LONGTERM AND PEAKSCAN: NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS COMPUTER PROGRAMS © 1972 by the Regents of the University of Michigan The Museum of Anthropology All rights reserved ISBN (print): 978-0-932206-11-4 ISBN (ebook): 978-1-951538-45-3 Browse all of our books at sites.lsa.umich.edu/archaeology-books. Order our books from the University of Michigan Press at www.press.umich.edu. For permissions, questions, or manuscript queries, contact Museum publications by email at [email protected] or visit the Museum website at lsa.umich.edu/ummaa. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Drs. Edwin N. Wilmsen and James B. Griffin of the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Michigan for their support and encouragement throughout the design and implementation of the entire activation analysis project, including the writing of the PEAKSCAN and LONGTERM programs. Professors Griffin and Wilmsen also made available the large amounts of computer time necessary for the development of the programs. Much of the basic development of the activation-analysis project was carried out by Professor Adon A. Gordus of the University of Michigan Department of Chemistry, and our initial attempts at programming, parti cularly those which led to the writing of LONGTERM, were carried out un der his supervision. We thank Mr. Charles Sheffer of the Museum of Anthropology for his comments on and revisions of LONGTERM and for support in writing and de bugging both programs. The staff of the University of Michigan Computing Center provided us with much assistance in debugging the programs and in mastering various aspects of data storage and retrieval under the Michigan Terminal System. This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, grants, GS-1196, GS-3214, and GS-2242. Funds were supplied by the College of Literature, Science and the Arts of the University of Michigan to purchase computer time. INTRODUCTION In 1966 the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology began neutron activation analysis of archaeological materials including obsid ian, chert, and pottery. Under the direction of James B. Griffin and Edwin N. Wilmsen, the Museum's activation analysis program has defined several important archaeological problems which it is solving by deter mining elemental compositions of prehistoric artifacts. Accounts of the program's early work with obsidian and pottery have been given by Griffin, Gordus, and Wright (1969) and by Gordus, Wright, and Griffin (1968). Wright (1967) has briefly discussed a study he made of Midwestern chert artifacts and sources. These papers focus on the problem of identifying the geological sources of the raw materials util ized by prehistoric peoples, and current neutron activation studies con tinue to concentrate on this problem. The initial work of the project, overseen primarily by Griffin and Gordus, resulted in the development of specialized laboratory techniques suitable for measuring many of the trace elements found in obsidians and cherts. Also important at this stage were the acquisition and testing of high-resolution spectroscopy devices used to collect gamma ray spectra from neutron-activated materials. The most sensitive of our spectroscopy systems includes a lithium-drifted germanium gamma-ray detector connected to a 2048 channel pulse-height analyser. Also developed during the initial stages of the program was a time dependent, single-channel spectrometer, which has been used to analyse obsidian specimens for the elements sodium and manganese. These elemental -1- -2- data are used an initial sorting device in distinguishing geological sources of obsidian. ·The system is automatic, and has been used to in expensively analyse about 5,000 obsidian specimens. Recent improvements in our single-channel analysis system are described by Meyers (n.d.), and discussions of the results it has yielded are outlined by Farnsworth and Meyers (n.d.) and by Fires-Ferreira (n.d.). As the initial phases of the activation analysis program near com pletion, the program's task has shifted from development and testing of analytic techniques toward production of quantities of accurate analytic data. A laboratory capable of analysing over 100 lithic specimens per month has been established, and a program of analysis has been implemented to use the laboratory to its capacity. This requires a large amount of spectral analysis, and has as a by-product the production of great quan tities of raw spectral data. These data must be processed arithmetically to yield quantitative information about the elemental composition of lithic materials. For a single chert specimen, quantitative elemental data are obtained by mathematical reduction of two 2048-channel gamma ray spectra. A "first count," made 7 days after the specimen has been irradiated, yields data for neutron-activated chemical elements with short radioactive half-lives. A "second count," made 2-4 weeks later, yields information for elements with longer half-lives. The reduction of raw data from any individual spectrum requires three steps: 1) identification of all radioisotopes represented in the spectrum; 2) determination of the number of nuclear disintegrations recorded for each radioisotope represented in the spectrum; and 3) comparison of the spectrum with spectra from chemical standards -3- of known composition in order to determine the exact amount of each chemical element represented by a detected radioisotope. Using a desk calculator, a technician could perform these three steps for a typical spectrum in 1 to 2 hours; hence, given 2 counts for each specimen, it would require 200-400 hours of technician labor to arithmetically pro- cess the raw output from the 100 specimens we analyse per month. Clearly, this is an excessive amount of labor. Wilmsen, as the current director of the activation analysis program, thus requested that the authors de- velop the necessary computer programs to accomplish our data reduction automatically. Two such programs have been written. The first, called PEAKSCAN, is designed to "scan" entire gamma ray spectra in order to determine the locations, energies, and intensities of gamma ray photopeaks. This information is then used to determine qualitatively what chemical elements are represented in the spectra. LONGTERM, the second of the programs, is used to calculate the quantities of chemical elements represented in gamma ray spectra. Data input into the program include the locations and shapes of photopeaks (as indicated by PEAKSCAN), descriptions of the specimens being analysed, and information specifying the chemical compositions of the standards irradiated and analysed with the specimens of unknown composition. The final information output by LONGTERM is a quantitative determination of each chemical element measured in each specimen of unknown composition. Operation of these computer programs upon gamma ray spectra repre- • senting an analytic specimen allows us to determine the trace element composition of the specimen at about one-third the cost of hand-calcula- -4- tion of the same information. The added accuracy and precision of the high-speed digital computer and the automatic production of punched cards containing the elemental data represent additional advantages over hand calculation. NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS In nature, the atoms of any chemical element may exist as one or a very few isotopes. All atoms of a single chemical element contain the same number of protons in their nuclei, but atomic nuclei of the same element may contain different numbers of neutrons, Atoms of a single element containing different numbers of neutrons are termed different isotopes of that element. The element lithium, for example, has 2 natu- ral isotopes. All lithium atoms contain 3 protons, and 93 percent of all lithium atoms have 3 neutrons. However, about 7 percent of natural lithium atoms have 4 neutrons. The 3 proton/3 neutron state is termed lithium-6 (annotated Li6), while the latter isotope is termed lithium-7 3 (3Li7). When a large number of atoms are placed in a nuclear reactor and bombarded with large quantities of free thermal neutrons (existing unat- tached to atomic nuclei), some of the atoms will absorb neutrons. An atom of any given element which absorbs a thermal neutron will typically be transformed into an atom of a different isotope of the same element. Thus, for example, an atom of Na23 (sodium-23), which has 11 protons 11 24 and 12 neutrons, will become an atom of Na (with 11 protons and 13 11 neutrons) upon absorbing a free neutron. Many artificially produced iso- 24 topes (including Na ) are radioactive; that is, they are unstable and 11 -5- tend to disintegrate or decay to more stable nuclear states through time. An unstable radioactive atom may decay by emitting a subatomic par ticle called a beta-particle or by absorbing a free electron into its nucleus. In either case, a nuclear photon, or gamma ray, may be emitted by the decaying nucleus. One-half the atoms in any group of atoms of a single radioactive isotope will undergo decay within a predictable period, termed the half-life of the isotope. The half-life of an isotope is unique to that isotope. Decaying atoms of any radioisotope will emit photons of only one or, at most, a very few discrete energies. Energies of photons are expressed in electron volts. Gamma ray energies typically fall in the range between 100 and 2000 thousand electron volts (KeV). Like its half-life, the energies of the gamma rays emitted by a radioisotope are unique to the isotope. In order to determine the abundances of elements being measured in a neutron-activated specimen, it is first necessary to identify those isotopes which have been created by absorption of thermal neutrons within the specimen. By collecting gamma ray spectra from specimens which have undergone a neutron irradiation within a nuclear reactor, it is possible to identify many of the isotopes produced. From the gamma ray spectra, the energies of the gamma rays and the half-lives of the isotopes emitting them may be determined. Tables of gamma ray energies, of the isotopes represented by gamma rays of various energies, and of the half-lives of many radioisotopes are readily available in the literature (e.g., Lederer, Hollander, and Perlman, 1967; Dams and Adams, 1968). Also available are technical discussions of gamma ray detection, energy determination, and