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1 Looking Ahead. TABLE OF CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS 3 Financial Highlights 3 Vision, Mission 3 Brand Core Values MESSAGES 7 From the Chairman 9 From the President and Chief Executive Officer 11 From the Chief Finance Officer 2G0 GROUP, INC. 13 2GO Travel 17 2GO Freight 18 2GO Express 18 2GO Distribution 19 2GO Logistics 21 Information Technology 22 Corporate Social Responsibility 24 Corporate Governance 29 Risk Management 30 Audit Committee Report 32 Shareholders’ Information THE TEAM 34 Board of Directors 38 Executive Officers 2011 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 42 Statements of Management’s Responsibility for Financial Statements 43 Independent Auditor’s Report 44 Consolidated Balance Sheets 46 Consolidated Statements of Income 48 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 49 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity 50 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 52 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 107 2GO Group, Inc. Facts THE COVER Looking ahead is getting ahead. 2GO Group Inc. braved the shipping industry’s rough sailing in 2011. We are thankful to have endured; otherwise, we would not have nurtured the spirit of resilience and resolve. As we continue our voyage, we train our sights on wider vistas of opportunity, confident that the nets we cast will yield bountiful returns. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2011 2010 2009 Income Statement Revenue 12,971 11,611 10,510 EBITDA 1,027 709 1,621 Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Equity Holders (634) (809) 546 Balance Sheet Total Assets 12,132 12,575 10,622 Total Interest Bearing Debt 1,343 2,043 1,444 Total Stockholders Equity 3,306 3,956 5,160 Cash Flow Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (463) 619 1,034 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities 225 (3,410) (1,409) Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities 340 2,500 378 Cash and Cash Equivalents 906 805 1,096 Stock Information Market Capitalization - Year End 3,253 4,476 2,886 3 Stock Price - Year End 1.33 1.83 1.18 Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share (0.26) (0.33) 0.22 VISION 2020 BRAND CORE VALUES To be the best and biggest company in the transport Corporate Governance and supply chain industry Commits to corporate values and accepted ethical and providing memorable travel experiences, moving moral rules and norms that apply inside and outside the products and catalyzing business growth in domestic organization. and international markets. Integrity and Transparency Doing the right things for the right reasons. Treating MISSION people fairly and with respect. Our business is to create memorable, fun-filled and safe travel Teamwork for passengers and provide total supply chain solutions and excellent services to clients building on our The ability to work in unison to achieve a common goal. 180 years of existence. Our People We delight our customers with innovative and technology Our people are the central movers of the organization. driven services while customizing to their needs and ensuring seamless operations. Innovation Process by which new ideas for continuous improvement We connect the Philippines’ 7,107 islands to Asia and the and breakthroughs toward organizational effectiveness world, catalyzing business growth, promoting tourism and and efficiency are promoted and institutionalized. partnering in nation building. Excellence We offer employees a rewarding working environment while A talent or quality which is unusually good and delivering value to our shareholders. surpasses ordinary standards. It is also aimed for standard of performance. 3 Annual Report 2011 OOuuttllooookk 4 Looking Ahead. mmoommeennttuumm.. 5 OOuurr nneeww bbuussiinneessss iiddeennttiittyy iinntteeggrraatteess aallll ooff 22GGOO.. WWee aarree nnoo lloonnggeerr jjuusstt aa sshhiippppiinngg ccoommppaannyy,, bbuutt oonnee tthhaatt pprroovviiddeess ssoolluuttiioonnss ffoorr tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt ooff ppeeooppllee aanndd ccaarrggoo,, bbootthh ffoorr ddoommeessttiicc aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall.. 22GGOO GGrroouupp IInncc.. iiss tthhee nneeww nnaammee ooff AATTSS CCoonnssoolliiddaatteedd IInncc.. 22GGOO TTrraavveell ccoommbbiinneess oouurr PPaassssaaggee bbrraannddss NNeeggrrooss NNaavviiggaattiioonn,, SSuuppeerrFFeerrrryy,, SSuuppeerrCCaatt aanndd CCeebbuu FFeerrrriieess.. WWee sshhaallll rree--ddeefifinnee sseeaa ttrraavveell bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg mmeemmoorraabbllee eexxppeerriieenncceess tthhaatt bbrriinngg ppeeooppllee aanndd ppllaacceess ttooggeetthheerr.. 22GGOO SSuuppppllyy CChhaaiinn sseerrvviiccee ssccooppee iinncclluuddeess FFrreeiigghhtt,, EExxpprreessss,, aanndd LLooggiissttiiccss.. 22GGOO FFrreeiigghhtt iiss tthhee ttrraaddiittiioonnaall mmoovveemmeenntt ooff ccoonnttaaiinneerriizzeedd ccaarrggoo.. IItt iiss tthhee bbrirdidggee t oto t hthe eV Visiasyaaysa sa nadn dM Mindinadnaanoa.o 2. G2OG OEx pExrepsrse siss tish eth me omvoemveemnet not f oafl la nll onno-nco-cnotnaitnaeinriezreizde dc acragrog.o U. nUdnedre 2r GexOp rEexsps rewses wmeo vme oavney athniyntgh infrgo mfro mco ucoriuerr,i etro, tole sles ssc acragrog ol oloaadds sf foorr ddoommeessttiicc aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn.. 22GGOO LLooggiissttiiccss ccoommpplleetteess 22GGOO’’ss aallrreeaaddyy eexxtteennssiivvee rraannggee ooff sseerrvviicceess bbyy ooffffeerriinngg WWaarreehhoouussee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt,, OOrrddeerr EEnnttrryy && RReelleeaassiinngg,, aanndd IInn--ssttoorree MMeerrcchhaannddiissiinngg,, ttoo nnaammee aa ffeeww.. 22GGOO DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn rreepprreesseennttss SSccaannAAssiiaa OOvveerrsseeaass,, IInncc.. oonnee ooff tthhee lleeaaddiinngg iimmppoorrtteerrss aanndd ddiissttrriibbuuttoorrss ooff wweellll rreennoowwnneedd pprroodduuccttss iinn tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinnee mmaarrkkeett.. 22GGOO iiss aa bbrraanndd tthhaatt wwoouulldd bbeesstt ddeessccrriibbee oouurr bbuussiinneessss.. IItt iiss uunniiqquuee ttoo tthhee iinndduussttrryy aanndd ddeeppiiccttss aa ffrreesshh,, ddyynnaammiicc,, aanndd ssaaffee iimmaaggee.. 5 Annual Report 2011 FRANCIS C. CHUA Chairman of the Board W e know that the success of the country is our own success as well. 6 Looking Ahead. Message from the Chairman DEAR SHAREHOLDERS 2011 has indeed been a challenging year for the entire global economy. The Arab Spring, which led to the replacement of regimes in the Middle East had, for a time, resulted to higher than normal fuel prices, eroding what was already a fragile recovery by the world economies from a crisis that is continues to be categorized as worse than the Great Depression of 1929. The Tsohoku Tsunami in Japan, as well as the flooding in Thailand greatly disrupted supply chains and exacerbated the overall weakness of the global economy. As a result of all of these external factors, the recovery of the European and US economies, which are our major trade partners, have been stalled and have wobbled the local economy. GDP grew by a “feeble” 3.7% in 2011 compared to the robust 7.6% growth in 2010. Agriculture, Industry and the Service Sectors were key factors in driving the GDP number forward, but the anemic performances in Public Consumption, Government Spending and Exports, neutralized any headway that could have been achieved. Against this backdrop, 2GO Group met the year full of challenges and your company came out better than ever. Primordial among the objectives for the year was the integration of the operations of Negros Navigation, Co., Inc. (NENACO) and 2GO Group, Inc., paving the way for the combined NENACO-2GO entity to become a complete logistic solutions company from what was largely a passage and freight company in the past. We have studied the strengths of the two companies and have created a union of these strengths resulting in what 7 we believe is a company that is poised to take advantage of a resilient Philippine Economy that has weathered the storms of the global economic downturn and is primed to expand once the global economies restart their recovery. We remain true to our objectives of maximizing shareholder wealth. With this in mind, we continue on towards the path of sustainability. Our successful integration of the two entities will result in better passenger volumes, more cargo business and greater market coverage. We continue to enhance our reliability, ensuring that we will remain the top choice among our customers. Our enhanced approach of viewing customer needs from a total logistics solutions standpoint has started to pay dividends. We will continue to build on the solid foundation we have laid out in 2011 as we look forward to a brighter future in 2012 and beyond. Our objectives though go beyond maximizing shareholder’s wealth. We recognize that, as the biggest and most dominant player in the industry, we are a key part of the economic development of the Philippines. We shall continue to play our role to help uplift the lives of our countrymen through the delivery of key services, as we know that the success of the country is our own success as well. FRANCIS C. CHUA Chairman of the Board 7 Annual Report 2011 SULFICIO O. TAGUD, JR. President and Chief Executive Officer W e have determined the “right size” for the company and have taken steps to reach that optimal point. 8 Looking Ahead. Message from the President & Chief Executive Officer DEAR SHAREHOLDERS The combined NN-ATS will remember 2011 as a year full of change. While the global economies reeled from rising fuel prices brought about by the Arab Spring, and the disruption in supply chain brought about by twin natural disasters in Japan and Thailand, your company had been taking this time to introspect and to find the best in it and standardize practices in both companies. The vision behind the acquisition of ATS by NN has always been that the combination of the top two players in the industry will result in a stronger and more responsive entity which will deliver the best service for its customers in passage and cargo. We have concretized this vision and redefined our business model into that of a complete supply chain provider, combining the best of shipping business with the sunrise industry of the logistics and supply chain management. 2011 will be remembered as the year that the groundwork for the metamorphoses of these two businesses was actualized into the new 2GO Group Inc., which appropriately became the new corporate brand reflecting this new vision. Right at the start of the year, a route rationalization program was put in place, ensuring that the right vessel and the right route are properly matched. This has been executed but is continuously being evaluated to ensure that we are well-positioned to take advantage of new opportunities in routes that we both service, and routes that we would like to service. This rationalization program has resulted in the disposal of four aging and less efficient vessels. As with all business combinations, excesses had to be trimmed in order to realize operational efficiencies. To this end, we have consolidated most of our container yard services, especially for ports and branches actively being serviced by both NN and ATS when they were still separate entities. At the start of the 4th quarter, we managed to gain control over the (ship) management of our vessel fleet, allowing us to have an even greater opportunity to optimize our cost position. A single ticketing system has been employed ensuring that standard pricing is put in place and that passage customers can purchase a ticket for any available destination, regardless of whether it is an NN vessel or an ATS vessel servicing this route. Back office services have been consolidated and centralized, ensuring that servicing of the needs of our service providers and suppliers are done in a standardized and orderly manner. 9 We have determined the “right size” for the company and have taken steps to reach that point, further reducing costs while retaining the best talent in order that we may continually operate at our peak. We have acquired seasoned talents and continue to be on the lookout for complementing talent to add to our pool to ensure that new and innovative ideas are always put on the table, with the aim of further enhancing the services that we provide to our customers. And, in line with the vision of transforming the company into a complete supply chain solution provider, we have streamlined processes wherein customers can now fully avail of all services without having to speak to several representatives of different subsidiaries within the group. We initiated financial restructuring at the start of the year, culminating in the consolidation and terming out of our short term supplier financing into a medium term loan with Banco de Oro. We are thankful with the confidence shown by the Philippine’s largest lender and continue to enhance our relationship with them and our other partner financial institutions. We note with delight the change that has been seen in the industry. Today, the spirit of cooperation pervades among the players in the industry. Gone are the days of cut-throat competition and industry players have banded together, realizing that the shipping industry is a vital cog in the economic development of the country and seeing that only through this new found spirit will the industry be able to best serve the needs of individuals and industries alike. We are confident that the groundwork we have laid out in 2011 will reap handsome dividends for us in the years to come. We are by no means finished with our task of continuously seeking improvement, as should be the case in a dynamic market such as ours. But we are confident that we are way past the difficult part of the integration process and, armed with our unwavering and passionate commitment to serve our customers, we look forward to 2012 with renewed optimism and confidence. We sincerely thank our customers, business partners, suppliers, bankers, and the communities where we operate for the strong partnership and support. Finally, it is our commitment to work towards a sustainable growth and long-term value creation for our stakeholders. SULFICIO O. TAGUD, JR. President and Chief Executive Officer 9 Annual Report 2011 JEREMIAS E. CRUZABRA Chief Finance Officer T he cost of integration... Taking a bitter pill to swallow to usher in a better tomorrow. 10 Looking Ahead.

42 Statements of Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements. 43 together. 2GO Supply Chain service scope includes Freight, Express, and .. Today, an integrated Financial and HR systems using the Oracle EBS R12 platform is being . Rotary Club of San Francisco del Monte, Sen.
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