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Louisea, A New Genus Of Fresh water Crab (Brachyura, Potamoidea, Potamonautidae) For Globonautes macropus-Edeaensis Bott, 1969 From Cameroon PDF

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Preview Louisea, A New Genus Of Fresh water Crab (Brachyura, Potamoidea, Potamonautidae) For Globonautes macropus-Edeaensis Bott, 1969 From Cameroon

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 107(1), 1994, pp. 122-131 LOUISEA, A NEW GENUS OF FRESHWATER CRAB (BRACHYURA: POTAMOIDEA: POTAMONAUTIDAE) FOR GLOBONAUTES MACROPUS EDEAENSIS BOTT, 1969 FROM CAMEROON Neil Cumberlidge — Abstract. Globonautes macropus edeaensis Bott, 1969 and G. balssi Bott, 1959 from Cameroon are removed from the Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904 and reassigned to the Potamonautidae Bott, 1970. Globonautes m. edeaensis isrecognizedasavalidspecies, andisestablishedasthetypespeciesofLouisea, a monotypic new genus. Louisea is defined by a combination ofcharacters of the mandible, third maxilliped, cheliped, and gonopods 1 and 2. Louisea edeaensis is compared to, and distinguished from, other freshwater crabs oc- curring in West Africa. Globonautes balssi is close to Louisea but is regarded here as incertaesedis. A keyto the WestAfricangenera ofthe Potamonautidae is provided. TheAfrican family Potamonautidae Bott, (1987) examined the mandible ofG. balssi 1970 currently includes four genera, Pota- and concluded that this taxon also belongs monautes MacLeay, 1838, Sudanonautes in the Potamonautidae. Bott, 1955, Liberonautes Bott, 1955, and TheexactclassificationofG. m. edeaensis PotamonemusCumberlidge & Clark, 1992. and G. balssiwithin the Potamonautidae is Potamonautes is widely distributed more difficult. Thetwo species mostclosely throughoutsub-SaharanAfrica(Bott 1955), resemblemembersofPotamonemus, which Sudanonautes is found from Cote d'lvoire are also from the same part of Cameroon to Central Africa (Bott 1955; Monod 1977, (Cumberlidge & Clark 1992, Cumberlidge 1980; Cumberlidge 1989, 1993a),andL/^e- 1993b). Potamonemus is characterized by ronautes is found in West Africa west of a potamonautid-type mandibular palp (2- Ghana (Cumberlidge & Sachs 1989a, segmented, and ending in a single lobe) to- 1989b). Thefourthgenus, Potamonemus, is gether with a third maxilliped which com- known only from southwest Cameroon pletelylacksaflagellumontheexopod. Two (Cumberlidge & Clark 1992, Cumberlidge male specimens of G. m. edeaensis from 1993b). Cameroon, recently discovered in the Mu- The present work reappraises the taxon- seum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt-Uni- omy of two poorly known species from versitat, Berlin, Germany (ZMB), allow a Cameroon, G. macropus edeaensis Bott, complete re-assessment ofthis taxon. G. m. 1969, and Globonautes balssi Bott, 1959. edeaensis has a potamonautid-type man- Both species are presently included in the dibular palp, together with a third maxilli- Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904 (Bott 1959, ped which completely lacks a flagellum on 1969, 1970) but there is some doubt as to theexopod. However,diflferencesintheform the validity of these assignments. For ex- ofgonopod2ofG. m. edeaensisargueagainst ample, the form of the mandible of G. m. its inclusion in Potamonemus, or in any of edeaensis indicates that this species belongs the other three potamonautid freshwater in the Potamonautidae, while Cumberlidge crab genera known from Africa. The new VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 123 genus Louisea is therefore proposed to ac- Four dimensions of the carapace, cara- commodate G. m. edeaensis, which is des- pacelength,carapacewidth,carapaceheight, ignated the type species, and a key to the and front width—were recorded from each WestAfricangeneraofthe Potamonautidae specimen using digital calipers (Table 1). is provided. The relative proportions ofthe latter three Unfortunately, the position of G. balssi measurements (adjusted for body size, CL) cannotbeproperlyassessedbecausethemale of both species were calculated (Table 1). type specimen is in poor condition; there- The left mandible and the left gonopod 1 fore this taxon is regarded here as incertae and gonopod 2 were illustrated following sedis. removal from the specimens inorderto de- CW Thefollowingabbreviationsareused: scribe these structures from different angles = carapacewidthatwidestpoint; CL = car- and under magnification. Characters ofthe apace length, measured along median line; gonopods, carapace, and third maxillipeds CH = carapace height, maximum depth of ofthese specimens correspond closely with cephalothorax; FW = front width, width of those ofthe holotype. The carapace, man- frontmeasuredalonganterior margin; M = dible and other characters ofthe largest of male,F=female,ad=adult,juv=juvenile, thesespecimenswereillustrated.Thelength ovig = ovigerous; SMF = Natur-Museum of the propodus of the right and left che- und Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, lipeds ofall specimens was measured along Frankfurt am Main, Germany; USNM = the ventral margin (Table 2). National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; Louisea, new genus ZIM = Zoological Institute and Museum, Hamburg, Germany; ZSBS = Zoologische Globonautes Bon, 1959:995, pi. 1, figs. 1- Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Miin- 6; 1969:359; 1970:23. — chen, Germany. Type species. Globonautes macropus edeaensis Bott, 1969:360; 1970:24, pi. 1, Methods figs. 3-5, pi. 26, fig. 8. Diagnosis.—Mandibularpalp2-segment- The holotype ofL. edeaensis was loaned ed, terminal segment single (Fig. 3d, e). from the ZSBS; two other specimens dis- Third maxilliped lacking flagellum on ex- covered in the ZMB were subsequently opod (Fig. Ic). Terminal segment ofgono- loaned. The male holotype ofL. edeaenisis pod 1 directed outward, broad atbase, nar- in poor condition, and the entire left man- rowing sharply, final % almost S-shaped, dible and the palp ofthe right mandible are tube-like, end blunt, rounded; completely missing. Fortunatelytheotherspecimensof lacking longitudinal groove; subterminal L. edeaensisareingoodcondition,andwere segment of gonopod 1 very wide at base collectedinCameroonlessthan90kmfrom (Fig. Ig, h). Terminal segment ofgonopod the type locality. The male holotype of G. 2 flagellum-like, almost as long as subter- macropus (Rathbun, 1898) was examined minal segment (Fig. li). Dactylus of right in the USNM. cheliped ofadult male slim, propodus with Themaleholotypeandthesecondfemale large 3-peaked proximal tooth (Fig. le). paratype ofG. balssi were examined in the Propodus very long, as long as carapace SMF where they were on temporary loan. width. Anterior dorsal margin ofmerus of The male holotypeofG. balssiisajuvenile, chelipeds with 1 largejagged tooth close to andboth secondgonopodsaremissing. The distalend,rowsofsmallpointedteethalong female paratype ofG. balssi was examined rest ofmargin (Fig. la). Carapace distinctly in the ZIM. convex, halfcarapace length (mean CH/CL 124 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON = 0.46), carapace, anterolateral margin, curvingoutward(awayfrommedial lower margin of orbit, postfrontal crest, line); no intermediate tooth on the smooth (Fig. la, b). Exo-orbital, epibran- anterolateral margin between the chial teeth small, low, distinct intermediate exo-orbital tooth and the epibran- tooth present, vertical flank suture meeting chial tooth Potamonautes anterolateral margin at epibranchial tooth CW = (Fig. lb). Small species, mature at Louisea edeaensis (Bott, 1969) 22.0 mm. Figs. 1-3, Tables 1, 2 YaDbiasstsriibu(t4i°o3n2.'-N,Ed9e°5a8'(E3)°4a8r'eN,9100°k1m2'Ea)paarntd, GlobonautesmacropusedeaensisBott, 1969: in the rain forest zone ofthe Littoral Prov- 360; Bott, 1970:24, pi. 1, figs. 3-5, pi. 26, ince of southwest Cameroon. Edea lies on fig. 8; Cumberlidge, 1987:table 1. — the Sanaga River, while Yabassi lies on the Material examined. Holotype ofG. m. Wouri River. edeaensis, adult male, CW 22.52 mm, from Remarks.—This new genus ofthe Pota- Edea, Cameroon, Jan 1910, ZSBS 1118/1. monautidae is established to accommodate Two males, CWs 18.1, 13.7 mm, from Ya- Louisea edeaensis previously considered as bassi, Cameroon, coll. Riggenbach, ZMB asubspeciesofGlobonautesmacropusinthe 21575. HolotypeofG. balssi,juvenilemale, family Gecarcinucidae. CW 12.5 mm, ZIM K-3506; 2 female para- types, CW 22.0 mm, 13.5 mm, largest fe- male ovigerous, ZIM K-3506. All G. balssi Key to the Genera ofthe West African from Eosung, Bakossi highlands, Johann- Potamonautidae Albrecht-Hohe, 1060 m, Cameroon, coll. 1. Terminal segment gonopod 2 very CarlRathke, 10 Sep 1909. short, stump-like, y,o length ofsub- Type locality.—Edea., Cameroon. terminal segment 2 Description ofholotype.—Carapace (Fig. - Terminal segment gonopod 2 very la, b): Cephalothorax ovoid, widest in an- long, flagellum-like, equal in length teriorthird(CW/CL= 1.27), relativelyhigh, to subterminal segment 3 with maximum depth in anterior region 2. Third maxilliped with long flagel- (CH/CL = 0.51). Anterior margin offront lum on exopod Sudanonautes straight, curvingunder, frontrelativelynar- - Third maxilliped lacking flagellum row, about '/3 carapace width (FW/CW = on exopod Potamonemus 0.35). Surface ofcarapace smooth with no 3. Third maxilliped with long flagel- deep sutures. Postfrontal crest smooth, lum on exopod; terminal segment postorbital portions present, mid-groove gonopod 1 curved, tapering to broad, shallow, epigastric crests poorly de- pointed tip 4 fined, ending before meeting anterolateral - Third maxilliped lacking flagellum margins. Exo-orbital tooth small, low, epi- on exopod; terminal segment gon- branchial tooth present but almost unde- opod 1 weakly S-shaped, tube-like, tectable. Intermediate tooth on anterolat- with rounded end Louisea eral margin between exo-orbital and 4. Terminal segment of gonopod 1 epibranchial teeth. Anterolateral margin of curvinginward(towardmedialline); carapace smooth. Posterolateral margin intermediate tooth on the antero- curving inward, continuous with anterolat- lateral margin between the exo-or- eral margin. Posterior margin about % as bital tooth and the epibranchial wide as carapace width. tooth Liberonautes Each flank with 2 sutures, 1 longitudinal, - Terminal segment of gonopod 1 1 vertical, dividing flank into 3 parts (Fig. VOLUME 107, NUMBER 1 125 Fig. 1. Louisea edeaensis, holotype, adult male from Edea, Cameroon (CW 22.5 mm), ZSBS 1118/1. (a), whole animal, dorsal aspect; (b), carapace, frontal aspect; (c), left third maxilliped; (d), abdomen; (e), right cheliped,frontalview;(f),leftcheliped,frontalview;(g),leftmgomnopod 1,caudalmvmiew;(h),leftgmonmopod 1,cephalic view, (i), leftgonopod 2, caudalview. Scalebarequals 10 (a, b, d-f), 5 (c), and 2 (g-i). 126 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE BIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON I 1 Fig. 2. Louiseaedeaensis, from Yabassi, Cameroonmale(CW 18.1 mm), ZMB 21575, (a), carapace, dorsal aspect; (b), carapace, frontal aspect. Scale barequals 5 mm. lb).Longitudinalsuturedividingsuborbital segment single, undivided, rudimentary andsubhepaticregionsfrompterygostomial curvedflangeatjunctionbetweensegments, region,beginningatrespiratoryopeningand supporting fringe of long, soft hairs (Fig. curving backward across flank. Short ver- 3d). Abdomen triangular, sides not indent- tical suture dividing suborbital region from ed,terminalsegmentroundedatdistalmar- subhepatic region (Fig. lb); suture begin- gin (Fig. Id). ning at epibranchial tooth, curving forward Chelipeds (Fig. la, e, f) greatly unequal, under intermediate tooth, then curving right longer (22.6 mm), higher (10.2 mm) sharply down meeting longitudinal suture, than left (14.9 mm, 5.5 mm respectively). continuingroundtomedicalcomeroflower Dactylus of right cheliped narrow, teeth orbital margin, marked by row ofgranules. small, enclosing long narrow space when Groove between sternal segments 2 and 3 closed; propodus with large 3-peaked prox- complete; groove between sternal segments imal tooth, smaller teeth distally, palm 3and4consistingof2 smallnotchesatsides swollen. Propodus very long, as longas car- ofsternum. Third maxillipeds filling entire apace width. Anteriordorsal margin ofme- oral field, except for transversely oval effer- rus of right and left chelipeds with 1 large ent respiratory openings in superior lateral jaggedtoothclosetodistalend, rowsofsmall corners. Exopod ofthird maxilliped lacking roundteethalongrest ofmargin, outermar- flagellum (Fig. Ic). Ischium of third max- gin with 1 row of fainter granules. Carpus illiped smooth, with faint vertical groove. ofcheliped with 2 large pointed teeth, first Mandibular palp 2-segmented, terminal smaller than second. Left cheliped showing VOLUME 107, NUMBER 1 127 less enlargement, dactylus also narrow, en- ensis was briefly described by Bott (1969), closing narrow space, teeth smaller than without illustrations, and assigned to the those of right cheliped. Walking legs (pe- Gecarcinucidae. A more detailed descrip- reiopods 2-5) slender, P4 longest, P5 short- tion, including photographs ofthe carapace est. Dactyli P2-5 tapering to point, each and gonopod 1, appeared in a later work bearing rows of downward-pointing sharp (Bott 1970). There have been no furtherre- bristles, dactylusofP5 shortestofthe4 legs. ports ofBott's taxon since that time, other Terminal segment ofgonopod 1 (Fig. Ig- than briefcomparison with species ofGlo- i) directed outward, broad at base, final V3 bonautesbyCumberlidge(1987). Bott'stax- narrow, weakly S-shaped, tube-like, end on is here elevated to specific rank, and blunt, rounded; completely lacking longi- placed in the new genus Louisea. tudinal groove and bristles; subterminal It is interesting to speculate on why L. segmentgonopod 1 verywide atbase. Cau- edeaensis and G. balssi were originally as- dal face of subterminal segment forming signed to the Gecarcinucidae by earlier raised triangular flap extending halfway workers. One possibility could be that the across segment, flap tapering diagonally to small hard flange at the junction between point at junction with terminal segment, segments of the mandibular palp of these formingroofofchamberforgonopod 2; ce- taxa (which is partly obscured by a fringe phalic face ofsubterminal segment narrow, oflonghairs) was counted as a second lobe. forminglowerfloorofchamberforgonopod For example, Bott (1955, 1965) considered 2, extending outward forming wide plat- this feature to warrant subfamilial recog- form. Terminal segment ofgonopod 2 (Fig. nition for Madagascan crabs of the genus li) flagellum-like, extremely long. Subter- Hydrothelphusa A. Milne-Edwards, 1872, minalsegmentgonopod2wideatbase, oth- and erected the Hydrothelphusinae Bott, erwisealong, thin, slightlytapering, upright 1955, a subfamilyoftheGecarcinucidae, to process supporting long terminal segment. accommodate this genus. However, similar Variation.—Male from Yabassi (Fig. 2a, small flanges between the segments of the b) with large tooth close to distal end of mandibular palp are also found in Suda- anterior dorsal margin of merus of che- nonautesorthostylis(Bott 1955)andS.flow- lipeds, but this tooth not as large as in ho- eri (De Man 1901) and this feature has not lotype. First oftwo large pointed teeth on beenjudged to warrant familial recognition carpusofchelipedlargerthansecondinmale for these species which are all in the Pota- fromYabassi.Postfrontalcrestwelldefined, monautidae (Rathbun 1921, Cumberlidge meeting anterolateral margins in Yabassi 1993a). It should be noted that the Gecar- specimens, in contrast to that ofholotype. cinucidae and Pseudothelphusidae possess Distribution.—Between the Wouri and amandibularpalpwitha large, distinct sec- Sanaga rivers in the rain forest zone of ondlobewhich isa separate, hardenedpro- southwest Cameroon. cess restingonthe anteriorface ofthe man- S/ze.—Measurements given in Table 1. dible. Etymology.—ThegenusLouiseaisnamed for my wife. Dr. Louise M. Bourgault, a Generic Comparisons Professor of Mass Communications at Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Differences in the length ofthe terminal Michigan,U.S.A., inrecognitionofherded- segment ofgonopod 2, the form ofthe ter- icated support of African freshwater crab minal segment ofgonopod 1, and the form biology, an effort which she has maintained ofthethirdmaxillipedarediagnosticindis- for more than twelve years. tinguishingbetween Sudanonautes, Libero- Remarks.—Globonautes macropus edea- nautes, Potamonautes, and Potamonemus 128 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE BIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Fig. 3. Louisea edeaensis, from Yabassi, Cameroon male (CW 18.1 mm), ZMB 21575, (a), right cheliped, frontal view; (b), left cheliped, frontal view; (c), left third maxilliped; (d), left mandible anterior view; (e), left mandible posteriorview;(f), merusandcarpusofrightchelipedsuperiorview; (g), leftgonopod 1, caudalview; (h), left gonopod 1, cephalic view; (i), left gonopod 2, caudal view. Globonauies balssi from Johann-Albrecht- Hohn, Cameroon, paratype, adult female (CW 22.0 mm), ZIM K-3506; (j), right third maxilliped; (k), left mandibleanterior view. Globonauiesbalssifrom Johann-Albrecht-Hohn, Cameroon, male holotype (CW 12.5 VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 129 Table 1.—Carapace measurements(mm)andproportionsrelativetobodysize(CL)forallknown specimens ofLouiseaedeaensisand Globonautesbalssifrom Cameroon, West Africa. Sex cw CL CH FW CW/CL CH/CL FW/CL Louiseaedeaensis Holotype, ZSBS 1118/1 M 1. 22.5 17.8 9.1 7.93 1.27 0.51 0.45 ZMB, 21575 M 2. 18.1 13.1 7.4 6.3 1.38 0.41 0.48 M 3. 13.7 10.1 4.8 4.8 1.36 0.48 0.48 Globonautesbalssi Holotype, ZIM K3506 1. MGuv) 13.5 10.5 5.5 5.0 1.29 0.52 0.48 Paratypes,ZIM K3506 2. F(ad, ovig) 22.0 15.5 10.0 7.0 1.42 0.65 0.45 3. FOuv) 12.5 9.5 5.0 4.5 1.32 0.53 0.47 (Bott 1955, Cumberlidge&Clark 1992). Of therefore not closely related to Louisea. these four genera, Louisea most closely re- Members of Sudanonautes can be distin- sembles Potamonautes and Liberonautes, guished from Louisea using the same char- since gonopod 2 in species ofthese genera acters ofthe third maxilliped and gonopod hasalong, flagellate, terminal segment, and 1 outlined above forPotamonautesandLi- the mandibular palp has a single-lobed ter- beronautes. While Potamonemus and Lou- minal segment. However, characters ofthe isea both lack a flagellum on the exopod of third maxilliped andgonopod 1 clearly dis- thethirdmaxilliped, theycanbeclearlydis- tinguish Louisea from these two genera. In tinguishedbythelengthoftheterminal seg- both Potamonautes and Liberonautes the ment ofgonopod 2: it is extremely short in exopod ofthe third maxilliped possesses a flagellum, andthe terminal segmentofgon- Table2.—Measurements(mm)ofrightandleftche- opod 1 curvesevenlyandtaperstoapointed liped length (RCL and LCL), and height (RCH and tip(Bott 1955,Cumberlidge&Sachs 1989a, LCH) for all known specimens ofLouisea edeaensis 1989b). In Louisea the exopod ofthe third and Globonautesbalssifrom Cameroon, WestAfrica. maxilliped lacks a flagellum, and the ter- minal segment of gonopod 1 is S-shaped, Sex CW RCL LCL RCH LCH tube-like, andhas ablunt, roundedend. Li- Louiseaedeaensis beronautescanfurtherbeeliminatedonbio- Holotype, ZSBS 1118/1 M geographic grounds since members ofthis 1. 22.5 22.6 14.9 10.2 5.5 genus are not found east of Ghana (Cum- ZMB, 21575 M berlidge & Sachs 1989a, 1989b). 2. M 18.1 15.4 7.3 7.5 3.9 The other two potamonautid genera oc- 3. 13.7 9.9 8.7 4.7 2.7 curring in Cameroon {Sudanonautes and Globonautesbalssi Potamonemus) possess a second gonopod Paratype, ZIM K3506 with a short terminal segment, and are 1. F(ad, ovig) 22.0 14.0 14.0 5.5 5.0 mm), ZIMmKm-3506; (1), right gomnompod 1, caudal view, based on Bott (1959, Fig. 7). Scale bar equals 5 mm (d-f, k), 2 (a-c, g-i), and 2 (j)- 130 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Potamonemus and extremely long in Lou- ments 3 and 4 consists of 2 small notches isea. Fortheabovereasons,L. edeaensishas at the sides ofthe sternum; (8) the exo-or- been removed from its former designation bitaltoothissmallandlow,theepibranchial as a subspecies ofGlobonautes macropus in tooth is present but is almost undetectable the family Gecarcinucidae, and placed in (Figs, la, b, 2a, b); (9) the carapace is rel- the new monotypic genus Louisea in the atively high (CH/CL = 0.51 L. edeaensis, family Potamonautidae. 0.65 G. balssi); and (10) both species are The single-lobed terminal segment ofthe small, reaching maturity at CW 22.0 mm. mandibular palp of G. balssi led Cumber- The following are reasons why G. balssi lidge (1987) to doubt its assignment to the is not included here in Potamonemus: (1) Gecarcinucidae, and therefore, to Globo- the terminal segment ofgonopod 1 ofPo- nautes. Indeed, the form ofthe mandibular tamonemus is evenly curved, with a clear palp, and the lack ofa flagellum on the ex- longitudinal groove (Cumberlidge & Clark opodite ofthe third maxilliped ofG. balssi, 1992, Cumberlidge 1993b), whereas that of position this taxon close to either Louisea L. edeaensis and G. balssi is S-shaped, tu- or to Potamonemus. The best way to dis- bular, and lacks a groove (Figs. Ig, h, 31); tinguish between these two genera is by an (2) the anterolateral margin ofPotamone- examination ofgonopod 2: ashortterminal mus lacks an intermediate tooth on the an- segment would place G. balssi in Potamo- terolateral margin, whereas bothL. edeaen- nemus, while a long, flagellate terminal seg- sisand G. balssipossess a small butdistinct ment would place G. balssi in Louisea. intermediate tooth (Figs, la, b, 2a, b); (3) However, gonopod 2 ofG. balssiis missing the carapace ofPotamonemus is relatively onboth sidesin the holotype, the only male flatter (CH/CL = 0.47-0.49, Cumberlidge specimen. For this reason G. balssi is re- 1993b) than that ofboth L. edeaensis and gardedas incertae sedis until more material G. balssi (CH/CL = 0.51 and 0.65 respec- is available. tively). Despite these differences the following Finally, the most recent specimens ofL. important characters are shared by both G. edeaensis were collected in 1910, and the balssi and L. edeaensis: (1) the mandibular specieshasnotbeenencounteredsince.This palp is 2-segmented and the terminal seg- is undoubtedly due in part to difficulties in ment is a single lobe (Fig. 3d, e, k); (2) the the identification offreshwater crabs from exopod ofthe third maxilliped lacks a fla- Cameroon, but it may also indicate that gellum (Figs. Ic, 3j); (3) the terminal seg- Louisea is a rare, and possibly endangered, ment ofgonopod 1 is weakly S-shaped, tu- rain forest species. bular, and is not grooved (Figs. Ig, h, 31); (4) there is a distinct intermediate tooth on Acknowledgments the anterolateral margin between the exo- orbital and epibranchial teeth (Figs, la, b, I am verygrateful to Dr. L. Tiefenbacher, 2a, b); (5) the vertical flank suture on the of the Zoologische Sammlung des Bayer- flankbeginsattheepibranchialtooth,curves ischen Staates, Miinchen, Germany for forward under the intermediate tooth, and loaning the holotype of Globonautes m. finallycurvessharplydown tomeetthelon- edeaensis. I acknowledge the kind hospital- gitudinal suture on the flank (Figs, lb, 2b); ity and helpfulness of Dr. Hartmann and (6) the postfrontal crest is smooth, poorly Dr. G. AndreoftheZoological Instituteand defined, and ends before meeting the an- Museum, Hamburg, Germany. I also thank terolateralmargins(Fig. la,b);(7)thegroove Prof Dr. H. E. Gruner ofthe Zoologische between sternal segments 2 and 3 is com- Museum of the Humboldt-Universitat, plete, while the groove between sternal seg- Berlin for loaning specimens of Louisea — VOLUME 107, NUMBER 1 131 edeaensis, and for his helpful cooperation , & R. Sachs. 1989a. A key to the crabs of duringavisit. IespeciallythankartistsAnne Liberian freshwaters.—Zeitschrift fiir Ange- wandteZoologie 76:221-229. C. Martin and Jon C. Bedick ofNorthern Michigan University, U.S.A., for their skill A.fr1i9c8a9nb.freTshhrwaeteernecwrabsubLsipbeecwineasutofesthleatWideasct- and patience in producing the illustrations tylus (DeMan, 1903) from Liberia, with notes used in this paper. Part of this work was on their ecology.—Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte supported by a Faculty Grant from North- Zoologie 76:425-439. emMichiganUniversity, Marquette, Mich- DeMan,J.G. 1901. Descriptionofanewfreshwater Crustacea from the Soudan; followed by some igan, U.S.A. remarks on an allied Species.—Proceedings of theZoologicalSocietyofLondon94-104(pages). Literature Cited MacLeay,W. S. 1838. IllustrationsoftheZoologyof South Africa; beinga Portion ofthe Objects of Bott, R. 1955. 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