Long-term temporal dependence of droplets transiting through a fixed spatial point in gas-liquid two-phase turbulent jets 8 0 ∗ 0 Li-Jun Jia,b, Wei-Xing Zhoua,c,d,e, , Hai-Feng Liua,f,d, 2 Xin Gonga,f,d, Fu-Chen Wanga,f,d, Zun-Hong Yua,f,d n a J aKeyLaboratory ofCoalGasification ofMinistryofEducation, EastChinaUniversity of 5 Science andTechnology, Shanghai 200237, China ] bCollegeofChemicalEngineering, EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology, n Shanghai 200237, China y d cSchoolofBusiness,EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology, Shanghai 200237, - u China l f dResearchCenterofSystemsEngineering, EastChinaUniversity ofScienceand . s Technology, Shanghai 200237, China c si eSchoolofScience, EastChinaUniversity ofScienceandTechnology, Shanghai 200237, y China h p fInstituteofCleanCoalTechnology, EastChinaUniversity ofScience andTechnology, [ Shanghai 200237, China 1 v 2 9 Abstract 7 0 . WeperformrescaledrangeanalysisuponthesignalsmeasuredbyDualParticleDynamical 1 0 Analyzeringas-liquidtwo-phaseturbulentjets.Anovelrescaledrangeanalysisisproposed 8 to investigate these unevenly sampled signals. The Hurst exponents of velocity and other 0 passivescalarsinthebulkofsprayareobtainedtobe0.59±0.02andthefractaldimension : v ishence1.41±0.02,whichareinremarkable agreementwithandmuchmoreprecisethan i X previous results. Thesescaling exponents arefound tobeindependent oftheconfiguration r and dimensions of the nozzle and the fluid flows. Therefore, such type of systems form a a universality classwithinvariant scalingproperties. Keywords: Drop;Fluidmechanics; Fractals;Multiphase flow;Rescaledrangeanalysis; DualParticleDynamicalAnalyzer ∗ Correspondingauthor.Address:130MeilongRoad,P.O.Box114,EastChinaUniversity of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China, Phone: +86 21 64253634, Fax: +86 2164253152. Emailaddress:[email protected](Wei-XingZhou). PreprintsubmittedtoChemicalEngineeringJournal 2February2008 1 Introduction Itiswellknownthat[1]’spictureofturbulentcascade, inwhichlargeeddiesbreak down into smaller ones, is a multiplicative process. This hierarchical cascade in turbulencecanbedescribedbyfractalgeometry[2],whichischaracterizedquanti- tativelyby the fractal dimensionof self-similarstructureofturbulence[3, 4]. Both theexperimentaland theoreticalaspects havebeen studiedin pastdecades. Lovejoyinvestigatedthefractal natureofsatellite-andradar-determinedcloudand rain areas covering 6 orders of magnitudeof area sizes [5]. The area-perimeter re- lation,introducedbyMandelbrot[3],was foundtoholdwiththefractal dimension D = 1.35±0.05.AtheoreticalanalysiswasproposedbyHentschelandProcaccia 1 [6]. Theydevelopedatheoryofturbulentdiffusionandobtainedthenatural conse- quence that 1.37 < D < 1.41, which is in excellent agreement with theempirical 1 resultsofLovejoy[5]. Anotherimportantexperimentconcernsthestudiesonthefractalfacetoftheturbulent- nonturbulentinterfaceinturbulentflowsbySreenivasanandhiscoworkers[7,8,9]. Prasad and Sreenivasan applied the laser-induced fluorescence technique to obtain the images of two-dimensional cuts of turbulent jets [10, 11]. Applying the box- counting method, they estimated the fractal dimension of turbulence interface in theK range and found thatD = 2.36±0.05 forall fully turbulentflows[9]. Tak- 2 ing into account the influence of local fluctuations in the Kolmogorovscale on the surface area due to the multifractal nature of the rate of dissipation,slight revision wasmade[12].Inaddition,Huangetal.proposedamodifiedbox-countingmethod and foundthatD = 2.43±0.04 intheK rangeforroundjets[13]. 2 All the above experimental results are based on the box-counting method, which mayleadtoseveraldisadvantagesanddifficulties.Difficultiesassociatedwithbox- methods are typically attributed to the lack of a significant scaling range, low signal-to-noise ratio that limits reliable determination of level sets, and possible inadequate records resulting in poor statistics confidence. Several methods pro- posed to analyze box-counting statistics that do not presume power-law behaviors havebeenemployedtoaddressthefirstissue,whichaimatdeterminingthescaling range, if any, in an unbiased fashion. In addition, the linear correlation coefficient in log-log plots is not high enough, which results in relatively large standard devi- ations. It is well know that, for fractals with underlying cascade process, there are logarithmicperiodic oscillations [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. The logarithmicperiodic oscillations can be used to explain why different samplings lead to different esti- mates of fractal dimension. Zhou and Sornette proposed that canonical averaging of variety of samplings can be used to eliminate logarithmic periodic oscillations and getmorereliablefractal dimension[18]. Alternatively, rather than using the classic box-counting method, Zhou et al. per- 2 formedarescaledrangeanalysisuponsignalsmeasuredbyDualPDAtodetermine the fractal dimension of coaxial turbulent jet, in which one-dimensional cuts are handled and the unequally spaced time series were pre-processed using averag- ing to form equidistantly spaced series [20]. The fractal dimension was found to be D = 1.42 ± 0.07. Since the rescaled range analysis is conducted based on 1 averaging different subseries at each scale, possible log-periodic oscillations are eliminated. However, the moving averaging interpolation approach is not satisfy- ing.Inthispaper,weshalldevelopavariantoftherescaled rangeanalysistomake it suit directly for unequally spaced timeseries such that the corresponding results are moreprecise. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we propose a generalization of the classical rescaled rangeanalysis.Section 3 reports theexperientialresultsand cor- responding fractal dimensions for a variety of experiments under different condi- tions. By comparing with interface dimensions of scalar field, physical interpreta- tionispresented inSec. 4. Section5 concludes. 2 Rescaled rangeanalysis Rescaled range analysis, also termed as R/S analysis or Hurst analysis, was orig- inally developed by Hurst [21]. This analysis is based on a new statistical devel- opment and provides an approach for analysis and characterization of time se- ries which has no underlying periodicity, yet retains long term correlation [22, 23, 24, 25]. The classic R/S analysis is performed on a discrete time series data set {y : i = 1,2,··· ,n} with the time t uniformly-spaced, which is however not i i suitable for other time series that are not equidistantly sampled, such as data mea- sured by Dual PDA. We thus generalize the classic R/S analysis from equidistant samplingto unevensampling. Define acontinuousfunctiony : [a,b] → ℜ. In acertain sense,graph graph(y) = {(t,y(t)) : t ∈ [a,b]} (1) may be regarded as a 2-dimensional fractal in the plane (t,y). Falconer has pre- sented a method to estimate the fractal dimension of functional graph [26]. Let [τ ,τ ] ⊂ [a,b].Thetimespans = τ −τ ofy isreferredtoas“lag”[23,24].Then 1 2 2 1 themeanofy on [τ ,τ ]is 1 2 1 τ2 hyi = y(t)dt. (2) τ −τ 2 1 Zτ1 Define thecumulativedeviationtobe t X(t) = [y(t)−hyi]dt (3) Zτ1 3 and thecumulativerangeto be R = sup X(t)− inf X (t). (4) τ2>t>τ1 τ2>t>τ1 Thestandarddeviationis 1 1 t 2 S = [y(t)−hyi]2dt . (5) τ −τ (cid:26) 2 1 Zτ1 (cid:27) Therefore, as a generalization of the R/S analysis for discrete time series, we as- sumethat R/S is self-affineand scaleswithrespect to s as apowerlaw R/S ∝ (τ −τ )H = sH, (6) 2 1 whereH istermed as theHurst exponent. Partition the interval [τ ,τ ] into n divisions with τ = t < t < ··· < t = τ . 1 2 1 0 1 n 2 Theny = y(t )isaunequallyspacedtimeseries.Usingrectangularapproximation i i for integration, one can descretize Eqs. (2)-(6) as follows.The mean of y can be regardedas atime-weightedaverage 1 n hyi = yi ×(ti −ti−1), (7) t −t n 0i=1 X and thecumulativerangebecomes R = max {X }− min {X }, (8) j j 16j6n 16j6n where j Xj = (yi −hyi)(ti −ti−1) (9) i=1 X isthecumulativedeviation.Takingintoaccount theweightedstandard deviation 1 1 n 2 S = (yi −hyi)2(ti −ti−1) , (10) (tn −t0i=1 ) X wehave R/S ∝ (t −t )H = sH. (11) n 0 If ti − ti−1 = ∆t is a constant, the cumulative deviation Xj given in (9) is ∆t times that in the conventional R/S analysis for uniformly spaced time series data. However,it hasno impactontheestimationofHurstexponentusingEq.(11). The HurstexponentH ofthetimeseriesisthenevaluatedfromtheslopeofthestraight line fitted to these points. The estimated Hurst exponent is related to its fractal dimensionD bytherelation[3] D = 2−H. (12) 4 The R/S analysis is a simple and robust method for fast fractal estimate with as few as 30datapoints[27]. ThereareavarietyofalgorithmsforperformingR/S analysis.Considerasubseries {yi,yi+1,··· ,yi+s−1}, whereiisthedepartureofthesub-seriesand sisthelength of the sub-series with 1 6 i < i + s − 1 6 n. Different selection of i and s resultsindifferentalgorithm.Inthispaper,weproposetoadoptarandomselection algorithm, in which m starting points i are chosen randomly based on a uniform distributionon theinterval[1,n−s+1]. Anaverageofthem valuesofR/S with the same lag s is calculated, which is denoted by R(s)/S(s). The Hurst exponent can becalculated according toEq. (11). 3 Experimental measurement offractal dimensions 3.1 Experimentalset-up TheDualPDA isbased onanovelconceptthatyieldsahighermeasurementaccu- racyandperformsnon-intrusivemeasurementsofthevelocity,diameterandtransit time of spherical particles, droplets and bubbles suspended in gaseous or liquid flows,particularlyforsprayanalysisandotherinvestigationsofliquidatomization. TheunderlyingprincipleofphaseDoppleranemometryisbasedonlight-scattering interferometry and therefore requires no calibration.Themeasurement pointisde- fined by the intersection of two or three pairs of focused laser beams and the mea- surementsareperformedonsingleparticlesastheymovethroughthemeasurement volume. Particles thereby scatter light from the laser beams, generating an optical interference pattern. A receiving optics placed at a well-chosen off-axis location projects a portionof thescattered light ontomultipledetectors. Each detector con- verts the optical signal into a Doppler burst with a frequency linearly proportional to theparticlevelocity.Thephaseshiftbetween theDopplersignalsfrom different detectorsisadirectmeasureoftheparticlediameter.Wecanobtainthearrivaltime and transittimesimultaneously. The Dual PDA receiving probe contains four receiving apertures integrated into one single optical unit. The Dual PDA detector configuration (2 standard and 2 planar), combined with sophisticated validation routines, is not susceptible to un- wanted effects resulting from the Gaussian light intensity distribution in the mea- surement volume. Misinterpreted size measurements due to trajectory effects are therefore eliminated. The front optics module for 3D-PDA configurations simpli- fies the alignment procedure considerably. Screwed onto the PDA receiving probe andconnectedtothetransmitteropticsbyadual-fibrelink,thefrontopticsmodule generatesthethirdpairoflaserbeamswithadjustablebeamintersectionandfocus. The received signals are fed to one of Dantec’s advanced signal processors, which 5 delivers results to a PC. The instrument chart of the Dual PDA system is shown in Fig.1. Thepowerofthelasergeneratoris2W.Thefocallengthofthetransmitting and receivinglensesare both500mm. Flow Laser Transmitting Optics Receiving Optics Ar-Ion Beam Splitter Gas + Collecting Lens Frequency Shift Liquid Photodetecter Focussing Lens Dual PDA Signal Proces s or FFT-Processor Computer Covariance-Processor Fig.1.Experimental set-upoftheDualPDAsystem 3.2 Experimentalconditions In the experiments, we used tri-passage coaxial nozzles. The liquid phase water moves through the mid-passage, while the gaseous phase, say air, N and CO , 2 2 passesthroughtheinnerandouterpassages.Intheexperiments,thegaseousmedium is changeable and the fluid flow rates of the two phases are adjustable. The mea- surement points distribute through out the spray zone. For a fixed experimental configurationandgivenfluidflow,werecordthearrivaltimet,transittimeT,axial velocity U, radial velocity V and drop diameter d of 20000 drops moving through the measurement point. In experiment (a), the flows of nitrogen in the inner and outer passages are respectively 0.5 and 3.0m3/h, while those in the experiment (b) are 0.69and 3.9m3/h, respectively. Forafixedmeasurementpointat(0,0,−26),thedatarateis20.8KHz,themeanve- locityis33.81m/s,and ther.m.s.velocityis 9.51m/s.TheKolmogorovmicroscale η iscalculated fromthesignalsaccordingto 1/4 ν2U2 η = 1 , (13) 15 (∂U/∂t)2 D E where U is the mean speed at themeasurement point, ν is the kinematicviscosity 1 of air, and U is the streamwise component of velocity. The resulting value of η is 0.013cm.TheTaylormicroscaleλ = 0.41cmiscalculated according to ′ U U λ = 1 , (14) (∂U/∂t)2 1/2 D E 6 ′ where U is the r.m.s. of velocity fluctuations. Hence, the Taylor-scale Reynolds numberis Re = U λ/ν = 273, (15) λ 1 whichis moderate. The power spectrum of the velocity signal is shown in Fig. 2 which is obtained by the Dual PDA Processor using the Gabor Fourier transform. A power-law scaling E(k) ∼ k−β withanexponentβ closeto5/3isobservedoverasubstantialrangeof about0.7decades.Sincethesamplingfrequenciesarenothighenough,thehighest frequency is in the inertial range, which implies that we are dealing with the K- rangein thiswork. -1.4 nits) -1.6 U y -1.8 ar bitr -2 Ar -2.2 (cid:16)5 ( 3 (cid:12)(cid:186)(cid:188) -2.4 k (cid:11) E -2.6 (cid:170)(cid:172) g10 -2.8 o l -3 -3.2 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 log (cid:11)k(cid:12) 10 Fig.2.Energyspectrum ofvelocity signals 3.3 Hurstexponentsand fractaldimensions First of all, we analyzed the velocity signals arising from experiments by random selection algorithm.A typical diagram ofln(R/S) versus ln(s) is shownin Fig. 3. There is a transient regime for ln(s) < −6, which exhibitsa clear dropdown com- pared with the scaling regime. The slope of the trend line in the scaling regime gives the Hurst exponent H = 0.5926. When adopting the approximation that the measurement is evenly spaced, the Hurst exponent estimated in the same scaling range is Hˆ = 0.5518, which is significantly smaller than the real value of H. This phenomenonissystematicallyobservedforotherexperimentalrealizations. According to the trend of Hurst exponents from the experiments, we can roughly classify the turbulent spray zone into two parts: the transient region and thesteady region.In addition,thespanofthetransientzoneis foundtobeproportionaltothe spray speed. Two typical diagrams of variation of Hurst exponent along the axial direction are shown in Fig. 4. It is obvious that there exists transient region near theoutlet ofthenozzle. Thespan of transientzone of (a) is about2 ∼ 3mm,while that of (b) is about 3 ∼ 4mm. One can see that H decreases along the streamwise direction near the outlet of the nozzle, which shows that the signals close to the 7 −2 −4 ) S Transient regime / R −6 ( n l −8 Scaling regime −10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 ln (s) Fig.3.Atypicaldiagram ofln(R/S)versusln(s) nozzlehavestrongerpersistency.Thisisinducedbythestrongerinteractionsamong drops moving through the measurement points. After a short transient period, the four types of H arrive a “steady” state, which fluctuates somewhat randomly near theaverage0.59.Weshouldpointoutthatthemeasurementrangeintheexperiment with a distance from the outlet of the nozzle of about 200mm is much wider than what wehavepresented inFig. 4. 0.8 0.7 H 0.6 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Axial distance (mm) 0.8 0.7 H 0.6 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Axial distance (mm) Fig.4.TypicaldiagramsofHurstexponentevolution alongaxialdirection The Hurst exponentsof axial and radial velocitiesare plotted in Fig. 5. The exper- iment conditions and/or the spatial position of measurement are different to each other. The hurst exponent is independent of experiment condition and the spatial position. It is easy to find that, there are several points with relatively higher H of the axial velocity. These signals are nonstationary and are not available for R/S analysis, which will be addressed later. Thus we withdraw these points. It follows that H = 0.60±0.02 (16) U and H = 0.59±0.02. (17) V In fact, the existence of nonstationary signals does not affect the mean values, but theywillincreasethestandarddeviations. 8 1 Axial velocity 0.9 Radial velocity 0.8 0.7 H 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 70 140 210 280 Measurement point Fig.5.Hurstexponents ofvelocitysignals Similarly, the Hurst exponents of transit times and drop diameters are shown in Fig.6.Nonstationarysignals,especiallyoftransittime,appearagain.Onecanalso find that, when investigating a signal with high H in Fig.6, those signals from the same measurement record of the investigated signal have high H as well. With- drawal ofthesenonstationarysignalsfollowsthat H = 0.60±0.02 (18) T and H = 0.59±0.02 . (19) d 1 Transmit time 0.9 Drop diameter 0.8 0.7 H 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 70 140 210 280 Measurement point Fig.6.Hurstexponents oftransittimeanddropdiametersignals ItisobviousthattheHurstexponentsofdifferentsignalsareidenticaltoeachother. The difference among the four types of H is within the scope of experiment error. Consequently, the considered signals are also self-affine among each other. The histogram of the Hurst exponent distribution of all signals is shown in Fig. 7. The majorityofHurstexponentsconcentratearoundthemeanvalue0.59.Theaveraged Hurstexponentcan thusbecalculated as H = 0.59±0.02. (20) 9 Wecan hence obtainthefractal dimensionofthesignalsthat D = 1.41±0.02 . (21) 70 60 50 m a r40 g o t30 s i H 20 10 0 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 H Fig.7.HistogramofHurstexponents ofallsignals In a nutshell, the Hurst exponent and the corresponding fractal dimension of the signals are independent of the spatial position of the measurement position. That is, the investigated turbulent jet is fractally homogenous in the main bulk of the sprayzone.Moreover,wecan saythatsuchtwo-phaseflowsformauniversalclass with a universal Hurst exponent, since the fractal dimensions are invariant with the changes of nozzle configuration, fluid medium, and flow rates as well [20]. However, we should point out that the Hurst exponents change for other type of two-phase flows. For example, coherent structure appears when measuring signals of hydrogen jet into air [28, 29]. Such a self-organized structure is expected to strengthenthelong-termdependence anddecrease thefractal dimensions. 4 Discussions 4.1 Nonstationarysignals One may take it for granted that the computed Hurst exponent of a fixed record is not reproducible when a repeated calculation is carried out. However, we would like to point out the stability and repeatability of the random sub-series algorithm, which has been verified by repeating computations such that the resulting Hurst exponents change very slightly compared with the previously calculated values. Thus,itseemsthatthesurprisinghighvaluesofHurstexponentsinFig.5andFig.6 areunavoidable.Fortunately,wefoundthatsignalscorrespondingto“unexpected” high values of H are nonstationary which can be used to distinguish these signals from therest. Thisiswhywehavegotrid ofexperimentalpointswithhighH. 10