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Low-Voltage Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits: A Special Issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing An International Journal Volume 8, No. 1 (1995) PDF

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Preview Low-Voltage Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits: A Special Issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing An International Journal Volume 8, No. 1 (1995)

LOW-VOLTAGE LOW-POWER ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS edited by Wouter Serdijn Deljt University of Technology A Special Issue of ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING An International Journal Volume 8, No. 1 (1995) SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Consulting Editor Mohammed Ismail Ohio State University Related Titles: INTEGRAT ED VIDEO-FREQUENCY CONTINUOUS-TIME FILTERS: High-Perjonnance Realizations in BieMOS, Scott D. Willingham, Ken Martin ISBN: 0-7923-9595-6 FEED-FORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS: Vector Decomposition Analysis, Modelling and Analog Implementation, Anne-Johan Annema ISBN: 0-7923-9567-0 FREQUENCY COMPENSATION TECHNIQUES LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS, Ruud Easchauzier, Johan Huijsing ISBN: 0-7923-9565-4 ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATION FOR BIST OF MIXED-SIGNAL INTEGRATED CmCUITS, Gordon W. Roberts, Albert K. Lu ISBN: 0-7923-9564-6 INTEGRATED FIBER-OPTIC RECEIVERS, Aaron Buchwald, Kenneth W. Martin ISBN: 0-7923-9549-2 MODELING WITH AN ANALOG HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE, H. Alan Mantooth,Mike Fiegenbaum ISBN: 0-7923-9516-6 LOW-VOLTAGE CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Theory, Design and Implementation, Satoshi Sakurai, Mohammed Ismail ISBN: 0-7923-9507-7 ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF MOS TRANSLINEAR CIRCUITS, Remco J. Wiegerink ISBN: 0-7923-9390-2 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, L. Richard Carley, Ronald S. Gyurcsik ISBN: 0-7923-9351-1 HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS CONTINUOUS-TIME FILTERS, Jose Silva-Martinez, Michiel Steyaert, Willy Sansen ISBN: 0-7923-9339-2 SYMBOLIC ANALYSIS OF ANALOG CIRCUITS: Techniques and Applications, Lawrence P. Huelsman, Georges G. E. Gielen ISBN: 0-7923-9324-4 DESIGN OF LOW-VOLTAGE BIPOLAR OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS, M. Jeroen Fonderie, Johan H. Huijsing ISBN: 0-7923-9317-1 STATISTICAL MODELING FOR COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF MOS VLSI CIRCUITS, Christopher Michael, Mohammed Ismail ISBN: 0-7923-9299-X SELECTIVE LINEAR-PHASE SWITCHED-CAPACITOR AND DIGITAL FILTERS, Hussein Baher ISBN: 0-7923-9298-1 ANALOG CMOS FILTERS FOR VERY HIGH FREQUENCIES, Bram Nauta ISBN: 0-7923-9272-8 ANALOG VLSI NEURAL NETWORKS, Yoshiyasu Takefuji ISBN: 0-7923-9273-6 ANALOG VLSI IMPLEMENTATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS, Carver A. Mead, Mohammed Ismail ISBN: 0-7923-9049-7 AN INTRODUCTION TO ANALOG VLSI DESIGN AUTOMATION, Mohammed Ismail, Jose Franca ISBN: 0-7923-9071-7 INTRODUCTION TO THE DESIGN OF TRANSCONDUCTOR-CAPACITOR FILTERS, Jaime Kardontchik ISBN: 0-7923-9195-0 VLSI DESIGN OF NEURAL NETWORKS, Ulrich Ramacher, Ulrich Ruckert ISBN: 0-7923-9127-6 ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING An International Jo umal Volume 8, No.1, July 1995 Special Issue: Low-Voltage Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits Guest Editors: Wouter A. Serdijn, Albert C. van der Woerd and Jeroen C. Kuenen Guest Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. W. A. Serdijn. Albert C. van der Woerd and Jeroen C. Kuenen 5 A High Performance RDS-detector for Low Voltage Applications ................................ . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. M. Steyaert. J. Crols and G. Van der Plas 7 Partial Positive Feedback for Gain Enhancement of Low-Power CMOS OTAs ...................... . · ......................................................... Rongtai Wang and Ramesh Harjani 21 Parallel Feedforward Class-AB Control Circuits for Low-Voltage Bipolar Rail-to-Rail Output Stages of w. Operational Amplifiers ......................... C. M. Renirie. K. J. de Langen. and 1. H. Huijsing 37 Low-Voltage Low-Power Opamp Based Amplifiers ........................................... . · ................ Johan H. Hllijsing. Klaas-Jan de Langen. Ron Hogervorst. and Rlilid G. H. Eschauzier 49 An Integratable Second-Order Compensated Bandgap Reference for 1V Supply .................... . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. van Staveren. J. van Velzen. C. J. M. Verhoeven. and A. H. M. van Roermund 69 An Analytical MOS Transistor Model Valid in All Regions of Operation and Dedicated to Low-Voltage and Low-Current Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Christian C. Enz. Franqois Krummenacher and Eric A. Vittoz 83 Design Principles for Low-Voltage Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits ......................... . · ............. WOllter A. Serdijn. Albert C. van der Woerd. Arthur H. M. van Roermund and Jan Davidse 115 ISBN 978-1-4613-5963-0 ISBN 978-1-4615-2283-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-2283-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A c.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Copyright © 1995 by Springer Science+Business Media New York OriginaHy published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1995 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 1995 AH rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in anY form or by any meanS, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Printed on acid-free paper. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 8, 5-6 (1995) © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Guest Editorial This Special Issue is dedicated to low-voltage low ftuence on the performance. power analog integrated circuits. Low-voltage low In the fourth paper "Low-voltage low-power opamp power circuit techniques are applied in the area of based amplifiers," by Johan H. Huijsing, Klaas-Jan de battery-operated systems. In particular they are of Langen, Ron Hogervorst and Ruud G. H. Eschauzier, crucial importance for implantable devices, such as it is argumented that amplifiers operating under low voltage and low-power conditions are severely limited pacemakers, blood flow meters and auditory stimula in dynamic range and bandwidth. Several techniques tors. Also, as more and.increasingly complex systems are presented to reach both the maximally attainable are integrated on the same chip, area minimization dynamic range and bandwidth. becomes of primary importance. Typical examples of In the fifth paper, by Arie van Staveren, Jeroen van these types of systems are portable radios, hand-carried Vel zen, Chris J. M. Verhoeven and Arthur H. M. van radiotelephones, pagers and hearing instruments. As Roermund, an integrable second-order compensated the size of batteries is now becoming the limiting factor, bandgap reference for I-V supply, in which a linear it is not sufficient to reduce the size of the other bulky combination of only two base-emitter voltages is ap components by integrating them; the reduction of the plied to compensate implicitly for the temperature be power dissipation is also very important. Therefore, havior of these base-emitter voltages, is presented. the key is to develop, simultaneously, both low-voltage The sixth paper, by Christian C. Enz, Fran~ois and low-power operating integrated circuits in order to Krummenacher and Eric A. Vittoz, presents a fully an reduce the battery size. alytical MOS transistor model dedicated to the design This Special Issue contains six selected papers that and analysis oflow-voltage low-current analog circuits. present recent developments in the field oflow-voltage In this model, all the large-and small-signal variables, low-power analog electronics. namely the currents, the transconductances, the intrin The first paper, by Michiel Steyaert, Jan Crols and sic capacitances, the non-quasi-static transadmittances Geert van der Plas, presents a high-performance RDS and the thermal noise, are continuous in all regions of (Radio-Data-System) detector for low voltage (1.8 V) operation, including weak inversion, moderate inver applications. The non-conventional topology, consist sion, strong inversion, conduction and saturation. ing of a mixer and a low-pass filter, guarantees an im Finally, in the seventh paper "Design Principles for proved performance, despite the low supply voltage. Low-Voltage Low"Power Analog Integrated Circuits," In the second paper "Partial positive feedback for by Wouter A. Serdijn, Albert C. van der Woerd, Arthur gain enhancement of low-power CMOS OTAS," by H. M. van Roermund and Jan Davidse, it is argumented Rongtai Wang and Ramesh Harjani, it is shown that, for that there are good reasons to choose current as the a fixed power consumption, partial positive feedback information-carrying quantity in case of low-voltage can be used to increase both the gain and bandwidth of low-power design constraints. This paper focuses on low-power CMOS OTA designs. the influence of the transfer quality on that choice. To The third paper, by Wim C. M. Renirie, Klaas-Jan obtain power-efficient transfer quality, indirect feed de Langen and Johan H. Huijsing, presents five class back is shown to be a good alternative to traditional AB control circuits for low-voltage bipolar rail-to-rail feedback techniques. output stages of operational amplifiers. These circuits The editors would like to thank all the authors who have been designed in such a way that temperature, submitted papers, all the reviewers who participated supply voltage and process parameters have little in- in the final selection of the papers, and the Kluwer 6 Wouter A. Serdijn, Albert C. van der Woerd, and Jeroen C. Kuenen Editorial Staff for their efforts in creating this Special Issue. We hope that this issue will provide you, the reader, with a useful introduction to the potential of low-voltage low-power analog integrated circuits. Wouter A. Serdijn Albert C. van der Woerd Jeroen C. Kuenen Albert C. van der Woerd was born in 1937 in Leiden, the Netherlands. In 1977 he received his 'ingenieurs' (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands. He was awarded his Ph.D. in 1985. From 1959 to 1966 he was engaged in research on and development of radar and TV circuits at several industrial laboratories. In Wooter A. Serdijn was born in Zoetermeer, the 1966 he joined the Electronics Research Laboratory Netherlands, in 1966. He started his course at the Fac of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Delft ulty of Electrical Engineering at the Delft University University of Technology. During the first 11 years he of Technology in 1984, and received his 'ingenieurs' carried out research on electronic musical instruments. (M.Sc.) degree in 1989. Subsequently, he joined the . For the next 8 years his main research subject was car- Electronics Research Laboratory of the same univer rier domain devices. More recently he has specialized sity where he received his Ph.D. in 1994. His re in the field of low-voltage low-power analog circuits search includes developing a formal design theory for and systems. He teaches design methodology. low-voltage low-power analog integrated circuits along with the development of circuits for hearing instru ments. Jeroen C. Koenen was born in Alkmaar, the Nether lands, in 1967. He received his 'ingenieurs' (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering from the Delft Univer sity of Technology in 1991. He is currently working towards a Ph.D. at the Electronics Research Laboratory of the same university. His current research interests include low-voltage low-power analog electronic cir cuits. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 8,7-19 (1995) © 1995 K1uwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands. A High Performance RDS-detector for Low Voltage Applications M. STEYAERT, J. CROLS AND G. VAN DER PLAS K. U. Lel/ven, ESAT-MICAS. Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94. 300] Heverlee, Belgium Abstract. The design and realisation of the analog part for an RDS-receiver, the RDS-detector, is discussed in this paper. The RDS-receiver is developed towards low voltage applications (1.8 V) with low power consumption requirements. A new topology for RDS-receivers is introduced resulting in an important quali.ty. improvement, mainly being a higher phase-linearity and a lower power consumption. The performance of the chip IS compar~d to existing RDS-receivers. These receivers use an analog integrated bandpass filter. In the presented topology direct conversion followed by lowpass filtering is used. The chip is realised in a fully differential switched-capacitor technique with correlated double sampling. The latter is used to obtain a very low equivalent input DC-offset. The chip is implemented in a 2 (Lm BiCMOS technology. 1. Introduction often a discrete filter fabricated in SMD-technology. Now integrated filters are used for their quality im The Radio-Data-System (RDS) is a European system provement and cost reduction [2, 3]. These integrated that adds a digital information channel to the public ra bandpass filters are all realised with the switched dio broadcasts in FM on the UHF-band [1]. It offers ex capacitor technique, which has certain advantages in tra services like automatic scanning, transmitter identi this application. Apart from the short design cycle that fication and traffic information indication. Nowadays can be achieved with a standard switched-capacitor fil its main application is in car-radio because such an ap ter, the filter accuracy is very high and this is important plication, wherein the radio receiver moves frequently because a high phase-linearity is needed to prevent de between geographical areas, benefits the most from the terioration of the RDS eye-diagram. extra RDS-services. Although the use of RDS was limited to car-radio, The digital information is transmitted using differ the market is now expanding towards portable FM entially coded 2-PSK modulation. It has a bit rate of receivers. Especially the walkman size radios will soon 1187.5 bits/so The bitstream is doublesideband AM be equipped with the RDS-services. In this paper the modulated with suppressed carrier and becomes in this design of an RDS-receiver that meets the specifications way the RDS-signal. The signal has a bandwidth of for this new branch of applications will be discussed. approximately 3 kHz and it is modulated on a 57 kHz Main design goals are the operation on a low power carrier. Before FM-modulationit is added to the MPX supply voltage (operation on two batteries, being be signal that contains the mono and stereo sound infor tween 1.8 V to 2.7 V), a low power consumption and mation and the 19 kHz pilottone for stereo decoding. an improved performance. Fig. I depicts the spectrum of an MPX-signal. A new receiver topology will be introduced and the Until now demodulation of the RDS-signal has al chip-realisation of the analog part will be discussed. ways been done in more or less the same way. After the The new topology is presented and compared to the FM-demodulation an 8th order bandpass Gaussian fil existing ones in the second part of this paper. It is ter with a bandwidth of 3 kHz centered around 57 kHz shown how the use of this topology improves perfor provides the separation of the RDS-signal from the total mance and lowers power consumption. The third part MPX-signal. Further demodulation is then done com of this paper describes all aspects of the designed ana pletely digital by means of a Costas loop [2]. The ana log chip. Practical results consisting of measurements log filter is a crucial part in this system and its quality of the chip and the use of the chip in a complete RDS has an important influence on the overall system per radio environment are given in the fourth part. formance. Until recently the bandpass filter used, was 8 Steyaert, Crols and Van der Plas dB o - Stereo -10 - Pilottone Mono -20 - -30 - RDS -40 - M -50 Ok 19k 38k 57k f[Hz] Fig. 1. Spectrum of the MPX-signal. 2. The Topology much stronger component of the MPX-signal than the RDS-signal. It has 40 times more power in the MPX In fig. 2a the classic topology for an RDS-receiver is spectrum than the RDS-signal. This means that in this given [2, 3]. An analog bandpass filter is followed by topology, with demodulation based on the pilottone, a digital Costasloop. The analog filter is an 8th order a clock-signal is available downto far worse circum Gaussian bandpass filter. In an integrated version this stances and as long as there is a clock-signal, demodu filter is a switched-capacitor filter whose capacitor ra la,tion is possible. The threshold level for demodulation tios are synthesized to obtain a maximal phase-linearity is much lower in this case and although the bit-error in the passband. After the analog filter the AM-signal rate can be high under these circumstances, digital error on 57 kHz is clipped and I bit sampled. From this detection and correction still allow the RDS-receiver to signal the digital loop extracts the clock with which function. coherent demodulation is performed. This is followed A second advantage of the presented topology is that by the biphase and differential decoding. it uses a lowpass filter instead of a bandpass filter. The In fig. 2b an alternative topology is presented. It is use of a lowpass filter reduces the filter's sensitivity also a coherent demodulator but in this case a direct to component variation drastically. In this way the conversion is performed at the input. Only after down phase-linearity, measured by the in-band variation of conversion the RDS-signal is separated from the total the group delay, can be decreased by a decade. Next MPX-signal by means of a lowpass filter. The clock to this, lowpass filters have the advantage that for the signal is not extracted from the RDS-signal but from the same total integrated capacitance their noise is Q times 19 kHz pilottone. The necessary 57 kHz carrier that is lower [4]. For this application, a bandpass filter has in phase with this tone is one of the signals that is avail approximately a Q of 19 (57 kHz/3 kHz). The conse able in the PLL of the stereo decoder. During trans quence is that for an equal noise level a lowpass filter mission the RDS information is modulated to 57 kHz requires about Q times smaller capacitances and there based on the pilottone so that coherency between pilot fore Q times less power than a bandpass filter. In a low tone and RDS-signal is assured. This RDS-receiver is voltage and low power application this is a considerable meant for integration together with the stereo decoder improvement. Furthermore, the power consumption is on the same chip. reduced even more by the use of a lower operating fre The advantages of this topology are threefold. First quency. the use of the pilottone as clock-reference instead of the The third advantage lies in the fact that chip area and RDS-signal itself results in an improved performance. circuit complexity is reduced in two ways. There is no Clock-recovery from the RDS-signal requires that its additional circuitry for the clock regeneration neces SNR exceeds a certain minimum threshold level. Be sary, as it is already available in the stereo decoder. low this level no clock-recovery and therefore no de The digital part of the receiver becomes very small as modulation is possible. The pilottone however is a the main signal processing, demodulation and filtering, A High Perfonnance RDS-detector for Low Voltage Applications 9 OSC. I clock coherent clock r j I 1 I ,-- MP- X ;---. lLL I--;.......... f I------- CoDstiagsi-tlaolo p I-------- Bdiepmhoasde I------- Difdfeemreondti al f---RD- '---- Switched-cap bandpass fIlter ANALOG PART DIGITAL PART (a) ~ Stereo Decoder R I-- STEREO DECODER M PX PLL 114kHz coherent clock -0= I I ~ L f Bifaze Differential RD s f--..--- ~ demod ~ demod f---- '--- Switched-cap lowpass filter ANALOG PART DIGITAL PART (b) Fig. 2. (a) Classic topology for an RDS-receiver and (b) the presented RDS-receiver topology. 10 Steyaert, Crols and Van der Plas is done in the analog part. Moreover the use of analog 1 instead of digital signal processing decreases the power consumption. In this topology the RDS-information is l'~ almost completely demodulated by the analog part. The receiver topology presented, direct conversion, v+ .~ V~ut _----.-_-+-__. ../ however introduces one important problem that has m to be solved before successful application can be l' achieved. A DC-offset introduced by the filter is indis TV;'" tinguishable from the signal and deteriorates the RDS V~m L--_~ signal. This is an important and severe extra constraint. It will however be solved by designing a filter exhibit 1 ing a very low equivalent DC-offset and with this it will be proven that the presented topology achieves an overall performance enhancement over RDS-receivers Fig. 3. The simple mixer circuit. built today, despite the low power supply voltage. power supply voltage [5]. The specifications for dis 3. The Analog Part tortion and offset, given in table 1, exclude the OTA-C In this part the designed circuit for the RDS-detector, architectures as they are -60 dB and 300 f..t V at 1.8 V power supply. RC filters can not be used due to the area the analog part of the RDS-receiver, is described in implication of the low cut-off frequency and necessary all its aspects. Table 1 gives the specification for the tuning circuit [6]. The 1.5 kHz cut-off frequency im RDS-receiver. These specifications are the same as for the existing RDS-receivers [2, 3]. Some specifications plies four tuneable capacitors of 100 pF with resistors (frequency response and phase-linearity) are transla of about 300 kQ. Mosfet-C filters are also not feasible due to the impossibility to tune the resistors at these low tions from the topologies with an analog bandpass filter supply voltages [7]. Moreover both last implementa to the lowpass filter configuration. Phase-linearity is tions don't offer techniques to reduce the DC-offset to measured by the in-band variation of the group delay the very low values required in this application. response (the derivative of the phase). In switched-capacitorthe low cut-off frequency is no problem when one uses a low clock-frequency. This 3.1. Filter Synthesis obviously can only be done when it causes no unwanted aliasing effects. In this application the FM-receiver In table 1 the required filter specifications on frequency and demodulator can act as a strong anti-aliasing fil response and phase-linearity are summarised. The re ter for the RDS-receiver. Furthermore die availability quirements for the in-band phase-linearity are severe in switched-capacitor technology of offset cancelling and can only be satisfied by choosing a Gaussian trans techniques and the ease with which a mixer can be fer function as this gives by definition the most flat implemented point towards the utilisation of the latter group delay response. The order of the filter is deter technology. In order to be able to implement a good mined by the out of band suppression. A fourth order offset-cancelling technique a fully differential struc Gaussian filter is necessary to obtain a suppression of ture is necessary. A fully differential structure makes 50 dB at 20 kHz. it also more feasible to satisfy the distortion specifica tion. The technique that is used to cancel the offset of the opamps is Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) [8]. 3.2. Detector Architecture Due to the fully differential structure the second source of offset, offset introduced by c1ock-feedthrough, in The implementation of the filter can be performed with first order only results in common-mode offset and is several integrated circuit techniques: OTA-C, Mosfet therefore harmless. C, RC and switched-capacitor. The linearity of OTA The implementation of an offset free mixer is straight C filters is very limited at low power supply voltages forward in a fully differential switched-capacitor struc and its distortion increases rapidly with lowering of the ture. The input signal is down converted by cross-

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