StatisticalScience 2009,Vol.24,No.2,211–222 DOI:10.1214/09-STS293 (cid:13)c InstituteofMathematicalStatistics,2009 Longitudinal Data with Follow-up Truncated by Death: Match the Analysis Method to Research Aims Brenda F. Kurland, Laura L. Johnson, Brian L. Egleston and Paula H. Diehr 0 1 0 2 Abstract. Diverse analysis approaches have been proposed to distin- n guish data missing due to death from nonresponse, and to summarize a J trajectories of longitudinal data truncated by death. We demonstrate 5 how these analysis approaches arise from factorizations of the distri- 1 bution of longitudinal data and survival information. Models are illus- trated using cognitive functioning data for older adults. For uncondi- ] E tional models,deathsdonotoccur,deathsareindependentofthelongi- M tudinalresponse,ortheunconditionallongitudinalresponseisaveraged over the survival distribution. Unconditional models, such as random . t a effects models fit to unbalanced data, may implicitly impute data be- t yond the time of death. Fully conditional models stratify the longitu- s [ dinal response trajectory by time of death. Fully conditional models 1 are effective for describing individual trajectories, in terms of either v aging (age, or years from baseline) or dying (years from death). Causal 7 models (principal stratification) as currently applied are fully condi- 9 tional models, since group differences at one timepoint are described 6 2 for a cohort that will survive past a later timepoint. Partly conditional 1. models summarize the longitudinal response in the dynamic cohort of 0 survivors.Partlyconditionalmodelsareserialcross-sectionalsnapshots 0 of the response, reflecting the average response in survivors at a given 1 timepoint rather than individual trajectories. Joint models of survival : v and longitudinal responsedescribetheevolving health status of the en- i X tire cohort. Researchers using longitudinal data should consider which r method of accommodating deaths is consistent with research aims, and a use analysis methods accordingly. Key words and phrases: Censoring, generalized estimating equations, longitudinal data, missing data, quality of life, random effects models, truncation by death. Brenda F. Kurland is Ph.D. Assistant Member, Clinical [email protected]. Brian L. Egleston is Ph.D. Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Associate Member, Biostatistics Facility, Fox Chase Center, 1100 Fairview Ave. N. D5-360, P.O. Box Cancer Center, 333 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia, 19024, Seattle, Washington 98109-1024, USA e-mail: Pennsylvania 19111-2497, USA e-mail: [email protected]. Laura L. Johnson is Ph.D. [email protected]. Paula H. Diehr is Ph.D. Statistician, Office of Clinical and Regulatory Affairs, Professor, Departments of Biostatistics and Health National Center for Complementary and Alternative Services, Box 357232 University of Washington, Seattle, Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 6707 Washington 98195-7232, USA e-mail: Democracy Blvd. Suite 401, MSC 5475 Bethesda, [email protected]. Maryland 20892-5475, USA, e-mail: 1 2 KURLAND,JOHNSON,EGLESTON ANDDIEHR 1. INTRODUCTION data reflect assumptions about survival. The real dataillustratehowstandardanalysistechniquessuch Research studies often collect information at mul- asrandomeffectsmodelsandgeneralized estimating tiple timepoints. For example, the Cardiovascular equations(GEE)maybeappliedtoaddressdifferent Health Study(CHS),anobservationalstudyof5888 research aims involving longitudinal data truncated older adults, conducted annual assessments of car- by death. Bias, estimation and efficiency are impor- diovascular functioning and other health measures tantissues fordataanalysis.However, wefocusonly for up to 18 years. With these longitudinal mea- onourprimaryinterest,theinterpretation ofregres- surements, CHS data have been used to study dis- sion model estimands. Although each model is used easecourse(Kaplan et al.,2005),healthintheyears to fit a slope and expected response values, these leading up to a diagnosis (Diehr et al., 2001b) and estimands for the longitudinal response are “apples the natural history of aging (Burke et al., 2001; and oranges,” not directly comparable dueto differ- Diehr et al., 2002). ent factorizations of longitudinal response and sur- Missing data can be an impediment to interpret- vival. ing longitudinal data. Suppose a cohort of 200 sub- jects report self-rated health at age 70 years, and 2. BACKGROUND: FOLLOW-UP CENSORED only 150 of these subjects are located for follow-up. BY NONRESPONSE (DROPOUT) If the average self-rated health at age 75 is higher thantheaverage at70,theincreasecouldreflectim- Abriefreviewofmodelsforlongitudinaldatawith provement in individuals’ health, attrition of sicker monotone dropout provides a foundation for dis- participants or death of sicker participants. cussing analysis of longitudinal data truncated by Many analysis methodsfor longitudinal datawith death. Two common, widely applied analysis meth- dropoutandnonresponsehave beenproposedtoad- ods for longitudinal data are random effects mod- dress different research aims, study designs, missing els (Laird and Ware,1982)and generalized estimat- data patterns and estimation strategies (Little and ing equations (GEE) (Liang and Zeger, 1986). By Rubin, 1987; Rubin, 1987; Robins, Rotnitzky and modeling a structure for the correlation between Zhao, 1995). Comparatively little work in statisti- subjects’ longitudinal responses, a correctly speci- cal methodology has addressed data missing when fied random effects model will yield consistent, un- deaths occur during the period of follow-up, and re- biased estimates of regression parameters by max- centwork hasfocusedmostly on principalstratifica- imum likelihood estimation, even with unbalanced tion (Frangakis and Rubin, 2002; Frangakis et al., data (Laird, 1988). For example, if sicker partici- 2007). Kurland and Heagerty (2005) characterized pants drop out, their trajectory of decline in self- targets of inference for longitudinal data truncated ratedhealthiscontinuedimplicitlybyawell-specified bydeathbyfactorizationsofthejointdistributionof random effects model. If trends for dropouts can be survivalandlongitudinalresponse,f(S,Y).Thefac- inferred from observed data and parameters for lon- torization was introduced primarily to provide con- gitudinal response and dropout are distinct (miss- text for a single approach, the partly conditional ing at random, such as when scores decline before mean model. In this article, we explore several tar- dropout), the missingness is ignorable and the over- gets of inference in detail, and give guidance on ap- all rate of change may be analyzed as if no one has propriate analysis techniques for common scientific dropped out. If the decline in health that leads to questions arising for longitudinal data truncated by dropout starts after the last recorded measurement, death. We present six modeling options, illustrated then dropout is nonignorable, and random effects using both hypothetical and actual CHS data. The modelsarenotaneasysolution.Untestableassump- hypothetical data without measurement error illus- tions must be made about nonignorable dropout trate clearly how modeling choices for longitudinal processestomodellongitudinaltrends(Laird,1988). GEE can accommodate data missing at random if estimating equations are weighted by the inverse This is an electronic reprint of the original article probabilityofdropout(Robins, Rotnitzky and Zhao, published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in Statistical Science, 2009, Vol. 24, No. 2, 211–222. This 1995). Giving additional weight to observed data reprint differs from the original in pagination and for people who were likely to drop out is similar to typographic detail. implicit or explicit imputation of unobserved data. LONGITUDINALDATATRUNCATEDBY DEATH 3 In fact, under some conditions, weighted GEE and Table 1 Longitudinal 3MSE scores for 4 hypothetical CHS imputation will give the same results (Paik, 1997). participants (X = deceased) Missing at random is often a reasonable assump- tion, especially when longitudinal observations are Age closelyspacedrelativetomechanismsactingonboth Participant 70 71 72 73 74 75 dropout and response. For example, preclinical cog- nitive changes could likely be detected by annual A (“normal”) 90 90 90 90 90 90 assessments before a CHS participant becomes im- B (“mild cognitive impairment”) 84 82 80 78 76 74 C (“terminal decline”) 84 80 76 X X X paired by dementia in a way that would lead to D (“terminal decline”) 65 50 35 X X X nonresponse. However, analysis of longitudinal data with MAR dropout still requires accurate modeling oftheregressionmodel(fixedeffects)andeithercor- scores (5174 of 31093) were missing due to partici- relation (for random effects models) or dropout (for pant nonresponse, but most participants with miss- weighted GEE) (Kurland and Heagerty, 2004). ingdatahadonlyoneortwoscoresmissing(n=948 participants). Someparticipants haddroppedoutof 3. DATA EXAMPLES AND NOTATION the study, and were missing 7 or more scores each 3.1 Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) (n=134). Nonresponse was accommodated by sin- gleimputationusingtheMarkovChainMonteCarlo The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) was a method of PROC MI in the SAS/STAT software, population-based prospective longitudinal study of version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Impu- 5888 adults aged 65 years and older at baseline tationwasstratifiedbytimeofdeath(fordecedents) (Fried et al., 1991). Cognitive functioning was as- and recruitment group (for nondecedents), and was sessed annually for up to 10 years by the Modi- modeled based on observed 3MSE values, baseline fied Mini-Mental State Examination (3MSE, scored age, gender and recruitment group. from 0 to 100) (Teng and Chui, 1987). Our primary Accommodation of deaths in CHS data also will goalintheCHSanalysisistodescribethetrajectory be described using simplified hypothetical data. Ta- of cognitive functioning (3MSE) over time, and to estimate 3MSE scores at different ages. Gender ef- ble 1 shows 3MSE data for 4 hypothetical partici- fects areexploredin each analysis toaddabetween- pants with a baseline age of 70. Participant A, rep- personvariableofinteresttothelongitudinal(within- resenting normal cognitive functioning, has a 3MSE person changes) model, and to explore the effects of 90 points at all assessments. Participant B’s lin- of differential survival on different regression ap- ear decline from 84 to 74 points over 5 years reflects proaches for longitudinal and survival data. We ex- a possible trajectory of mild cognitive impairment amine the 3814 participants aged 70 years and older (whichcouldbeinterpretedaspreclinicalAlzheimer’s at baseline. In this cohort, 1356 participants (36%) disease).Participants CandDbothdeclinebetween died during follow-up: 44% (744/1703) of men and baseline and age 72, and die before age 73. 29% (612/2111) of women. We will examine how 3.2 Notation different analysis methods each yield 3MSE trajec- tories (rates of change) and fitted values (expected VectorYi representsthelongitudinalresponse(i.e., cognitive status at specific ages), but address differ- cognitive functioningor quality of life), measured at ent research aims. multiple timepoints for participant i. The dimen- Although models may be constructed to accom- sion of Yi may differ for individuals (values of i), modate both deaths and nonresponse due to death. For example, in Table 1 (hypotheti- (Kurland and Heagerty, 2005), we imputed data cal CHS data), responses for participant A, YA, are missing due to nonresponse for simplicity of presen- the vector (90,90,90,90,90,90), and for participant tation.Datawerenotconsideredmissingiffollow-up C, YC, are (84,80,76). Scalar variable Si represents was truncated by death, or censored by the end of survival time for participant i, such as age at death the study period. (A later cohort to boost minority or weeks from baseline until death: in Table 1, SC recruitment received 6 annual assessments instead is 73 years. The dimension of Y is determined by i of10.)Mostparticipants(n=2061,54%)completed the value of S , but is not in principle affected by i allscheduled3MSEassessments.About17%of3MSE data missing due to nonresponse. In practice, the 4 KURLAND,JOHNSON,EGLESTON ANDDIEHR Table 2 Summary of statistical models for longitudinal response and survival (time of death) Statistical model Sampleresearch setting Primary analysis Comments method a. Unconditional f(Yi) Describe Yi (longitudinal re- Rate of local recurrence follow- Mixed effects / ran- May implicitly impute sponse) in setting where sur- ing ablation of liver tumors dom effects / latent data beyonddeath vival (Si) is unrelated to Yi, variable regression or when death does not result in missing data b. Fully conditional: pattern-mixture f(Yi|Si=s) Describe Yi separately for Longitudinal change in physi- Mixed effects / ran- Describes individual tra- groups defined by survival calfunctioningfollowing stroke, dom effects regression jectories, but uses future time separatelyfor<1,1–5,and>5- stratified by survival survival information to year survivors time predict earlier responses c. Fully conditional: principal stratification f(Yi(z)|Si(0)>s,Si(1)>s) Describe average causal treat- Average QOL difference for Weighted averaging of Weights are unidentifi- ment effect for stratum that toxic treatment with greater estimated outcomes able and must be ex- would survive past time s re- survival, versus less toxic treat- from models such ploredthroughstrongas- gardless of treatment ment with lesser survival, in as generalized linear sumptions and/or sensi- subjects expected to live 6+ models tivity analysis months on either treatment d. Fully conditional: terminal decline f(Yi|Si=s) Describe Yi counting back- Terminal decline studies Mixed effects / ran- Time scale is retrospec- ward from time of death dom effects regression tive e. Partly conditional: regression conditioning on being alive f(Yi|Si>t) DescribeYiinthedynamicco- Average physical functioning in GEE with indepen- Describes longitudinal hortofsurvivorsateachtime- survivors at 6 months and 5 dence working correla- trend of dynamic cohort, point years after stroke tion not individuals f. Joint model f(Yi|Si) Describe both Yi and Si for Percent of stroke patients who Logistic regression, Continuous longitudinal example,“probabilityofbeing are alive and can perform self- GEE (binary out- outcomesmayneedtobe alive and healthy” care 6 monthsafter stroke come); specialized categorized for analysis multiple response methods analysis in Section 4 uses imputation of data miss- the length of Y and is not fixed, regression models i ing due to nonresponse to ensure that the observed of longitudinal data truncated by death must ex- responsevectorisoftheproperdimension.Thejoint plicitly or implicitly model survival as well. A single distribution f(Yi,Si) describes the probability that regression model could be built for the joint dis- Yi takes on a vector of specific values, and that par- tribution f(Yi,Si), or for factorizations based on ticipant i dies at a specific time. We assume that thedefinitionsofjointandconditionaldistributions: (Yi,Si) are independent and identically distributed f(Yi|Si)f(Si) or f(Si|Yi)f(Yi). We will character- over i. ize models for Y as unconditional, fully conditional i or partly conditional based on how, or whether, the 4. STATISTICAL MODELS FOR longitudinalresponsemodelconditions on S .These i LONGITUDINAL RESPONSE AND SURVIVAL models are defined in more detail below, and sum- Regression models for longitudinal data describe marized in Table 2. Each model is applied to the the relationship between predictors and the longitu- hypothetical (Table 3) and actual (Figure 1) CHS dinal response, Y . Because survival S determines data. Models are fit to data for all participants, but i i LONGITUDINALDATATRUNCATEDBY DEATH 5 Table 3 Hypothetical CHS data (Table 1) estimated age 75 3MSE score and 3MSE slope, using models that accommodate deaths in different ways. Even a predicted value for the response, such as “3MSE at age 75,” represents a different estimand for each model Sample research question(s) 3MSEat age 75 Linear3MSEslope(annualchangein3MSE) a. Unconditional f(Yi) What is the expected 3MSE at age 75, in an 90+74+64+(−10) =54.5 0+(−2)+(−4)+(−15) =−5.25 points peryear 4 4 immortal cohort? points b. Fully conditional: survivors f(Yi|Si>75) What is the expected 3MSE at age 70 or at 90+74 =82 points 0+(−2) =−1.0 points peryear 2 2 age 75, for people who live to be at least 75? Fully conditional: decedents f(Yi|Si≤75) Whatistheexpected3MSEatage70forpeo- (bothdeceasedatage75) −4+(−15) =−9.5 points per year 2 ple who die at age 71–75? c. Fully conditional: principal stratification f(Yi(z)|Si(0)>9,Si(1)>9) Whatisthecausaleffectofgenderonexpected (causal effect not estimated for hypothetical data) 3MSE scores at the fourth or ninth survey among those who would live to theninth sur- vey regardless of gender? d. Fully conditional: terminal decline f(Yi|Si=s) What is the expected 3MSE two years before (not estimated directly) −9.5 points per year (same as row b death? decedents—changing time scale does not makeadifferencewith only one stratum of decedents) e. Partly conditional: regression conditioning on being alive f(Yi|Si>t) Whatistheexpected3MSEatage70forpeo- 76.2 + 0.92∗5 = 80.8 0.92 pointsper year ple wholive tobeat least 70, or at age 75 for points people who live tobe at least 75? f. Joint model f(Yi,Si) What is the probability of being alive and 1 aliveand3MSE≥80at on average 1 lose health/life each year 4 10 healthy at age 75 for people who were alive age 75 (since 3 healthy at age 70, and 1 healthy 4 4 at age 70? at age 75) Figure 1 shows fitted 3MSE values for a baseline distribution f(Y ) reflects averaging f(Y |S ) over i i i age of 70 years. Clearly the estimators (functions of the survival function f(S ), as demonstrated below. i sample data) are different for the 6 methods shown Unconditional regression models cognitive function- for finding 3MSE fitted values and slopes. However, ing at all timepoints as if nobody died, in an “im- we emphasize that the estimands are also different: mortalcohort”(Dufouil, Brayne and Clayton,2004). the linear slope in an unconditional model is not The unconditional average 3MSE at age 75 years in the same as the linear slope in a fully conditional the CHS hypothetical data is as follows: model. We assumeeach estimator is unbiased for its estimand, and focus on interpretation of the esti- E(Y|age=75) mands. =E(Y|age=75,S >75)·P(S>75) 4.1 f(Yi) Unconditional +E(Y|age=75,S ≤75)·P(S ≤75) An unconditional model, f(Y ), is appropriate if i 90+74 2 2 deathsdonotoccur,areindependentoftheresponse = · +?· . 2 4 4 process, or do not result in truncation (if the re- sponse has a well-defined value following death). If For analysis methods for which “missing at ran- these stipulations are not met, the unconditional dom” nonresponse mechanisms are ignorable—such 6 KURLAND,JOHNSON,EGLESTON ANDDIEHR Fig. 1. Fitted Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MSE) trajectories for CHSparticipants aged 70 years at baseline, using different models to summarize longitudinal response (3MSE) and survival. Fitted values over time are shown as solid lines for males, and as dashed lines for females. as for likelihood-based modelsfitto unbalanced lon- wouldbewithreal data,sinceestimation of fixedef- gitudinal data—the value of ? is imputed implic- fects in random effects models will be influenced by itly because of the structure imposed by correla- regressiontothemeanandothershrinkage(Robinson, tion between each subject’s longitudinal observa- 1991).ExtendingtheTable1trajectories forPartic- tions (Laird, 1988). We convey this implicit impu- ipants C and D linearly, the “incomplete” response tation by projecting the hypothetical 3MSE data of deceased participants based on individual slopes. vectors (84,80,76) and (65,50,35) are imputed to This extrapolation is more extreme than estimates (84,80,76,72,68,64) and(65,50,35,20,5,−10).Par- LONGITUDINALDATATRUNCATEDBY DEATH 7 ticipantD’simputedresponseatage75(−10points) and 77 points at age 79. The unconditional model is inappropriate, outside the range of the 3MSE. suggestsratherstrongage-associateddeclinesincog- An unconditional model uses both observed and nitivefunctioning,buttheestimandisthetrajectory implicitly imputed data to estimate linear 3MSE foranimmortalcohortinwhichtruncationbydeath slope and 3MSE at age 75 (Table 3, row a). Com- does not occur. pleting the estimate of 3MSE at age 75, In rare cases, implicit imputation beyond death may be reasonable. When evaluating local recur- 90+74 2 64+(−10) 2 E(Y|age=75)= · + · rence following ablation of liver tumors, some liv- 2 4 2 4 ers may “die” due to transplant. Tumor marker lev- =54.5. els (Y ) and transplant candidacy (S ) are related. i i The age 75 fitted 3MSE (54.5 points) and linear However,sincethetransplantratewillneverbe100%, 3MSE slope (5.25 point decline per year) both yield an unconditional model and implicit imputation be- lower estimates of cognitive functioning at age 75 yondtransplantmaybevalid.Theresearchquestion than are observed for participants alive at age 75, addressed is, “What would the tumor marker levels because 3MSE values are imputed beyond death. be if no transplants had occurred, but the markers The unconditional model of 3MSE scores by age hadcontinuedalongtheexactpaththatledtotrans- in the CHS data (Figure 1a) is a random effects lin- plant?”Whilethisquestionisrelevanttolivertrans- ear regression, separating the effects of age and ag- plants, the CHS examples show that unconditional ing (Neuhaus and Kalbfleisch, 1998) in a quadratic models are generally inappropriate for longitudinal model with random intercept and first-order poly- data with considerable imbalance due to death. nomial: 4.2 f(Yi|Si =s) Fully Conditional 3MSEij =β0+b0i+β1·malei+β2·age0i Sometimesonlysubjectswhosurvivetotheendof 2 +(β3+b1i)·yearij +β4·yearij the study are included in analysis, or decedents are analyzed separately from nondecedents. An anal- 2 +β5·malei·yearij +β6·malei·yearij ogyinthemissingdataliteratureispattern-mixture +ε , models (Little, 1995; Fitzmaurice and Laird, 2000), ij whichstratifybythetimeofdropout.Pattern-mixture where age0 is the baseline age of participant i (in i models may be fit using the same methods as un- years),andyear isthestudyyear(yearssincebase- ij conditional models (random effects regression, etc.) line age) for participant i at timepoint j. male is a i but are made fully conditional by fitting separate dichotomousvariable(withvalue0iftheparticipant regressionmodelstostratadefinedbytimeofdeath. is female and value 1 if the participant is male), and Generally a categorical variable defined by random intercept, slope and error (b0i, b1i, and εij) survival time is used as a main effect (and inter- are normally distributed with mean 0. Likelihood- action term) in regression models,so that longitudi- basedmethodssuchasrandomeffectsregressionwill nal trajectories are fit for groups defined by time of fit an unconditional model, since they treat any im- death (Ribaudo, Thompson and Allen-Mersh,2000; balance in the data as “missing at random.” Inter- Pauler, McCoy and Moinpour,2003).Anadvantage actions between sex and linear and quadratic terms of this approach is accurate representation of in- are included as potential predictors of interest. Fig- dividuals’ scores over time. Principal stratification ure 1a shows the fitted “average” trajectories for (Frangakis and Rubin,2002;Rubin,2006)examines males and females (thick lines, b0i =b1i =εij =0), causaleffectsbyusingcounterfactualsurvivaltocre- and several fitted trajectories for individuals (thin ate strata. Another stratification based on time of lines, selected b0i and b1i). The random intercepts death examines the “dying process” for decedents andslopesallowawiderangeofindividualfittedtra- only, with years until death as the timescale for ex- jectories. However, time trends and other covariate aminingterminaldecline(Siegler,1975;Diehr et al., effects are generally interpreted based on the mean 2002; Wilson et al., 2003). model (thick lines), which reflects both observed dataanddataimplicitly imputedbeyonddeath.Ac- 4.2.1 Pattern-mixture. Computing linear slopes cordingtothisaveragetrajectory,theexpected3MSE separately for decedents and survivors in the hy- for both males and females is 86 points at age 75, pothetical CHS data (Table 3, row b) demonstrates 8 KURLAND,JOHNSON,EGLESTON ANDDIEHR minimal decline in survivors [1 point per year] and years of study enrollment, and 0 otherwise. terminal decline for decedents [row b(2), 9.5 points LetS (z)similarlydenotethepotentialsurvivaltime i per year]. However, since the time of death is not for person i with gender z, and S (z) determines i known in advance, these models could not be used the dimension of Y (z). We are interested in the i to predict an individual’s trajectory based on base- 3MSE scores among those in whom D (0)=0 and i line information. Di(1)=0. Let Xi represent a vector of potentially In a pattern-mixture model fit to CHS data, confoundingcovariates;weonlyincludeageasacon- quadratic time trends are stratified by year of death founding covariate. To identify potential outcomes relative to baseline. Figure 1b shows fitted mean ateachtimepoint,wemaketheexplainablenonran- 3MSE trajectories for a baseline age of 70 years. dom survival assumption and use the estimator of The pattern-mixture model demonstrates terminal Hayden, Pauler and Schoenfeld (2005). Explainable decline in participants who died (fitted lines that nonrandomsurvivalassumesthatDi(z)⊥Di(1−z)|Xi end before age 79), and reasonably stable cognitive and Di(z)⊥Yi(1−z)|Xi,Di(1−z)=0 where ⊥ rep- functioning in participants who survived. The fit- resents conditional independence. This assumption ted 3MSE at age 75 ranged from 75 points in males heuristicallystatesthatcounterfactualoutcomeswill who died by age 76, to 91 points in males and fe- be conditionally independent of the observed out- males who enrolled at age 70 and survived at least comes. We need such an assumptionsince we donot to age 79. The fitted mean trajectories are closer to observe counterfactual outcomes for study trajectoriesobservedforindividualsthantheuncon- participants; for example, we do not observe 3MSE ditional model, but require conditioning on survival scores that women in the study would have had if time, which is not known at baseline. they had been born men. We also make a pseudo- randomization assumption that the potential out- 4.2.2 Principal stratification. Another fully con- comes are independent of gender given X as de- i ditional approach is to estimate causal effects for tailedinEgleston et al.(2007).Pseudo-randomization selected principal strata defined by potential basically states that the “assignment” of gender is survival outcomes (Frangakis and Rubin, 2002; analogous to a random coin toss given a set of con- Hayden, Pauler and Schoenfeld,2005;Egleston et al., foundingcovariates. We appreciate that somemight 2007; Egleston, Scharfstein and MacKenzie, 2009). feel that gender is inappropriate for such a causal Men are generally more likely to die than women analysis even as a didactic example, since gender at any given age. Do women have lower incidence cannot be manipulated (Holland, 1986). of mental and physical decline, or are they able to Figure 1c shows fitted 3MSE scores for partici- survive with greater deficits than men? By examin- pants aged 70–75 at baseline who would survive 9 ing only a hypothetical group that would survive to yearsregardlessofgender.Menandwomenareboth a certain timepoint regardless of gender, we can de- predicted to have stable scores on average for four couple the association of gender and cognitive func- years after baseline, and to decline an average of tion from the association of gender and survival. 3.7 points in men and 5.0 points in women over We estimate the association of gender and cognitive the following five-year period. Trajectories for men function only in the stratum of patients expected to and for women look similar to the survivor cohort live nine years from age 70–75 regardless of gender. in the pattern-mixture model (Figure 1b). In other The interpretation of these fully conditional models words, when survival is held comparable for both differs from pattern-mixture models, because prin- genders, men may show an advantage in cognitive cipal stratification models are conditioned on both functioning. This could reflect an ability for women observed and counterfactual survival status. Gener- to survive when cognitive functioning is diminished. ally, untestable assumptions are necessary to iden- Cognitiveimpairmentmayoccuratthesameratein tify effects within the principal strata. menandwomen,butmaybeassociatedwithgreater Specification of principal stratification models re- mortality risk in men. quires additional notation to describe potential out- One concern with this approach is that explain- comes. For z={0 for women, 1 for men}, let D (z) able nonrandom survival is a very strong i be an indicator for potential death by a specified assumption. A number of sensitivity analysis ap- time and Y (z) denote potential 3MSE scores. For proaches are available to investigate whether devia- i this analysis, D (z) = 1 if a person dies within 9 tions from this assumption could influence i LONGITUDINALDATATRUNCATEDBY DEATH 9 inferences (Hayden, Pauler and Schoenfeld, 2005; on the subjects being alive at time t . This con- ij Egleston et al., 2007; Egleston, Scharfstein and ditioning may seem trivial: after all, data are not MacKenzie, 2009). Still, some investigators have collected posthumously. However, as is well docu- advocated that the use of relatively strong mented for data missing due to nonresponse (Laird, assumptions to uniquely identify principal strata ef- 1988), analysis methods that model the correlation fects is justifiable (Joffe, Small and Hsu, 2007; structure of longitudinal data (such as mixed mod- Elliott, Joffe and Chen, 2006). els) will implicitly impute responses, whether miss- Theprincipalstratificationapproachisbettersuited ing due to dropout or death (Dufouil, Brayne and to estimating causal effects for interventions than Clayton,2004;Kurland and Heagerty,2005).Partly to describing the prognosis for individuals. Survival conditional regression models may be estimated by status and nonidentifiable assumptions about coun- assuming independence among the longitudinal re- terfactual survival are both part of the estimand for sponses. In that sense, they may be fit using lin- causal effects within each principal stratum. ear regression or generalized linear models. How- ever, generalized estimating equations (with inde- 4.2.3 Terminal decline. A third fully conditional pendence working correlation) allow estimation of CHS model examines terminal decline. Rather than sandwich standard errors. counting forward in years of age, the time scale for Partly conditional “regression conditioning on be- this analysis counts backward from death. The2458 ing alive” (Kurland and Heagerty, 2005) (RCA) de- participants who are alive at the end of follow-up scribes3MSEscoresatdifferentagesamongthesur- (64%) are excluded, since their age at death is not viving participants. For the hypothetical CHS data, known.As inearlier models,arandomeffects model RCA estimates of average 3MSE at age 75 and lin- is fit with quadratic time and random intercept and ear 3MSE slope are calculated using linear regres- slope. However, the time scale is changed: sion (Table 3, row e). Implicitimputation is avoided 3MSEij =β0+b0i+β1·malei+β2·age0i by treating observations from the same person as +(β3+b1i)·yr fr deathij independent.RCA accurately shows that the preva- lent cognitive functioning level is slightly higher at 2 +β4·yr fr deathij age 75 (82 points is the average 3MSE for survivors A and B, estimated as 80.8 by imposing a single +β5·malei·yr fr deathij linear slope to all observed data), compared to age 2 +β6·malei·yr fr deathij +εij, 70 (80.8 point average for A–D, estimated as 76.2 by linear regression). The partly conditional slope where yr fr death ranges from −1 (one year before predicts that average 3MSE increases 0.92 points the year of death) to −9 (9 years before), and other per year, despite that no individuals have increas- variables are as described in Section 4.1. Figure 1d ing 3MSE scores. Partly conditional regression re- showsfittedaverage terminaldeclinetrajectories for flects 3MSE in the dynamic cohort of survivors, not menandwomenwithbaselineage70.Theestimated individual subjects change in cognitive functioning. rate of decline is about 4.7 points per year, plus ThepartlyconditionalRCAmodelavoidsimplicit the effect of a negative quadratic coefficient (−0.3). imputation of data for deceased subjects, and de- Thefitted 3MSE score 6 years before death is about scribeslongitudinal3MSEforthedynamiccohortof 87 points, close to the average baseline value (88 survivors (Dufouil, Brayne and Clayton, 2004; points) for the 70-year-olds at baseline. For this co- Kurland and Heagerty, 2005). The regression equa- hort of decedents, averaging over yr fr death and tion is similar to that for the unconditional and male, the expected 3MSE at age 75 is 85 points, pattern-mixturemodels,butdoes notincludearan- and at age 79 is 82 points. The rate of terminal de- dom intercept or slope: clinereflectsthecombinedinfluenceofthemostdra- matic declines and the more stable 3MSE patterns 3MSEij =β0+β1·malei+β2·age0i+β3·yearij observed in the multiple pattern-mixture fitted tra- 2 jectories for decedents. +β4·yearij +β5·malei·yearij 2 4.3 f(Yi|Si >t) Partly Conditional +β6·malei·yearij +εij. For partly conditional models, the expected value Figure 1e shows expected 3MSE scores for partici- of Y (response of subject i at time t ) conditions pants who entered the study at age 70, given that ij ij 10 KURLAND,JOHNSON,EGLESTON ANDDIEHR they were alive at the time 3MSE was measured. aroundthePAHestimate (Johnson,2002).Theper- The difference in expected 3MSE at different ages cent alive and healthy is not always decreasing: in- is smaller than for the unconditional or fully condi- dividuals may regain “health,” such as when a low tional models. The expected 3MSE score of partic- 3MSE score was due to short-term side effects of ipants who entered CHS at age 70 is 91 points for medication. Like the partly conditional model, the surviving 75-year-olds, and 87 points for surviving joint model describes the cohort, rather than trends 79-year-olds. However, this does not imply an aver- for individuals.Unlike the partly conditional model, age decline of 1 3MSE point per year, since the av- the entire cohort is described at each timepoint, not erage for survivors is not the same as the trajectory only survivors. (The end of follow-up for the minor- from following individuals. The partly conditional ity recruitment group could affect differences seen model tracks the prevalent average 3MSE score in between ages 70–76 and 77–79. We avoid implicit the survivors at each timepoint. imputation beyond 6 years by computing the em- pirical PAH as a simple proportion.) 4.4 f(Yi,Si) Joint Model For participants aged 70 years at baseline, the A joint response encompassing both survival and probability of being alive and having 3MSE ≥ 80 the longitudinal response also may be of interest. at age 75 is 0.82 for females and 0.75 for males. A patient facing a diagnosis may ask not only the At age 79, the PAH is 0.70 for females and 0.54 chance of 5-year survival but the chance of 5-year for males. Summing the area under the curve, the survivalwithacceptablequalityoflife.Ajointmodel average years of healthy life (of 9 possible) is 7.6 of the probability of being alive and healthy for females, and 6.7 for males (Diehr et al., 1998). (Diehr et al., 1995) characterizes the status of the The average gender difference appears to be greater entirecohortwithrespecttoalongitudinalresponse for the joint model than for the other fitted mod- anddeath.Arelatedapproachrescalesresponsemea- els in Figure 1. This reflects a survival advantage sures to predict the probability of being alive and for females, which was not apparent in models that healthy in a prescribed amount of time, such as focused on the 3MSE. one year (Diehr et al., 2001a). Because the joint re- 4.5 Other Factorizations sponse (alive and healthy) is defined at all time- points for all individuals, longitudinal data are bal- A factorization of the joint distribution f(Y ,S ) i i anced. Therefore, analysis methods (random not yet discussed is f(S |Y )f(Y ). This framework i i i effects,GEE,etc.)willnotbeaffectedbydifferential is especially applicable to predicting survival (S ) i survival. Joint models also may assess usinginformationfromlongitudinalbiomarkers(Y ) i treatment effects simultaneously for longitudinal re- (De Gruttola and Tu, 1994; Wulfsohn and Tsiatis, sponse and survival (Gray and Brookmeyer, 2000; 1997;Ye, Lin and Taylor,2008).Applyingthismodel Ratcliffe, Guo and Ten Have,2004),orintegratemor- to hypothetical CHS data, we could conclude that bidity and mortality in utility measures such as 33% (1/3) of participants with declining 3MSE sur- quality-adjusted life years. vive to age 75, while 100% (1/1) with stable 3MSE Defining 3MSE scores ≥ 80 points as healthy, the survive to age 75. This class of models would be probability of being alive and healthy at age 75 in categorized as unconditional in the framework dis- the hypothetical CHS data is 1/4 (Table 3, row f), cussed here, but is not considered in detail because which reflects adecline in the cohort, since 3/4 were survival, not longitudinal data, is the primary re- alive and healthy at baseline (see Table 1). Assum- sponse of interest. ing a linear trend, the decline from 3/4 healthy to 1/4 healthy over 5 years reflects a rate of decline of 5. DISCUSSION 1/10 of the cohort losing health or life each year. Figure 1f shows the proportion of CHS partici- Through analysis of hypothetical and actual data pants who are alive and healthy at ages 70–79. The sets, we have shown that choice of analysis has a percent alive and healthy (PAH) shown is a pro- greatinfluenceoninterpretationoflongitudinaldata portion reflecting the status of study participants truncated by death. No single approach is appro- enrolled at age 70. Modeling of PAH also is pos- priate in all situations, so the analysis should be sible, as well as constructing confidence intervals chosen to address the aims of a research project.