Loss of Resolution for the Time Reversal of Waves in Random Underwater Acoustic Channels Christophe Gomez∗ January 26, 2012 Abstract Inthispaperweanalyzeatime-reversalexperimentinarandomunderwateracousticchannel. 2 In this kind of waveguide with semi-infinite cross section a propagating field can be decomposed 1 0 overthreekindsofmodes: thepropagatingmodes,theradiatingmodesandtheevanescentmodes. 2 Usinganasymptoticanalysisbasedonaseparationofscalestechniquewederivetheasymptotic form of the the coupled mode power equation for the propagating modes. This approximation is n usedtocomputethetransverseprofileoftherefocusedfieldandshowthatrandominhomogeneities a J inside the waveguide deteriorate the spatial refocusing. This result, in an underwater acoustic channel context, is in contradiction with the classical results about time-reversal experiment in 4 other configurations, for which randomness in the propagation medium enhances the refocusing. 2 ] Key words. acoustic waveguides, random media, asymptotic analysis P A AMS subject classification. 76B15, 35Q99, 60F05 . h t Introduction a m [ Thetime-reversalexperimentsofM.FinkandhisgroupinParishaveattractedconsiderableattention because of the surprising effect of enhanced spatial focusing and time compression in random media. 1 The refocusing properties have numerous interesting applications, in detection, destruction of kidney v stones, and wireless communication for instance. This experiment is in two steps. In the first step 7 5 (see Figure 1 (a)), a source sends a pulse into a medium. The wave propagates and is recorded by 1 a device called a time-reversal mirror. A time-reversal mirror is a device that can receive a signal, 5 recordit,andresendittime-reversedintothemedium. Inthesecondstep(seeFigure1(b)),thewave . 1 emitted by the time-reversal mirror has the property of refocusing near the original source location. 0 However, surprisingly, it has been observed that random inhomogeneities enhance refocusing [7, 8]. 2 Time-reversal refocusing in one-dimensional propagation media is carried out in [6, 10]. In three- 1 dimensional randomly layered media [9], in the paraxial approximation [3, 5, 21], and in random : v waveguides[10,12],ithasbeenshownthatthefocalspotcanbesmallerthantheRayleighresolution i X formula λL/D (where λ is the carrier wavelength, L is the propagation distance, and D is the mirror diameter),butthefocalspotisstilllargerthanthediffractionlimitλ/2. Moreover,in[14]theauthor r a propose a setup in a waveguide with random perturbations in the vicinity of the source in order to obtain a superresolution effect, that is to refocus beyond the diffraction limit with a far-field time- reversalmirror. Thesetupwasinspiredfrom[20]describingthissuperresolutioneffectexperimentally. Time reversal of a broadband pulse, in the case of a waveguide with a bounded cross-section and Dirichlet boundary conditions, is carried out in [12] and [10, Chapter 20]. In underwater acoustics the waveguide model (see Figure 1) has a semi-infinite cross section, and therefore a wave field can be decomposed into three kinds of modes: the propagating modes, the evanescent modes, and the radiating modes. Consequently, waveguides with bounded cross-sections does not take into account radiationlosseswhichcanbeencounteredinunderwateracoustics. Moreover,therefocusingenhance- ment of the time-reversal experiment in random waveguides is closely related to the propagation of the propagating modes power in the random medium. For waveguides with bounded cross-sections ∗Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Building 380, Sloan Hall Stanford, California 94305 USA ([email protected]). Tel: +(1)650-723-1968. Fax: +(1)650-725-4066. 1 Source Ocean Source Ocean Time−reversal Time−reversal mirror mirror Bottom Bottom (a) (b) Figure 1: Representation of the time-reversal experiment. In (a) we represent the first step of the experiment, and in (b) we represent the second step of the experiment. the total propagating mode power is conserved and even uniformly distributed after long-range prop- agations[10,12], thatiswhyrefocusingenhancementcanbeobserved. Inunderwateracoustics, with a far-field time-reversal mirror only the propagating modes contribute to the focal spot, and it has been shown [15, 17] that the presence of radiating modes produces an effective dissipation on the propagatingmodes,whichcannotbefullycompensatedbytimereversal. Asaresult,incontrastwith all the results listed above regarding improvement of the time-reversal focusing thanks to the ran- dom perturbations in the propagation medium, we show in this paper that random inhomogeneities in a context of underwater acoustics deteriorate the refocusing property. The deterioration of the refocusing property for the time-reversal experiment has already been observed in [1]. However, in there context the authors considered a thermo-viscous wave model to incorporate viscosity effects in wave propagation. In our context, the deterioration of the refocusing is only due to the random in- homogeneities and the geometry of the propagation media. Therefore, it is interesting to understand these effects and to characterize them on the focal spot resulting from the time-reversal experiment. The main result of this paper is the analysis of the radiation losses on the refocused wave in the time-reversal experiment in a context of underwater acoustics. In Theorem 3.7 and Theorem 3.8, we show that the radiative losses affect the quality of the time-reversal refocusing in two different ways. First, as expected according to the results obtained in [15], the amplitude of the refocused wave decays exponentially with the propagation distance. Second, the width of the main focal spot increases and converges to an asymptotic value, which is larger than the diffraction limit λ /(2θ) oc obtained in Proposition 3.1 (where λ is the carrier wavelength in the ocean section with index of oc p refraction n , and θ = 1−1/n2). 1 1 The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 1 we introduce the underwater waveguide modelstudiedindetailin[24],andinSection2wepresentthemodedecompositionassociatedtothis modelandwederivethecoupledmodeequations. InSection3westudythetime-reversalexperiment. Wedescribeinasimplewaytherefocusedtransverseprofileintermsofthesolutionofthecontinuous diffusive model obtained in [15], and describing the mode-power coupling between the propagating and radiating modes.Thanks to this representation we show that the quality of the time-reversal refocusing is deteriorated by the radiative losses in the ocean bottom. 1 Waveguide Model We consider a two-dimensional linear acoustic waveguide model. The conservation equations of mass and linear momentum are given by ∂u ρ(x,z) +∇p=F(cid:15), ∂t q (1) 1 ∂p +∇.u=0, K(x,z) ∂t where p is the acoustic pressure, u is the acoustic velocity, ρ is the density of the medium, K is the bulk modulus, and the source is modeled by the forcing term F(cid:15)(t,x,z) given by q F(cid:15)(t,x,z)=Ψ(cid:15)(t,x)δ(z−L )e . S z 2 Figure 2: Illustration of the shallow-water waveguide model. The third coordinate z represents the propagation axis along the waveguide. The transverse section of the waveguide is the semi-infinite interval [0,+∞), and x ∈ [0,+∞) represents the transverse coordinate. Here, F(cid:15) represents a point source localized at z = L , pointing in the z-direction, S with temporal and transverse profile given by Ψ(cid:15)(t,x). Let d > 0 be the bottom of the underwater waveguide, the medium parameters are given by √ 1 (cid:0)n2(x)+ (cid:15)V(x,z)(cid:1) if x∈[0,d], z ∈[0,L/(cid:15)] 1 K¯ x∈[0,+∞), z ∈(−∞,0)∪(L/(cid:15),+∞) = K(x,z) 1n2(x) if or K¯ x∈(d,+∞), z ∈(−∞,+∞). ρ(x,z)=ρ¯ if x∈[0,+∞), z ∈R, and where V is a stochastic process describing the random perturbation of the propagation medium (seeFigure2foranillustrationoftherandomunderwaterwaveguidemodel). Inthispaperweconsider the Pekeris waveguide model. This kind of model has been studied for half a century [22] and in this model the index of refraction n(x) is given by (cid:26) n >1 if x∈[0,d) n(x)= 1 1 if x∈[d,+∞). The Pekeris profile models an ocean with a constant sound speed, and where d represents the ocean depth. Conditions corresponding to the Pekeris model can be found during the winter in Earth’s mid latitudes and in water shallower than about 30 meters. The perturbation V is assumed to be a continuous real-valued zero-mean stationary stochastic process with φ-mixing properties [19]. More precisely, let F =F =σ(V(x,z), x∈[0,d], 0≤z ≤u) and F =σ(V(x,z), x∈[0,d], ,u≤z), u 0,u u,+∞ we assume that sup |P(A|B)−P(A)|≤φ(u). v≥0 A∈Fu+v,+∞ B∈F0,v This φ-mixing property describes the decorrelating behavior of the random perturbation V through the nonnegative function φ ∈ L1(R)∩L1/2(R) characterizing the decorrelation speed. Throughout this paper, for the sake of simplicity and for explicit computations in Section 3.9.2 and Section 3.9.3, we assume that the autocorrelation function of the random perturbation V is given by E[V(x ,z )V(x ,z )]=γ (x ,x )e−a|z1−z2| ∀(z ,z ,x ,x )∈[0,+∞)2×[0,d]2. 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 From the conservation equations (1), we derive the wave equation for the pressure field, 1 ∂2p ∆p− =∇.F(cid:15), c(x,z)2 ∂t2 3 q where c(x,z) = pK(x,z)/ρ(x,z) is the sound speed profile, ∆ = ∂2 + ∂2, and c = K¯/ρ¯. In x z underwater acoustics it is natural to use a pressure-release condition since the density of air is very small compared to the density of water. As a result, the pressure is very weak outside the waveguide, and by continuity, the pressure at the free surface x = 0 is zero. This consideration leads us to consider the Dirichlet boundary conditions p(t,0,z)=0 ∀(t,z)∈[0,+∞)×R. To study the focusing property of the time-reversal experiment we need to understand the wave propagationintherandommedium. Todothat,weuseaseparationofscaletechniqueintroducedby G.Papanicolaouandhiscoauthorsin[2]forinstance. Theimportantscaleparametersinourproblem are: thewavelength,thecorrelationlengthandthestandarddeviationofthemediuminhomogeneities, the propagation distance, and bandwidth of the pulse. This last scale parameter plays a key role in the statistical stability of the time-reversal experiment. First of all, the model of wave propagation considered in this paper is a linear models, so that the pressurep(t,x,z)canbeexpressedasthesuperpositionofmonochromaticwavesbytakingitsFourier transform. Here, the Fourier transform and the inverse Fourier transform, with respect to time, are defined by Z 1 Z fb(ω)= f(t)eiωtdt, f(t)= fb(ω)e−iωtdω. 2π Asaresult,inthehalf-spacez >L (resp.,z <L ),wegetthatp(ω,x,z)satisfiesthetime-harmonic S S b wave equation without source term √ ∂2p(ω,x,z)+∂2p(ω,x,z)+k2(ω)n2(x)p(ω,x,z)+ (cid:15)V(x,z)p(ω,x,z)1 (x)1 (z)=0, (2) zb xb b b [0,d] [0,L/(cid:15)] where k(ω)=ω/c is the wavenumber, and with Dirichlet boundary conditions p(ω,0,z)=0 ∀z. The b source term does not appear in (2) but induces the following jump conditions for the pressure field across the plane z =L S pb(ω,x,L+S)−pb(ω,x,L−S) = Ψb(ω,x), (3) ∂ p(ω,x,L+)−∂ p(ω,x,L−) = 0. zb S zb S To study (2), we consider this equation as an operational differential equation d2 (cid:0) (cid:1) √ p(ω,.,z)+R(ω) p(ω,.,z) + (cid:15)V(·,z)p(ω,.,z)1 (·)1 (z)=0 dz2b b b [0,d] [0,L/(cid:15)] in H =L2(0,+∞), where R(ω) is an unbounded operator on H with domain D(R(ω))=H1(0,+∞)∩H2(0,+∞), 0 and defined by d2 R(ω)(y)= y+k2(ω)n2(x)y ∀y ∈D(R(ω)). (4) dx2 In the next section we introduce the spectral decomposition of the operator R(ω) [24]. This decom- position we will be used in what follows to decompose the field p(ω,x,z) and then understand the b stochastic effects undergoes during the propagation. 1.1 Spectral Decomposition in Unperturbed Waveguides Thespectralanalysisoftheself-adjointPekerisoperator(4)iscarriedoutin[24]. Tousethisspectral decomposition, we are interested in solutions of (2) such that (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) p(ω,.,.)1 (z)∈C0 (L ,+∞),H1(0,+∞)∩H2(0,+∞) ∩C2 (L ,+∞),H , b (LS,+∞) S 0 S (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) p(ω,.,.)1 (z)∈C0 (−∞,L ),H1(0,+∞)∩H2(0,+∞) ∩C2 (−∞,L ),H . b (−∞,LS) S 0 S According to [24], the spectrum of the unbounded operator (4) is given by Sp(cid:0)R(ω)(cid:1)=(cid:0)−∞,k2(ω)(cid:3)∪(cid:8)β2 (ω),...,β2(ω)(cid:9). N(ω) 1 4 The continuous part of the spectrum comes from the fact that our waveguide model is semi-infinite. For the discrete part, the modal wavenumber β (ω) are positive and j k2(ω)<β2 (ω)<···<β2(ω)<n2k2(ω). N(ω) 1 1 Regarding the spectral decomposition, there exists a resolution of the identity Π of R(ω) such that ω ∀y ∈H, ∀r ∈R, N(ω) Π (r,+∞)(y)(x)= X (cid:10)y,φ (ω,.)(cid:11) φ (ω,x)1 (cid:0)β (ω)2(cid:1) ω j H j (r,+∞) j j=1 Z k2(ω) (cid:10) (cid:11) + y,φ (ω,.) φ (ω,x)dγ1 (r), γ H γ (−∞,k2(ω)) r and ∀y ∈D(R(ω)), ∀r ∈R, N(ω) Π (r,+∞)(R(ω)(y))(x)= X β (ω)2(cid:10)y,φ (ω,.)(cid:11) φ (ω,x)1 (cid:0)β (ω)2(cid:1) ω j j H j (r,+∞) j j=1 Z k2(ω) (cid:10) (cid:11) + γ y,φ (ω,x) φ (ω,x)dγ1 (r). γ H γ (−∞,k2(ω)) r Let us describe more closely the discrete and the continuous part of the decompositions. (cid:8) (cid:9) Discrete part of the decomposition ∀j ∈ 1,...,N(ω) , the jth eigenvector is given in [24] by (cid:26) A (ω)sin(σ (ω)x/d) if 0≤x≤d j j φ (ω,x)= j Aj(ω)sin(σj(ω))e−ζj(ω)x−dd if d≤x, where q q σ (ω)=d n2k2(ω)−β2(ω), ζ (ω)=d β2(ω)−k2(ω), j 1 j j j and v u 2/d A (ω)=u . (5) j t1+ sin2(σj(ω)) − sin(2σj(ω)) ζj(ω) 2σj(ω) Here, σ (ω),...,σ (ω) are the solutions on (0,n k(ω)dθ) of the following equation, 1 N(ω) 1 y tan(y)=− , (6) p (n kdθ)2−y2 1 p and such that 0<σ (ω)<···<σ (ω)<n k(ω)dθ, with θ = 1−1/n2. This last equation ad- 1 N(ω) 1 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) mitsexactlyonesolutionovereachintervaloftheform π/2+(j−1)π,π/2+jπ forj ∈{1,...,N(ω)}, where (cid:20) (cid:21) n k(ω)d N(ω)= 1 θ , π and [·] stands for the integer part. From (6), we have the following results [16] which are used to obtain the main result of this paper in Section 3.9.3. Lemma 1.1 Let α∈(1/3,1), we have as N(ω)→+∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) sup |σj+1(ω)−σj(ω)−π|=O N(ω)21−23α . j∈{1,...,N(ω)−[N(ω)α]−1} sup (cid:12)(cid:12)σj+2(ω)−2σj+1(ω)+σj(ω)(cid:1)(cid:12)(cid:12)=O(cid:0)N(ω)1−3α(cid:1). j∈{1,...,N(ω)−[N(ω)α]−2} 5 Let us note that, ∀η ∈[0,1[, we have sup |σ (ω)−jπ|=O(N(ω)α−1), (7) j j∈{1,...,N(ω)α} and lim sup kφ (ω,·)−φ (·)k =0 j j H N(ω)→+∞j∈{1,...,N(ω)α} with ( q 2sin(jπx) if x∈[0,d] φ (x)= d d j 0 if x≥d. This result means that in the limit of large number of propagating modes the low order propagat- ing modes are very similar in shape to those of a perfect bounded waveguide with pressure-release boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = d. This approximation does not hold anymore for high or- der propagating modes, but the results of Lemma 1.1 mean that the distribution of solutions of (6) is closed to the distribution of the eigenvalues of the transverse Laplacian associated to a perfect bounded waveguide with pressure-release boundary conditions at x=0 and x=d. Continuous part of the decomposition For γ ∈(−∞,k2(ω)), we have [24] φ (ω,x)= γ ( A (ω)sin(η(ω)x/d) if 0≤x≤d γ A (ω)(cid:16)sin(η(ω))cos(cid:0)ξ(ω)x−d(cid:1)+ η(ω)cos(η(ω))sin(cid:0)ξ(ω)x−d(cid:1)(cid:17) if d≤x, γ d ξ(ω) d where q p η(ω)=d n2k2(ω)−γ, ξ(ω)=d k2(ω)−γ, 1 and s dξ(ω) A (ω)= . γ π(cid:0)ξ2(ω)sin2(η(ω))+η2(ω)cos2(η(ω))(cid:1) (cid:10) (cid:11) Let us note that φ (ω,.) does not belong to H so that y,φ (ω,.) is not defined in the classical γ γ H way. In fact, we have Z M (cid:10) (cid:11) y,φ (ω,.) = lim y(x)φ (ω,x)dx γ H M→+∞ 0 γ where the limit holds on L2(cid:0)−∞,k2(ω)(cid:1). Moreover, according to the following Plancherel equality N(ω) Z k2(ω) kyk2H =kΠω(−∞,+∞)(y)k2H = X (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:10)y,φj(ω,.)(cid:11)H(cid:12)(cid:12)2+ (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:10)y,φγ(ω,.)(cid:11)H(cid:12)(cid:12)2dγ, j=1 −∞ the map which assigns to every element of H the coefficients of its spectral decomposition Θ :H −→ Hω ω (cid:16)(cid:0)(cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:1) (cid:17) y −→ y,φ (ω,.) , y,φ (ω,.) j H j=1,...,N(ω) γ H γ∈(−∞,k2(ω)) is an isometry, from H onto Hω =CN(ω)×L2(cid:0)−∞,k2(ω)(cid:1). 2 Mode Coupling in Random Waveguides Before describing the time-reversal experiment in our randomly perturbed waveguide model, we need tounderstandhowthewaveisperturbedduringthepropagationthroughthemedium. Inthissection, we study the random effects produced on the modal decomposition of p(ω,x,z) propagating in the b perturbed section [0,L/(cid:15)]. Using the resolution of the identity Π associated to Pekeris operator R(ω), we have ω N(ω) Z k2(ω) X p(ω,x,z)= p (ω,z)φ (ω,x)+ p (ω,z)φ (ω,x)dγ, b bj j bγ γ j=1 −∞ 6 where p(ω,z)=Θ (p(ω,.,z)) and Θ is defined in Section 1.1. b ω b ω For the sake of simplicity in the presentation of the forthcoming asymptotic analysis, we will restrict ourself to solutions of the form N(ω) Z k2(ω) X p(ω,x,z)= p (ω,z)φ (ω,x)+ p (ω,z)φ (ω,x)dγ. (8) b bj j bγ γ j=1 ξ Thisassumptionistantamounttoneglectingtheroleplayedbytheevanescentmodesduringtheprop- agation in the random medium. Nevertheless, as it has been observed in [15, 10] that these modes play no role in the refocusing process. The reason is that these modes only imply a mode-dependent and a frequency-dependent phase modulations without remove any energy from the propagating and radiating modes, However, the dispersion phenomena are compensated by the time-reversal mecha- nism. Moreover, we assume that (cid:15)(cid:28)ξ and therefore we have two distinct scales. We will consider in a first time the asymptotic (cid:15) goes to 0 and in a second time the asymptotic ξ goes to 0. 2.1 Coupled Mode Equations Accordingtothepressurefielddecomposition(8),wegiveinthissectionthecoupledmodeequations, which describes the coupling mechanism between the amplitudes of the two kinds of modes, prop- agating and radiating modes. In the random section [0,L/(cid:15)], p(ω,z) satisfies the following coupled b equation in Hω =CN(ω)×L2(ξ,k2(ω)). ξ d2 √ NX(ω) p (ω,z)+β2(ω)p (ω,z)+ (cid:15)k2(ω) Cω(z)p (ω,z) dz2bj j bj jl bl l=1 √ Z k2(ω) + (cid:15)k2(ω) Cω (z)p (ω,z)dγ0 =0, jγ0 bγ0 ξ (9) d2 √ NX(ω) p (ω,z)+γ p (ω,z)+ (cid:15)k2(ω) Cω(z)p (ω,z) dz2bγ bγ γl bl l=1 √ Z k2(ω) + (cid:15)k2(ω) Cω (z)p (ω,z)dγ0 =0, γγ0 bγ0 ξ where the coupling coefficients Cω(z) are defined by: Z d Cω(z)=(cid:10)φ (ω,.),φ (ω,.)V(.,z)(cid:11) = φ (ω,x)φ (ω,x)V(x,z)dx, jl j l H j l 0 Z d Cω (z)=C (z)=(cid:10)φ (ω,.),φ (ω,.)V(.,z)(cid:11) = φ (ω,x)φ (ω,x)V(x,z)dx, (10) jγ γj j γ H j γ 0 Z d Cω (z)=(cid:10)φ (ω,.),φ (ω,.)V(.,z)(cid:11) = φ (ω,x)φ (ω,x)V(x,z)dx. γγ0 γ γ0 H γ γ0 0 Next, we decompose the wave field p(ω,z) using the amplitudes of the generalized right- and b left-going modes ba(ω,z) andbb(ω,z), which are given by 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) pbj(ω,z)= p baj(ω,z)eiβj(ω)z+bbj(ω,z)e−iβj(ω)z , β (ω) j d q (cid:16) (cid:17) dzpbj(ω,z)=i βj(ω) baj(ω,z)eiβj(ω)z−bbj(ω,z)e−iβj(ω)z , 1 (cid:16) √ √ (cid:17) pbγ(ω,z)= γ1/4 baγ(ω,z)ei γz +bbγ(ω,z)e−i γz , d (cid:16) √ √ (cid:17) dzpbγ(ω,z)=iγ1/4 baγ(ω,z)ei γz−bbγ(ω,z)e−i γz ∀j ∈(cid:8)1,...,N(ω)(cid:9)andalmosteveryγ ∈(ξ,k2(ω)). From(9),thisdecompositionallowsustoobtain a first order differential system instead of a second order one, so that we obtain the coupled mode 7 equation in Hξω×Hξω for the amplitudes (ba,bb), ddzba(ω,z)=√(cid:15)Haa(ω,z)(cid:0)ba(ω,z)(cid:1)+√(cid:15)Hab(ω,z)(cid:0)bb(ω,z)(cid:1) (11) ddzbb(ω,z)=√(cid:15)Hba(ω,z)(cid:0)ba(ω,z)(cid:1)+√(cid:15)Hbb(ω,z)(cid:0)bb(ω,z)(cid:1). (12) This system is complemented with the boundary conditions (cid:18) (cid:19) L ba(ω,0)=ba(cid:15)0(ω) and bb ω, (cid:15) =0 where p β (ω) ba(cid:15)j,0(ω)= 2j (cid:10)Ψb(cid:15)(ω,·),φj(ω)(cid:11)He−iβj(ω)LS, ∀j ∈(cid:8)1,...,N(ω)(cid:9), (13) ba(cid:15)γ,0(ω)= γ12/4(cid:10)Ψb(cid:15)(ω,·),φγ(ω)(cid:11)He−i√γLS, for almost every γ ∈(ξ,k2(ω)). (cid:8) (cid:9) For j ∈ 1,...,N(ω) , a (ω ) represents the initial amplitude of the jth propagating mode, and bj,0 0 for γ ∈ (ξ,k2(ω)), a (ω) represents the initial amplitude of the γth radiating mode at z = 0. The bγ,0 initial conditions for the right-going mode a (ω ) comes from (3), and the second condition for the b0 0 left-goingmodesmeansthatnowaveiscomingfromtherighthomogeneouswaveguide. Thecoupling operator Haa(ω,z), Hab(ω,z), Hba(ω,z), and Hbb(ω,z) in (11) and (12) are defined by: Haja(ω,z)(y)=Hbjb(ω,z)(y)= ik22(ω)hNX(ω)pβC(jωωl()zβ)(ω)ylei(βl(ω)−βj(ω))z l=1 j l Z k2(ω) Cω (z) √ i + q jγ0 √ yγ0ei( γ0−βj(ω))zdγ0 , ξ β (ω) γ0 j Haγa(ω,z)(y)=Hbγb(ω,z)(y)= ik22(ω)hNX(ω)pC√γωγlβ(z()ω)ylei(βl(ω)−√γ)z l=1 l +Z k2(ω) Cγωγ0(z) y ei(√γ0−√γ)zdγ0i, γ1/4γ01/4 γ0 ξ Hajb(ω,z)(y)=Hbja(ω,z)(y)= ik22(ω)hNX(ω)pβC(jωωl()zβ)(ω)yle−i(βl(ω)+βj(ω))z l=1 j l Z k2(ω) Cω (z) √ i + q jγ0 √ yγ0e−i( γ0+βj(ω))zdγ0 , ξ β (ω) γ0 j Haγb(ω,z)(y)=Hbγa(ω,z)(y)= ik22(ω)hNX(ω)pC√γωγlβ(z()ω)yle−i(βl(ω)+√γ)z l=1 l +Z k2(ω) Cγγ0(z) y e−i(√γ0+√γ)zdγ0i. γ1/4γ01/4 γ0 ξ Let us remark that we have the following global conservation relations kba(ω,z)k2Hω −kbb(ω,z)k2Hω =kba(ω,0)k2Hω −kbb(ω,0)k2Hω ∀z ∈[0,L/(cid:15)], ξ ξ ξ ξ kba(ω,L/(cid:15))k2Hω +kbb(ω,0)k2Hω =kba(ω,0)k2Hω. ξ ξ ξ However, in our context, the coupling mechanism between the right- and the left-going mode is not veryconvenienttostudythetime-reversalexperiment. Theasymptoticbehaviorofthewholecoupling mechanismbetweentheright-andtheleft-goinginarandomwaveguidewithaboundedcrosssection is carried out in [13], but this study leads to technical difficulties because of the waveguide geometry in our context. Consequently, for the sake of simplicity we introduce in the following section the forward scattering approximation, which allows us to neglect the coupling mechanism between the right- and the left-going under certain conditions. 8 2.2 Propagator and Forward Scattering Approximation Beforeintroducingthisapproximation,letusdefinetherescaledprocessesaccordingtothesizeofthe random section [0,L/(cid:15)], (cid:16) z(cid:17) (cid:16) z(cid:17) ba(cid:15)(ω,z)=ba ω, (cid:15) and bb(cid:15)(ω,z)=bb ω, (cid:15) which satisfy in Hω the rescaled coupled mode equation ξ ddzba(cid:15)(ω,z)= √1(cid:15)Haa(cid:16)ω,z(cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:0)ba(cid:15)(ω,z)(cid:1)+ √1(cid:15)Hab(cid:16)ω,z(cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:0)bb(cid:15)(ω,z)(cid:1) ddzbb(cid:15)(ω,z)= √1(cid:15)Hba(cid:16)ω,z(cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:0)ba(cid:15)(ω,z)(cid:1)+ √1(cid:15)Hbb(cid:16)ω,z(cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:0)bb(cid:15)(ω,z)(cid:1), with the two-point boundary conditions ba(cid:15)(ω,0)=ba(cid:15)0(ω) and bb(cid:15)(ω,L)=0. The propagator P(cid:15)(ω,z) is defined has being the unique solution of the following differential equation d 1 (cid:16) z(cid:17) P(ω,z)= √ H ω, P(cid:15)(ω,z) with P(cid:15)(ω,0)=Id, dz (cid:15) (cid:15) so that (cid:20)a(cid:15)(ω,z)(cid:21) (cid:20)a(cid:15)(ω,0)(cid:21) b =P(cid:15)(ω,z) b . bb(cid:15)(ω,z) bb(cid:15)(ω,0) According to the symmetry of H(ω,z) the propagator has the following particular form " # Pa(ω,z) Pb(ω,z) P(cid:15)(ω,z)= (cid:15) (cid:15) . Pb(ω,z) Pa(ω,z) (cid:15) (cid:15) where, Pa(ω,z) and Pb(ω,z) are two operators representing respectively the coupling between the (cid:15) (cid:15) right-going modes and the coupling between the right-going and left-going modes. The forward scattering approximation is widely used in the literature. In this approximation the couplingbetweenforward-andbackward-propagatingmodesisassumedtobenegligiblecomparedto thecouplingbetweentheforward-propagatingmodes. Thephysicalexplanationofthisapproximation isasfollows. Thecouplingbetweenaright-goingpropagatingmodeandaleft-goingpropagatingmode involves coefficients of the form Z +∞ E[Cω(0)Cω(z)]cos(cid:0)(β (ω)+β (ω))z(cid:1)dz, jl jl l j 0 wherethecoefficientsCω(z)aredefinedby(10),andthecouplingbetweentworight-goingpropagating modes or two left-going propagating modes involves coefficients of the form Z +∞ E[Cω(0)Cω(z)]cos(cid:0)(β (ω)−β (ω))z(cid:1)dz jl jl l j 0 (cid:8) (cid:9)2 ∀(j,l)∈ 1,...,N(ω) . The forward scattering approximation consists in assuming that Z +∞ E[Cω(0)Cω(z)]cos(cid:0)(β (ω)+β (ω))z(cid:1)dz =0 ∀(j,l)∈(cid:8)1,...,N(ω)(cid:9)2, jl jl l j 0 so that Pb(ω,z) = 0, that is there is no coupling between right-going and left-going propagating (cid:15) modes. Therefore, this approximation holds if the power spectral density of the process V, i.e. the Fourier transform of its z-autocorrelation function, possesses a cut-off wavenumber. We refer to [12, 15] for justifications on the validity of this approximation. As a result, under this approximation we can neglect the left-going propagating modes in the asymptotic (cid:15)→0, and then consider only the simplified coupled amplitude equation on [0,L] d 1 (cid:16) z(cid:17) a(cid:15)(ω,z)= √ Haa ω, (a(cid:15)(ω,z)) with a(cid:15)(ω,0)=a(cid:15)(ω). dzb (cid:15) (cid:15) b b b0 9 (a) (b) Figure 3: Representation of the time-reversal experiment. In (a) we represent the first step of the experiment, and in (b) we represent the second step of the experiment. Finally, we introduce the transfer operator Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,z), which is the solution of d 1 (cid:16) z(cid:17) Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,z)= √ Haa ω, Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,z) with Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,0)=Id. (14) dz (cid:15) (cid:15) From this equation, one can easily check that the transfer operator Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,z) is unitary since Haa is skew-Hermitian and ∀z ≥0, a(cid:15)(ω,z)=Tξ,(cid:15)(ω,z)(a(cid:15)(ω)). b b0 3 Time Reversal in a Waveguide Time-reversalexperimentswithsonarinshallowwater[18,23]werecarriedoutbyWilliamKuperman and his group in San Diego. This experiment is carried out in two steps. In the first step (see Figure 3 (a)), a source sends a pulse into the medium. The wave propagates and is recorded by a device called a time-reversal mirror. A time-reversal mirror is a device that can receive a signal, record it, and resend it time-reversed into the medium. In other words, what is recorded first is send out last. In the second step (see Figure 3 (b)), the wave emitted by the time-reversal mirror has the property ofrefocusingneartheoriginalsourcelocation,andithasbeenobservedthatrandominhomogeneities enhance refocusing [3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21]. This experiment has already been analyzed in waveguides with bounded cross-section in [10, Chapter 20] and [12, 14]. However, in contrast with all these results where the random medium improve the refocusing, we show in this section in a context of underwater acoustics that the random inhomogeneities deteriorate the refocusing property. In [1] the authors observe such deterioration but in their context it is induced by viscosity effect in the wave propagationmodel. Weshowinthissectionthatthiseffectissimplyinducedbytheinhomogeneitiesof thepropagationmediumthroughthecouplingmechanismbetweenthepropagatingandtheradiating modes. 3.1 First Step of the Experiment In the first step of the experiment (see Figure 4), a source sends a pulse into the medium, the wave propagates and is recorded by the time-reversal mirror located in the plane z = L/(cid:15). We assume that the time-reversal mirror occupies the transverse subdomain D ⊂ [0,d] and in the first step of M the experiment the time-reversal mirror plays the role of a receiving array. The transmitted wave is recorded for a time interval (cid:2)t0,t1(cid:3) and is re-emitted time-reversed into the waveguide toward the (cid:15) (cid:15) source. We have chosen such a time window because it is of the order of the total travel time of the section [0,L/(cid:15)]. In this paper, the source profile Ψ(cid:15)(t,x) is given, in the frequency domain, by (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 ω−ω Ψb(cid:15)(ω,x)= fb 0 q (cid:15)q (cid:15)q (15) N(ω) Z X × φj(ω,x0)φj(ω,x)+ φγ(ω,x0)φγ(ω,x)dγ, j=1 (−S,−ξ)∪(ξ,k2(ω)) 10