:"> -i X SK ^S^/-j-he New Year is for many a time for new beginnings. For the people of Louisiana Conservationist /_^ I Louisiana, this has never been truer than in the aftermath of hurricanes ISSNU024-6778 Volume59, No. 1 Katrina and Rita. The devastating storms gave us all a new perspective on Baton Rouge, LA 70808 the fragile yet resilient nature of Louisiana, its people and its resources. Harsh winds and violent storm surges rendered many of our cities, forests Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Coiwruor Dioight Landreneau, Secretary and coasts unrecognizable. JaniceA. Lansing, Undersecretary W. ParkeMoore III, Asst. Secretary But the rebuilding process represents a new beginning that brings with it JBorhanndRtouSsasveoli,e,AsDsetp.uSteycrAestsatr.ySecretary an opportunity to foster a fresh perspective on Louisiana and its vast Wildlife andFisheries Commissioners ecosystems. Wayne Sagrera, Chairman, Abbeville J. TerryD. Denmon, ViceChairman, Monroe We are pleased to present the 2006 Louisiana Conservationist calendar, Earl P. King, Jr., Amelia FredericMiller Shreveport featuring stunning images of Louisiana species captured up close. At first PatricicC. Morrow, Opelousas glance they, too, may seem foreign and unrecognizable. A frog's eye HenryM. Mouton, Lafayette becomes mysterious, a butterfly wing, hypnotizing. But a simple step RobertSamanie, III, Houma back reveals the familiar big picture, sometimes surprising, but altogether DivisionAdministrators/Directors Bo Boehringer, Press Secretary more interesting and suddenly more beautiful. Phil Bowman, FurjRefuge BennieFontenot, Inland Fisheries This year we invite you to take a closer look at Louisiana and rediscover Karen Foote, MarineFisheries DavidMoreland, Wildlife the natural world thriving all around us, from the intricate details to the Col. Winton Vidrine, Enforcement reassuring big picture. Magazine Staff Marianne Burke, Public Information Director This new perspective has given all of us at Louisiana Conservationist a Thomas Gresham, Executive Editor new appreciation for our state and its resources. We hope these images JLiillndWailAslolne,n,EdCiitrocridationManager inspire you to take a closer look at Louisiana. You'll never see it the Darlene Butler Circulation Manager same way again... JAodelaCmouEritnncek,y,NeAiuodsioa/nVdisMueadliParoRdeulcattiioonnsMOafnfiacgeerr Selena Gardner AdministrativeCoordinator Happy New Year, BeckyRedmond, Publications Officer Louisiana Conservationist magazine staff Copyright2006bytheLouisianaDepartmentof WildlifeandFisheries. Thispublication is notresponsi- bleforunsolicitedmanuscripts,photographsorother materials. ATTENTION! LouisianaConservationist(USPS #320-300) is publishedbimonthlyby theLouisiana Departmentof WildlifeandFisheries,2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 7080S,225/765-291S. Periodicalpostagepaidat Louisiana Conservationist Subscribers Baton Rouge, LAandadditionalmailingoffices. POST- MASTER:sendaddresschanges toLouisiana We realize that many of you have been displaced by Hurricanes Conservationist. P.O. Box9S000, Baton Rouge,LA Katrina and Rita. In many cases, the bulk mailing of periodicals, 70S9S. Regulationsofthe U.S. DepartmentoftheInterior like Louisiana Conservationist, has been suspended due to the dam- strictlyprohibitunlaicfiildiscrimination indepartmen- age to many U.S. Post Office locations. Additionally, such period- talfederallyassistedprogramson thebasisofrace, icals cannot be forwarded, even ifyou have filled out a temporary cboelloire,vensathieonoarlsohreighians,baegeenodrishcarnidmicianpa.teAdnaygaipnesrtsoinnwahnyo change of address card at the post office. Please contact us so that program,activitx/orfacilityoperatedbyarecipientof we can update our records and make arrangements toprovideyou federalassistanceshoulduniteto: Director, Officefor with any issues you have missed or extend your subscription. Equal Opportunity, U.S. DepartmentoftheInterior, Washington,D.C. 20240. This public document was published at an average cost of Send your change of address to Louisiana Conservationist, S51,751.60. Approximately 23,500 copies of this document were publishedatanaverageprintingcostot323,910.44-Thetotalcostof P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000. Or call 225/765- all printing of this document averages S23.910.44 Thisdocument waspublishedforDepartmentofWildlifeandFisheries,2000Quail 2918 or email [email protected] for information about Drive,BatonRouge.Louisiana,70808,byLSUGraphicServices,to your subscription or to update your address. priralovwiadseIpnrfionrtmeadtiinonacocnorodutadnocoerwoiptphotrhteunsittaiensdairndLsoufiorsiparnian.tiTnhgibsymsattaet-e agenciesestablishedpursuanttoR.S.43:31.Printingofthismateri- alwaspurchasedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofTitle43ofthe LouisianaRevisedStatutes. 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