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anthropological papers of the university of arizona number 76 Los Primeros Mexicanos Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene People of Sonora Guadalupe Sánchez The University of Arizona Press www.uapress.arizona.edu © 2016 The Arizona Board of Regents All rights reserved. Published 2016 About the Author Printed in the United States of America Guadalupe Sánchez was born in Mexico City and received her B.A. in archaeology at the Escuela Nacional de Antro- 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 pología e Historia, and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at ISBN-13: 978-0-8165-3063-2 (paper) the School of Anthropology, University of Arizona. Over Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data the past 20 years, her investigations have concentrated Sánchez, Guadalupe, author. on Northern Mexico, with varied topics encompassing Los primeros Mexicanos : late pleistocene and early Pleistocene-Holocene hunter-gatherers, the introduc- holocene people of Sonora / by Guadalupe Sánchez. tion of early maize and agriculture, human adaptations, pages cm. — (Anthropological papers of the University paleoethnobotany, paleoecology, geoarchaeology, and of Arizona ; number 76) the organization of lithic technology. At present, she is Includes bibliographical references and index. investigating the Fin del Mundo site in Sonora, the first Abstract also in Spanish. site known where Clovis people and gomphotheres inter- ISBN 978-0-8165-3063-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) acted. Her current research is primarily concerned with 1. Paleoindians—Mexico—Sonora (State) 2. Excavations long-duration human adaptation and climate change in (Archaeology)—Mexico—Sonora (State) 3. Sonora (Mexico : the Sonoran Desert. She has published numerous articles State)—Antiquities. I. Title. II. Series: Anthropological in English and Spanish on these topics. papers of the University of Arizona ; no. 76. F1219.1.S65S26 2016 972’.1701—dc23 Cover 2015016362 Excavation at Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo, along with This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO a Clovis point recovered at the site. Photographs Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). courtesy of Guadalupe Sánchez. DEDICATION To Juancho Carpintero “alma de mi alma.” To Nene (Mom) and Tavo (Dad) for their unconditional love and support in my life. To Julio Cesar Montané Martí and C. Vance Haynes for showing me the way to the fascinating world of the First Americans. To Julian Hayden for all the stimulating discussions and tales drinking bacanora on his patio. Contents acknowledgments ..................................... xi Babisuri Shelter, Isla del Espíritu Santo, Baja California Sur ......................................16 1. Of Paradigms and Parapets: The Peopling Ocozocoautla, Chiapas (Cueva de los of the Americas, Clovis, and the First Grifos and Cueva Santa Marta) .................17 Peoples of Mexico ...................................... 1 Guilá Naquitz, Oaxaca ...............................18 Clovis, Folsom, and Plainview-Like Points Clovis and the Peopling of the Americas ............. 2 and Sites ................................................18 The Clovis People: Chronology, Heartland, and Human Behavior ...................................... 2 Sonora ..................................................18 The Pleistocene People of Mexico and Sonora ....... 4 Baja California ........................................19 Chihuahua .............................................19 Jalisco and Guanajuato ..............................20 2. The First People of Mexico: A Critical Hidalgo .................................................20 Review of Archaeological Investigations Oaxaca ..................................................20 and the Future of Research .......................... 6 Isolated Clovis Finds and Late Paleoindian Antediluvian Men and Nineteenth-Century Points ...............................................21 Finds ..................................................... 6 Archaeological Data and Propositions about Directly Dated Human Bones........................... 8 the Early Occupation of Mexico ...................22 Mammoths and Humans in the Basin of Mexico ................................................... 9 3. Frameworks for Sonoran Early Prehistory .......24 Mammoth and Man in Tepexpan ..................10 The Articulated Mammoths of Santa Isabel The Sonoran Landscape .................................24 Iztapan I and II ...................................11 Paleoenvironmental Records ...........................26 Los Reyes Acozac Mammoth .......................12 The Environmental Setting of the Sonoran Mammoth of San Bartolo Atepehuacan ..........12 Landscape ..............................................27 Lake Texcoco Mammoth ............................13 The Sonoran Desert Biome .........................27 Santa Lucia I: Mammoths and Pleistocene Lower Colorado River Valley Subprovince .......27 Fauna ................................................13 The Arizona Uplands Subprovince ................27 Tocuila Locality .......................................13 Plains of Sonora Subprovince ......................27 Miscellaneous Archaeological Records ..............14 The Central Gulf Coast Subprovince ..............29 The Tlapacoya Site ....................................14 The Southern Coastal Belt Province ...............29 The Valsequillo Reservoir, Puebla .................15 Sierra Madre Occidental Province .................29 El Cedral (Rancho La Amapola), San Luis History of Paleoindian and Archaic Research Potosí ...............................................16 in Sonora ...............................................30 [v] vi  •  Contents Cultural-Historical Chronology of Sonora ..........31 5. Clovis Lithic Technology at El Bajío: Stone Early Paleoindian Occupation of Sonora .........31 Sources, Variation, and Interaction ..............86 Late Paleoindian Occupation ......................32 Clovis Tool Kits ..........................................86 Early Holocene Archaic Period Occupations ......32 Sonoran Raw Material Sources for Tool The Malpais Phase of the San Dieguito Making .................................................87 Complex ............................................32 El Bajío Vitrified Basalt Quarry at Cerro Tapering Stem Point Styles ..........................33 de la Vuelta .........................................87 Middle Holocene or Altithermal Archaic Obsidian Sources .....................................88 Traditions ..........................................33 Quartz Crystal Sources ..............................89 Late Archaic and Early Agriculture Periods ......34 Fine Rhyolite Quarry ................................89 Archaeological Practice and Site Visibility ..........35 Quartzite Cobbles from Arroyos...................89 Chalcedony and Chert Sources ....................89 4. Archaeological Investigations of the Late Sonoran Clovis Lithic Technology ....................89 Pleistocene Occupation of Sonora ...............37 Rock Patina on El Bajío Basalt Tools ..............90 El Bajío (SON K:1:3) .....................................37 The Sample and the Analytical Method ..........90 Locus 20 (Vitrified Basalt Quarry) ................40 Clovis Blade Technology ................................91 Locus 1 ................................................43 The Sonoran Clovis Blade Industry ...................92 Locus 2 .................................................44 Conical Cores .........................................92 Loci 3, 4, 5, 6, and 15 ................................44 Core Tablet Flakes ....................................92 Locus 7 .................................................53 Wedge-Shaped Cores ................................94 Locus 8 .................................................55 Crested Blades ........................................95 Locus 10 ................................................55 Platform Preparation and Rejuvenation Locus 11 ................................................57 Flakes ...............................................95 Locus 12 ................................................59 Blade Core Error Recovery Flakes .................96 Locus 19 ................................................60 Primary Cortex Blades ..............................96 Locus 22 ................................................62 Non-Cortical Blades with Prior Blade El Bajío Site Summary and Conclusions of Scars .................................................96 the Investigations .................................62 Prismatic Blades ......................................96 SON O:3:1 .................................................63 Unifacial Technology .................................. 100 Summary of Investigations at SON O:3:1 ........69 End Scrapers ........................................ 100 El Gramal (SON N:11:20-21) ..........................70 Side Scrapers ........................................ 104 Geoarchaeological Investigation ...................70 Composite Scraper ................................. 104 Stratigraphy and Geochronology of Denticulate Scrapers ............................... 104 El Gramal ...........................................72 Circular Scrapers ................................... 104 SON J:16:8 .................................................73 Notched Tools ....................................... 106 Fin del Mundo (SON J:6:2) .............................74 Gravers ............................................... 107 Locus 1 .................................................75 Bifacial Technology .................................... 107 Camp Areas and Lithic Sources at Fin Primary Bifaces ..................................... 109 del Mundo ..........................................79 Secondary Bifaces .................................. 109 Summary ...............................................81 Clovis Points and Preforms ....................... 109 El Aguajito (SON K:15:1) ...............................82 Clovis Preforms .................................... 112 Las Peñitas (SON O:12:1) ...............................83 Clovis Points ........................................ 112 Rancho Bojorquez at Km17 ............................83 Square-Based Bifaces .............................. 113 Cueva El Tetabejo ........................................83 Bifacial Drills ........................................ 117 Chinobampo ..............................................84 Overshot Flakes ..................................... 117 Understanding the Clovis Occupation of Miscellaneous Cores and Core-Tools ............... 117 Sonora .................................................84 Hammers and Abraders ............................... 118 Contents  •  vii Sonoran Clovis Lithic Technological Clovis Chronology and Migration Organization ........................................ 119 to Sonora ............................................ 126 Site Localities and Specialized Activity Clovis Interaction and Integration Between Areas .............................................. 119 Regions ............................................... 127 Sonoran Clovis Forager Group Interaction The Clovis Record in the Regions Surrounding and Land-Use .................................... 121 Sonora ................................................ 127 Technological Inferences and Comparisons Arizona ............................................... 128 with Other Clovis Industries ..................... 122 New Mexico ......................................... 130 Biface Industry ...................................... 122 Texas .................................................. 130 Blade Industry ...................................... 122 Summary of the Clovis Record in Arizona, End Scrapers ........................................ 123 New Mexico, and Texas ........................ 131 Final Considerations .................................. 123 Conclusion .............................................. 131 6. Defining the Late Pleistocene Clovis references cited ...................................... 133 Occupation in Sonora .............................. 124 index ...................................................... 153 Land-Use Patterns ..................................... 124 abstract .................................................. 161 Subsistence Strategies and Organization of Labor ................................................. 126 resumen ................................................ 161 figures 2.1. Paleoindian sites in Mexico . ....................... 7 4.13. Sketch map of Locus 15 at El Bajío ...............47 3.1. Sonora and surrounding areas showing key 4.14. Trench 6 and Extension 2, Locus 15, towns, physiographic features, and at El Bajío .............................................47 archaeological sites ..................................25 4.15. Profile of Trench 6, Locus 15, at El Bajío ........48 3.2. Biotic communities in Sonora ....................28 4.16. Sketch map of Locus 4 at El Bajío ................48 3.3. Schematic cross-section of stratigraphy at 4.17. East profile of Trench 1, Locus 4, at the Malpais locality at La Playa ...................33 El Bajío ................................................49 3.4. Tapering stem point from SON O:3:1 ...........33 4.18. South profile of Trench 5, Locus 4, at 4.1. Paleoindian sites in Sonora ........................38 El Bajío ................................................49 4.2. El Bajío site area .....................................39 4.19. Sketch map of Locus 5 at El Bajío ................50 4.3. Loci at El Bajío .......................................41 4.20. Horno 50, Locus 5, at El Bajío ....................50 4.4. Cerro de la Vuelta and Locus 20 as viewed 4.21. Plan view of Feature 1, Locus 5, at from Locus 5 at El Bajío. ..........................41 El Bajío ................................................51 4.5. Vitrified basalt raw material at El Bajío ..........42 4.22. Highly eroded proboscidean molar between 4.6. Lithic waste dump at Locus 20 at El Bajío.......42 Locus 5 and Locus 6 at El Bajío ...................51 4.7. Sketch map of Locus 20 at El Bajío ...............42 4.23. Sketch map of Locus 6 at El Bajío ................52 4.8. Sketch map of Locus 1 at El Bajío ................43 4.24. Red chert end scraper from El Bajío .............52 4.9. Sketch map of Locus 2 at El Bajío ................44 4.25. Profiles of Trench 8, Locus 6, at El Bajío ........53 4.10. Loci 3, 4, 5, 6 and 15, showing location of 4.26. Sketch Map of Locus 7 at El Bajío ................54 test trenches at El Bajío .............................45 4.27. Profile of Trench 10, Locus 7, at El Bajío ........54 4.11. View looking northeast at Loci 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4.28. Sketch map of Locus 8 at El Bajío ................55 and 12 at El Bajío ....................................46 4.29. Clovis preform collected at Locus 8 at 4.12. Bifaces from Locus 3 at El Bajío ..................46 El Bajío ................................................55 viii  •  Contents 4.30. Sketch map of Locus 10 at El Bajío ...............56 4.58. Quartz crystal Clovis point from Locus 1 4.31. End scrapers from Locus 10 at El Bajío..........56 at El Gramal ..........................................71 4.32. Sketch map of Locus 11 at El Bajío ...............57 4.59. Profile of Trench 1 at El Gramal ..................71 4.33. Generalized profile Trench 2 ......................58 4.60. Probable fluted biface on basalt ...................72 4.61. Using an auger to dig a test pit at Locus 5 4.34. East Profile of Trench 2 .............................58 at El Gramal ..........................................72 4.35. Generalized profile Trench 4 ......................58 4.62. Flakes found 3.5 m below surface during 4.36. Horno 102 in Locus 11, 14C date testing at Locus 5 at El Gramal ....................72 (A-15395 = 315 ± 40) ...............................58 4.63. Generalized stratigraphy of El Gramal ..........73 4.37. Lithic workshop at Locus 12 at El Bajío .........59 4.64. Obsidian Clovis point from SON J:16:8 .........74 4.38. Square-based bifaces from Locus 12 workshop at El Bají. .................................60 4.65. Basin at SON J:16:8, looking north ...............74 4.66. View of the “island” at Locus 1 at 4.39. Circular scraper, grooved polished sphere, irregular bifaces, and a graver from Locus 12 Fin del Mundo, looking NW ......................75 at El Bajío ............................................60 4.67. Clovis point found 8 m south of Locus 1 4.40. Hearth at Locus 12 at El Bajío .....................61 at Fin del Mundo ....................................75 4.41. Sketch map of Locus 19 at El Bajío ...............61 4.68. Excavation at Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo ........76 4.69. Upper bone bed containing gompothere 4.42. Sketch map of Locus 22 at El Bajío ...............62 remains in Stratum 3, Locus 1, at Fin del 4.43. Mammoth molars collected at SON O:3:1 ......64 Mundo ................................................77 4.44. Locus 1 features at SON O:3:1 ....................65 4.70. Clovis points from Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo 4.45. Red quartzite biface from Locus 1, found in disturbed and in situ contexts .........77 Feature 2, at SON O:3:1 ............................66 4.71. Seven flakes and a bone artifact found 4.46. Chert biface from Locus 1, Feature 2, at in situ at Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo ..............78 SON O:3:1 ............................................66 4.72. Clovis artifacts from camping areas 4.47. Quartzite abrader from Locus 1 at surrounding Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo .........79 SON O:3:1 ............................................66 4.73. Scrapers from camping areas surrounding 4.48. Archaic bifaces from Locus 2 at Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo ..........................80 SON O:3:1 ............................................67 4.74. Blades from camping areas surrounding 4.49. Profile of the arroyo adjacent to Locus 2 Locus 1 at Fin del Mundo ..........................80 at SON O:3:1 .........................................67 4.75. Quartz from Cerro del Cuarzo ....................81 4.50. Clovis preforms collected at Locus 3 at 4.76. Projectile Point from El Aguajito .................82 SON O:3:1 ............................................67 4.77. El Aguajito, looking west ...........................82 4.51. Red quartz lanceolate point collected at 4.78. Stratigraphy at El Aguajito, showing Locus 3 at SON O:3:1 ...............................68 location of 14C samples .............................83 4.52. End scrapers collected at Locus 3 at 4.79. Fluted points from Rancho Bojorquez ...........83 SON O:3:1 ............................................68 4.80. Clovis point from Cueva El Tetabejo ............84 4.53. Basalt Clovis base found at Locus 3 at SON O:3:1 ............................................68 5.1. Raw materials in the study area ...................87 5.2. Google Earth image of basalt quarry at 4.54. Test Pit 5 at SON O:3:1, showing location of pollen profile and 14C sample ..................69 El Bajío ...............................................88 5.3. Conical core from El Bajío .........................93 4.55. Profile of cienega-like deposit at Locus 4 at SON O:3:1 .........................................69 5.4. Core tablet flakes from El Bajío ...................93 4.56. The playa at El Gramal, looking east. ............70 5.5. Crested blades made from El Bajío basalt .......95 4.57. Google Earth image of El Gramal and 5.6. Prismatic Blades from El Bajío ....................97 localities ...............................................71 5.7. Prismatic Blades from El Bajío ....................97 Contents  •  ix 5.8. End scrapers from El Bajío ...................... 101 5.17. Clovis point from El Bajío ....................... 114 5.9. End scrapers from Fin del Mundo ............. 101 5.18. Square-based bifaces excavated at 5.10. Side scraper from El Bajío made from Locus 12 at El Bajío ............................... 114 quartz crystal ...................................... 104 5.19. Drawings of square-based bifaces from 5.11. Circular scraper from Locus 12 at El Bajío .... 106 Locus 12 at El Bajío ............................... 114 5.12. Primary bifaces from El Bajío ................... 109 5.20. Bifacial drills from El Bajío ...................... 117 5.13. Secondary bifaces from El Bajío ................ 109 5.21. Overshot flakes .................................... 117 5.14. Clovis preforms with channel flutes from 5.22. Hammers from the Cerro de la Vuelta El Bajío .............................................. 113 quarry ............................................... 118 5.15. Drawings of the preforms in Figure 5.14 ...... 113 5.23. Percentage of raw materials used in tool 5.16. Clovis base found at El Bajío in 2003 .......... 114 assemblage at El Bajío ............................ 121 tables 2.1. Radiocarbon Dates from Caves in 5.11. Cortical Blades with Prior Scars from Quintana Roo ......................................... 9 El Bajío ................................................98 2.2. Radiocarbon Dates from Tocuila .................14 5.12. Prismatic Blades from El Bajío ....................99 2.3. Selected Radiocarbon from Babisuri Shelter, 5.13. Unifacial Tools from El Bajío .................... 101 Espíritu Santo Island ...............................17 5.14. Attributes of End Scrapers from El Bajío ...... 102 2.4. Radiocarbon Dates from Santa Marta and 5.15. Side Scrapers from El Bajío ...................... 105 Los Grifos Caves ....................................18 5.16. Composite Scrapers from El Bajío ............. 106 2.5. Distribution of Paleoindian Points in México ...19 5.17. Denticulated Scrapers from El Bajío ........... 106 4.1. Cultural Affiliations of the El Bajío Loci ........41 5.18. Circular Scrapers from El Bajío ................. 106 4.2. Radiocarbon Dates from El Bajío.................42 5.19. Notched Tools from El Bajío .................... 107 4.3. Cultural Affiliations of the Loci Identified 5.20. Gravers from El Bajío ............................. 107 at SON O:3:1 .........................................64 5.21. Bifacial Industry, El Bajío ........................ 108 4.4. Radiocarbon Dates from SON O:3:1 .............64 5.22. Primary Bifaces from El Bajío 4.5. Lithic Classes in Locus 1, Feature 1 ..............66 (all Bajío basalt) ................................... 108 4.6. Radiocarbon Dates from Locus 1, 5.23. Secondary Bifaces from El Bajío ................ 110 Fin del Mundo .......................................79 5.24. Clovis Preform Attributes, El Bajío 4.7. Lithics from Locus 25, Fin del Mundo...........81 Collection ........................................... 112 5.1. Patination on El Bajío Stone Tools ...............90 5.25. Clovis Points from El Bajío ...................... 113 5.2. Clovis Lithic Industry from El Bajío .............91 5.26. Square-based Points and Knives from 5.3. Clovis Blade Industry Artifacts from El Bajío ...93 El Bajío .............................................. 115 5.4. Conical Cores from El Bajío ......................93 5.27. Overshot Flakes from the Montané 5.5. Core Tablet Flakes from El Bajío .................94 Collection ........................................... 117 5.6. Wedge-Shaped Cores from El Bajío ..............94 5.28. Miscellaneous Nuclei from El Bajío ............ 118 5.7. Crested Blades from El Bajío ......................95 5.29. Hammers and Abraders from El Bajío ......... 118 5.8. Platform Preparation Flakes .......................95 5.30. Distribution of Clovis-era Artifacts 5.9. Blade Core Error Recovery Flakes from Found at El Bajío .................................. 120 El Bajío ................................................96 6.1. The Clovis Archaeological Record of 5.10. Primary Cortex Blades from El Bajío ............97 the San Pedro Valley .............................. 129

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