NuclearInstrumentsandMethodsinPhysicsResearchB192(2002)3–16 Low energy positron scattering and annihilation studies using a high resolution trap-based beam J.P. Sullivan, S.J. Gilbert, J.P. Marler, L.D. Barnes, S.J. Buckman 1, C.M. Surko * DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego,9500GilmanDrive,LaJolla,CA92093-0319,USA Abstract Ahighresolutionpositronbeam,generatedfromaPenning–Malmbergtrap,hasbeenusedforarangeoflowenergy scatteringandannihilationstudiesonatomsandmolecules.Wedescribemeasurementsoftotalscattering,differential elasticscatteringandintegralvibrationalandelectronicexcitationcrosssectionsforanumberofatomsandmolecules using thisbeam, and compare the absolute crosssections thatare obtained withdatafrom electronimpact. The first study of annihilation on atoms and molecules as a function of positron energy is described. The results in molecules indicate large resonant enhancements of the annihilation rates at energies corresponding to those of the molecular vibrations. (cid:1) 2002Elsevier Science B.V. Allrights reserved. Keywords:Positron;Scattering;Atoms;Molecules;Cross-sections;Annihilation 1. Introduction poor resolution positron sources that were avail- able have precluded, for example studies of anni- Therecentrealizationofahighresolution((cid:1)25 hilation rates as a function of positron energy. meVFWHM)positronbeamfromaPenningtrap Thelackofhighresolutionpositronbeamsalso [1] has provided an important impetus to study precluded the investigation of most discrete exci- low-energy positron interactions with atoms and tation processes, such as vibrational excitation or molecules. Until this development, the energy electronic excitation, at near-threshold energies. resolution that was obtainable with typical posi- Previous measurements of differential elastic scat- tronsourceswas(cid:1)0.5eV(orworse).Inthecaseof tering (e.g. Ref. [2]) have provided an interesting scattering experiments, this severely limited mea- test for scattering calculations, but they generally surements of elastic and total cross sections at have had a lower energy limit of around 5 eV and energies less than a few electron volts. In the case have yielded relative cross sections, thus only of positron annihilation, the relatively weak and providing a test of the scattering dynamics via comparison of the shape of the differential cross section (DCS). State-resolved measurements of atomic and molecular excitation are equally rare. *Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+1-858-534-6880;fax:+1-858- They have typically been carried out using time- 534-0173. of-flight techniques where the inelastically scat- E-mailaddress:[email protected](C.M.Surko). 1Permanent address: Research School of Physical Sciences tered positrons are temporally separated from andEngineering,AustralianNationalUniversity,Canberra. the elastic and unscattered beam. Unfortunately, 0168-583X/02/$-seefrontmatter (cid:1) 2002ElsevierScienceB.V.Allrightsreserved. PII:S0168-583X(02)00700-0 4 J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 timing resolution constraints have generally re- We illustrate the power of the technique with ex- sulted in such experiments yielding cross sections amples of low energy, absolute elastic DCS, ab- for a number, or all, of the vibrationally or elec- solute integral cross sections for near-threshold tronically excited states in the target. vibrational and electronic excitation and high- Not surprisingly perhaps, the small amount of resolution measurements of total scattering cross experimental data in these areas has resulted in a sections in a search for positron–atom (molecule) similarly small amount of theoretical interest, de- resonances. spitethesignificantand interestingchallengesthat Wehavealsobeenabletousethecoldpositron such calculations could offer. There have been a beam to make the first positron annihilation stud- number of investigations of vibrational excitation ies of atoms and molecules that are resolved as a of diatomic molecules (e.g. [3–5]) and polyatomic function of positron energy. While these experi- molecules[6]usingapproachessuchasvibrational ments are just beginning, the results to date in- close coupling and continuum multiple scattering dicate that the large observed enhancements in techniques. Electronic excitation of both atoms molecular annihilation rates are closely associated and molecules has been studied using distorted- with the excitation of vibrational modes of the wave [7], close coupling [8] and Schwinger varia- positron–molecule complexes. The results are in- tional [9] techniques. terpreted as the most direct evidence to date that In another important area of low-energy posi- positrons can bind to molecules. A number of tron physics, there have been longstanding ques- important questions can now be addressed using tions associated with the annihilation of positrons this technique, such as this important issue of interacting with atoms and molecules at energies positron binding to molecules and tests of predic- below the threshold for positronium formation. tions for greatly enhanced values of annihilation Predictionof these annihilation rates requires pre- rates as the positron energy approaches the posi- cise knowledge of electron–positron correlations, tronium formation threshold or other inelastic and this has proven difficult to calculate with pre- thresholds from below. cision even for relatively simple targets. Perhaps the key problem in this area, first pointed out by Paul and Saint-Pierre [10] is that positron annihi- 2. Positron scattering from atoms and molecules lation rates in many molecular gases are orders of magnitude larger than those expected on the basis 2.1. Experimental apparatus and scattering tech- of simple collisions [11–15]. There have been a nique number of proposals to explain these large anni- hilation rates in terms of some kind of electronic The apparatus and experimental techniques or vibrational resonance or positron–molecule usedforthesestudieshavebeendescribedindetail bound state [12,16–19], however microscopic tests elsewhere [1,20]. A schematic diagram of the ap- of these ideas has proven difficult. In particular, paratus is shown in Fig. 1. Briefly, a buffer-gas progresshasbeenhinderedgreatlybythefactthat positron accumulator is used to trap and cool even the enhanced annihilation cross sections ob- positrons emitted from a solid-neon-moderated servedinhydrocarbons,e.g.aretoosmalltostudy 22Nasource.CollisionswithN andCF molecules 2 4 with conventional positron sources. provide energy loss mechanisms (electronic and In this paper we describe the results of new rovibrational excitation) for the positron trapping positron scattering and annihilation experiments. and cooling. Once trapped, the positrons are We briefly describe an experimental apparatus for confinedusinganelectrostaticpotentialwellinthe the generation of a high-resolution, trap-based presenceofamagneticfieldof(cid:1)0.1T.Bycarefully positron beam. When combined with a new tech- manipulating the depth of thewell, a pulsed beam nique for scattering in a magnetic field, this has of positrons can be released from the trap with enabled us to measure, in many cases for the first bothawelldefinedenergyandanenergyspreadas time,arangeoflowenergyscatteringphenomena. small as 18 meV. In practice, for the experiments J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 5 possible. For each of these processes, the positron canalsobescatteredthroughsomescatteringangle h. Denoting the initial positron energy as E and i the total energy of the positron after scattering as E then s E ¼E ðelastic scatteringÞ; ð2Þ s i and E ¼E (cid:10)E ðinelastic scatteringÞ; ð3Þ s i ex Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the positron accumulator and scatteringapparatus(above)andtheassociatedpotentialprofile where Eex is the energy loss involved in an excita- (below). tion process. For both elastic and inelastic scat- tering, described here, space charge considerations limit E ¼E cos2ðhÞ; ð4Þ k s the pulses to about 3(cid:2)104 positrons each. The and pulse width is (cid:1)2 ls, and the repetition rate is typically 4 Hz. The pulsed positron beam is then E ¼E sin2ðhÞ: ð5Þ ? s passedthroughascatteringcellcontainingthegas Thusthescatteredbeamwillhaveadistributionof under study. The gas pressure in the scattering E values, and this will be reflected in the signal cell is typically in the range 0.1–0.5 mTorr while k measured by the RPA. the pressure elsewhere in the system is maintained This is illustrated in the panels of Fig. 2, which a factor of (cid:1)500 lower by differential pumping. shows typical RPA cut-off curves obtained with After passing through the collision cell, the posi- andwithoutgasinthescatteringcell.Withoutgas trons are guided through a retarding potential in the cell (Fig. 2(a)), positrons are transmitted analyzer (RPA). Detection is achieved by mea- right up to the cut-off point, and the width of the suringthe511keVannihilationgammarayswhich cut-off is a measure of the energy resolution of are emitted when the positrons strike a metal col- the beam. For the measurements discussed here lector plate at the end of the RPA. Both the scat- theenergyresolutionwas(cid:1)25meV.Withgasinthe tering cell and the RPA are located in a magnetic cell, the effects of scattering can be clearly seen at field of variable strength up to (cid:1)0.1 T. voltagesbelowthecut-offpointinFig.2(b).Inthis In order to measure scattering cross sections in region, positrons have lost E due to angular scat- the presence of the magnetic field, we exploit the k tering in both elastic and inelastic collisions, and properties of the positron motion in the field. The theyarecut-offatlowerRPAvoltages.FromEqs. total energy of a positron, E , can be separated T (1)–(5),itcanbeseenthatthiscollisionallossofE into two components k will extend all the way back to zero energy. For ET ¼EkþE?; ð1Þ example, in an elastic collision at h¼90(cid:2), Ek ¼0 andE ¼E .Wenotethat,ifh>90(cid:2),thepositrons ? s are scattered back toward the trap, but they are whereE istheenergyinthemotionparalleltothe k then reflected from the potential wall that defines field and E is the energy in the cyclotron motion ? the end of the trap and pass through the gas cell perpendicular to the field. In the present experi- again.Thus itisimpossibletodistinguish between ments, an incident beam with E P0:5 eV and k E (cid:9)0:025 eV is used. The RPA only measures scattering through h(cid:2) and (180(cid:10)h)(cid:2). If the scat- ? tering is purely elastic the scattering angle can be E and any scattering process can redistribute or k obtained from transferenergybetweenE andE .Attheenergies k ? considered here, both elastic and inelastic scatter- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h¼cos(cid:10)1 E =E ; ð6Þ ing(i.e.rovibrationalandelectronicexcitation)are k s 6 J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 dr ¼CpffiEffiffiffiffiEffiffiffiffiffi(cid:4)dIðEkÞ(cid:5); ð7Þ dX s k dE k whereIðE Þisthenormalizedsignalmeasuredwith k the RPA, and the constant C depends on the gas number density and cell length. TheRPAcurverepresentsanintegralspectrum. Thus, if the transmitted positron signal at a volt- age close to the beam energy cut-off is monitored (e.g. at the point labeled by ‘X’ in Fig. 2(b)), then the difference between this signal level and the unscattered beam (normalized to unity), is the probability of any scattering event having oc- curred. This is denoted by P in Fig. 2(b) and it is s related to the total scattering cross section ðQÞ by t P Q ¼ s; ð8Þ t nl where n is the gas number density and l the dis- tance over which the scattering takes place [20]. In the present experiments, l is taken to be the physical length of the scattering cell (38.1 cm). To ensure that the spread in beam energy does not effect the measurement, the voltage at point ‘X’ is chosento be three standard deviations ((cid:1)40 meV) from the beam cut-off. By measuring the signal at point ‘X’ as a function of energy, the energy de- pendence of the total scattering cross section can be obtained. In order to discriminate between those scatter- ing processes that change E as aresultof angular k scattering and those involving a discrete energy loss, we take advantage of a property of the mo- tion of positrons in a slowly varying magnetic field, namely that the quantity E =B is an invari- ? ant. If we analyze the transmitted positrons in a magnetic field which is much smaller than that in which they are scattered, then most of E is con- ? vertedto E .Inthis caseenergy loss processescan Fig. 2.RPAcut-offcurves.(a)Nogasinscatteringcell.(b)Test k be distinguished by the distinct ‘‘steps’’ that they gas (in this case CO) in the cell and with a ratio of B fields betweenthegascellandRPA,M¼B=B ¼1.Thepoint‘X’is produceintheRPAcurve.Suchameasurementis s a the voltage at which the total cross section measurements are showninFig.2(c)forvibrationalexcitationinCO. performed, and Ps represents the probability of scattering. (c) Here the ratio of the magnetic field, Bs, in the TestgasinthescatteringcellandM¼35.Notethestepinthe scattering cell to the magnetic field, B , in RPAcurveattheexcitationenergyforthem¼1modeinCO. a the analyser is M ¼B =B ¼35. Once again, the s a height of the step in the cut-off curve is directly and the differential scattering cross section is given proportional to the integral cross section for the by inelastic scattering process. J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 7 Thus, by an appropriate choice of scattering and analysis conditions, a range of absolute scat- tering cross sections can be measured with this relatively simple technique. In these experiments, the absolute energy scale is established by cali- brating the potential difference between the posi- tron source and the scattering cell against the known threshold energy for a process such as vibrational excitation. The estimated uncertainty in the beam energy is (cid:1)25 meV. At these levels of precision, it is important to ensure the uniformity of the potential in the scattering cell. This is measured using the cold positron beam, by mea- suring the time delay of the beam as it passes through the scattering cell as a function of the energy of the positron beam. Potential uniformi- tiesaslowasafewmeV(rms)havebeenachieved. Typical values are (cid:1)25 meV (rms). 3. Scattering results 3.1. Elastic scattering Examples of recent measurements of elastic DCSareshowninFig.3(a)and(b).InFig.3(a)we show the absolute elastic DCS for scattering from H2 at an energy of 0.5 eV, which is just below the Fig. 3.(a)ElasticdifferentialscatteringcrosssectionsforH2at threshold for excitation of the first vibrational 0.5eV.((cid:11))presentexperimentaldata,(––)aKohnvariational calculation[21]and(–––)acalculationusingtheDPM[22].(b) mode of this molecule. Thus, this measurement is ElasticdifferentialscatteringcrosssectionsforCOat6.75eV. vibrationally elastic but constitutes a sum over ((cid:11)) present measurements, ((cid:1)) measurements of the Detroit open rotational excitation channels. While the re- group[24],whichwerenormalisedtothepresentdataat45(cid:2). duced angular range is a drawback of the tech- nique, particularly at low energies, this is the first differences between experiment and theory, even absolute elastic DCS measurement for positron for this the simplest diatomic molecule. scattering from a molecule, and it provides an InFig.3(b)weshowdatafortheabsoluteDCS importantopportunityforcomparisonwiththeory for scattering from CO at an energy of 6.75 eV. for the simplest positron–molecule scattering sys- This cross section is ‘‘quasi-elastic’’ in the sense tem. In Fig. 3(a) we show results from a Kohn that it includes contributions from open inelastic variational calculation [21], and the distributed channels (vibration and rotation). However, as positronmodel(DPM)calculation[22].Inorderto these are known to contribute less than about 5% make a more realistic comparison with the exper- of the total scattering cross section at this energy iment, which simultaneously measures contribu- [23], this measurement is essentially the elastic tions at h(cid:2) and (180(cid:10)h)(cid:2), we have summed the DCS. This particular measurement was motivated forward and backward contributions in the the- by a recent, relative DCS measurement at this ory. While the DPM calculation provides the best energy by the Detroit group [24] who were inves- agreement with the experiment, there remain clear tigatingdiffractionminimainthecrosssectionsfor 8 J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 various diatomic molecules. Their data are also shown on this plot, normalized to the present re- sults at an angle of 45(cid:2). The agreement is very good. Note also the unusually large value of the forward scattering cross section for this mildly polar molecule. Unfortunately, for this molecule therearepresentlynotheoreticalcalculationswith which to compare. 3.2. Vibrational excitation The combined techniques of the trap-based, high-resolution positron beam and scattering in a magnetic field have been used recently to measure the first absolute integral cross section (ICS) for vibrational excitation of a range of molecules [23,25]. For these measurements, the RPA curves areobtainedwithalowermagneticfieldintheana- lyserregionandtheyhaveanappearancesimilarto thatshowninFig.2(c).Weshowexamplesofthese cross sections forH and CH in Figs. 4 and 5. 2 4 For molecular hydrogen, the data show a rela- tivelysmallpeakintheICSnearthreshold,witha magnitudeofabout0.4a2.Thecrosssectiondrops 0 quickly at higher energies. There are three calcu- lations with which to compare the experimental data.Thereisreasonableagreementwiththemost recent of these calculations [3,26], while the data Fig. 5.Absoluteintegralcrosssectionsfortheexcitationofthe (a)m and(b)m hybridmodesofCH .((cid:11))presentpositron 1;3 2;4 4 data, (–––)calculationof[28];and((cid:12)) the electronscattering dataof[43]. are substantially larger than the earliest calcula- tion [27]. Note that the recent calculation of Gi- anturco and Mukherjee [26] corrects an earlier version [5] which was substantially lower in mag- nitude than the present data. For methane, there are four low-lying vibra- tionalmodes.Twooftheseareinfra-redactive,the m and m modes at 0.374 and 0.162 eV. They are 3 4 nearlydegeneratewiththem andm Raman-active 1 2 modes at0.362 and 0.190 eV. The excitation cross sections for these hybrid pairs m (bending) and 2;4 m (stretching), which are not resolvable with the 1;3 present energy resolution, are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b) respectively. The m cross section is com- Fig. 4.Absoluteintegralcrosssectionsfortheexcitationofthe 1;3 pared with a recent 3-state close-coupling calcu- m¼1vibrationalmodeofH .((cid:11))presentdata,(–––)calcula- 2 tionof[3],(---)calculationof[27],(––)calculationof[26]. lation [28]. The agreement is very encouraging. J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 9 Forthem modetherearepresentlynotheoretical 2;4 calculations available for comparison. 3.3. Electronic excitation Recently, the first state-resolved measurements of electronic excitation by positron impact have also been made (i.e. for Ar, H and N ) using the 2 2 trap-based beam [29]. In these studies, the RPA curves(whichprovideintegralenergy-lossspectra) areconsiderablysimplifiedascomparedwiththose measured for electrons, due to the lack of the ex- citation of triplet states via the exchange interac- tion in the positron case. These simplified spectra have allowed us to isolate individual vibrational levels within the electronic excitation manifolds. Fig. 6.RPAdataforpositronsscatteredbyN atanincident 2 An example of such a spectrum for N is shown energyof11eV.Theverticalbarsindicatethevibrationallevels 2 forthea01Randa1Pstatesandthesolidcurveisafittothedata in Fig. 6 at an incident energy of 11 eV. At this usingknownFranck–Condonfactors. energy, three electronically excited channels are open,thea01R,a1Pandw1Dstates.Byfittingthese spectrawithaseriesofoverlappingerrorfunctions weighted by the known Franck–Condon factors for the vibrational levels, and considering the in- dividual excitation cross sections as free para- meters, the integral scattering cross sections for each of these states can be obtained. In Fig. 6 the solid line is an example of such a fit. For the en- ergies considered here, it was found that the w1D state plays little role in the excitation process at near-threshold energies, and so it was ignored in the analysis. Thecrosssectionsforthea01Randa1Pstatesof nitrogenareshowninFig.7.Thea1Pcrosssection appearsto be strongly enhanced at near-threshold energies, and it is significantly larger than that for the a01R state. The magnitude and shape of this Fig. 7.Absoluteintegralcrosssectionsfortheexcitationofthe crosssectionisofinterestasthemaintrappinggas (r)a01Rand((cid:11))a1PstatesofN fromthresholdto20eV.The 2 which is used in the buffer-gas trap is N . Given electronscatteringdataforthe(})a01Rand((cid:12),(cid:1))a1Pstates 2 arefrom[34,35]. theoperatingenergiesofthevarioustrapstages,it appears that it is this strong enhancement of the a1P state that is responsible for the efficient trap- For H ,theanalysis oftheexperimentaldatais 2 ping of the positrons. The near-threshold behav- more straightforward as the lowest-lying singlet iour of this cross section indicates the possible state, the B1R state at 11.19 eV, is well isolated presence of a resonance, but this remains to be fromthenextexcitedsingletstateat(cid:1)11.8eV.The investigated further. Unfortunately, there are no cross section for this state is shown in Fig. 8. It calculations available to compare with the posi- exhibits a relatively slow rise above threshold to a tron-impact cross section measurements. maximum of (cid:1)1.5 a.u. at (cid:1)20–25 eV. It can be 10 J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 Fig. 8.Absoluteintegralcrosssectionsfortheexcitationofthe Fig. 9.Absoluteintegralcrosssectionsfortheexcitationofthe B1RstateofH2fromthresholdto30eV.((cid:11))presentdata,(––) 3p5 (2P3=2;1=2)4s(J ¼1)statesofArfromthresholdto30eV. closecoupling[8]and(–––)Schwingervariational[9]calcula- (r)presentdataforthe2P state,(–––)relativistic,distorted- 3=2 tions. The close-coupling calculation has been reduced in wave theory [30], ((cid:11)) present data for the 2P state, (––) 1=2 magnitudebyafactoroffour.((cid:12))electronscatteringdatafrom relativistic, distorted-wave theory [30]. The open symbols are [44]. electronscatteringdatafrom[45]. compared with two contemporary theoretical cal- ment elsewhere with regard to the absolute mag- culations, a close-coupling calculation [8] and a nitude of both excited state cross sections and the Schwinger variational calculation [9]. While both overall energy dependence is quite good. calculations provide a good account of the near- We note that there is no evidence of excitation threshold energy dependence of the cross section, oftripletstatesintheexperimentaldataforanyof theformerisaboutafactoroffourlargerthanthe the targets we have studied, all of which possess data.Thus,thebestdescriptionofthecrosssection singlet ground states. Given the absence of the is provided by the Schwinger variational calcula- exchange interaction for positron scattering, the tion. only way that such excitations could occur (i.e. In argon, the lowest lying (4s) excited-state which require a spin-flip) would be via the spin– manifoldconsistsoffourstates.Twoofthese,with orbitinteraction.Thisinteractionisexpectedtobe totalangularmomentaJ ¼0and2,aremetastable weak in positron scattering due to the repulsive andarenotexpectedtobeexcitedbypositronim- static potential, and one might expect it to be pact. The remaining two states, the 3p5 (2P ) particularly weak in the targets we have studied 3=2;1=2 4s(J ¼1)levels,areaccessiblebypositronimpact, due to their relatively low atomic numbers. None- and the cross sections for these excitations are theless, this is the first time that such an experi- shown in Fig. 9. The cross section for the state mental observation has been possible in any coupledtothe2P corelevelisthelargestatnear- atomic or molecular system for the case of posi- 1=2 threshold energies, and structure is evident at tron impact. energies near 15 eV. These cross sections are compared in the figure with a recent relativistic, 3.4. Feshbach resonances in positron scattering distorted-wave calculation [30], which employs multiconfiguration, Dirac–Fock wavefunctions. The possibility of positron resonances has been Such a calculation is not expected to reproduce thesubjectofconsiderableinterestformanyyears. the structure which is observed at near-threshold Such features, where the projectile binds tempo- energies in the experimental data, but the agree- rarily to the target atom or molecule, have not J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 11 been observed to date in any positron scattering experiment,incontrasttothesituationinelectron scattering where they dominate the scattering for many atomic and molecular systems. There have, however, been several ab initio theoretical esti- mates which point to the existence of Feshbach resonancesinpositronscatteringbysimpleatomic targets, such as H and He near the thresholds for the n¼2 and 3 excitation of the target and the Ps(n¼2) threshold. Of particular interest in the present investigation, there has been a recent pre- diction [31] of a Feshbach resonance associated with the B1R state in H . This calculation, which 2 uses the Schwinger variational approach, predicts a strong, narrow feature just below the B1R state Fig. 10.ThetotalscatteringcrosssectionforH intheregion 2 threshold, although its parentage is thought to be ofthelowestlyingsingletexcitedstates(indicatedbyarrowson a mix of the B- and E-states of H . theplot).Theinsetshowsthecalculatedelasticscatteringcross 2 Experimental confirmation of the existence of sectioninthisregionfrom[31]. resonances has been hampered both by poor energy resolution and low statistical accuracy in still meaningful. There is clearly no evidence of measurements using conventional sources and such a strong resonance feature in the experimen- beams. Most positron sources have energy widths tal data, and we can place an upper limit of (cid:1)2a2 which are (cid:1)0.5 eV (FWHM) and this renders the 0 meV on the strength of any resonance in this re- observation of narrow resonances quite difficult. gion. One notable exception to this was early work by Similar measurements in the other gases we the Detroit group [32] who conducted a search have studied (N , CO, Ar) also provided negative (unsuccessfully) for resonances in the total scat- 2 results, with no evidence of resonance structure in teringcrosssectionforanumberoftargetsusinga the region of the thresholds of their lowest elec- positronbeamwithanenergywidthof(cid:1)100meV. tronic excited states. We have applied a similar approach to search forresonancesinthetotalscatteringcrosssections for H , N , CO and Ar at energies near the 3.5. Comparison with electron scattering cross 2 2 thresholds for the low-lying excited states of each sections target. The energy resolution in these measure- ments is (cid:1)25 meV FWHM, and high statistical For some of the excitation cross section mea- accuracy was achieved in each case. The data for surements presented here, it is possible to make H areshowninFig.10,wherewealsoshowinthe a direct comparison with absolute scattering 2 inset the results of the recent calculation [31]. The measurements for electron collisions and some calculation shows a resonance in the integral elas- interesting observations follow from these com- ticcrosssectionwhichhasa‘‘strength’’of(cid:9)100a2 parisons. With a few exceptions, which we discuss 0 meV.Wenotethatthepresentmeasurementofthe below, the striking aspect of these comparisons is total cross section is not a direct comparison as that, in most cases, the cross sections for electron there are contributions to the TCS from inelastic andpositronimpactarequitesimilarinmagnitude processes such as vibrational excitation and posi- at energies close to threshold. This is surprising tronium formation. However, we estimate that given the absence of the exchange interaction for these contribute, atmost, P25%ofthe totalcross positrons, which is expected to be most significant section at energies below the B1R state threshold at low energies, and the different nature of the [33], and thus the comparison shown in Fig. 10 is staticpotentialforelectronandpositronscattering. 12 J.P.Sullivanetal./Nucl.Instr.andMeth.inPhys.Res.B192(2002)3–16 Theotherstrikingfeatureisthatthequalityofthe described above to generate a cold positron beam positron scattering data is at least as good as that and a new experimental apparatus, we have made for the electrons. For the most part, this is due to thefirst measurementsofpositronannihilation on thefactthattheintegralcrosssectionsforelectron atomsandmoleculesasafunctionofbeamenergy scattering are derived from differential scattering [40]. These results provide direct evidence that the measurements. In most cases, these measurements excitation of vibrational resonances in the posi- do not cover the full angular range, and uncer- tron–molecule complex are responsible for the tainties involved in extrapolation to forward and greatly enhanced annihilation rates. backward angles, and subsequent integration, re- sultinlargeuncertaintiesinthederivedICS.Given 4.1. Description of the experiment thatthepresentexperimentalapproachcanalsobe readilyappliedtoelectrontrappingandscattering, Fig. 11 shows a schematic diagram of the ex- there may be some distinct advantages in using perimental apparatus. The cold positron beam is these techniques for near-threshold electron im- magnetically guided through an annihilation cell pactexcitation measurements. containing the test gas. A constant pressure is One case where there does appear to be a maintained in the cell (i.e. typically between 0.02 substantial difference between the electron and and 0.1 mTorr) using a controlled feedback sys- positron scattering cross sections is for the near- tem. A capacitance manometer is used to measure thresholdexcitationofthea1PstateofN .Wesee the pressure. The beam is operated in a pulsed 2 from Fig. 7 that the positron cross section has a mode with 2 ls pulses, containing (cid:1)5(cid:2)104 cold sharp rise just above threshold to a maximum positrons at a repetition rate of 4 Hz, with the which appears to be around 10 eV, in contrast to energy tuned from 50 meV upwards [1]. A CsI that for electrons which rises slowly and smoothly detector, light pipe, and photodiode are used to to a maximum value at around 15–20 eV [34,35]. measure the c-radiation resulting from positron annihilation. The detector is shielded to measure only those c-rays emitted from a 10 cm region in 4. Energy-resolved measurements of annihilation the annihilation cell. rates in atoms and molecules Duetothesmallvaluesoftheannihilationcross sections, extreme care must be taken to shield Understanding the process by which a positron against background signals. In addition to c-ray annihilates on atoms and molecules is of funda- shielding surrounding the annihilation cell, the mental importance for a range of areas in science detector is gated on only during a 20 ls period and technology. Examples include, surface char- coincidentwiththebeamdump.Backgroundnoise acterization [36], positron induced ionization and that would occur from annihilation of the posi- fragmentation of molecules [37], and atomic and trons on the collector plate is avoided by keeping molecular physics [38]. Until now the only avail- the positrons in flight during this time. This is able method to study positron annihilation below accomplished by placing a potential barrier be- positronium formation was by measuring annihi- yond the annihilation cell, which reflects the pos- lation rates of positrons in situ with a molecular itron beam, trapping it between the beam-dump target using a thermal (i.e. Maxwellian) distribu- electrode and the reflector plate (see Fig. 11). The tion of positrons [10–15,39]. Most of these mea- resulting background signal is one count per 109 surements were taken with a thermal positron positrons dumped, which is well below a typical distribution of 300 K (0.025 eV). One outstanding signal level of one count per 107 positrons question first raised by the seminal work of Paul dumped. The error in the absolute measurements andSaint-Pierre[10]istounderstandtheenhanced of annihilation rates is estimated to be (cid:15)25%, annihilationratesinmoleculeswhichareordersof based on uncertainties in the gas pressure, the magnitude larger than can be explained on the number of positrons per dump, and the detector basis of simple collisions. Using the technique efficiency.