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Long-Range Electron Transfer in Biology PDF

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Preface The possibility that there might be long-range electron transfer between redox- active centers in enzymes was first suspected by biochemists working on the mechanism of action of metalloenzymes such as xanthine oxidase which contain more than one metal-based redox center. In these enzymes electron transfer frequently proceeds rapidly but early spectroscopic measurements, notably those by electron paramagnetic resonance, failed to provide any indication that these centers were close to one another. However, it took the seminal experiments on the temperature-independent light-induced oxidation of cytochromes in photosynthetic bacteria by Devault and Chance in 1966 to persuade physical scientists that long-range electron transfer in biological systems might be a real phenomenon. The subsequent theoretical contribution's of Hopfield and Jortner placed a more rigorous focus on the problem and triggered a substantial effort towards defining the physico- chemical basis for this phenomenon. This effort proceeds unabated today, as this issue of Structure dna Bonding testifies. This field has progressed rapidly in the last decade and consequently it appeared worthwhile to ask a number of the individuals who have participated in these advances to provide their perspective, both on the current state of our knowledge and on a review of the most recent results from their respective laboratories. In an interdisciplinary area such as this it is more than natural that the character of the individual articles differs widely. We start at one extreme with the contributions of Bertrand and Kuki which contain a great deal of theoretical and state-of-the-art physics. We then proceed to those of Gray and Hoffman who cleverly exploit protein chemistry, continue on to Mauk and McLendon who take advantage of the tools of modern genetic engineering and end with Sykes who describes the utility of drawing on Nature's engineering in un- ravelling the details of metalloprotein redox reactivity. By bringing together such disparate approaches si hoped that this volume will serve as a convenient starting point for someone, regardless of background, who is interested in acquiring some appreciation of the origins of this field, of our current state of knowledge and of the breadth of approaches that have been successful in bringing this field to its current level of insight. Houston, February 1991 Graham Palmer Table of Contents Application of Electron Transfer Theories to Biological Systems P. Bertrand ............................ Electronic Tunneling Paths in Proteins A. Kuki .............................. 49 Long-Range Electron Transfer Within Metal-Substituted Protein Complexes B. M. Hoffman, M. J. Natan, J. M. Nocek, .S A. Wallin.. 85 Long-Range Electron Transfer in Metalloproteins M. J. Therien, J. Chang, A. L. Raphael, B. E. Bowler, H. B. Gray ............................ 109 Electron Transfer in Genetically Engineered Proteins. The Cytochrome c Paradigm A. G. Mauk ............................ 131 Control of Biological Electron Transport via Molecular Recognition and Binding: The "Velcro" Model G. McLendon ........................... 159 Plastocyanin and the Blue Copper Proteins A. G. Sykes ............................ 175 Author Index Volumes 1-75 ................... 225 Application of Electron Transfer Theories to Biological Systems Patrick Bertrand Laboratoire d'Electronique des Milieux Condenses URA CNRS 784, Universit6 de Provence, Centre de St Jrrrme, boSte 241, 13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 13, France In biological systems, the mechanisms of conversion and storage of energy involve sequences of oxido-reduction reactions in which electrons are transferred along a chain of redox centers embedded in a protein medium. The theoretical interpretation of the kinetics of these transfers pertains to Quantum Mechanics, and was developed by chemists and physicists. However, owing to the fundamental importance of these processes, many biochemists are also concerned with these theories and their practical application to biological systems. This introductory chapter is an attempt to clarify the physical basis of current theoretical interpretations of biological electron transfers. It comprises an account of the standard formalism appropriate for non-adiabatic processes, and a detailed review of different approaches which have been developed to apply this formalism to the analysis of kinetic data. Important advances in thi~ field have resulted, on the one hand, from precise theoretical calculations based on molecular structures, and on the other hand, from implementation of elaborate experimental metttods based on efficient chemical and biochemical techniques. This topic is illustrated by many examples taken from the recent literature which concern redox proteins as well as photosynthetic systems. Introduction .......................................................... 3 The Physical Basis ..................................................... 5 2.1 Expression of the Electron Transfer Rate for a Non-adiabatic Process ......... 6 2.l.1 Calculation of the Transition Probability ........................... 6 2.1.2 Expression of the Electron Transfer Rate ........................... 9 2.2 Calculation of the Electronic Factor .................................... 12 2.2.1 Semi-empirical Methods ........................................ 13 2.2.2 One-Electron Theoretical Models ................................ 15 2.2.3 Many-Electron Theoretical Models ............................... 17 2.2.4 Experimental Test of Bridge-assisted Electron Transfer Models ......... 19 2.3 Further Developments of the Theory ................................... 20 Application to Biological Systems .......................................... 22 3.1 Nature of the Parameters Involved by the Theory in Biological Systems ........ 23 3.1.1 Contributions to the Nuclear Factor .............................. 23 3.1.2 Contributions to the Electronic Factor ............................ 24 3.2 Study of the Temperature Dependence of the Electron Transfer Rate .......... 25 3.2.1 Classical Treatment of the Nuclear Factor .......................... 25 3.2.2 Quantum Treatment of the Nuclear Factor ......................... 27 3.3 Study of the Driving Force Dependence of the Electron Transfer Rate ......... 29 3.3.1 Introduction ................................................. 29 3.3.2 Classical Treatment of the Nuclear Factor .......................... 30 3.3.3 Quantum Treatment of the Nuclear Factor ......................... 30 erutcurtS and gnidnoB 57 © gadeV-gnirpS nilreB grebledieH 1991 2 Patrick Bertrand 3.4 Variations of the Electron Transfer Rate Due to Modifications of the Medium... 31 3.4.1 Replacement of Specific Residues Through Site-directed Mutagenesis ..... 32 3.4.2 Change of the Linking Site of two Molecules ....................... 32 3.4.3 Conformational Effects ......................................... 33 3.5 Interpretation of the Primary Electron Transfer in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers ................................................... 35 Conclusion ........................................................... 40 Appendix: Relation Between the Driving Force and the Experimental Redox Potentials 42 References ............................................................ 44 noitacilppA fo nortcelE refsnarT seiroehT ot lacigoloiB smetsyS 1 Introduction The basis of electron transfer theories were established by Marcus at the beginning of the .s0691 Originally, Marcus' work was concerned with bimolecu- lar reactions between small inorganic molecules in solution, for which transfer occurs within a transient complex without disruption of the first coordination sphere (i.e. an outer sphere process). However, the residual interactions between the centers which result from the overlap of their orbitals were thought to be strong enough for the rate of intracomplex electron transfer to be independent of them (an adiabatic process). When the temperature is sufficiently high so that the nuclear motions of the system can be described classically, the rate expression takes an activated form 1, ,2 3: k = v exp (- (AG O + Bk,~4/2),~ T), )1( where v is a characteristic frequency for the nuclear motion, AG o is the redox free energy change, and 2 the reorganization energy. By using some simplifying assumptions, Marcus derived the well known cross-relations which were success- fully tested in a number of redox reactions between inorganic complexes in solution 4. The field of application of the theory was considerably enlarged after the contributions first by Levich 5 and Dogonadze et al. 6, and later by Kestner et al. 7 and Hopfield 8. These authors have shown that when the residual interactions between the centers are weak enough, owing to their large separ- ation, the expression of the electron transfer rate depends explicitly on these interactions through an electronic factor (a non-adiabatic process). This ex- pression also involves a nuclear factor, whose value is determined by the nuclear motions of the system. These motions are treated semi-classically by Hopfield, and quantum-mechanically by Jortner 7 but it is remarkable that the expressions obtained for the nuclear factor give in both cases an activated-type behavior similar to Eq. )1( in the high-temperature limit. The theoretical interpretation of the temperature dependence of the photo-induced cytochrome oxidation in the bacterium Chromatium ,8-I 9 was the starting point of an impressive number of theoretical and experimental studies devoted to appli- cations of electron transfer theories to biological systems. In these systems, the redox centers are constituted by relatively large prosthetic groups which are held to the proteins by a complex folding of the peptide chain. This organization prevents the close approach of the centers, and results generally in long-range electron transfers. The weak residual interactions between the orbitals of the centers then place these processes in the non- adiabatic regime, so that the reaction rate depends on both an electronic and a nuclear factor. These two factors contribute to many basic properties of biological electron transfer systems. For example, in electron transport chains coupled to energy conversion in mitochondria and in photosynthetic systems, redox proteins are often organized in membrane-bound complexes where 4 kcirtaP dnartreB specific electron transfer processes are coupled to proton transfers. Since the electronic factor decreases very rapidly when the intercenter distance increases, a quasi-linear ordering of the centers within these complexes helps to achieve a directional electron transfer without short circuits. In photosynthetic systems, the attainment of high quantum yields requires very high forward rates and much slower recombination rates, particularly in the first steps of charge separation. In this case, the role of the nuclear factors si essential. Soluble redox proteins are also involved in some steps of these electron transport chains, and in many other electron transfer processes which are coupled to enzymatic reactions. These proteins participate in bimolecular reactions, whose specific character is ensured by electrostatic interactions between complementary side chains at the interface of the two partners. The conformation of the transient complex in which electron transfer takes place is determined by these interactions, and does not necessarily optimize either the nuclear factor, or the electronic factor; the latter is expected to be very sensitive to structural details. In this case, the selectivity of the reaction may result in a relatively slow transfer rate. Although electron transfers in biological systems are generally expected to be non-adiabatic, it is possible for some intramolecular transfers to be close to the adiabatic limit, particularly in proteins where several redox centers are held in a very compact arrangement. This situation is found for example in cytochromes 3c of sulfate-reducing bacteria which contain four hemes in a 31 kDa molecule 10, 11, or in Escherichia coli sulfite reductase where the distance between the siroheme iron and the closest iron of a 4Fe-4S cluster is only 4.4 ,A .21-1 It is interesting to note that a very fast intramolecular transfer rate of about 10 9 S- 1 was inferred from resonance Raman experiments performed in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki cytochrome c 3 13. In early applications of the theory, some key parameters of the models, such as the reorganization energy .~ or the parameter ~ that characterizes the decrease of the electronic factor with distance, were considered as adjustable or were fixed rather arbitrarily. Such treatments were not fully convincing, since they some- times allowed the interpretation of a specific set of experimental data with different sets of parameters, and the validity of the theory could not even be considered as really tested. Since the beginning of the ,s0891 important advances have been made in the theory, concerning, for instance, the influence of the nature of the intercenter medium on the electronic factor, and the effective calculation of the reorganization energy. The recent synthesis of model systems, in which a donor and an acceptor are separated by a bridge of known geometry, has facilitated a detailed test of theoretical predictions. Moreover, the fruitful discussions between experimentalists and theoreticians that began in 1979 at the Philadelphia Conference ,41-1 were the starting point for an impressive number of experimental studies intended to characterize electron transfer reactions in biological systems. These studies, which have very remarkably exploited the new possibilities given by chemical modification and site-directed-mutagenesis tech- niques, are largely reported in several of the chapters of the present volume. In addition, the X-ray crystallographic structure of two bacterial photosynthetic noitacilppA fo nortcelE refsnarT seiroehT ot lacigoloiB smetsyS 5 reaction centers has been recently determined at a resolution of about 3 15-21. This allows precise theoretical calculations to be directly compared to the numerous kinetic data available on these systems, and many papers on this topic have already been published. In biological systems, electron transfer kinetics are determined by many factors of different physical origin. This is especially true in the case of a bimolecular reaction, since the rate expression then involves the formation constant K e of the transient bimolecular complex as well as the rate of the intracomplex transfer 4. The elucidation of the factors that influence the value of K e in redox reactions between two proteins, or between a protein and organic or inorganic complexes, has been the subject of many experimental studies, and some of them are presented in this volume. The complexation step is essential in ensuring specific recognition between physiological partners. However, it is not considered in the present chapter, which deals with the intramolecular or intracomplex steps which are the direct concern of electron transfer theories. We will first review in Sect. 2 the physical basis of the theory for a non- adiabatic process, and show how standard simplifying assumptions result in the definition of an electronic and a nuclear factor for the reaction rate. The effective calculation of the electronic fator requires a realistic choice of the wavefunctions describing the initial and final electronic states of the system, and different models have been proposed for this. However, all these models lead to very similar concepts concerning the contribution of the medium orbitals to the value of the electronic factor. The validity of these concepts is confirmed by experi- mental data obtained in model systems. Next, we will examine in Sect. 3 how this general formalism can be used to obtain information from kinetic experiments performed in biological systems. The theoretical expression of the rate involves many independent parameters, and their determination requires very careful investigations. A convenient and often used procedure consists in the study of rate variations as a function of one parameter, the others being maintained constant. In practice, this last condition is very difficult to achieve in biological systems, and a definite interpretation of the results must await further ex- periments. The different approaches which have been used are illustrated by many examples concerning redox proteins and photosynthetic systems taken from the recent literature. Some recent theoretical studies devoted to the primary step of charge separation in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers are also briefly presented. 2 The Physical Basis Exhaustive reviews dealing with the applications of electron transfer theories to biological systems have been published recently 4, 22J, and should be consulted for a general presentation of electron transfer processes as well as detailed mathematical developments. Shorter reviews are also available ,32-1 24. In this section, we review the physical basis of the formalism generally used in the case of 6 kcirtaP dnartreB non-adiabatic processes, following a presentation similar to that given in Refs ,7-I ,52 26, with some modifications. In this formalism, the electron transfer rate is defined as the Boltzmann average of transition probabilities between two states represented by Born-Oppenheimer wave functions. This leads to the definition of a nuclear factor which determines the temperature dependence, and an electronic factor which plays a central role in the case of long-range electron transfers. The principal models that have been proposed to calculate these factors are then reviewed. We distinguish those in which the nuclear motions coupled to the process are represented by a set of harmonic oscillators, and others where some motions are treated classically. Turning to the electronic factor, we first examine the principle of semi-empirical determinations, and then present one-electron and many-electron theoretical calculations. We show that the validity of the bridge-assisted electron transfer concept is supported by experimental data obtained in model systems. At the end of this section, we indicate the various improvements to the theory which have been proposed over the last years. All through this chapter, we have avoided the terminology "electron transfer by tunneling" which is rather confusing though it often appears in the literature .41- The nature of the different tunneling effects involved in electron transfer processes is discussed in the previously cited reviews 4, ,22 23. 2.1 Expression of the Electron Transfer Rate for a Non-adiabatic Process Electron transfer processes induce variations in the occupancy and/or the nature of orbitals which are essentially localized at the redox centers. However, these centers are embedded in a complex dielectric medium whose geometry and polarization depend on the redox state of the system. In addition, a finite delocalization of the centers' orbitals through the medium is essential to'promote long-range electron transfers. The electron transfer process must therefore be viewed as a transition between two states of the whole system. The expression of the probability per unit time of this transition may be calculated by the general formalism of Quantum Mechanics. 1.1.2 noitaluclaC of eht noitisnarT ytilibaborP Let us consider an electron transfer system, whose Hamiltonian may be written: ,r( Q) = n ,r( Q) + ,NT where r and Q represent the whole sets of electronic and nuclear coordinates respectively, H is the electronic Hamiltonian, and ~rT the nuclear kinetic-energy operator defined by: NT ~)kM2/2h(,lX ~/2 Q2. = _ Application of Electron Transfer Theories to Biological Systems 7 The system is assumed to be initially prepared in a vibronic state in which the donor center is reduced and the acceptor center oxidized, and we intend to find the transition probability to a vibronic state in which the donor is oxidized and the acceptor reduced. These two states, which of course are not stationary states of ~, are written as )~v(Q) a/~ (r, Q) and wbZ (Q) ~b (r, Q) respectively, where ~/a and qu are normalized with respect to r for any value of Q: (%l~a) = (~bl~b) = -1 It is convenient to seek a solution q(r, Q, t) of the time-dependent Schr6dinger equation: ~tg b~ = ifi ~ ~/~t, (2) in the form: ~(r, Q, t)=x~(Q, t)~a(r, Q)+xb(Q, t)~b(r, Q), (3) where the functions ,X and Zb are to be determined. By substituting expression (3) into Eq. (2), one finds that ~X and bX must satisfy the following equation 7, 25, 26: (TN + T'~'. + H..- ifi ~/~ t) X. = - Vba~b (4) and Eq. 4' obtained by permutation of a and b in Eq. 4, with: nij= (~ilHl*j) Sij = (*ilk/j) Tij ---- (Oij -- Sij Oii)/(1 - 8 2) (5) T'ij = - ~X (h~/M0(% I~*~/~ Q~ )~/~ O~ it Tij -- -- k~ (fiZ/2Mk)(*j ~I 2~/i/~ Q2 ) Vii = T,j + T'ij + ~T - Sij ~('T (6) In the left-hand side of Eq. (4), second-order cross terms have been neglected. The determination of the functions aX and bX that satisfy Eqs. (4) and (4') and the boundary conditions: Z. (Q, 0)= v~Z (Q) zb(Q, 0)=0 (7) is straightforward when ~a and qb are Born-Oppenheimer type wavefunctions, which depend only parametrically on the nuclear coordinates. This is the case for example if q. and ~b are defined as eigenfunctions of two different zero-order Hamiltonians, H ~ (r, Q) and H b (r, Q). In this case, the Tij given by Eq. (5) reduces to: tniH Tij = ( (~/i Hint ~/j ) - Sij (l/i iJN ))/(1 - S 2) (8) with Hin t = H - H i. This formulation emphasizes the importance of the residual interactions Hi~t in the electron transfer process. 8 kcirtaP dnartreB Another way of defining Born-Oppenheimer wavefunctions is to assume realistic forms for ~a and b@ and to optimize them variationally, by minimizing the energies aaH and Hbb for any value of Q. We shall find later several examples of this procedure. The representation of the initial and final states by Born- Oppenheimer wavefunctions is of course not the most general, and we shall see in Sect. 3.2 that its validity has been questioned. The functions vaZ and wbZ which describe the nuclear motions in the initial and final states, are defined more precisely as belonging to the basis sets },va~{ and },wbZ{ constituted by the solutions of the eigenvalue equations: NT( + a'a'T + Haa- ,vaZ),vaE =0 NT( + b~T + Hbb -- Ebw,) ,wbX = 0 )9( These equations express that (T'a'a+H J (Q) and (T~b+Hbb) (Q) constitute potential energy surfaces for the nuclear motions represented by ,vaX and gbw,. The solution to our problem is readily found by substituting in Eqs. )4( and (4') the following expansions: ga(Q, t)= Ev, Cav, (t) gay, (Q) exp(-iEav, t/fi) zb(Q, 0 = ,wE Cbw, (t) ,wbZ (Q) exp(--iEbw, t&) The coefficient Cbw(t ) is then obtained by a stafidard first-order perturbation calculation which takes into account the initial conditions defined by Eq. .)7( This gives the transition probability per unit time from the initial state aqvaX to the isoenergetic continuum of states b/~wb~ in the form: W(av, bw) = )h/r72( I oS Z~w(Q)Vab(Q) X~v(Q)dQ 21 )wbE(p (10) where p(Ebw) represents the density of final states. It must be emphasized that this "golden rule" formulation is correct to the extent that baV is weak enough for the perturbation method to be valid, and is thus appropriate for non-adiabatic processes. We recall that when the inter- action is strong enough for the reaction to move into the adiabatic regime, the rate becomes independent of these interactions ,1"1 ,2 3. It is also interesting to note that expression (10) was obtained by using the sets ),vaX{ and },wbZ{ defined by Eqs. )9( through the expectation values H,~ and Hbb of the whole electronic Hamiltonian H. An alternative choice would be to use the zero-order Hamilton- ians H a and H b that were introduced previously. It is easy to see that such a procedure would also lead to expression (10) at the first order of the perturbation calculation. The effective calculation of expression (10) requires several simplify- ing assumptions, which rest on a weak dependence of ~a (r, Q) and ~b ,r( Q) on the nuclear coordinates Q. Usually it is postulated that this dependence is weak enough to ensure that: )i the different contributions to Vab(Q) vary slowly with Q in the transition region Q ~ Q* where the nuclear functions vaZ and wbZ overlap significantly. This assumption enables the factorization of baV (Q*) out of the integral in expression (10) (Frank-Condon factorization)

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