♯CM P∈XP(CM) e exists in X. Furthermore, for j,M ∈ N the bound (10) F−F(Uj) ≤ 2b(CM)+(K+D) ♯∂MUj+K ♯P(C|Uj)−ν ♯U Md ♯U ♯U P j j j (cid:13) (cid:13) P∈XP(CM)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) holds.(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) We want to apply the ergodic theorem to the eigenvalue counting func- tions of Schro¨dinger operators, considered as elements of X := Lp(I) for a fixed finite interval I ⊂ R and p ∈[1,∞). More precisely, we study the function F : F (Zd) → Lp(I), Q 7→ N ·,HQ fin with N λ,HQ := Trχ(−∞,λ] HQ for λ ∈ R. N(cid:0)ote th(cid:1)at this notation is slightly different from the one used in Theorem 2. The reason is that in the (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) proofs we use a more general class of operators than which was necessary to formulate the main result and thus need a bit more flexibility. To conclude Theorem 2 we need to show that F fulfils the hypotheses of Theorem 11. This is done in the following Lemma 12. The function F : F (Zd) → Lp(I) is invariant and almost- fin additive.

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