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Loop-Corrected Virasoro Symmetry of 4D Quantum 7 Gravity 1 0 2 n Temple He, Daniel Kapec, Ana-Maria Raclariu and Andrew Strominger a J 2 ] Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature, Harvard University, h t Cambridge, MA 02138, USA - p e h [ Abstract 1 v 6 Recentlyaboundaryenergy-momentumtensorTzz hasbeenconstructedfromthesoftgravi- 9 ton operator for any 4D quantum theory of gravity in asymptotically flat space. Up to an 4 0 “anomaly” which is one-loop exact, Tzz generates a Virasoro action on the 2D celestial sphere 0 at null infinity. Here we show by explicit construction that the effects of the IR divergent part . 1 of the anomaly can be eliminated by a one-loop renormalization that shifts Tzz. 0 7 1 : v i X r a Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Tree-Level Energy-Momentum Tensor 2 3. One-Loop Correction to the Subleading Soft Graviton Theorem 5 4. One-Loop Correction to the Energy-Momentum Tensor 6 A. IR Divergence of One-Loop T Correction 8 zz 1 Introduction Recently it has been demonstrated [1] that any theory of gravity in four asymptotically flat dimensions has, at tree-level, a Virasoro or “superrotational” symmetry that acts on the celestial sphere at null infinity. This verified conjectures in [2–6] and follows from the newly discovered subleading soft graviton theorem [7]. Except for an anomaly arising from one-loop exact infrared (IR) divergences [8–12], this subleading soft theorem extends to the full quantum theory. However, the implications of this anomaly for the Virasoro symmetry of the full quantum theory are not understood, and the exploration of such implications comprises the subject of the present paper. Thereareseveralopenpossibilities. OneisthattheVirasoroactionisdefinedintheclassicalbut not in the quantum theory. If so, anomalous symmetries still have important quantum constraints thatwouldbeinterestingtounderstand. AsecondpossibilityisthattheVirasoroaction actsonthe full quantum theory, but that the generators and symmetry action are renormalized at one-loop. This is suggested by the discussion in [13], where it is pointed out that the very definition of a scattering problem in asymptotically flat gravity requires an infinite number of exactly conserved charges and associated symmetries, as well as by [14], which found that the anomaly vanishes with an alternate order of soft limits. A third possibility is that the implications can only be properly formulated in a Faddeev-Kulish [15–20] basis of states (constructed for gravity in [21]), in which case all IR divergences are absent. After all, IR divergences preclude a Fock-basis -matrix for S quantum gravity and, although we have become accustomed to ignoring this point, it is hard to discuss symmetries of an object which exists only formally! In this paper we give evidence which is consistent with, but does not prove, the second hy- pothesis, which states that the Virasoro action persists to the full quantum theory but requires the generators tohave aone-loopcorrection. Weusetherecentconstructionofa2Denergy-momentum tensor T found in [22,23], wherez is a coordinate on the celestial sphere, in terms of soft graviton zz modes. The tree-level subleading soft theorem [7] implies that insertions of T in the tree-level zz -matrix infinitesimally generate a Virasoro action on the celestial sphere. At one-loop order, the S 1 subleading soft theorem has an IR divergent term with a known universal form. This spoils the Virasoro action generated by T insertions. However, we show explicitly that the effects of the zz IR divergent term can be removed by a certain shift in T that is quadratic in the soft graviton zz modes. Thepossibility thatthis couldbeachieved byasimpleshiftisfarfrom obviousandrequires a number of nontrivial cancellations. This does not demonstrate that there is a Virasoro action on the full quantum theory generated by a renormalized energy-momentum tensor, as there may also be an IR finite one-loop correction to the subleading soft theorem. At present, little is known about such finite corrections. In all cases which have been analyzed [8,9], the finite part of the correction vanishes. Yet, there is no known argument that this should always be the case, and this remains an open issue for us. Theoutlineof this paperis as follows. In section two we fixconventions and recall the construc- tion of the tree-level soft graviton energy-momentum tensor. We then reproduce the derivation of theone-loop exactIRdivergentcorrections tothesubleadingsoftgraviton theoreminsectionthree. Finally, this divergence is rewritten in section four in terms of the formalmatrix element of another quadratic soft graviton operator, effectively renormalizing the tree-level energy-momentum tensor. 2 Tree-Level Energy-Momentum Tensor In this section, we review the derivation of the 2D tree-level energy-momentum tensor living on the celestial sphere at null infinity [22,23]. Asymptotic one-particle states are denoted by p,s , | i where p is the 4-momentum and s is the helicity, and such states are normalized so that p′,s′ p,s = (2π)3 2p0 δ ′δ(3)(p~ p~′) . (2.1) h | i ss − (cid:0) (cid:1) An n-particle -matrix element is denoted by S out in , (2.2) n M ≡ h |S| i where in p ,s ; ;p ,s and out p ,s ; ;p ,s . Consider the amplitude 1 1 m m m+1 m+1 n n | i≡ | ··· i h | ≡ h ··· | ± (q) out;q, 2 in , (2.3) n+1 M ≡ h ± |S| i consisting of n external hard particles along with an additional external graviton that has momen- tum p q, energy p0 ω, and polarization ε± . Denoting the same amplitude without the n+1 n+1 µν ≡ ≡ extra external graviton as , the tree-level soft graviton theorem states that n M lim ± (q) = S(0)± +S(1)± + (q) , (2.4) n+1 n n n ω→0M O M h i where the leading and subleading soft factors are given by κ n pµpνε± (q) iκ n ε± (q)pµq S(0)± = k k µν , S(1)± = µν k λ λν , (2.5) n 2 p q n − 2 p q Jk k k k=1 · k=1 · X X 2 respectively. Here, κ √32πG is the gravitational coupling constant, and λν is the total angular k ≡ J momentum operator for the kth particle. Asymptotically flat metrics in Bondi gauge take the form ds2 = du2 2dudr+2r2γ dzdz¯ zz¯ − − (2.6) 2m + Bdu2+rC dz2+rC dz¯2+DzC dudz+Dz¯C dudz¯+ . r zz z¯z¯ zz z¯z¯ ··· Here, γ 2 istheroundmetricontheS2 andD istheassociated covariant derivative. The zz¯ ≡ (1+zz¯)2 z coordinates (u,r,z,z¯) are asymptotically related to the standard Cartesian coordinates according to 1 x0 = u+r , xi = rxˆi(z,z¯) , xˆi(z,z¯) = (z+z¯, i(z z¯),1 zz¯) . (2.7) 1+zz¯ − − − A massless particle with momentum p crosses the celestial sphere at a point (z ,z¯ ). In the k k k helicity basis, the particle momentum and polarization can be parameterized by an energy ω and k this crossing point. It follows from (2.7) that z +z¯ i(z z¯ ) 1 z z¯ pµ = ω 1, k k , − k − k , − k k , k = 1, ,n , k k 1+z z¯ 1+z z¯ 1+z z¯ ··· (cid:18) k k k k k k(cid:19) 1 1 ε+(p ) = ( z¯ ,1, i, z¯ ) , ε−(p )= ( z ,1,i, z ) , µ k k k µ k k k √2 − − − √2 − − (2.8) z+z¯ i(z z¯) 1 zz¯ qµ(z) = ω 1, ,− − , − ωqˆµ(z) , 1+zz¯ 1+zz¯ 1+zz¯ ≡ (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 ε+(q) = ( z¯,1, i, z¯) , ε−(q)= ( z,1,i, z) , µ µ √2 − − − √2 − − ± ± ± where the soft graviton polarization tensor is taken to be ε = ε ε . µν µ ν Now, the perturbative fluctuations of the gravitational field have a mode expansion given by d3q 1 hout x0,~x = ε¯α (q)aout(q)eiq·x+εα (q)aout(q)†e−iq·x , (2.9) µν (cid:0) (cid:1) αX=±Z (2π)3 2ωq h µν α µν α i where aout(q)† and aout(q) are the standard creation and annihilation operators for gravitons obey- α α ing the commutation relations aout(p),aout(q)† = (2π)3(2ω)δ δ(3)(p~ ~q) . (2.10) α β αβ − (cid:2) (cid:3) The transverse components of the metric fluctuations near I+are given by 1 C (u,z,z¯) κ lim ∂ xµ∂ xνhout u+r,rxˆ(z,z¯) . (2.11) z¯z¯ ≡ r→∞ r z¯ z¯ µν (cid:0) (cid:1) The large-r saddle-point approximation yields iκ ∞ C (u,z,z¯) = εˆ dω aout ω xˆ e−iωqu aout(ω xˆ †eiωqu , (2.12) z¯z¯ −8π2 z¯z¯Z0 qh − q − + q i (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) 3 where 1 2 εˆz¯z¯ = r2∂z¯xµ∂z¯xνε+µν(q)= (1+zz¯)2 . (2.13) Note that (2.12) is an intuitively plausible result since it states that the graviton field operator at a point (z,z¯) on the celestial sphere has an expansion in plane wave modes whose momenta are aimed towards that point. The Bondi news tensor N = ∂ C has Fourier components zz u zz ω iωu ω iωu N due N , N due N . (2.14) zz zz z¯z¯ z¯z¯ ≡ ≡ Z Z The zero mode of the news tensor is defined by 1 κ N(0) lim Nω +N−ω = εˆ lim ωaout ωxˆ +ωaout ωxˆ † . (2.15) z¯z¯ ≡ 2 ω→0 z¯z¯ z¯z¯ −8π z¯z¯ω→0 − + (cid:16) (cid:17) h i (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Similarly, the first zero energy moment of the news is defined by i iκ N(1) lim ∂ Nω N−ω = εˆ lim 1+ω∂ aout ωxˆ aout ωxˆ † . (2.16) z¯z¯ ≡ −2ω→0 ω z¯z¯− z¯z¯ 8π z¯z¯ω→0 ω − − + (cid:16) (cid:17) h i (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (0) All of these quantities have nonvanishing -matrix insertions even as ω 0. The operator N S → z¯z¯ projects onto the leading Weinberg pole in the soft graviton theorem [24], so its matrix elements are tree-level exact and are given by κ out N(0) in = εˆ lim ωS(0)− out in , (2.17) h | z¯z¯ S| i −8π z¯z¯ω→0 n h |S| i where n κ ω (z z ) S(0)− = (1+zz¯) k − k . (2.18) n −2ω (z¯ z¯ )(1+z z¯ ) k k k k=1 − X (1) In a similar fashion, N projects onto the subleading (1) term in the soft graviton theorem. At z¯z¯ O tree-level, its matrix elements are given by iκ out N(1) in = εˆ S(1)− out in , (2.19) h | z¯z¯ S| i 8π z¯z¯ n h |S| i where κ n (z z )2 2h S(1)− = − k k Γzk h ∂ + s Ω . (2.20) n 2 z¯ z¯ z z − zkzk k − zk | k| zk k=1 − k (cid:20) − k (cid:21) X In this expression, Γz is the connection on the asymptotic S2, h and h¯ are the conformal weights zz k k given by 1 1 h s ω ∂ , h¯ s ω ∂ , (2.21) k k k ω k k k ω ≡ 2 − k ≡ 2 − − k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 1 and Ω is the corresponding spin connection. As was demonstrated in [22], (2.19) implies that z insertions of the operator 4i γww¯ T d2w D3N(1) (2.22) zz ≡ κ2 z w w w¯w¯ Z − into the tree-level -matrix reproduce the Ward identity for a 2D conformal field theory: S n h h 1 out T in = k + k Γzk + ∂ s Ω out in . (2.23) h | zzS| i Xk=1"(z−zk)2 z−zk zkzk z−zk (cid:0) zk −| k| zk(cid:1)#h |S| i 3 One-Loop Correction to the Subleading Soft Graviton Theorem The matrix element (2.17) is exact because the leading Weinberg pole in the soft graviton expansion is uncorrected. On the other hand, the subleading theorem which governs the (1) O termsinthesoftgraviton expansiondoeshavequantumcorrections thatmodifythematrixelement (2.19) [8]. These corrections are known to be one-loop exact, and arise from IR divergences in soft exchanges between external lines. Indeed, they must be present in order to cancel (within suitable inclusive cross-sections) IR divergences that arise from the Weinberg pole. The divergent part of this one-loop correction was derived in [8], which we will we now review. The loop expansion of the n-particle scattering amplitude is ∞ = (ℓ)κ2ℓ , (3.1) n n M M ℓ=0 X wherewefactored outtheκ2 term thatcomes along witheach additionalloop.2 Indimensionalreg- ularization withd = 4 ǫ,thedivergentpartof theone-loop n-pointgraviton scattering amplitudes − is universally related to the tree amplitude according to [25,26] σ (1) = n (0) , (3.2) Mn div ǫ Mn (cid:12) (cid:12) with (cid:12) 1 n µ2 σ (p p )log . (3.3) n ≡ −4(4π)2 i · j 2pi pj i,j=1 − · X The ǫ−1 singularity is due exclusively to IR divergences because pure gravity is on-shell one- O loop finite in the UV and has no collinear divergences. Using (3.2) and applying the tree-level soft (cid:0) (cid:1) theorem involving a negative-helicity soft graviton, we obtain (1)−(q) q→0 σn+1 S(0)− +S(1)− (0) . (3.4) Mn+1 div −−−→ ǫ n n Mn (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1The zweibein is (cid:0)e+,e−(cid:1)=√2γzz¯(cid:0)dz(cid:12)(cid:12),dz¯(cid:1) and Ω±± =±21(cid:0)Γzzzdz−Γz¯z¯z¯dz¯(cid:1). 2In addition, there is a factor of κn−2 in each (ℓ) dueto then external lines. Mn 5 Wewouldliketoexpandtheaboveequationinpowersofthesoftenergyω. Toproceed,weseparate σ into two terms, one with the soft graviton momentum q and one without: n+1 1 n µ2 ′ ′ σ = σ +σ , σ (p q)log . (3.5) n+1 n n+1 n+1 ≡ −2(4π)2 i· 2pi q i=1 − · X Note that σ′ = (ω) as the logω term vanishes by momentum conservation, while σ = ω0 . n+1 n O O We then find, up to ω0 , (cid:0) (cid:1) O (1)− q→0 (cid:0)S(0(cid:1))− +S(1)− (1) + σn′+1S(0)− (0) 1 S(1)−σ (0) , (3.6) Mn+1 div −−−→ n n Mn div ǫ n Mn − ǫ n n Mn (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) where Sn(1)− (cid:12)(cid:12)in the last term acts only on th(cid:12)(cid:12)e scalar σn. The anomalous term consists of the last two terms on the right-hand-side of the above equation and is ω0 . It is a universal correction O to the subleading soft theorem from IR divergences. (cid:0) (cid:1) Thus far, we have been focusing on the IR divergent part of the one-loop amplitude. However, the one-loop amplitude also has a finite piece: (1) = (1) + (1) . (3.7) n n n M M div M fin (cid:12) (cid:12) It is expected from [8] that (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (1)− q→0 S(0)− +S(1)− (1) +∆ S(1)− (0) , (3.8) Mn+1 fin −−−→ n n Mn fin fin n Mn (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) where∆finSn(1)− istheone-l(cid:12)(cid:12)oopfinitecorrectiontothenega(cid:12)(cid:12)tive-helicity subleadingsoftfactorSn(1)−. Given that the subleading soft graviton theorem is one-loop exact [8], it follows that the all-loop soft graviton theorem is − q→0 S(0)− +S(1)− +κ2 σn′+1S(0)− 1 S(1)−σ +∆ S(1)− , (3.9) Mn+1 −−−→ n n ǫ n − ǫ n n fin n Mn (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:17) where the terms in square brackets proportional to κ2 are the IR divergent and finite parts of the anomaly. Little appears to be currently known about ∆ S(1)−. In all explicitly checked cases, including fin n all identical helicity amplitudes and certain low-point single negative-helicity amplitudes, it was demonstrated that there are no IR finite corrections to the subleading soft graviton theorem [8,9], implying ∆ S(1)− = 0 for these cases. Nevertheless, we are unaware of any argument indicating fin n that this term always vanishes, or on the contrary that its form is universal. In the absence of such information, we will restrict our consideration to the universal divergent correction given in (3.6). 4 One-Loop Correction to the Energy-Momentum Tensor The one-loop corrections (3.9) to the subleading soft factor are expected to result in corrections to thetree-level Virasoro-Ward identity (2.23). Inthissection, weshow thatthis is indeed thecase. 6 Moreover, wefindthat theeffects of theuniversaldivergent correction in (3.6)can beeliminated by a corresponding one-loop correction to the energy-momentum tensor. That is, whenever we have ∆ S(1)− = 0, the shifted energy-momentum tensor obeys the unshifted Virasoro-Ward identity fin n (2.23). (1) The tree-level matrix elements of the operator N are given by (2.19). At one-loop level, the z¯z¯ matrix elements acquire a divergent correction of the form iκ3 σ′ 1 out N(1) in = εˆ lim 1+ω∂ n+1S(0)− S(1)−σ out in . (4.1) h | w¯w¯S| i div 8π z¯z¯ω→0 ω ǫ n − ǫ n n h |S| i (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) It immediately follows from (2.22) that the IR divergent one-loop correction to the T Ward (cid:12) zz identity is given by out ∆T in zz h | S| i κ γww¯ (4.2) = d2w D3 εˆ lim(1+ω∂ ) σ′ S(0)− (S(1)−σ ) out in , −2πǫ z w w w¯w¯ω→0 ω n+1 n − n n h |S| i Z − h (cid:16) (cid:17)i where out T in out∆T in . (4.3) zz div zz h | S| i| ≡ h | S| i It is far from obvious, but nevertheless possible, to rewrite this in terms of the zero modes of the Bondi news. This computation is done explicitly in appendix A, and we find that ∆T can be zz expressed as 2 γww¯ ∆T = d2w 2N(0)D N(0) +D N(0)N(0) . (4.4) zz −πκ2ǫ z w ww w w¯w¯ w ww w¯w¯ Z − (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) Hence, the shifted energy-momentum tensor, given by T˜ = T ∆T , (4.5) zz zz zz − obeys the unshifted Ward identity n h h 1 out T˜ in = k + k Γzk + ∂ s Ω out in (4.6) h | zzS| i Xk=1"(z−zk)2 z−zk zkzk z−zk (cid:0) zk −| k| zk(cid:1)#h |S| i to all orders, whenever ∆ S(1)− = 0. fin n This result seems interesting for a number of reasons. First of all, note that while the renor- malized soft factor contains logarithms and explicit dependence on the renormalization scale, such terms do not appear in the anomalous contribution to the energy-momentum tensor. Furthermore, the fact that the divergence takes the form of a matrix element involving only the local operators N(0)(w) and N(0)(w) allows us to perform an “IR renormalization” of the operator T by sub- ww w¯w¯ zz tracting away the divergent operator. The form of the divergence, when rewritten in terms of the soft graviton operators, is reminiscent of the forward limit of a scattering amplitude. However, it remains to be seen whether or not there are finite corrections to the Ward identity (4.6) and, if so, whether or not they can be eliminated by a further finite shift of the energy-momentum tensor. 7 Acknowledgements We are grateful to D. Harlow, Z. Komargodski, P. Mitra, B. Schwab, and A. Zhiboedov for useful conversations. This work was supported in part by DOE grant DE-FG02-91ER40654. A IR Divergence of One-Loop T Correction zz In this appendix, we explicitly compute the matrix elements of ∆T given in (4.2) by zz out∆T in zz h | S| i κ γww¯ (A.1) = d2w D3 εˆ lim(1+ω∂ ) σ′ S(0)− (S(1)−σ ) out in . −2πǫ z w w w¯w¯ω→0 ω n+1 n − n n h |S| i Z − h (cid:16) (cid:17)i For completeness, we recall the expressions for the leading and subleading tree-level soft factors: n µ ν ± n ± µ κ p p ε (q) iκ ε (q)p q S(0)± = k k µν , S(1)± = µν k λ λν . (A.2) n 2 p q n − 2 p q Jk k k k=1 · k=1 · X X Since S(1)− acts on a scalar in (A.1), the action of is given by n kµν J ∂ ∂ σ = i p p σ . (A.3) Jkµν n − kµ∂pν − kν∂pµ n (cid:20) k k(cid:21) Using (A.2), (A.3), and momentum conservation, it follows that 1 ∆ S(1)− σ′ S(0)− S(1)−σ div n ≡ ǫ n+1 n − n n hκ n (p(cid:16) ε−)2 (cid:17)i p q µ2 (A.4) = i · (p q)log j · (p ε−)(p ε−)log . 4(4π)2ǫ " pi q j · pi pj − i· j · 2pi pj# i,j=1 · · − · X Momentum conservation implies that (A.4) is independent of both the soft energy ω and the renormalization scale µ. It follows that (A.1) becomes κ γww¯ out ∆T in = d2w D3 εˆ ∆ S(1)− out in . (A.5) h | zzS| i −2π z w w w¯w¯ div n h |S| i Z − (cid:16) (cid:17) Before proceeding, it is useful to define the quantity √2 εˆ ∂ xˆi(w)ε+(q(w)) = , (A.6) w¯ ≡ w¯ i 1+ww¯ so that εˆ = εˆ εˆ . It is then straightforward to show that w¯w¯ w¯ w¯ D2 εˆ ε− = 0 , w w¯ (cid:16) D2(cid:17)q = 0 , w (A.7) (p ε−)2 Dw¯D εˆ i · = 2πω δ(2)(w z ) , w w¯w¯ p qˆ − i − i i ! · 8 where qµ = ωqˆµ. Using the first of the above identities, we have µ2 D3 εˆ (p ε−)(p ε−)log = 0 , (A.8) w w¯w¯ i · j · 2p p i j! − · which implies κ n (p ε−)2 p q D3 εˆ ∆ S(1)− = D3 εˆ i· (p q)log j · . (A.9) w w¯w¯ div n 4(4π)2ǫ w w¯w¯ pi q j · pi pj! (cid:16) (cid:17) Xi,j · · To evaluate this, we distribute the covariant derivatives via the product rule and first compute the term n (p ε−)2 p q D3 εˆ i· (p q) log j · = w w¯w¯ p q j · p p i ! i j i,j=1 · · X (A.10) n p qˆ 2πγ ω (p qˆ)D δ(2)(w z )+3(p ∂ qˆ)δ(2)(w z ) log j · , − ww¯ i j · w − i j · w − i p pˆ j i iX,j=1 h i · where we have used the last two identities of (A.7) along with momentum conservation. Similarly, using (A.7) and momentum conservation, we find n (p ε−)2 p q n (p ε−)2(p ∂ q)2 3 D D εˆ i· (p q) D log j · = 3 D εˆ i · j · w , w w w¯w¯ p q j · w p p w w¯w¯ p q p q i,j=1 " i· ! (cid:18) i· j(cid:19)# i,j=1 " i· j · # X X n (p ε−)2 p q n (p ε−)2 2 εˆ i· (p q)D3 log j · = εˆ i · (p ∂ q)3 . iX,j=1 w¯w¯ pi·q j · w(cid:18) pi·pj(cid:19) iX,j=1 w¯w¯ pi·q (pj ·q)2 j · w (A.11) Finally, using momentum conservation and the relationship between the soft momenta and polar- ization vectors [23] 1 ε+ = ∂ qˆ , (A.12) µ w √γ µ (cid:18) ww¯ (cid:19) we find n p ∂ qˆ 2 n (p ε+)2 j w j · = εˆ · . (A.13) p qˆ ww p qˆ j=1 (cid:0) j · (cid:1) j=1 j · X X Substituting (A.10) and (A.11) into (A.9), and then using (2.17) along with (A.13), we find 2 γww¯ out ∆T in = d2w out 2N(0)D N(0) +3D N(0)N(0) in h | zzS| i −πκ2ǫ z w − w¯w¯ w ww w ww w¯w¯ S 2 Z γ−ww¯ D (cid:12)(cid:12)h (cid:16) (cid:17)i (cid:12)(cid:12) E (A.14) = d2w out(cid:12) 2N(0)D N(0) +D N(0)N(0) in(cid:12) , −πκ2ǫ z w ww w w¯w¯ w ww w¯w¯ S Z − D (cid:12)h (cid:16) (cid:17)i (cid:12) E (cid:12) (cid:12) which is precisely (4.4). (cid:12) (cid:12) 9

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