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Low-lying Quasiparticle Excitations around a Vortex Core in Quantum Limit N. Hayashi, T. Isoshima, M. Ichioka, and K. Machida Department of Physics, Okayama University, Okayama 700, Japan (Submitted 26 September1997) 8 9 9 quantum-limit aspects of the single vortex in s-wave su- Focusing on a quantum-limit behavior, we study a sin- 1 perconductors and to discuss a possibility for the obser- gle vortex in a clean s-wave type-II superconductor by self- vation of them. n consistentlysolvingtheBogoliubov-deGennesequation. The a The present study is motivated by the following re- discreteenergylevelsofthevortexboundstatesin thequan- J centexperimentalandtheoreticalsituations: (1)Theso- tum limit is discussed. Thevortexcore radiusshrinksmono- 6 called Kramer and Pesch (KP) effect [1,3,7,8]; a shrink- tonically up to an atomic-scale length on lowering the tem- 1 peratureT,andtheshrinkagestopstosaturateatalower T. age of the core radius upon lowering T (to be exact, an The pair potential, supercurrent, and local density of states anomalous increase in the slope of the pair potential at ] n around the vortex exhibit Friedel-like oscillations. The local thevortexcenteratlowT)isnowsupportedbysomeex- o density of states has particle-hole asymmetry inducedby the periments[9]. The T dependence ofthe coresizeisstud- c vortex. These are potentially observed directly bySTM. iedbyµSRonNbSe andYBCO[10],whichis discussed - 2 r later. The KP effect, if confirmed, forces us radically al- p PACS number(s): 74.60.Ec, 61.16.Ch, 74.72.-h ter the traditional picture [11] for the vortex line such u s as a rigid normal cylindrical rod with the radius ξ0. (2) t. Growing interest has been focused on vortices both in The scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiment a on YBCO by Maggio-Aprileet al. [12], which enables us m conventional and unconventional superconductors from todirectlyseethespatialstructureofthelow-lyingquasi- fundamental and applied physics points of view. This is - particle excitations around the vortex, arouses much in- d particularly true for high-T cuprates, since it is essen- c n tial that one understands fundamental physical proper- terest. They claim that surprisingly enough, there exist o only a few discretized bound-state levels in the vortex ties of the vortices in the compounds to better control c core, i.e., the vortex is almost “empty.” It resembles various superconducting characteristics of some techno- [ logical importance. Owing to the experimental devel- our naive image for conventional s-wave superconduc- 1 tors where in the quantum limit a few quantized levels opments, it is not difficult to reach low temperatures v of the bound states remain inside the bulk energy gap of interest where distinctive quantum effects associated 6 ∆ . (3) The theoretical situation on this subject [12] is 6 with the discretized energy levels of the vortex bound 0 stillveryconfusing;Some[13]claimthatthebound-state 1 states are expected to emerge. The quantum limit is 1 realized at the temperature where the thermal smear- energylevels arenot discretizedfor d-wavepair,but dis- 0 cretizedfor s-wavepair. Some[14]claimthe discretized- ing is narrower than the discrete bound state levels [1]: 8 likestructureevenfortheformer. Fors-wavecase,where T/T ≤ 1/(k ξ ) with ξ =v /∆ the coherence length 9 c F 0 0 F 0 the formulationoftheproblemis welldefined,weshould / (∆0 the gapatT =0)andkF (vF)the Fermiwavenum- t establishourunderstandingofthevortexstructureinthe a ber (velocity). For example, in a typical layered type-II m superconductor NbSe with T = 7.2 K and k ξ ∼ 70, quantumlimit. (4) Lastly,we are motivatedby a curios- 2 c F 0 ity; Previously we have calculated the local density of - the quantum limit is reached below T < 50 mK. As for d states (LDOS) for s-wave pair on the basis of the qua- the high-T cuprates, the corresponding temperature is c n siclassical (Eilenberger) theory [15], successfully applied rather high: T <10 K for YBa Cu O (YBCO). o 2 3 7−δ to the STM observations on NbSe done by Hess et al. c Important microscopic works to theoretically investi- 2 [16]. We are particularly interested in what happens in : gate the quasiparticlespectralstructure arounda vortex v in a cleanlimit areput forthby Caroliet al. [2], Kramer LDOS at further lower T, say, below 50 mK deep into i X and Pesch [1], and Gygi and Schlu¨ter [3]. The low-lying the quantum limit, at which it may be now feasible to r excitationsareessentialtocorrectlydescribelow-T ther- perform STM experiments. a Prompted by these motivations, we self-consistently modynamic and transport properties in the vortex state solve the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equation, which (or the mixed state). These include anomalous electric is one of the most fundamental microscopic equations or thermal Hall conductivity [4] and mysterious obser- of superconductivity and contains fully quantum effects. vations of the quantum magnetic dHvA oscillations [5]; We start with the BdG equations for the quasiparticle various topics are debated intensively [6]. Yet there has wave functions u (r) and v (r) labeled by the quantum been no serious attempt or quantitative calculation to j j number j: explore deep into the quantum regime. The purposes of the present paper are to reveal the 1 −1 ∇2−E u (r)+∆(r)v (r)=E u (r), alsoexhibits a weak oscillationaroundr =0.2–0.5ξ0. It F j j j j (cid:20)2kFξ0 (cid:21) is difficult to see the oscillation in H(r), because it is obtained by integrating j (r) via the Maxwell equation θ ∇× H = 4πj(r), resulting in a smeared profile. It is −1 c − ∇2−EF vj(r)+∆∗(r)uj(r)=Ejvj(r), (1) also seen that the position of the maximum of jθ(r) be- (cid:20)2k ξ (cid:21) F 0 comesshorteras T decreases. These features quite differ from those obtained within the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) ina dimensionless form,where∆(r) is the pairpotential framework [11,18]. andE (=k ξ /2)theFermienergy. Thelength(energy) F F 0 The T dependence of ξ (T) for various k ξ values is scaleismeasuredbyξ (∆ ). Foranisolatedsinglevortex 1 F 0 0 0 shown in Fig. 3. Coinciding with Kramer and Pesch in an extreme type-II superconductor, we may neglect [1] for s-wave pair and Ichioka et al. [8] for d-wave the vector potential in Eq. (1). The pair potential is pair, ξ (T) decreases almost linearly with T, that is, determined self-consistently by 1 ξ (T)/ξ ∼ T/T except at extremely low T. An im- 1 0 c portant difference from these quasiclassicaltheories [1,8] ∆(r)=g u (r)v (r){1−2f(E )} (2) j j∗ j appears at lower T. At a lower T < T ≃ T /(k ξ ), X 0 c F 0 |Ej|≤ωD wherethe quantumlimit is realized,the shrinkageofthe with the Fermi function f(E). Here, g is the coupling core size stops to saturate, and the saturated value is constant and ωD the energy cutoff, which are related by estimated as ξ1/ξ0 ∼(kFξ0)−1. a BCS relation via the transition temperature T and Accordingto the µSRexperimentaldata[10],the core c the gap ∆0. We set ωD = 10∆0. The current den- radiusinNbSe2 showsastrongT dependence,whilethat sity is given by j(r) ∝ Im j f(Ej)u∗j(r)∇uj(r)+{1− in YBCO with Tc=60 K is almost T-independent below ∼0.6T . This seemingly contradicting result can be un- f(E )}v (r)∇v (r) . We cPonsi(cid:2)der an isolated vortex un- c j j j∗ derstood as follows. The strong T dependence in NbSe derthefollowingco(cid:3)nditions. (a)Thesystemisacylinder 2 is the usual KP effect corresponding to the curves for with a radius R. (b) The Fermi surface is cylindrical, larger k ξ in Fig. 3. At lower T than T estimated appropriate for the materials such as NbSe and high-T F 0 0 2 c as ∼100 mK (k ξ ∼ 70), the shrinkage must saturate cuprates. (c)Thepairinghasisotropics-wavesymmetry. F 0 (the above experiment is done above ∼2 K). As for the Thus the system has a cylindrical symmetry. We write the eigenfunctions as u (r) = u (r)exp i(µ− 1)θ and YBCO data, since the estimated kFξ0 is small (∼4 [12] j nµ 2 for YBCO with T =90 K), the saturation is already at- v (r)=v (r)exp i(µ+1)θ with∆(r)=(cid:2)∆(r)exp(cid:3)−iθ c j nµ 2 tained at a relatively high T such as shown in Fig. 3. in polar coordinat(cid:2)es, where(cid:3)n is a radial quantum(cid:2)num(cid:3)- Thus the absence orweaknessofthe KP effect in YBCO ber and the angular momentum |µ| = 1,3,5,···. We 2 2 2 is simply attributable to the factthat the quantum-limit expand the eigenfunctions in terms of the Bessel func- temperature T is quite high. tions J (r) as u (r) = c φ (r) and v (r) = 0 m nµ i ni i|µ−12| nµ Reflectingthe shrinkageofthe coreradius,the bound- idniφi|µ+21|(r)withφimP(r)= RJm+√12(αim)Jm(αimr/R), state energies Eµ increases as T decreases. This T- Pi=1,2,···,N, and α is the i-th zero of J (r) . The dependent E shift, due to the KP effect, and its satu- im m µ (cid:0)BdGisreducedtoa2N×2N matrixeigenvaluepr(cid:1)oblem rationatlower T may leadto a nontrivialT dependence [3]. Our system is characterized by k ξ , which is a key in thermodynamic and transport properties. F 0 parameter of the present problem. In Fig. 4, we plot the energy levels E of the low- µ In Fig. 1, the calculated spatial variation of ∆(r) is lying bound states µ = 1,3,···,13 as a function of 2 2 2 displayed for various T. It is seen that as T decreases, kFξ0, at sufficiently(cid:0)low T (T/Tc = 0.(cid:1)01) where increas- the core size ξ1 defined by ξ1−1 = limr 0∆(r)/r shrinks ing of the energy levels saturates. It is seen that in → and the oscillatory spatial variation with a wave length large-k ξ region, the bound states densely pack inside F 0 ∼1/k becomes evident in ∆(r) [1,3]. The physical rea- the gap ∆ , allowing us to regard them as continuous F 0 son for this Friedel-like oscillation lies in the following ones. This is the case where the quasiclassical approx- facts. All eigenfunctions u (r) and v (r) contain a imation [1,8] validates. In small-k ξ region, where the nµ nµ F 0 rapid oscillation component with 1/k . At lower T the quantum effect is important even at high T, only a few F lowestbound states, whose oscillationamplitude is large bound states remain within the low-energy region. We nearthecore,dominatephysicalquantities. Wenotethat find that even in small-|µ| region, the spacing between theoscillatorybehaviorcanalwaysappearsatsufficiently the energy levels E is not constant,but rather becomes µ lowT irrespectiveofvaluesofk ξ . Wealsomentionthat narrower as |µ| increases. The often adopted formula F 0 asimilaroscillatoryspatialvariationaroundavortexcore E /∆ =2µ/(k ξ )or2µ/(k ξ )duetoCaroliet al.[2], µ 0 F 0 F 1 in the Bosecondensate of 4He is found theoretically,due or E /∆ = (2µ/k ξ )ln[ξ /2ξ ] by Kramer and Pesch µ 0 F 0 0 1 to the roton excitations [17]. in the limit ξ ≪ ξ [1] do not satisfactorily explain our 1 0 The associated supercurrent j (r) and the field H(r) self-consistent results. Instead, our result is empirically θ areshowninFig.2. Reflectingtheaboveoscillation,j (r) fittedtoaformulaE /∆ =(0.5/k ξ )ln[k ξ /0.3]for θ 1/2 0 F 0 F 0 2 large k ξ as shown in the dotted curve in Fig. 4. 12), and a borocarbide LuNi B C [19] with T =16 K, F 0 2 2 c In Fig. 5, the spectral evolution, i.e., the spatial ξ ≃80 ˚A are the best candidates to check our results. 0 variation of LDOS, which is calculated by N(r,E) ∝ In summary, we have analyzed the vortex core struc- |u (r)|2f (E −E )+|v (r)|2f (E +E ) , is shown ture and the related quasiparticle energy spectrum by j j ′ j j ′ j Pfor(cid:2)kFξ0=8 at low temperature T=0.05Tc.(cid:3) It is well self-consistentlysolvingtheBdGequationforanisolated contrasted with that of the higher T case by Gygi and vortex in a clean s-wave type-II superconductor, focus- Schlu¨ter [3] (see, for comparison, Fig. 15 in Ref. [3] ingonthelow-T quantumeffects. Wehavefoundthefar where k ξ ∼ 70 and T ≃ 0.13T , calculated under richer structure in the pair potential, supercurrent, and F 0 c the two-dimensional Fermi surface). As lowering T, be- LDOS than what one naively imagines from the corre- causeofthequantumeffects,thethermallysmearedspec- sponding calculations done athigh T ork ξ ≫1 [3,15], F 0 tral structure drastically changes and becomes far finer and pointed out experimental feasibility to observe it. one around the vortex. The spectra are discretized in- Thewidelyusedworkinghypothesisforthevortexcore side the gap and consist of several isolated peaks, each of a rigid normal rod with the radius ξ [11] must be 0 of which precisely corresponds to the bound states E cautiously used for the clean superconductors of inter- µ |µ| = 1,3,··· . Reflecting the oscillatory nature of the est: the magnetic field distribution probed by neutron 2 2 e(cid:0)igenfunctions(cid:1)uµ(r)andvµ(r)withtheperiod1/kF,the diffraction [20] or µSR [10] through the magnetic form spectralevolutionalsoexhibitstheFriedel-likeoscillation factor analysis based on the GL theory must be taken as seen from Fig. 5. with caution. Detailed investigations of various myster- To show clearly the particle-hole asymmetry of the ies associated with the vortices, e.g., the thermal Hall LDOS of Fig. 5, which is another salient feature, we conductance [4] belong to future work. present in Fig. 6 the spectra at the vortex center r = 0 We would like to thank J. E. Sonier and A. Yaouanc and0.2ξ WecanbarelyseetheasymmetryinWangand for useful discussions. 0 MacDonal(cid:2)d[13] seeFig. 3(a)inRef.[13] . Atthe cen- FIG. 1. The spatial variation of the pair potential ∆(r) ter r = 0, the bo(cid:0)und-state peak with E (cid:1)(cid:3)appears only 1/2 normalizedby∆0 aroundthevortexforseveraltemperatures atE >0side,becausetheeigenfunctionu (r =0)6=0, 1/2 and kFξ0 =16. The length r is measured by ξ0. whichconsistsoftheBesselfunctionJ (r =0)(6=0),and 0 all others for |E | < ∆ vanish at r = 0. At r = 0.2ξ , µ 0 0 the other bound-state peaks are seen. The particle-hole FIG. 2. The current distribution normalized by asymmetry in the vortex bound states appears even if cφ0/(8π2ξ03κ2) for several temperatures, where φ0 is the flux the normal-state density of states is symmetric. These quantum and κ (≫1) is the GL parameter. The inset shows features are subtle [3] or absent [15] in the previous cal- the field distribution normalized by φ0/(2πξ02κ2). The tem- culations. This asymmetry around the vortex is quite peratures are thesame as in Fig. 1, and kFξ0=16. distinctive, should be checkedby STM experiments, and may be crucial for the Hall conductivity in the mixed state. FIG. 3. The T dependence of the vortex radius ξ1 nor- malized by ξ0 for several kFξ0 (= 1.2, 2, 4, and 16 from top Let us argue some of the available experimental data to bottom). in the lightof the presentstudy. The lowestbound state levelE /∆ isestimatedbyMaggio-Aprileetal.[12]for 1/2 0 YBCOwithT =90K(E =5.5meVand∆ =20meV), c 1/2 0 FIG. 4. The lowest seven bound-state energies Eµ, nor- yielding kFξ0 ∼ 4. Since it implies that ξ0 is only of malized by ∆0, as a function of kFξ0, at enough low temper- the order of the crystal-lattice constant, we should cau- atureT/Tc =0.01. Thedotted lineis a fittingcurve(seethe tion that Maggio-Aprile et al. [12] take their data for text). the spectral evolution every 10 ˚A apart near the core, thus the important spatial information on LDOS might be lost. So far the existing STM data [12,16,19] taken FIG. 5. The spectral evolution N(E,r) at T/Tc = 0.05 at the vortex center are almost symmetric about E=0, and kFξ0 = 8. It is normalized by the normal-state density e.g., on NbSe at T=50 mK [16]. The reason why the of states at the Fermi surface. E and r are measured by ∆0 2 and ξ0, respectively. so-calledzero-biaspeakiscenteredjustsymmetricallyat E=0 is that k ξ is large and T is too high to observe F 0 the quantum effects. FIG.6. ThelocaldensityofstatesN(E,r)atr=0(solid We emphasize that in any clean s-wave type-II super- line) and 0.2ξ0 (dotted line). T/Tc =0.05 and kFξ0=8. conductors at appropriately low T < T ≃ T /(k ξ ) , 0 c F 0 one can observe these eminent chara(cid:0)cteristics associate(cid:1)d with the quantum effects. 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