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Lowest Landau Level vortex structure of a Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a harmonic plus quartic trap PDF

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Preview Lowest Landau Level vortex structure of a Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a harmonic plus quartic trap

Lowest Landau Level vortex structure of a Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a harmonic plus quartic trap Xavier Blanc, Nicolas Rougerie Universit´e Paris 6, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, 175 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France. (Dated: February 2, 2008) We investigate the vortex patterns appearing in a two-dimensional annular Bose-Einstein con- 8 densaterotatingin aquadraticplusquarticconfiningpotential. Weshowthat in thelimit ofsmall 0 anharmonicity the Gross-Pitaevskii energy can be minimized amongst the Lowest Landau Level 0 wave functions and use this particular form to get theoretical results in the spirit of [A. Aftalion 2 X. Blanc F. Nier, Phys. Rev. A 73, 011601(R) (2006)]. In particular, we show that the vortex n pattern is infinitebut not uniform. We also compute numerically thecomplete vortex structure: it a isan Abrikosov lattice strongly distorted neartheedgesof thecondensatewith multiplyquantized J vortices appearing at thecenter of the trap. 3 2 PACSnumbers: 03.75.Lm,67.85.Bc ] h I. INTRODUCTION force creates a hole in the condensate at the center of c the trap[12,13, 14]. Forrotationspeeds Ω&Ω thereis e c m When rotated, superfluids are expected to exhibit a a vortex lattice in an annular region and a central hole rich structure of quantized vortex states. This has been where the density vanishes and around which there is a - t experimentally confirmed for Bose-Einsteincondensates: circulation. However, this hole is not usually referred to a t the techniques developed to create a single vortex state as a giant vortex as not all the circulation is contained s [1, 2] rapidly led to arrays containing up to several hun- in a central vortex [12]. . t dreds of vortices [3, 4, 5, 6]. Typically these condensates Finally, for even larger rotation speeds the condensate a m areconfinedbyharmonicpotentials,andthelargevortex continues to expand radially with constant area so that arrays are obtained for angular velocities Ω approaching the width of the annulus decreases and all the vortices - d the radial trap oscillator frequency ω. are expected to retreat into the central hole, resulting n With these type of potentials, the limit Ω ω is singu- in a pure irrotational state with macroscopic circulation o lar: as the centrifugal force balances the t→rapping force [12, 13, 15], often called a giant vortex [16, 17]. c the Thomas-Fermiradiusofthe condensatedivergesand In this paper we address the regime Ω & Ωc. We would [ the central density decreases towards zero. like to know the precise repartition of vortices, both 1 In the experiments [7, 8], a blue detuned laser directed in the annular Thomas-Fermi region where we expect v alongtheaxialdirectionaddsaquarticcomponenttothe that they form a regular lattice, and in the region of 1 usual harmonic potential, resulting in a potential of the low density. Indeed, we believe that there should be 7 form : ”invisible” vortices beyond the external radius of the 5 condensate (as is the case for a harmonically trapped 3 1 k . V(r)= mω2r2+ r4 (I.1) condensate in fast rotation [14]) and in the central hole 1 2 4 [12]. 0 In the limit of weak anharmonicity, the single particle 8 where m is the mass of the atoms. The nice feature of states are restricted to the Lowest Landau Level (LLL) 0 this potential is that the centrifugal force, varying as : Ω2r can always be compensated by the trapping force wave functions [14]. Thus our analysis consists in mini- v varying as (mω2r+kr3), so that one can explore the mizingtheGross-PitaevskiienergyintheLLL.Usingthe i X region Ω −ω. explicitexpressionofthe projectionontothe LLLweget ≥ theoreticalresultsinthe spiritof[18, 19]. We provethat r Condensates rotating in this kind of trap present a a a wave function minimizing the Gross-Pitaevskii energy very rich variety of vortex phases. At sufficiently slow in the LLL cannot have a finite number of zeroes, thus rotation speeds, the system is not expected to have any the vortices of the condensate cannot lie in a bounded vortex. For increasing Ω there is a sequence of states domain. This implies that there should be an infinite with more andmore vorticity,where singly andmultiply number of invisible vortices. We also construct critical quantized vortices may be present at the same time points for the Gross-Pitaevskii energy by distorting a [9, 10, 11]. regular hexagonal vortex lattice in the following way: At rotation speeds Ω ω, a large triangular array ∼ first, using a theta function as is done for the Abrikosov of singly quantized vortices appears, which is not problem [20], we construct a function u which modulus qualitatively different from what happens in a purely is periodic over an infinite regular hexagonal lattice and harmonic trap. The difference is when Ω is taken larger which vanishes only at the points of the lattice with than ω: the condensate continues to expand radially simple zeroes. Next we multiply u by a slow varying and there is a critical speed Ω at which the centrifugal c 2 profile α (which corresponds to the square root of the ent studies on harmonically trapped condensates rotat- coarse-grain average of the atom density over several ingatspeedsclosetothetrapfrequency(seeforexample cells [14, 21]). We then project αu onto the LLL. It can [14, 22, 23]). In [9, 10] the LLL approximation is used be shown[19]thatprojectingthisfunction ontothe LLL to determine the phase diagramofa condensate trapped implies a distortion of the vortex lattice. byaharmonicplus quarticpotentialinthe limit ofweak The state of a condensate in the LLL is entirely known interactions and small anharmonicity. from the positions of its vortices. This allows us to The LLL consists of functions of the form ψ(z) = adapt the numerical method of [14] and minimize the f(z)e Ωz2/2 where z is the complex variable x +ix − | | 1 2 Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional of the condensate by andf isaholomorphicfunction. ForanLLLfunctionψ, varying the locations of its vortices. As is expected in the Gross-Pitaevskiienergy reduces to the range of parameters we chose, the condensate lies in an annular domain in which vortices are regularly (ψ)=Ω+ (ψ) GP LLL E E distributed [12, 13]. We also find that there are invisible 1 Ω2 k G vortices both beyond the outer radius of the condensate LLL(ψ)= − z 2+ z 4 ψ 2+ ψ 4 dz, and in the central hole. The vortex lattice is strongly E ZC(cid:18)(cid:18) 2 | | 4| | (cid:19)| | 2| | (cid:19) (II.2) distorted at the inner and outer edges of the condensate and we find that multiply quantized vortices appear at so that we will minimize the energy in the LLL LLL the center of the trap. under the mass constraint ψ 2 =1. E | | The paper is organized as follows: in Section II we Minimizing (II.2) without the assumption that ψ is in describe our model and general approach. We show the LLL gives the main scaRles of the problem. One gets how reducing the minimization of the Gross-Pitaevskii the Thomas-Fermi distribution efonrerwghyicthowtehedeLrLivLealenaEdsulteor-Laangerwangveareiqautiaotnioanl psarotibsfileemd ψ (r)2 =max µ+ (Ω22−1)r2− k4r4,0 (II.3) TF by the minimizer. We then use this equation in Section | | G ! III toshowthattheminimizer necessarilyhasaninfinite where r is the radial coordinate. We refer to [12, 14] number of zeroes and to construct critical points for for the detailed study of such a distribution. In particu- the energy. In Section IV we describe our numerical lar one gets the expression of Ω (see equation (III.19)), method and comment our results, relating them to our c which allows to deduce that for 1 Ω at most of the theoretical approach. Finally we give our conclusions in order of k2/3G1/3 we have Ω Ω| .−Th|en (ψ) has Section V. c LLL ∼ E theorderofk1/3G2/3 andthe spatialextensionofψ is TF of the order of (G/k)1/6. TheLLLapproximationisvalidwhentwoconditionsare fulfilled[14,21]: (i)theexcessenergy (ψ )issmall II. MODEL-APPROACH ELLL TF compared to the splitting between the LLL and the first excited Landau level ( 2 in our units), and (ii) the A. Gross-Pitaevskii energy and LLL reduction ∼ spatial extension of the condensate is large compared to the vortices interdistance, so that coarse-grain averages We assume a strong confinement along the rotation of atomic and vortex densities over several vortex cells axis, so that we are in an almost 2-D situation. We take make sense. Using the scalings derived from (II.3), this ω, ~ω and ~/(mω) as units of frequency, energy and conditions reduce to lengthrespectivelyandconsiderthe Gross-Pitaevskiien- 1 ergy of thepcondensate in the rotating frame, k G and 1 Ω .k2/3G1/3. (II.4) ≪ ≪ √k | − | 1 2 In Section IIIC we will give more details on how the (ψ)= ψ iΩx ψ GP ⊥ scalings (II.4) are derived and see that taking into ac- E R2 2 ∇ − Z (cid:18) count the LLL constraint does not modify the scales of + 1−Ω2 x2(cid:12)(cid:12)+ k x4 ψ 2(cid:12)(cid:12)+ G ψ 4 dx, (II.1) the problem. Indeed, we show in Section IIIB that al- 2 | | 4| | | | 2| | though a function suchas (II.3) cannot be in the LLL, a (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) properdistributionofvorticesallowsonetoapproximate where x = (x1,x2), x⊥ = ( x2,x1) and G is a dimen- very closely such a profile in the LLL, modifying only − sionless coefficient characterizing the strength of atomic slightly the averagedatomic density of the condensate. interactions(see[12,14]forexample). Weminimize GP under the mass constraint ψ 2 = 1. The main ideEa of | | ouranalysisis to restrictthe minimizationof to the B. Mathematical framework for the small GP first eigenspace of the opeRrator iΩxE 2, corre- anharmonicity regime ⊥ − ∇− spondingtotheeigenvalueΩ. ThisistheLowestLandau (cid:0) (cid:1) Level, introduced in the context of Bose-Einstein con- We now describe the mathematical framework we are densationbyHo[21]andthensuccessfullyusedindiffer- going to use in Section III. It was introduced in [18, 3 19] for the theoretical study of an harmonically trapped Indeed,theweakderivativeoftheenergyF atf along LLL condensate. g is given by We define a small parameter ε=k1/3 (II.5) DFLLL(f) g = β z 2+ 1 z 4 f¯ge−|z|2/ε · C − | | 4| | Z (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) corresponding to our small anharmonicity regime and +G f 2f¯ge 2z2/ε dz. study the asymptotics of the problem as ε 0. We 2| | − | | → (cid:19) take Usingintegrationbypartsand∂ f =∂ g =0onthefirst z¯ z¯ Ω=1+βk2/3 (II.6) termandthe factthatΠ (g)=g onthe secondterm,we ε obtain (II.11). with β G1/3 so that we are in the range of pa- ∼ Wegivetwoequivalentformsof(II.11)thatweshallneed rameters (II.4) where the LLL approximation is justi- in the sequel: fied. We rescale distances by making the change of vari- ables φ(z)=√εψ(√εz), the energy becomes ELLL(ψ)= βM f + 1 M2f +εM f + Gf¯(ε∂ )[f2(z/2)]=µf, εELLL(φ) with − ε 4 ε ε 2 z (II.12) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 G E (φ)= β z 2+ z 4 φ2+ φ4 dz. LLL C − | | 4| | | | 2| | 1 1 Z (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19)(II.7) ( β+ ε)Πε(z 2f)+ Πε z 2Πε(z 2f) − 4 | | 4 | | | | We minimize this new energy amongst all functions φ in +GΠ ((cid:0)z2/ε f 2f)=(cid:1)µf. (II.13) the LLL satisfying the mass constraint φ2 =1. ε −| | | | | | For every φ in the LLL we define the function f(z) = φ(z)ez2/2ε. By definition of the LLL, Rf belongs to the The operator f¯(ε∂z) is defined by | | Fock-Bargmannspace + f¯(ε∂ )[g]= ∞a (ε∂ )kg z k z Fε = f holomorphic , C|f|2e−|z|2/εdz <∞ . (II.8) Xk=0 (cid:26) Z (cid:27) if f(z) = a zk. Equation (II.12) is obtained The space is a Hilbert space for the scalar product k Fε from (II.11) as in [18] with some algebra on the P non-linear term. To get (II.13) we use an integra- f,g = f(z)g(z)e−|z|2/εdz. tion by parts to show that M f = Π (z 2f), then h i ZC M2f =Π (z 2Π (z 2f)) and weεget the rεes|ul|t. ε ε | | ε | | The pointofintroducingsuchaspaceisthatthe orthog- In the following section we prove our theoretical results. onal projection of any function g onto is explicitly Using (II.12) we show below that any minimizer f ε F known [24, 25]: of (II.10) (and thus any minimizer φ of (II.7)) has an infinite number of zeroes for ε small enough. The Π (g)(z)= 1 ezz¯′/εe z′2/εg(z )dz , (II.9) construction of critical points is done using (II.13). ε −| | ′ ′ πε C Z so that if we write the variational problem (II.7) for f rather than for φ, namely if we look for f minimiz- ∈Fε III. ANALYTICAL STUDY ing In this section we present the results we are able to FLLL(f)= β z 2+ 1 z 4 f 2e−|z|2/ε derive from equations (II.12) and (II.13). C − | | 4| | | | Z (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) +G f 4e 2z2/ε dz (II.10) − | | 2| | A. Infinite number of zeroes (cid:19) undertheconstraint f,f =1,weareabletoderivethat h i We show that any minimizer f of (II.10) (and there- f satisfies the equation fore any minimizer ψ of (II.2)) has an infinite number of βM f + 1 M2f +εM f +GΠ (e z2/ε f 2f)=µf zeroes if ε is small enough. The argument is by contra- − ε 4 ε ε ε −| | | | diction and in two steps. (II.11) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1. Suppose f has a finite number of zeroes. Then one where µ is the chemical potential coming from the mass may write f(z) = P(z)eϕ(z) where P is a polyno- constraint and M is the operator defined by ε mial andϕ is a holomorphic function. Nowf ε M =ε∂ z. and the condition f 2e z2/εdz < im∈plFies ε z C| | −| | ∞ R 4 that Re(ϕ(z)) z 2/(2ε). It is well-known (see and ≤ | | [26] for example) that a holomorphic function can satisfy this condition only if it is a polynomial of 6 3bG 2/3 βε 7ε2 β2 degree less than 2. Therefore we know that 5 8π − − 2 − 16 (cid:18) (cid:19) f(z)=P(z)eα1z+α2z2 (III.1) 5 Ge 1/12 4/5 − ε 2/5+O(ε 1/5) (III.6) − − ≥ 4 2π and the integrability condition on f implies α (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 ≤ 1/(2ε). Injecting (III.1) in (II.11) and comparing which is a contradiction if ε is small enough. the exponential growth of the different terms of (II.11) as in [19] yields α = α = 0. So, if f 1 2 Intherestofthepaperwetakeanεsmallenoughforthe has a finite number of zeroes, it is a polynomial. inequation (III.6) not to be verified. We then conclude 2. Now, suppose f is a polynomial of degree thatf hasaninfinitenumberofzeroes. Asthereisalimit n and inject this in (II.12). The term onhowclosevorticescanbeinthisregime(see[21]),they −βMεf + 41 Mε2f +εMεf is a polynomial of de- cannot lie in a bounded domain and the vortex pattern gree n, therefore (II.12) implies that the term extends to infinity. Gf¯(ε∂ )[f2(z(cid:0)/2)] is also(cid:1)of degree n. But 2 z (ε∂ )k[f2(z/2)] is of degree 2n k, so that f must z beoftheformf(z)=czn. Injec−tingthisalasttime B. Construction of critical points in (II.12), using the improved Stirling [27] formula and the condition f,f = 1 yields a condition on As is the case for harmonically trapped condensates h i n: in fast rotation, we expect that in the range of parame- ters we explore the scales of the problem will decouple. Ge 1/12 µ+βε βnε+ − Namely we expect any minimizer of (II.7) to be of the ≥− 2πε√n formαuwhereuvariesonthescaleofthevortexpattern ε2 n2ε2 3nε2 (which is small compared to the size of the condensate) + + + . (III.2) and α is a slow varying profile giving the general shape 2 4 4 ofthe condensate. In this sectionweshow thatalthough We now bound the chemical potential µ: taking suchafunctionisnotintheLLL,onecanapproachitby the -scalarproductofeachside of (II.11) with f Fε anLLL function whichis analmostcriticalpoint for the yields energy (II.7). We also relate the effect of the projection βε ε2 onto the LLL to the distortion of a regular lattice in the µ 2FLLL(f)+β2 + . (III.3) region of low atomic density. ≤ − 2 16 More precisely we introduce Hereweusedthefactthatthespectrumof βM + ε 14 Mε2+εMε is bounded below uniform−ly with u (z)=e z2/2εf (z), f (z)=ez2/2εΘ τI z,τ respect to ε. We shall see in Section IIIC (see τ −| | τ τ πε (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:18)r (cid:19) (III.22)) that (III.7) where τ =τ +iτ is any complex number and R I FLLL(f)=ELLL(fe−|z|2/2ε) + 3 3bG 2/3 Θ(v,τ)= 1 ∞ ( 1)neiπτ(n+1/2)2e(2n+1)πiv. (III.8) ≤ε−1ELLL = 5(cid:18) 8π (cid:19) −β2!. i n=X−∞ − The Θ function has the property (see [28] for more de- Thus we have tails) Θ(v+k+lτ,τ) = ( 1)k+le 2iπlve iπlτΘ(v,τ) so − − − βε 7ε2 that u (z) is periodic overthe lattice πεZ πεZτ, 2ε−1 LLL+β2 | τ | τI ⊕ τI E − 2 − 16 and vanishes at each point of the latticqe. q Ge−1/12 n2ε2 3nε2 The interest of introducing such functions is twofold. βnε+ + + (III.4) ≥− 2πε√n 4 4 Firstly itis known[28]that anyfunction v whosemodu- lus is periodic overthe lattice πεZ πεZτ, vanishes and the left-hand side of (III.4) is bounded uni- τI ⊕ τI formly with respect to ε. Minimizing the right- exactly on the points of the lqattice wiqth simple zeroes hand side of (III.4) with respect to n (taken as a and such that g = vez2/2ε is holomorphic must be pro- | | continuousvariableasitshouldbe verylargewhen portional to u . Secondly, the function f is a solution τ τ ε is small) for fixed ε yields to the Abrikosov problem (see [18, 19, 20, 29]) n∼ Ge2−π1/12 2/5ε−6/5 (III.5) Π(|fτ|2e−|z|2/εfτ)=λτfτ, with λτ = |uτ|2 b((τI)I,I.9) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:10) (cid:11) 5 and contribution. With such a profile and taking µ = ν in (III.14) we get b(τ)= |uτ|4 = e πkτ l2/τI. (III.10) h(cid:10)|uτ|2i(cid:11)2 kX,l∈Z − | −| ( β+ 1ε)Πε(z 2fα,τ)+ 1Πε z 2Πε(z 2fα,τ) − 4 | | 4 | | | | Equation(III.9)issimilarto(II.13)withoutthepotential +GΠ (e z2/ε f 2f )=ν(cid:0)f +O(ε1/4) (cid:1)(III.17) ε −| | α,τ α,τ α,τ term and with µ = λ so that one can expect to obtain | | τ a solution of (II.13) by a slight modification of f . We τ so that f is almost a critical point for the energy α,τ refer to [18] and the references therein for details on the (II.10). quantity b(τ). Let us just mention that it is minimum Wenowexplaintheeffectofourprocedureonthe vortex (b(τ) 1.16) for τ = e2iπ/3, which corresponds to a pattern. The property u =αu +O(ε1/4) shows that ∼ α,τ τ hexagonal lattice. on the support of α the zeroes of u are distributed α,τ We define close to those of u , on a regular hexagonal lattice. To τ Π (αf ) get information on the ”invisible vortices” lying in the ε τ fα,τ = Π (αf ),Π (αf ) 1/2 (III.11) region of low density, we evaluate the number N(R) of h ε τ ε τ i zeroes of fα,τ in a ball of radius R. The Cauchy formula yields and uα,τ =fα,τe−|z|2/2ε (III.12) N(R)= R 2πdθ eRz′/εe−|z′|2/εz′α(z′)fτ(z′e−iθ)dz′. 2πε eRz′/εe z′2/εα(z )f (z e iθ)dz where α C0,1/2(C,C) is a slow varying profile with Z0 R −| | ′ τ ′ − ′ (III.18) compact s∈upport and α2 = 1. We use Lemma 5.4 in R Using a Laplace method to evaluate the integrals, we | | [19], which states that see that their ratio is bounded for large R, so that R N(R) R/ε. AregularlatticewouldgiveN(R) R2/ε, u =αu +O(ε1/4). (III.13) ∝ ∝ α,τ τ so we deduce that the lattice is strongly distorted out- This, together with the fact that u 2 is periodic over a sidetheexternalradiusofthecondensate. Notethatthis τ lattice of period bounded by O(ε1|/2)|yields method does not give information on the distribution of vortices in the central hole when the condensate has an annular form, for this would correspond to R small, and 1 1 ( β+ ε)Πε(z 2fα,τ)+ Πε z 2Πε(z 2fα,τ) the Laplacemethod is not efficientin this case. We refer − 4 | | 4 | | | | toournumericalsimulationsinSectionIVforthe vortex +GΠ (e z2/ε f 2f(cid:0) ) µf = (cid:1) ε −| | α,τ α,τ α,τ structure in the central hole. | | − 1 Π (( µ β z 2+ z 4+Gb(τ)α2)αΠ f )+O(ε1/4) ε ε τ − − | | 4| | | | (III.14) C. Evaluation of physical quantities and Here we analyze the TF profile (III.16), or rather 1 1 F (f )=E (u )= α˜(z)=√ε− α(z√ε− ), to evaluate some relevant physi- LLL α,τ LLL α,τ cal quantities in the original scaling. 1 b(τ)G β z 2+ z 4 α2+ α4 dz+O(ε1/4). Theanalysisofaprofilesuchas(III.16)hasalreadybeen C − | | 4| | | | 2 | | done in[12, 14], so weonly adaptandsummarizethe re- Z (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) (III.15) sults. The critical rotation speed for the condensate to develop a central hole is Equations (III.14) and (III.15) are the scale decoupling we expected: the only contribution of the lattice to the 3k2bG 1/3 energy is throughthe coefficientb(τ), which is minimum Ω =1+ . (III.19) c 8π for the hexagonal lattice, τ = e2iπ/3. From now on we (cid:18) (cid:19) shallnoteb=b(e2iπ/3) 1.16. Wenowhavetominimize ∼ For subcritical velocities, the behavior of the condensate (III.15),whichisanenergysimilarto(II.2),withrespect is not qualitatively different from that of a harmonically to the profile α which is not in the LLL, so that the trapped condensate, so we focus on velocities Ω Ω c minimization is performed in the usual way. We obtain ≥ which is equivalent to β 3bG 1/3. Then the inner the Thomas-Fermi profile ≥ 8π and outer radius of the condensate R are given by the ν+β z 2 1 z 4 relations (cid:0) (cid:1) ± α2(z)=max | | − 4| | ,0 (III.16) | | bG (cid:18) (cid:19) 24bG 1/3 whereνisthechemicalpotentialassociatedwiththecon- R+2 +R−2 =4βk−1/3, R+2 −R−2 = k , (cid:18) (cid:19) straint α2 = 1 and b takes into account the vortices (III.20) | | R 6 the chemical potential is trapped condensate) would be to take 3bG 2/3 n µ= (cid:18) 8π (cid:19) −β2!k1/3 (III.21) φ(z)=A bjzje−Ω|z|2/2 j=0 X and the energy is   andvarythecoefficientsb . Theinterestofourapproach j 2/3 is to give a direct access to the exact repartition of vor- 3 3bG LLL = β2 k1/3. (III.22) tices, whereas the alternative method would require to E 5 8π − ! (cid:18) (cid:19) compute the roots of a polynomial of degree n, which is a delicate task for large n. In particular, varying the co- This is slightly different from the result obtained in [12] efficients couldprobably notgive the precise locationsof with the solid-body approximation. Indeed, our analysis invisible vortices. allowsone,throughthecoefficientb,totakeintoaccount We used a conjugate gradient method with a Goldstein more preciselythe contributionofthe vortexpatterns to and Price line-search. The integrals are computed using the energy and atomic density, whereas the solid-body the Gauss-Hermite method, and we take enough Gauss approximationimpliesaninfiniteregularlatticewithpre- points for the computations to be exact. This results scribedvolumeofthecell. Theseresultsandthefactthat in quite expensive calculations, but we have been able b 1.16implythatouranalysisisvalidwithintherange ∼ to numerically construct condensates with up to 120 of parameters we announced in Section 2.1 : equations ∼ vortices. (III.20)yieldthatthespatialextensionofthecondensate is large compared to 1 (which is the order of the vortex pattern spacing) if B. Results k G. ≪ We now see that the condition β G1/3 (or 1 Ω . k2/3G1/3) is equivalent to Ω Ω ∼and ensures| th−at |the c ∼ energy isoforderk1/3G2/3,sothattheenergycon- LLL E dition for the LLL approximation to be valid reduces to 1 G . ≪ √k Now, as we have both k G and G 1 , we see that ≪ ≪ √k necessarily k 1, which justifies our study of a small ≪ anharmonicity regime. FIG. 1: Vortex structure and atomic density for G = 3,k = 10−4,β =1(Ω−1=2.210−3). Thereare67vorticesintotal, thecentral vortex is constituted of 11 single vortices. IV. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS We show in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 typical examples of A. Approach configurations we numerically computed. The qualita- tive features of the vortex patterns and atomic densities We want to numerically approach the minimizer φ of confirmourtheoreticalresultsandareingoodagreement in the LLL. We write LLL with existing theoretical and numerical studies [12, 13]. E φ(z)=P(z)e Ωz2/2 (IV.1) Note however that the numerics become quite intricate − | | for large number of vortices, which accounts for the rel- ative lack of symmetry of Fig. 2. withP aholomorphicfunction. Aspolynomialsaredense As was expected, the condensate develops a central in , it is reasonable to fix an integer n and to restrict Fε hole and visible vortices are regularly distributed in the the analysis to functions φ where P is a polynomial of annularregionofsignificantatomicdensity. Ourcompu- degree less than n. We write our trial functions as in tations also show a distortion of the vortex pattern near [14], where A=kφkL−21/2 is the normalization factor: the external radius of the condensate, resulting in invis- ible vortices in the exterior region of low atomic density n φ(z)=A (z z )e Ωz2/2 (IV.2) as is the case for harmonically trapped condensates [14]. j − | | − Some vortices also lie in the central hole as theoretically j=1 Y predicted (see for example [12]) and we can get informa- and vary the locations z of vortices. An alternative tionontheirpreciselocations: weobserveadistortionof j method (used for example in [22] for a harmonically the regular lattice near the inner radius of the conden- 7 cantly. We find good agreement of our numerical results and analytical study, with energies typically differing by 10 3 to 10 2 in relative value. − − ∼ ∼ FIG. 2: Vortex structure and atomic density for G = 3,k = 10−5,β = 1(Ω−1 = 4.610−4). There are 119 vortices in total, thecentral vortex is constituted of 20 single vortices. FIG.4: Minimum energy asafunction ofthenumberof vor- tices in the trial wave function (G = 3,k = 10−4,β = 1). V. CONCLUSION FIG.3: Two exampleofvortex configurationsfor G=3,k= 10−4,β =1(Ω−1=2.210−3), respectively with n=60 and We have investigatedthe vortex structure of a two di- n=67 vortices. mensional annular Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a quadratic plus quartic confining potential. We focused on the regime where the state of reference is a vortex sate,resultinginisolatedsingly-quantizedvorticesencir- lattice encircling a central hole carrying a macroscopic cling a central multiply quantized vortex. We computed circulation. We developed a theoretical and numerical configurations for which this central vortex has up to 20 approach based on a small anharmonicity regime and a units of circulation while there is a total of 32 units of reduction to the Lowest Landau Level states. Using a circulationinthe entirehole and83visiblevortices. The theoretical method developed in [18, 19] we showed that number of vortices (both visible and invisible) increases there is an infinite number of vortices in the condensate with increasing Ω or β, but since our scaling does not so that they cannot lie in a bounded domain. We then allow to explore a large domain of Ω when G is fixed, analytically and numerically constructed critical points we mainly varied k. The total vorticity of the system for the reduced Gross-Pitaevskii energy and get further increases with decreasing k. informationon their vortices. We find that they are reg- All vortices do not have the same contribution to the ularly distributed on a hexagonal lattice in the annular energy: as n increases, the vortex pattern in the annu- Thomas-Fermiregionwheretheatomicdensitytakessig- lar regionof significantatomic density remains the same nificantvalues,andthatthispatternisstronglydistorted uptopossiblerotations,withtheadditionalvorticesfirst at both edges of the annulus. In particular we find nu- gatheringinthecentralvortex,thenconstitutingthedis- merical evidence of multiply quantized vortices appear- torted lattice near the inner boundary of the condensate ing at the center of the trap. Our results agree with and finally occupying the distorted sites beyond the ex- and complete existing studies [12, 13, 14], showing how ternal radius. With increasing n (see Fig. 4), the energy the distortion of the vortex pattern modifies the results reaches a first plateau when the central figure is formed, obtained with the solid-body approximation. constituted of the visible vortices and the vortices in the central hole. A second plateau is reached when enough distorted sites beyond the external radius are occupied. Acknowledgments For example, for the parameterscorresponding to Fig. 1 andFig. 4(k =10 4,G=3,β =1),theenergyvariesby − 10 6 inrelativevaluewhennisincreasedfrom60to This work was supported by a grant from R´egion Ile- − ∼± 67 (Fig. 3) and the atomic density does not vary signifi- de-France. [1] M.R.MattewsB.P.AndersonP.C.HaljanD.S.HallC.E. [2] K.W. Madison F. Chevy W. Wohlleben J. Dalibard. WiemanE.A.Cornell. Phys. Rev. Lett.,83:2498, (1999). 8 Phys. Rev. Lett., 84:806, (2000). 66:050606, (2002). [3] J.R.Abo-ShaeerC.RamanJ.M.VogelsW.Ketterle.Sci- [16] A. Aftalion I. Danaila. Phys. Rev. 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