de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 35 Editors Ο. H. Kegel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg V. P. Maslov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow W. D. Neumann, Columbia University, New York R.O.Wells, Jr., Rice University, Houston de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 1 The Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups, Κ. H. Hofmann, J. D. Lawson, J. S. Pym (Eds.) 2 Combinatorial Homotopy and 4-Dimensional Complexes, H. J. Baues 3 The Stefan Problem, A. M. Meirmanov 4 Finite Soluble Groups, K. Doerk, T. O. Hawkes 5 The Riemann Zeta-Function, A. A. Karatsuba, S. M. Voronin 6 Contact Geometry and Linear Differential Equations, V. E. Nazaikinskii, V. E. Shatalov, B. Yu. Sternin 7 Infinite Dimensional Lie Superalgebras, Yu. A. Bahturin, A. A. Mikhalev, V. M. Petrogradsky, Μ. V. Zaicev 8 Nilpotent Groups and their Automorphisms, Ε. I. Khukhro 9 Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis, M. Jarnicki, P. Pflug 10 The Link Invariants of the Chern-Simons Field Theory, E. 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Nagy Karl Strambach W DE _G Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 2002 Authors Peter Τ. Nagy Karl Strambach Institute of Mathematics Mathematisches Institut der University of Debrecen Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg P.O.B. 12 Bismarckstr. Υ/τ 4010 Debrecen, Hungary 91054 Erlangen, Germany [email protected] strambach@mi. uni-erlangen. de Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 22-02, 20-02; 20N05, 20G20, 22E60, 51A20, 51A25, 51H20, 53C30, 53C35, 57S10, 57S15, 57S20 Key words: Loops, quasigroups, Lie groups, Lie transformation groups, Lie algebras, tangent alge- bra, symmetric spaces, 3-net, 3-web, configurations, collineation groups, Bol loops, Bruck loops, Moufang loops, topological translation planes, quasifields © Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability. Library of Congress — Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nagy, Peter Tibor. Loops in group theory and Lie theory / Peter T. Nagy, Karl Stram- bach. p. cm ISBN 3-11-017010-8 1. Loops (Group theory) 2. Lie groups. I. Strambach, Karl. II. Title. QA 174.2 .N34 2001 512'.2-dc21 2001042383 Die Deutsche Bibliothek — Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nagy, Peter T.: Loops in group theory and Lie theory / by Peter T. Nagy ; Karl Stram- bach. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 2002 (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics ; 35) ISBN 3-11-017010-8 © Copyright 2002 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 10785 Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Typesetting using the authors' TgX files: I. Zimmermann, Freiburg. Printing and binding: Hubert & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen. Cover design: Thomas Bonnie, Hamburg. Preface In this book the theory of loops is viewed as a part of group theory. Special attention is paid to topological, differentiable, and algebraic loops which are treated using Lie groups, algebraic groups and symmetric spaces. The topic of this book requires some patience with computations in non-associative structures; the basic notions needed as well as facts from the general theory of loops are collected in Section 1.1. The reader is expected to have a basic knowledge of group theory and some fa- miliarity with Lie groups, Lie algebras and differential geometry of homogeneous spaces. For the new material complete proofs are given. For the needed known results, the proofs of which require extensive preparation not concerning our topic, precise available references are quoted. We tried to organize the sections of this book in such a way that they are readable mostly independently from each other. But e.g. the sections 5,6, 8,9,10,11 and 13 as well as 2, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16 treat closely related topics from the same point of view and with similar methods. The second part of this book is mainly devoted to examine the possibilities in small dimensions; the variety of constructed examples shows that a classification is feasible only for loops with some weak associativity condition. The authors are grateful to the Volkswagen-Stiftung (RiP-Program at Oberwol- fach), to the Paul Erdös Summer Research Center for Mathematics, to Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst and to the Hungarian Ministry of Education for the partial support of this project. Special thanks are due to A. Figula, T. Grundhöfer, Ο. Η. Kegel, G. P. Nagy, A. Schleiermacher and V. Zambelli who read the whole or some parts of this manuscript and gave us many useful suggestions. We also want to mention a workshop at the Palacky University of Olomouc supported by GACR 201/99/0265 of J. Mikes. Finally we thank L. Kozma for the preparation of the book in final form. Notation In principle, we try to avoid in the text symbols and abbreviations, in particular if they are not of standard use in the literature. As usual Z, R, C denote the integer, real and complex numbers, respectively. H means the (real) quaternions and Ο the (real) octonions (Cayley numbers). If (Μ, ·) is a loop then χ · (y · z) is often denoted by λ: · yz- If G is a group and Μ is a subset of G then (M) is the subgroup generated by M. If Μ is a subset in a topological space S then Μ is the closure of Μ in S. If Η is a subgroup of G then we write Η < G and G/H is the set of left cosets of Η in G. G' means mainly the commutator subgroup of G. For the classical groups we use the standard notation as e.g. GL„(^T), PGL„(A"), SO {K), PSL (/0, PSp (K), PSU„(/0 for a suitable field K. For the Lie algebras n 2 n of the classical groups we use the corresponding notation gl , $o , o , $u , etc. n n n n If the algebraic structures M\ and M2 are isomorphic we write Mi = M . 2 If φ : A —> ß is a map then the image of an element χ e A is usually denoted by φ(χ); but sometimes we write χ φ or χφ. For structures M\ and Mi the structure M\ χ Mi is given as usual by {C*i,*2);e M\,x e M2}. 2 Let Gi and G2 be groups and φ : G\ —G2 be a homomorphism. Then we distinguish between the following two subgroups of G\ χ Gi'· Gl X <p(Gi) = {{χ\,φ{χΐ))\ Xl,X2 € Gl) and (ΰι,φ(ΰι)) = {(χ,φ(χ)); χ G Gj} . Ν χ Κ denotes a semidirect product of the normal subgroup Ν by the group Κ. For two sets A and Β the relation A c Β means that Λ is a (not necessarily proper) subset of Β. The differentiability class Cr (r — 1,..., 00) is the class of r-times continuously differentiable maps and manifolds, Cw denotes the class of real analytic maps and manifolds. Contents Preface ν Notation vii Introduction 1 Parti General theory of transitive sections in groups and the geometry of loops 1 Elements of the theory of loops 13 1.1 Basic facts on loops 13 1.2 Loops as sections in groups 17 1.3 Topological loops and differentiable loops 29 2 Scheerer extensions of loops 42 3 Nets associated with loops 53 4 Local 3-nets 60 5 Loop-sections covered by 1-parameter subgroups and geodesic loops 65 6 Bol loops and symmetric spaces 80 7 Bol nets 95 8 Strongly topological and analytic Bol loops 100 9 Core of a Bol loop and Bruck loops 102 9.1 Core of a Bol loop 102 9.2 Symmetric spaces on differentiable Bol loops 113 10 Bruck loops and symmetric quasigroups over groups 120 χ Contents 11 Topological and differentiable Bruck loops 129 12 Bruck loops in algebraic groups 143 13 Core-related Bol loops 150 14 Products and loops as sections in compact Lie groups 166 14.1 Pseudo-direct products 166 14.2 Crossed direct products 168 14.3 Non-classical differentiable sections in compact Lie groups 170 14.4 Differentiable local Bol loops as local sections in compact Lie groups 173 15 Loops on symmetric spaces of groups 174 15.1 Basic constructions 174 15.2 A fundamental reduction 182 15.3 Core loops of direct products of groups 186 15.4 Scheerer extensions of groups by core loops 190 16 Loops with compact translation groups and compact Bol loops 194 17 Sharply transitive normal subgroups 208 Part II Smooth loops on low dimensional manifolds 18 Loops on 1-manifolds 235 19 Topological loops on 2-dimensional manifolds 249 20 Topological loops on tori 256 21 Topological loops on the cylinder and on the plane 262 21.1 2-dimensional topological loops on the cylinder 262 21.2 Non-solvable left translation groups 264 22 The hyperbolic plane loop and its isotopism class 276 23 3-dimensional solvable left translation groups 289 23.1 The loops L( ) and their automorphism groups 290 a 23.2 Sharply transitive sections in £2 x K. 298 23.3 Sections in the 3-dimensional non-abelian nilpotent Lie group 308 23.4 Non-existence of strongly left alternative loops 312