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Preview Lonestar, Gary Allan highlight Feb. 8-10 festival

Lifestyle Sports God Years ago, this Zellwood man This 1991 Apopka High School Bless took the wrong flight, but end- graduate has been elected to ed up with a wife. the Pro Football Hall of Fame. America See page 6A. See page 1B. The Apopka Chief ©2013 The Apopka Chief Covering the community in the 21st century Volume 91 Number 6 Friday, February 8, 2013 / 50 cents Lonestar, Gary Allan highlight Feb. 8-10 festival Box, both popular local bands, will open Old Florida Outdoor Festival features for the Texas band. Outbound Road will open the concert country music, cookoffs, with displays Saturday, February 9, at 4 p.m. followed by the Greg Warren Band. and vendors of hunting, fishing, more. Gary Allan will take the stage after 8 p.m. Allan has multiple top hits such By Sherry Brunson hunts with prizes based from the Old Flor- as “Man to Man,” “Tough Little Boys,” Apopka Chief Staff ida Outdoor Festival Facebook page at “Nothing on But the Radio,” “Her Man,” Facebook.com/OldFloridaOutdoorFesti- “Best I Ever Had” and Right Where I Need The time for the Old Florida Outdoor val. To Be.” He is expecting a new album, Festival is almost here as the weekend rap- Lonestar is scheduled to appear to- “Set You Free,” to be out this month. idly approaches. Country music legends day, Friday, February 8, after 8 p.m. The Lonestar and Gary Allan will be at the fes- band has sold more than 10 million album Exhibition shooter tival which is set for today, Friday, Febru- units since their national launch in 1995, World-class shooter Tim Bradley, a ary 8, through Sunday, February 10, at the and achieved 10 No. 1 country hits. Their Benelli exhibition shooter, recently shot a Northwest Recreation Complex, 3710 Ja- crossover hit “Amazed” was the first re- baseball in the perfect center at about 200 son Dwelley Parkway, Apopka. cord since 1983 to top both the country yards out for Shoot Straight as a little pre- “In the event’s first year in 2012, music and the Billboard Hot 100. The song view of things to come. Bradley and sharp- roughly 20,000 people came through the also won the 1999 American Country Mu- shooter Travis Mears will both be at the gates,” said Ashley Greene, event coordi- sic “Single of the Year,” the 1999 ACM Shoot Straight Shooting Exhibitions at the nator. “This year, with more exhibits, at- “Song of the Year,” and the 2001 CMA Vo- Festival. tendance is anticipated to jump.” cal Group of the Year. A very big, big-mouth bass will be among the items greeting Greene has been holding scavenger The Chad Cribb Band and Jill’s Cash See FESTIVAL Page 2A festival-goers. Lk. Apopka summit Meeting draws about 75 Apopkans has heavy hitters By Sherry Brunson Apopka Chief Staff About 75 residents attend- ed an abbreviated meeting The “Regional Summit on Land Issues Impacting the Thursday, January 31, con- North Shore of Lake Apopka” will be hosted by the Lake cerning the City Charter. County Commission today, Friday, February 8, from 9 a.m.- A handful of people spoke 1 p.m. at the Mount Dora Community Building, 520 E. Baker during the first 45 minutes Street, Mount Dora. The meeting is open to the public. of the scheduled 90-min- “The summit will give a comprehensive overview of the different ecotourism and recreational opportunities that are ute meeting, but it was emerging in the area,” said Leslie Campione, Lake County ended at that point by city commission chair. “We want to emerge with a strategic plan as attorney Frank Kruppen- a region together. All the cities in the area, the St. Johns River bacher, who said he wanted Water Management District, neighborhood organizations and Mayor John H. Land to hear environmental groups the testimony. Land did not will be there for some- attend the meeting due to one who wants to get illness. The next City Char- the full picture of what ter meeting has yet to be is going on. I am excited scheduled. about the real potential of ecotourism blossom- ming in our area as we all work together toward More South Apopka streetlights on county agenda A duck lands on one of the a common goal.” ponds located on the North Campione said U.S. By Sherry Brunson vision (NPRD) – to oversee crime preven- crime we are talking about, just in the last Reps. Dan Webster and Shore of Lake Apopka. Apopka Chief Staff tion and safety initiatives in the area,” said 90 days there were 161 property and robbery John Mica will attend, Lavon Williams, manager of Orange Coun- crimes in South Apopka,” Williams said. and U.S. Rep. Corinne Brown, state Sen. Alan Hays and state A public hearing about adding street- ty Neighborhood Services. “And they have “That basically means that every day for the Rep. Bryan Nelson have all been invited to the summit. lights in South Apopka is scheduled for been working very hard and crime has de- last 90 days, two homes have been burglar- “We are hopeful that at least someone from their offices March 12, at 2 p.m. at the Orange County creased in the area, but there remains signifi- ized or cars have been burglarized or sto- will be at the meeting,” Campione said. “We will consider the Commission. A similar public assessment cant challenges. The community has had sev- len in South Apopka. You can see that there impacts of a proposed airport expansion near Lake Apopka and meeting will be held February 26, at 2 p.m. eral conversations about some of the things were 41 auto burglaries and stolen vehicles, will discuss the emerging ecotourism industry in the region.” Both meetings will allow local residents to in their environment that were contributing and 58 residential burglaries,” Williams said. Guy Haggard, chairman of the West Orange Airport Au- voice their opinions and will be held at the to this continued crime.” “The deputies, such as Deputy Anderson, thority, will speak at the meeting and share information about Orange County Administrative Center, 201 Penny Grossaint Accounting/Multiple who has patrolled South Apopka for so many controversial airport expansion in Zellwood. S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando. Commissioner Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) supervisor of years, reports that there is continued open Fred Brummer requested the public hearing. the Finance and Accounting Department of drug sales, a lot of loitering and even some “I’m looking forward to speaking about how the airports “In 2001, the Orange County Board of the Orange County Comptroller’s Office, gang activity going on. and ecotourism can work jointly together to bring significant Commissioners designated South Apopka as said the lights would affect 1,383 homes in “One of the things that the deputies have economic impact to the area,” Haggard said. a Safe Neighborhood and we created a citi- South Apopka, that have an approximately shared with us is that it is so dark in the area See LAKE Page 2A zen group – the Orange County Neighbor- 65 percent homeownership rate. See LIGHTS Page 3A hood Preservation and Revitalization Di- “To give you an idea of the kinds of Termed out from Legislature in 2014, state Rep. Bryan This week Nelson files to run for Orange County Commission Section A Opinion ..............4A-5A Lifestyle ..................6A State Rep. Bryan Nelson of Apop- selves. mer,” Nelson said. “In fact, I can’t think * Patricia Rumph filed December 14, Worship ................10A ka, who will be termed out after his cur- If elected, of any issues that we don’t line up on.” 2012, 5904 Lemos Ct., Orlando. Bus. Rev. .......14A,15A rent two-year term expires next year, Nelson will re- When it comes time to vote, Nelson “Candidates who file early may has filed to run for the Orange County place Brummer, a said the best thing to do is to look at his then start raising money for the elec- Commission District 2 seat currently CPA from Apop- record. “I hope to do the same thing on tion and start accepting names for peti- held by Fred Brummer, whose term ex- ka. Brummer ini- the county level, especially create better tions,” said Bill Cowles, Orange County Section B pires at the same time. tially served as a jobs,” he said. “We’re excited. I’ve had elections supervisor. “Then, on qualify- Sports .....................1B “There is a lot of interaction be- state representa- an enjoyable experience in Tallahassee, ing week, which will be in June 2014, Kapers ....................6B tween state and local governments, tive, termed out, and, if elected, I would love to serve for candidates must file four percent of the Dining & Ent ...........7B Nelson and I need to be sure that some of the then ran for coun- eight years as an Orange County com- annual salary of the office (currently Classified......13B-16B things I have worked for in Tallahassee ty commission. missioner.” $76,244.48, but probably will increase Service Dir. ....14B,15B translate down to the local level,” Nel- He said there is the possibility he could For more information, call 407- up to not more than $1,000 by 2014) or son said. “I want to make sure jobs are run for state representative yet again, 886-7553. they may collect signatures of one per- Section C available, work on ecotourism around but has not made a decision. Nelson said Other 2014 District 2 County Com- cent of the registered voters in the dis- Legal ads ........1C-16C Lake Apopka, and make sure the Or- that he and Brummer see eye-to-eye on mission candidates include: trict, which would be 1,113 signatures.” ange Blossom Express (commuter rail) most issues. * Gregory Allen Jackson filed February Cowles said the even number dis- is completed.” “On most issues – things such as 1, P.O. Box 547254, Orlando. trict commissioners and the county Nelson said there is an advantage to the septic tank issue, the Orange Blos- * Carol Ann Johnson filed January 24, mayor will be up for re-election in 2014. filing early – others will know you are in som Express, ecotourism around Lake P.O. Box 551, Zellwood. Due to redistricting, Ocoee residents the race, and, if they like you as a candi- Apopka and streamlining government * Alvin Moore filed January 28, 347 will be able to vote for the first time for date, they may decide not to run them- – I line up on the same side as Brum- Limo St., Eatonville. District 2 commissioner. Windsong Massage GET A MASSAGE TODAY! $5 OFF ANY 362 DAILY SPECIALS • Gift Certifi cates on Sale MASSAGE 22 4 Therapists to relax & de-stress you. with this ad MM 407-880-2200 • 1428 E. Semoran Ste. 109, Apopka 32703 Lic# The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 2A The Apopka Chief Festival: Barbecue contest drawing big names Tell them you saw it in Continued from page 1A Birds that may be seen A Florida Bar-B-Que As- Other events at the Old Florida Windsong TAX on the tour are: the Bald Ea- sociation sanctioned cook-off Outdoor Festival include: Massage Birding tours gle, Northern Harrier (Marsh competition, with approxi- * Gun manufacturers Smith & PREPARATION The original idea for the Hawk), Red-tailed hawks, Red- mately 50-60 teams, includ- Wesson, Benelli and Berett will Old Florida Outdoor Festival shouldered hawks and lots of ing celebrity chef Myron Mix- send their top shooters Jerry GGEETT AA MMAASSSSAAGGEE TTOODDAAYY!! Individuals & was to showcase the incredible American Coots. There is also on of Jack’s Old South BBQ Miculek, Tim Bradley and Tra- DAILY SPECIALS • Gift Certifi cates on Sale 4 Therapists to relax & de-stress you. Businesses amount of birds that are found other wildlife out in the area, and the BBQ Pitmasters Show, vis Mears, respectively to put around Lake Apopka and en- such as bears, coyotes, alliga- will be Saturday, February 9. on shooting demonstrations. $5 OFF AANNYY by Local, Retired CPA at MMAASSSSAAGGEE non-CPA, aff ordable prices! courage ecotourism to the area. tors, and otters as well as inter- Mixon has won more than 200 * Nationally sanctioned Dock- with this ad In 1998, Lake Apopka broke esting plants. Mini-buses, that grand championships, more Dogs competition (onsite entry 407-880-2200 Howard Manison, CPA the record for the most bird hold approximately 20 people, than 1,900 trophies and more as well as online pre-registra- 1428 E. Semoran Ste. 109 407.234.5561 species seen in an inland loca- are used on the tours, which than 40 state championships in tion at www.dockdogs.com) Apopka 32703 LLiicc## MMMM2222336622 tion. There were 174 different will leave on the hour and last barbecue competitions. He has * Live animals from around species of birds seen around approximately two hours. been featured on the Food Net- the world include pythons, Love Your Pet! Lake Apopka in one day. There “We have scheduled the work, the Discovery Channel, panthers, tortoises, alligators, has been a total of approxi- birding tours from the ticket the History Channel, the Travel bald eagles, spider monkeys mately 350 bird species record- booth at the Apopka Amphithe- Channel and as one of the BBQ and more. There will also be ed at different times around the ater on Saturday and Sunday All Stars on the Versus Net- three Harris Hawk demonstra- February is Dental Month lake. at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.,” Greene work. tions each day. The Apopka Po- said. “There will be two bus- “This is an above average lice Department K-9 Unit will On Staff, Apopka’s only Board Certified Feline Practitioner es, and the tour will take ap- turnout for a fi rst-year barbe- also hold a demonstration. The Try It On Us! proximately two hours, then cue cookout competition,” said Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- One FREE Day about 20 minutes to and from Chuck Carnesale, of the Apop- servation Commission will also the area, so participants should ka Fire Department, who is in have educational displays. Boarding at Pet Resort of Apopka plan to be gone about three charge of the event. “I think * Fishing and hunting semi- Our Beautiful Pet Resort Set in 6 Acres of Park Land. Reg. Only $15 a Day. Fri. Feb. 8 - Sun. Feb. 10 hours. The tours will be given it is because we are offering nars – local fi shing captains FREE Second Opinions $5 OFF 3D MOVIES SHOWING on a fi rst-come, fi rst-serve ba- the largest prize payout in the and guides will host seminars for surgeries, cancer therapies Grooming HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH sis. If the bus fi lls up, then peo- state.” on everything from “Lady an- or othopedic issues HUNTERS 3D (R) 10:50 a.m.; 1:30; 7:05; 9:40 ple have the option to be placed gling” to Cobia fi shing to “no 10% OFF DENTAL PROOFS uAnPdPaRy OMVoAviLes $6 on the list for the next tour.” Hot and spicy motor zone fi shing,” to gator Procedures & Products* Before 3PM, $7 After 3PM The Adam Stratton Me- hunting and more. Products from inventory and purchased at time oIf mpropcoedrtuarent to Check the Following IDENPTlIeTYa sTeH ISEFign Below Quack, quack morial Scholarship Founda- * Food trucks – 10 food trucks Save $5 Name Copy/Picture/Logos(R) 10:40 a.m.; 1:10; 4:20; 7:40; 10:20 The 2013 World Champi- tion Chili Cook-off competi- and approximately 15 other SIDE EFFECTS Any Medical ProceAddudrreess Expiration Date (R) 10:05 a.m.;12:35; 3:50; 7:20; 10:10 onshipD aDteuck Calling Contest tion teams will offer free sam- food vendors will be on-site $13 BathsTelephone # S(RIL) V10E:R0A 0L paINp.mIrNo.;Gv 1a 2Pl/:L4RA0e;Yl e3Ba:4Ose0O ;t K7o: 0P0r;i nt - SubjecQt utoa cloifir reerc tisopnso anss noorteedd bbelyo wD. ucks ples with admission to the Old during the Festival. Unlimited Florida will be Sun- Florida Festival on Sunday, be- * Farmers’ market – purchase Tuesdays & Thursdays MESSA1G0:1E5 TO ADVERTISER: WARM BODIES day, February 10, from 11 a.m.- ginning at approximately 11:30 fresh, locally grown food and This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. FREE New Client Exams (PG13) 10:20 a.m.; 1:15; 4:30; 7:30; 2 p.m. The fi rst-place win- a.m. Prizes for the contest total foliage Reg. $49.00 Instructions have1 0b:e0e0n followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief •B 4U0LL7E-T8 8TO6- T2H7E7 H7E •A DFax: 407-889-41n2e1r of the contest will receive $3,000 and winners will also * Kids’ activities area will fea- Limit 1 offer per person, per pet, per visit. (R) 10:40 a.m.; 12:50; 4:15; 7:50; $300 and represent the State of receive a trophy. ture a rock wall, bounce house Not valid with other offers. Expires 2/28/13. 10:05 Intergrative Pain Florida in the World Champi- and kids’ tent with face paint- ARGO Management Centers (R) 10:10 a.m.; 1:00; 4:00 onship Duck Calling Contest General information ing, fi shing instruction, and PARKER on Thanksgiving weekend in Tickets for the Old Flori- more. • Pet Care Center of Apopka (R) 7:45; 10:25 407-884-8924 HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCPH ROOF SAtuPttgParRt, OArkV.AL da Outdoor Festival online are * Original and new art from the HUNTERS There will be two parts to $40 for a three-day adult re- Florida Highwaymen – the ar- • River Oaks Animal Hospital 800 Miami Springs (R) 4:10 Drive, Longwood, FL 407-774-1515 Important to Check the FMAoMlAlowing the competition – a sanctioned served pass; $20 for a three- ea’s largest gathering of origi- • East Lake Animal Clinic 352-735-2882 (PG13) 10:30 a.m.; 1:20; 4:40; 7:10; Plecaomsepe Stitiigonn a Bnde al o“wmeat call- day general admission adult nal Highwaymen artists brings www.CentralFloridaVets.com Name Co9p:5y0 /Picture/Logos ing” competition, which is pass; and $10 for a three-day the original artists to town with The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any WEKIVA RIVERWALK more fun for amateurs. child’s pDasas;t echildren must pay a collection of original work, as odtishceor usnetrevdic fee,e e oxra rmeidnuactieodn foere tsreearvtmiceen, te xwahmicihn aisti opne rofor rtmreeadtm aesn at. result of and within 72 hoAurs odf resdponrdineg tos thse advertisement for the free, ExpWiErKaIVtAio SPnR IDNGaS tReD, APOPKA the full adult reserved price to well as new paintings for sale, 407-884-8080 • www.regmovies.com Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # Sweet-smelling smoke be in reserved seating. Chil- as well as a live painting dem- dren under age fi ve are free. onstration. MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: The cost is an additional $5 if * Lake Apopka Restoration This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Chamber the ticket is purchased at the Area wildlife and bird observa- Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. door. Dogs on leashes are wel- tion tours The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 comed, but owners are asked * Hawk fl ying demonstrations to please clean up after their from the Avian Reconditioning pet. The event is rain or shine. Center PROOF APPROVAL Luncheon It will not be cancelled for in- For more information, call clement weather. 407-703-1777, email agreene@ Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below Gates open at 4 p.m. on apopka.net, visit www.oldfl ori- Name Copy/Picture/Logos Friday, and 10 a.m. on Satur- daoutdoorfestival.com, Face- Date Address Expiration Date day and Sunday. All exhibits book.com/OldFloridaOutdoor- Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # will be from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Festival or on Twitter: @Old- Join Us For A LunchMeESoSAGnE TTOh ADaVEtR TWISERi:ll Saturday and Sunday. FLOutdoor. This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. PROOF APPROVAL Develop Your Leadership Skills Both The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 Lake: Proposed airport Important to Check the Following Personally and Professionally Please Sign Below Name Copy/Picture/Logos will be topic of discussion Date Address Expiration Date Wednesday, February 13Tel e•pho n1e #1:45AM Approval/Release to Print - Subject Ctoo cnortriencutieodns farso nmot epda bgeelo 1w.A board. MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: Thomas, who has also This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 40L7-a8k89e- 4C1o2u1.nty offi cials have headed the Lake Apopka Na- SWEETWATER COUNTRY CLUB Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. not been happy with the idea tional Wildlife Refuge Coali- The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 2700 Sweetwater Country Club Drive, Apopka of airport expansion. A safe- tion, a multi-faceted organi- Guest speaker ty area of the airport’s runway zation of local environmental Joseph M. Robinson is in Lake County. As a result, groups, municipalities, coun- Guest speaker for this luncheon is Joseph M. Robinson. Joe currently they asked for a meeting with ties, businesses and individu- serves as Co-Director of Law Enforcement and Defense Services Orange County offi cials to dis- als, said he will present an ex- (LEADS) for Mutualink. RSVP by Monday, cuss the issue. The meeting to- tensive formal proposal to tran- day is the result. sition the North Shore Resto- Prior to entering the private sector, Robinson served for more Feb. 11th by calling “I have not been shy about ration Area of Lake Apopka than twenty-six years with the City of Orlando Police Department giving my opinion about the into the Lake Apopka National and rose to the civil service rank of Captain. Captain Robinson the Chamber at proposed airport,” Campione Wildlife Refuge to offi cials at was appointed to the executive staffs of two Mayors for the City 407-886-1441 said. “I don’t think it is a good the Summit. of Orlando. In these roles, Robinson served as an advisor and a location because I believe it is Also on the agenda is the member of the Mayor’s Cabinet, primarily focusing on public safety or click on incompatible with the ecotour- evolving 49-mile Apopka Loop and homeland security policy issues. He has a wealth of experience ism and other types of activities Trail and bird-watching activi- and knowledge about public governance and policy making. the QUICK that we want in the North Shore ties associated with the North RSVP button at Restoration Area. However, I Shore Restoration Area. In ad- Robinson, a notable public speaker, has lectured nationally and am not against them fi nding the dition, offi cials will present internationally on topics such as: democratic policing, personal ApopkaChamber.org right location.” information regarding a vari- security, leadership and political issues. Charles Lee of Florida ety of efforts and pilot projects Audubon and Dr. Jim Thomas, designed to improve access to Call Chamber at • $25 members president of the Friends of Lake the lake and promote fi sheries, 407-886-1441 or visit web site at Apopka, the St. Johns River thereby opening up new oppor- • $35 non-members Water Management District, www.ApopkaChamber.org to RSVP See LAKE Page 3A who are controlled by a public All About Apopka The Apopka Chief City of Apopka Orange County Other Area Telephone Numbers Telephone Numbers Numbers of Note PROOF APPROVAL Established 1923 City Hall ..................................407-703-1700 Animal Services ................407-254-9140 U.S. Senators Im(pUoSrPtaSn 5t4 t5o- 4C4h0)eck the Following Mayor’s Offi ce ........................407-703-1703 Auto/Boat Tags .................407-836-4145 Bill Nelson (Dem.) ..................407-872-7161 The Apopka Chief is published every Friday and Please SigCnit yB Celleorwk ................................407-703-1704 Building Dept. ...................407-836-5760 Marco Rubio (Rep.) .............1-202-224-3041 efi nctee,r eudn daesr Ptherei oAdcict aolsfN , Capoomnstgeargees sp oafid M ata rAchpC o3op,kp 1ay8 /P7Po9is.c t TtOuhfre-e /Logos Community Devel. ...............D...a4t0e7-703-1712 County Chairman ..............407-836-7370 UCo.Srr. iRnee pBrreoswennt (aDtiivset.s 3 ) ..........407-872-0656 Apopka Chief newspapAerd idsr peussblished by FEoxlipagirea Etinotner -Date Code Enforcement ..................407-703-1738 County Commission..........407-836-7350 Daniel Webster (Dist. 8) ..........407-654-5705 prises, Inc., every FrTidealeyp ahto 4n0e0 #North Park Avenue, Approval/FRienlaeanscee t oD Perpitn.t . .-. .S..u.b..j.e..c.t. .t.o.. .c.o..r..r.e.c4ti0o7n-s7 a0s3 n-o1t7e2d 5below.County Attorney ................407-836-7320 Sandy Adams (Dist. 24) .......1-386-756-9798 Apopka, Fla., 32712-3417. An annual subscription is MESSAGE TO ADVEFRirTe ICShEieRf: ................................407-703-1750 Clerk of the Court .............407-836-2065 State Representatives $18 in Orange County and $23 outside Orange County. Fire (non-emerg.) ....................407-703-1756 Elections Supervisor .........407-836-2070 Bryan Nelson (Dist. 38) ..........407-884-2023 This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. PT hhoe nAep o4p0k7Ta- hC8e8h A6ie-pf2,o p7Pk.7Oa7 .C. BPhiooexsf t im8s 8aa0s c,t eoArn:p sSoispetnkedan, t a Fadlwdar.a,er 3sdTs2-h w7ce0hi nA4anIn-pn0igosn8etpgr8suk 0ccta.too iCo mnhms iheuafnv •ei tb4ye0 ew7n-e f8eo8kll6olyw-2 ed7 7aPPPs7 aooc •rlllokii ccFsseeea la yxC(n n:a dhos4 i nRep0-fo7ee .s.c-ms.8..i .be8D.l.re9.ge...-p..4).t ..1... ...2......1....................................444000777---777000333---111777487191 GFHiaerraebl/tRahge Des cCeupoet l..l ..e....c..t....i..n....g.... .................................444000777---888333666---629661001110 SSActnaodtteyt PSGleaankrdaoitnno er(Drs (iDsti. s3t.7 9) .). ....................440077--246228--75582000 newspaper and a member of the Florida Press Association. The newspaper Gary Siplin (Dist. 19) ..............407-297-2071 Job Line ...................................407-703-1721 Hunting/Fishing Lic. .........407-836-4143 won the group’s award as its best newspaper in 1982, 1987, and 1988, the Orange County Public Schools only three-time winner. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must be signed Solid Waste Collect. ................407-703-1731 Parks and Rec. Dept. .........407-836-6280 Pupil assignment .....................407-317-3233 and include a daytime telephone number, address,, or email address for veri- Street Maintenance ..................407-703-1731 Property Appraiser ............407-836-5000 Bus routes................................407-317-3800 fi cation. Management reserves the right to edit letters. Utility Billing ..........................407-703-1727 Sheriff Administrative .......407-254-7000 Superintendent ........................407-317-3202 www.theapopkachief.com, [email protected] Medical, fi re emergency ...........................911 Non-Emerg. Complaint .....407-836-4357 School Board ...........................407-317-3236 The city of Apopka was chartered in 1882. It is Utilities ..............................407-836-5515 Miscellaneous located at 28’30 north latitude and is 150 feet All other departments ........407-836-3111 The Apopka Chief ....................407-886-2777 above sea level. Its population is nearly 40,000 Medical, fi re emergency ....................911 Museum and its total area is more than 30 sq. mi. Museum of Apopkans .............407-703-1707 www.apopka.net www.orangecountyfl .net The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 3A Lights: Cost of lights will be $41 per year TheApopkaChief.com Subscribe, Renew or Pay Online At FEB 4 - EMILIA BLACKBERG - 3 Col X 4 H - FLATTENED.ai 1 1/28/2013 6:21:24 PM Continued from page 1A ditional lights the amount will increase to $41 per year. that they can be in pursuit of someone and they “That is the amount proposed,” Grossaint said. just literally disappear into the darkness,” Williams “That is subject to change should fuel and energy said. “You can’t even track them. It also makes costs be increased by Progress Energy in the fu- it diffi cult for identifying someone, to be able to ture.” know that they were wearing a red shirt and a blue Williams said 1,383 ballots were mailed out jeans or yellow shirt. It makes it very hard when and 150 (50.2 percent of the returned ballots) were you are in pursuit of someone involved in criminal in favor of the lights and 149 (49.8 percent) were activity.” not in favor of the lights; 77 were returned as un- C In December 2010, based on conversations deliverable by the post offi ce; three were returned with the community, the Orange County Sheriff’s after the deadline; and 1,004 did not reply. TheM Offi ce and the NPRD conducted a survey to iden- MSBU process only counts the ballots that wereY tify the vulnerable areas due to darkness. Then, in returned. CM February 2011, NPRD met with the comptroller’s “This is below what the board uses right now, MY offi ce to determine if an existing Municipal Service which is 67 percent,” Williams said. “In the past, Benefi t Unit (MSBU) could be used. A lighting when there are issues of crime and safety, the boardCY study was conducted from September 2011-August has voted to allow a public hearing on street lightsCM. Y 2012 to identify the specifi c locations for the new The board did approve that for the Holden Heights K lights. area and did get a subsequent MSBU for street- In an effort to be sure South Apopka residents lights set up. So what Commissioner Brummer really understand what is happening, a public meet- is requesting today is board direction regarding ing was held last October at the John H. Bridges scheduling a public hearing on the South Apopka Community Center, where approximately 30 peo- street lighting MSBU.” ple, many of them community leaders and clergy, “Irrespective of the work of Cpt. Anderson in met with Jason Reynolds of the NPRD, Capt. Mi- the community – it is much safer than it was 10 chael Doby of the Orange County Sheriff’s Offi ce, years ago – but irrespective of that work, there is and Grossaint. An additional meeting was offered an additional concern and we never know if we are at the regular meeting of the South Apopka Minis- going to backslide,” Brummer said. “The reason terial Alliance on Saturday, October 27. that I’ve come to ask for a public hearing irrespec- Reynolds, facilitator of the event, worked to tive of the fact that we didn’t quite make the normal make sure any questions were answered. two-thirds is the fact that we have an infrastructure At the meeting, Doby stressed the impor- grant, and we are talking 10 bucks for the property tance of light as a deterrent to crime to the group owners. I apologize that I didn’t check to see if the and shared how lighting had successfully deterred fact that the issue was the renters in the area. I was w. crime in other areas of the county. Grossaint was absolutely dead shocked because at the meeting at Come enjoy an exciting experience by this Dove Award belo the principal speaker at the meeting. the community meeting it was 30-to-1 to favor.” and Grammy Nominated Artist oted C 8nltaa pt m tLnLihuolm2eeogoo aneuwr Jmhnotowa riru t t tyipuwsiO“TCwsioswice en nktMmCuihiui aristoluscdllae.lrr o ldoyee fre nea ebnoe dbf dpvsAngbeoninreetr eende : ifrtosne crlmr l p as ojoec yootCsei upEhct,panvstfmc orotorette mett eeaeeruhla rwe dcpnexcaepetTentsu ciotadnir ttsri.oleorgmryol otatleib e Tip e ign(fndspbylbCoJot hh ig2 e lAawesdresatoeo e t Ap epnGatem hodsiinLoet aneoiun E) tlmacsasar 1sne dPkhtvtkp s3t iawie prLhroep;s3glco rasl erfaaae Ao agiio y nanrk ott rnx dsphtitadeeanoo $io nowe t mmBe5n3mgahrd pr 1t nL0ey ea kh1og t.d rwtFaw8a hS0fren ks ar.8Nile 0ueo”etthyen r Whwhmudo M ot (Ae f$ lM rrfdmot 1Bteeohplsh rS5im bretii orgwrtee ,Beu .plte4hocca hmeeUo0ktrloodasstin0a-----)- tt; bMCarToCS a Jpi twe syea nufacschlw cc Ddubneu otCaotwhl nbjeodm;nbiaoTTM“Fe .i;cr.d”s c Iaom,mo oo G Clwa naicsrupteBpuyOha ncdeisirrimtntiooylic,di rrrdyln sihrLmoswc a Lot. mk h a ylnoTGorw“apla aeru egf etrIkymvttr h icitr.rezeW.ilee c’eeownle ,gsC s o s oaefC iCie iiamounntnsOrlscG iolordsnc Jtn. omofuuejauilneegfiunnuprenc nnia.s coapd f otGttsdtdefytmioye bh,obo e a :r siaEenrs itOr e acPu;te sd,c a m na rnraaeMoc4 dva ipirneaan0dtenektuyral;i7 ovsgl,s rbs r M-mept ehklta8osGilh oae co3i aCepSnwr cr u6prwht eu doug O-emDeeoba 5ueeianmrlvgsd6een Rira Hhecvn9imtinenMyn r e0togihcvg e ;nl ledmf reooi yto aaRee aio,pueCrvr nawrnSo rmneiodto,v ,nibcit rt ioueeaitghdit eshnoontrnni,iriina”es--rf-;ttt TLimocea:t i9o:n04:I0 m0N p&7TAoNeer-d alt18edmawprn08eehts: o 6Fst3oVno-T0 eCh3 r #iihsa 6spem.rcm1oikoofo 9 t.iCshE r nfDexooe• rppF yTaiiyNoorChntu/laPrleet oe fpii:Awooroc wIoptSnntiuorsenm tucpVrDmrtguekionc/aaintL tiamM.dsCo eoIntifhaEsg iPio itShoeyo uRmaSfsn,v An•eO ee FGnCb4t:Ose0E e ePy7nC oFibTl- uef 8tOAorAra 8.lpayl suP6coppAewrp-PDo oa2 reSvod7RCVraivm 7lgaaOEy/s7lRn, R c Veph• lTl1oBl eAeFsaIae0esaSLusleleyxE o, t :saoR wirs4 g2 P:pn0cro 07iansn-sht18id b-8 lf3Se9au.x-b 4bj1eacc2tk 1t too c 4o0rDr7e-ac8tt8ieo9n-4s 1aPROOF APPROVAL2s 1n.otede Following Please Sign Belowbelopy/Picture/LogosowDate.xpiration DateApproval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as n MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER:or your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121.Instructions have been followed as closely as possible.The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 Orange counties,” said Brummer. formation about the Lake Apopka Restoration Come prepared to laugh and cry as this group shares their talent, k th C E of is f HRAialvannesOr THtWhaaneyarzet lessepr;r ,eJ Maeimkxaee nrcWsau gtiwikevismeltlo e dimnnirtc, e lcFDutldoioserrt iroCdifcaa tt m,hD epse tiSpaotatn.er e Jt,mo Saheennnndst. Aftphoororremrtaist,a.y tTti hohaenne deea cvboteohnnueot t m ewtnhiicvle li brfiWo ennneimessfiht e tnOws tariotalhf n igeamce mo pAtauocinurtisprci osioprmtfa ,lA aiiinunr---- 3927 Nh. uHmwoyr. a4n41d, tPhleyimr olouvthe ,f ForL .t hOen L tohred c raimghptu sh oerf eI natte Nrneawtio Vnaisl iSoenminary. nt to Chec me ress phone # This pro a d e of Transportation; Robert Christiansen, SJW- put panel discussion. ort Na Ad Tel p m I customer Saturday, February 16th AppreciAtion DAy Thank you for voting us #1 in Apopka! Join us February 16th for a special customer appreciation day with games, prizes and food! Meet Castrol Pro Angler Mike Surman and see the Official Castrol Pro-Angler Championship Boat! And all car washes will receive FREE Rain-X treatment! 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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Simply The Best • Transmission Flush • Tire Rotation Get Your Card TODAY Try a Castrol Synthetic Edge Oil Change that will last 5,000 Saturday, February$20 16th OOPPEENN SSEEVVEENN DDAAYYSS AA WWEEEEKK miles for $35 after mail in rebate and Free Car Wash value! Event Hour$s20: 10AM to 2PM Road Greenacre Road RRAAIINN OORR SSHHIINNEE Regular Price: $69.99 a Mon. to Sat. Mon. to Sat. v -- $1105% C Oafsft Aropl pMreacili aInti oRne bDaatye Discount Satisf a c t i o n NN EE WW Express Oil Change Service featuGriinftg C ard Piedmont Weki G rEenetnraanccr4ee4’s1 Neil Road ( Da8y lAighMt S taovS in7ug n(sP .ATM il9ml Y eAe a)Mr R toou8 (n 5 dSAt a)PMnMd atord 6Ti mPeM ) - $10 Ultimate Express Wash Value Express & Full Service Car Washing • Full Exterior & Interior Detailing Available EEEEnnnnttttrrrraaaannnncccceeee 407.814.3456 Remember... - $3 Free Rain-X Treatment ee South Orange Blossom Trail 1609 South Orange Blossom Trail Tel: 407-814-3456 1609 SOouru Gthift COarrda ins gavea ilBablole sfosro amll Trail wassoad Apopka, Florida 32703 After Discounts: $35.00 www.sweetwatercw.com in Apsoerpvikceas i n( aBnyy tdheen oSmupinearti oWn aolfm art ) HiaR ( Enter from 441 Northbound or $20 or more. via Green Acres Road ) The Apopka Chief February 8, 2013, Page 4A Apopka Event of the Week Quotable An Apopka black history presentation will Opinion “The objective in life is not how long be given Friday, February 8, by Perrine Slim at you live, but how you live, the fullness the local AARP chapter meeting. Slim, histori- thereof and the companionships you de- cal columnist for The Apopka Chief, will speak velop. ” at the 10 a.m. meeting, which will be held at Richard Corbeil Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Ave., Apop- on President Obama and football ka. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Apopka Chief A weekly newspaper founded in 1923 Publisher Reporters Marketing Director John Ricketson Richard Corbeil Jackie Trefcer General Manager Sherry Brunson Neoma Knox Neal Fisher Advertising Editor Photographer Anita Walker John Peery Tammy Keaton Our position Festival promises to be bigger and better PPACA full of penalties, higher cost From the early-morning birding barbecue contest, which has attracted tours on the north shore of Lake Apop- many of the top names in barbecue. The The Patient Protection and than 9.5 percent of the house- ka to the hot country music well into the smells and tastes will, no doubt, be a Affordable Care Act (PPA- hold income. If a large em- evening, the second Old Florida Outdoor sensory overload for many people. And CA) was designed to expand ployer, one who has over 50 Festival has many things to offer most if chili is your favorite, there will be a healthcare to those who have full-time employees, does not everyone. chili cooking contest and tasting time on previously not been able to af- provide that required insur- ford it, a goal that we all share. ance, it will pay a penalty of After last year’s successful initial Sunday. With Florida now preparing to $2,000 per employee after the event, the 2013 festival promises to be There will also be Dock Dogs and implement the PPACA, we are first 30 employees. For the even bigger and better with more activi- duck calling events. Also, The Highway- getting more information about state of Florida, temporary em- ties, more displays, and more, well, ev- men will be there with original and new what the PPACA will cost the ployees, known as Other Per- erything. art for your viewing and buying plea- state. I am in the unique posi- able income or a set monetary sonnel Services (OPS) would And, like last year, the country mu- sure. tion of serving on the House fine whichever is greater. In be eligible under the PPACA sic concerts feature some of the top Even if you are just looking to Select Committee on the PPA- the first year, 2014, it will be and that could cost the state CA to study the law and its im- 1 percent of taxable income or upwards of $400 million a names in the industry with Lonestar browse some of the vendors, you’ll find plications for Florida. Already, $95. In 2015, it will be $325 or year. headlining the music today, Friday, Feb- everything from the latest in hunting, the Select Committee has held 2 percent, and by 2016, it will Perhaps the biggest poten- ruary 8, and Gary Allan the top name fishing, and other outdoor activities to a number of hearings designed be 2.5 percent or $695. The tial cost increase with regard to Saturday, February 9. fresh fruit and vegetables from the farm- to inform members of what fine will continue to increase the PPACA will be with Med- But, there is so much more to the er’s market area. this law will mean, not just for every year based on the rate of icaid. Under the PPACA, the health care in Florida, but also inflation. state of Florida has the option Old Florida Outdoor Festival than just While the event and its activities the fiscal health of our state. Under the PPACA, the to expand Medicaid coverage country music. A full story about the will make for a fun and enjoyable week- The first cost coming from state of Florida is considered to 138 percent of the poverty event begins on page 1A, but if you ever end for thousands of people from Apop- the PPACA will be to those a large employer and is com- level. In other words, a fam- go outdoors, there will be something for ka and all over Central Florida, the pro- who do not purchase health pelled to provide health-care to ily of four making less than you at the festival. ceeds from the festival will be poured insurance under the individu- all full-time employees. To be $31,000 would be eligible for The entire event will take place at back into the Apopka area through the al mandate. Those who do not affordable under the law, the Medicaid. Initially, the federal comply with this individual employer must cover 60 per- government would be the ones the Northwest Recreation Complex off Apopka Community Trust, a newly mandate will be charged ei- cent of the cost and the health Ponkan Road at 3710 Jason Dwelley formed group designed to help fund lo- See NELSON Page 7A ther a percentage of their tax- insurance must not cost more Parkway, but those going on the birding cal needs of non-profits and other com- tours of Lake Apopka’s North Shore will munity-wide organizations. spend most of their time looking at birds All in all, the second Old Florida Lincoln’s speech a lesson for Americans and other wildlife a few miles from the Outdoor Festival should be a great fami- site. The buses for the tours will leave ly outing. Take a few hours this weekend By L. John Van Til but I do expect it will cease to As for sovereignty, each Center for Vision & Values be divided. It will become all state had claimed it fully un- the Northwest Recreation Complex Sat- to enjoy the beautiful weather promised one thing or all of the other.” der the Articles of Confedera- urday, February 9, and Sunday, February at a great setting. Having just viewed Ste- At the time of the speech, tion. That document did not 10, at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. each day. Congratulations to the city of Apop- ven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” and Lincoln had already been in- work well, so a convention One additional feature to this year’s ka’s Ashley Greene and other organizers knowing that Lincoln’s birth- timately involved in national was called to create a whol- Old Florida Outdoor Festival will be the for putting on such a great event. day is approaching, it seemed debates about the nature of the ly new document – the feder- fitting to ponder one of Lin- Union for more than a decade. al Constitution of 1789. But, Send letters to the editor online at www.theapopkachief.com, coln’s most famous speeches, He was prescient about many the new Constitution did not and perhaps a lesson for Amer- things, including the coming deal directly with the ques- mail: The Apopka Chief, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, 32704 or icans today. of war. tions of slavery and sover- email: [email protected] On June 17, 1858, Lin- How did the Civil War eignty either. The Founders, Include your full name, address, and daytime telephone number coln gave his famous “House come about and how did Lin- and their successors for sev- so we can verify the letter and discuss any questions we have. Divided” address while being coln understand it? What was eral generations, were content Your address and phone number will not be printed. nominated to run for the U.S. the basis of this struggle that to deal with these issues by a Senate seat in Illinois. Lin- divided the nation? What series of compromises. As we coln told his friends, who ob- prompted Lincoln to speak of say today, they “kicked the This Week In God’s Word Mema Says jected to that phrase, that he a “house divided?” can down the road.” Typically, chose it because it was a bibli- The Founders had not these compromises were like “And I will set the Egyptians against If we don’t fight the war on our ene- cal idea familiar to the Amer- settled the questions of black “The Compromise of 1820,” the Egyptians: and they shall fight every my’s land it will be on our own soil. ican public. Lincoln quoted slavery and of sovereignty – whose principal feature was one against his brother, and every one Jesus Christ: “A house divid- both at the state and national to admit two new states at the against his neighbour; city against city, ed against itself cannot stand” levels. They did not because same time – one with and one and kingdom against kingdom.” Isaiah (Mark 3:25). Lincoln went on these issues were intimately without slavery. Many, like 19:2. to say, “I do not expect the tied together and at the heart Lincoln, had no difficulty with Union to be dissolved – I do of how the nation defined it- not expect the house to fall – self. See VAN TIL Page 7A What’s football got to do with U.S.A.’s world standing? - everything FEBRUARY 8 – I recent- of plastic, the next step up from freshman football teams, but the Patriots) used the school for commodated itself to similar ly read a statement by President the Red Grange leather flapper the few civilian teachers at the its pre-season training camp players, and I played two years Obama, credited to the leftist that was hardly the equivalent time were outstanding varsity (those were the small dollar of tackle football (I graduated New Republic, which, if adopt- of today’s spacewalker deriva- coaches. days), with a final celebratory in three years) with many pre- ed by a majority of parents, will tives. For three years, I played game between their first and vious state all-star high school turn our nation into the world’s SJP, which had been a real running back and linebacker second teams. None of them players on a less strenuous biggest wimp swamp imagin- preparatory school for post- for the non-varsity teams, then wore facemasks. schedule. Our coaches were able. graduate seniors who wanted to three years in varsity at deep In the six years of football all previous college stars earn- Obama stated, “I’m a big pass a really tough college en- safety and left-half-back of the at SJP, I broke my nose once ing tuitions through Harvard’s football fan, but I have to tell trance exam, was forced by the then brand new T-formation and sprained an ankle once. I many graduate programs. you, if I had a son, I’d have to helmet designer went on and on draft of WWII to convert to a and free substitution rules. broke that same ankle “skiing” That’s eight-and-a-half think long and hard before I let about his design, guaranteed to middle school, junior high and Nobody there or in the na- in my senior year. years of all-out, highly phys- him play football.” reduce concussions and all the high school to get the income tion at any level, wore a face- On to Harvard, where the ical, tackle football without This nonsense is raining above “brainimosities.” required to stay open. mask. SJP was divided be- demands of a major in English facemasks, and I never had down from the professional Follow me a while here It was operated by the tween boarding students na- Literature and Creative writing or witnessed a serious injury. and college leagues circus this as I trace my own football ca- Brothers of St. Francis Xavi- tional and worldwide, and local ended my freshman football And, I can add years of pick- year regarding the concussions, reer begun in 1945 at St. John’s er, who were one tough bunch day-students, which I was. We activities halfway through the up ice hockey on frozen ponds, suicides, imagined lovers, mur- Prep. (SJP) in Danvers, Mass. of guys, but also very intellec- had several football fields and a first season, with no injuries. with only shin guards – no hel- ders and other media-promoted Needless to say, the helmets in tual. The brothers also coached stadium, and with the living fa- Not to worry. Harvard’s House nightmares. On Sunday, some that era were a primitive form the middle, junior high and cilities, the Boston Yanks (now system for upperclassmen ac- See CORBEIL Page 7A The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 5A Readers encouraged to attend charter meetings Everybody has an opinion. Editor: ing requirements, planning, countability: * No formal government ed- Why not share yours! staffi ng, budgeting, police and * City managers have formal ucation/experience require- Soon, we, the citizens of fi re services, water and sewer education/degrees; generally ments. Send a letter to the Editor online Apopka, may have the oppor- services, garbage services and with other city experience. * A mayor is elected; the may- www.theapopkachief.com tunity to decide the future di- on and on. All of which impact * Politically neutral; the city oral post in a Strong-Mayor rection of our city government. each and every one of us. manager is not elected. city is a very desirable job for Other than some mi- These complex manage- * Answers to the City Coun- political players. nor updates, the Apopka City ment issues are one of the rea- cil who hires the city manager; * A mayor hires and supervises TToommmmyy NNaaiillss Charter has not changed since sons the City Manager-City and the citizens elect the City all city employees, including 1993 (http://bit.ly/11QW0jr). Council/Mayor form of gov- Council. department heads who serve at SPECIAL OFFERS Our system of govern- ernment has come to dominate * A city manager has formal the pleasure of the mayor. ment, Strong Mayor-City not just U.S. cities, but cit- goals and objectives and can * A mayor chairs the City Ped & Manicure Pedicure Regular Full Set Council, has been the same for ies throughout the world. City receive compensation based Council, votes as a City Coun- $26.00 $18.00 $15.00 more than 60 years. Manager-City Council/Mayor upon meeting city require- cil member, as well as prepares Currently, several issues government was historically a ments. the city budget, capital pro- White tip set Pink & White Fill Pink & White Set $20.00 Free gel coat $22.00 Free gel coat $27.00 Free gel coat are under discussion, includ- response to the one-party polit- * A city manager can be fi red. grams and is the city’s admin- ing: ical corruption and ineffi cien- A City Manager-City istrative head. Checks and bal- Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 2/8/13 Victoria Plaza • 407-884-5233 Mon-Sat: 9:30-7:00 * Form of government: May- cies that had dominated many Council/Mayor form of gov- ances not clearly delineated. 1091 W. O.B.T., Apopka, FL 32712 Sun: Closed or-City Council, or City Man- city governments in the begin- ernment removes the econom- * A mayor can hire a city ad- ager-City Council/Mayor ning of the 20th century. ic power from elected offi - ministrator, however, the ad- * Term limits for mayor and Currently in the Unit- cials. The elected offi cials are ministrator answers only to the AC HEAT PUMP SALE City Council ed States, 63 percent of cit- responsible for setting policy, mayor and is not required to *im ldna atCceyirmo,ie tnIoyabn us ew Cir1rn as9opg.s5uo 2n0np,u,cu2 Aiml5la p6bdtio eiorsprent krso iiiafcsd’ t cseai onnppugtposn r.pa ocTnuixd-oli -- iMfi3uedo5tsaiar,l m,0nih zc0aa eio0vgt fi teeeo h rgsire-mo CwmCvpieioitlttyrehryn em Cmp,M eoo8eanup8nntnu tepa.cld eagiI lrtnte/ichM oreFe-nnCa lsCoty i rotio-ytfry astfi Ch innboedalu ecnntT ihcfcthieoyiale r cl/t sMotCih.t yiiaent yymaco dlMarum ndasaitennrg ausiestgcratt erfuirasfir -t enCrioe gpisn trpay oon o-fdn - hc bmyoaeoevm uheertepS iCgaenorongi,dt assAy!al, s AtpCw/ioootortpbnieutkj neneiasd ccl, ite ttlliith evetateeden rsy.cds oht, o muac rrawa tlveylho roi icrc.h e S T D OO N OA’PTUI R BG !UCEOYT NAA D FNRI TEEIEBWO eEsN St TEPIRrMicAesT Eo fFROM US! mately 42,000 residents, and Council/Mayor form of gov- vides for clear political and ad- It is your city and you have a NTIL Y the Year! U projected to be 84,000 resi- ernment. ministrative division. once-in-a-lifetime opportunity dents by 2020 (seven years). Though there are many Apopka currently utilizes to determine its future! SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER INCLUDES:* As populations increase, reasons to favor a City Manag- a Strong Mayor-City Council so do the complexities in- er-City Council/Mayor form of form of government. Pam Toler • FREE Germicidal UV light kit, kills germs, mold & allergens AC/HEAT • FREE Honeywell Digital Thermostat volved in managing the city. government, the most compel- Characteristics of a Strong Apopka $1995 • FREE 6 Months Same as Cash Financing W.A.C. From federal and state report- ling are transparency and ac- Mayor government include: • FREE AC Surge Protector *with complete system purchase Rally will be held to raise awareness about Wekiva River CHECK-UP INCLUDES CHECK-UP • Blower Motor Check • Thermostat Check Retired U.S. Sen. Bob 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Wekiwa missioner Lee Constantine and tem includes the Wekiva, Rock • Oil Motors where applicable • Electrical AMP check Graham and Seminole Coun- Springs State Park, 1800 Weki- other notable speakers, along Springs Run, the Blackwater • Check all Relays & Fan limits • Compressor check ty Commissioner Lee Con- wa Circle, Apopka. with informative programs, Creek, and the Little Wekiva • Freon Level & Visual Leak check • Evaporator check stantine, along with the Flor- “Through the event – outdoor activities, live music, River.” • Chemically Clean your washable fi lter • Condenser Coil check ida Conservation Coalition, Speak Up Wekiva – the coali- artists, guided hikes, and tram For more information ALSO AVAILABLE• Ductwork Repairs/Replacement Friends of the Wekiva River, tion aims to educate the public rides.” about the event, call Ryan • Air Purifi cation • Service Agreements League of Women Voters of and galvanize support for pro- “The Wekiva ecosystem Smart at 561-358-7191, email • Full Preventative Maintenance Service Florida, and St. Johns River- tecting and restoring Florida’s is one of Florida’s most en- rsmart@FloridaConservation- keeper will hold a rally to raise imperiled aquatic resources,” vironmentally and economi- Coalition.org or visit www. awareness about the Wekiva said Ryan Smart, spokesman. cally valuable natural areas,” FloridaConservationCoalition. FREE Second State Certifi ed #CAC036801 River, the springs that feed it, “Speak Up Wekiva will feature Smart said. “Formed by more org, www.stjohnsriverkeeper. A+ RATING Opinions! 37 Years Experience and all of Florida’s waterways remarks by Senator Bob Gra- than 36 known springs, the 42- org, www.friendsofwekiva.org Saturday, February 16, from ham, Seminole County Com- mile long Wekiva River sys- or http://thefl oridavoter.org. CERTIFIED AIR SYSTEMS, INC. ow. el b or claims of God, long, long, they “cling to guns and reli- FREE Orange 407-296-0038 oted HwiattwothwnmcatsohhoolnuaaOotiheio aeluzsstdrwlalerw ni el, n no-secn pt Wtrocenkor th mrdoeehehrtt,u ytehivss h sahed ,oun “apehe uaNn eH rdnthlnderinlt,rg pwtrdtou ace ya cyeoa,tewtmleia …uh dwtleitro lnsia mri ade inndfi grorwso ncG sAeekiieet ndoS hisnmhon ntstt gmTwauehh tedn tte s inphIaaher,hoidpBUrehn, entiyete i lsitv S cetahart’drnhca nvoePo’ aetnihs oen ninee Pl e?rdw atdaurv d …gtdonkh”fr cpWoottord e -weouesi htpoolowmwaoWmtupyioeorme hn tnott lhareshIn…ohnaii i,rer nooeent eer?atol…ynnnngdaaee?”--tf litcitamiUhndlbasbiiadttlonssizneehihoefrbnoeieooonen angegcereeenmlcoedw nuf.d’lri,gg n itoid evs nspbndanefi eStr“nOv neua gat ouaeyevsortgteoi’ gtcnug.bun loldnhdetwthoel dtp. ihoi-vn a r ga nd d,a,Iafirt u.omijt ra nt iatvoaoo”tBuyhnne ssd’t y- iis nbu…uisulea , otetilnBou fedlcotshctltt tervpu fwyrabel, d honheooyme ,liowr rab e.kiti ’e -,mlea ftt wnek nfaect es (eh tcrwSohf,lstho rndeh ts oyl o khg faiyeahrie twaetn m r nla aes hreaa a ncOgahtnetflpr esrvtu eiho it oo fem’bostiyGes nleritwnti)vmso osait’h tnjwt on letvte hu uhnnihhmlhegok dteneoroGssnagsee,yeem en,s tat tt p,par o iayhg lsa mo aoeey.rontptdtyo neor nwees anilh nuoeet emenyctweH alneeeanunn yntsce’sii’lddddoaeeeyssss---;----t,. wewsvmshbvfovagp(Op2peianoHpueeavrcglieelre0bohdoa uosoteserrtoloa 0arainneu nensstm’maerwipd9 metnsii ”a wodk●●vtth lsr, t yaceesnlhyygea eie aa, lhetnodt,dy a erdnJs in o uiogae twiyema e ndttctd toAInm iofhshniaeah nnipuwh reOhp uudaetenrlleo ali l hacrait bi l 1ssorf trytii fhevun eb c ltaau7u hoa ,ys? eGsaaFvstbemc n8nureroUp)…y eennot eeieia9ctnumieavmnb d ki vlnoen,cic2i,ee a ihvrebt ei’rdp omtab t0tucorysC“ege eefi l vloshsa 0e aeoi raaeodalneliolli.s.ncsrmi9tupoikeltrt k r ztyfyio ohtdS:F an(tiv(e hei…iben ny hwInCeeopretgtd nneg thsa ibrglaa i n mtiinlt ec taaccar h2itnwWw ei eoeiwduh iDtt s!ee0 pdUsht vou) ay hyphn.mh1ta JeiarCnnr ohgetric.eet1ktly!t’iii...nuooaaeeees”--)----r,,,. wwwQQwOAwwpowwwpuk.a..n Br4uuNttae hh1t0AriRv0lypeees7 •Noaaa oaao'-7p.n6 npp8 okPA sapooa8Ftoll,irp .sppnkF6k a Ni Liskk A-HG iu3vgeaa7tth2er occl5S7naschh0u hy5nyooD3eiioc3eenl Geeffr a ...edcccuoopaEEotemmmyy♦♦♦♦♦♦ HAHLCCiuoroefeoeetmmaoplmet hew ErcSCirIaemlTpleoaIHnc*pMAae TlnmAloNYo erHaeeaIwrntdAneeamcl tosrtloeud m a21111aamrudTrp eenrnrres09999 eeiaeEe ht 3ptos0 psB09888 0SowrIs,to0nx999510onnui0m Te lesaiiarCtheb ls ui#Sailtihsn*tyd Sr,ep eeb5ea0arc %somyek onodcRuo fo rn ne cittdi eC3sheEsnn2 eat7fisle1xooed,o ff2bbb$r r /p1ezprrRF 0iCpTyllllT0naaei yo0ocoooeryr toatrhmmu/iepdlafiicccg ePr leaeteu.t o d l$kkk4pleaiiee A2 Arwor0c HdiI0osrpe0t,n n0Sdtieuo0yuse n0 cstac pS7trDvtrietgabtuekmilluoe kc/-ase a&an,t,L n ticI7yM.dnCou A e croI2Anr.r%pfe h8Efsg n oioPiph tir$$$$r tShuoie nr dr6Rcm$arsSfoEe1111isucv txrAaax•eOkae6n-i,,,,.nel eG spc1446b4 t.P5e0de OsEeee 0Ear x5050dePynt0erpu72dn oFcm.it T0000 lnt- 2uniseobf 8/iOA0o lrAceu2a 8gl.lp3aalm siP/6ompp0Ae1?swrp-3P.D o 2reSvod7RVaiv 7lgaaOE/s7lRn, R c Vep• lTloBl eAeFsaIaeesaSLsleleyxE o t :saoR wis4 g P:pn0ro 7iansn-st8id b-8 lfSe9au.x-b 4bj1eacc2tk 1t too c 4o0rDr7e-ac8tt8ieo9n-4s 1a2s 1n.oted below. PROOF APPROVAL e FollowingPlease Sign Belowopy/Picture/LogosDatexpiration DateApproval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as n MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER:or your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121.Instructions have been followed as closely as possible.The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 Wthheay t diwscilol vethr etyh att,h inthke irw hdeen- fgruoimda nwche.o mL otohkeiyn gw oouvledr seoeukr incideTnhcineks ? tHhuehse u ha!r eN oi,s Noloa!t eInd EYE EXAMS • CONTACTS • FRAMES • LENSES eck th C E proof is f ictayk oef, dtehiet iems,a nth eth ieciyn’vge o np lathceeidr csuayrr…e n“tR optosl iati craulc kla!”ndscape, I’d fpurtouorfe t haartt iOclbeas,m Ia’l,l wbhroin,g a mmoonrge Sseerev iucse tso adnady efyoer wa efaurl.l Wraen goeff eorf pqruoafleitsys ieoynea lc eayree o Ch ne # This ofrno mth ed aWy-Ho n“eth, rjounset ”s mhaosk eb eaennd, erencLeest fmroem s hWaarellb wuiitldhe yros.uc oremf-, oCthhreisrt iathni,n giss ,n octla iwmhso thoe bsea yas care for the entire family, plus a huge selection nt t me ress pho of great frame style and quality lenses. a d e mirrors. The bigger question which they called his acts of he is. Not even close. ort Na Ad Tel than “What will they think” is, hostility toward people of Bibli- p to whom will they turn? Not cal faith… just one of the areas Comments Welcome FREE EYE EXAM m I themselves, of course, because in which he blatantly says he [email protected] they gave up their freedom and believes one thing, but proves ©2013 Patti Bankson *Reimbursement of your eye exam up to $59.00 Value. independence long ago. And, otherwise by his actions. Sponsored by *With the purchase of frame and lenses. Can not be combined with insurance or other discounts. Discount may only be applied at time of purchase. Exp. 2/28/13 probably not GOD, because In April, 2008, Obama Apopka Offi ce Supply they quit acknowledging Him, spoke disrespectfully, and dis- 400 N. Park Ave., Apopka quit recognizing the authority dainfully, of Christians, saying 407-889-4455 • Fax: 407-889-4121 730 S. O.B.T. Apopka • 407-880-0335 • Se Habla Español Would You Like Extra Copies?  The Apopka Chief You may purchase   at the following locations in and around Apopka • 7-11, Highway 436 & Thompson Rd. • CVS #3225, corner SR 436 & (downtown) • Sunrise Market, Hwy 441 & • 7-11, Highway 441 & Wekiva Springs Rd. • Mystik Store, Highway 441 Roger Williams Piedmont-Wekiva Rd. • Diamond Gas – Hwy 441 & • Orange County Service Center, • Super Buffet, Hwy 441 (downtown) • 7-11, Highway 441 (Errol Pkwy Plymouth-Sorrento Rds N. Park Ave. • Tangerine Post Offi ce Errol Estate entrance) • Discount Beverage & Smoke • Parten’s Convenience Store, S. Central • UPS Store (The), Rock Springs • AM-PM (BP) Highway 441, Downtown (Across from Checkers, Highway 441 • Perkins Restaurant & Welch Rd. (Publix shopping center) • Apopka Chief rack, • J&M Grocery, Highway 441 & Hwy 441, in Victoria Plaza • Walgreens, corner of Park Ave 400 N. Park Ave. Orange St. in Plymouth Parking Lot) and Hwy 441 • Apopka Food Mart, 347 N. Thompson • Jamaican Restaurant, Hwy 441 • Plymouth Post Offi ce, • Walgreens, N. Park Ave/Welch Rd. • Apopka High School (near 429) Plymouth/Sorrento Rd • Walgreens, Hwy 441 & Piedmont/ • Beekays, N. Park Ave. • Kangaroo #2404, Sheeler Rd at corner of • Plymouth Woodshed Restaurant Wekiva Rd. (across from Fla. Hosp.) Apopka Blvd. (Highway 441 & Boy Scout Rd) • Walmart, Hwy 441 • Century Link headquarters, SR 436 • Kangaroo #6157, S. Park Avenue • Porkies BBQ, Highway 441 • Wawa Store #5112 (Across from Walmart) • Chuck’s Wagon, Main St., (Hwy 441) • Kangaroo #2334, Rock Springs Rd & • Post Offi ce, N. Park Ave. (Martin St) 1615 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Circle K, Ocoee-Apopka Blvd. Kelly Park Rd • Publix, Park Ave/Rock Springs Rd. & • Wekiva High School, Hiawassee Rd. • Circle K, N. Park Ave. • Kangaroo #1288, Welch Rd & Welch Rd. • Winn Dixie #2246 – Hwy 441 • Citgo, 441 & Boy Scout Rd Wekiva Springs Rd. • Robinson’s Restaurant, Highway (beside Lowe’s) (Plymouth) • Kangaroo #1063, Zellwood, 441 & Hawthorne • Zellwood Station (inside MHP) • Citgo, Rock Springs Rd. (behind 2691 Highway 441 • Sam’s Discount, Overland & • Zellwood Truck Stop Diner, Hwy 441 store by mail) • Marathon, Highway 436 Apopka Blvd. 02/08/13 • Citgo, Hwy 441 (next to Burger K) • Marathon, (was Kangaroo) • Save-A-Lot, SR 436 at Sheeler • Citgo, Highway 441 & Bradshaw Rd. Votaw & Thompson Rds. • Starbucks, Hwy 441/Wal-Mart If you boPugRhOt aO paFp AerP ePveRryO wVeeAkL, you would (across from The Apopka Chief) • McDonald’s, N. Park Ave. & • Sun Resort, 3000 Clarcona Rd. pay $26 annually, BUT you may subscribe for • CVS #3748 - corner of Park Av Welch Rd. (Publix center) • Sunoco Happy FImoopdos,r Htawnyt t4o4 1C &h eck the Followionngly $18 per yeaPr liena Oser aSniggen C Bouenlotyw - and it & Hwy 441 • McDonald’s, Highway 441 Plymouth-Sorrento RNd.ame Copy/Picture/Lwoigll obse delivered with your mail! Date Address Expiration Date New Location: 400 N. Park Avenue, Apopka Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # www.theapopkachief.com • Ph: 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 • email: [email protected]  •  aMdEsS@SAGthE eTOa pAoDpVEkRaTcIShEiRe:f.com This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 The Apopka Chief February 8, 2013, Page 6A Kitchen Kapers Section A Bake your sweetheart a Lifestyle Church news................10A delightful Valentine’s Day Obituaries ....................10A treat this week. See page 6B. Wrong plane – right woman, Doggett shares love story Although many people be- held up my boarding pass and “By the way, my family Boat Key and really enjoyed lieve in Divine providence, he said, ‘Go down three airlines has an annual Morgan bonfire – each other’s company. Dwight Doggett of Apopka has and they might put you on.’ So, how would you like to come up “From then on it was calls an interesting story to tell of there I was on the wrong plane, for that?” Wendy said. every night until phone calls how he actually experienced but at least headed in the right “I did,” Doggett said. weren’t enough,” Doggett said. God working in an amazing direction.” “And, guess who was there – The couple was married on way. When Doggett found a her grandmother Mabel!” April 23, 2008 and will cele- “In 2006, it was in the mid- seat, it was near a “good-look- The two seniors hit it off. brate their fifth anniversary this dle of the year and I was plan- ing” young lady. They started a “So, we were invited to year. ning a trip to visit relatives in conversation and hit it off. the Poconos for Christmas and “So, here we are happi- Ohio,” Doggett said. “I made “My name is Wendy – just later to Washington, D.C. and ly married. Mystery, coinci- a flight plan to fly to Colum- like in Peter Pan,” she said. Arlington Cemetery,” Doggett dence or Divine intervention? bus through Washington, D.C. “We had a nice flight and said. “Mabel said she was com- We like to think there is a Power I went to the Orlando Airport had the same lay-over, had ing to Florida in February and out there that put a lonely Flor- Dwight and Mabel Doggett met through highly unusual cir- only to have the man at the gate lunch and Thai tea and agreed she did.” ida boy and a girl from Penn- cumstances. Dwight heads up the Zellwood Veterans Day tell me, ‘This plane doesn’t go to get together later,” Doggett The couple enjoyed roman- sylvania together. What do you service each year and Mabel is a gold star mother. through Washington, D.C.’ I said. tic walks on the beach at Long think?” Black History Month exhibit of photos is by renowned Apopka photographer The Apopka Historical So- of Central Florida; Fine Arts ciety is celebrating Black His- Gallery at Seminole State Col- tory Month with a special dis- lege; twice at the Orlando City play of South Apopka photos Hall; the Wooten Gallery at Va- from member Bob Michaels, at lencia Community College; 122 E. Fifth St., Apopka. Tongue and Groove Gallery in “Religion plays a strong Deland; the Orlando Museum element in the South Apopka of Art, and others. culture – it is the moral and so- “Come see this collection cial glue that bonds the society of photographs and other arti- together,” said Larry Leuden- facts from the museum’s col- burg, spokesman. “The photos lection of South Apopka and were taken by Michaels in 2011 books about black inventors, and 2012 when he was wel- scientists and educators,” said comed into every South Apop- A special Black History Month exhibit will be shown at the Apopka Historical Society member Bob Michaels displays a Leudenburg. ka church he attended. There Museum of the Apopkans throughout February. Admission special exhibit of photos taken in South Apopka for Black The museum is open Tues- are more than 30 churches in to the museum is free. History Month. day through Friday from noon that area that are used for social to 5 p.m. Admission is free. and community functions as its is currently at the Gammill the University of Mississippi. tilla in Havana, Cuba; Wilson lon Island in Orlando; Sho- For more information, call well as for spiritual ministries.” Gallery at the Center for the His work has also been Center for the Arts at Florida walter-Hughes Gallery at Cre- 407-703-1707 or visit apopka- One of Michaels’ exhib- Study of Southern Culture at shown at Galeria Carmen Mon- State College; Gallery at Ava- alde School of Art; University museum.org. Valentine event will feature DJ, five-course meal McGuffin celebrates 90th birthday Ulyses Perez, a local disc an Apopka Memorial Middle jockey, will provide the enter- School Seahawk and was pas- tainment for the Adam Stratton sionate about his role as a Blue Memorial Scholarship Founda- Darter. tion Heart and Soul Valentine He died May 20, 2005 in Benefit on Friday, February a one-car accident traveling 15, from 7-11 p.m. at Highland home to Apopka from Florida Manor, 604 E. Main Street, State University in Tallahassee. Apopka. His friends and family cre- “The event will include ated the Adam Stratton Foun- a five course sit down dinner dation to honor his passion for catered by Dubsdread,” said education to create scholar- Maureen Gismondi, spokes- Ulyses Perez ships for local students. woman. “There will also be For more information, call Disc jockey at the fundraiser music, dancing and a silent 407-230-5849, write to: P.O. auction. Tickets for the event on March 6, 1986, and lived Box 4098, Apopka, FL 32704- Four generations of the family of W. R. ‘Mac’ McGuffin gathered together to cel- are $40 and are tax deductible.” in Apopka his whole life. He 4213 or visit www.adamstrat- ebrate his 90th birthday on Saturday, February 2, at the First United Methodist Adam Stratton was born was a Dream Lake Dragon, ton.com. Church of Apopka. Foliage Garden Club to hold fundraiser Feb. 23 Public welcome at Arts and Jazz Festival The Foliage Garden Club of Apopka will present its an- There will be a lot of new and Waste Management, schools dents are beginning to shine – nual fundraiser card party, faces at the third annual Apopka will keep proceeds from their they are placing first in state mu- luncheon and fashion show Arts and Jazz Festival Saturday, ticket sales for their music and sic competitions.” Saturday, February 23, from March 2, from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 art supply funds.” Student groups will be able 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at First Bap- p.m. at the Northwest Recreation Schools that will participate to sell food and drink as fundrais- tist Church of Apopka, 441 S. Complex Amphitheater, 3710 Ja- for the first time include: Citrus ers for their individual schools, Highland Avenue, Apopka. son Dwelley Parkway, Apopka. Elementary, Bridgewater Mid- which Moore said would also “Enjoy a breakfast buffet The number of Orange dle, Ocoee High, Dillard Street keep the prices down for con- followed by a card party,” said County public schools participat- Elementary, Lakeview Middle, sumers. Jeanne Haley, spokeswoman. ing has grown to 31. West Orange High, Ocoee Mid- Orange TV is scheduled to “Anyone wishing to play cards the Foliage Garden Club Fashion Show Committee chairs (l-r) are, “The event showcases the dle, Maxey Elementary, Ocoee televise the event from 9 a.m.-1 can make their own group or Nancy McClure, Kay Huth, Barbara Goggin, Shirley Risser, Sandy music, art, and drama talents of Elementary, SunRidge Middle, p.m. ask to join others. This should Bove’, eileen langley, Carole Johns and Joyce Hayward. Orange County students,” said SunRidge Elementary, and Til- Agriscience students from be done when making reserva- Orange County School Board denville Elementary. Wekiva High School will also be tions.” sale, a silent auction, a drawing only available in advance (not member Christine Moore, found- “The event will include mu- on site for the event. er of the event, who is also vice sical performances by middle “Randy Ius and some of Lunch will be catered by and door prizes. sold at the door), are available chair of the board. “The festi- and high school jazz bands, el- his students will bring some an- Chef Michelle and fashions Proceeds benefit Wekiva from any club member or Kay val also raises funds for arts pro- ementary school choruses, and imals and plants for the event will be from Bijou’s Boutique Youth Camp scholarships, the Huth. RSVP by Wednesday, grams that have been cut in past chamber music groups,” Moore – our goal is to have more ‘ag’ of College Park. Suggested ar- SEEK Program, school gar- February 20. budget-trimming efforts. Thanks said. “There will also be drama groups at the event in the future,” rival time for those not partici- dens and the Beautification For more information to generous community support presentations. Student and teach- pating in the card party is 10:30 Program. about the event or to RSVP, from sponsors like CenturyLink er art will be on display. Our stu- See FeStiVAl Page 11A a.m. There will also be a plant Tickets, which are $20 and call 407-889-2872. Perrine Slim to speak, community potluck, AHS Library Day are this month An Apopka black histo- nizer of the event. “There will fish close to the shore and instal- 24, at the North Orange Branch as homework help information ry presentation will be given also be a belly buster hot dog, lation of these attractors. The at- Library, 1211 E. Semoran Blvd., and free library card registra- Friday, February 8, by Perrine drink and chips on sale for $5.” tractors will be tree branches Apopka. The event will take tion. Slim at the local AARP chap- ... that provide shelter and breed- place from 2-4 p.m. ... ter meeting. The Florida Fish and Wild- ing places for fish and will work There will be appearanc- There will be a month- life Conservation Eustis office well. es from the school’s mascots, ly Zellwood potluck dinner on Slim, historical colum- staff is asking for a few volun- “The FWC wants us to get Dewey and Daisy Darter, along Tuesday, February 12, at 6:30 nist for The Apopka Chief, teers to help establish fish at- involved with the project and I with the AHS drum line, AHS p.m. at the Zellwood Communi- will speak at the 10 a.m. meet- tractors in Lake Apopka Fri- hope we can,” said Jim Thomas, cheerleaders, and the AHS brass ty Center, 3160 Union St., Zell- ing, which will be held at Fran day, February 15, at 8 a.m. at the president of the Friends of Lake choir. wood. Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Winter Garden boat ramp, 31 W. Apopka. “Please let me know if In addition, there will be a Participants are invited to Ave., Apopka. nual “Trash and Treasure Sale” Garden Ave., Winter Garden. you are willing to help.” book signing and talk by Paul bring a dish of any kind to share Everyone is welcome to Saturday, February 16, from 9 This is a part of a large fish- For more information or to Peters, a published author who with others. attend. a.m.-1 p.m. at the Depot in Zell- ery restoration project, which RSVP, call 407-656-8277. is also a teacher at Apopka High. The event is held every ... wood Station, . will eventually include dredging ... Library staff will give in- month on the second Tuesday. The Zellwood Veterans “There will be all kinds of the boat ramps, dredging larger Apopka High School Day struction on downloadable e- For more information, call Club will sponsor the sixth an- goodies for sale,” said an orga- fishing holes where people can will be held Sunday, February books and e-magazines, as well 407-625-1503. The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 7A Van Til: Preservation of Union primary issue Nelson: Biggest cost increase in Medicaid Continued from page 4A During the war, and after, ropean-style socialist states. Continued from page 4A percent of the Medicaid fund- I will be looking at the most congressional statutes, con- But, there is one huge differ- ing that Florida receives. Med- cost-effective ways to comply this practice because they be- stitutional amendments, and a ence: The American system who would pay for the ex- icaid now costs the state more with the PPACA. If you would lieved that slavery as an eco- reconstruction program abol- grants considerable power to panded cost of Medicaid, but than $17 billion a year, or 24 like more information on what nomic system was failing and ished slavery and defi ned na- the president – which Obama’s gradually, Florida would have percent of the total budget, and the Select Committee on the would die out in the face of the tional sovereignty, all through followers seem eager to use, or to pick up the tab for 10 per- the expansion is expected to PPACA is doing, please visit growing industrial revolution. the exercise of unprecedented threaten to use. cent of the expansion, without cost an extra $1 billion a year. www.myfl oridahouse.gov and By 1850, the compromise federal power. This is a very Perceptive observers see any additional means from the As we continue to ex- look under the committees tab system was breaking down as important point. Reconstruc- that the Founders’ view con- federal government to pay for plore the implementation of for the Select Committee. many Southern leaders began tion ended in 1877, and nation- fl icts with Obama’s. Recent it. However, the state of Flori- the PPACA, the Legislature is I also encourage you to to vigorously advance the doc- al leaders turned their attention political gridlock in Con- da could also decide to not ex- learning more about the vari- contact me with any questions trine of the supremacy of state to the settlement of the West gress and in the states is evi- pand Medicaid funding, but el- ous aspects of this law and its or comments at 407-884-2023 sovereignty. Moreover, the dif- and a rapidly expanding indus- dence of this fundamental divi- igibility would have to stay at impact on Florida, both fi nan- or by email at bryan.nelson@ ference between an emerging trialism. It took a long time – sion. This division has not yet the current level. Federal fund- cially and otherwise. In the myfl oridahouse.gov. industrial North and a con- decades – but that expansive reached crisis proportions, but ing accounts for more than 50 upcoming Legislative Session, tinuing cotton-based, agrarian federal power used to end the it may not be far away. There South revealed that the North Civil War continued to grow are murmurings in some states and the South had different vi- and eventually became an im- to secede in the face of mas- sions of what the nation ought portant political issue, even a sive and growing federal pow- Rolling Hills Community Church, RCA to be. Lincoln understood this defi ning one. er. Moreover, it is possible that and spoke about it often. Historians routinely point the federal government may Part of the Zellwood community for over 30 years, we offer a traditional The election of 1860 was out that the two World Wars, spend itself into oblivion. Reformed service in a warm and reverent environment. All are welcome. crucial in deciding whether the the New Deal, Square Deal, If Lincoln were with us house divided would stand or Fair Deal, and Great Society today, he might ask: “Is Amer- Worship: Sunday, 9:30 am Sunday School: 11 am fall. Republican Lincoln was all steadily expanded federal ica’s house divided again?” He Call Church Office For Information On The Ladies Bible Study one of four presidential candi- power. More recently, Presi- might suggest, too, that it can- and Men's Breakfast Bible Study. dates in that election. He won. dent Obama and his support- not stand unless the confl icting Southern states seceded. The ers have sought to dramati- visions are resolved, one way 4407 Orange Blossom Trail, Zellwood, Florida 32798 war came. The primary issue cally increase federal power or another. 407.886.7664 • wwjd.org was not slavery, but, as Lin- to achieve their new vision for — Dr. L. John Van Til is coln said, the preservation of America. a fellow for humanities, faith, the Union. The Union won, It seems to some that and culture with The Center Did you know you can own a and the house was no longer Obama’s agenda includes a for Vision & Values at Grove divided, or so it seemed. use of power that echoes Eu- City College. home for less than your Corbeil: Life is a road lined with risks current rent payment? Continued from page 4A from the pee wees up, it’s not masks. even worth the discussion. Has When you see the occa- mets, face masks or other pad- any one seen the video of the sional one-on-one tackle be- ding. young girl in pee wee football low the knees, preferably at the So, what am I trying to con- who is an absolutely fantastic ankles, the action ends imme- Habitat for Humanity is looking for qualified vey here? Quite simply, life is a broken-fi eld runner? diately. Over the recent years, homebuyers for property in Apopka. If you are road lined with risks. Tens of The objective in life is not I have found myself yelling at thousands are killed each year how long you live, but how you the TV almost on every play interested in homeownership, please attend in auto accidents and murders, live, the fullness thereof and with the gang-tackle – “Hit one of our Homebuyer Orientations. and hundreds of thousands are the companionships you de- him low,” as the waltz contin- PROOF APPROVAL Where: seriously injured. Over 90,000 velop. In watching pro, college ues forward for countless fi rst ImporAtpanopt ktoa CChhaemckb etrh oef FCoolmlomweinrcge, die in hospitals each year just and even some high school ball, downs and unneeded concus- Please Sign Below from the contaminated atmo- I notice one thing that coaches sions. N1a8m0e East Main StrCeeotp, Ayp/Poipcktaure/Logos sphere. Thousands of people, would never have allowed in Mr. President sends our AdWdhreesns: Expiration Date Date including helpless children, my playing days: i.e., we were 18-year-olds off to die or be Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # drown at ocean beaches, or in trained to tackle and block be- mutilated in the Middle East, Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 6:0M0 EpS.mSA.GE TO ADVERTISER: lakes, ponds and pools every low the knee or forget it. Essen- but he wouldn’t let his own This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. year. None of them got up that tially, the thighs and above the son play football?! What’s the For more information and a Ilnissttr oucft ions have been followed as closely as possible. morning expecting the funeral waist only produce the gang- name for this!? qualifying criteria, pleaTshee c oAnptoapckta u Cs ahtie f • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 parlor that night. tackle, breakaways and moving “The fear of the LORD is (407) 696-5855 or Visit our website at Traffic For the number of deaths forward as a unit with lots of the beginning of knowledge, www.HabitatSeminoleApopka.org or injuries in football compared free fi rst downs and head con- but fools despise wisdom and to the hordes that are playing tacts, especially with the face understanding.” Proverbs 1:7. Traffic Traffic APOPKA FAMILY MEDICINE PROOF APPROVAL 205 N. Park Ave., Suite 108,  Apopka FL  32703 • (407) 880-0011 Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below Name Copy/Picture/Logos Sejal Patel, M.D. NEW We Accept Medicare And Address Expiration Date Date Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Durga Valay, M.D. All Major Insurance Telephone # PATIENTS Nereida Abreu, M.D. MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: Serving the Community WELCOME This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Se Habla Español Since 1992 Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 24 Hour Coverage • 3 Physicians to take care of you Same Day Appointments Available New Physician Joins Apopka Family Medicine EveryEv dearyy day businesses across America open their doors businesses across America open their doors to wait for customers. For millions of businesses, the Sejal Patel, M.D. joined Apopka Family Medicine in April of to waita cftoivri tcy uthsatto bmeset rdsri.v eFso cru mstoilmlioernss th orofu bghu sthineier sdosoerss , the 2012. She is from Nextcare Urgent Care, Mabelton, Georgia, where activityisE vtnheeawrtys p bdaeapsyetr b adudsrviivneeretsisss iencsgu .a sTcthrooasmt’ss eAbrmesce artiuhcsareo o 8up goenuh t t htohef ie1r 0idr o doorso rs is newcstoopn wasuapimte feror rsa cdaucvstet oornmt ineserisnw. gsFp.o arT pmheiarl laito’dsnv seb oretfi scbinaugsu ionsevees sr8 ea s o, uthte o f 10 she helped start the clinic. She took care of all patients from infants consum3a0ce-tdirvasity y a ptcherati too dbn.e snt edrwivsesp caupsetorm aedrsv tehrrtoiusginh gth eoivr deor oars to geriatrics. 30-dayis p neerwiospda.per advertising. That’s because 8 out of 10 coCnosnusmuemrse rasc rta oten Nneewwssppaappeerr sa davse trhties inmge odviae:r a Dr. Patel is board certifi ed in Family Medicine. She is licensed 30 -d•a y U pseerdio dm.ost for shopping ads Cons umers rate Newspapers as the media: in the states of Georgia, New York, Arizona and Florida. She received • Where consumers like to see ads her medical degree from the Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, • U Cso•en dsMu mmosetor svs artla uftaoeb rNl ese iwhn soppplaapnpneinirnsgg a sash dtohspep minegdia: • W h••e WrUeist hecd ot hmnes omsutom fsote rt rrsushs oltipekdpe ina gntod a dbsseeliee vaabdlse ads Poland. She did her residency training in family medicine at UMass • M o••s tPW rvehafeelrruerea cdbo fnloesr u irmnec eperislva ilninkgen aitndo gsine fseoh ramodasptipoinng Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA. • W it•h Mthoest mvaolusatb lter uins ptleadnn ainngd s hboeppliienvgable ads We feel very fortunate to have Dr. Patel join our organization. W it h o•v eWr i7th0 %th eo fm Uo.sSt. tarudsutletsd raenadd ibnegl iae vnaebwles paadpser in •p rPin rte o•fr e oPrnrreelifndeer rfienod ra f ortyer pcreicecaielv iwvinineggek aa, dtdh i naitfno’sfr ommraomtrieoa ntthiaonn 164 m illion people. With numbers like that coming through, Sejal Patel, M.D. Dr. Nereida Abreu Dr. Durga Valay Board Certifi ed in Internal Medicine Board Certifi ed Family Medicine With od Wvoenitrh’t 7ost0vae%nrd 7 0too%fo Ucolf.o SUse..S at.o da tduhuoltlstsse rrdeeoaaoddrinsi.gn ga nae wnsepwapsepr ainp er in Fluent in Spanish and English With our practice since 1999 print oNpmr eroiiwlnlintos lponinar p poeeen oril ipnnal edea .vi neWt ryatiti pshtyi inncpguiac mwla blow werkeressee flkkiok,,r et mh tthahiltaal’istot ’cnmsos o mmorefin o atghdr eatvhne rt ro1htiu6sag4enh rs, 1. 64 millionP pute ito tpo lwe.o rWk fiotrh y nouu.mbers like that coming through, With our practice since 2008 don’t stand too close to those doors. don’t s tand too close to those doors. Newspaper advertising workSso ufrocers m: Frialnliko Nn. sM aogfid aAdssvoceiartteiss 2e0r1s1. NewspPaupt eit rt oa wdovrek rftoisr yinogu. works Sfcoarbro rmougihl lRieosenarsch (orelfea sae d2) v20e10rtisers. Put it to work for you. Sources: Frank N. Magid Associates 2011 Scarborough Research (release 2) 2010 Sources: Frank N. Magid Associates 2011 Humana Scarborough Research (release 2) 2010 & WellCare Newspaper media. A destination, not a distraction. New Medicare  Newspaper mediaww. w.newspapermedia.com Patients Welcomed A destination, not a distraction. NewspapTerh em Aepdoiawpw.wk .naew sCpapehrmiedeiaf.com Call A destination, not a distraction. (since 1992) & The Planter Newspapers www.newspapermedia.com today to discuss a winning Newspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000 advertising campaign Newspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000 Newspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000 The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 8A Apopka area schools celebrate National School Counseling Week Ashlie Noles is a new coun- Seasoned Apopka High School counselors (l-r) are, front Wekiva High School Counselors (l-r) are, Cynthia Michaelis- James Montgomery of Apop- selor at Apopka High School row: Abnery Azucey, lisa Munyon and takia McClendon; French, 7 years.; Anthony Fragale, 45 years; terri Anderson, ka elementary has been with this year. back row: Denise Palmer, Pam Catron and tiffany elliott. 16 years; terseca Cook, 9 years; Heather Jones, 2 years. the school since 1997. Eagle Scout builds canopy for school Adrienne Yuan is a fi rst-year Karen King has been a coun- in 2010, leslie Strenth be- counselor at Clarcona ele- selor at Apopka Memorial came a counselor at Apopka mentary School. Middle School since 2010. Memorial Middle School. Nonagenarians celebrate birthdays eagle Scout Mitchell Koebke, a senior at Apopka High School, had a project that required him to fundraise approximately $4,800 to build a sun and shade cano- py at Bear lake elementary School, where he began Cub Scouts. Above, Mitchell (right) gets a little help as he works on the project. three nonagenarian members of the First United Methodist Church of Apopka who have birthdays in February hold up signs with their age. Pictured (l-r) are, Dorothy Manes, 95; W.R. “Mac” McGuffi n, 90; and edith Mcintyre, 95. Locations. Directions. Wait times. The ER App at FloridaHospitalER.com lets you know before you go. Koebke’s fi nished canopy in the above photo will give the kids of Bear lake ele- mentary School a bit of shade when they sit on the bleachers. Antique car cruise-in is Saturday The Victoria Plaza Satur- the event. dies Resale and Gift Shop. “We day Cruise-In will be on Sat- Local businesses at the think it is a win-win for every- urday, February 9, from 5-8:30 Victoria Plaza have enjoyed one because the guys love the p.m. at the Victoria Plaza, 921 hosting the event. tools at Harbor Freight and W. Orange Blossom Trail, “It has only been a month women love to come here and Apopka. that they have been here but we look at the clothes.” “We prefer classic cars got some foot traffi c from the The event also has a 50- and trucks, custom cars, street event,” said Jon Jalbert, man- 50 drawing and door prizes for rods and muscle cars,” said ager of Smart Guys Computers. participants. Marv Guttman, founder. “Last “We are sure as more people go The door prize give-out month, we had 115 and we ex- to it each month, we will draw begins at 8 p.m. It is not a car pect even more this month.” more.” show for daily drivers or mo- Laurie, Queen of the Hop, “We love having the car torcycles. a local DJ, will play music from show here,” said Lisa Lewis, For more information, call the 50s, 60s and 70s throughout owner of Fantastic Finds La- 407-886-2773. We Have Moved! Visit us at our new location 140 E. First Street, Apopka, FL 32703 L H R , I . OU AUBNER EALTY NC “Everything We Touch Turns to Sold” “We are proud to be your home town real estate company and thank you for 8 ERs • 21 Urgent Cares your business!” Using a smart phone, download the app via the QR code below, from your app Lou store or at FloridaHospitalER.com Lou Haubner Realty, Inc., Broker Pictured above are (l-r) Lou Haubner Jr., Diann Haubner, Jan Potter, Jim Sursely, and Jeannie Sursely • Commercial • Residential • Vacant Land • Industrial Call us today 407-886-8010 Serving the Apopka Area for 40 years APK-128730 APK-12-8730 Apopka ER Ad.indd 1 8/7/12 4:29 PM PROOF APPROVAL Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below Name Copy/Picture/Logos Date Address Expiration Date Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 9A 2 Fine Wine Guys Great Gift Ideas Are Here! Valentine’s Special Valentine’s Special YOUR LOCAL ONLINE FINE WINE STORE 2finewineguys.com Shop 9 . 0 0 9 . 0 0 4 4 nVeLwaaosgnlle edott nnesi rttg onai nn oudupe rf ’ foswor re De box ucsaiirtt yein g Locally L e$wmitoh nS SpZtereMaasawtr msFbkaiencrtir WayithlC Aadev. NraotGti ifivl aacilfidbta ltees L e$wmitoh nS SpZtereMaasawtr msFbkaiencrtir WayithlC Aadev. NraotGti ifivl aacilfidbta ltees Package Deals with any other with any other offer. offer. Love is a beautiful thing! PROMO CODE: CHIEF for Valentine’s Day is around the corner. FREE SHIPPING TO ZIP CODES 32703 & 32712 205 S. Highland Ave. Apopka 205 S. Highland Ave. Apopka Phone: 407.410.7103 • Email: [email protected] 407-886-0085 • www.latidasalonandspa.com 407-886-0085 • www.latidasalonandspa.com Lily’s Apopka's Newest Destination for Steaks and Fine Dining Hair Now Where the Real Salon professionals are! Join us in welcoming our newest stylist, Marines, from the Apopka Hair Cuttery! •• SSuurrpprriissee yyoouurr VVaalleenntiti nnee with a cuddly new pet! • Treats & Toys for OUR PET your furry loved ones! WORLD STEAKS • FRESH SEAFOOD • FINE WINPEROOF APPROVAL ~ ROMANTIC FINE DINING ~ Important to Check the Following VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIALS $5 Gift Certificate Please Sign Below Please join us onN Vaamleentine’s Day Cfoorp ay n/Pigichttu troe /rLemogeomsber. PAMPER ME LOVELY $100 (Save $20) Toward Any Purchase of $25 or More With This Ad. Date BEAUTIFUL LIGHTS • Full foil • Hair cut & blow dry Address Expiration Date PROOF APPROVANLot valid with any other off ers. Expires 2/28/13. Must present coupon. Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. $145 (Save $40) Telephone # • Color touchup & refresh RICH & $85 (Save $15) 380 Semoran Commerce Place 407-705-2738 MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: •• PCaorntidailt ihoingihInlmgig thprtesoatrmteanntt toL UCShCecIOk UthSe F••o CCloollnoodwri ttioionuncignhgu ptr &ea rtemfreensth Please SigSnu iBtee lAow-115, Apopka, FL 32703 Hours: Sun. 10am - 6pm This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. • Hair cut & blow Ndrayme COLOR Cop•y H/Pairi ccuttu &r eb/loLwo dgryos Located in the old tag agency offi ce. Mon. - Sat. 9am-7pm 1418 Rock Springs Rd., Apopka, FL 32712 (Next toIn Bstereufc t'iOon's B hraavde yb'ese)n followed as closely as possible. 1655 N. RoAckd dSrpersisngs Road, EAxppoipraktai o|n 4D0a7t.e886.6480 www.Doauterpw.com 407-880-STEAK (7832) • www.thebackroTohme sAtepaokphkoau Cseh.cieofm • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Wondering what to get that Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 “Special Someone” for Valentine’s Day? CARDS CARDS Valentine's Day Special Valentine's Day Special CARDS Ask About Our February BOOST! Teeth Whitening Special! D i n n e r F o r 2 D i n n e r F o r 2 Richard Petrilli, D.M.D, P.A. ALDO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT ALDO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT COMPREHENSIVE ADULT DENTISTRY ♥ ♥ 2 Garden Salads starting at 2 Garden Salads starting at ♥ 2 Lasagnas with $19.99 ♥ 2 Lasagnas with $19We. p9ro9mise it will do more for their Garlic Bread Garlic Bread smile than a box of chocolates! ♥ ♥ 2 Glasses of Wine 2 Glasses of Wine Providing Extraordinary Care for Extraordinary Patients ♥ ♥ 2 Small Cannoli 2 Small Cannoli 407-884-1846 Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Coupon must be presented. Coupon must be presented. 1585 North Rock Springs Rd., Apopka (Near Publix in the Wekiva Plaza) www.petrillidmd.com Tuesday thru Saturday, 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday, 11:00 a.m.P -R 9O:0O0 Fp .AmP.PROVAL PROOF APPROVAL 1537 W. Orange Blossom Tr. Apopka 32712 • 407-703-5974 1537 W. Orange Blossom Tr. Apopka 32712 • 407-703-5974 Most Major PPO Insurances Accepted. PROOF APPROVAL Located by Winn Dixie, Errol Plaza Apopka ImportanLto ctoat eCdh beyc Wk itnhne D Fixoiell, oEwrrionl gPlaza Apopka Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below Please Sign Below Name Copy/Picture/Logos Important to Check the Following Name Copy/Picture/Logos Date Please Sign Below Address Expiration Date Name Copy/Picture/Logos Date Address Expiration Date “KeepT elleophvoene # Approval/ReleAasde tdor Persinst - Subject to cEoxrrpecitrioantsi oasn n oDtead tbeelow. Date Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # Did you kMnESoSAwGE tThO eADrVeE RTISER: Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADViEnRT IySEoRu: r This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. This proof is for your prIontsetcrtuiocnti.o Infs i th maveee btse eyno ufor lalopwpreodvh aasl, e cplolaesaeslrey tsaisg. pn o Aasnsidb lfea.x back to 4i0s7-8 T8a9h- e4w 1A2p1io.dpkea Clyhie fa • c40c7-8l8a6-i2m777e •d Fa x: 40S7-8T8h9iA-s4 p1ro2o1f Vis for yoEur prIontse tcrtuioc$nti.o Infs i th 1maveee btse ey4no ufor lalopwpreodv aasl, cplolesaesley saisg pno asnsidb lfea.x back to 407-889-4121. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 life without & highly honored it is like SWEETHEART PACKAGE school in Apopka? a sunless Includes Manicure, Pedicure, Facial & Complimentary garden Make-Up All For Only $40 when the SAVE 25% PROOF APPROVAL fl owers are Important to Check the Following dead.” On All Retail Please Sign Below Items Including Name Copy/Picture/Logos Oscar Wilde Date Sale Items Address Expiration Date Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 PROOF APPROVAL FREE VIP CARD WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy INSTITUTE ($5 VALUE) KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below LINMotI vTa lOid NwiEth PanEyR o thPeAr oRffTeYr. . HIBACHI BUNFaFmeET Copy/Picture/Logos FLEEOxxpp..LLLR 22//oooI22D88//bbb11A33..sss’Sttt eeeLArrrR &&&G ESSSSeeeTaaafffooooooddd BBBuuuffffffeeetttTAedldeprehsosneT #his proof iEs xfopr iyroautr ipornot eDctiaonteM. IfE itS mSAeeGtsE y oTuOr aA pApppDrrooVvvaEall,R/ pRTleeIlaeSsaeEsG SMesR itgao:ino flP aontrni n.ndC t -f -aH exST uobrhbautcjuekirc rftst osit:o c.4 c0a9o7Dr-atr8eae8mct9teis-o 4n- 1s A2 1a1s.v0 npaotmeidl ab eblowle. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. Fri. & Sat. 9am - 5pm The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 Adults $14.99 • Kids 7-10 $8.99 Call now for an appointment Kids 3-6 $6.99 2289 East Semoran Blvd 3:45 p.m. - Close on Wed. 2/13 and Fri. 2/15 Apopka • Wekiva Riverwalk and ALL DAY VALENTINE’S DAY 2/14/13! Shopping Center 945 WEST SR 436, STE. 1179, ALTAPMROOONFT EA SPPPRRIONVGASL • 407-628-8866 407.703.5929 1-4 East, Exit 92, turn left, 2 miles on right Important to Check the Following INTERSECTION OF SR 436 AND SR 434, BusinPelsesa Hseo Suirgsn: SBuenl o- Twhurs 11am-10pm Name Copy/Picture/Logos www.hairdesigninstitute.com IN KOHL’S SHOPPING CENTER. Fri & Sat 11am-11pm, Last Call 30 Minutes Before Closing Date Address Expiration Date www.koywan.com Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 PROOF APPROVAL Important to Check the Following Please Sign Below Name Copy/Picture/Logos Date Address Expiration Date Approval/Release to Print - Subject to corrections as noted below. Telephone # MESSAGE TO ADVERTISER: This proof is for your protection. If it meets your approval, please sign and fax back to 407-889-4121. Instructions have been followed as closely as possible. The Apopka Chief • 407-886-2777 • Fax: 407-889-4121 The Many Names of God (See message above.) “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” Deuteronomy 5:11 The Apopka Chief, February 8, 2013, Page 10A Obituaries THELMA L. TURK BERG, 84, De- The Many Names of God LOOMIS morest, Georgia, died Monday, Janu- ary 28. She was born in Apopka. Mrs. Funeral Home (See message below above church list.) Berg was a retired library assistant for God is referred to by is considered to have Orange County. Survivors: daughters, Debbie Findley, Tina Petrakos, both of a variety of names 72 names (derived from ANGELA GAIL HUFFSTUT- DOYLE LEWIS GOLDEN, 71, Demorest; seven grandchildren; fi ve in the Bible. His primary 72 letters) and it was LER, 48, Apopka, died Monday, Janu- Apopka, died Tuesday, January 29. great-grandchildren. Whitfi eld Funeral name in the Hebrew Bi- thought by some that ary 28. Ms. Huffstutler worked for the Mr. Golden was a supervisor. He was Home, North Chapel, Demorest, Ga. ble or Old Testament is God created the world (l-r) Steven Loomis, James R. Loomis U.S. Postal Service. She was born in an Air Force veteran. He was Baptist. Yahweh, which derives by an intricate manipula- and James "Bob" Loomis Orlando. Survivors: sons, Greg Andrio- Survivors: son, Michael, DeLand; sis- … from the Hebrew word tion and arrangement of Family Owned & Operated tis, Christopher Jerkins; parents, Sam- ters, Velma Edwards, Jannie Floyd, RONALD EDWARD CHAM- BERS, 66, Apopka, died Thursday, to be. The Tetragramma- these 72 letters or prima- When considering pre-need or uel and Lillie; sisters, Pam Lynch, Sa- Shirley Legrand; brothers, Johnnie, January 31. Mr. Chambers was a busi- ton (meaning four letters ry names, almost as if the at-need arrangements, call for mantha Phillips; brother, Sam. Loomis Steve. Loomis Family Funeral Home in Greek) YHWH is both letters of the alphabet lowest price quote. Family Funeral Home and Cremation and Cremation Service. Apopka. ness owner in the electrical industry. the name of God and a are atoms with divine 407-880-1007 Service, Apopka. … description of his prima- creative power. This idea 420 W. Main St., Apopka … See OBitUARieS Page 12A cy: I am who I am, or I am reverberates throughout that I am, which might be the Bible in a variety of Churches hold revival, car show interpreted as he whose passages where it is sug- essence is to exist. Oth- gested that God’s word er names for God in the brings things into being. The Lighthouse of Deliv- by Apostle Nathaniel Weathers Saturday, March 2, at 951 N. Old Testament such as We have lost this sense erance Ministries will hold a Jr. and Lady Patricia Weathers, Park Avenue, Apopka. Elohim (meaning God of the creative power of revival on Friday, February 1, founders and overseers of the For more information, call Do you have church as authority), El Shaddai language. People throw at 7:30 p.m., at 743 S. Central ministry. 407-886-2806 or email: info@ news you would like (the Almighty), and Ado- words around carelessly, Avenue, Apopka. For more information, call aaog.tv. nai (Master) are actually even misusing the many us to publicize? Guest speaker will be the 407-814-6800 or email light- … titles rather than names, names of God. So, per- Use Our Online Forms Apostle Anthony Hatcher of [email protected]. The South Apopka Ministe- and function to highlight haps we should always www.theapopkachief.com Faith Live Outreach Chris- … rial Alliance will sponsor sev- various aspects of God’s take care to honor with tian Kathedral (F.L.O.C.K.) in The Apopka Assembly of eral upcoming activities in the divine nature. In the reverence the many Call The Apopka Chief at Rockledge and will be hosted God annual car show will be on Kabbalistic tradition of names of God. 407-886-2777, fax 407-889-4121, or See CHURCH Page 12A Jewish mysticism, God – Christopher Simon email [email protected] Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. AME The Many Names of God Happy Hill Ministries Way“ oTfh eG Fraamciely MPlaincei”stries 3122 Laughlin Road St. Paul AME 407-889-0583 Service Times – Sunday - 10 am & 6 pm Zellwood 407-889-4464 The City of Destiny Wednesday - 7 pm “Celebrating 50 years” Apostolic (See message above.) 407-298-5770 8550 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., Apopka Daniel W. Mattox, Pastor 407-889-2704 Apostolic Church of Jesus “You shall not misuse the name of New Life Praise 407-292-9998 407-886-2556 the Lord your God, for the Lord Worship Center Why should you Assembly of God will not hold anyone guiltless 407-880-3421 Hermann Engelmann Apopka Assembly of God New Beginning Greenhouses, Inc. advertise your who misuses his name.” 407-886-2806 Worship Center product or Deuteronomy 5:11 Ph. 407-886-3434 Markham Woods 352-455-9173 service here? Assembly of God Rejoice in the Lord Wholesale 407-774-0777 Ministries RF0066455 All Seasons Baptist Catholic Holiness 407-814-7643 Your Ad Here! Apopka First Baptist St. Francis of Assisi St. Matthew Holiness Sabbath Grace Fellowship Pest Control 407-886-2628 407-886-4602 407-889-2274 407-970-6535 Call Today! 435 W. Main Street First Antioch Missionary St. Mary’s (Protectress) Independent Sorrento Christian Center 407-886-2777 Apopka, FL 32712 Baptist Church Ukrainian True Temple of God 352-735-4447 407-886-0204 407-963-5398 407-880-1640 • 407-886-4803 407-880-8181 Spirit of Life First Baptist Church of Charismatic Episcopal Interdenominational Christian Church 407-886-3388 Hwy. 436/441 Mount Dora Ascension Church, CEC New Vision 407-886-4570 “Attend your place of worship this week” 352-383-4179 407-880-9555 Community Church Tangerine MARVIN C. ZANDERS YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AGENT FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS First Baptist Church of Christian 407-886-3619 Community Church FUNERAL HOME BUSINESS • PERSONAL Sanlando Springs Christ Centered NTorhthweest CMommaunnityy Ch uNrch a m35e2-3s83 -o417f3 God 232 W. Michael Gladden Blvd. LIFE • HEALTH 175 E. MAIN ST. APOPKA 407-788-6801 Christian Church 407-578-2088 The Shabach Church Apopka, Florida 32703 First Baptist Sorrento 321-331-0036 One Accord (CSherei smtiaens sage below abov4e0 c7h-u4r4c5h- 1lis2t3.)0 White Aluminum Shren Yeager 352-383-2241 Journey Christian Church GFelolodw sihsi pr Cehfeurrcrhed to by is cVoicntosriyd Cehruercdh Wtoor ld have Products First Baptist Church of 407-884-7223 407a- 52v3a-3ri0e0t2y of names 72 Onautmreaecsh C(deneterirved from 49A East 3rd Street, Apopka 18040 US Hwy. 441 Sweetwater Round Lake Christian Church Jewinis hthe Bible. His primary 72 4l0e7t-t8e89rs-7) 28a8nd it was 407-880-3167 Mount Dora 407-862-3893 352-735-LOVE naCmoneg rieng attihoen oHf Reebforermw Bi- Ptehntoeucogsthatl by some that 407-889-5775 First Baptist Church Christian Science bleJu doaris mOld Testament is GodC hucrrceh aint ethde Stohne world Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® of Tangerine Christian Science Church Ya4h0w7-e6h45, -04w4h4ich derives by a4n07 i-n24t6ri-c0a00te1 manipula- Apopka Auto Upholstery 352-383-7920 407-389-4200 Luftrhoerman the Hebrew word tionH aounsde oaf rGraodngement of AM 950 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka First Baptist Church Church of Christ to Sbt.e P.a Tulh Leu tTheertarnagramma- thes40e7 7-828 6le-7t4t9e2rs or prima- (behind Advance Discount Auto) of Zellwood Apopka Church of Christ ton40 (7m-8e89a-n26in34g four letters ry nParmincees o,f a Plemacoe sPte antse ciof stthale WTLN 407-889-0011 407-889-0509 407-889-2636 Meitnh oGdirsetek) YHWH is both lettMerisss ioonfa ryt hCehu rachlp, Ihnca.bet Life Changing In business 35 years Forest Avenue Baptist Church Church of Christ of Plymouth theFi rnsta Umniete do Mf eGthooddis tand a are 40a7t-8o8m9-s92 6w9ith divine Radio Charlene & Paul Fitzgerald, Owners 407-886-4374 407-886-1466 de4s0c7r-i8p8t6i-o34n2 1of his prima- creaTthiev ePe pntoecwosetar.ls This idea Fountain of Life Church of Christ cy:B Ie aarm La wkeh Uon iIt eadm M, eothro Id iasmt reve40rb7-e88ra9-t3e8s0 2throughout Apopka Well & Pump, Inc. Long’s Christian Books Baptist Church of West Orange tha40t 7I- a86m2-,1 w53h1ich might be the WBaiyb olfe G irnac ea M vinairsiteriteys of 1140 E. SR 436, Ste 1028, interpreted as he whose passages where it is sug- Specializing in Submersible Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 of Apopka, Inc. 407-656-2770 Zellwood United Methodist 407-292-9998 essence is to exist. Oth- gested that God’s word & Turbine Pumps 407-339-0770 407-814-8322 Tri-City Church of Christ 407-889-4426 Presbyterian Bring this coupon in for 15% off any one item Hope Baptist Church 407-920-1757 Moerra vniaanm es for God in the brinFgirsst tPhreinsbgyste riinanto being. Apopka: 407-886-1273 Old Testament such as We have lost this sense www.longschristian.com 407-886-6980 10th Street Church of Christ Rolling Hills of Apopka Lake County: 352-483-0779 Elohim (meaning God of the creative power of “Ain’t No Smelly with Shelley’s” Lockhart Baptist Church 407-884-4835 as Maourathvioanr iCtyh)u,r cEhl Shaddai lang40u7a-8g8e6.- 5P94e3ople throw Center of Faith Church, Inc. Shelley’s Septic Tanks 407-295-1133 Church of God (th4e0 7A-3l3m2-i8g3h8t0y), and Ado- Rwefoorrmdsed a Crhouurnchd i nc Aarmeelreiscasly, A Family Ministry Magnolia Baptist Church Church of God of Prophecy Nazarene Rolling Hills Services: 104 E. Ponkan Rd. nai (Master) are actually even misusing the many Apopka, FL 32712 407-880-4575 407-814-7170 titlCeaslv raaryt hCehur rcthh aofn names, namCeoms moufn iGty oCdhu. rcSho, per- SunT. 1h0u ras.m., 7.,: S3u0 np.. m6 p..m. Barbara Shelley Day or Night Northside Baptist Church Church of God of Zellwood antdhe f Nuanzcatreionen to highlight hap4s0 7w-88e6 -7s6h6o4uld always 698 Martin St., Apopka Vice President Lake Co. R(e4sid0e7nt)s (835829) 3-8830-547725 407-884-4443 407-886-3074 va4ri0o7u-8s8 9a-2s1p4e8cts of God’s Steavekneth -cdaarye A dtove nhtoistnsor with James Hicks, Pastor • 407-464-9375 APOPKA The Church of Oak Level Church of God Templo divAipnoep ka nSaprtiungrehi.l l CIhnu rcht hofe reveArpeonpkcae S evetnhthe- day many Add Your 407-656-1523 Victoria Katbheb Naalizsatriecn e tradition of namAedvse ontfi sGt od. OFFICE SUPPLY Pleasant View Baptist Church 407-889-0555 Je4w0i7s-h88 4m-83y2s2ticism, God – C4h0r7is-8to89p-2h8e1r2 Simon Church To For all your offi ce needs… 407-886-6717 Grace Street Church of God Non-Denominational Forest Lake Our List. Call 407-889-4455 Riverside Baptist Church 407-298-9188 Center of Faith Church 407-869-0680 AO 400 N. Park Ave., 407-295-3850 Park Avenue Worship Center for All People Franco-Haitian 407-886-2777 S Apopka, FL 32712 Rosemont Baptist Church 407-886-2696 407-464-9375 407-296-4368 Loomis Funeral 407-299-8885 Sorrento Church of God Church on the Edge Genesis Spanish Harris Oil & Air Home Inc. Springs Community 352-735-4245 407-869-1133 321-436-6551 Conditioning Corp. Quality Service at reasonable Baptist Church Church of Jesus Christ Dayspring Community Church Maranatha Fuel Service-Oil-Kerosene prices from a family that cares! 407-889-2240 of Latter Day Saints 407-814-4996 Seventh-day Adventist Diesel-Lubrication Oil 420 W. Main St., Apopka 1100 S. Hwy. 441 (PO Box 987) St. Luke’s Full Gospel Apopka Ward Everlasting Covenant 407-290-1800 James R. Loomis, Funeral Director Phones: 352-383-2322 407-880-1007 Baptist Church 407-880-9877 Christian Center Mount Olive & 1-800-458-2703 352-735-9199 Episcopal 407-884-8598 407-886-0430 Stephen R. Lareau Focus Trinity Baptist Church Church of the Holy Spirit Compass Community Church Orlando Filipino 407-886-2966 407-886-1740 407-880-6110 Seventh-day Adventist Certifi ed Public Accountant your Unity Missionary Faith and Word Faithworld Center 407-292-9210 Serving Apopka Since 1980 advertising. Baptist Church Word of Life 407-292-8888 Pine Hills 407-886-2597 407-814-9111 407-886-7427 Freedom Fellowship 407-291-4816 Wekiwa Springs Full Gospel 407-299-6311 Plymouth-Sorrento Baptist Church Millenium of Glory Freedom Ministries 407-884-0595 407-886-7864 407-814-0041 407-886-6006 Unity 2395 Apopka Boulevard Bible New Covenant Grace Gospel Church Unity Church of Suite 200, Apopka Bear Lake Bible Chapel Perfecting Ministries 321-438-4554 Christianity 407-886-2626 407-563-3931 407-880-8898 407-295-9181 Newspaper readers are Tricia A. Madden, P.A. Add Your ACTIVE Free Consultation Church To CGoawmrawmgw4ee0. jrDb7cm-ioa6oal5 r&t6sh - eR&1w2e Os8s.9ipcdeoenmnetirasl treCAmOse naNd gorSuosuU pb uMthyeinEyg h RpaovSwe e!r. FL Lic # HHA21293096 N5o0 0R Eec. AoAvltl4etaa0rmmy7 o-•o2 nnN6tteo0e - SF0Dep4re.r4,i n 0•Sg Nusiote C 2o0s0t 4O0u7r- 8L8is6t-.2 C7a7l7l Nelson’s Insurance Peace of Harmony Apopka Aluminum & WAL-MART Services Holiness Church Your Ad Here! Screen Inc. Bryan Nelson Pastor Watt Jones, Jr. Call Today! Glass Rooms, Screen Rooms, 1700 S. Orange Blossom Tr. For all your insurance needs 750 S. OBT, Ste. 126, Orlando, FL 32805 Room Additions, Carports Apopka 5623 Gilliam Road • Corner of Clarcona Ocoee Rd. 10 N. Park Ave., Apopka www.cdbaby.com/cd/elderwatt 407-886-2777 Concrete Work, Pool Enclosures 407-889-8668 & Gilliam Rd. 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ing celebrity chef Myron Mix- on of Jack's Old South BBQ and the BBQ Pitmasters Show, will be Saturday, February 9. Mixon has won more than 200.
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