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Low Computational-Cost Footprint Deformities Diagnosis Sensor through Angles, Dimensions PDF

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Preview Low Computational-Cost Footprint Deformities Diagnosis Sensor through Angles, Dimensions

sensors Article Low Computational-Cost Footprint Deformities Diagnosis Sensor through Angles, Dimensions Analysis and Image Processing Techniques J.RodolfoMaestre-Rendon1,2,TomasA.Rivera-Roman1 ID,JuanM.Sierra-Hernandez3, IvanCruz-Aceves4 ID,LuisM.Contreras-Medina5,CarlosDuarte-Galvan6 ID and ArturoA.Fernandez-Jaramillo1,* 1 UnidadAcadémicadeIngenieríaBiomédica,UniversidadPolitécnicadeSinaloa,CarreteraMunicipalLibre MazatlánHigueraskm3,Col.GenaroEstrada,MazatlánSin.82199,Mexico; [email protected](J.R.M.-R.);[email protected](T.A.R.-R.) 2 CenterforBiomedicalTechnology,PolythecnicUniversityofMadrid,CampusMontegancedo, PozuelodeAlarcón,Madrid28223,Spain 3 DepartamentodeIngenieríaElectrónica,DivisióndeIngenierías,UniversidaddeGuanajuato, CarreteraSalamanca-ValledeSantiagokm3.5+1.8,ComunidaddePaloBlanco, SalamancaGto.C.P.36885,Mexico;[email protected] 4 CONACYT,CentrodeInvestigaciónenMatemáticas(CIMAT),A.C.,JaliscoS/N,Col.Valenciana, GuanajuatoGto.36000,Mexico;[email protected] 5 CAIngenieríadeBiosistemas,DivisióndeInvestigaciónyPosgrado,FacultaddeIngeniería, UniversidadAutónomadeQuerétaro,CerrodelascampanasS/N, SantiagodeQuerétaroQro.76010,Mexico;[email protected] 6 FacultaddeCienciasFísico-Matemáticas,UniversidadAutónomadeSinaloa,Av.DelasAméricasyBlvd. Universitarios,Cd.Universitaria,CuliacánSin.80000,Mexico;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+52-669-180-0695 Received:19October2017;Accepted:14November2017;Published:22November2017 Abstract: Manualmeasurementsoffootanthropometrycanleadtoerrorssincethistaskinvolvesthe experienceofthespecialistwhoperformsthem,resultingindifferentsubjectivemeasuresfromthe samefootprint. Moreover,someofthediagnosesthataregiventoclassifyafootprintdeformityare basedonaqualitativeinterpretationbythephysician;thereisnoquantitativeinterpretationofthe footprint. Theimportanceofprovidingacorrectandaccuratediagnosisliesintheneedtoensurethat anappropriatetreatmentisprovidedfortheimprovementofthepatientwithoutriskinghisorher health. Therefore,thisarticlepresentsasmartsensorthatintegratesthecaptureofthefootprint,alow computational-costanalysisoftheimageandtheinterpretationoftheresultsthroughaquantitative evaluation. Thesmartsensorimplementedrequiredtheuseofacamera(LogitechC920)connected to a Raspberry Pi 3, where a graphical interface was made for the capture and processing of the image,anditwasadaptedtoapodoscopeconventionallyusedbyspecialistssuchasorthopedist, physiotherapistsandpodiatrists. Thefootprintdiagnosissmartsensor(FPDSS)hasproventobe robusttodifferenttypesofdeformity,precise,sensitiveandcorrelatedin0.99withthemeasurements fromthedigitalizedimageoftheinkmat. Keywords: embedded system; footprint measurements; Staheli arch index; Clarke’s angle; Smirak-Chippauxindex;biomedicalimageprocessing 1. Introduction Itiswellknownthataccurateandquantitativemeasurementsarecriticalwhenaclinicaldiagnosis isgiven. Furthermore, manualmeasurementsoftheanthropometryofthefootcanleadtowrong Sensors2017,17,2700;doi:10.3390/s17112700 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors Sensors2017,17,2700 2of17 estimations because of the subjectivity involved in this task or the training and experience of the personresponsibleforthemeasurements. Thediagnosisoffootdeformitiesinindividualsrequires multiplemeasurementsfromthefootprinttocalculateasetofparametersthatdeterminecharacteristics presentedinthearch[1]. Studieshaveshownaninconsistentperformanceofmeasurementsofthe footwithtraditionalinstruments,likeacaliperoraninkmat[2–4]. Whentheorthopedistgivesan incorrectdiagnosis,theappropriatetreatmentwillnotbegivenintimeand,consequently,itwould affectthehealthofthepatient. Inordertobeabletotracktheimprovementofthepatientovertime andchecktheeffectivenessoftheprescribedtreatment,itisnecessarythatmeasuresbequantitative, consistentandpreciseeverytime. Oneofthemostcommondeformitiesinthefootistheflatfootor pesplanus. Flatfootisaconditionwherethemediallongitudinalarchofthefootcollapsescausing partialorcompletecontactwiththegroundthatwillcausesevereproblemsinthepatient[5]. Conventional methods used in the clinical environment involve the use of a caliper by the orthopedist to estimate the required measurements of the foot. It is rudimentary and exhaustive to manually take all the measures and the variability, produced by the lack of precision which willleadtoerrorsinthecalculatedparameters.Thereareseveralmethodologiesproposedforthe computer-aided diagnosis of foot deformities. For example, Navarro et al. [6] designed a special soletemplatewithpressuresensorstoevaluatethedistributionoftheplantarpressureindifferent key parts. It is a good approach; however, it is necessary to manufacture different sizes of sole templatestoadaptthepositionofthesensorstospecificfootsizesinordertoobtainprecisemeasures in the appropriate areas. Hamzaetal. in 2015 [7] used an ultrasonic sensor that passes under the foot and acquires the height of the medial longitudinal arch. Nonetheless, the use of ultrasonic sensorsto measure thefootprintin astraight linewillignorethemeasurementsof differentareas, not present in the arch, which could be substantial when a diagnosis is given. On the other hand, Thereareseveralcomputationaltechniquesthatareresponsibleforreconstructionofthefootprint; forexample, Guerrero-Turrubiatesetal.[8]proposedtheuseofaparaboladetectionalgorithmin the areas of the arch and the heel of the foot, also the finite element method are widely used to reconstructthefootprint,eventhecompletefootorthepressurecausedbyitself[9–11].Bothproviding excellentresultsbutwithahighcostintermsofcomputingresourcesandtime.Itisveryimportantto considertherequiredresourceswhenimplementingthealgorithm,especiallywhenitisnecessaryto generateanapplicationforembeddeddevicesordispensewithahigh-performanceandexpensive computer.Arecentstudy[12]presentedasystemfortheanalysisofthefootarchbyusinganRGB-D camerafor3Dimagereconstructionofthefootprint;suchsystemhasshowngoodreliabilityinthe performedexperiments.However,themeasurementsofthefootprintandtherelationoftheforefoot andthebarefootwiththemidfootareleftbehindsincetheyonlyfocusontheanalysisofthefootarch. Consequently,thecompleteanalysisofthefootprintcannotbegivenandthiscouldpotentiallygenerate aninsufficientdiagnosis.Currently,therearenoRBGcamera-basedsensorsthatautomaticallyanalysze themeasurementsofthefootprint. Table1showsacomparisonbetweenthemethodsdescribedabove andourcurrentapproach(FPDSS). Sensors2017,17,2700 3of17 Table1.Comparisonofthemethodsusedbydifferentsensorstodiagnosefootdeformities. Authors/Method ObjectiveoftheMethod TypeofSensor Accuracy Detectionofflatfootusing Navarroetal.[6] Pressuresensors N/A1 estimationtechniques Flatfootdetectorusingthe Hamzaetal.[7] Ultrasonicsensors 100%in20subjects heightofthearch Detectionofparabolas Guerrero-Turrubiatesetal.[8] Footprintscanner N/A1 dimensionsinthefootprint 3Dimagereconstructionof Chunetal.[12] RGB-Dcamera ~97.32%in11subjects2 thefootprint Detectionofdeformitiesin FPDSS thefootprintthrough RGBcamerawithreference 99.38%in40subjects2 imageprocessing 1Accuracynotspecifiedinarticle.2Meanoftheaccuracyinthethreeparameterscalculatedbythesensor. Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 3 of 16 Therearesomedevicesinthemarketthatprovidedigitalimagesofthefootprintbutonlyathigh pressuTrehearree aasr.eA sodmdiet iodnevailclye,s itini sthnee cmesasrakreyt fthoratt hperouvsiedre tdoigenittaelr imquaagnetsi toaft itvhee mfoeoatspurirnetm beuntt sonolfyt hate fohoitg.hT hperesesspurroeb aleremass. dAodndoittiaolnloawllyt, hite iasu nteocmesastaicryc aflocru tlhaeti ounseorf tpoa ernatmere tqeurasnretiqtautiirveed mfoeratshueredmiaegnntso soifs the foot. These problems do not allow the automatic calculation of parameters required for the of deformities in the footprint. In Figure 1, the conventional devices used in the diagnosis by the diagnosis of deformities in the footprint. In Figure 1, the conventional devices used in the diagnosis orthopedistcanbeobserved. Thedataobtainedfromthedigitalcaliperandtheinkmatwillalways by the orthopedist can be observed. The data obtained from the digital caliper and the ink mat will resultinmeasurementsthataresensitivetothetrainingoftheorthopedistbecausetheareawhere always result in measurements that are sensitive to the training of the orthopedist because the area themeasurementmustbemademayvaryfromonepatienttoanother[2]. Computerizedpodoscope where the measurement must be made may vary from one patient to another [2]. Computerized (PlantoscopioComputarizado,Puebla,Mexico)isanopticaldevicewithwhichitispossibletoscan podoscope (Plantoscopio Computarizado, Puebla, Mexico) is an optical device with which it is and visualize the footprint without any analysis that determines the condition present in the foot. possible to scan and visualize the footprint without any analysis that determines the condition In the same way, ArcoScan (CiPar Ingeniería, Paraná, Argentina) is a podoscope that allows you present in the foot. In the same way, ArcoScan (CiPar Ingeniería, Paraná, Argentina) is a podoscope to digitalize and store the footprint but, with the difference to the previous one, it also allows the that allows you to digitalize and store the footprint but, with the difference to the previous one, it estimationofareaswithhigherpressurebyusingtheintensitylevelsofthepixelsintheregionof also allows the estimation of areas with higher pressure by using the intensity levels of the pixels in thefoot. However,thesedevicesdonotincludeaqualitativeorquantitativeanalysisofthefoot,like the region of the foot. However, these devices do not include a qualitative or quantitative analysis of measurements and angles of the footprint, and they will always require the interpretation by the the foot, like measurements and angles of the footprint, and they will always require the orthopedist in order to give a diagnosis. Having measurements on a real scale and the automatic interpretation by the orthopedist in order to give a diagnosis. Having measurements on a real scale calculation of parameters that indicate deformities in the foot is very important to provide more and the automatic calculation of parameters that indicate deformities in the foot is very important to efficientdiagnosis. Itisimportanttomentionthatfootdeformitiesshouldbetreatedasquicklyand provide more efficient diagnosis. It is important to mention that foot deformities should be treated efficientlyaspossibletoreducetheeffectstheymaycauseinotherareasofthebody[13–15]. Whenthe as quickly and efficiently as possible to reduce the effects they may cause in other areas of the body deformityiscorrectlydiagnosed,anappropriatetreatmentisgiventothepatient. [13–15]. When the deformity is correctly diagnosed, an appropriate treatment is given to the patient. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. Traditional devices used for the measurement of the foot: (a) Digital caliper; (b) Ink mat; (c) Figure1. Traditionaldevicesusedforthemeasurementofthefoot: (a)Digitalcaliper;(b)Inkmat; Digital podoscope (modified from [3]). (c)Digitalpodoscope(modifiedfrom[3]). However, this process can be automatized using a digital footprint analysis smart sensor, which However, this process can be automatized using a digital footprint analysis smart sensor, would considerably take out all the disadvantages of manual measurement while computing the whichwouldconsiderablytakeoutallthedisadvantagesofmanualmeasurementwhilecomputingthe parameters needed for the correct diagnosis. The objective of this article is to introduce a sensor that integrates the capture of the plantar footprint, the analysis of the image and the interpretation of the results through a quantitative evaluation. The advantage over conventional methods lies in the ability to automatically detect footprint measurements and the angle of the longitudinal arch of the foot in a real scale quickly and with minimal computational resources and, in the same way, the calculation of three essential parameters to fully describe the footprint quantitatively: Staheli index, Clarke’s angle and Smirak-Chippaux Index. Consequently, it provides an accurate interpretation of the results for both, the diagnosis and the orthopedist. Finally, the calculated parameters from the patient’s footprint are saved and plotted to graphically observe the improvement over time to ensure that the treatment given by the orthopedist is right for the condition, so the patient’s health is not to put at risk and the recovery time is reduced. A smart sensor is presented for the automatic quantitative interpretation and analysis of footprint images resulting in a computer-aided diagnosis of deformities in the foot. Sensors2017,17,2700 4of17 parametersneededforthecorrectdiagnosis. Theobjectiveofthisarticleistointroduceasensorthat integratesthecaptureoftheplantarfootprint,theanalysisoftheimageandtheinterpretationofthe resultsthroughaquantitativeevaluation.Theadvantageoverconventionalmethodsliesintheability toautomaticallydetectfootprintmeasurementsandtheangleofthelongitudinalarchofthefootina realscalequicklyandwithminimalcomputationalresourcesand,inthesameway,thecalculationof threeessentialparameterstofullydescribethefootprintquantitatively: Staheliindex,Clarke’sangle andSmirak-ChippauxIndex. Consequently,itprovidesanaccurateinterpretationoftheresultsfor both,thediagnosisandtheorthopedist. Finally,thecalculatedparametersfromthepatient’sfootprint aresavedandplottedtographicallyobservetheimprovementovertimetoensurethatthetreatment givenbytheorthopedistisrightforthecondition,sothepatient’shealthisnottoputatriskandthe recoverytimeisreduced. Asmartsensorispresentedfortheautomaticquantitativeinterpretation aSnendsoarsn 2a0l1y7s, 1is7,o 2f70f0o o tprintimagesresultinginacomputer-aideddiagnosisofdeformitiesinthefo4o otf. 16 22.. MMaatteerriiaallss aanndd MMeetthhooddss 2.1. SmartSensorSetup 2.1. Smart Sensor Setup The implementation of the smart sensor presented required the use of a modified regular The implementation of the smart sensor presented required the use of a modified regular podoscope,aswecanobserveinFigure2;aonesquaredcentimeterblackstickerasareferenceareawas podoscope, as we can observe in Figure 2; a one squared centimeter black sticker as a reference area placedonthetopofatemperedglasswithafrostedfilm[13]andagenericcamerawasembeddedunder was placed on the top of a tempered glass with a frosted film [13] and a generic camera was theglass,inthiscase,aLogitechHDProWebcamModelC920(Logitech,Lausanne,Switzerland)was embedded under the glass, in this case, a Logitech HD Pro Webcam Model C920 (Logitech, Lausanne, used. Thisallowedthecaptureofthefootprintinanimagefileforthecomputer. Theparameters Switzerland) was used. This allowed the capture of the footprint in an image file for the computer. forimagecaptureofthecameraweresetto40%brightness,50%contrast,60%sharpnessand60% The parameters for image capture of the camera were set to 40% brightness, 50% contrast, 60% ofthewhitebalance. AsshowninFigure3, thecamerawasconnectedtoanembeddedcomputer sharpness and 60% of the white balance. As shown in Figure 3, the camera was connected to an (RaspberryPi3,RaspberryPiFundation,Cambridge,UK)withtheRaspbianJessieOperativeSystem embedded computer (Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi Fundation, Cambridge, UK) with the Raspbian fortheanalysisoftheobtainedimagesthroughaninteractionoftheprocessingalgorithmandthe Jessie Operative System for the analysis of the obtained images through an interaction of the inputoftheuserinthegraphicalinterface. processing algorithm and the input of the user in the graphical interface. USB Cam era to Raspberry Pi 3 Figure 2. Adaptation of the original podoscope placing a frosted film on the top and the camera Figure 2. Adaptation of the original podoscope placing a frosted film on the top and the camera connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 via USB. Using an USB camera, the Raspberry Pi 3 acquires an image connectedtotheRaspberryPi3viaUSB.UsinganUSBcamera,theRaspberryPi3acquiresanimageof of the patient’s footprints (left) and process it to display the results in the graphical user interface thepatient’sfootprints(left)andprocessittodisplaytheresultsinthegraphicaluserinterface(right). (right). TThhee smsmaartrts esnesnosroarn danthde tihnev oilnvveodlpvreodc epsrsoccaenssb ecaapnp lbieed aipnpalnieydg einne raincyp ogdeonsecroipc epboydionstceogpraet inbgy aincteagmraetriangt oa tcaakmeetrhae toi mtaakgee tshoe fimthaegefso ootfp trhine tfoaontdpruinsti nagndt huesisnogf ttwhea rseofftowraaren afloyrs aisn.aIlnystish.i sInw thaiys, cwoanyv,e cnotniovneanltieoqnuailp emqueinptmceannt bcaeni mbep irmovperodvteod ptoro pvriodveidme omreoraec accucruarteatde idaigangonsotsictisc.s.F Figiguurere3 3 sshhoowwss tthhee pprroocceessss tthhaatt tthhee ssmmaarrtt sseennssoorr ffoolllloowwss ttoo pprroovviiddee tthhee rreessuullttss ttoo tthheeu usseerr.. Figure 3. Block diagram of the smart sensor. 2.2. Footprint Parameters Three parameters were used for the analysis and evaluation of the FPDSS images and obtained data. Therefore, this section explains the importance of the metrics used and how they are obtained in footprint images. The Staheli arch index is used to describe the relation between the minimum width of the midfoot and the maximum width of the hindfoot. This index has been one of the most studied parameters for the description of footprint deformities and historically represents an important index for the detection of flat foot [16]. In addition to the above, it is considered as an essential diagnostic Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 4 of 16 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Smart Sensor Setup The implementation of the smart sensor presented required the use of a modified regular podoscope, as we can observe in Figure 2; a one squared centimeter black sticker as a reference area was placed on the top of a tempered glass with a frosted film [13] and a generic camera was embedded under the glass, in this case, a Logitech HD Pro Webcam Model C920 (Logitech, Lausanne, Switzerland) was used. This allowed the capture of the footprint in an image file for the computer. The parameters for image capture of the camera were set to 40% brightness, 50% contrast, 60% sharpness and 60% of the white balance. As shown in Figure 3, the camera was connected to an embedded computer (Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi Fundation, Cambridge, UK) with the Raspbian Jessie Operative System for the analysis of the obtained images through an interaction of the processing algorithm and the input of the user in the graphical interface. USB Cam era to Raspberry Pi 3 Figure 2. Adaptation of the original podoscope placing a frosted film on the top and the camera connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 via USB. Using an USB camera, the Raspberry Pi 3 acquires an image of the patient’s footprints (left) and process it to display the results in the graphical user interface (right). The smart sensor and the involved process can be applied in any generic podoscope by integrating a camera to take the images of the footprint and using the software for analysis. In this Swenasyor, sc2o0n17v,e1n7,t2io70n0al equipment can be improved to provide more accurate diagnostics. Figure 3 sh5oofw1s7 the process that the smart sensor follows to provide the results to the user. Figure 3. Block diagram of the smart sensor. Figure3.Blockdiagramofthesmartsensor. 2.2. Footprint Parameters 2.2. FootprintParameters Three parameters were used for the analysis and evaluation of the FPDSS images and obtained ThreeparameterswereusedfortheanalysisandevaluationoftheFPDSSimagesandobtained data. Therefore, this section explains the importance of the metrics used and how they are obtained data. Therefore,thissectionexplainstheimportanceofthemetricsusedandhowtheyareobtainedin in footprint images. footprintimages. The Staheli arch index is used to describe the relation between the minimum width of the TheStaheliarchindexisusedtodescribetherelationbetweentheminimumwidthofthemidfoot midfoot and the maximum width of the hindfoot. This index has been one of the most studied andthemaximumwidthofthehindfoot. Thisindexhasbeenoneofthemoststudiedparametersfor parameters for the description of footprint deformities and historically represents an important index thedescriptionoffootprintdeformitiesandhistoricallyrepresentsanimportantindexforthedetection for the detection of flat foot [16]. In addition to the above, it is considered as an essential diagnostic offlatfoot[16]. Inadditiontotheabove,itisconsideredasanessentialdiagnosticmethodcompared to the talar—first metatarsal angle, commonly used by specialists in the field for the detection of d eformitiesinthefootprint[17]. Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 5 of 16 Clarke’s angle or arch angle describes the measure of the internal longitudinal arch. method compared to the talar—first metatarsal angle, commonly used by specialists in the field for Accordingto [18], thisparametermayhavebeenthefirst proposedforstudiesindeformitiesand the detection of deformities in the footprint [17]. posture,asitisproportionaltothearchheight. Thisindexcomesfromtheanglebetweenalinethat Clarke’s angle or arch angle describes the measure of the internal longitudinal arch. According goesfromttoh [e18o]u, ttheirs ppaorianmteotefr tmhaeyf hoarveef oboeetnt othteh feirsot uptreopropsoedin fotro sftuthdieesh iinn ddeffooormtiatinesd aannd optohseturreli,n aes ict onnecting theouterpiso pinrotpoofrttiohnealf otor ethfeo aortcha nhedigthht.e Tihnisn ienrdepxo cionmteosf frtohme tmhei danfogloet b.etween a line that goes from the outer point of the forefoot to the outer point of the hindfoot and another line connecting the outer Finally,theChippaux-Smirakindexistherelationbetweentheminimumwidthofthemidfoot point of the forefoot and the inner point of the midfoot. and the maximum width of the forefoot. When the arch of the foot is larger, this index decreases Finally, the Chippaux-Smirak index is the relation between the minimum width of the midfoot itsvalue[1a8n]d. tBhey muasxiinmgumdi wffiedrtehn otf pthaer faomrefeotoet.r sWthheant theen atrirche loyf dthees fcoroitb ise ltahrgeerf,o tohitsp irnidnetx, dthecerevaaselsu ietss obtained during thevaalunea [l1y8s]i. sBya lulosiwng adisffoerleidnt dpiaaragmneotesriss tphaetr feontrimreleyd debsycritbhe ethFeP foDoStpSr.inFt,i gthue rveal4ueds eosbctraiinbeeds the lines during the analysis allow a solid diagnosis performed by the FPDSS. Figure 4 describes the lines mentionedaboveforthecalculationofthedifferentparameters. mentioned above for the calculation of the different parameters. Figure 4. Footprint parameters used by the FPDSS to evaluate the deformities in the footprint: Figure 4. Footprint parameters used by the FPDSS to evaluate the deformities in the footprint: (a) Staheli index; (b) Clarke’s angle; (c) Chippaux-Smirak index. (a)Staheliindex;(b)Clarke’sangle;(c)Chippaux-Smirakindex. 2.3. Algorithms for Estimation of Measures in Footprint The proposed algorithm is based on the application of image processing techniques. The programming language used for the development of this algorithm was C. The design of a graphical user interface (GUI) was performed with the use of GTK+ for a friendly user interaction with the results and the algorithm. These methods were implemented using the OpenCV library [19] for the manipulation of the footprint images. In the first part, the camera acquires an 8-bit image in JPEG format with dimensions of 1920 × 1080 pixels and RGB color space. Once the image is introduced in the software, several preprocessing steps are made. Firstly, the RGB color image was converted into CIELAB (CIE 1976 L*a*b*) color space. CIELAB provides a better interpretation of the image for the algorithm since the luminosity is separated in a single channel and totally ignored in the color channels (a* and b*). The output channels of the CIELAB model gave a better correlation with the visual interpretation of the footprint images, something that is of great importance when the area of the footprint needs to be separated from the skin of the foot. After that, a range of values in the a* and b* channel was tested for binarizing the image based on an image thresholding step. The thresholding for a* channel was set to 122 and for b* channel was set to 131, since that combination of thresholds correspond to any intensity of the yellow and red color in the CIELAB color space. That means that any intensity above the thresholds will be set as white pixels (1) and the rest will be black pixels (0), the range of intensity per pixel goes Sensors2017,17,2700 6of17 2.3. AlgorithmsforEstimationofMeasuresinFootprint The proposed algorithm is based on the application of image processing techniques. The programming language used for the development of this algorithm was C. The design of a graphicaluserinterface(GUI)wasperformedwiththeuseofGTK+forafriendlyuserinteractionwith theresultsandthealgorithm. ThesemethodswereimplementedusingtheOpenCVlibrary[19]for themanipulationofthefootprintimages. In the first part, the camera acquires an 8-bit image in JPEG format with dimensions of 1920×1080 pixels and RGB color space. Once the image is introduced in the software, several preprocessing steps are made. Firstly, the RGB color image was converted into CIELAB (CIE1976L*a*b*)colorspace. CIELABprovidesabetterinterpretationoftheimageforthealgorithm sincetheluminosityisseparatedinasinglechannelandtotallyignoredinthecolorchannels(a*andb*). TheoutputchannelsoftheCIELABmodelgaveabettercorrelationwiththevisualinterpretation ofthefootprintimages,somethingthatisofgreatimportancewhentheareaofthefootprintneeds tobeseparatedfromtheskinofthefoot. Afterthat,arangeofvaluesinthea*andb*channelwas testedforbinarizingtheimagebasedonanimagethresholdingstep. Thethresholdingfora*channel wassetto122andforb*channelwassetto131,sincethatcombinationofthresholdscorrespondto anyintensityoftheyellowandredcolorintheCIELABcolorspace. Thatmeansthatanyintensity abovethethresholdswillbesetaswhitepixels(1)andtherestwillbeblackpixels(0),therangeof intensity per pixel goes from 0 to 255 in 8-bit images. Subsequently, the region of the footprint is correctlysegmentedinabinaryimage. Then,thebinarizedimageofthepreviousstepisdilatedto expandthesizeofthefootprintandtocoverallthesmallpartsthatremainedoutsidethefootduring thethresholdingprocess. Finally,theimageissegmentedonlytogettheareathatweareinterested in;thatistosay,thefootprintexcludingthetoes. Thiswasperformedusingafunctionthatdetects thecontourofthebiggestobjectintheimageandtracesaboundarysothateverythingoutsidethe contourissetasbackgroundorblackpixels. After the preprocessing stage of the footprint is done, the algorithm looks for the one square centimeterreferenceintheR(red)channeloftheimage,sinceitisthechanneloftheRGBcolormodel whereitiseasiertoobtainthereference. Thisisaccomplishedwithafunctionthatiteratesoverthe imageandlooksforcontinuousblackpixelsinthebottomandcountsthemtoknowtheareaofthe square[20]. Thenumberofpixelsinonesquarecentimeterissavedforusingitwhenaconversion frompixelstocentimetersisrequested. Afterwards,thealgorithmfindsthekeypointsofthreeparametersintheprocessedimageused for the analysis and detection of deformities in the footprint [1,21]. The parameters automatically determinedbythisalgorithmaretheStaheliarchindex,Clarke’sangleandtheChippaux-Smirakindex. Forthecalculationoftheparameters,thefootisdividedintothreemainareas:hindfoot,midfootand forefootasshowninFigure5.Beforefindingtheparametersinthefootprint,afunctionisimplementedto findifthereisarightfoot,leftfootorbothbyiteratingoverthebinarizedimagetofindthenumberof contoursandtheircorrespondingposition.Byknowingwhichfootisontheimage,therightfunctionsare appliedand,therefore,itmaximizestheprecisionofthecalculationanddiagnosis.Finally,thealgorithm first obtains the measurement of the line in pixels, by using the location of the pixels at the starting pointandtheendingpointwithEquation(1),andthentransformsittocentimetersusingthepreviously calculatedreference: (cid:113) Z = (x −x )2+(y −y )2 (1) 2 1 2 1 Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 6 of 16 from 0 to 255 in 8-bit images. Subsequently, the region of the footprint is correctly segmented in a binary image. Then, the binarized image of the previous step is dilated to expand the size of the footprint and to cover all the small parts that remained outside the foot during the thresholding process. Finally, the image is segmented only to get the area that we are interested in; that is to say, the footprint excluding the toes. This was performed using a function that detects the contour of the biggest object in the image and traces a boundary so that everything outside the contour is set as background or black pixels. After the preprocessing stage of the footprint is done, the algorithm looks for the one square centimeter reference in the R (red) channel of the image, since it is the channel of the RGB color model where it is easier to obtain the reference. This is accomplished with a function that iterates over the image and looks for continuous black pixels in the bottom and counts them to know the area of the square [20]. The number of pixels in one square centimeter is saved for using it when a conversion from pixels to centimeters is requested. Afterwards, the algorithm finds the key points of three parameters in the processed image used for the analysis and detection of deformities in the footprint [1,21]. The parameters automatically determined by this algorithm are the Staheli arch index, Clarke’s angle and the Chippaux-Smirak index. For the calculation of the parameters, the foot is divided into three main areas: hindfoot, midfoot and forefoot as shown in Figure 5. Before finding the parameters in the footprint, a function is implemented to find if there is a right foot, left foot or both by iterating over the binarized image to find the number of contours and their corresponding position. By knowing which foot is on the image, the right functions are applied and, therefore, it maximizes the precision of the calculation and diagnosis. Finally, the algorithm first obtains the measurement of the line in pixels, by using the location of the pixels at the starting point and the ending point with Equation (1), and then transforms it to centimeters using the previously calculated reference: Sensors2017,17,2700 7of17 Z = (cid:3493)((cid:1876) −(cid:1876) )(cid:2870)(cid:3397) ((cid:1877) −(cid:1877) )(cid:2870) (1) (cid:2870) (cid:2869) (cid:2870) (cid:2869) Figure 5. Divisions of the footprint in 3 zones. Figure5.Divisionsofthefootprintin3zones. The Staheli arch index was estimated by the division of the narrowest line in the midfoot (Q) over Tthhee wStiadheeslti lainrceh inin tdheex hwinadsfoeostti m(Ra) t[e1d6]b. yThthee ndairvroiswioensto lfinthe einn athrreo mwiedsftoloint eisi ncatlhcuelmatieddf ofrootm(Q a) ofuvnecrttiohne wthiadt eistetrlainteesi rnotwh ebhy irnodwfo fortom(R )ri[g1h6]t .toT hleeftn (afrorro lwefet sftoloint)e oirn lethfte tmo ridigfhoto (tfiosr craiglchutl afoteodt),f raonmd iat ffuinndcst itohne tphiaxteilt ethraatte iss rfouwrthbeyr rforwomfr tohme srtiagrhttintog lpeoftin(fto (rinlenfetrf opooti)not rolre qft2t)o. Trihgehnt, (ifto drrraigwhst af ohootr),izaonndtaitl filinned sththate gpoixees lftrhoamt itshfaut rpthoeinrtf rtoom thteh eensdta rotfi nthgep soeignmt(einnnteedr pfooointptroinrtq (2q)1.)T ahte tnh,ei tledfrta (wfosra lehfot rfiozootn) toarl lriingehtt h(afotrg oriegshftr ofomott)h. aFtopro tihnet twoitdheesetn ldinoef itnh ethsee ghminednftoeodt,f othoetp fruinntc(tiqo1n) aist tthhee lseaftm(feo arsl eafbtofovoet,) bourtr itghhist (tfimorer iigt hfitnfdoso tt)h.eF poirxtehl ethwaitd iess tthlein celoinsetshte ohnien fdrfoomot ,ththee sftaurntcintigo npoissitthioens aomf tehaes aalgboorvieth,bmu t(otuhitsert ipmoeinitt fiorn dr2s) tahnedp tihxeel pthoaintti s(rt1h)e actl othsee setnodn eoff rtohme htohreizsotanrttainl glinpeo sthitrioonugohf tthhee ahlignodrfiothomt. F(oiguuterre p6o iilnlutsotrrart2e)sa tnhde tphreocpeosisn dte(rs1cr)iabtedth aebeonvde.o fthehorizontallinethroughthehindfoot. Figure6illustratestheprocess d eSesncsroirbs e2d017a,b 1o7,v 2e7.00 7 of 16 q q Q Q 1 1 q2 q2 r r r r R R 1 2 2 1 Figure 6. The process of the Staheli arch index calculation. Figure6.TheprocessoftheStaheliarchindexcalculation. The Clarke’s angle is calculated by taking the angle between a line T, that goes from the outer poinTth oef Cthlaer fkoer’esfoaontg tloe tihsec aoluctuelra pteodinbt yoft athkein hginthdefoaont,g alendb eat wlineee nS,a thliante gTo,esth farotmgo tehsef oroumtert hpeoionut toefr pothine tfoofretfhoeofto arnedfo tohtet ointnheer opuotienrt poof itnhteo mftidhfeohoitn [d22fo].o Tt,haen ldinae lTin ies Sca,ltchualtagteode sbyfr odmointhg eaonu itteerraptiooinn,t ionf thtehefo froerfeofootota nanddt hheinidnfnoeort,p poiixnetl obfyt hpeixmeli dfrfoomot r[i2g2h]t. tToh leeflti n(feorT liesftc faolcout)l aotre ldefbt ytod roiignhgt a(fnori treirgahtti ofnoo,tin) thteo ffoinredf othoet apnixdelh (int1d) ftohoatt, ipsi xtheel bcylopseixste ltof rtohme srtiagrhtitntgo pleofitn(tf oinr lbeoftthfo aorte)aosr. Tlehfet tloinrei gSh its (cfoalrcruilgahtetdfo boyt ) todfiranwdinthge ap liixneel f(rt1o)mt htahte iosuthteer cploosinets tinto ththe efosrtaerfotiontg (tp1o),i nthtaint wboasth foaurenads .inT htheel ipnreevSioisucsa sltceupl,a tteod thbey drinanweirn gpoainlitn oef ftrhoem mthidefoooutt e(rs1p).o iAnftteinr dthreawfoinregf oaontd( te1s)t,imthaattinwga sthfeo umnedasiunrtehmeepnrte ovfi obuosths tleipn,esto, tthhee inannegrlpe oeisnttimofatthioenm riedqfuoiortes(s 1a) .mAefatseurrdermawenint gofa nad theisrtdim laintien, gFt,h tehamt egaosuesr efmroemnt tohfeb oouthtelrin peos,intht eoaf ntghlee eshtiinmdaftoioont (rfe1q) utoir tehsea inmneears puorienmt eonf tthoef matihdifrodotli (nse1,).F F,tihguatreg o7 esshforwoms tthhee lionuetse srppeociinfiteodf atbhoevhei.n Edqfuooatti(ofn1 ) (2) comes from the calculation of the angle of an isosceles triangle and it is used for Clark’s angle estimation in this analysis: S(cid:2870)− T(cid:2870)− F(cid:2870) Clark’s Angle = cos(cid:2879)(cid:2869)( ) (2) −2TF t t T T 1 1 s s S S 1 1 F F f f 1 1 Figure 7. The process of Clarke’s angle estimation. The Chippaux-Smirak index requires the measurement of the widest line (P) of the forefoot because we already have the narrowest line (Q) in the midfoot from the Staheli arch index calculation. The algorithm iterates over the forefoot to find the widest line using outer (p1) and inner (p2) points from the starting position of the algorithm (middle of the image), as shown in Figure 8. After having calculated the measurements of both lines, the index is estimated by Equation (3) [18]: Q Chippaux−Smirakindex(%) = × 100 (3) P Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 7 of 16 q q Q Q 1 1 q2 q2 r r r r R R 1 2 2 1 Figure 6. The process of the Staheli arch index calculation. The Clarke’s angle is calculated by taking the angle between a line T, that goes from the outer point of the forefoot to the outer point of the hindfoot, and a line S, that goes from the outer point of the forefoot and the inner point of the midfoot [22]. The line T is calculated by doing an iteration, in the forefoot and hindfoot, pixel by pixel from right to left (for left foot) or left to right (for right foot) to find the pixel (t1) that is the closest to the starting point in both areas. The line S is calculated by Sednrsaorws2in01g7 ,a1 7l,in27e0 0from the outer point in the forefoot (t1), that was found in the previous step, to8 tohfe1 7 inner point of the midfoot (s1). After drawing and estimating the measurement of both lines, the angle estimation requires a measurement of a third line, F, that goes from the outer point of the totheinnerpointofthemidfoot(s1). Figure7showsthelinesspecifiedabove. Equation(2)comes hindfoot (f1) to the inner point of the midfoot (s1). Figure 7 shows the lines specified above. Equation fromthecalculationoftheangleofanisoscelestriangleanditisusedforClark’sangleestimationin (2) comes from the calculation of the angle of an isosceles triangle and it is used for Clark’s angle thisanalysis: estimation in this analysis: S2−T2−F2 CCllaarrkk(cid:48)’ss AAnnggllee==ccooss(cid:2879)−(cid:2869)(1S((cid:2870)−−T2(cid:2870)T−FF(cid:2870) )) (2)( 2) −2TF t t T T 1 1 s s S S 1 1 F F f f 1 1 Figure 7. The process of Clarke’s angle estimation. Figure7.TheprocessofClarke’sangleestimation. The Chippaux-Smirak index requires the measurement of the widest line (P) of the forefoot becaTuhsee wCeh iaplrpeaaudxy- Shmavier athkei nnadrerxowreeqsut liirnees (tQhe) inm tehaes muriedmfoeont tfroofmth theew Sitdaheestli lainrceh (iPn)deoxf cthalecufolarteifoono. t bTechaeu aslegowreithalmre aitderyahteasv oevtehre tnhaer froorwefeosottl itnoe fi(nQd) tihnet hweidmeisdt floinoet furosimngt hoeutSetra h(pe1li) aarncdh iinnndeerx (cpa2l)c uploaitniotsn . Tfhreomal gthoer isthtamrtiintegr patoessitoiovne rotfh tehefo arlegfooroitthtmo fi(mndidtdhlee wofi dtheest imlinaegeu)s,i ansg sohuotwern( ipn1 F)iagnudrei n8n. Aerft(epr2 h)apvoiinngt s frcoamlcutlhaetesdta trhtien mgepaossuitrieomneonftsth oef ablogtohr iltihnmes, (tmheid idndleeox fisth eestiimmaagteed), bays sEhqouwatnioinn (F3i)g [u1r8e]:8 . Afterhaving calculatedthemeasurementsofbothlines,theindexisestimatedbyEquation(3)[18]: Q Chippaux−Smirakindex(%) = × 100 (3) P Q Chippaux−Smirakindex(%) = ×100 (3) P Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 8 of 16 p p2 p2 P P 1 p 1 q1 q1 Q Q q2 q2 Figure 8. Process of the Chippaux-Smirak index calculation. Figure8.ProcessoftheChippaux-Smirakindexcalculation. Finally, the algorithm saves the acquired parameters information for further analysis and gives the Fpionsaslilby,iltihtye atlog oarditdh mneswav elisntehse ianc qtuhier eidmpaagrea mweitther sainn faourmtoamtiaotnicf ocralfcuurltahteiorna noafl ytshise adnidstgainvcees tihne pcoesnstibimiliettyertso. aInd dFingeuwre l9in, tehsei nretshueltism oafg eeacwhi tphaartn oaf uthtoem alagtoicrictahlmcu alartei osnhoowfnth veidsuisatlalyn.c e incentimeters. InFigure9,theresultsofeachpartofthealgorithmareshownvisually. Figure 9. Steps of the algorithm for the analysis of the footprint: (a) RGB image obtained from podoscope; (b) Thresholding at 183 of red channel; (c) Segmentation of the footprint and removal of toes; (d) Location of the reference (square centimeter) in the image; (e) Staheli arch index; (f) Clarke’s angle; (g) Chippaux-Smirak index. 2.4. Graphic User Interface The graphic user interface (GUI) was developed to provide a friendly tool for the user to quantitative analyze and measure the footprint images by implementing the proposed algorithm. The first step consists in using the camera for acquiring the footprint image and, once it is selected, Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 8 of 16 p p2 p2 P P 1 p 1 q1 q1 Q Q q2 q2 Figure 8. Process of the Chippaux-Smirak index calculation. Finally, the algorithm saves the acquired parameters information for further analysis and gives Stehnseo rsp2o0s1s7i,b1i7l,i2ty70 0to add new lines in the image with an automatic calculation of the distanc9e oifn1 7 centimeters. In Figure 9, the results of each part of the algorithm are shown visually. FFigiguurree 99.. SStteeppss ooff tthhee aallggoorriitthhmm ffoorr tthhee aannaallyyssiiss ooff tthhee ffoooottpprriinntt:: ((aa)) RRGGBB iimmaaggee oobbtatainineedd frforomm ppooddooscsocoppee;;( b(b))T Thrhersehsohlodlidnignga ta1t 8138o3f orfe drecdh cahnannenl;e(lc;) (Sc)e gSmegemnteanttioatnioonf tohfe tfhoeo ftoporitnptrianntd arnedm roevmaolvofalt ooefs ; (dto)eLso; c(dat)i Lonocoaftitohne oref ftehree nrecfeer(seqnucea r(esqcuenartiem ceentetrim)ientethr)e iinm tahgee i;m(ea)gSe;t a(he)e lSitaarhcehli ianrdcehx i;n(df)eCx;l a(fr)k Ce’lsarakneg’sle ; (ga)nCglhei;p (gp)a uCxh-iSpmpairuaxk-Sinmdireaxk. index. 22.4.4..G GrraapphhicicU Usseerr IInntteerrffaaccee TThhee ggrraapphhiicc uusseerr iinntteerrffaaccee ((GGUUII)) wwaass ddeevveellooppeedd ttoo pprroovviiddee aa ffrriieennddlyly totoool lfoforr ththee uuseser rtoto quantitative analyze and measure the footprint images by implementing the proposed algorithm. quantitative analyze and measure the footprint images by implementing the proposed algorithm. The first step consists in using the camera for acquiring the footprint image and, once it is selected, Thefirststepconsistsinusingthecameraforacquiringthefootprintimageand,onceitisselected, thealgorithmprocessestheimageandgivestheoutputbyautomaticallydrawingtheaforementioned lines,withtheirrespectivemeasurementsincentimeters,andcalculatingthethreeparameters. AsshowninFigure10,theGUIhassomeextrafunctionsthatgivetheuserthepossibilitytoadd newlines,ormodifyandremovelinesthatarealreadydrawnintheimage. Thisisperformedbecause theimageisplacedinthebottomofadrawingareawheretheusercantakemanuallymeasurements usingamouse. Thesoftwarerecordsthecoordinatesofthestartingpointandtheendingpointofthe newlinesotheconversionfrompixelstocentimeterscanbeperformed. Also,itrecognizeswhena clickisgiveninaspecificlinesoitcanbeeithermodifiedorerased. Therearefourtabsonthetopof theimage;eachoneincludesdifferentlinesdrawnbythesoftware. Forexample,thefirstoneincludes all the lines that the algorithm used for the detection of the three parameters. The rest of the tabs includejustthelinesusedfortheestimationoftheindexindicatedinitsowntitle. Sensors 2017, 17, 2700 9 of 16 the algorithm processes the image and gives the output by automatically drawing the aforementioned lines, with their respective measurements in centimeters, and calculating the three parameters. As shown in Figure 10, the GUI has some extra functions that give the user the possibility to add new lines, or modify and remove lines that are already drawn in the image. This is performed because the image is placed in the bottom of a drawing area where the user can take manually measurements using a mouse. The software records the coordinates of the starting point and the ending point of the new line so the conversion from pixels to centimeters can be performed. Also, it recognizes when a click is given in a specific line so it can be either modified or erased. There are four tabs on the top of the image; each one includes different lines drawn by the software. For example, the first one includes aSleln stohrse2 0li1n7e,1s7 ,th27a0t0 the algorithm used for the detection of the three parameters. The rest of the10 toafb1s7 include just the lines used for the estimation of the index indicated in its own title. Figure 10. The graphical user interface of the footprint analysis sensor. Figure10.Thegraphicaluserinterfaceofthefootprintanalysissensor. The parameters that result from the analysis of the footprint can be plotted and saved over time to graTphheicpaalrlya mobesteerrsveth tahter iemsuplrtofvroemmetnhte oafn tahley spiastoiefntth, easfo doetppircintetdc ainn Fbieguprloe t1te1d, aanndd tshaev eefdfeoctvievrentiemsse otof tghrea pphreicsaclrliybeodb sterrevaetmtheenti.m Tphreorvee amree nthtroefet hpeloptsa,t ioennet ,faosr deaepchic itneddeixn, Faingdu rtehe1 1in,adnedx cthaen ebfefe ocbtisveernveesds foofrt ehaecphr feosocrt iibneddetpreenadtmenetnlyt.. TFhinearellya,r ethteh rueseepr lhoatss, tohnee pfoosrseibaiclhityin tdoe exx,paonrdt aths ePiDndF eoxr cparninbte thoeb siemrvagede wfoirthe athche fdoroatwinnd lienpeesn. d ently. Finally,theuserhasthepossibilitytoexportasPDForprinttheimage withthedrawnlines.

Abstract: Manual measurements of foot anthropometry can lead to errors since this task involves the footprint indices and a clinical grading system.
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