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NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LOW TEMPERATURE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF TITANIUM A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS for the degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY FIELD OF PHYSICS By Carl Jennings Rigney EVANSTON, ILLINOIS January, 195>1 ProQuest Number: 10101889 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest. ProQuest 10101889 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION Types of studies made of thermal conductivities Page 1 The problem 3 II. EXPERIMENT Description of apparatus h Instruments 8 Table of Apparatus 9 Principles of the measurements 10 Chemical analysis of specimens 12 Method of determining temperature differences 111. Sample calculations 17 Results ' 21 III. EXPERIMENTAL ERRORS Thermocouple errors 2U Radiation losses 25 Calibration errors 26 Expected error 28 IV. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Comparison with other results 29 Correlation with theory 30 Conclusions 31 V. APPENDIX A. Empirical equations representing thermal conductivity 33 B. Bibliography 35 C* Acknowledgements 36 D. Vita 37 623119 1 I. INTRODUCTION This investigation of the thermal conductivity of Titanium at .ow temperatures is of consequence chiefly for its practical value with regard to the potential use of that metal, now that i t is avail­ able in commercial quantities, in instances where a strong, light, :orrosion-resistant material can be used to advantage in the construc­ tion of low temperature apparatus* Generally, comparison with theory is difficult because of the extreme sensitivity of thermal conductiv­ ity to impurity content; and few detailed correlations exist, except those due to Wilson. In metals, both the crystal lattice and the conduction electrons transport heat* The conducting electrons are scattered by the thermal vibrations of the atoms in the crystal lattice and by the imperfections in the lattice itse lf. These imperfections also decrease the lattice conduction. Recently, experimenters have used magnetic fields in efforts to diminish the electronic conduction enough to extrapolate and find the lattice conduction alone, but the accuracy of the extra­ polation is questioned on theoretical *2 The effect of lattice grounds imperfections is studied by measuring, at a fixed temperature, the conductivities of samples of a metal with a range of impurity contents* Most of the common metals have been investigated by Griineisen and Goens,3 and the results of their study are embodied in an empirical Mffilson, A.H.7 Semi-Conductors and Metals, (Cambridge University Press, 1939) $ PP 102-111. ^Sondheimer, E.H., and Wilson, A. H., Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 190$ h35, (19U7). 3Gruneisen, E., and Goens, E., Z. Physik, UU, 6l5, (1927). 2 (relation. They found that the thermal conductivity of a metal at a fixed temperature is a linear function of its residual electrical resistivity, i. e., the resistance of the impure metal at zero degrees felvin. An extrapolation to zero residual resistance, corresponding to the case of a perfect lattice, gives the ’'ideal1* thermal conductivity, which is the combination of the electronic and the lattice conductiv­ ities for a pure crystal -with a perfect lattice. This "ideal" con­ ductivity depends only on thermal vibrations and is therefore depend­ ent on temperature alone. The temperature dependence and the behavior of the Wiedemann— rranz ratio have been the most widely studied features of heat jonduction by metals; but impurities strongly affect the results, ispecially at low temperatures, so coefficients which are genuinely jharacteristic of the pure metals have been sought. Progress has >een made through the development of two empirical relations: that lue to Gruneisen and Goens, and Bidwell's discovery of a relation jetween thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat in the solid state and the thermal conductivity of the metal in the liquid state. ' ’heoretical equations given by Wilson have the same form as these two ampirical expressions.2 Details of the correlation are given in , appendix A • Wilson also developed a method to carry out theoretical cal­ culations for the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in -Bidwell, C. C., Phys. Rev., 32, 311, (1928); 33, 2U9, (1929)5 58, 561, (195577 ■Wilson, A. H., Semi-Conductors and Metals, (Cambridge University Press, 1939), pp 103-109. 3 ■i the case of monovalent metals* Using this method with assumed values for the number of conduction electrons per atom, Makinson was able to give explicit^, results for copper and bismuth in terms of the residual 2 resistiv ities as parameters indicating impurity content. Makinson*s results are in excellent agreement with experimental data, considering the approximations used. No explicit theoretical calculations have been made for metals other than those which can be treated as monoval­ ent. Thus recent investigations of thermal conductivities have been predominately experimental. An extensive survey of the literature indicates that the thermal conductivity of titanium and its temperature dependence have not been investigated below zero degrees Centigrade, although measurements on electrical resistiv ity and the thermoelectric effects have been car­ ried down to liquid air temperatures *3 Measurements of the thermal conductivity above room temperature have been carried out.^ It is the purpose of this investigation to augment the body of scientific knowledge with regard to the physical properties of metals by measuring the thermal conductivity of commercial titanium at cer­ tain temperatures from the liquid hydrogen range to the melting point of ice. In light of the foregoing paragraphs, the correlation between theory and experiment in this field requires measurements on highly purified m aterials and a careful control of im purities. This problem is proposed for study in the near future. 1Wilson, A. H.» Eroc« Camb. Phil. Soc„, 3£, 371, (1937). ^Makinson, R. E. B., FToc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 3k > U7U, (1938). 3Greiner, E. S., and E llis, W. C., Trans. A.I ♦ M.E♦ , 180, 6$7, (19U9) * ^Mimeographed tables from the National Lead Co., stating results from the Battelle Memorial Institute. a II. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE Since the measurements of primary interest were to be made some 200°C below room temperature, the apparatus incorporated features de­ signed to minimize the exchange of heat between the surroundings and the specimen under investigation* A Dewar flask sixty centimeters deep was used as a container for the refrigerant liquid; and immer­ sion of the titanium sample to a depth of fifty centimeters was af­ forded by fixing the sample into the base of a copper cylinder, which was supported by a long, vertical connecting tube of monel metal. The monel tube led the thermocouple wires and the heater leads down into the copper cylinder. A MZM -bend in the tube prevented the thermal radiation of the room from reaching the specimen* With the help of copper mesh which was stuffed into the bend, thermal contact between the lead wires and the tube was established. Conduction of heat from the room by the lead wires was practically eliminated, since this bend was immersed to a depth of some thirty-five centi­ meters. To minimize conduction by the air, the system was evacu­ ated to a pressure below 0*01 microns. A copper spool, supported by the titanium specimen itse lf, was wound with U00 centimeters of A.W.G. number 32 gauge manganin wire to provide the heat input. Copper-constantan thermocouples, in thermal contact with the titan ­ ium iro'd through thin copper rings, were used to determine the temp­ erature gradient along the specimen. Radiation losses were deter­ mined by a substitution method. The connections between instruments and equipment used in the measurements are shown in Figure 1. 5 FIGURE 1 BLOCK DlAG&AM OF APPARATUS Galvanometer Rubicon Type B Dry Cells Potentiometer Bpply Standard Oell Cenoo Hyvao Selector Switch Pump lead Storage Batteries Ice-Water Bath Oil Bheostat Diffusion Thermo coup le_-. Pump Leads Voltmeter — McLSOD liquid Air GAUGE Trap Milliammeter Liquid Air Trap Heater Leads Glass Tubing PIBANI GAUGE ^ _ _Mone1^ Metal_ connecting tube A$u> METERS DEWAR FLASK Copper Cylinder containing specimen 6 In the following discussion, reference w ill be made to Figure 2, which gives details of the copper cylinder and monel metal connecting tube. To afford ease in exchanging samples, the base of the cylinder A was soldered to the cylinder proper B with a low melting point alloy. The titanium rod C was pressed into the copper base A at room tem­ perature, and the greater coefficient of thermal expansion of copper assured good thermal contact at low temperatures. Copper rings D of one millimeter thickness, to which thermocouples were attached with soft solder, were pressed on the titanium rod. to afford good thermal contact between the thermocouples and the titanium, which cannot be soldered in a ir. The rings also fixed the positions for measurement of the temperature gradient. The thermocouple wires and the heater leads were introduced into the vertical monel tube E by the top assembly F. The assembly consisted of a fla t, annular piece of brass G, which was soldered to the top end of tube E, and a fla t circular piece H, which was screwed to piece G but separated from its surface by rubber gaskets. The wires entered between the rubber surfaces. All the wire segments which were in contact with the rubber had been soaked in a beeswax- rosin mixture. The top assembly was given a heavy coat of the wax so that the heads of the screws were completely covered, resulting in a vacuum-tight seal. On entering the copper cylinder the wires were held away from the sample and against the copper walls by a second metal cylinder J so that the wires entered the space in which the specimen stood from

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