Long-range random transverse-field Ising model in three dimensions Istv´an A. Kov´acs,1,2,3,∗ Ro´bert Juh´asz,1,† and Ferenc Igl´oi1,2,‡ 1Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 49, Hungary 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Szeged University, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary 3Center for Complex Networks Research and Department of Physics, Northeastern University, 177 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA (Dated: January 19, 2016) 6 1 We consider the random transverse-field Ising model in d =3 dimensions with long-range ferro- 0 magneticinteractionswhichdecayasapowerα>dwiththedistance. Usingavariantofthestrong 2 disorder renormalization group method we study numerically the phase-transition point from the paramagnetic side. The distribution of the (sample dependent) pseudo-critical points is found to n scale with 1/lnL, L being thelinear size of thesample. Similarly, thecritical magnetization scales Ja with(lnL)χ/Ld andtheexcitationenergybehavesasL−α. Usingextreme-valuestatisticsweargue thatextrapolatingfrom theferromagnetic sidethemagnetization approachesafinitelimiting value 6 and thusthetransition is of mixed-order. 1 PACSnumbers: 05.70.Ln,64.60.Ak,87.23.Cc ] h c e I. INTRODUCTION Here, σix,z are Pauli-matrices, rij denotes the distance m betweensite i andj, while the parametersbij andtrans- versefieldsh arei.i.d. quenchedrandomvariablesdrawn - Innaturethere aremagneticmaterialsinwhichorder- i t fromsome distributions p (b) and g (h), respectively. In a ingisduetolong-range(LR)interactionswhichdecayas 0 0 t apowerα=d+σ withthedistance. Thebestknownex- thefollowingwerestrictourselvestoferromagneticmod- s els, so that b >0 and h >0. t. amplesaredipolarsystems,suchastheLiHoF4. Putting ij i a this compound into an appropriate external magnetic The properties of phase-transitions in random quan- m field we obtain an experimental realisation of a dipolar tum Ising magnets with SR interactions are known with - quantum ferromagnet[1]. Similar systems have been ex- someextent[26–29],mainly due tostrongdisorderrenor- d perimentally realised recently by ultracold atomic gases malization group (SDRG)[30, 31] studies. These results n in optical lattices[2–6] and studied theoretically[7–17]. are then checked by numerical investigations in one- o c Concerning the phase-transitional properties of LR [32, 33] and two-dimensions[34, 35]. The main conclu- [ systemsitisknownquitesometimethattheuniversality sionisthatthecriticalbehaviourofSRrandomquantum classdependsonthedecayexponent,σ[18–22]. Forasuf- Ising magnets at any finite dimension is governed by a 1 ficiently large value of σ >σ the transition is the same so called infinite-disorder fixed point (IDFP)[31, 36], at v U 6 as in the short-range (SR) model, for intermediate val- which the dynamics is ultra-slow: the length-scale ξ and 0 ues, σL >σ >σU the critical behaviour is non-universal the time-scaleτ is relatedas: lnτ ∼ξψ, where the expo- 2 and σ dependent, while for σ < σ we have mean-field nent ψ is dimension dependent. This is in contrast with L 4 criticalbehaviour. Inlow-dimensionalsystemsLRforces the scaling behaviour at a conventional random fixed- 0 could result in magnetic ordering and phase transitions, point: τ ∼ξz,thusthedynamicalexponent,zisformally 1. even if these are absent with SR interactions[23]. infinite at an IDFP. 0 In the present paper we consider quantum magnets Thelow-energypropertiesoftheHamiltonianinEq.(1) 6 with LR interactions in the presence of quenched dis- inone-dimensionhavealreadybeenstudiedthroughvari- 1 order. Such type of a system is realised by the com- ants of the SDRG[37], see also studies of the related hi- : v pound LiHo Y F , in which a fraction of (1−x) of erarchical Dyson model[38] and that in Ref[39]. In con- x 1−x 4 Xi the magnetic Ho atoms is replaced by non-magnetic Y trastto the SR case the criticalbehaviouris found to be atoms[1, 24]. A related, but somewhat simplified[25] controlled by a strong-disorder fixed point, the critical ar quantum model which describes the low-energy proper- dynamical exponent being finite: zc ≃ α. Qualitatively ties of this system is the random transverse-field Ising similar observations are found from the preliminary nu- model with LR interactions given by the Hamiltonian: merical SDRG results on the two-dimensional system in Ref.[40]. H=− bijσxσx− h σz . (1) In this paper we extend these investigations to the rα i j i i experimentally more realistic three-dimensional system. Xi6=j ij Xi HereweapplyanumericalversionoftheSDRGmethod, which is expected to present physically correct results in the critical point approaching from the paramagnetic side. We study in details the distribution of the sam- Electronicaddress: [email protected] ∗ Electronicaddress: [email protected] ple dependent critical points, the scaling behaviour of † Electronicaddress: [email protected] themagnetizationandthatofthelow-energyexcitations. ‡ 2 The SDRG results are then interpreted in the frame of scale almost always couplings will be decimated and the extreme-valuestatistics (EVS)[41], whichisthen usedto LR model renormalizesto the ferromagneticfixed-point. make conjectures about the scaling behaviour of the dif- Consequently the critical point of the LR model satisfies ferent quantities at the ferromagnetic side of the transi- the relation θ >θSR. c c tion point. Most surprisingly the average magnetization is expected to approach a finite limiting value, thus the transition is of mixed order. The rest of the paper is organisedas follows. In Sec.II we recapitulate the basic features of the SDRG method anddiscussitsparticularformforLRsystems. InSec.III we present our results of the numerical SDRG analysis, which is then interpreted within the frame of EVS in Sec.IV. Our results are discussed in Sec.V. II. SDRG METHOD FOR LR INTERACTIONS IntheSDRGmethodthedecimationprocedureisper- FIG.1: (Coloronline)Illustrationofthespinclustersformed formed locally in the energy-space of the Hamiltonian. duringtheSDRGprocessatthecriticalpointofthe1Dshort- At each step of the renormalization the largest local pa- range RTIM for two samples at L = 256. The fate of a spin rameter of the Hamiltonian is eliminated and between cluster is either to be decimated out (indicated by vertical the remaining degrees of freedom new, renormalized pa- spikes) or to be fused together with an other spin cluster rametersarecalculatedperturbatively. After decimating (horizontallines). Highertreesindicateclustersbeingpresent the strongest coupling, J , (in our case J = bij) the at later stages of the SDRG procedure, corresponding to the ij ij rα ij low-energy modes of the system. The magnetic moment is two sites i and j form a cluster of spins in an effective transverse field: h˜ = h h /J . On the contrary, if the relatedtothesizeofthelargestcluster,scalingasµ(L)∝Ldf, i j ij where thefractal dimension is d = √5+1 ≈0.809[26]. strongest transverse-field, h is decimated, then between f 4 i sites,j andk,–whichareoriginallynearestneighborsto i– anew couplingis created: J˜ =max(J ,J J /h ). jk jk ji ki i Here in the last step the so called maximum rule is ap- plied,whichisessentialinthefastalgorithm[29]weusein the numerical calculation. The use of the maximum rule is correct in the paramagnetic phase and asymptotically correctatanIDFP.Ifthefixed-pointunderconsideration is just a strong-disorder one, then the maximum rule is a good approximation, which generally does not modify the qualitative behaviour of the model. We note, how- ever, that the maximum rule is certainly not correct in the ferromagnetic phase in particular for LR models. In the numerical application of the SDRG method we start with some initial disorder, in our case we have used box-distributions: the parameters of the model were chosen uniformly from the intervals bij ∈(0,1] and FIG.2: (Color online) The same dendrogram illustration as hi ∈ (0,h], so that the control parameter is defined as inFig. 1forthecritical1Dlong-rangeRTIMat L=256. As θ = ln(h). Now let us assume for a moment that our opposed to the short-range model, mostly transverse fields model is short-ranged,i.e. in Eq.(1) bij is replaced with are decimated resulting in spikes and smaller spin-clusters, riαj following a scaling of theform µ(L)∝ln2L. b and the first sum runs over nearest neighbours. At ij the critical point of the SR model (θSR) the decimation c procedure is asymptotically symmetric in 1D: couplings Nowletusfollowtherenormalizationprocedureofthe and transverse fields are decimated with the same frac- LR model starting from its own critical point θ , when c tion. The resulting cluster structure is illustrated in three different regimes can be identified. At the ini- Fig.1. In higher dimensions the ratio of the frequency tial period dominantly nearest-neighbour couplings are of coupling and transverse-field decimations has a finite involved and the renormalization proceeds basically as limiting value, r = O(1). Now switching on the LR in the SR model. Since at θ the SR model is in the SR c forces, the renormalization procedure starting from θSR paramagnetic phase in the initial period almost exclu- c will turn to be more and more asymmetric due to the sively transverse fields are decimated and the distribu- appearance of new LR couplings: below some energy- tion of the renormalized transverse fields will approach 3 TABLE I: Properties of the critical SDRG procedure in the different regimes, see text. RGperiod decimation couplings zeff initial h SR ≈zSR(θc) intermediate h SR and LR zSR(θc)<zeff <zc asymptotic h and J LR zc the known form[31]: d g(h)= h−1+d/z , (2) z with some effective dynamical exponent, z ≈ zSR(θ ) of c the SR model at the control parameter θ . The initial c periodoftheRGendswhenthegeneratednewcouplings becometobeinthesameorderastheexistingLRbonds. In the following intermediate period dominantly trans- verse fields are decimated, but among the renormalized couplings - due to the maximum rule - there are more and more original LR bonds. As a result the distribu- tionofthe transversefields willcontinuouslychange,the value of the effective dynamical exponent increases fur- ther and approaches its asymptotic value at the critical point, z . In the final, asymptotic regime in the deci- c mation mainly transverse fields are involved, but also a fraction, r, LR couplings are decimated, too. (As the FIG. 3: (Color online) The large scale spin clusters of the criticalfixedpointisapproachedr tendstozero,thecal- criticallong-rangeRTIMappeartobesparseandtheycanbe culated scale-dependence is shown in Sec. III.) The gen- embeddedinaquasi-one-dimensionalobject,asillustratedin eratednew couplings are almostalwayssmaller than the 2D(L=64)and3D(L=24). Thesizeoftheseclustersprovides existing LR bonds, thus according to the maximum rule the magnetic moment following a similar scaling as in 1D as these originalcouplingsplaythe roleofthe renormalized shown in Eq. (4). ones. Consequently at the fixed point the decimation of a transverse field results in the erasing of the given site together with the couplings starting from it. The ba- sample dependent pseudo-critical points, as described in sic ingredients of the RG procedure in the three regimes Ref.[28]. The distribution of the pseudo-critical points are summarised in Table I. The final cluster structure of is shown in Fig.4: both the position of the maximum the LR model in 1Dis illustratedin Fig.2: comparing to and the width of the distribution follows a 1/lnL scal- the SR model here the clusters have smaller extent and ing, from which the true critical point is estimated at contain less sites. In higher dimensions, in 2D and 3D θ = 3.25(15). The scaling behaviour of the distribution c we show in Fig.3 the structure of the largest clusters, in of the pseudo-criticalpoints is compatible with an expo- which the critical properties of the model are encoded. nential increase of the correlation length, at least from Even in higher dimensions these clusters are sparse and the paramagnetic side: theycanbeembeddedinaquasi-one-dimensionalobject. Thislastpropertyissharedwiththelargestcriticalclus- ξ ∼exp(const/(θ−θ )), θ >θ . (3) c c ters in SR models. At the critical point we calculated the fraction of deci- mation steps, which involves a coupling and that, which III. NUMERICAL SDRG ANALYSIS involvesatransversefield. Theyratio,r (L),isgivenby θc the ratio ofthe accumulateddistributions ofthe pseudo- Here we present our numerical results for the three- critical points on two sides of θc. We obtained a loga- dimensional LR model, which are obtained by the use of rithmic L-dependence: rθc(L) ∼ 1/(lnL)ω, with ω ≈ 2, the fast SDRG algorithm in Ref.[29]. In the calculations as in the 1D case as illustrated in Fig. 5. weusedfinitesampleswithperiodicboundaryconditions At the criticalpoint, we have also calculated the aver- of linear size up to L=24. The number of samples were age mass of the last remaining cluster µ(L) = Ldm(L), typically 100000 (at least 2000 for the largest size) and m(L) being the local magnetization and the characteris- the box-distributions are used, as described before. We tic time scale τ(L) defined as τ = 1/h˜, where h˜ is the have fixed the decay exponent to α = 4 and calculated last decimated parameter in a finite sample. 4 3 0.1 θ = 3.0 0.1 0.01 3.1 p 2.5 3.25 0.001 3.4 0.01 0.0001 3.5 p µ 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 0.001 (θs-θ)ln(L/L ) c c 0 1.5 L = 12 0.0001 16 24 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 1 2 3 4 2 θs (ln L/L0) FIG. 4: (Color online) Distribution of the pseudo-critical FIG.6: (Coloronline)Theaveragemassofthelastdecimated points, which are estimated to cross each other for different cluster plotted against (lnL/L0)2 with L0 = 3.2. The data L at θc ≈ 3.25, indicated by a dotted line. The ratio of has been obtained by numerical renormalization of the three the accumulated distributions on two sides of θc is given by dimensional model with decay exponent α = 4, for different r (L), see the text and Fig.5. The inset shows the rescaled valuesof thecontrol parameter θ. θc distributions with L0 =2. 0.007 The extrapolation of z(L) to infinite system size, as θ = 3.0 shown in Fig. 7, is compatible with the expectation 0.006 3.1 zc =α. 3.25 The dynamical exponent - according to Eq.(2) - is in- 0.005 3.4 volved in the distribution of the last decimated trans- 2)0 0.004 3.5 verse fields (see Eq.(6)), which is illustrated in Fig.8. L L/ At the critical point, see in Fig.8a, the numerical value n 0.003 (l of the critical dynamical exponent is compatible with r z = α. In the paramagnetic phase the distribution of 0.002 c the last decimated transverse fields is still in agreement 0.001 with Eq.(2), but the dynamical exponent is z < z , see c in Fig.8b. 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1/(ln L/L ) 0 4.4 θ = 3.0 FIG. 5: (Color online) The scaled decimation ratio, rθc(L), 4.2 3.1 as a function of the L size at L0 = 2, indicating a similar 3.25 4 logarithmic scaling as in 1D. 3.4 3.8 3.5 z The numerical results indicate that the magnetic 3.6 moment µ(L) has a slower-than-algebraic dependence, whichcanbewritteninanalogywiththeone-dimensional 3.4 result as 3.2 µ(L)∼[ln(L/L0)]χ. (4) 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Precise determination of χ from the existing numerical 1/(ln L/L0) results is difficult, since it is sensitive to the value of the reference length, L . The data in Fig.6 are compatible FIG. 7: (Color online) Effective dynamical exponents ob- 0 with χ = 2 with L = 3.2, but a similar fit is obtained tainedbytwo-pointfitsusingEq.(5)asafunctionofthesys- 0 with χ=3 if we choose L =2 instead. tem size L. The straight line is a fit to the dataobtained for 0 thecritical value, θ=3.25. Calculating the average logarithmic time scale, lnh˜, estimates of an effective, size-dependent dynamical ex- We close this Section by presenting the SDRG phase ponent, z(L), has been obtained from two-point fits of diagram of the LR random transverse-field Ising model the relation obtained with the maximum rule, see in Fig.9. Here lnh˜ =−zlnL+const. (5) we use the parameters, α/z, and r, the ratio of the 5 a) L = 8 0.1 12 16 p 0.01 24 0.001 0.0001 b) θ = 3.25 0.1 3.5 p 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 5 10 15 20 ln ~h FIG. 9: (Color online) Schematic SDRG phase diagram ob- tained through the maximum rule. At r = 0 the attractive FIG. 8: (Color online) a) Distributions of thelast decimated fixed points of the paramagnetic phase (α/z > 1) and the transverse fields at the critical point for different sizes. The repulsive ones (α/z < 1) are separated by the critical fixed straight line indicates the asymptotic shape of the tail ac- point, see thetext. cording to EVS,with z =α, see text. b) As thez dynamical exponent decreases, the shape of the distribution changes in theparamagnetic phase as illustrated at L=16. fields hi, i = 1,2,...,µ+1 are not decimated out, thus J & h . J being the only decimated coupling in a re- i i i gion of linear size r , while h is the smallest one out of i i decimation frequencies of the couplings and the trans- ∼ rd transverse fields. Since the transverse fields in the i verse fields. According to our numerical calculations the asymptotic regime have a power-law distribution, see in phase diagram has the same qualitative features in one- Eq.(2)thehi isgivenbyEVSashi ≃κiri−z whereκi are [37] and two-dimensions[40], too. (In one-dimension the random numbers which are distributed according to the phase-diagram is related to that of random Josephson- Fr´echet statistics: junctions[42]). As seen in Fig.9 there is a line of fixed- d points at r = 0, at which almost exclusively transverse P(κ)= κd/z−1exp(−κd/z). (6) z fields are decimated. For α/z > 1 these fixed points are stable and control the paramagnetic phase and the cor- The effective transverse field of the cluster is given by: responding Griffiths singularities[43], while for α/z < 1 h˜ ∼ µ+1h / µ J ∼ h µ rα−zκ /b . This i=1 i i=1 i µ+1 i=1 i i i the fixed points are unstable and the RG-flow scales to scalesQdifferentlQy for ln(J)>ln(hQ) and(cid:0)for ln(J)<(cid:1) ln(h), r → ∞, which corresponds to the ferromagnetic phase. wherethe overbardenotesaveragingoverdisorder. Thus InthisregimethemaximumruleintheSDRGprocedure at the critical point α = z and ln(b) = ln(κ). This re- c iscertainlynotvalid. Thetworegimesoffixedpointsare sult about the dynamical exponent at the critical point separated by the critical fixed point at α/z = 1. In the agrees with our numerical results in the previous sec- followingSectionweanalysethe scalingbehaviourofthe tion. For the given cluster at the critical point the effec- system in the vicinity of r = 0 and α/z = 1 through tive transverse field is given by: h˜ ∼ µ (κ /b ) (since extreme value statistics. hµ+1 = O(1)). If κi and bi are noQt i(=o1r juistiweakly) correlated, then according to the central limit theorem lnh˜ ∼ µ1/2. More generally we can write lnh˜ ∼ µ1/χ, IV. ANALYSIS OF THE CRITICAL what is to be compared with lnh˜ ∼ −αlnL, which im- BEHAVIOUR TROUGH EVS plies µ∼(lnL)χ, in agreement with Eq.(4). A. Critical point B. Paramagnetic side At the critical point in the asymptotic regime of the RGmainlytransversefieldsaredecimated,butoccasion- In the paramagnetic phase, θ > θ , the distribution c ally LR bonds are decimated, too. Let us consider a of the transverse fields in Eq.(2) involves the dynami- finite system of linear length, L, and concentrate on the cal exponent z < α and in the vicinity of the transi- largest cluster, which contains µ+1 sites. In this clus- tion point α−z = δα/d and δ ∼ θ/θ −1 ≪ 1. Here c ter altogether µ LR bonds have been decimated and let the correlation length, ξ(δ), is defined by the length of us denote them by: J = b r−α where i = 1,2,...,µ is the longest decimated bond, r , the corresponding cou- i i i l the order of decimation. In this cluster the transverse- pling, J = b r−α being larger than the smallest trans- l l l 6 versefield: h ≃κ r−α(1−δ/d). Consequentlyκ <ξ−δα/d the ferromagnetic phase there is a giant connected clus- l l l l orProb(κ <ξ−δα/d)=O(1),whichcanbewrittenusing terandthelength-scale,ξ,isdefinedbythelinearextent l Eq.(6) as: of the largest hole in it. This is defined by the length of thelongestdecimatedbond, r ,sothatallthetransverse l ξ−δα/d fieldsaredecimatedoutwithinthisregion. Thestrength P(κ)dκ=1−exp(−ξ−δ)≈ξ−δ =O(1), (7) of this bond now satisfies: J /h ∼ rδα/d/κ < 1. This Z l l l l 0 means, that Prob(κ > ξδα/d) = P = O(1) and here we l for z ≈ α. Consequently in the paramagnetic phase the assume once more, that P(κ) can be described by the correlation length is given by: lnξ ∼ 1/δ, in agreement Fr´echet distribution: with Eq.(3). ∞ The dynamical behaviour of the system in the param- P(κ)dκ=exp(−ξδ)=exp(−e−C)=P , (8) Z agneticphaseisgovernedbyGriffithssingularities,which ξδα/d are due to rare regions, in which the system is locally thus ξ ∼ exp(−C/δ). Evidently ξ has different scaling in its ferromagnetic phase. Here we recapitulate the so behaviour for C < 0 (0 < P < 1/e) and for C > 0 calledoptimalfluctuationargument[44]fortheSRmodel (1/e < P < 1). In the former case ξ is divergent for and then generalise it to the LR case. The probability, δ → 0 as in the paramagnetic side, but for C > 0 the P(ℓ)tofindanordereddomainoflinearsizeℓinthepara- magnetic phase is exponentially small: lnP(ℓ)∼ (ℓ/ξ)d, correlation length in the continuum description goes to zero and the magnetization is of O(1) for δ → 0. Here but its excitation energy, ǫ (ℓ) - estimated through an ℓd-order perturbation theorSyRin h /J - is also exponen- - depending on the possible set of values of P in the i ij tially small: lnǫ (ℓ) ∼ (ℓ/l )d. Combining these two different samples - we can have two different scenarios SR 0 concerning the behaviour of the average magnetization effectsapower-lawdistributionofǫ isobserved,witha SR dynamicalexponentz =d(ξ/l )d. IntheLRmodelwe at the transition point. SR 0 firstassume that the rareregionsarelocalised,too, then the form of P(ℓ) remains the same, however by estimat- 1. Second-order transition ing the excitation energy one should take into account the LR forces, too. Let us assume that the ordered clus- teroflinearsizeℓisthelargestone(thushasthesmallest If, due to some reason, P is smaller than 1/e in ev- excitationenergy)within a regionof linearsize L, where ery sample, then we always have C <0 and the average LdP(ℓ) = O(1), thus lnL ≈ 1(ℓ/ξ)d. Within this con- magnetization vanishes at δ → 0, thus the phase transi- d trolled region the distance between the largest and the tion is of second order. In this case the average correla- second largest clusters is ∼L and the direct LR interac- tionlengthdivergesexponentially,asintheparamagnetic tion between them is ǫ ∼L−α. Now in the LR model side. LR theactualvalueoftheexcitationenergyinthecontrolled domainis obtainedby comparingthe SR and LR contri- butions and is given by ǫ(ℓ) = max[ǫ (ℓ),ǫ (L)], or 2. Mixed-order transition SR LR lnǫ(ℓ) = max[−(ℓ/l )d,−α/d(ℓ/ξ)d]. This means, that 0 the effective volume-scale in the SR model, ld, is re- If, however, P is not bounded by 1/e and there is a 0 placed by max[dξd,ld] in the LR model. Consequently finite fraction of the samples with 1/e < P < 1, thus α 0 the dynamical exponent in the LR model is given by: C > 0, then the average magnetization goes to a finite z =min[z ,α], i.e. it is bounded by z =z =α, which limiting value as the transitionpoint is approachedfrom SR c is the value at the critical point, as observed numeri- theferromagneticside. Atthesametimetheaveragecor- cally. Our numerical results in Sec.III are in favour of relation length is exponentially divergent, thus the tran- our assumption that the rare regions in the LR models sition is of mixed order. are localised, too. Atthemomentwehavenoinformationaboutthepos- siblevaluesofP,andinthelackofanyknownconstrains we incline to prefer the mixed-order transition scenario. C. Ferromagnetic side It is in the spirit of Occam’s razor, since in this case we have to use fewer assumptions. Mixed-order transitions In the ferromagnetic phase, θ < θ , we analyse the often appear in pure systems with LR forces[45–51] our c SDRG solution with the maximum rule, starting from model then would represent such a phenomena in the the unstable fixed points in the vicinity of the critical presence of random LR interactions. fixed-point,seeinFig. 9. Weexpectthattheasymptotic results in the vicinity of the transition point do not de- pend on the actual direction, how the transition point is V. DISCUSSION approachedfromthe ferromagneticphase. In these fixed points the distribution of the transversefields is givenin Inthis paperwe havestudied the criticalpropertiesof Eq.(2) with z = α(1+δ/d) and δ ∼ 1−θ/θ ≪ 1. In the random transverse-field Ising model in 3D with the c 7 presence of LR forces. Our present work completes our point is a strong disorder fixed point, but not an infinite investigations starting in 1D[37] and having announced disorder one. Therefore the obtained SDRG results are some numerical results in 2D[40]. This problem is tech- not asymptotically exact, however these are very proba- nically quite difficult and the only possible method of blyqualitativelycorrectandalsothenumericalestimates numerical investigations at present days seems to be the are expected to be reliable, as already noticed in other SDRG approach. Here we used a variant of it based systems having a strong disorder fixed point[67]. Con- on the so called maximum rule, which enabled us to sidering the application of the maximum rule in our nu- study sufficiently large systems (up to linear size L=24) merical algorithm it has negligible effect in the param- with an appropriate statistics. The obtained RG phase- agnetic phase, in which the typical size of ferromagnetic diagram in Fig. 9 has the same qualitative structure as clusters is finite. At the transition point we expect to thatinlowerdimensions,boththephase-transitionpoint have at most logarithmic corrections to the results ob- and the fixed points controlling the paramagnetic phase tained by the maximum rule. Finally, at the ferromag- with Griffiths singularities are located at r = 0 and are netic phase the maximum rule does not hold any longer, characterised by parameter dependent dynamical expo- butthepredictedjumpofthe magnetisationatthe tran- nents. In these attractive fixed points almostexclusively sition point most probably remains true together with transversefieldsaredecimatedandtherenormalisedcou- the mixed-order nature of the transition. plings, according to the maximum rule are selected from Our results are expected to hold for a large class of the original LR bonds and their value can be estimated disordered LR quantum models having a discrete sym- from EVS. We have found that the average correlation metry, such as the random quantum Potts and Ashkin- length at the transition point diverges exponentially, see Teller models[31]. The critical fixed-point of the model Eq.(3), but the average magnetisation - in the spirit of in Eq.(1) is expected to govern the critical behaviour of Sec.IVC2-isexpectedtohaveafinitejumpatthetran- somerandomstochasticmodels,suchastherandomcon- sition point. Therefore we conjecture that the transition tact process, at least for strong enough disorder. For is of mixed-order. Mixed-order transitions have already SR forces this type of mapping is known quite some been observed in different systems: in the classical LR time[68, 69], and its validity has alsobeen demonstrated Ising-chain with α = 2[45–51]; in models of depinning with LR interactions in 1D and 2D[40, 70]. transition[52–55].; and in percolation models with glass and jamming transition[56–65], for a recent review see inRef.[66]. Ourstudyindicatesthatsuchaphenomenon couldtakeplacealsoindisorderedquantumsystemswith Acknowledgments LR forces. At the transition point the magnetisation in a finite samplescaleslogarithmically,seeEq.(4)andthe dynam- This work was supported by the National Research ical exponent is finite, z = α, thus the critical fixed Fund under grant No. K109577. c [1] Forareviewsee,A.Dutta,G.Aeppli,B.K.Chakrabarti, 063407 (2005). U. Divakaran, T. F. Rosenbaum and D. Sen, Quan- [9] P. Hauke, F. M. Cucchietti, A. Mu¨ller-Hermes, M. tum Phase Transitions in Transverse Field Spin Models: Ban˜uls, J. I. Cirac, and M. Lewenstein, New J. Phys. FromStatistical PhysicstoQuantumInformation (Cam- 12, 113037 (2010). bridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, 2015) [10] D. Peter, S. Mu¨ller, S. Wessel, and H. P. Bu¨chler, Phys. [2] A. Friedenauer, H. Schmitz, J. T. Glueckert, D. Porras, Rev. Lett.109, 025303 (2012). and T. Schaetz, Nat. Phys. 4, 757 (2008). [11] V. Nebendahl and W. Du¨r, Phys. Rev. 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