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LOW DIMENSIONAL HOMOLOGY OF LINEAR GROUPS OVER HENSEL LOCAL RINGS 8 9 9 KEVIN P. KNUDSON 1 n Abstract. WeprovethatifRisaHensellocalringwithinfiniteresidue a J fieldk,thenaturalmapHi(GLn(R),Z/p)→Hi(GLn(k),Z/p)isaniso- 1 morphism for i ≤ 3, p 6= char k. This implies rigidity for Hi(GLn), i≤3, which in turn implies the Friedlander–Milnor conjecture in posi- 2 tive characteristic in degrees ≤3. ] T K A fundamental question in the homology of linear groups is that of rigid- . h ity: given a smooth affine curve X over an algebraically closed field k and t closedpointsx,y onX,dothecorrespondingspecialization homomorphisms a m s ,s :H (G(k[X]),Z/p) −→ H (G(k),Z/p) [ x y ∗ ∗ 1 coincide? Here, G is a reductive algebraic group and p is a prime not equal v to the characteristic of k. The answer is yes when X is the affine line 8 and G = SL ,GL ,PGL since the inclusion G(k) → G(k[t]) induces an 9 n n n 0 isomorphism 1 H (G(k),Z) −→ H (G(k[t]),Z) 0 ∗ ∗ 8 (see [6]) and the map is split by evaluation at any x∈ A1. 9 / Rigidity in algebraic K-theory has spectacular consequences, including h thecalculation oftheK-theoryof algebraically closed fieldsandthesolution t a of the Friedlander–Milnor conjecture for the stable general linear group GL. m Similarly,aproofofrigidityforG(k[X])wouldimplytheFriedlander–Milnor : v conjecture for G (see Section 5). i Rigidity would follow if one could prove the following stronger result. Let X X beasmoothcurveover analgebraically closedfieldk andletxbeaclosed r a point on X. Denote by Oh the henselization of O . x x Conjecture. The inclusion G(k) → G(Oh) induces an isomorphism x H (G(k),Z/p) −→ H (G(Oh),Z/p) ∗ ∗ x for p 6= char k. Date: December4, 1997. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20G10. Key words and phrases. rigidity, Hensel local ring, Friedlander–Milnor conjecture, Bloch group. Supported byan NSFPostdoctoral Fellowship, grant no. DMS-9627503. 1 2 KEVIN P. KNUDSON InSection5wesketchaproofofrigidityassumingthisconjecture(thisar- gument is well-known). Our results will allow us to deduce the Friedlander– Milnor conjecture in positive characteristic for H (GL ), i ≤ 3. The conjec- i n ture is known to be true for H (SL (C)) by the work of Sah [9]. 3 2 In this note we study H (G(R),Z/p) for G = SL and G = GL , where ∗ n n R is a Hensel local k-algebra and k is an infinite field. Our results are far from complete. We prove the following result. Theorem. The inclusion GL (k) → GL (R) induces an isomorphism n n H (GL (k),Z/p) −→ H (GL (R),Z/p) i n i n for i≤ 3. Note that this map is split injective for all i; the only issue is surjectivity. The expert reader by now will have noticed that this theorem contains only one new case, namely H (GL ). The above map is in fact an iso- 3 2 morphism for i ≤ n by a combination of Suslin’s stability theorem [8] and rigidity in K-theory. However, we show a bit more than the theorem states. We first prove that the map H (PGL (k),Z/p) −→ H (PGL (R),Z/p) 2 2 2 2 is an isomorphism and use this to deduce the result for H (GL ). More- 2 2 over, our approach is different from that used by Suslin [11] to compute H (GL(R),Z/p). We then study Bloch groups to obtain the result for • H (GL ). 3 2 The corresponding statement for G = SL and i= 0,1 is almost obvious. n However, we provide an alternate proof for i= 1 in a special case as follows. Let F be any field and denote by m the maximal ideal (t ,t ,...,t ) of 1 2 m F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]. Consider the short exact sequence 1 2 m 1−→ C −→ SL (F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]) −→ SL (F) −→ 1. (1) n,m n 1 2 m n Here, the group C consists of those matrices which are congruent to the n,m identity modulo m. We have the following result. Proposition. If n ≥ 3, then m H (C ,Z) = sl (F). 1 n,m n i=1 M When n = 2, assume further that char F 6= 2 and F 6= F . Then 3 m H (C ,Z) = sl (F). 1 2,m 2 i=1 M When p is a prime distinct from the characteristic of k, the proposition implies that H (C ,Z/p) = 0 unless n = 2,char k = 2 or F = F . In 1 n,m 3 this case, however, one can still conclude that H (C ,Z/p) = 0 by other 1 2,m LINEAR GROUPS OVER HENSEL RINGS 3 methods. One expects that H (C ,Z/p) vanishes in all positive degrees. • n,m We provide evidence for this in Section 2. Conventions. Throughout, k denotes a field and p is a prime distinct from the characteristic of k. 1. The Congruence Subgroup Recall that the group C is the kernel of the natural map n,m modm SL (F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]) −→ SL (F) n 1 2 m n wherem is the ideal (t ,t ,...,t ). Define a sequence of subgroups Ci by 1 2 m n,m Ci = {X ∈ SL (F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]) :X ≡ I mod mi}. n,m n 1 2 m If no confusion can result, we usually drop the subscripts from the notation. Note that each Ci is a normal subgroup as it is the kernel of the map SL (F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]) −→ SL (F[[t ,t ,...,t ]]/mi). n 1 2 m n 1 2 m For each i, define a homomorphism ρ :Ci −→ sl (F) i n,m n λ M by ρ (I + tk1tk2···tkmX +···) = (X ) i 1 2 m λ λ λ λ X where λ = (k ,k ,...,k ) is an m-partition of i (i.e., λ is an m-tuple of 1 2 m nonnegative integers whose sum is i) and (X ) denotes the element of λ λ sl (F) given by the various X . Note that ρ is well-defined since the n λ i equation L 1= detX ≡ 1+ tk1···tkmtrX modmi+1 1 m λ λ X implies that trX = 0 for each partition λ. One checks easily that ρ is a λ i surjective group homomorphism with kernel Ci+1 (see [7] for an analogous n,m result for congruence subgroups of SL (Z)). Hence, for each i we have an n isomorphism Ci /Ci+1 ∼= sl (F). n,m n,m n λ M Remark. The above discussion remains valid for any simple algebraic group G. The quotients Ci/Ci+1 are direct sums of copies of the lie algebra g. We have chosen to work with SL just to fix ideas. n Lemma 1.1. For each i,j, [Ci,Cj]⊆ Ci+j. Proof. This follows easily by writing out XYX−1Y−1 for X ∈ Ci, Y ∈ Cj and noting that the inverse of I + Z +··· is I − Z +···. λ λ For any group G, denote by Γ• tPhe lower central sePries of G. Corollary 1.2. For each i, Γi ⊆ Ci . n,m 4 KEVIN P. KNUDSON Proof. The series C• is a descending central series and as such contains n,m the lower central series. We now recall the following theorem of Klingenberg [5]. Theorem 1.3. If A is a local ring then for n ≥ 3 the only normal subgroups of SL (A) are the congruence subgroups. If n= 2, the same is true as long n as the residue characteristic of A is not 2 or the residue field is not F . 3 Corollary 1.4. The filtration C• is the lower central series. n,m Proof. Note that the groups Γi are characteristic subgroups of C and n,m hence are normal in SL (F[[t ,...,t ]]). Since there are clearly elements n 1 m in Γi−Ci+1, it follows that Γi = Ci for all i. n,m n,m Corollary 1.5. For all n ≥ 3, H (C ,Z) = m sl (F). If char F 6= 2 1 n,m i=1 n or F 6= F , then H (C ,Z)= m sl (F). 3 1 2,m i=1 2 L Proof. Since C2 = Γ2 , we haLve n,m n,m m H (C ,Z) = C /Γ2 = C /C2 = sl (F). 1 n,m n,m n,m n,m n i=1 M Remark. This corollary holds for power series rings over more general rings (for example, rings of the form Z[J−1] for a set of primes J). Corollary 1.6. If p is a prime different from the characteristic of F, then H (C ,Z/p) = 0. 1 n,m Proof. This follows from the previous corollary except in the case n = 2, char F = 2 or F = F . However, one could also prove this corollary directly 3 by noting that each element of C has a pth root in C and hence that n,m n,m H (C ,Z/p) = H (C ,Z)⊗Z/p = 0. 1 n,m 1 n,m Corollary 1.7. For each n, H (SL (F[[t ,...,t ]]),Z/p) ∼= H (SL (F),Z/p). 1 n 1 m 1 n Proof. This follows easily by considering the Hochschild–Serre spectral se- quence associated to the extension (1). 2. Conjectures about H (C ,Z/p) ∗ n,m The isomorphism H•(SLn(k[[t1,t2,...,tm]]),Z/p) ∼= H•(SLn(k),Z/p) would follow easily if one could prove the following. Conjecture 2.1. For all l > 0, H (C (k[[t ,t ,...,t ]]),Z/p) = 0. l n,m 1 2 m We have just proved the case l = 1. We make the following observations. LINEAR GROUPS OVER HENSEL RINGS 5 2.1. Continuous homology. For each i≥ 1, denote by Li the kernel of n,m the homomorphism SL (k[t ,...,t ]) −→ SL (k[t ,...,t ]/(t ,...t )i). n 1 m n 1 m 1 m The group C is the inverse limit of the nilpotent groups L /Li . n,m n,m n,m One checks that these groups have no homology with Z/p coefficients by noting that the successive graded quotients Lj /Lj+1 of L /Li are k- n,m n,m n,m n,m vector spaces (see for example [11]); an iterated use of the Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence then shows that L /Li is Z/p–acyclic. It follows that n,m n,m the “continuous homology” limH (C /Ci ,Z/p) = limH (L /Li ,Z/p) ←− • n,m n,m ←− • n,m n,m vanishes and that H•(SLn(k[t1,t2,...,tm]/mi),Z/p) ∼= H•(SLn(k),Z/p) for all i ≥ 1. 2.2. Large acyclic subgroups. When m =1, it is easy to see that H (L ,Z/p) = 0 • n,1 (see [6]) and the group L is a subgroup of C . n,1 n,1 2.3. Product spaces. The group C is the subgroup of L /Li n,m i n,m n,m consisting of coherent sequences. A theorem of P. Goerss [4] implies that Q this product is Z/p–acyclic. 2.4. Cosimplicial replacement. We have seen that C is the inverse n,m limit of the nilpotent groups L /Li . Let X be a K(L /Li ,1) n,m n,m i n,m n,m space and consider the tower of fibrations X ← X ← X ← ··· 2 3 4 The homotopy inverse limit of this tower is a K(C ,1)-space; denote it n,m by X. Computing the homology of homotopy inverse limits is an important problem in homotopy theory, and has been studied intensely by Bousfield [2], Goerss [4], Shipley [10], and others. The standard technique is to consider the cosimplicial replacement of the tower. This is a cosimplicial space X• whose nth space Xn is a certain product of the spaces X of the tower (see Bousfield–Kan [1, XI, Sec. 5]). i Given a cosimplicial space X•, there is an associated homology spectral sequence [2] E2 = πmH (X•;A) m,t t forany abelian group A. Here, theterm on theright is themth cohomotopy of the cosimplicial abelian group H (X•;A). The main problem is that of t convergence ofthisspectralsequence. Undercertain conditions,thespectral sequence converges to the homology of the total space of X•. In the case of the cosimplicial replacement of a tower of fibrations, the total space is the homotopy inverse limit of the tower. 6 KEVIN P. KNUDSON InthecaseofC ,weseethatthecosimplicialreplacementisparticularly n,m nice. Its spaces Xn are certain products of the X and by Goerss’ theorem i eachoftheseisZ/p–acyclic. Itfollowsthattheassociatedhomologyspectral sequence has E2–term Z/p (m,t) = (0,0) E2 = m,t (0 (m,t) 6= (0,0). The question is what, if anything, is this spectral sequence converging to? Unfortunately,allknownconvergencetheoremsdonotapplytothesituation at hand. Most of these require some hypotheses on the spaces Xn such as nilpotency (which we do not have in this case—we would need the groups L /Li to have bounded nilpotence degree). A proof that the spectral n,m n,m sequence converges to the homology of the total space of X• in this case would immediately show that C is Z/p–acyclic. n,m Givenallofthis,itisdifficulttoimaginethatC hasanyZ/phomology. n,m Speaking heuristically, the group C is built up by successively attaching n,m copies of sl (k) and since this group is Z/p–acyclic, one would expect that n C is as well. n,m 3. Spectral Sequences and the Second Homology Groups Hereafter, R denotesaHensellocalk-algebra, andmdenotesthemaximal ideal of R. We have R/m = k. We begin by considering the group PGL (R). We will show that the in- 2 clusion PGL (k) → PGL (R) induces an isomorphism on second homology 2 2 with coefficients in Z/p. Let A be a local ring with maximal ideal m and residue field F, which we assume to be infinite. Recall that a column vector v ∈ A2 is unimodular if the ideal generated by its entries is A itself. Denote by v the vector in F2 obtained by reducing the entries of v modulo m. We say that a collection v ,v ,...,v of unimodular vectors is in general position if the collection 1 2 k v ,v ,...,v is in general position (i.e., the matrix determined by any pair 1 2 k of them is invertible). Construct a simplicial set S as follows. The nondegenerate p–simplices • are collections v ,v ,...,v of projective equivalence classes of unimodular 0 1 p vectors which are in general position (this amounts to saying that the v i are distinct closed points in P1). Denote by C (A) the associated simplicial • chain complex. A proof of the following may be found in Nesterenko–Suslin [8]. Lemma 3.1. The augmented complex C (A) →ǫ Z → 0 is acyclic. • Note that PGL (A) acts transitively on C (A) for i ≤ 2 (i.e., PGL (A) 2 i 2 1 acts 3-transitively on points in P1(A)). Denote by 0 the vector ; 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) LINEAR GROUPS OVER HENSEL RINGS 7 0 1 by ∞ the vector ; and by 1 the vector . Then each orbit of 1 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) the action of PGL (A) on C (A) has a unique representative of the form 2 p (0,∞,1,v ,...,v ). Sinceeachv isingeneralpositionwith0,∞and1,we 1 p−2 i see that both entries of v must be units in A. Since we are using projective i equivalenceclassesofvectors, wemay thenassumethatthevector v hasthe i 1 form whereα is a unitin A. Moreover, the α satisfy theadditional α i i i (cid:18) (cid:19) conditions that 1 − α ∈ A× (since v is in general position with 1) and i i α −α ∈ A× for i 6= j (since v is in general position with v ). i j i j Denote by E• (A) the spectral sequence associated to the action of the •,• group PGL (A) on C (A). This spectral sequence converges to the homol- 2 • ogy of PGL (A) and has E1–term 2 E1 = H (G ) p,q q σ σM∈Σp where Σ is a set of representatives of the orbits of the action of PGL (A) p 2 onC (A)andG isthestabilizer of σ inPGL (A). Note thatthestabilizers p σ 2 of the PGL (A) action are 2 G = B(A)/D(A), G = T(A)/D(A), G = D(A)/D(A) 0 (0,∞) (0,∞,1) where B(A) is the upper triangular subgroup, T(A) is the diagonal sub- group, and D(A) is the subgroupof scalar matrices. Thegroup D(A)/D(A) is also the stabilizer of each orbit (0,∞,1,v ,...,v ). Moreover, we have 1 p−2 H•(B(A)/D(A),Z) ∼= H•(T(A)/D(A),Z) (see [8]). It follows that our spec- tral sequence E• (A) has E1–term (with Z/p coefficients) •,• H (A×,Z/p) H (A×,Z/p) H ({1},Z/p) H ({1},Z/p) ··· • • • • αM∈A× 1−α∈A× and converges to H (PGL (A),Z/p). • 2 Now consider the cases A = k and A = R where k is an infinite field. The inclusion PGL (k) → PGL (R) induces an injective map of spectral 2 2 sequences E• (k) −→ E• (R). •,• •,• Lemma 3.2. The inclusion k× → R× induces an isomorphism H (k×,Z/p)−→ H (R×,Z/p). • • Proof. If G is an abelian group, we have an isomorphism • (G⊗Z/p)⊗Γ ( G)−∼=→ H (G,Z/p), Z/p • p • ^ 8 KEVIN P. KNUDSON where G is the subgroupof G killed by p andΓ is a divided power algebra. p • The lemma will follow if we can show that k× ⊗Z/p ∼= R×⊗Z/p and k× ∼= R×. p p We have a natural homomorphism π :R× −→ k×/(k×)p givenbycomposingreductionmodulomwiththeprojectionk× → k×/(k×)p. This map is clearly surjective; we need only check that the kernel coincides with (R×)p. This is an immediate consequence of Hensel’s Lemma. Sup- pose x ∈ R× maps to 0 under π, and consider the equation tp −x = 0 in R[t]. Since π(x) = 0, the reduced equation has a solution in k. Since R is Henselian and p is invertible in R, there exists a y ∈ R with yp −x = 0. That is, x∈ (R×)p. Note that k× is the subgroup of pth roots of unity in k. A similar p application of Hensel’s Lemma shows that this coincides with R×. This p completes the proof of the lemma. Corollary 3.3. For each n, the natural map H (GL (k),Z/p) −→ H (GL (R),Z/p) 1 n 1 n is an isomorphism. Corollary 3.4. The map of spectral sequences E1 (k) −→ E1 (R) p,q p,q is an isomorphism for p ≤ 2. Corollary 3.5. The natural map H (PGL (k),Z/p) −→ H (PGL (R),Z/p) 2 2 2 2 is an isomorphism. Proof. The E2–terms of the spectral sequences look as follows: E2 E2 0 E2 : 0,2 1,2 0 0 0 Z/p 0 0 E2 3,0 By considering the commutative diagram E3 (k) →d3 E2 (k) → H (PGL (k),Z/p) → 0 3,0 0,2 2 2 ↓ || ↓ E3 (R) →d3 E2 (R) → H (PGL (R),Z/p) → 0 3,0 0,2 2 2 we see that the map H (PGL (k),Z/p) −→ H (PGL (R),Z/p) 2 2 2 2 is an isomorphism. LINEAR GROUPS OVER HENSEL RINGS 9 Corollary 3.6. The natural map H (GL (k),Z/p) → H (GL (R),Z/p) 2 2 2 2 is an isomorphism. Proof. TheHochschild–Serrespectralsequencesassociatedtotheextensions 1 → k× → GL (k) → PGL (k) → 1 2 2 ↓ ↓ ↓ 1 → R× → GL (R) → PGL (R) → 1 2 2 are isomorphic at E2 for 0 ≤ p ≤ 2, 0 ≤ q ≤ 2. This yields a commutative p,q diagram H (PGL (k),Z/p) →d3 E3 (k) → H (GL (k),Z/p) → ··· 3 2 0,2 2 2 ↓ || ↓ H (PGL (R),Z/p) →d3 E3 (R) → H (GL (R),Z/p) → ··· 3 2 0,2 2 2 ··· → H (PGL (k),Z/p) → 0 2 2 || ··· → H (PGL (R),Z/p) → 0 2 2 The result follows from the Five Lemma. Corollary 3.7. The natural map H (GL (k),Z/p) → H (GL (R),Z/p) 2 n 2 n is an isomorphism for all n. Proof. Consider the commutative diagram ∼ H (GL (k),Z/p) −=→ H (GL (R),Z/p) 2 2 2 2 ↓ ↓ H (GL (k),Z/p) −→ H (GL (R),Z/p) 2 n 2 n The vertical arrows are isomorphisms by Suslin’s stability theorem [8]. Remark. The last two corollaries actually follow from the corresponding statement for H (GL) [11]. Our approach provides an alternate proof of 2 this fact and also has the advantage of proving the correspondingstatement for PGL . 2 Remark. Since the map E1 (k) → E1 (R) is an isomorphism for p ≤ 2, to p,q p,q show that H•(PGL2(k),Z/p) ∼=H•(PGL2(R),Z/p) it would suffice to show that the chain complexes D (k) = E1 (k) ← E1 (k) ← ··· • 3,0 4,0 and D (R)= E1 (R)← E1 (R) ← ··· • 3,0 4,0 are quasi-isomorphic. One way to do this is to write down a contracting homotopy for the quotient complex Q = D (R)/D (k). Note that the • • • complex Q must be acyclic in the case R = k[t ,...,t ]/ml for each l ≥ 2 • 1 m 10 KEVIN P. KNUDSON (see 2.1). One would hope to be able to write down a contracting homotopy whichisindependentofl(ormoregenerally, whichisindependentofthefact that R is a truncated polynomial ring, but is really just a local k-algebra). However, this seems to be a very difficult question (even in the simplest case m = 1, l = 2). In fact, so far we have been unable to write down a contracting map in the first case Q → Q . 0 1 4. Bloch Groups and Third Homology We now turn our attention to the computation of H (GL (R),Z/p). The 3 2 case R = k was treated fully by Suslin in his beautiful paper [12]. We recall the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. There are exact sequences H (GM (k),Z) −→ H (GL (k),Z) −→ B(k) −→ 0 3 2 3 2 and π0(BGM(k)+) −→ K (k) −→ B(k)−→ 0. 3 3 Here, B(k) denotes the Bloch group of k, GM(k) denotes the group of monomial matrices over k, and π0(BGM(k)+) denotes the kernel of the 3 canonical map π (BGM(k)+)−→ π (BΣ+) 3 3 induced by the projection GM(k) → Σ where Σ is the infinite symmetric group (Σ = Σ ). n≥2 n The amazing fact is that the above theorem holds for any local k-algebra, S as we now describe. For any local ring A with infinite residue field k, denote by D(A) the free abeliangroupwithbasis[x],wherex,1−x∈ A× anddefineahomomorphism φ: D(A) −→ A× ⊗A× by φ([x]) = x⊗(1−x). Denote by σ the involution of A× ⊗A× given by σ(x⊗y) = −y ⊗x, and by (A× ⊗A×) the quotient of A× ⊗A× by the σ action of σ. Define a group p(A) by p(A) = D(A)/h[x]−[y]+[y/x]−[(1−x−1)/(1−y−1)]+[(1−x)/(1−y)]i. One checks easily (see Lemma 1.1 of [12]) that φ induces a homomorphism φ: p(A) → (A×⊗A×) . By definition, the Bloch group, B(A), is the kernel σ of φ. ConsidertheactionofGL (A)onthechaincomplexC (A)oftheprevious 2 • section. The resulting spectral sequence is studied by Suslin in Section 2 of [12]. The main result of that section is the existence of the exact sequence H (GM (k),Z) −→ H (GL (k),Z) −→ B(k) −→ 0 3 2 3 2 (Theorem 2.1). The proof of Theorem 2.1 goes through word for word with k replaced by A. Hence we have the following result.

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