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Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 The QuarterlyNewsletter Fall 2014 The Nature of Sagamore Hill Lois Lindberg, Volunteer Naturalist at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site Sagamore Hill National Historic ofover 100 speciesoflichensand Site, former home of Theodore fungi. Roosevelt (TR) in Oyster Bay, NY, is perched between Oyster Members of the Roosevelt fami- Bay Harbor and Cold Spring ly had vacationed in Oyster Bay Harbor. “The house stands right since the 1850s, and in 1874 on the top ofthe hill, separated TR’s father leased a home on by fields and belts of woodland Cove Road, less than two miles from all other houses, and looks from the future Sagamore Hill out over the bay and the Sound” site. Four months of every sum- (Roosevelt 1913, p. 318). Most mer were spent here for years af- visitors cometo thesiteforits as- terward. As Theodore wandered sociation with the 26th president through nearby rural Glen Cove (ormore recently as agreatplace and Lloyd Neck, he wrote his Journal ofNatural History from to walk their dogs). Aside from possibly recognizing Roosevelt as Figure 1. Sagamore Hillwoodland road circa 1904, 1874-76. By the time he attend- from an old postcard. ed Harvard, he fully intended to the“conservationpresident,” few- erareawareofthenaturalhistory Figure2. Naturetrail,viewto EelCreek, [photobyL. Lindberg] become a scientist, but was dis- that surrounds them on this 83- couraged by the school’s increas- ing emphasis on laboratorywork acreproperty rather than outdoor exploration Apart from Theodore Roosevelts and fieldwork. However, when it distinguished political career, he came time to build his home in held a lifelong love of the out- 1885, he chose a parcel offarm- doors. It was said that he began land near his family in the coun- and ended his life as a naturalist. trysideheloved so much. Friends with the likes of John Burroughs, Frank Chapman, MostofTR’sfieldnotesthrough- John Muir, Gifford Pinchot and outhislifereflectamajorinterest others, he was recognized as one in birds and other animals (Fig- ofthe best field naturalists ofhis ure 5). Even so, he often made detailed descriptions ofthe envi- time. ronment as well. It was no lon- TR started his firstjournal with ger enoughjust to identifya bird notes and sketches in 1868 at the age of 10. He was a keen but he also described its habitat by including botanical lists observer ofhis surroundings. On family trips abroad and and other fauna in his writings. The Philadelphia Telegram on visits to the Hudson Valley, Adirondacks, and theWhite declared in 1893, “No song ofbird or flower, or the shyest Mountains of New Hampshire, young Theodore explored plantwhich grows, escapes his appreciative notice” (Cutright everything, from the markings on salamanders to the study 1956, p.57). (Continuedonpage31) ) Page 30 Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 Long Island News Botanical Society Society Founded: 1986 • Incorporated: 1989 TheLongIslandBotanicalSocietyisdedicated LIBS30-YearAnniversaryFieldTrip. LIBS hasatraditionofgoingon a to the promotion of field botany and a week-longfieldtripto anexotic, floweryregioneveryfiveyears. Pasttrips greater understanding of the plants that have included adventures in Costa Rica, the Great Smoky Mountains, growwildonLongIsland, NewYork. Newfoundland, and Florida. The goal is to offer high-quality natural Visit the Society’s Web site historytripsatsensibleprices,withafocusonvariousaspectsofnaturallife www.libotanical.org -plants,birds,butterflies,etc.,butespeciallyshowywildflowers. Planning for our 2016 trip has alreadystarted. Bob Gibbons has agreed to be our Executive Board leader and has suggested Sweden as a potential destination. Dr. Gibbons President has been described as “one of Britain’s best naturalists” and has written Eric Lamont 631-722-5542 about 40 books on many aspects of natural history and photography, elamont@optonline.net including several floras. In 2011, Bob gave a talk to LIBS entitled “The Vice President mostfloweryplaces in theworld.” Moreinformation on this excitingtrip AndrewGrelleragreller2@optonline.net will beincludedin theJanuary2015 issue ofthe LIBS newsletter. Treasurer FieldTrip Reports: CarolJohnston The field trip to Pelham Bay Park, on August 17th led by Becka Swadek ohnfjohnston2@optonline.net , j andLeahBeckett,was an explorationoftwo marshes, onepartlysaltyand Recording Secretary the other totally salty. In the parking lot there was a lot ofwild parsnip BarbaraConollybconolly@optonline.net (Pastinaca sativa) plus balm mint (Melissa officinalis) and plume poppy CorrespondingSecretary (Macleayacordata). Inthetotallysaltymarsh, ditchstonecrop (Penthorum Rich Kellyvze2dxmil@verizon.net sedoides) wasdiscovered. Thetripwas attendedby9 people. Committee Chairpersons ThetriptoOneontaonSeptember6th,ledbyLoisLindbergandattended Flora byRichKellyandMikeFeder, mayhavebeenlowonnumberofattendees Eric Lamont elamont@optonline.net butwaslongonthelistofterritorycovered: EmmondPondBog, Franklin AndrewGrelleragreller2@optonline.net Mountain, plus the Lindbergs’ own land and nearby parks. The finds of FieldTrips thedaywerepalegreenorchis (.Platantheraflava),followedbyclosedbottle AllanLindbergajlindberg@verizon.net gcelnutbimaonss(G(eLnytcioapnoadainudmreawnsnioit)iantutmheaLtinEdmbemrogsn’dplPaocendanBdogs.ubsequentlystiff Programs Rich Kellyvze2dxmil@verizon.net In Memoriam Membership ThisJulymarks thepassingofPaulStoutenburgh, 92.Alongtimeresident LoisLindberglibsmember@verizon.net of Cutchogue, Paul was a leading conservationist of the North Fork, Conservation serving as trustee ofThe Nature Conservancyand director ofthe Peconic BillTitus btitus@optonline.net LandTrust, andwriting a nature column for a local newspaper. Hewas a JohnTurnerredknot2@verizon.net foundingmemberofLIBS. Education MaryLaura Lamont TheLIBS FloraAtlas CommitteeNews: elamont@optonline.net The committee has met over the summer and begun the review ofmaps and related data. Members agree to review 500 species a month for Hospitality four months so that the work is completed by December. Steve Young Kathleen Gaffneykg73@cornell.edu contributed a list of species that should be eliminated because they are DorothyTitus btitus@optonline.net non-natives (waifs). Thesewerereviewedand approved. NewsletterEditor Margaret Conover ERRATA: margaret.conover@gmail.com SocietyNews in thelastissue ofthis newsletterreferredto thepyxie moss withspecialthanksto remainingon LongIslandbyan incorrectspecies name. Thecorrectname Skip &Jane Blanchard isPyxidanthera barbulata. Webmaster Donald House libsweb@yahoo.com t Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 Page 31 (SagamoreHillcontinuedfrom cover) ItottonaltogettiflonClwsIfIcatlorSystemAssociation AndersonLeva!IILandUse faAmcriwriBcachgrjiss-BeachPciHertwcuWwVbflftbMkm C-': B*y*SrtdElAHriH f.AinerimnBeech iWftl#0*k.MfrlfiorrtRedOrtJ-Tyliplrt*i(Am*iit*nHetty)/Chri*ln»«FsmFgrcsltX] Benthos |BLttkCtwry.Tuliprre#-RfrrfMapiA-WhiwAshFpresi ConuttercmiandS«rvi«s EasternWbodiaftdvernalp«asparseve^a«aiK^ CroplandandPasture H NorwayMapleForest MOrchards 2$Sulln'ittfshCordgresstIYe*?*TarigjAcadiariiVi -aeZ*ieHarbaoeovaV&galaliori Reservoirs M SatlmeadowCordprass CommonThraesquara-SeasideGoldenrodHerbaceous.Vegelation ResderHial M SatiresflowCordgrass-Sallgrass-(BlacK-grasa)HerbaceousVegelation * ForestVagelaborMonllcnigPonls M Sea-rocket-NorthernSaatKJeSpurgeSparseVegetation VagetalionSamplePlots M*{WhiteOak.hortnemRadOak,Bled;Oak]lFluwenfigDogwoodtMapteleafWttamamForest BuildingsandSlrudures RoadsandTrails 50 IQOMehee rHParkBoundsiy l I I ProducedbyticKPSFTSCattheUnrvcnayo RhodeIs^nd 07201? Figure3. SagamoreHillNational HistoricSite-NationalVegetation Classification Map [FromJames-Pirri, 2013] Despite his statement that the Adirondacks had wilderness lawns and second growth woods. Sagamore Hill was turned but Long Island had woods, and was not as rich fioristically overtotheNationalParkService(NPS) in 1963,withempha- as the Hudson Valley, TR noted “Early in April there is one sis placed on maintainingthehistorichouse andsurrounding hillsidenearuswhichglowslikeatenderflamewiththewhite grounds. Reflecting Theodore Roosevelt’s conservation ide- ofthebloodroot.Atthesametimewefindtheshymayfiower, als, in 1968 NPS designated32 acres ofwoodland, saltmarsh the trailing arbutus.... Then there are shadblow and delicate andbeach as aNatural Environmental StudyArea (Figure 3). anemones...and then the thronging dogwoods fill the forests The Eel Creekmarsh and beach are surroundedbythewaters with theirradiance...until thespringtime splendorcloseswith ofthe Oyster BayNationalWildlife Refuge- a fitting desig- thelaurel. Thelatesummerbowersfollow, thehauntinglilies, nation, since Roosevelt founded the first national refuge in andcardinalflowers... andthegoldenrodsandasterswhenthe 1903. afternoons shorten...” (Roosevelt 1913, p. 319). The woodland in the northern section has been classified as Sagamore Hill remained a rural country home where the a Mid-Atlantic Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, or oak-tulip Roosevelts couldraise theirfamilies close to nature, butmany treeforest, and maywell be the bestremainingexampleofits changes have taken place in the landscape since Theodores kindin CoveNeck(Edinger2008). Speciestypicallyfoundin time. When he was a boy, most ofCove Neckwas open hay this woodland, nowas in thelate 1800s, are tulip tree (Lirio- fields, agricultural since the early 1700s. Cultivation on the dendron tulipifera), blackoak (Quercusvelutina), northern red old farms ceased, adjoining properties were sold and devel- oak (Q. rubra), sweet birch (Betula lento), sassafras (Sassafas oped, andtodaytheareaislargelyresidentialwithmaintained (Continuedonpage32) Page 32 Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 (SagamoreHillcontinuedfrom,page31) albidum), andmockernuthickory {Caryaalba). Ofthe wildflowers mentioned byTR, several are no longer on site although they occur elsewhere on Long Island. Re- cent surveys have not found bloodroot, anemone, trailing arbutus, or cardinal flower, but other components of the y "" ^ forest floor are prominent. Shade-tolerant flowers include ^ jewelweed {Impatienscapensis),Jack-in-the-pulpit {Arisaema a S/ triphyllum), wildgeranium {Geranium maculatum), lopseed {Phryma leptostachya) white wood aster {Eurybia divari- -*****« „ ^ , catd), blue-stem goldenrod {Solidago caesia), Indian pipe {Monotropa uniflora), Canada mayflower {Maianthemum canadense), Solomon’s seal {Polygonum biflorum) and Sol- omon’s plume {Maianthemum racemosum). Several species *r "if sfmaU offernsalso occurthroughoutthewoods. Jr As successional vegetation took over the old fields, more non-natives unfortunately moved in. Norway maples (Acerplatanoides) now compete for space in parts ofthe woods, and porcelain-berry {Ampelopsis) threatens to I overtakethemeadows’ milkweed {Asclepiassyriaca), but- terflyweed (A. tuberosa), yarrow {Achillea millefolium), eft* fOa/ti d&e andblack-eyedSusan {Rudbeckiahirta). Thirtynon-na- f koc tive invasive plant species had been identified on the property(Werier2006), andthenewestthreattoappear is mile-a-minute vine {Persicariaperfoliata). Efforts are currentlybeingmade bytheNational ParkService staff to control several ofthose invasives. But the first botanical invasion came about during Roosevelt’s tenure. “In 1910, after serving as one of the Figure5.AnentryaboutturtlesfromTR’sjournal Field Book most popular presidents and initiating the national park ofZoology,written in 1877atage 19. FromtheTheodore Rooseveltcollection, Harvard University Library. system, saving vast areas of forestland, he sat helpless as he looked up at the sickened trees on his homeland. The chestnutblighthad reachedLongIsland. Spreadingatarate of 20 to 50 miles a year, it affected every single American Chestnut tree from Manhattan to Montauk in a decade’s time” (Potente 2003). Theodore Roosevelt considered this to be one of the greatest losses in his life. In his autobi- ography, he described “the second week in July, when the blossomingofthechestnuttreespatchesthewoodlandswith frothygreenishyellow” followed bythis footnote: “Alas! The chestnut blight has now destroyed the chestnut trees, and robbed thewoods ofone oftheir distinctive beauties” (Roo- sevelt 1913, p. 327). Afewstump sproutscanstillbefound, but theytoo succumb to the disease. The news is not all bad, though. As part ofhis survey, Da- vidWerier found a surprise, one NewYork State endangered A species. single patch oftall ironweed (Vernoniagiganteum) stands in a field like a purple beacon along the fence-line (Fig. 4). Was it here in a pasture during TR’s time? Maybe not. Orwere seeds broughtinwith crop forage in lateryears? Figure4.Tall ironweed, Vernoniagigantea. [photo by L. Lindberg] No oneis quite sure. — Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No.4 Page 33 Sagamore Hill remains as a tribute to the life ofa remarkable Field Trips politicalfigureandan outstandingnaturalist. Muchmorecan bageaisnaidinabtohuetmtehaidsohwisst,ortihceloscmaatlilonpo-nbdluwebhierrdes nniegshttingheornocnse OCTOBER4,2014(SATURDAY) 11AM roosted, theshorelinewhereTRcampedoutwithhis children CranberryBogPreserve, NY and rowed across the harbor. Over the years, Sagamore Hill Riverhead, Suffolk County, has retained much ofthe natural character that it possessed Trip leader:AndrewGreller when Theodore Roosevelt called it home. The preserve is not Email: agreller2@optonline.net huge but it has a great story to tell. You’ll just have to come (Co-listedwith theNorth ShoreLandAlliance) andseeforyourself. Join botanist Andy Greller to explore this magnificent community, complete with carnivorous plants, when it is at References its mostbeguiling. Outright, P. R. 1956. Theodore Roosevelt the Naturalist. Harper & Brothers, NewYork, NY. Directions: Please Email mdfeder2001@yahoo.com for meetingplace and directions. Enrollment is limited. Edinger, G. J., A. L. Feldmann, T. G. Howard, J. J. Schmid, E. Eastman, E. Largay, and L. A. Sneddon. 2008. Vegetation classification and mapping at Sagamore Hill National His- OCTOBER 18, 2014 (SATURDAY) 10AM toric Site, NewYork. Technical Report NPS/NER/NRTR NorthForkPreserve, Northville, NY 2008/124. National ParkService, Philadelphia, PA. Town ofRiverhead, Suffolk County, Trip leader: EricLamont James-Pirri, M. J. 2013. Natural resource condition assess- Email: elamont@optonline.net ment for Sagamore Hill National Historic Site. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCBN/NRR-2013/617. National The day will include about 2 miles of walking and the ParkService, Fort Collins, CO. emphasis will be on the diversity ofecological communities andthedominantplantspeciesthatcharacterizethem. Many NationalParkService-SagamoreHillNHSwebsite,www.nps. different freshwater wetland communities will be observed gov/sahi andclassified, aswell as arare uplandforestecosystem. Bring National Park Service/Olmsted Center. 2003. Cultural land- lunch and be prepared for ticks. Participants must register scapereportforSagamoreHillNationalHistoricSite. Cultur- with trip leaderto attend. alLandscape PublicationNo. 8. Boston, MA. Potente, E. 2003. RetrievingtheAmericanchestnut. Quart. ** J. Newslett. LongIslandBot. Soc. 13: 1,4-11. Roosevelt, T. 1913. Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography. Macmillan, NewYork, NY. 1919.TheodoreRoosevelt’sLetterstoHisChildren. J. B. Bishop, ed. Charles Scribner’s Sons, NewYork, NY. Join LIBS today! Annual Membership is $20payable to: Theodore Roosevelt Diaries and Notebooks, 1868-1914 (MS LongIslandBotanical Society Am 1454.29, 1454.31-1454.35, 1454.37-1454.39, 1454.55- 1454.57). TheodoreRooseveltCollection, Houghton Library. Mailyourdues to: HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA. CarolJohnston LIBS Treasurer , 347DuckPondRoad Werier, D. 2006. SagamoreHillNational HistoricSiteinvasive Locust Valley NY 11560 non-native plant management plan. Technical Report NPS/ NER/NRTR—2006/045. NationalParkService, Boston, MA. NOTE: MembershiprenewalsaredueinJanuary Page 34 Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 Some Recent Long Island Plant Sightings Compiled by Eric Lamont, LIBS President Arethusa bulbosa. Dragon’s Mouth Drosera xbeleziana, Sundew (Orchidaceae, the Orchid Family) hybrid (Droseraceae, the Sundew (Figure 1). One hundred years Lamily). Matthew Kaelin recently ago, this stunning orchid had been discoveredthisveryrarecarnivorous reported from more than two dozen planthybridonLongIsland,thefirst localities on Long Island. Today report from NewYork. Theparents it is known only from Montauk are Drosera rotundifolia (round- whereVicki Bustamante observed six leaved sundew) and D. intermedia floweringindividualson2June2014. (spatulate-leaved sundew). The In 1923, Norman Taylor wrote: hybrids were found growing in “abouttheendofMaythispartofthe Sphagnum moss hummocks on [Montauk] peninsula is aflame with the edge of a pond in an Atlantic Arethusa bulbosa, in fact it is more white cedar swamp in the Peconic common here than elsewhere within River watershed, once home to a theobservation ofthewriter.” commercial cranberrybog. Bromus rigidus, Ripgut-grass Fatoua villosa Mulberry Weed , (Poaceae, the Grass Family). This (Moraceae, the Mulberry Lamily) A distinctgrasswithlong, conspicuous (Ligure 3). native ofeasternAsia, awns is native ofthe Mediterranean mulberryweedwasfirstreportedfor region and until recently has been North America from Louisiana in known in New York only from 1964andrapidlyexpandeditsrange Suffolk County. During the past into the eastern and midwestern three years, Michael Feder has states, apparently spreading from reported it from four localities in Figure 1.Arethusabulbosa. [photobyTom Nelson] the distribution of horticultural Brooklyn and Queens, including materials. In 2003 it was first large populations at Marine Park and along the Brooklyn reported from upstate New York and eastern Massachusetts Queens Expressway where it grows in disturbed soils with and in 2004 from Long Island. In 2014, Margaret Conover othernon-nativeherbs. Thisspeciesissometimesrecognized confirmed that F. villosa is indeed an established member of as Bromusdiandrusssp. rigidus. Long Island’s flora. She reported a population established in Stony Brook, probably introduced from horticultural Dichanthelium scoparium, Velvet Panic-grass (Poaceae, materials. Itislikelythatthisspeciesismorewidelyspreadon the Grass Family) (Figure 2). In 2007, Mary Laura Lamont LongIsland than currentlyreported. noticed an unfamiliar panic-grass in a field bordering woodlands at theWilliam Lloyd Estate in Mastic Beach. By Oenothera laciniata Cut-leaved Evening-primrose , 2012, the colonyhad aggressivelyspread to form a thick mat (Onagraceae, the Evening-primrose Lamily). Historically, coveringapproximatelyViacre. Afterunsuccessfulattemptsto this species has been considered very rare in New York. As havethespeciesidentified,vouchersweresenttoDavidWerier recently as 2010, NewYorkNatural Heritage Program listed in 2013. InAugust 2013, David replied: “I tooka breakand it as endangered (SI), with five or fewer extant sites known looked atyourDichanthelium. Nice indeed. It is clearlyone throughoutthestate. Butduringthepastthreeyears,Michael Ihave notseen before. I tentativelybelieve itisD. scoparium. Leder has found this species at approximately 13 localities This isaspecies Ihavebeenwantingto seeforalongtimeand throughoutwestern LongIsland, mostlyin thevicinityofEar as you know it is a listed and very rare plant in NewYork.” RockawayandMarinePark. Ithasalsobeenrecentlyreported However, the specimen lacked one apparently important byEricLamontfromalongrailroadtracksinCalverton,Suffolk diagnostic character: the leaf sheaths were not viscid near County. This apparent rapid northern range extension into the apex. David concluded, “I know Rob Naczi is working Long Island also has been recently observed in other species on Dichanthelium these days. I will see him at the end of such as Eupatorium serotinum (late-flowering thoroughwort), the month and can show him your specimen.” Next month, Froelichiagracilis (slender cottonweed), Gamochaetapurpurea Davidagainreplied: “IshowedtheDichantheliumyousentme (purple cudweed), and Heterotheca subaxillaris ssp. latifolia toRoblastweek. HeconfirmedthatindeeditisD. scoparium. (camphorweed golden-aster). So theallegedviscid band seems likeauseless character.” 0 . Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 Page 35 Orobanche uniflora. Tipularia discolor. One-flowered Cancer- Crane-fly Orchid root (Orobanchaceae, (Orchidaceae, the the Broom-rape Orchid Family) Family). Although New York’s only not considered rare extant population of on Long Island, this Tipularia has been bizarre flowering plant monitored for more isalwaysanunexpected than 100 years. In treat to find. 1911, Roy Latham Throughout its range reported “a colony this parasitic broom- of about 30 plants at rape is somewhat local Greenport.” In 1914, in distribution and a fire swept through populations are usually Moores Woods and small, often consisting Latham reported of only two or three Figure2. Dichantheliumscoparium. Figure 3. Fatoua villosa. [photo by “it was decided that individuals. On 4June [RobertH. Mohlenbrock, hosted bythe M. Conover] the forest fire had 2014, RichKellyfound USUDSADSAC-SN.RC19S91P.LSAoNuTtSheDrnatwaebtalsaend/ destroyed the colony” but the disturbance may have been more than two dozen flora:Fieldofficeguidetoplant beneficial because in 1927 Latham reported “100 plants in blooming plants of O. species. South NationalTechnical the main colony, with scattered plants far beyond the main Center, FortWorth.] unifloraatBreezyPoint, stand.” Recently, DavidTaft has been regularlymonitoring Queens, makingitone ofthelargest Long Islandpopulations the site and in 2014 counted 15 flowering individuals. reportedin recentyears. Maybe the forest needs another natural disturbance to stimulate dormantplants? Persicaria extremiorientalis, Oriental Smartweed (Polygonaceae, the Buckwheat Family). On an August 2013 LIBS field trip to Edgewood Preserve, Michael Feder identified P. extremiorientalis and gave an update on the taxonomic history of the species in eastern USA. Prior to 2010, thespecieswas notincludedin anyfloraormonograph of American Polygonaceae, and most collections had been Upcoming Programs erroneously identified as Polygonum lapathifolium and/or P. persicaria (=Persicaria maculosa). Daniel Atha et al. from the (cont’dfi'om back cover) NewYork Botanical Garden clarified the confusion in a 201 paperpublishedin theJournal oftheTorreyBotanicalSociety December 9, 2014* Tuesday, 7:30 PM (vol. 137). Persicaria extremiorientalis was first collected in North America by Joseph Monachino from the Canarsie Members Night: Members are welcome to bring area of Brooklyn, New York, on 30 July 1961. Since then, photos, stories, specimens, and tales ofpeculiarsight- it has been collected approximately20 times on Long Island, ings of favorite plants. A great opportunity to show what you have found while exploring on Long Island with other collections from the Atlantic coastal region of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and North or elsewhere. Please call Rich Kelly (516-354-6506) in advance to advise as to the approximate number Carolina. of images/slides that you would like to show and preferred medium ofpresentation. Thanks. Rhododendron prinophyllum. Early Azalea (Ericaceae, the Heath Family). Although R. prinophyllum is relatively Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown common in parts ofupstateNewYork, itisveryrare on Long Preserve, East Norwich Island. In WoodyPlantWorkbook, edited bySteven Clemants in 1999, only four historical localities of early azalea are * Refreshments and informal talk begin at 7:30 p.m. listed for Long Island. In 2014, Vicki Bustamante and Larry Formal meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. Penny reported a lovely population of this beautiful azalea Directions to Muttontown orStony Brook: 516-354-6506 from Hither Woods in Montauk. This species should not be confused with the more common pink azalea or pinkster- Reminder- no meetings in January or February. flower, R.periclymenoides. Next meeting March 10, 2015. LongIslandBotanicalSociety PO Box507 Aquebogue,NY11931 Page 36 Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 24 No. 4 Upcoming Programs October 14, 2014* Tuesday, 7:30 PM November 11, 2014* Tuesday, 7:30 PM James Lendemer: “Long Island Lichens: From Eric Morgan: “Tropical American Botany Over- Distant PastTo Uncertain Future.” Lichens are fun- view.” Thistalkwill be an overviewofsome ofthefas- gi that are found in terrestrial ecosystems throughout cinating plants oftheAmerican tropics and subtropics, the globe. From the highest mountains to the driest focusing on the northwesternAmazon and Caribbean deserts, they often form conspicuous displays on where much ofhis work is currently being conducted. rocks, trees, and soil where they are noticed by scien- Aprimeron some ofthe research also being conduct- tists, naturalists, and the public alike. This presenta- ed on Long Island at Farmingdale State College will tion will explore the natural history ofthe lichens ofthe also be presented, with an update on some ofthe data New York City metropolitan region, focusing on Long on plant-insect interactions that will be presented in Island. It will follow the development ofthe local biota the near future. Dr. Eric C. Morgan is a professor in from the distant past, to our modern present, and into the Department of Biology at Farmingdale State Col- the uncertainties of the future. Dr. James Lendemer lege. He currently serves as the Chairman ofthe Bo- is a post-doctoral researcher atThe New York Botani- tanical Society of America’s Ecological Section, and cal Garden in the Bronx. He and his colleagues in the on the Council ofthe Torrey Botanical Society. Bronx are lichenologists whose research focuses on assessing lichen biodiversity, its patterns, threats, and Location: Museum of Long Island Natural Sciences, conservation needs in NorthAmerica and abroad. Earth and Space Science Building, Gil Hanson Room (Room 123), Stony Brook University, Stony Brook Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich (Programs continued on page 35)

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