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LONG TIME BEHAVIOUR IN A MODEL OF MICROTUBULE GROWTH 0 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV 1 0 2 Abstract. Westudyacontinuoustimestochasticprocessonstringsmadeof n twotypes ofparticles,whosedynamicsmimicsthebehaviourofmicrotubules a in a living cell; namely, the strings evolve via a competition between (local) J growth/shrinkingaswellas(global)hydrolysisprocesses. Wegiveacomplete characterizationofthephasediagramofthemodel,andderiveseveralcriteria 9 ofthetransientandrecurrentregimesfortheunderlyingstochasticprocess. 2 ] R P 1. Introduction . h Microtubules are important structural components of the cytoskeleton, which t a play a vital role in many processes in a living cell. Their unique ability of rapid m growth and even more rapid shrinking (often called dynamical instability) is ex- [ ploited by the nature to segregate chromosomes during cell division, and as such microtubules have been the subject of intensive study. At the same time, the high 1 v complexityofthe involvedprocessesturns experimentalstudy ofmicrotubules into 9 a challenging task, with many key questions in the area remaining unanswered. 6 In a recent paper [1] the authors suggested a simplified stochastic model of mi- 4 crotubule growth aimed at deriving the dynamical instability from the interplay 5 of a small number of parameters (The actual behaviour of microtubules is much . 1 morecomplex,see e.g.review [7] andreferencesthere). Mathematically, the model 0 represents microtubules as long polymers made from two types of monomers, 0 ⊕ and (guanosin triphosphate (GTP+) and guanosin diphosphate (GDP−) tubu- 1 ⊖ : lin complexes), subject to several stochastic transformations occurring with fixed v rates,namely: growth,i.e., attachmentof monomers to the active end (with the i ⊕ X rate depending on the type of the extremal monomer), hydrolysis, i.e., irreversible r transformationofa monomerintoa monomer(independentlyofthestateofall a ⊕ ⊖ othermonomerscomposingthemicrotubule),anddepolymerisation/shrinking,i.e., spontaneousdepartureofthehydrolysedextrememonomer(foraformaldefinition, see Sect. 1.1 below). The authors described analytically the limiting behaviour of the modelinseveralparticularcasesbut hadto relyuponnumericalsimulationsin “the more biologically relevant case of intermediate parameter values” [1]. Our aim here is to describe the phase diagram of this model, in particular, to give several equivalent characterisations of the phase boundary, the set in the parameter space separating the region of the unbounded growth of microtubules from that of the “compact phase”, where the average microtubule length remains bounded. According to one of our main results (for a complete list and rigorous 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60K35,82B41. Key words and phrases. microtubules; transience; recurrence; phase transition; birth-and- deathprocess. 1 2 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV statements, see Sect. 1.2 below), for every point in the parameter space (i.e., a collection of fixed rates) there is a well defined value of velocity of the position of microtubule’s active end, and it is the zero-velocity set in the parameter space which separates the regions of unbounded growth (positive velocity) from that of “compact phase” (negative velocity). 1.1. The model. Following [1], we think of microtubules m as of long polymers consistingof and monomers,m=...m m m ,wherem , forallk 2 1 0 k ⊕ ⊖ ∈ ⊕ ⊖ ≥ 0, with the “extreme” monomer m0 located at the active end of(cid:8)the m(cid:9)icrotubule. Initiallyallmonomersareinthe state,andthetimeevolutionofthemicrotubule ⊖ (formally described below) guarantees that with probability one at every moment of time the microtubule contains at most a finite number of monomers; it is ⊕ thus convenientto describe the currentstate of a microtubule at time t in terms of the position x of the extreme monomer m and the head (or the populated zone, t 0 [1]) w of the microtubule, defined as the shortest word m ...m m such that all t k 1 0 othermonomersm , n>k,areinthe state. Sinceattachmentofnewmonomers n ⊖ occursatthe activeendofamicrotubule,everynon-emptyheadw spansbetween t the active end of the microtubule and its left-most monomer. ⊕ k Let , be a two-symbol alphabet, and let = , denote the k≥0 ⊕ ⊖ W ∪ ⊕ ⊖ collectio(cid:8)n of a(cid:9)ll possible finite words, including the empty one.(cid:8)We c(cid:9)all a head any c word belonging to the set = ∅ w = w with w , W ∪ ⊕ ∈W (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:8) (cid:9) so that every non-empty headw canbe wribtten as abfinicte wordwk...w0 for some integer k 0 with its left-most monomer being in the state, w = (Here and k ≥ ⊕ ⊕ below, if w′ = w′ ...w′ and w′′ = w′′...w′′ are two finite words in , we write w′w′′ for the cokncaten0ated word w′ l...w′w0′′...w′′ of k +l +2 symWbols). It is convenientbto debcompobse the sbet okbf all fi0bnitle head0s into a disjoint ucnion b b Wb b b b (1.1) = , where = w =w ...w :w = . + − + k 0 0 W W ∪W W ∈W ⊕ (cid:8) (cid:9) In this decomposition the heads w correspondto microtubules whose active + ∈W monomer m is in the state, whereas the set of heads is associated with 0 − ⊕ W those microtubules for which m = ; in particular, initially we have m for 0 k all k 0, i.e., the head is empty an⊖d thus ∅ . Of course, every fini≡te⊖word − ≥ ∈ W w corresponds to a unique head w = w obtained by removing all its ∈ W ∈ W monomers to the left of the left-most m(cid:10)on(cid:11)omer in w; it is convenientto think ⊖b c ⊕ b of : as a projection operator. · W →W b (cid:10)Sim(cid:11)ilarly, for integer m 0, ℓ 0 let [ ]m : , m+1 be the projection c ≥ ≥ · ℓ W → ⊕ ⊖ operator such that (cid:8) (cid:9) (1.2) w =w ...w w [w]m =w ...w , k 0 7→ ≡ ℓ m 0 where w = w for j 0,...,m , and we assume that the word w is extended j ℓ+j b b b ∈ { } with monomers on the left if necessary, i.e., w = if ℓ+j > k for j under j consid⊖ebration. If ℓ = 0, we shall use a simplified no⊖tation [w]mbfor the word consisting of the m+1 right-most monomers inbw, again extended on the left as necessary. Our main object here is a continuous-time Markov process (1.3) y (x ,w ), t 0, t ≡ t t ≥ LONG TIME BEHAVIOUR IN A MODEL OF MICROTUBULE GROWTH 3 taking values in Z , where x Z is the position at time t 0 of the t Y ≡ ×W ∈ ≥ right-most monomer w of the head w . We shall assume that initially the 0 t ∈ W microtubule consists of an empty head located at the origin, (1.4) y =(x ,w )=(0,∅), 0 0 0 andthatthe transitionsofy aredescribedinterms offixedpositiveconstantsλ+, t λ− and µ as follows: Attachment:: a monomer attaches to the right end of the microtubule, ⊕ (x,w) x+1,w , 7→ ⊕ at rate λ+ if w and rate(cid:0)λ− if w (cid:1) ; of course, if w =∅ , + − − ∈W ∈W ∈W the head w should be understood as w . Detachment:⊕: if w −, i.e., w = ∅(cid:10)re⊕sp(cid:11).≡w⊕= w′ with some w′ ∅ , the micro∈tuWbule shrinks at rate µ, ⊖ ∈ W \ (cid:8)x(cid:9),∅ x 1,∅ resp. x,w′ x 1,w′ . 7→ − ⊖ 7→ − (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Conversion:: for a non-empty head w = w ...w , let J denote the k 0 w ∈ W list of positions of all monomers in w, J = j 0 : w = ; then w j ⊕ { ≥ ⊕} every w with j J hydrolyses,w = , at rate 1, independently of j w j ∈ ⊕7→⊖ all other w , j J . In other words, if w is any word obtained from w by j w ∈ converting one of its monomers into the state, then at rate 1, ⊕ b ⊖ (x,w) x, w , 7→ h i (cid:0) (cid:1) where transformations into different resulting words w are independent. b Notice that if the left-most monomer w in w hydrolyses, the resulting k wordw startswith ,sotha⊕tinthiscasethenewheadbw isshorterthan ⊖ h i w and might even become empty. b b In our analysis of the main microtubule process (y ) we shall rely upon two t t≥0 auxiliary processes approximating y . t Let 0 = τ˜ < τ˜ < ... be the moments of consecutive returns of the Markov 0 1 process (y ) to states with empty head, t t≥0 (1.5) y˜ y = x˜ ,∅ , ℓ 0. ℓ ≡ τ˜ℓ ℓ ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) Clearly, the discrete time Markov chain y˜ can be identified with the process ℓ ℓ≥0 (x˜ ) , where x˜ =0. Put θ =τ˜ τ˜ (cid:0) , ℓ(cid:1)>0. As the differences ℓ ℓ≥0 0 ℓ ℓ ℓ−1 − x˜ x˜ ,θ x x ,τ˜ τ˜ ℓ− ℓ−1 ℓ ≡ τ˜ℓ − τ˜ℓ−1 ℓ− ℓ−1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) are mutually independent and have the same distribution, the process (x˜ ) is a ℓ ℓ≥0 discrete time random walk on Z with i.i.d. increments. Our second auxiliary process is a “finite-state version” of the process (y ) . t t≥0 For a fixed integer m 0, let [ ]m : , m+1 be the projection operator ≥ · W → ⊕ ⊖ defined above. We then put (cid:8) (cid:9) (1.6) y xm,wm ym d=ef y m = x , w m , t ≡ t t ≡ t t t t (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:1) and equip the process y with jumps (and rates) inherited from the process y ; b bt b b t then the conversion move for y is the same as for y , whereas the attachment t t move should be understbood as b (x,w) x+1,[w ]m , 7→ ⊕ (cid:0) (cid:1) b b 4 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV and the detachment move becomes x,∅ x 1,∅ or x,w x 1,[ w]m , 7→ − ⊖ 7→ − ⊖ if w contains(cid:0)at l(cid:1)east(cid:0)one m(cid:1)onomer (cid:0)(in the(cid:1)“fin(cid:0)ite-state” situ(cid:1)ation here and below,∅denotesthewordo⊕flengthm+1mabdeof monomersbonly). Asaresult, forbevery fixed m 0 the process (y ) (ym) ⊖ is a continuous-time Markov ≥ t t≥0 ≡ t t≥0 chainon a “finite” strip Z , m+1. The transience and recurrenceproperties × ⊕ ⊖ b b of such chains are similar to(cid:8)those(cid:9)of discrete-time chains on strips, see e.g. [4, Chap. 3]. 1.2. Results. We now are ready to state our main results. Theorem 1.1. The random vectors (1.7) ∆ x˜,∆ τ˜ x˜ x˜ ,τ˜ τ˜ , l 1, l l l l−1 l l−1 ≡ − − ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) shareacommondistributionwithfiniteexponentialmomentsinaneighbourhoodof the origin. Consequently,the discretetime randomwalk(x˜ ) inZ,generatedby l l≥0 thei.i.d.steps∆ x˜,satisfiesallclassicallimitingresultsincluding the(Strong)Law l of Large Numbers, the Central Limit Theorem and the Large Deviation Principle. Since the increments of the sequence (τ˜) have exponentialmoments, the em- l l≥0 bedded random walk (x˜ ) captures the long-time behaviour of the main process l l≥0 (y ) . In what follows we shalloften say that the process (y ) is transient to- t t≥0 t t≥0 wards+ (resp. ) if the randomwalk (x˜ ) has the correspondingproperty. l l≥0 ∞ −∞ Corollary 1.2. The velocity v of the process (x ) , defined as the almost sure t t≥0 limit def xt v = lim , t→∞ t satisfies v = Ex˜ /Eτ˜ . In particular, Ex˜ > 0 corresponds to transience of x 1 1 1 t towards + and Ex˜ <0 corresponds to transience of x towards . 1 t ∞ −∞ Remark 1.2.1. In a more realistic from the biological point of view case of x t restricted to the half-line Z+ 0,1,2,... , the condition Ex˜ >0 corresponds to 1 ≡ unbounded growth(with speed v(cid:8)>0), whe(cid:9)reas the condition Ex˜1 <0 corresponds to the “compact phase” of positive recurrence. Remark1.2.2. Existenceofexponentialmomentsforthevectors(1.7)allowsfora fastnumericalestimationofEx˜ ,andthusprovidesaconstructivewayofdescribing 1 the phase boundary for the Markov process (y ) . t t≥0 We now give another characterisationof the transient regime towards + . ∞ Theorem 1.3. If λ− µ + λ+, the Markov process (y ) is transient to- ≥ t t≥0 wards + . Alternatively, if λ− < µ + λ+, the process (y ) is transient to- wards +∞ if and only if for some m 0 the m-projectedt tp≥r0ocess (ym) is ∞ ≥ t t≥0 transient towards + . ∞ b Remark 1.3.1. The transienceandrecurrencepropertiesofthe “finite-strip”pro- cess (ym) can be easily described through the solution πm to a finite system t t≥0 of linear equations, see (3.2) below. This, together with the fact that the Markov procesbs (y ) is well approximated by (ym) for m largbe enough, for precise t t≥0 t t≥0 results see Section 3, provides a constructive way of describing the + transient regime of (y ) . b ∞ t t≥0 LONG TIME BEHAVIOUR IN A MODEL OF MICROTUBULE GROWTH 5 We nowgiveanalternativedescriptionofthe “compactphase”. Letthe Markov process (y ) start from the empty-head initial condition (1.4). Assuming that t t≥0 the first event results in arrival of a monomer at position 1, we define its arrival def ⊕ time via ζ = min t > 0 : x = 1 , and, on the event when ζ is finite, the 01 t 01 (cid:8) (cid:9) def departure time ζ of this monomer, ζ = min t > ζ : x = 0 . Then the 10 10 01 t difference (cid:8) (cid:9) def (1.8) T = ζ ζ >0 1 10 01 − describes the lifetime of the monomer at position 1. Notice, that the lifetime ⊕ of every monomer attached to the microtubule after the initial time t = 0 does not depend on the configuration of the microtubule at the moment of arrival and therefore has the same distribution as T . 1 Of course, T is almost surely finite, and we formally put T = + if either of 1 1 ∞ the times ζ , ζ is infinite. At the same time, we obviously have that ET >0. 01 10 1 In what follows we shall see that it is the finiteness of ET , which is central to 1 describingthe“compactphase”;moreover,ifET < ,thentheLaplacetransform 1 def ∞ ϕ(s) = Ee−sT1 ofT1 isfinite forsomes<0,equivalently,T1 hasfiniteexponential moments in a neighbourhood of the origin: Theorem 1.4. The Markov process (y ) is transient towards if and only t t≥0 −∞ if ET < , equivalently, ϕ(s) is finite in a neighbourhood of the origin. 1 ∞ The average lifetime ET can be computed from ϕ(s) in the usual way, 1 d ET lim ϕ(s), 1 ≡−s↓0 ds and the latter has the following property. Lemma 1.5. The Laplace transformϕ(s) Ee−sT1 of the lifetime T satisfies the 1 ≡ following functional equation: for all s 0, ≥ 1+λ+ϕ(s) µ+λ−ϕ(s) λ+ (µ+s)ϕ(s) µ (1.9) ϕ(s)= + − ϕ(s+1). (cid:0)(1+λ++s(cid:1))((cid:0)µ+λ−+s)(cid:1) (1+λ(cid:0)++s)(µ+λ−+(cid:1)s) Remark 1.5.1. In additionto being potentially useful for numericalevaluationof ϕ(s),Lemma1.5canbe usedtostudyingpropertiesofvariouslifetimes, seeSect.4 below. The rest of the paper is devoted to the proofs of the above results. In Sect. 2 we shall use the intrinsic renewal structure of (y ) and the regularity property t t≥0 ofbirthanddeathprocessesfromSect.Ato deriveTheorem1.1andCorollary1.2. Then, in Sect. 3 we shall investigate stochastic monotonicity properties of the pro- cesses (ym) and use them to verify the finite-strip approximation result, The- t t≥0 orem 1.3. Finally, in Sect. 4, we prove Lemma 1.5, Theorem 1.4, and establish a similabr characterisation of the transience towards + , based upon the Large ∞ Deviation estimate from Sect. B. 2. Renewal structure In this section we shall exploit the intrinsic renewal property of the Markov process(y ) relatedtotheconsecutivemomentsτ˜,l 0,whenitsheadbecomes empty, w t =t≥0∅. By the strong Markov property,forl ev≥ery fixed l>0, the process τ˜l 6 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV y x ,w , t 0,hasthesamelawas(y ) ifstartedfromtheinitial τ˜l+t ≡ τ˜l+t τ˜l+t ≥ t t≥0 state x(cid:0),∅ ;inaddi(cid:1)tion,thislawdoesnotdependonthebehaviourof(y ) . τ˜l t t∈[0,τ˜l) It is t(cid:0)hus suffi(cid:1)cient to study (yt)t≥0 over a single cycle interval [0,τ˜1). 2.1. A single cycle behaviour. Fix arbitrary positive rates λ+, λ−, and µ, and denoteλ=max(λ+,λ−)>0. OuraimhereistorelatetheMarkovprocess(y ) , t t≥0 whose dynamics is governed by the rates λ+, λ−, and µ, to the continuous-time birth-and-deathprocess Y withbirthrateλanddeathrate1(perindividual), t t≥0 see App. A. In fact, we(cid:0)sha(cid:1)ll couple them in such a way that the total number of monomers in w w(t), t ⊕ ≡ def (2.1) w = 1I k tk {wj(t)=⊕} Xj≥0 is bounded above by the total number of individuals Y in the birth-and-death t process; in particular, the moment τ˜ of the first disappearance of the head of the 1 process y shall occur no later than the first return of Y to the origin. t t Formalconstruction. WecoupletheMarkovprocess(y ) withrates(λ+,λ−,µ,1) t t≥0 describedaboveandthebirth-and-deathprocess Y withdeathrate1andbirth t t≥0 rateλ=max(λ+,λ−),seeApp.A,insuchaway(cid:0)tha(cid:1)ttheinequality0 w Y t t ≤k k≤ is preserved for all times t 0. ≥ To start, we shall assume that λ− λ+ so that λ= λ− (the necessary changes ≥ needed in the case λ− λ+ shall be commented on below), and then denote ≤ def def (2.2) λ = min(λ−,λ+)>0, δλ = λ+ λ− 0. 0 − ≥ (cid:12) (cid:12) Two cases need to be considered separately. (cid:12) (cid:12) Case I: Let y = (x ,w ) with w , and Y = n+ w with n 0. We t t t t ∈ W− t k tk ≥ define four independent exponentially distributed random variables ζ Exp(λ), 1 ∼ ζ Exp(µ), ζ Exp w , ζ Exp(n) and put ζ min ζ ,ζ ,ζ ,ζ . Then 2 3 t 4 1 2 3 4 ∼ ∼ k k ∼ ≡ the first transition occu(cid:0)rs at (cid:1)time t+ζ and is given by (cid:0) (cid:1) ifζ =ζ ,thenY =Y +1anda monomerattachestothemicrotubule, 1 t+ζ t • i.e., y =(x +1,w′) with w′ =⊕w ; t+ζ t t⊕ if ζ = ζ , then Y = Y and the extremal monomer w (t) leaves the 2 t+ζ t 0 • microtubule (i.e., for w = ∅ we have y =⊖(x 1,∅), and in the case w ∅ we havte y = (x t+1,ζw′) wtit−h w′ = w (t) for all t ∈ W− \{ } t+ζ t − j j+1 j 0); ≥ if ζ = ζ , then Y = Y 1 and one monomer in w hydrolyses (uni- 3 t+ζ t t • − ⊕ formly at random); if ζ =ζ , then Y =Y 1 and y =y . • 4 t+ζ t− t+ζ t By using the well-known properties of exponential random variables, it is im- mediate to verify that jumps of both processes (y ) and (Y ) have correct t t≥0 t t≥0 distributions. We also notice that the last transition above can only happen if n>0; as a result, the key inequality w Y is preserved after the jump. t+ζ t+ζ k k≤ Case II: Let y = (x ,w ) with w and let Y = n+ w with n 0. We t t t t ∈ W+ t k tk ≥ now consider four independent exponential random variables ζ Exp(λ ), ζ 1 0 2 ∼ ∼ Exp(δλ),ζ Exp w ,ζ Exp(n)(recall(2.2)),andputζ min ζ ,ζ ,ζ ,ζ . 3 t 4 1 2 3 4 ∼ k k ∼ ≡ Then the first tran(cid:0)sition(cid:1)occurs at time t+ζ and is given by (cid:0) (cid:1) LONG TIME BEHAVIOUR IN A MODEL OF MICROTUBULE GROWTH 7 ifζ =ζ ,thenY =Y +1anda monomerattachestothemicrotubule, 1 t+ζ t • i.e., y =(x +1,w′) with w′ =⊕w ; t+ζ t t⊕ if ζ =ζ , then Y =Y +1 and y =y ; • 2 t+ζ t t+ζ t if ζ = ζ , then Y = Y 1 and one monomer in w hydrolyses (uni- 3 t+ζ t t • − ⊕ formly at random); if ζ =ζ , then Y =Y 1 and y =y . • 4 t+ζ t− t+ζ t Again, it is straightforward to check that the transitions above provide a correct coupling. By using an appropriate case at every step, we construct a correct coupling of two processes Y and y for all t 0 in the region λ− λ+. The construction t t ≥ ≥ for λ− < λ+ is similar with the only difference that the simultaneous moves with rate λ = λ+, i.e., and Y = Y +1, occur when w (t) = t+ζ t 0 |···⊕i 7→ |···⊕⊕i ⊕ (Case II), whereas a pair of moves with rates λ and δλ (recall lines ζ = ζ and 0 1 ζ =ζ in Case II above) occurs when w (t)= , i.e., in Case I. 2 0 ⊖ Observe that in the coupling described above, every jump of the microtubule process (y ) involving monomers (attachment or hydrolysis) corresponds to t t≥0 ⊕ anappropriatemove(upordown)inthebirth-and-deathprocess Y . Weshall t t≥0 use this coupling below to study the microtubule process (y ) .(cid:0) (cid:1) t t≥0 2.2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2. To prove Theorem 1.1, fix positivejumpratesλ+,λ− andµasaboveandconsidertheMarkovprocess(y ) t t≥0 starting from the initial condition (1.4), y =(0,∅). Recall that τ˜ >0 is the first 0 1 momentoftimewhentheprocessy entersastatewithemptyhead,y =(x˜ ,∅). t τ˜1 1 Our aim is to show that the expectation def Φ (z,s) = E zx˜1esτ˜1 0 y 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) is finite for some z >1 and s>0. By using the Markovproperty at the end of the initial holding time η Exp(λ−+µ), we deduce the relation 1 ∼ λ−+µ µ λ− (2.3) Φ (z,s)= z−1+ zΦ (z,s) , 0 λ−+µ s λ−+µ λ−+µ 1 h i − where Φ (z,s) is defined as Φ (z,s) but with the initial condition y′ =(1, ), i.e., 1 0 ⊕ withtheheadw consistingofasingle monomeratpositionx=1. Itthussuffices ⊕ to show that Φ (z,s) is finite for some z >1 and s>0. 1 To this end, we shall use the construction from Sect. 2.1 to couple the micro- tubule process (y ) and the birth-and-death process (Y ) with birth rate t t≥η1 t t≥η1 λ = max(λ+,λ−), death rate 1 and the initial condition Y = 1. Let τ be the η1 1 hitting time and let κ be the total number of jumps until the process (y ) 1 t t≥η1 starting at y = (1, ) hits an empty head state (x˜ ,∅). Similarly, write τ for η1 ⊕ 1 0 the hitting time and κ for the total number of jumps until the birth-and-death 0 process Y hits the origin. Finiteness of Φ (z,s) shall follow from monotonicity of t 1 this coupling and the results of App. A. Let ♯ be the total number of monomers attached to the microtubule during ⊕ thetimeinterval[0,τ˜ ). Sincebythetimeτ˜ allthese monomershavehydrolysed 1 1 ⊕ andsome of the resulting monomers mighthave detachedfromthe microtubule, ⊖ we obviously have 2♯ κ +1 and therefore 0 ≤ 3 κ +1 0 κ 3♯ (κ +1), 1 x˜ ♯ . 1 0 1 ≤ ≤ 2 − ≤ ≤ ≤ 2 8 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV It now follows from the inequality τ τ and Proposition A.1 that 1 0 ≤ Φ (z,s) E zx˜1esτ1 √zE zκ0/2esτ0 < , 1 1 ≡ h i≤ h i ∞ provided√z z¯and s s¯, for somez¯>1 ands¯>0. This estimate togetherwith ≤ ≤ the decomposition (2.3) implies the first claim of Theorem 1.1. The other results for the random walk x˜ now follow in a standard way ([5, 2]). n Notice that the argument above also proves the following result. Corollary 2.1. Letτ bethehittingtimeandletκ bethetotalnumberofjumps 1 1 until the process (y ) with initial state y = (1, ) hits an empty head state t t≥η1 η1 ⊕ (x˜1,∅). Then there exist z¯>1 and s¯>0 such that E1 zκ1esτ1 < everywhere ∞ in the region z z¯and s s¯. (cid:2) (cid:3) ≤ ≤ Of course, Corollary 1.2, the Strong Law of Large Numbers for the renewal scheme with increments (1.7), follows immediately from Theorem 1.1 (see, e.g., [3, Sect.5.2]). Inaddition,theestimate max x x κ +1andthecorollaryabove t 0 1 t∈[0,τ˜1)| − |≤ imply the corresponding concentration result, namely sharp exponential estimates for the probabilities of the events x˜t Ex˜1 >ε with smallfixedε>0 andlarget. t − Eτ˜1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 3. Finite approximations ByTheorem1.1,theprocessw isanirreduciblecontinuoustimepositiverecur- t rent Markov chain in . If π is its unique stationary distribution, denote W π+ π + = π(w), π− π − = π(w), ≡ W ≡ W (cid:0) (cid:1) wX∈W+ (cid:0) (cid:1) wX∈W− i.e., π+ (resp. π−) is the probability that the right-most monomer in w is a monomer (resp., a monomer), recall (1.1). ⊕ ⊖ Similarly, for every fixed m 0 the projected chain w [w ]m has a unique t t stationary distribution πm, for≥which we define ≡ b πm b πm(w ), πm πm(w ). + ≡ ⊕ − ≡ ⊖ w∈{X⊕,⊖}m w∈{X⊕,⊖}m b b b b We then have the following result. Proposition 3.1. Denote v λ+ >0 and v λ− µ. Then, almost surely, + − ≡ ≡ − 1 1 (3.1) tl→im∞ txt =π+v++π−v−, tl→im∞ txmt =πm+ v++πm−v−. Asaresult,ifv v ,thentheprocessx istrabnsientbtowards+b andforevery − + t ≥ ∞ m 0 the process xm is transient towards + . On the other hand, if v < v , ≥ t ∞ − + then x is transient towards + iff for all sufficiently large m 0 the process xm is transtient towardsb+ . ∞ ≥ t ∞ b Of course, if the velocity in the RHS of (3.1) does not vanish, then x is tran- t sient towards + or depending on the sign of this velocity. We shall deduce Proposition 3.1∞below−b∞y first showing that πm < πm+1 < π for all m 0 and then proving that in fact π =lim πm. + + + ≥ + m→∞ + b b b LONG TIME BEHAVIOUR IN A MODEL OF MICROTUBULE GROWTH 9 Remark 3.1.1. Let m be the generator of the finite-state Markov chain w . t Byirreducibility, its stQationarydistributionπm is the only probabilitydistribution satisfying the finite-dimbensional system of equations b b (3.2) πm m =0. Q The above proposition implies thatbif fbor some m 0 the solution to this system makestheRHSof (3.1)positive,thenbothprocesse≥s(y ) and(ym) aretran- t t≥0 t t≥0 sienttowards+ . This givesanother numericalmethod ofestablishing transience towards + for∞the process (y ) . b ∞ t t≥0 Remark 3.1.2. If m=0, the stationary distribution πm becomes π0 = π0+,π0− = λ−/(1+λ−),1/(b1+λ−) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) and therefore the vbelocitybv0 ≡bπ0+v++π0−v− is non-negative iff (3.3) bµ λ− b1+λ+ . ≤ (cid:0) (cid:1) It has been argued in [1, Sect. V.B], that the RHS of (3.3) provides an asymptot- ically correct approximation to the “phase boundary” v = 0 in the limit of small λ+ and λ−. It is interesting to notice that according to Lemma 3.2 below, every pointinthe phasespaceforwhichthe equalityin(3.3)holds,belongsto the region of positive velocity v for the process y ; i.e., where y is transient towards + . t t ∞ We start by noticing that the explicit expressions (3.1) for the limiting velocity of the process x in Proposition 3.1 follow directly from the Ergodic theorem for t continuous time Markov chains. Indeed, for a fixed m 0, consider the Markov chain y ym with the initial conditions y =(0,∅). D≥ecomposing the difference t ≡ t 0 xm xm xm into a sum of individual increments and rearranging,gives t ≡ bt −b0 b (b3.4) b b xmt = kw,w′(t) xw′ −xw , w,wX′∈Wm (cid:2) (cid:3) b where kw,w′(t) is the total number of transitions w 7→ w′ for wt during the time interval [0,t]. Of course, +1, if w′ =[w ]m, ⊕ xw′ −xw =−1, if w′ =⊖[w]m1 , 0, else,  so it is sufficient to concentrate on the transitions which change the position of the microtubule active end. It is not difficult to deduce that the ratios kw,w′(t)/t converge to definite limits as t . For example, fix w m, w′ =[w ]m and write k (t) for the total numb→er∞of visits to w for wm ∈duWrin+g the time⊕interval w t [0,t]. IfT denotesthefirstreturntimetostatew,thenthe ErgodicTheoremand w the Strong Law of Large Numbers imply the almost subre convergence kw(t) 1 kw,w′(t) λ+ as t . t → E T k (t) → w +λ+ →∞ w w w k k Consequently, [6, Chap. 3] kw,w′(t) λ+ π λ+, t → ( w +λ+)E T ≡ w w w k k b 10 O.HRYNIVANDM.MENSHIKOV almost surely, as t , where π =πm stands for the unique stationary distribu- tion of the Markov→ch∞ain wm. Repeating the same argument for all other pairs of t states w, w′ in (3.4) and re-sumbminbg, we deduce the second equality in (3.1). A similar argument implies tbhe velocity formula for the process (y ) . t t≥0 Our main result here is the following observation: Lemma 3.2. Let positive ratesλ+, λ− andµ be fixed. Then for allintegerm 0 we have πm <πm+1. Moreover,lim πm =π . ≥ + + m→∞ + + Remarkb3.2.1b. If one interprets the prbojection operator [ ]m as an enforced · conversion outside a finite region, the statement of the lemma justifies ⊕ 7→ ⊖ the heuristics that “a less strict enforcement policy increases the chances of seeing monomers at the right end of microtubules”. ⊕ The remainder of this section is devoted to the proof of this lemma. We first establishanon-strictmonotonicityofπm inmviaacouplingargumentinSect.3.1, + andthen deduce the strict monotonicityof πm froma suitable probabilistic bound + b in Sect. 3.2. Finally, Sect. 3.3 is devoted to a proof of the convergence claim of Lemma 3.2. b 3.1. Comparisonoffinitechains. Fixpositiveratesλ+,λ−andµandaninteger m 0, and consider two Markov chains ≥ y′ x′,w′ d=ef ym and y′′ x′′,w′′ d=ef ym+1 t ≡ t t t t ≡ t t t with initial condi(cid:0)tions y(cid:1)′ = (0,∅), y′′ = (0,∅); in t(cid:0)he finite(cid:1)size setting here and 0 b 0 b below,∅ referstoastringofanappropriatelengthconsistingof monomersonly. ⊖ We now construct a coupling of the processes y′ and y′′ in such a way that for t t all t 0 the following monotonicity property holds: ≥ (3.5) w′ w′′, i.e., ∀k w′(t)= = w′′(t)= . t ≺ t k ⊕ ⇒ k ⊕ Ofcourse,inviewoftheintrinsicrenewalstructureandthestrongMarkovproperty, itissufficienttoconstructacouplingona singlecycleofthe Markovchainy′′,i.e., t on the time interval between two consecutive visits by w′′ to the state ∅. Again, t we shall proceed by defining a coupling of a single step at a time. Recallthatweuse[ ]mtodenotetheprojectionoperator[ ]m : , m+1 · l · l W → ⊕ ⊖ from (1.2), and that wt is the total number of monomers in wt, re(cid:8)call ((cid:9)2.1). k k ⊕ In our construction below we shall separately consider four different cases. Case I: Let at time t 0 we have the following configuration: ≥ y′ =(x′,w′), y′′ =(x′′,w′′), w′ w′′ , t t t t ≺ ∈W− so that both w′ and w′′ end with a monomer (in particular, we might have w′ =∅ or w′ =w′′ =∅). Denote ⊖ def def J = j 0:w′ =w′′ = , J = j 0:w′ = , w′′ = , 0 ≥ j j ⊕ 1 ≥ j ⊖ j ⊕ so that w′ (cid:8)= J , w′′ = J (cid:9)J = J + J(cid:8) . With n = J and n(cid:9) = J 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 k k | | k k | ∪ | | | | | | | | | we consider four independent exponential random variables ζ Exp(λ−), ζ 1 2 ∼ ∼ Exp(n ), ζ Exp(n ), ζ Exp(µ) and define ζ = min(ζ ,ζ ,ζ ,ζ ). Then the 0 3 1 4 1 2 3 4 ∼ ∼ next transition occurs at time t+ζ and is given by if ζ =ζ , then a monomer simultaneouslyattaches to both processes,ie, 1 • ⊕ y′ =(x′ +1,[w′ ]m) and y′′ =(x′′+1,[w′′ ]m+1); t+ζ t ⊕ t+ζ t ⊕

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