Jmqmrt raaaumr ., W Ag _ l _ _ 1 ‘I ~." "..“ .I. I P ‘I ' I , _ . _. _- . <1 '.1 -.1' '1' ’ 1? '-- i SUN 1 WORLD AIDS DAY- WED 1 LL I MCC I DROP-IN SAT 1 ' WIL I BAD SPEAKING LOVES " BASE 51 - THE WOMEN'S CEILIDI-I NAME THU 2 WIL IUN SUN 2 MCC I CAFE QUENCH . SHEFF HIKING DYKES - FRI 3 WIL/WAG LEIC HIKING DYKES eeeaaeaaeeaa ' SAT 4 . .\._':: WIL I BAD =‘%$~$$$€?$$$$Hs$ I NOTTM HYKING DYKES [1 _ | '- ' 6 MON 2 GAYLINE SUN5 MCC I CAFE QUENCH MON 3 LL I GAYLINE I WIL INTU " LEIC HIKING DYKES WILIUN 0' I LL I WIL I NTU TUE 4 . $$$$$fl¢$='~i¢$$$$ LL / MCCI DROP-IN WORLD AIDS DAY WED 5 SPECTACULAR (MGM) ‘ BASE 51 0' TUE 3 WIL I UN MON 6 LL I GAYLINE IWIL INTU THU 6 “ WIL 996/97 |=R|7 W||_./WAG 1 HIDDEN TALENTS TUE:;7. WIL I.---UN ' WED 4 LLI MCCI DROP-IN WED 8 LL I MCC I DROP—lN SAT 8 WIL I BAD Here it is, the second issue, full BASE 51 BASE 51 I HESHIMA SUN 9 MCC I CAFE QUENCH of information and listings for THU 5 WIL TALKBACK FRI 6 WIL I WAG THU 9 WIL lesbians in Nottinghamshire - a - -L 1 QUEER XMAS BALL FRI 10 WIL I WAG - MON 10 LL I GAYLINE IWIL I NTU window into a women's winter VWLIBAD SAT 7 WIL I BAD SAT 11 LOUGH WOMEN'S BAR nwc 25'r|| nlnfirr-|pAvf. ..suN 12 ~ , -'~,,Mcct{cAFE QUENCH wonderland. From Ceilidhs to . . _ _ 1 \ 0 , * TUE 11 WIL I UN 6' - |.|s|c women's msco xi: 1 ~ aaaaaeeaeeaa . I" "7. _ 1"_'-_ > » 1 -.',.,, . Carpentry, Health to Hyking, it's MCC 9 - NOTTM LGB FORUM W _“_ER “AMER ISSIIE SUN 8 WED 12- I .LL I MCCI DROP IN all here...we hope! I ~s I 5°95 X"A5"BI\5l' _ 9 MON GAYLINE/WILINTU B-ASE 51 IHESHIMA " 6-...:U/‘.,_;—.'.'_,g___,'_ 1g;.'-;»*=' I -':1 .Iq,' LEIC HIKING DYKES * ' ' _ as . L.'.O.‘\5.16!U-.Q, G1H‘ W-.- OMEN'S' B.AR TALKBACK I :L_|___I, .- QUENCH I L JUE / um WIL THU 13 eaaaeaasaaea 1'1-1|: women's ROOM WIL / WAG FRI 14 SAT 15 s;:",1\WIL.’1BAo;; 1- 9 " ._' ..1\‘,_. WED 15 LL IMCC1-I DROP-IN . -....._- _ .15“!-I‘! M01999 - g 1'." I WIL sun 16 ssM.CC / cAf1%E[‘QuENc1-1 . BASE 5‘l.;F‘.' .l 577 T71 __.;. ,' . I _ ,4‘. , - .!-- - . ._-' '- I . ‘.1 ‘ 12 . . - 2- worrnenrs BAR i WOMEN'S MUSIC 61161-112- IIESBIAR FESTIVAL! 21742’. 1 -r .~ ~.- IDBIID AIDS D11’ 1996 ' ., |_ .'-*5 _' .1 '_'- -‘§"' . . '1-s’-1'. . PARTY THU 16 '\1 ., - 17'-l:'r‘L_‘__.‘,’l,1<-,..-."-_-_._'. WIL SPEAKING LOVE'S NAME - An informal candlelight p ru|:1o WIL FRI 17 ...._,.. WIL I WAG ,."~' The Lesbian Centre is proposing to have~_‘LESFEST MON 17 LL I GAYLINE WIL I NTU gathering of remembrance, café and concern on Sun 1 -r|-us ,wo|v|e|u's noom SAT 1s ~ WIL I BAD DAY’ at Nottm Wornen’s Centre in October 1997. This _~ wso .11, _ LLI MCC/DROP-IN sun 19 TUE 18 Ti: 1 WILI UN . \»-_ r '. 4pm, at The Friends Meeting'House, Queens Rd MCCI CAFE QUENCH 7 5 wso 19 LL'1<- 1 Mccz D6' RO- P IN = will be a day for ourselves, to exchangeinfonnation, _join ,L,eicester,'Fo{rr‘nore info ring Margaret Morris on I 1 . BASE 51 I HESHIMA NOTTM HYKING DYKES BASE 51 . 0116 273.3‘37'.7. , R l in workshops, be entertained, eat and drink, socialise, and aaaaaaaaasae THU 12 WILI IWD PLANNING 7 1 \ WOMEN'S MUSIC NIGHT . 1 0 . have fim. Your thoughts and ideas are what is needed at maummnt tronitfs mar 1997 MEETING THU 20' WIL FRI" WIL/WAG A MON 20 LLIGAYLINEIWILI NTU this stage to ensure that the daytime and evening activitie FRI 21’ ” WIL I WAG ‘ S SAT 14 WIL I BAD SAT 22 90th year celebration on Fri 7 Mar at Nottingham Womenis . LESFEST PLANNING are varied and interesting. Meet up fore an informal first WIL I BAD SUN 15 MCC I CAFE QUENCH A Centre. .The planning group next meets on Thu 12 Dec, 6 MEETING SUN 23 MCC I CAFE QUENCH planning meeting Mon 20 Jan 997- at 8pm" to discuss NOTTM HYKING DYKES TUE 21 10.30 - 12.30. Anyone is welcome to come along and help WIL I UN LESB!AN BREAKFAST ideas or write in" via LC pigeon hole. SHEFF HIKING DYKES FUN In GAMES organise the day’s_ activities and evening: events. For infol 9¢fis*99*>1=***fi=** wen 22 LL 1 MCC / DROPS-IN , . .j- I -- 6.: ' " .' . Ir . - --. IEIUEIE Lil ring 01 .9131-114, 75 and ask for a planiiirig group member. I I‘I. BASE 51 ILCCG MON’2'4 LL / GAYLINE I WIL I NTU I MON 16 LL I WIL THU 23 WIL I FRUITOPIA I '3 'n1ewowLews TUE 25 WIL I UN ‘ii’ I rue 17 WILM1L- FRI 24 OHRISIIIAS DA‘! 1996 = I WIL AI‘ WAG _. . WED 26 LLI MCC I DROP IN WED 1s LL / MCC / DROP-IN SAT 25 If you don't ‘do’ Christmas, but want to just ‘chill out‘ WIL I BAD . [email protected]»r1 BASE 51 ILCCG BASE 51 ' _, 9, .. sun 26 with others, come to the Lesbian Centre from 4pm I 1 MCC I CAFE QUENCH ' THU 2.7 WILI FRUITOPIA I WOMEN'S MUSIC NIGHT LESBIAN BREAKFAST i onwards for company, music and candlelight. Bring food " 1 FRI Z8» WIL I WAG THU 19 WIL and drink to share. Hot drinksavailable. . ¢I=iE==fi%i¢=i<=€¢==I=€¢¢I=iH¢=I¢fi¢ . \ I 1 . Contact LL for more information. FRI 20 WIL I WAG I CELLOS ; |_ _,r - - Saturday 1 February 1997 8 —- 11.30 -., ._ -1 ' ‘SAT 21 ' WIL I BAD -,M0N. 27 LL I GAYLINE I WIU NTU , . I I L Shakespeare Street, Nottingham SUN 22 MCC I CAFE QUENCH . :|'UiE-.23 TELKIOQ I I .6 WIL I UN 1» - SHEFF HIKING DYKES . wrap 29 LLIMCCIDROP-IN 0115 956 7600 . xi, Tihe Lesbian Parenting Group (no longer meeting) has ~ BASE51 ..- ---I- ~ fisfiititfitfitfitfisfisfisfisfisfit . .\~ I‘ ‘-5. I CAFE QUENCH 1 I Featuring the eminently 6an¢eai61e'* generously donatedtheir outstanding funds to the Lesbian , |._I' THU 30 WIL I Centre to be used for the benefit of. lesbian parents and their Nottinghanfs New Gay Cafe . sounds ofm": MON 23 LL I WIL FRI .?"I"'* WIL I WAG - L: children. LCCG have agreed to buy items to make the room ,_‘._-_ 7 _|--11, --. _-"_- , _ . _ , TUE 24 WIL 1' open Sundays llam - 11pm, at -v |- 1-._‘._-" Teteen _ \ _, _.- more lesbianparent and child friendly and to use the WED 25 XMAS DAY’ AT LC i. . . ‘ _"_~-1 .-._ ,3 V Jallans, Byard Lane, Nottingham. L .- I‘ remainder for 1';00'KOU'.13! L ‘ THU 26 E! = .~ .~ ‘j.- | _, . _r_ . .'ij"'_.’ .'i_ - ' . , ;_ - . , -1 .'_§ I'- :-i_' -. '_ _ . WIL,. ._\_NLomenf5 lnforpwation Library " . . 'r ~ .- - I PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN REFRE§I-IMENTS |:R| 27 W||_ / WAG ‘ WAG Women Are Gorgeous IIESBIAI PARENTS SUPPQRIII GNU} FRUITOPIA 5A'|- 13 w|L 1 BAD LCCGLesbian-Centre accessible Gay, lesbian and bisexual club at Tues 14 Jan,.7'#'-*9‘pm @ Lesbian Ce‘n.1tre'1 . |_f you' a-. re _ sun 29 MCC / CAFE QUENCH Cwrdinatins <ir9up- '1 *7-‘£6.00. £4~.'O0. £2.50 Sub Club, B ron House, Nottm interested i”n¥joi“n*i-ng this newi_9f¢".-IP contact LL_or Switch NTU Nottingham Trent University SHEFF HIKING DYKES '1-.ia|ra_1|aa1nra_|n1uu1au|'|uaP|_'u-1_.1rar.lP.lEIT-I Trent Uni, SI1akes eare St. 4th for more info. Children welcoine. Childcare may be” LESBIAN aneA|u=As'r UN University OF Uefiiusham “aT"s I Thurs eve “rnontfi. Next dates, 31 @. availableat future events. I ' ' ' I I $$$ $ $*$$$$ MCC Metropolitan Community Church _ _ _ * it BAD,Badmim°n 1 . 23 Jan anI:I,27 Feb, 8.00 . ,1- _- ,'. I .. II . . - _ _ . : _I ,. .=- --1 '-L'-- --~ LL Lesbian Line 2.00am.- £2 NUS, £3 others MON30 LLIWIL‘? ~ , . 1". TUE 51 WILI CELLO'S PARTY ‘LC L‘*’b"’" c°""° . _ _ 1 '_- _' ' _ L'_ . “.1 - l‘ _ . |\_|.,' . l._ _. ,. -- 's- _ . ...»-I .. - - ..~--- --0--' -. 1 "‘ S90IAIIISB1‘ GROUPS MCC - Church for lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Meetings and coffee @ Queens Walk NOTTINGHAMSHIRE w0MEN,S TRAINING SCHEME END OF SUMMER DANCE - Scheduled totake place on Sat Community Centre, The Meadows, every Sun 11.30 - 12.30 and Drop In every Wed (NWTS) Victoria Workshop 1 Cairns St Women On] Basiés 28th Sep, 1996, unfortunately did not happen. The Women's \ NOTTINGHAM HYKING DYKES Walks .-. .00 - 3.00. Contact Pam Haynes, Lay Leader on 01623 748942 - 1.-.» ’ ' y Centre would like to make it clear that this event was . . Courses runnmg throughout Jan, Feb and March. Courses ' 4 usually in Derbyshire 3rd Sungof the'?{,;,-Z-_,%,~_‘ . .. -- - :1~“- ' . " organised and cancelled by an individual who rented the . ".'-4‘I’ J 1:‘- month. Bring lunch. 6-10 miles room, and that the Women's Centre played no part in its FVAG (VVOMEN ARE A GORGEOUS) - Games night with darts, talile tennis, pool filghcglgfilgeifitngzg;?:lg,e2:a£2§;e§alv§g;12]y1iJ§:;Zr:éSD£§;ng tefashop on thefway. Next yy%aAl_ls: Sur§§;,.];5 \. organisation or subsequent cancellation. and tiddly winks. . . with prizes_l!’Tea, coffee biscuits provided. Fri 28 Feb fi'om a walk in the Vale of B§,l.voic set 4 have little experience of driving), Electronics/home electricals, 8.30pm at the LC. Jan, (with Leicester Hiking Qykes) a Computing and Plumbing. OLDER LESBLANS IN NEWARK - Older lesbian living in '- riversidelpub walk with no hills*_*frpm Courses are 1 day a week for 5 weeks. Free childcare and travel Newark wishes torneet/soci11l1.~Io with others of similar age Thurmaston, Sun 19 Jan, a wa"Ilkito'1i-i--‘I1..~ 4"1 LESBIAN CENTRE DROP-IN - Meets every Wed 11 - 3pm. Enjoy a chat, a game of costs. Throughout Feb and March one of the courses will be (601sh). Please get In touch llmmult Lesbian Centre pigeon hole pool, darts, refreshments. Young children welcome, creche available. Currently no Alderwasley and Shining Cliffiwoods. targeted for women users of the mental health services. wheelchair access. Induction loop available. Volunteers to help run the Drop-In are Co§g1tactWLUSwitch for details. _ I“ Phone 9586236 for more information. WOMEN'S FOLK BAND - socks singer interested in Scots folk always welcome. Call LL/Switch for info. ‘v ' ". ' J -. music. Ring Morag on 0115 985 6981. LEICESTER HIKING DYKES Open SELF INSEMINATION GROUP - Currently not meeting. Are there any women . \ ' if; NOTTINGHAM WOMEN'S CENTRE COURSES - Various courses to all women. Next walks: Sun 8 Dec ‘FUN AND GAMES’- A11 evening ofnon-traditional, starting in January 1997 including Self defence, RSA interested in getting it going again? Contact LLISwitch for details. z 7 . Cotswolds, Sun 5 Jan Market»Bosworth, non-competitive games. 'l'uc 2| Jan, 8pm in social space at ‘ Computer Literacy and Information Technology. Art, Basic L. . '‘I I .:,l3~--,; I,. ...5 Sun 2 Feb Charnwood Forest, Sun 2 Mari» -:.. - ",_\..1 Counselling Skills and How to Start up a Business. Contact Nottm Women’s Centre. NOTTINGHAM LGB FORUM -Next meeting Tue 11 Feb, 7.30pm at cvs, 3L.3 Mansfield, -' Peak District Contact LLI Swi.tch for Pauline Dorey at th_efWomen's Centre for more details. 6 Rd, Nottingham. Individuals and representatives from community groufis welcome ;, d6tal1S. ,-_' ' to share information and access help and publicity. There are also groups working‘ STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? - 3 workspace units with the County Council on community safety, education and the youth servi_ce. SHEFFIELD HIKING DYKES A walking _ available to rent at .Nottm Women’s Centre. TED Project Details from 'l1m or Simon at the GAI project, 0115.947 6868 ' * group for lesbians and women provides help and advice with business plans, training, grants questioning their sexuality. Next walks; EASTELS - Telephone support for partners and spouses"_.of lesbiangggay or bisexual I 3 1°°°'"mtS' Free °r°°h°' Ring Pauline Dorey on Sun 1 Dec from Wetton;-';’.,§un 15 Dec _ ._ . - -r-- ‘*- 0115 924 0041 for more info. lieeple. Contact LL/Switch for details. B, Stirines Derwent Edge, 22 Dec I -.3 -. - -1 .1 -' .-4 Baslow, Sun 29 Dec Redmires Resen/oir. . '11.. - -I.n'- -'w6_»_ FJ‘: '~ -_'3_'..1 _ - -‘ - ' 11:"- .r;’ =- '. -* ..;;- ' ""9. = ' -P, '-"' ‘,9 Cdritacti Deena. 01 14'i2'6s'6409 or -r NOTTINGHAM BLACK LESBIAN GROUP - Lesbians who choose to define themselves Pauline 01623 550209 . A . I as Black and who share a common experience of racism based onuskin colour, and . ,__= whose heritage may include African, African-Caribbean, South Ea"st-»Asian and ' ._. . _ i.i -L-ii-@-1&1?--___-\--?--i__i- M___Mi__ . Asian. Set up in 1989 for mutual support and making links with each other, the g -A-._.--.-_._-_-.-._..---_.---..._.____.._ . > MM M _.._._-_ A-._-_ __ W()MEN’S DISCO Sal 7 Dec at ‘The Centre’, 45 King Street, TALKBACK DISCUSSION GROUP “ group has played an active part in the Lesbian Centre and as part of The Women's 9 IIIL llllllllll Dllllllll-llll Leicester. 8 till Late. Food and some booze provided -. bring a An informal, friendly group that meets Centre General Committee. Now we need more enthusiastic Black lesbians ‘who I ‘ bottle to ‘top up‘! Admission £2 waged, £1 unwaged. Proceeds every 2nd Wed of the month at 8pm at i are willing to put energy into the group. The group has its own space within the ’ 9' l to Leicester I-liking Dykes _ f the Lesbian Centre to “talk about issues of Last Sunday of each month Women's Centre that is for Black Lesbians only. If you are interested in attending interest to lesbians. Dec discussion 5 11 - 2pm £1 .50I£2I£2.50 the group, or would like more information, a member of the group can be _ . cancelled. Jan -*1» “lively ‘discussion around Lesbian Centre, NWC. 30 Chaucer St, Nottingham contacted through Lesbian Line. ,_ , arzs saavross a surprise topicPhone LL for Jan details. Food, drink, papers, music I -' .. '\ . Q. cnnitliilfis B/we Children welcome ".-——i'—'i? WOMEN'S MUSIC NIGHT Women's IILII lllll-IIIII.-llll..e-lllllbllll illlll DKLIIIDLII J .,.. ." Centre every 3rd Wed of the month. WOMAN TO WOMAN - A new LESBEWELL - National health t—--r"Tr":-::::_T.::i I pm.Sunday 8th December nationwide introduction service aimed at promotion group for lesbians. Produces Come sing, play, jam, or just listen. All ‘The Centre’. 45 King Street, Leicester standardslstyl-es. Lesbians and women ‘gay professional women’, aged 25 and bi-monthIyt‘1t1‘ew*s‘*l'€$liter -- "fDykenosis“"’.‘ I CELLO'S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY at The Sub Bar, Byron Telephone 0| I6 25474|2 for more Info questioning their sexuality welcome. over who prefer not to socialise on the Contact Lesbewell, PO Box 4048, I-louse, Shakespeare Street (Nottingham Trent University). 31 Contact LUSwitch for details. scene and who are looking for new Moseley, Birmingham, B13 8DP. N~rd"I‘I’i‘NII$~II-/in v/;;o:rti;N’s ezivrtees .96, 9pm to 2am. Advance Tickets £7, on the door £10. fi'iends or maybe someone special. I‘ Subscriptions £6 (£3 low waged) Tickets from Mushroom, Café Quench, Cello's club nights. _1.. 2»5’ITI IiI'}i'R<.»>"FflD9/IY LESBIAN;~CENTRE For details ring Jan Richards on 0115 W _ I CO-ORDINATING GROUP (LCCG) 922 8022 WOMEN'S INFORMATION LIBRARY VVORLD AIDS DAY 96 SPECTACULAR Presented by the at NWC, 30 Chaucer Street Meets 7.30pm 4th Wed ofthe month to (WIL) - A large selection of lesbian GAI Project & Peter Sleaze Sister Martine at MGM, Nottingham Saturday 7th December 10.00 - 4.00 books available for borrowing. discuss Centre biz, ideas, plans. All I LESBIAN CENTRE - on the first floor at on ,Mon 2 Dec,.9.30pm. - _ . welcome. Write to LC or contact LL for . the Women's Centre is newly decorated ' Open Mon 12 -‘2pm, Tues 12 - 2pm,‘ 1 . 1 .- CTFIII Fair, Tarot readings, Displays,‘ Computer, Mosaic and 9.’; _. -'_-- -‘: ‘III ' l ‘_. I. Silkscreen workshops, Speakers, Exhibitions and available for any lesbian to book Thu" ll ' 3Pm ' Fri-e"°'°" request at QUEER XMAS BALL A mixed lesbian-and gay dinner- further info. -A t:vt:Iv"i'1ve a‘i."son A/Ilva e/tanner freefor any event. To book write to WAG“ alld Sat ll ' 2P""'- I dance and disco. Fri 6 Dec, Grand Hotel, Granby St, Leicester. ._ Hg, Steph, do The Lesbian Centre, Women's . Ticket only, £21 from Jo or Jen on 0116 270 9835. BADMINTON All standards welcome to I1 - 8.00 onwards I .‘--I f Centre, 30 Chaucer Street. Sorry, no i ' ‘ ." H ‘Y4- ‘ . _ . * ‘knock about‘ and/or play proper - 0 for more information phone 0115 941 1475 wheelchair access - stairs only. .g_..-ufifiinnln ZWQ.U£nEE.fihHPWi1Z;QQE1““ .erannnnnnnnun games every Sat, costs (£3.15 max) and WI9I.--1.--.:"2_1If1~. It may be of interest to Lesbians using D0011 TlIElIllllllElI'S llllllll court time shared between ‘all those HIDDEN TALENTS CABARET & DISCO Women only, the Centre during weekda s that there Y playing. Riiig -LL/Switch for details of .pr is a catering unit, Creative Catering, fgljiq 11,33, mm: L lllnmen llllllj café night at the lIllElj [alt Skyy Club, Alfieton Rd, Tue” _3_D_¢@,.].S1; aQt‘.9.30pII1, £2 I £3.50 times and venues. ‘ '1‘I4Z_ selling sandwiches, drinks and , ' Ifyou Want to perform ring ‘I. 4 " " I - . - luesdaljlllih llecemherlllllli I E‘ - ' .'¢'-: . ' -- - '.-.510 -. . .,- - . i“ .6_ I .- confectionery in Chaucer Court » ' ' "H-~ YPEEEEE - ' -» . . -s4 1=_-I)o. ,_n; rs N. rorrr _ v ‘ -e1.-6.. _- l I-_. _lllBSlIdljl1IIl.l&llllIlTljl§lIl Workshops behind Women's Centre. I ._ T17 7 f~ ' ':?\\ H_3?s6r;Com1:uuniLy Centre has . ./ - -~.:__~,'~J_' _ _ ."- \ 1.\‘ until 2pm. _. .. ‘I.2 - I -I--,_.;,,'-.-. Q-f",',;_~_*‘_,:_*g A 1 _ _ I 6 _ 11'‘I I ___ .__ - ‘,- L_..| due‘ to luck of support. If I _ . . 1 -“..' I-.." ' 1 - . =1 ."~.'. llEljljl9Illlllj_&ll_lllllll. delicious non-alcoholic drinks I-l I ‘\ll l 5'7-7:‘-':I'Li’ Mon 16 -Tue.17i:Dec: Please note , unless specified as you want it to be get in contact , llon-sII_Inki11ij'iII tafé. smoking area auailahle _ I -—~—i-Z----4-i'—.—‘.-—.___—- FI‘T’:,fif lesbian only these variousgroups , with others via the Won_1en’sILesbian ,5, [up alleu between llasis and Indbatlt llll lrmq llmu lllest. Nottingham mu centre. .. 0115 941.1454 I Fri 27 Dec - Thu 9 Jan (excl"3l 31 I)‘ i < '- '..-\_ services and events may apply to all Centre pigeon holes. I _ I’ nmrusile ltlerm [inema an I.l rarul F ._-__,-'_.M_.-...- _ I ll I1 ‘ 1% 1; _ . . .-'-11.»;-. 6 women or to leSb1.B.I1 gay &b:Lsexuals I SHOT ANDY WARHOL 18 -:r-q~.- _ ' '\..----._-'.'-,1_ ' F_ -. - _ i - 0 - . .Q- If ‘ _‘-vi- ': I. I. . ‘I . . -1 _.\' L»-'1 d h I "7If ‘ O 9 ’.1 - - -'-' -"9 =*-' - 'l*"'e 7.. . i -.. . - I . . .‘ ' . ' '»* ._ '- ’- ' ' ‘_‘_ -'. "-I "-‘ LT1?T?ll;elf~‘.rL.;T:_F=''-.-"_U‘ ri‘ee-il. enia-"rm1"i"st.s-'i=1-vr.-n.*E2-. I.@: 1:.:e—ir-1:-.:e1i-i.n'2r:'2. ieeAI.5. e111%- A..—"L. e. —i.._-."_‘-—--’-.e'_T1.-"-l..i§I~i1'.»l_@- llI’-IllI"I'5.' I "- \:_...;_~;;::;.-¢;-<_-.—e_—I ~ A A »A2-.- -..-.-....-__-A~-A--~——~‘1" i ' : _ , tI Ar'- \ '.l _ ' ' ' ' _ :' I. .-23"-IQ‘-,'.._ W. D —"T _'~"~ *' F ---__ . _ , ,________________ _ _ _H ____________________.M_-o— -—-—-.-.__.___.- '- - la. : ‘-‘;.". . ‘H *'¥j-'\r\f:--, .» ' 1“.- 11I“'; .I _ ’. _ 1. , __: I-L . _ _ - In. -'-\- ‘ _ -. -: _:, _ _ J; ‘ ,i_ |. :;;"_ , . -\' " ' ‘_ '-a "'§- J. ""‘ '