Low-luminosity stellar wind accretion onto neutron stars in HMXBs 7 1 0 2 n KonstantinPostnov a ∗† J SternbergAstronomicalInstitute,MoscowM.V.LomonosovStateUniversity,Universitetskijpr., 2 13,Moscow119234,Russia E-mail: [email protected] ] E LidaOskinova H InstituteforPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityPotsdam,14476Potsdam,Germany . h E-mail: [email protected] p - JoseMiguelTorrejón o r InstitutoUniversitariodeFísicaAplicadaalasCienciasylasTecnologías,Universidadde t s Alicante,03690Alicante,Spain a [ E-mail: [email protected] 1 v Featuresandapplicationsofquasi-sphericalsettlingaccretionontorotatingmagnetizedneutron 6 starsinhigh-massX-raybinariesarediscussed.Thesettlingaccretionoccursinwind-fedHMXBs 3 3 whentheplasmacoolingtimeislongerthanthefree-falltimefromthegravitationalcapturera- 0 dius,whichcantakeplaceinlow-luminosityHMXBswithL .4 1036 ergs 1. Webrieflyre- 0 x × − . viewtheimplicationsofthesettlingaccretion,focusingontheSFXTphenomenon,whichcanbe 1 0 relatedtoinstabilityofthequasi-sphericalconvectiveshellabovetheneutronstarmagnetosphere 7 due to magnetic reconnectionfrom fast temporarily magnetized winds from OB-supergiant. If 1 : a young neutron star in a wind-fed HMXB is rapidly rotating, the propeller regime in a quasi- v i spherical hot shell occurs. We show that X-ray spectral and temporal properties of enigmatic X γCasBe-starsareconsistentwithfailedsettlingaccretionregimeontoapropellingneutronstar. r a The subsequent evolutionary stage of γCas and its analogs should be the XPer-type binaries comprisinglow-luminosityslowlyrotatingX-raypulsars. 11thINTEGRALConferenceGamma-RayAstrophysicsinMulti-WavelengthPerspective, 10-14October2016 Amsterdam,TheNetherlands Speaker. ∗ SupportedbyRSFgrant16-12-10519 † cCopyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommons (cid:13) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0InternationalLicense(CCBY-NC-ND4.0). http://pos.sissa.it/ Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov 1. Two regimes ofwindaccretion In high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB), a compact stellar remnant (neutron star (NS) or black hole)accretesfromstellarwindofamassive( 10 20M )earlytypeopticalcompanion[1]. Here ∼ − ⊙ we will consider accretion onto NS only. The stellar wind is captured by the orbiting NS at the characteristic capture (Bondi) radiusR =2GM /(v2 +v2),wherev istheorbitalNSvelocity, B x orb w orb v is the stellar wind velocity at the NS distance from the optical star. Typically, in HMXBs w v 108cms 1 v . In the stellar wind, a bow shock is formed at about R . Downstream the w − orb B ∼ ≫ shock,plasmafallstowardstheNS,andinthecaseofrotatingmagnetizedNS,isstoppedbytheNS magnetosphereatthecharacteristicdistance R ,whereR isthemagnetosphere(Alfvénic)radius A A ∼ determined bythepressure balance betweenthefalling plasmaandtheNSmagneticfield. Plasma enters the NS magnetosphere via different (mostly Rayleigh-Taylor) instabilities, gets frozen into themagneticfieldandiscanalizedtowardstheNSmagneticpoles. Theaccretionpowerisreleased near the NS surface with a total luminosity L 0.1M˙c2, where M˙ is the accretion rate onto the x ∼ NS. There can be two regimes of wind accretion onto magnetized NS in X-ray binaries: direct supersonic (Bondi) accretion, when the plasma captured from stellar wind cools down on time scales shorter than the free-fall time from R , t t (R ), and quasi-spherical subsonic (set- B cool ff B ≪ tling)accretion, whentheplasmacoolingtimeislongerthanthetimeofmatterfallfromR toR , B A t t (R ). The cooling of plasma is the most efficient via Compton interaction with X-ray cool ff B ≫ photons produced near the NSsurface, therefore the two regimes occurs at high (direct Bondi su- personic accretion) and low (subsonic settling accretion) X-ray luminosities. Transition between these accretion regimes occurs at L 4 1036 erg s 1 [2]. Observational appearances of the set- x − ≃ × tlingaccretionregimearediscussed in[3]. Importantly, inthesettlingaccretion regimetheplasma entry rate in the NS magnetosphere is determined by the plasma cooling time and is less than thaninthedirectBondi-Hoyle-Littleton casebythefactor f(u)=(t /t )1/3,whichcanbemuch cool ff smallerthanunity. 2. A model ofbright flares inSFXTs Supergiant FastX-raytransients (SFXTs)areasubclass oftransient hardX-rayHMXBswith NSsdiscovered by INTEGRAL[4,5,6],which have been actively studied inthe last years. They arecharacterizedbysporadicpowerfuloutburstsontopofalow-luminosityquiescentstate(see[8] forasummaryoftheSFXTproperties). AtsofterX–rays(1-10keV),SFXTsarecaughtatX–rayluminositiesbelowL 1034 ergs 1 q − ∼ most of the time. A luminosity as low as 1032 erg s 1 (1-10 keV) has been observed in some − sources, leading toaveryhighobserved dynamic range (ratio between luminosity during outburst andquiescence) uptosixordersofmagnitude(e.g.IGRJ17544–2619 [7]). Low X-ray luminosity at quiescence suggests that quasi-spherical settling accretion can be realized in SFXTs. In the frame of this accretion regime a model [9] was proposed explaining the origin ofpowerful flares in these sources. Indeed, in the settling accretion regime ahot quasi- sphericalconvectiveshellisformedabovetheNSmagnetosphere. Themassaccretionratethrough theshellisdeterminedbytheplasmacoolingtime, M˙ f(u)M˙ (seeabove),andunderstationary a B ≈ 1 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov external conditions (density and velocity of the stellar wind) the shell can be in a quasi-steady state. Note that here changes in the wind density (possible clumping) lead to moderate variations oftheresultingmassaccretionrate, M˙ ρ11/32v 33/16 (hereweassumethemosteffectiveCompton −w ∼ cooling), while for the high-luminosity Bondi accretion we expect a much stronger dependence, M˙ ρv 3. In the model [9], a powerful SXFT flare is produced when the entire shell above the B ∼ −w NSmagnetosphere isdestabilized andaccretesontotheNSinthefree-falltimescale. Asthemass oftheshellinthequiescentstateis∆M M˙ t L /f(u)t ,theremustbeacorrelationbetween B ff q ff ≃ ≈ theenergyemittedinabrightflareandthemeanquiescentluminosity, ∆M L7/9,whichisindeed q ∼ observed forbrightSFXTflares[9]. ThereasonfortheinstabilityoftheshellcanbemagnetizedstellarwindoftheOB-companion. Heretwofactorsareimportant: (1)thatamagnetizedwindblobmayhavesmallervelocitythusin- creasing themassaccretion ratethrough theshelland(2),themostimportantly, thatthetangential magneticfieldcarriedbythewindblobcaninitiatemagneticreconnectionnearthemagnetospheric boundary thusopeningthemagneticfieldlinesandenablingfreeplasmaentry. Forefficientrecon- nectiontooccur,thetimeofplasmaentryinmagnetosphere (i.e.,thecharacteristic instability time t f(u)t (R ))should becomparable toorlongerthanthemagnetic reconnection time,which inst ff A ∼ is t =ǫ t ǫ t (R ) (here t t (R ) is the Alfvénic time at the magnetosphere boundary, rec r A r ff A A ff A ≃ ∼ ǫ <1 is the magnetic reconnection efficiency). Therefore, the condition for reconnection can be r writtenas f(u)<ǫ 0.1,whichcannaturallybemetinlow-luminosityHMXBs. Notethatinhigh- r ∼ luminosity HMXBs the magnetized stellar wind could not largely disturb the NS magnetosphere, asthe timeofplasma entry inthemagnetosphere inthiscase canbeshorter thanthe reconnection time. 3. Onthe difference between persistent HMXBsand SFXTs SeveralmechanismshavebeenproposedtoexplaintheSFXTphenomenon: accretionofdense stellarwindclumps[10,11],centrifugalinhibitionofaccretionatthemagnetosphere(thepropeller mechanism)[12,13],andwindaccretioninstabilityatthesettlingregimediscussedintheprevious Section [9]. Opticalcompanions ofSFXTsandpersistent HMXBsarevery similar(e.g. [11],and thedifferentbehaviourofNSsinthesebinariesareapparentlyrelatedtothestellarwindproperties. Recently, [14] performed a comparative study of optical companions in two prototypical sources of these classes, IGR J17544-2619 (O9I) and Vela X-1 (B0.5Iae). It was found that the wind termination velocity in IGR J17544-2619 (v 1500 km s 1) is two times as high as in Vela X- − ∞ ≃ 1 ( 700 km s 1). The high wind velocity strongly decreases the captured mass accretion rate, − ≃ since in the radiation-driven winds from early type supergiants M˙ M˙ /v4 L /v5 , where B OB OB ∼ ∞ ∼ ∞ L is the star’s luminosity. The authors conclude that if the NS in IGR J17544-2619 is indeed OB rapidlyrotating(tensofseconds),thepropellermechanismismostlikely. However,inotherSFXTs with slowly rotating NSs(e.g., in IGR J16418-4532 with P =1212 s and IGR J16465-4507 with ∗ P =228stheapplicability ofthepropellermechanism maybequestionable. ∗ Wesuggest that the possible key difference between the SFXTsand persistent HMXBsis re- lated to fast magnetized stellar winds of OB-supergiants in SFXTs. Magnetic fields are directly observed in about 10% of OB-stars, and the magnetic field can significantly affect the stellar wind properties [15]. Recently, the cumulative distributions of the waiting-time (time interval 2 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov between two consecutive X-ray flares), and the duration of the hard X-ray activity (duration of the brightest phase of an SFXT outburst), as observed by INTEGRAL/IBIS in the energy band 17-50keVdetectedfromthreeSFXTsshowingthemostextremetransientbehaviour(XTEJ1739- 302, IGRJ17544-2619, SAXJ1818.6-1703) were analyzed [16]. A correlation between the total energy emitted during SFXT outbursts and the time interval covered by the outbursts (defined as the elapsed time between the firstand the last flarebelonging tothe same outburst as observed by INTEGRAL) was found. It was suggested that temporal properties of flares and outbursts of the sources, whichsharecommonproperties regardlessdifferentorbitalparameters,canbeinterpreted inthemodelofmagnetized stellarwindswithfractalstructure fromtheOB-supergiant stars. Tofurthertestthishypothesis, itwouldbeimportanttosearchfortracesofmagnetized stellar windsinspectraoftheopticalcomponents ofSFXTs. 4. Non-accreting NSs inquasi-spherical shells: caseofγ Cas stars Features of propelling NSs at quasi-spherical settling accretion stage. As mentioned above, at low accretion rates in HMXBs with rapidly rotating NSs the propeller mechanism can operate. A young rapidly rotating NSformed after supernova explosion in a HMXBshould spin- down at the propeller stage before accretion can be possible. Forthe conventional disk accretion, thedurationofthepropellerstageisdeterminedbytheNSspinperiod P ,sizeoftheNSmagneto- ∗ sphere R andtheNSmagneticfield(dipolemagneticmomentµ),∆t µ 2R3(P ) 1. Fortypical A P∼ − A ∗ − parameters, the propeller stage lasts a hundred thousand years. In the settling accretion the NS spin-sown is mediated by the hot convective shell around the magnetosphere, the propeller stage duration∆t stronglydependsonthewindvelocityandbinaryorbitalperiod,∆t v7P2 L 1 and P P∼ w orb −x canbeverylong[17],oforderofmillionyears,whichiscomparable tothelifetimeoftheoptical companion. Therefore, a sizable fraction of young rapidly rotating NSs in HMXBs can be at the propeller stage. This is especially relevant to low-kick NSs originated from e-capture supernovae (ECSN)[18, 19]. Indeed, in this case the NS remains in the orbital plane of the binary system, and if the optical companion is the Be-star that acquired fast rotation during the preceding mass transferstage,theNScanbeimmersedinthelow-velocitydenseequatorial Be-diskoutflow. Then thequasi-spherical settling accretion ontoNScanberealized. Observational manifestations of the propeller mechanism in wind-fed sources with settling accretion wereconsidered in[17]. Thebasic properties ofthe hotmagnetospheric shell supported by a propelling NS in circular orbit in a binary system around a Be-star predicts the following observables: i) the system emits optically thin multi-temperature thermal radiation with the characteristic tem- peratures attheshellbaseabove 10keV: ∼ T = 2GMX 27[keV](R/109[cm]) 1 A 5 RA ≈ − R 36[keV]µ 8/15L2/15(M /M )19/15, (4.1) ≈ 3−0 32 X ⊙ whereµ =µ/(1030Gcm3)istheNSdipolemagneticmoment,L =L /(1032ergs 1)istheX-ray 30 32 X − luminosity oftheshell. Theshellischaracterized byhighplasmadensities 1013 cm 3: − ∼ ρ 4.4 10 11[gcm 3](L /µ )2/3(M /M )1/3, (4.2) A − − 32 30 X ≈ × ⊙ 3 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov andemissionmeasures 1055 cm 3: − ∼ EM=RRRABn2e(r)4πr2dr=4πn2e,AR3Aln(cid:16)RRAB(cid:17) ≈3.7×1054[cm−3]µ430/15L1342/15(MX/M⊙)−2/15ln(cid:16)RRAB(cid:17). (4.3) ii)thetypicalX-rayluminosityofthesystemisL 1033ergs 1; X − ∼ iii)noX-raypulsations arepresentandnosignificant X-rayoutbursts areexpectedinthecaseofa coplanar circular orbitwiththeBe-disk; iv) the hot shell is convective and turbulent, therefore the observed X-ray emission lines from the optically thinplasmashouldbebroadened upto 1000kms 1; − ∼ v)thetypicalsizeofthehotshellis R .R ; B ∼ ⊙ vi)thecoldmaterial,suchastheBe-diskinthevicinityofthehotshell,shouldgiverisetofluores- centFeK-line; vii) the life-time of a NS in the propeller regime in binaries with long orbital periods can be ∼ 106yrs,hencesuchsystemsshouldbeobservable amongfaintX-raybinariesintheGalaxy. EnigmaticX-rayemission fromBe-starγCas. Theoptically brightest Be-star γCas(B0.5IVpe) is wellseen in the night sky by anaked eye eveninabigcity. ItisawellknownbinarysystemwithanorbitalperiodofP 204dthatconsists b ≈ ofanoptical starwithmass M 16M andanunseencompanion withmass M 1M [20,21]. o X ≈ ⊙ ≈ ⊙ The binary orbital plane and the disc of the Be-star are coplanar. The low-mass companion of γ Cas can be a NS in the propeller stage grazing the outer Be-star disc region. The lack of periodic pulsations, aswellasproperties ofthehotdensethermalplasmadeducedfromX-rayobservations (kT 20 keV and n 1013 cm 3, v 1000 km s 1) (see [22] and below), which challenge hot e − turb − ∼ ∼ ∼ all previously proposed scenarios of X-ray emission from γ Cas [23], are naturally expected in a hotmagnetospheric shellaroundthepropelling NS. The propeller model explains both the gross X-ray features of γCas and well matches the detailed observations of its X-ray variability. Ahot convective shell above the NSmagnetosphere should displaytimevariability inawiderange,thatdependonthesoundspeed, c ,whichisofthe s orderofthefree-falltime,t . Theshortesttime-scaleist R /c R /t (R ) R3/2/√2GM ff min A s m ff m m ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ afewseconds, whilethelongest timescale ist R /t (R ) 106[s](v /100kms 1) 3 afew max B ff B w − − ∼ ∼ ∼ days. These are typical time scales of X-ray variability seen in γCas [22]. The single power-law spectrum P(f) 1/f over the wide frequency range from 0.1Hz to 10 4Hz, as derived for the − ∼ X-ray time variability in γCas [22], is common in accreting X-ray binaries [24]and is thought to ariseinturbulized flowsbeyondthemagnetospheric boundary. XMM-NewtonandNuSTARobservations ofγ Cas. Weobserved γ Cason 24-07-2014, si- multaneously withXMM-Newton(ObsID0743600101) andNuSTAR(ObsID30001147002) space telescopes(P.I.J.M.Torrejón). TheX-raytelescopesacquireddatafor34and30.8ks,respectively, providing forthe firsttimeacontinuous spectral coverage from 0.3to60keV. Unlike allprevious X-rayobservations, thelowandhighenergyspectraarestrictlysimultaneous, overlapfrom3to10 keV, with no gaps, and have S/N ratios at high energies which allow to constrain the high energy 4 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov spectralcomponents, minimizinganypossiblecontribution fromlongtermvariability. Afullanal- ysis of these data sets is under way and will be presented elsewhere. Here we concentrate mostly onthehighenergycontinuumandthemostprominentemissionlines. InFig. 1wepresentthedata setsrebinnedtohaveminimumS/Nratioperbinof5. Besidesthecontinuum,threeemissionlines areclearlyseen: FeXXVHelikeat6.68keV,FeXXVIH-likeLyαat6.97keV.Thesetransitions arise in a very hot thermal plasma (see below). A third Fe line at 6.39 keV arises from cold near neutral Fefluorescence. TheFeKαtransition isnotincluded inthethermal plasmamodels and is modelled withaGaussian. InTable 1wepresent the results ofour analysis. Wehave essentially twoways ofdescribing thewholespectrum: withthreeAPECplasmasat(19.7,9.2and 1keV)andFesubsolarabundance (0.5Z )–Model2–oronebremsstrahlung(kT=16.7keV)andtwoAPECs(8.5, 1keV)andsolar ⊙ Feabundance – Model 1. Thefirst solution corresponds, essentially, to what has been said before in previous studies. The sub solar abundance is driven by the fact that the continuum requires a high temperature and this over predicts the intensity of the Fe hot lines (Fe XXV and Fe XXVI). ThisFeunderabundance isneitherpredicted norexplained inanyofthecompeting explanations. The Model 1 solution, in turn, allows Fe solar abundance. The bremmstrahlung component isthe maincontributor atallenergies and becomes dominant above20keV. Thevolume emission measures,deducedfromthenormalizationconstantsC inTable1areEM 4.7 1055 cm 3forthe i − ∼ × Bremsstrahlung and 2.2 1055 cm 3 forthe hot APECcomponent, respectively. Forthe Model 2, − × theEMsseemtobemoresimilar,2.6 1055and3.7 1055cm 3fortheAPEC1and2,respectively. − × × In terms of reduced χ2 Model 1 is better than Model 2 although the difference is not large (1.237 vs 1.284). The unabsorbed X-ray luminosity observed is L = 1.5 1033 erg s 1. Both x − × models provide acceptable descriptions of the observational data. Except for the Fe line under abundance for the first solution, the rest of the parameters can be perfectly explained within the failedquasi-spherical accretion paradigm presented in[17]. 01 APEC kT=19.7 keV 01 Bremss kT=16.3 keV V−1 0. V−1 0. e APEC kT=9.2 keV e APEC kT=8.5 keV k k m s −2−1 10−3 m s −2−1 10−3 c c ns ns oto0−4 APEC kT=1.03 keV Fe Kalpha oto0−4 APEC kT=1.02 keV Fe Kalpha h1 h1 P P V V e e k0−5 k0−5 15 15 χ 0 χ 0 5 5 − − 1 10 1 10 Energy (keV) Energy (keV) Figure1: CombinedXMM-NewtonandNuSTARX-rayspectraofγCasfittedbythreeAPECplasmaswith undersolarFeabundance(Model1,leftpanel)andthermalbremsstrahlungandtwoAPECcomponentswith solarFeabundance(Model2,rightpanel)andparameterslistedinTable1. 5 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov Parameter Model1 Model2 Nis (1022 cm 2) 0.100 0.004 0.104+0.004 H − ± 0.005 cf 0.71 0.02 0.72 −0.03 ± ± Ndisk (1022 cm 2) 1.12+0.12 1.21 0.17 H − 0.10 ± − C 0.036 0.001 ... Bremss ± kT (keV) 16.3 0.3 ... Bremss ± C ... 0.065+0.017 APEC1 0.008 kT (keV) ... 19.71.−8 APEC1 1.6 Z (Z ) 1 0.48−0.02 Fe ⊙ ± C 0.053 0.006 0.091+0.009 APEC2 ± 0.017 kT (keV) 8.5 0.5 9.2+0.−5 APEC2 ± 0.4 − C 0.0026 0.0002 0.0026 0.0003 APEC3 ± ± kT (keV) 1.019 0.016 1.028 0.017 APEC3 ± ± λ (Å) 1.922+0.005 1.922+0.005 FeKα 0.004 0.004 I (10 5 phs 1 cm 2) 17 2− 15 2− FeKα − − − ± ± σ (Å) 0.021+0.007 0.021+0.007 FeKα 0.008 0.008 − − χ2 (dof) 1.237(3129-14) 1.284(3129-14) r Table 1: Best parameters from the simultaneous fit to XMM-Newton and NuSTAR data. All errors are quotedatthe90%confidencelevel. 5. Conclusion 1)Accretion ontoslowlyrotating (P &100s)magnetized NSsinwind-fed HMXBscanpro- ∗ ceedintwodifferentregimes–directBondi-Hoyle-Littletonsupersonicaccretion,whichisrealized athighX-rayluminosities L &4 1036 ergs 1,andsettlingsubsonicaccretion atlowerluminosi- x − × ties. Inthelastcase,aquasi-spherical convectiveshellisformedaroundthemagnetosphere, which mediates theangular momentumtransfer to/from theNS[2]. Thesettling accretion modelcanex- plain the low-states observed in accreting X-ray pulsars, the long-term spin-down in GX 1+4 and theexistence ofaveryslowlyrotating NSswithoutneedofsuperstrong magneticfields[3]. 2) The quasi-spherical shell formed at the settling accretion stage is quasi-stationary, but can be destabilized by magnetic reconnection if accretion occurs from magnetized stellar wind of the earlytypesupergiant companion. ThisprovidesthepossibleexplanationtoSFXTbrightflares[9]. If the wind from the OB-supergiant in an HMXB with slowly rotating NS is fast and temporarily magnetized,theSFXTphenomenoncanbeobserved,whileifthewindisslow,abrighterpersistent HMXB like Vela X-1 will appear (here the wind magnetization is unimportant since the time for 6 Low-luminositystellarwindaccretionontoneutronstarsinHMXBs KonstantinPostnov magneticreconnection islongerthanthetimeittakesforplasmatoentertheNSmagnetosphere). 3) The spectral and timing properties of the hot multi-temperature plasma filling the quasi- sphericalconvectiveshellaboveNSmagnetosphere,whichisformedatthesettlingaccretionstage, were shownto beconsistent withX-ray spectral properties of enigmatic low-luminosity BeX-ray binary γ Cas and its analogs [17]. Therefore, γ Cas systems can be propelling NSs inside quasi- spherical shells at subsonic settling accretion stage from Be-disks. These NSs were formed from low-kick ECSNsupernovae in Be-binaries. With time, the propelling NSin γ Casand itsanalogs should spin down and will become slowly rotating X-ray pulsars at the stage of quasi-spherical settling accretion withmoderateX-rayluminosity likeXPer[25] Given the significant time duration, the propelling NSs surrounded by hot quasi-spherical shellscanbepresentamonglow-luminositynon-pulsatingHMXBs. TheirX-rayspectralproperties as summarized above and their long orbital binary periods can be used to distinguish them from, forexample,fainthardX-rayemissionfrommagneticcataclysmic variables (e.g. [26]). Acknowledgements. WorkofKP(settling accretion theory anditsapplications) issupported by RSF grant 16-12-10519. JMT acknowledges the research grant ESP2014-53672-C3-3-P and LOacknowledges theDLRgrant50OR1508. 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