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IPM Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, Tehran, Iran, May 15-20, 2006 1 Low scale leptogenesis with an SU(2) singlet scalar L M.Frigerio ServicedePhysiqueThe´orique,CEA/Saclay,F-91191Gif-sur-YvetteCedex,FRANCE We consider thermal leptogenesis as the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. Some phenomenologicallyunpleasantfeaturesoftheusualleptogenesis scenarioarereviewed. Weproposeaminimal alternative,whichmakesuseofachargedscalarδ+,singletunderSU(2)L. Suchparticleiscontainedinnatural extensionsoftheStandardModel. Theleptonasymmetryisgeneratedbythedecaysofaright-handedneutrino intoδ+ andaright-handedcharged leptonanditturnsouttobesufficientlylargeforscales aslowas ∼TeV. Thephenomenological signatures atcollidersarediscussed. SACLAY-T06/125 7 0 0 1. LEPTOGENESIS: MOTIVATIONS AND estimate gives 2 SOME DRAWBACKS n ǫL YN2iM1 . (2) a ∼Xi6=1 Mi J Averywellmotivatedexplanationfornon-zerotiny 2 neutrinomassisleptonnumberviolation(LNV)atan A very similar combination of parameters determines 2 energyscaleM muchlargerthantheelectroweaksym- lightneutrino masses throughthe seesawmechanism: metrybreakingscalev. ThisleadstoaMajorana-type 2 neutrino mass mν v2/M. The most popular way mν YN2i v . (3) v to introduce LNV ∼is to add to the Standard Model v ∼Xi Mi 1 021 (lsaSterMgrie)leMsnteaeurjoitlrreiannroiasghdmte-achsaasyensidne(dtsheee(sReaaHwr)lymnUeecunhtivariennriossems,)Na.ti,aTtwheeimtshe- 1(S30in)6cvaenmdν1t/0hv8e∼Greeq1Vu0i−r[31e2m].,etnThtehiǫcsLomm∼epaa1nr0sis−ot6nhaiomtfpleelqpiests.o(g2Me)n1aens>∼ids 1 peratureoftheorderoftheirmass. Ifthedecaysoccur ∼ maybesuccessfulonlyifittakesplaceatsuper-heavy 6 (partially)out-of-equilibriumandviolateCP,adiffer- 0 ent number of leptons and antileptons is produced. scales. Qualitatively the same lower bound on the / leptogenesis scale persists [4] in models including the h Such lepton asymmetry is efficiently converted into a p baryon asymmetry by SM (B + L)-violating effects contribution to mν from SU(2)L triplet scalars (type - (sphalerons), which are in thermal equilibrium down II seesawmechanism). Evenafine-tuned cancellation p to temperatures T v. This mechanism to explain between the type I and II seesawcontributions to mν he the matter-antimatt∼er asymmetry of the Universe is doesnothelp,sincetherelationǫL ∝mν =mIν+mIνI still holds [5]. : known as baryogenesis via leptogenesis [1]. v Theneedforasuper-heavyscaleisphenomenologi- i Let us give a semi-quantitative description of lep- X cally unpleasant, since it is not directly accessible ex- togenesis. In general, the interactions of the lightest perimentally. Moreover, in most (unified) extensions ar RHneutrinoN1eraseanyasymmetrycreatedatscales of the SM, the neutrino Yukawa couplings YN are re- largerthanitsmass. TheleptonasymmetryfromN1- lated to those of charged fermions, therefore one ex- decays is defined by pects YN to have a hierarchical structure. This im- plies a further suppression of ǫL, which may prevent Γ(N1 LH) Γ(N1 L¯H¯) successfulleptogenesisevenatsuper-heavyscales. Fi- ǫL = Γ(N1 →LH)−+Γ(N1 →L¯H¯) , (1) nally, a reheating temperature TRH larger than M1 → → is needed in order for thermal leptogenesis to occur. whereLandH aretheSMleptonandHiggsdoublets. If one invokes supersymmetry above the scale v, in The asymmetry arises from the interference between particular to stabilize the large hierarchy M/v, then tree leveland one loop Feynman diagramsfor the de- TRH > 108 GeV leads in general to overproduction cays of N1, which are shown in Fig.1. Cosmological ofgra∼vitinos,inseveretensionwithcosmologicaldata data determine the baryon number density over en- (see [6] and references therein). tropy ratio, nB/s 10−10. In the case of thermal The lower bound on the leptogenesis scale can be leptogenesis one fin≈ds nB/s 10−3ηǫL, where the circumvented by some strong tuning of parameters: ≈ − washoutfactorη is atmostoforderone(see e.g. [2]). if the two lightest RH neutrinos are quasi-degenerate As a consequence, a sufficient baryon asymmetry can in mass, eq.(2) does not hold and the asymmetry ǫL only be produced for ǫL > 10−6 10−7. Indicating may be resonantly enhanced. As a consequence, the with YNi the typical size∼of Ni Y−ukawa couplings to leptogenesis scale M1 M2 can be as small as ∼ ≈ ∼ leptondoubletsandcallingMithemassofNi,arough TeV(seee.g. [7]). InthiscasetheYN couplingsshould IPM-LHP06-19May 2 IPM Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, Tehran, Iran, May 15-20, 2006 Figure 1: TheFeynmandiagrams for N1 decaysin theusualleptogenesis scenario. Only oneheavier RHneutrinoN2 is displayed, butin general one sumsover thesame one-loop diagrams for each RH neutrinoheavier than N1. be also tuned, since the contributions YN2i/Mi to In SO(10) models, which contain the left-right ∼ • mν need to cancel each other. In this talk we do not symmetric group, the two possibilities corre- consider the resonant scenario, rather we develop a spond to δ+ 120H or δ+ 126H, respectively. ∈ ∈ minimal alternative. The coupling (5) is forbidden by the gaugesymmetry in the case δ+ ∆R (δ+ 126H). ∈ ∈ 2. LEPTON YUKAWA COUPLINGS IN Let us consider the minimal left-right symmetric STANDARD MODEL EXTENSIONS model. TheRHtriplet∆R couplestoRHleptondou- blets R=(N lR)T as The non-zero neutrino masses and leptogenesis re- T Y∆R Ciτ2∆RR+h.c. . (6) quiretoaddseveralingredientstotheSM:newsterile − leptons, a super-heavy scale for their mass, Yukawa The vacuum expectation value vR of the ∆R neutral couplingsbetweenthemandSMleptondoublets. One component breaks SU(2)R and gives mass to the RH may wonder if a complete theory, which naturally neutrinos. At the same time, the interaction (6) con- accommodates these ingredients, does contain other tainsthesecondtermineq.(4),sothatY∆ andYR are sources of lepton asymmetry. If this were the case, identified. TheRHneutrinomassmatrixMR =vRY∆ some of the constraints discussed in the previous sec- andthe couplingmatrixYR =√2Y∆ arediagonalized tion could be evaded. at the same time, therefore there is no flavor mixing Letusbeginbyaskingwhatscalarmultipletscouple intheRHsector: thei-thRHneutrinoNi decaysonly a RH neutrino N to the SM leptons L and lR. In full into δ+lRi and no lepton asymmetry is generated. To generality, the two Yukawa interactions read achieveleptogenesis,onehasto resorttoless minimal YNHN¯L YRδ+NTClR+h.c. , (4) models,e.g.,(i)tointroduceasecondSU(2)R triplet; − − (ii) to admit a source of RH neutrino masses other where H = (H+ H0)T has the quantum numbers than vR; (iii) to add a δ+ which is singlet under both of the SM Higgs, while δ+ is a SU(2)L singlet with SU(2)L and SU(2)R. charge+1. Intheusualleptogenesisscenarioonlythe coupling YN is considered. However, if δ+ is lighter than RH neutrinos, the coupling YR allows for the 3. RIGHT-HANDED SECTOR alternative decaychannel N δ+lR, which may pro- → LEPTOGENESIS vide a new source of lepton asymmetry [8]. Notice that only SU(2)L singlet particles are involved in the decay. In general, the charged singlet δ+ may couple In this section we compute the lepton asymmetry also to SM left-handed leptons as generated in the decays of the lightest RH neutrino −YLδ+LTCiτ2L+h.c. , (5) tMhrδo<ugMh1t,hwehYeRrecMouδpislinthge, mNa1ss→ofδδ++l.RIin. tWheeopaspsousmitee where the matrix YL is antisymmetric. case a lepton asymmetry would be produced in δ+ SeveralsimpleextensionsoftheSMcontainthesin- decays,butitwouldbewashedoutbyNi interactions glet δ+: as well as by gauge scattering (more details in [8]). In SU(5) models, δ+ is part of the Higgs multi- The decay of N1 occurs through the same tree and • oneloopFeynmandiagramsastheusualleptogenesis, plet 10H. by replacing Li with lRi as well as H with δ+, as In left-right symmetric models, based on the shown in Fig.2. While H has zero lepton number, • gaugegroupSU(2)L SU(2)R U(1)B−L,there the lepton number of δ+ has to be determined by its are two possibilities:×either δ+× (1,1,2) or δ+ dominant decay channel. The interaction YL given in can be identified with the singl∼y charged com- eq.(5) leads to the two-body decay δ+ l+ν¯, so that ponent of an SU(2)R triplet ∆R (1,3,2). L(δ+) = 2. If YL is forbidden, than→δ+ may only ∼ − IPM-LHP06-19May IPM Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, Tehran, Iran, May 15-20, 2006 3 Figure 2: The Feynman diagrams for N1 decays in the right-handedsector leptogenesis scenario. decay into three bodies through a virtual N. The ful leptogenesis is the following: dominant channel turns out to be δ+ l+l−H+ [8], sothatL(δ+) 0. Inbothcases,anet→leptonnumber M1 2TeV , M2 6TeV , Mδ 750GeV , is produced in≈the decay N1 →δ+lRi and therefore a ≃ YR2 ≃4·10≃−3 , YR1 ≃10≃−7 . lepton asymmetry may be generated. We call this (10) scenario RH sector leptogenesis. Infact, leptogenesiscanbe successfulforMδ assmall OfcourseN1 decaysalsothroughtheusualYukawa asallowedbydirectsearchesatcollider(∼100GeV). coupling YN. For simplicity, in the following we will The lightest RH neutrino mass M1 needs to be few not display this additional contribution to the lepton timeslargerthanvtoallowforleptontobaryonasym- asymmetry. In fact, it is negligible as long as M1 metry conversionby sphalerons. The mass M2 has to 108 GeV, as demonstrated in section 1. ≪ be heavier than 4 TeV to suppress the washout in- ∼ We consider for definiteness only one RH neutrino duced by N2 mediated ∆L = 2 scatterings (for this estimate we did not consider the additional resonant heavier than N1 (the results can be immediately gen- enhancement of the asymmetry which may occur if eralizedtoanarbitrarynumberofRHneutrinos). The computation of the lepton asymmetry then gives M1 M2). ≈ Let us restate the reason why the scale of RH sec- ǫL = 81πYR22MM12 , YR22 ≡ Imi(|Y(RYRYR)†1)i21|22 , (7) tlreoepprtlloaegcpeetdnoegbseiynseǫssLcisencaarnYioR2b.2eMIm1n/uMcthh2eloapwnrdeerseYtnRht2anccaaisnnetbeheqe.(tu2as)kueainsl P relativelylargew∼ithoutinducinganyneutrinomasses, up to corrections of order (Mδ/M1)2 and (M1/M2)2. whichdependonlyonYN asineq.(3). Inotherwords, The quantity YR2 is of the order of the Yukawa cou- barring resonant effects, TeV scale RH neutrinos re- plings of N2 to lRi. The N1 decay width is given by quireverysmallYN couplingsandleptogenesisatlow scale may occur only if another set of couplings (YR) 1 Γ1 = 16πYR21M1 , YR21 ≡ |(YR)1i|2 , (8) insaninttlreopdtuocgeedneisnistshceentahreioo,ryn.osCtaotnetsrqaruyasti-odetgheenerreasote- Xi inmassareneeded,norcancellationsbetweenYN cou- where YR1 is of the order of the Yukawa couplings of plings. The price to pay is to introduce an extra de- N1 to lRi. In order to suppress washout from N1 in- gree of freedom, the scalar δ+. versedecays,onehastoimposetheout-ofequilibrium condition Γ1 < H(T = M1), where H is the Hubble constant. Req∼uiring also ǫL > 10−6, we find the con- 4. PHENOMENOLOGICAL SIGNATURES straint ∼ AT TeV SCALE YR1 <0.2 M1 M1 . (9) Leptogenesis relies on the assumption that heavy YR2 ∼ ·rM2r109GeV RH neutrinos exist. In the usual scenario, they de- cay into a lepton doublet and the SM Higgs dou- Therefore, RH sector leptogenesis is successful even blet, yet to be discoveredat LHC. A sufficiently light for M1 much smaller than 109 GeV, provided a hi- charged singlet scalar δ+, if any, would also be dis- erarchy in the Yukawa coupling matrix YR is as- covered in colliders, by Drell-Yan pair production: sumed. Inparticular,M1aslightasfewTeVsrequires qq¯ (e+e−) γ (Z) δ+δ− (for an estimate of the YR1/YR2 10−4, which is comparable with observed cross-sectio→n see [8]).→If δ+ were observed, RH lepto- ∼ hierarchies in charged fermion Yukawa matrices. We genesis would become as plausible as the usual one, checkedthat other sources of asymmetry washout (in since RH neutrinos will naturally decay into δ+lR. particular∆L=2scatteringduetoN2 exchange)are If δ+ couples (antisymmetrically) to left-handed also under control down to these low scales [8]. leptons as in eq.(5), it would mainly decay into an- Anillustrativesetofparametersleadingtosuccess- tilepton and antineutrino. The decay into τ+ is the IPM-LHP06-19May 4 IPM Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, Tehran, Iran, May 15-20, 2006 more interesting one, because it can be used to iden- same sizable coupling YR2 that generates the lepton tifyattheLHCarelativelylightMSSMchargedHiggs asymmetry. H+ [9]. The two particle decays can be distinguished by analyzing the angular distribution of the outgoing antilepton, since it is left-handed in the case of H+ and right-handed in the case of δ+. If the coupling Acknowledgments in eq.(5) is absent, δ+ can decay only very slowly to three bodies. Therefore, the δ+δ− pair will leave in I would like to thank Yasaman Farzan for invita- the detector a pair of long curved charged particle tion and the Organizers for local financial support. trackswhichcouldbe distinguishedfromamuonpair The efforts of them all made this week in Tehran a by the fact that they are less relativistic. memorable experience. The results presented in this The δ+ exchange may also mediate lepton number talkwerederivedincollaborationwithThomasHam- violating processes. In the case of µ eγ, the domi- → byeandErnestMa. Myworkispartiallysupportedby nant contribution is found to come from the YL cou- theRTNEuropeanProgramMRTN-CT-2004-503369. plingsandcanbeaslargeasthepresentexperimental limit if Mδ <1 TeV [8]. If also N∼2 is as light as few TeVs, it can be pro- duced through the relatively large Yukawa coupling YR2 > 10−3. Notice that such low scales RH neutri- References nos in general erase any lepton asymmetry produced at higher temperatures. Therefore their observation [1] M. Fukugita and T. Yanagida, Baryogenesis with- would indicate the need for leptogenesis at low scale, out Grand Unification, Phys. Lett. B174 (1986) as allowed by our model. 45. [2] W. Buchmu¨ller, P. Di Bari and M. Plu¨macher, Cosmic microwave background, matter- 5. SUMMARY antimatter asymmetry and neutrino masses, Nucl. Phys. B643 (2002) 367 [hep-ph/0205349]. The usual scenario of baryogenesis via leptogenesis [3] S. Davidson and A. Ibarra, A lower bound on relates the matter-antimatter asymmetry to neutrino the right-handed neutrino mass from leptogenesis, masses, but there is a price to pay in order to main- Phys. Lett. B535 (2002) 25 [hep-ph/0202239]. tain such relation: a sufficient lepton asymmetry is [4] T. Hambye and G. Senjanovic, Consequences of produced only at super-heavy scale, larger than 108 triplet seesaw for leptogenesis, Phys. Lett. B582 GeV. (2004) 73 [hep-ph/0307237]. Onthe contrary,we haveshownthat, if RHneutri- [5] S. Antusch and S. F. King, Phys. Lett. B 597 nos decay into RH charged leptons, then leptogenesis (2004) 199 [hep-ph/0405093]. may work at scales as low as TeV. This requires to [6] K. Kohri, T. Moroi and A. Yotsuyanagi, Big-bang add to the SM with RH neutr∼inos one charged scalar nucleosynthesis with unstable gravitino and upper δ+, singletunder SU(2)L. Suchparticle canbe easily bound on the reheating temperature, Phys. Rev. incorporatedinsimple(unified)extensionsoftheSM. D73 (2006) 123511 [hep-ph/0507245]. We called this scenario RH sector leptogenesis. [7] A. Pilaftsis and T. E. J. Underwood, Reso- A sufficiently light δ+ (at or below the TeV scale) nant leptogenesis, Nucl. Phys. B692 (2004) 303 canbeeasilypair-producedatcollidersanditsdecays [hep-ph/0309342]. have characteristic signatures. It may also mediate [8] M. Frigerio, T. Hambye, and E. Ma, Right- sizable lepton flavor violation processes like µ eγ. handed sector leptogenesis, JCAP 09 (2006) 009 WhilethelightestRHneutrinoN1 isveryweakl→ycou- [hep-ph/0603123]. pled and therefore unobservable, N2 can be also as [9] M. Hashemi, hep-ph/0612104 (in these Proceed- light as few TeVs and may be produced through the ings). IPM-LHP06-19May

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