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Low-energy se tor of 8-dimensional General Relativity: Ele tro-Weak model and neutrino mass 1 123 Fran es o Cianfrani , Giovanni Montani 1 ICRA(cid:22)International Center for Relativisti Astrophysi s Dipartimento di Fisi a (G9), Università di Roma, (cid:16)Sapienza", Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy. 8 0 2 0 ENEA C.R. Fras ati (Dipartimento F.P.N.), Via Enri o Fermi 45, 00044 Fras ati, 2 Rome, Italy. n a 3 J ICRANet C. C. Pes ara, Piazzale della Repubbli a, 10, 65100 Pes ara, Italy. 8 1 e-mail: montanii ra.it 2 fran es o. ianfranii ra.it v 0 4 0 6 0 6 PACS: 11.15.-q, 04.50.+h 0 / c q - r g v: Abstra t i X V4 S1 S3 In a Kaluza-Klein spa e-time ⊗ ⊗ , we demonstrate that the dimensional re- r SU(2) a du tion of spinors provides a 4-(cid:28)eld, whose asso iated gauge onne tions are geometrized. However, additional and gauge-violating terms arise, but they are highly β suppressed by a fa tor , whi h (cid:28)xes the amount of the spinor dependen e on extra- oordinates. The appli ationof this framework to the Ele tro-Weak model is performed, β thus giving a lower bound for from the request of the ele tri harge onservation. Moreover, we emphasize that also the Higgs se tor an be reprodu ed, but neutrino masses are predi ted and the (cid:28)ne-tuning on the Higgs parameters an be explained, too. 1 Introdu tion One of the main issues of modern Physi s is to re ast all intera tions into a uni(cid:28)ed pi - ture. This aim requires to (cid:28)x a new paradigm of our knowledge, able to explain the deep di(cid:27)eren e between gravity, geometrized by General Relativity, and strong-ele tro-weak intera tions, having the form of gauge theories. We have two di(cid:27)erent ways of a omplishing the above purpose: to re over even gravity as a gauge theory (an example is Poin aré Gauge Theory [1℄) or to sear h for a geomet- ri al formulation of the Standard Model. Sin e a gauge theory for gravity seems to work only in a quantum level [2℄[3℄, then a uni(cid:28) ation pi ture based on a geometri al point of view is suitable for a lassi al formulation. In this paper, we onsider a Kaluza-Klein (KK) approa h for the geometrization of the Ele tro-Weak model. This s heme [4℄ [5℄ (for a review see [6℄, [7℄ or [8℄) pursues the Einstein's idea to give a physi al ontent to all the metri degrees of freedom; in parti ular, it is based on re ognizing our four-dimensional spa e-time as embedded in a multidimensional one, whose additional (o(cid:27)-diagonal) metri omponents determine gauge bosons. To re on ile this s heme with our four-dimensional phenomenology, the extra-spa e is assumed to be ompa ti(cid:28)ed at distan es forbidden to experiments. There- fore, our all-day Physi s is a low-energy approximation with respe t to ompa ti(cid:28) ation energy s ales. This framework was proved to be very useful for bosons, sin e Yang-Mills Lagrangian omes out from the dimensional redu tion of the Einstein-Hilbert a tion. However the introdu tion of (cid:28)elds able to reprodu e (gauge oupled) four-dimensional fermions is a mu h more di(cid:30) ult task, ex ept for the Abelian ase. In fa t, by expanding alá Fourier U(1) fun tions along the (cid:28)fth dimension, transformations an simply be reprodu ed by x5 -translations [8℄. With the aim of dealing with the Ele tro-Weak model, here we propose a phenomeno- SU(2) logi al approa h for a gauge intera tion: spinors are introdu ed with an extra- oordinates dependen e whi h is indu ed by their low-energy hara ter. In this respe t, S3 we require that spinors satisfy the Dira equation when averaged on the extra-spa e , thus taking into a ount the un-observability of this spa e. Then, we onsider an ex- β−1 pansion in an order parameter , hara terizing the dependen e on extra- oordinates. SU(2) The geometrization of gauge onne tions is easily a omplished this way at the β−1 lowest order; moreover, the (cid:28)rst additionalterms, of order , implyviolationsof gauge β symmetries. Therefore, an estimate of the parameter , on e this framework is applied to the Ele tro-Weak model and ompared with experimental limits, is obtained. Furthermore, we introdu e the multidimensional analogous of the Higgs (cid:28)eld, by whi h we an give masses to all parti les, in luding neutrinos; then, its extra-dependen e gives φ†φ a term having a oe(cid:30) ient of the ompa ti(cid:28) ation length order. This term an a ount for the (cid:28)ne tuning required to stabilize the Higgs mass [9℄. Reprodu ing the spontaneous symmetry breaking me hanism, we also obtain a non-vanishing photon β mass, from whi h a lower bound on is obtained. In parti ular, the organization of all this topi s in the paper is the following: in se tion 2 we analyze the standard way spinors are introdu ed in a KK framework; in se tion 3 2 β−1 we turn to our phenomenologi al approa h: we determine, at the lowest order in , a S3 SU(2) solution of the Dira equation on , for whi h in se tion 4 the geometrization of gauge onne tions is performed; in se tion 5 we onsider the appli ation of previous U(1) results to the geometrization of the Ele tro-Weak model, where the hyper harge β−1 symmetry has to be in luded; in se tion 6 non-standard ouplings, oming from terms, are analyzed; in se tion 7 we reprodu e the Higgs me hanism, with the new fea- β ture of a neutrino mass and a onstraint on due to the predi tion of a massive photon too; (cid:28)nally, in se tion 8 brief on luding remarks follow. 2 Spinors within the Kaluza-Klein framework The development of the original KK theory [4℄ [5℄ provided a framework where the geometrizationof the ele tro-magneti (cid:28)eld ould be performed. After intera tionsother than gravity were re ognized as the Yang-Mills ones, in reasing interest in su h models appeared. In fa t, enlarging the dimensions of spa e-time via a ompa t homogeneous manifold, the boson se tor of gauge theories an be re overed from the Einstein-Hilbert a tion [6℄, [7℄. Problems arise when fermions are introdu ed, be ause they are treated as matter (cid:28)elds and relevant short omings of the model take pla e when the following point of view is addressed. In a straightforward approa h, multidimensional spinors are provided by simply extending the four-dimensional formalism; this line of thinking has to fa e non trivial questions, su h as the fermion mass, the hirality problem and so on. In fa t, eigenvalues of the Dira equation on the extra-spa e behave, under the KK hypothesis, like masses and they are of the ompa ti(cid:28) ation s ale order; this fa t leads to the model in onsisten y be ause, for the multidimensionalspinors, no zero-eigenvalue state exists [10℄. There are two main ways to avoid this result: the introdu tion of torsion [11℄ or of non-geometri al gauge (cid:28)elds [12℄. We stress that these possibilities look rather ad-ho and the last one on(cid:29)i ts with the spirit of KK models, sin e it introdu es non-geometri al bosons. As far as the hirality is on erned, when the Ele tro-Weak model is onsidered in KK, di(cid:27)erent transformation properties for left-handed and right-handed spinors have to be implemented in a geometri al way. Therefore, the hope was that the right-handed and left-handed zero modes of the Dira operator behaved di(cid:27)erently under n-bein rotations. Thispossibilityisruledoutby the Atiyah-Hirzebru h theorem[13℄, despite the ase non- geometri algauge(cid:28)eldsarepresent. Thisway, theKKprogram anbeappliedtospinors at the pri e of introdu ing external gauge bosons [14℄, thus, a ording to this point of view, the most important result (the geometrization of the boson omponent) would be destroyed. However, as said above, these results are based on the assumption that multidimensional and four-dimensional spinors oin ide. Here we propose a di(cid:27)erent approa h, where 4- spinors are the reli of the full (cid:28)eld, after the dimensionalredu tion has been preformed. In this sense, we develop a phenomenologi almodel, able to reprodu e the Ele tro-Weak theory from standard KK hypothesis. 3 3 Dira equation on the 3-sphere Sin e in a KK framework intera tions other than gravity are geometrized (by virtue of o(cid:27)-diagonal metri omponents), the properties of matter (cid:28)elds are (cid:28)xed by their dependen e on extra- oordinates. The aim of this se tion is to state the form of spinorial (cid:28)elds, on a spa e-time manifold with a ompa ti(cid:28)ed three-dimensional sphere. SO(1;3) SO(3) The reli un-broken symmetry group in the full tangent spa e is ⊗ and therefore we an build up an eight- omponent representation in the following way: Ψ = χ ψ r,s = 1,2 r rs s (1) χ SU(2) ψ s being a representation and Dira spinors. Hen e, weassumetofa torizethedependen eonfour-dimensionalandextra-dimensional χ = χ(y) ψ = ψ(x) oordinates (denoted by x and y respe tively), su h that . A physi al spinor (cid:28)eld should arise as the solution of the orresponding Dira equation, whi h takes the following form in su h a KK manifold χγ(µ)(eµ ∂ Γ )ψ +γ(µ)em (∂ χ)ψ +γ(m)[(em ∂ Γ )χ]ψ = 0 (µ) µ − (µ) (µ) m (m) m − (m) (2) where Greek and Latin letters indi ate four-dimensional and extra-dimensional ompo- nents, respe tively, while indi es in parenthesis are n-bein ones. For extra-dimensional γ γ(m) = γ σ σ 5 (m) (m) matri es we have , being Pauli matri es. In equation (2) we also assume a non-Riemannian spa e-time manifold, by taking as spinorial onne tions just those adapted to the four-dimensional and to the extra- dimensional spa e, respe tively i.e. Γ =4Γ (µ) (µ) ; (cid:26) Γ =3Γ = iσ (3) (m) (m) 2 (m) su h a hoi e is a natural onsequen e of breaking the Lorentz symmetry into the dire t SO(1;3) SO(3) produ t of two di(cid:27)erent group, and . Now, the e(cid:27)e tive four-dimensional theory for Dira spinors is obtained after the om- χ putation of terms. ψ χ To avoid mass terms of the ompa ti(cid:28) ation order for , we should require to be a solution of the massless Dira equation on the 3-sphere. However, no exa t solution of the massless Dira equation on the three sphere (and in general on a ompa t mani- fold [10℄) exists. However, phenomenologi ally, we do not need so mu h; in fa t, when we onsider the redu tion of a multidimensional theory, the un-observability of extra- S3 dimensions has to be taken into a ount. The dynami s on being undete table, we have to integrate on su h a spa e to perform the orre t splitting [15℄, i.e. we must take an average pro edure on the extra- oordinates dependen e, whi h, for the extra-spa e homogeneity, orresponds to a unit weight. Thus, we look for a solution of the following averaged Dira equation i d3y√γγ(m)(em ∂ σ )χ = 0. Z (m) m − 2 (m) (4) S3 4 χ In previous works [8℄[15℄[16℄, we onsidered the following form for χ = 1 e−2iσ(p)rsλ((pq))Θ(q)(ym) r √V (5) V S3 λ with the volume of and a onstant matrix satisfying 1 (λ−1)(p) = √ γem ∂ Θ(p)d3y. (q) V Z − (q) m (6) S3 Θ Be ause ofthearbitrarinessofthe fun tions, we impli itlyassumed the ommutativity χ λ−1 between and its partial derivatives. However, this request implies to have a χ ∂ χ m vanishing determinant. In fa t, if and ommute, it an be shown by some algebra Θ(q) = f(y)c(q) c(q) that , 's being onstants, and therefore we ould get 1 (λ−1)(p) = c(p) √ γem ∂ fd3y = c(p)d (q) V Z − (q) m (q) (7) S3 whose determinant vanishes. c(p) Here we allow to have a dependen e on y- oordinates, instead, but we ontrol the ommutativity by virtue of an order parameter, i.e. we an require the validity of the pi ture (5) to an arbitrary degree of approximation. Hen e, we write 1 Θ(p) = c(p)e−βη η > 0 β (8) ∂ c(p) c(p)∂ η m (m) and, without loss of generality, we require that ∼ , so that i ∂ χ = β σ χλ(p)c(q)∂ η +O(β−1) . m 2 (cid:20) (p) (q) m (cid:21) (9) χ By substituting the last expression into equation (4), and by expanding in a series of β the parameter , we (cid:28)nd i d3y√γγ(m)em ∂ χ = σ χ+O(β−1) Z (m) m 2 (m) (10) S3 β thus, the bigger the parameter is, the better the spinor approximates the solution of the massless Dira equation. We stress that, in the above mentioned previous works, we χ had to negle t to re over the spinor (5) as a solution of the Dira equation. β Moreover, sin e determines the size of the phase, it is related to the extra-dimensional momentum; buttheamountofenergy needed toex iteextra-dimensionalmodesisofthe order of the ompa ti(cid:28) ation s ale, so that, in the low energy limit, a weak dependen e β on extra- oordinates (i.e. a big value for ) is expe ted. Finally, it is lear that we are performing a low energy e(cid:27)e tive theory, sin e the spinor is no longer a good approximate solution as we approa h the ompa ti(cid:28) ation energy s ales. Therefore, we do not need to dis uss the renormalizability of our model. 5 SU(2) 4 Geometrization of the gauge onne tion In a Kaluza-Klein s heme we an geometrize boson degrees of freedom, but, unless we introdu e Supersymmetries, fermions have to be treated as matter (cid:28)elds. So, we an state that the geometrization of intera tions is performed only after re overing gauge onne tions starting from free spinors. V4 S3 Let us assume KK hypothesis for the spa e-time manifold ⊗ , i.e. (µ) (ν) g = η e e µν (µ)(ν) µ ν  e(m) = αW(m) µ µ  ,  em(µ) = 0 (11) (m) (n) γ = η e e  mn (m)(n) m n   g γ  µν mn and being the four-dimensional and the extra-dimensional metri , respe tively, α W(m) em with givingthe lengthof the extra-spa e, while µ are gauge bosons and (m) 3-bein S3 ve tors on whi h are Killing ve tors of the 3-sphere (for their expli it form see [17℄). em SU(2) Thus, the set { (m)} satis(cid:28)es the algebra of the group 1 en ∂ em en ∂ em = C(p) em , (n) n (m) − (m) n (n) α (n)(m) (p) (12) (p) C with (n)(m) stru ture onstants. Let us onsider the free Dira a tion i~c S = [D Ψ¯γ(A)Ψ Ψ¯γ(A)D Ψ]√g√γd4xd3y (A) (A) 2 Z − (13) V4⊗S3 together with the form of the spinor found in the previous se tion; after the dimensional β−1 redu tion, we obtain at the lowest order in the right gauge oupling, i.e. i~c i S = ψ¯ γ(µ) D eµ W(m)σ ψ c.c.+O(β−1) √ gd4x. 2 Z (cid:20) (cid:18) (µ) − 2α (µ) µ (m)(cid:19) − (cid:21) − This way, we showed that it is possible to geometrize in the low-energy limit a SU(2) gauge theory. β However, a lear indi ation of additional higher order terms in (and not removable by the manifold symmetries) appears; the request to disregard these terms will give a lower β bound for the parameter in the appli ation to the Standard Model. Now, we an say that the e(cid:27)e t of su h terms is to break the gauge invarian e by adding an intera tion of the following type i ...+ W(m)M(n)ψ¯σ ψ +... 2β µ (m) (n) (14) (n) M (m) being 1 1 M(n)σ = d3yχ† dsχsσ λ(r)e−ηβem ∂ c(s)χ1−s (m) (n) V Z Z (r) (s) (m) m (15) S3 0 a onstant matrix with no obvious properties. 6 5 Geometrization of the Ele tro-Weak Model We now apply results of previous se tions to the Ele tro-Weak Model. V4 S1 S3 Firstofall,letus onsiderthespa e-timemanifold ⊗ ⊗ ,wherethegeometrization SU(2) U(1) of a ⊗ gauge theory an be performed in a KK ba kground [16℄. In this (m) W µ sense, we assume the well-known form for the metri tensor, where gauge bosons B µ and arise as o(cid:27)-diagonal omponents g +B B +δ W(m)W(n) α′B αe W(m) µν µ ν (m)(n) µ ν µ m(m) µ   j = α′B 1 0 . AB  ν    (16)    (n)   αen(n)Wν 0 γmn    α′ S1 with giving the length of the spa e. The main point is that by the dimensional redu tion of the Einstein-Hilbert a tion c4 S = nR jd4xdy0d3y −16πG Z − (17) (n) V4⊗S1⊗S3 p (m) B W µ µ the Yang-Mills Lagrangian density for gauge bosons and omes out c3 1 1 S = √ g R B B gµρgνσ δ F(n)F(m)gµρgνσ +R , −16πG Z − (cid:20) − 4 µν ρσ − 4 (n)(m) µν ρσ 1+3(cid:21) V4 R 1+3 being the urvature of the extra-dimensional spa e. By the Standard Weinberg rotation, Z and photon (cid:28)elds arise. On e spinors have been introdu ed, we a ount for isospin degrees of freedom by a S3 dependen e on oordinates of the form (5). Instead, as usual in KK theories, the U(1) geometrization of a gauge onne tion is easily obtained by a phase dependen e on S1 the variable. Finally, we are able to reprodu e any quark generation and fermion family of the Stan- dard Model by the following multidimensional spinors y0 n Ψ (x;y;θ) = einsθχ (y)ψ (x) Ψ (x;y;θ) = einrθψ (x); θ = Y = r Lr rs Ls Rr Rr α′ r 6 (18) Y ψ ψ ψ r r R L being the hyper harge of the four-dimensional spinor , while and stand for γ 5 the two four-dimensional hirality ( ) eigenstates. In the present phenomenologi al approa h, the hirality problem is over ome be ause we an deal dire tly with four- dimensional (cid:28)elds; su h 4-spinors are the reli of multidimensional states hara terized by a di(cid:27)erent dependen e on extra-dimensions (a ounting for the di(cid:27)erent isospin num- bers). ψ L Now, for left-handed (cid:28)elds we have to identify with isospin doublets. Therefore, it is ψ R a natural hoi e to think of the two omponents of as right-handed partners of ea h 7 doublet. Sin e we developed our model in an eight-dimensional spa e-time, we deal with multi- dimensional spinors having 16 omponents. We suggest to re ast these omponents, so that any spinor ontains a quark generation and a fermion family, i.e. einuLθu einuRθu χ L R 1  (cid:18) eindLθd (cid:19)  1  (cid:18) eindRθd (cid:19)  Ψ = L Ψ = R . L √Vα′  χ einνLθνeL  R √Vα′  einνRθνeR  (19)  (cid:18) eineLθe (cid:19)   (cid:18) eineRθe (cid:19)  L R     This way, from 6 multidimensionalspinors, one for ea h familyor generation and one for ea h hiralityeigenstate, we areabletoreprodu e allStandardModelparti les. Further- more, in doing that, we give an explanation for the equal number of quark generations and fermion families. Chirality feature of the model The assignment of the above dependen e for left- handed and right-handed (cid:28)elds ould look ad-ho to reprodu e quantum numbers of Standard Model parti les, but an explanation for it omes from the massless hara ter of the involved (cid:28)elds. In fa t, sin e masses are going to be generated by an Higgs-like me hanism, then the evolution of right-handed and left-handed (cid:28)elds is totally un orre- lated in a 4-dimensionalba kground, before the spontaneous symmetry breaking to take pla e. This on lusion is modi(cid:28)ed by terms of the Dira equation due to the presen e of the extra-spa e. This an be re ognized from their expli it form, whi h reads as follows (for the representation of Dira matri es see [16℄) γ Ψ Ψ σ(m)D 5 1 D 1  (m)(cid:18) γ Ψ (cid:19)  0 I  (7)(cid:18) Ψ (cid:19)  γ(m)D Ψ+γ(7)D Ψ = 5 2 + 2 (m) (7) γ Ψ (cid:18) I 0 (cid:19) Ψ  σ(m)D 5 3   D 3   (m)(cid:18) γ Ψ (cid:19)   (7)(cid:18) Ψ (cid:19)  5 4 4     (20) and learly indi ates that starting from left-handed (cid:28)elds, mixing terms with right- handed ones are present in the equation giving the dynami s. Despite the proper de(cid:28)nition of hirality in a multi-dimensional s enario, an indepen- dent dynami s for right-handed and left-handed (cid:28)elds an be reprodu ed by treating 4-dimensional hirality eigenstates like fundamental (cid:28)elds. In this respe t, to assume a di(cid:27)erent dependen e on extra- oordinates is then required in order to restore the proper 4-dimensional phenomenology, i.e. the hirality of the SU(2) gauge intera tion. Furthermore, it also avoids the emergen e of a orrelation between the two 4- hirality eigenstates and, at the same time, the appearan e of huge Kaluza-Klein mass terms. In fa t, in order to reprodu e proper quantum numbers, one ends up with terms of the form Ψ 1 Ψ¯γ(7)Ψ = (Ψ¯ Ψ¯ ) (Ψ¯ Ψ¯ ) 0 I  (cid:18) Ψ2 (cid:19)  1 2 3 4 (cid:18) I 0 (cid:19) Ψ3 (21) (cid:0) (cid:1)    (cid:18) Ψ (cid:19)  4   8 Ψ whi h vanishes, at least lassi ally, as far as the (cid:28)eld is a hirality eigenstate. All these spe ulations learly indi ate that a deep onne tion exists between the avoid- an e of Kaluza-Klein mass terms and the hirality issue. From the results of previous se tions, one an easily re ognize that starting from the Dira Lagrangian density for ea h spinor i~c S = [Ψ¯ γ(A)D Ψ +Ψ¯ γ(A)D Ψ +c.c.]√ γgd4xdθd3y Ψ L (A) L R (A) R − 2 Z − (22) V4⊗S1⊗S3 we obtain,bydimensionalredu tion, ane(cid:27)e tivea tion ontainingthegaugeintera tion, β−1 plus additional terms of order, i.e. i~c i i S = [ψ¯ γ(µ)(D + eµ W(m)σ + y eµ B )ψ +ψ¯ γ(µ)(D + Ψ − 2 Z L (µ) 2α (µ) µ (m) 2α′ L (µ) µ L R1 (µ) V4 i i + y eµ B )ψ +ψ¯ γ(µ)(D + y eµ B )ψ +c.c.+O(β−1)]√ γgd4x 2α′ R1 (µ) µ R1 R2 (µ) 2α′ R2 (µ) µ R2 − (23) Hen e, we have just performed the geometrization of the Ele tro-Weak intera tion for spinors. Then, we introdu e oupling onstants by rede(cid:28)ning gauge bosons B kg′B W(i) kgW(i) (i = 1,2,3) µ ⇒ µ µ ⇒ µ (24) and, by imposing the Lagrangian density to oin ide with the Ele tro-Weak model one, the following relations between oupling onstants and extra-dimensions lengths arise ~ 2 ~ 2 α2 = 16πG = 0.18 10−31cm α′2 = 16πG = 0.33 10−31cm. (cid:18)gc(cid:19) × (cid:18)g′c(cid:19) × (25) Be ause of these estimates, less than two order of magnitudegreater than Plan k length, we expe t we'll be able to explain the stabilization of the extra-spa e, in a quantum gravity framework (for a lassi al me hanism of stabilization see [18℄). 6 Non standard ouplings In se tion 2 we have found a solution of the Dira equation on the three-sphere at β−1 the lowest order in and we have a hieved the geometrization of the Ele tro-Weak intera tion. At higher orders, there is no lear indi ationthat the geometrizationof on- ne tions an be performed by virtue of the Dira equation solution, therefore we expe t β−1 SU(2) some deviations (of order ) to o ur on the omponent of the Ele tro-Weak model. In parti ular, these additional terms are of the form (14) and they introdu e new ver- β texes, whi h break gauge symmetries. We an get an estimate of the parameter by onsidering that these vertexes will indu e modi(cid:28) ation on ross se tions. These mod- β−1 i(cid:28) ations are of the order for Standard Model pro esses, be ause of interferen es, 9 O(β−2) while probabilities for forbidden de ays will be . This fa t enables us to estimate β a lower bound for from urrent limits on forbidden de ays, sin e ontributions to pre- ision tests, like orre tions to partial widths of W and Z, will result to be far below the experimental un ertainty. Let us onsider the partial width for the de ay of a neutron in a proton plus a ouple of neutrino-antineutrino, whi h a tually has the following experimental limit [19℄ Γ(n p+ν +ν¯ )/Γ < 8 10−27. e e tot → ∗ (26) Sin e su h a de ay breaks the ele tri harge onservation, its Feynman diagrams must ontain at least one vertex responsible for the violation, i.e. of the form (14). (cid:1) Fig. 1 For instan e, a possible Feynman diagram is in (cid:28)gure 1, where we have a vertex with W3 µ Z and a ouple of quarks u-d; by substituting into the photon and the Z (cid:28)elds, we obtain, among the others, a term des ribing this oupling in the expression (14) , i.e. i ¯ (1) (2) ...+ cosθ Z ψ(M σ +M σ )ψ +... 2β W µ (3) (1) (3) (2) (27) β−1 Therefore, the amplitude for the pro ess will be of order of , the ross se tion being β−2 O( ) and, this way, we get 1 10−27 β 1014. β2 ≤ ⇒ ≥ (28) β With su h a big value for , orre tions to the ross se tions of the allowed Standard Model pro esses, oming out from interferen es with new vertexes, are suppressed far- below the present experimental un ertainty for re ent ele troweak pre ision tests, too. β−1 10−14 Forinstan e, the partialwidthsof Zand Wre eive orre tionsof the ≤ , whi h (10−4) is far below the experimental un ertainty (whi h is at most 0 ). 7 The Higgs me hanism In order to give masses to parti les, we have to introdu e a (cid:28)eld, whose dimensional redu tion gives the Higgs boson. Let us onsider the following form for su h a multi-s alar (cid:28)eld Φ 1 e−3iθφ Φ = 1 = χ 1 (cid:18) Φ2 (cid:19) √Vα′ (cid:18) e3iθφ2 (cid:19) (29) 10

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