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Lonely Planet Korean Phrasebook PDF

308 Pages·2002·14.17 MB·English
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lonely planet PHRASEBOOK kNGUAGE IN THE LAND OF MORNING CALM QUICK REFERENCE Hello. annyong haseyo Goodbye. annyonghi kyeseyo Excuseme. shille hamnida s2il (forattention) Excuseme. choesong hamnida (apologising) Thankyou. komapsumnida Yes./No. ne/anio Doyou speakEnglish? yong-6 haseyo? I don'tunderstand. modaradurossoyo Where'sthe ...? ...i/ga odi issoyo? Straightahead. dokparo kaseyo Totheleft/right. wentchoguro/ oruntchoguro kaseyo ISBN1 -74059-166-6 USA $7.99 UK £4.50 781740"59l669 3rd Edition KOREAN PHRASEBOOK xx. Hm. & * J.D. Hilts, e tc a a « w a, v. V fl > ^ -1 fl ^ fl a- A A A *- -r T-1 rfl -rl Koreanphrasebook 3rdedition-March2002 Publishedby LonelyPlanetPublicationsPtyLtdABN36005607983 90MaribyrnongSt,Footscray,Victoria3011,Australia LonelyPlanetOffices AustraliaLockedBag1,Footscray,Victoria3011 USA150LindenSt,OaklandCA94607 UK10aSpringPlace,LondonNW53BH France1rueduDahomey,75011Paris Coverillustration jennychonsadoingabitofdungsanbyPatrickMarris ISBN 174059 1666 text©LonelyPlanetPublicationsPtyLtd2002 coverillustration©LonelyPlanetPublicationsPryLtd2002 10 987654 21 PrintedbyTheBookmakerInternationalLtd PrintedinChina Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystemortransmittedinanyformbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recordingorotherwise,exceptbriefextractsforthepurposeof review,withoutthewrittenpermissionofthepublisher. Lonely Planet, the Lonely Planet logo, Lonely Planet Images, CitySync andeknoaretrademarksofLonelyPlanetPublicationsPtyLtd.Othertrade marksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. AlthoughtheauthorsandLonelyPlanettrytomaketheinformation asaccurateas possible, weacceptno responsibilityforanyloss, injuryorinconveniencesustainedbyanyoneusingthisbook. Acknowledgments 3 About the Authors Minkyoung Kim is a Seoul native who studies at Korea University, focusing on the field of English education. Jonathan Hilts-Park is a California native who has lived in Seoul since graduating from the University ofCalifornia at Irvineinthe 1990s,andispursuinggraduatestudiesatYonsei University focusing on public health issues in Korea. Since workingtogetheratKorea'sEBSradioandtelevision network, where Minkyoungwas a production assistant andJonathan works as a news commentator and developer of English educational programs, they have collaborated on a number of publishing projects. They welcome comments on their work,whichcanbeforwardedtoLonelyPlanetPublications. From the Authors MinkyoungandJonathanwishtothanktheirfriendElizabeth Harriman for sacrificing her time proofreading so much of this book, and hope she'll be satisfied with a free copy and a nice meal at the restaurant ofher choosing. They would also like to thank their family and friends who acted as sounding boards for their ideas, as well as Minkyoung's roommate Alexia for not getting angry about the many late night calls when deadlines were approaching. Finally, they would like to thank the Lonely Planet staff for their understandingandpatiencewhenJonathanhadanemergency appendectomyrightbeforedeadline. From the Publisher The Koreanphrasebook was like wandering up one ofKorea's majesticforestedmountains.AnneliesMertensworkeddevotedly from the temple of editing and was attended by Senior Editors Karina Coates and Karin Vidstrup Monk. Adrienne Costanzo ran acareful eyeover these pages. Emma Koch and David Burnett stood guard against destroyers of fonts, and AndrewTudorrenderedvaluabletechnicalassistance. Designers Acknowledgments Yukiyoshi Kamimura and Belinda Campbell calmly crafted and laid out themanuscript, takingoverfrom PatrickMarris. Patrick's world-renowned illustrations supplemented the text, and he also detailed the colourful view from the summit on the front cover. Senior Designer Fabrice Rocher guided these deftbrushstrokesandNatashaVelleleybroughtthemaptothe workingparty. PublishingManagerJimJenkinoversawallthis andproclaimedit'thelittlebookofcalm'. ThanksalsotoKimYoungOkand RobertJosephDowling who wrote the previous edition ofthe Lonely Planet Korean phrasebook,fromwhichthiseditiondeveloped. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. History&Linguistic SpokenCommunication 16 Influences 10 AbbreviationsUsedin WrittenKorean 12 ThisBook 16 WJrMglllJtiiyAJLiJJ—I B Vowels 17 Stress 25 MakingSyllables 19 Intonation 25 Consonants 20 TransliterationSystem 25 WordOrder 27 Modals 47 Articles 28 Adjectives 50 Nouns 28 Adverbs 52 Pronouns 30 Questions 52 Particles 30 Yes&No 54 Demonstratives 37 Negatives 54 Verbs 38 Conjunctions 55 YouShouldKnow 57 Cultural Differences 67 Greetings&Goodbyes 59 Age 68 Civilities 59 Occupations 69 FormsofAddress 59 Feelings 70 FirstEncounters 62 BreakingtheLanguage MakingConversation 63 Barrier 71 Nationalities 66 ■emJIJkWrUHIJU— FindingYourWay 73 Subway 82 Addresses 75 Boat 83 BuyingTickets 76 Taxi 83 Air 77 Car 85 Bus 78 Bicycle 89 Train 79 ACCOMMODATION FindingAccommodation 91 Complaints 96 BookingAhead 92 CheckingOut 97 CheckingIn 93 Renting 98 Requests&Queries 95 Paperwork 99 LookingFor 101 Telecommunications 105 AttheBank 102 Sightseeing 108 AtthePostOffice 104 WheretoGo 113 ArrangingtoMeet.... .118 Invitations 115 Dating&Romance... .118 Nightclubs&Bars 116 Questions&Answers 121 TalkingwithParents 122 FamilyMembers 122 TalkingwithChildren 124 INTERESTS & ACTIVITIES CommonInterests& Skiing 132 Hobbies 125 Golf 133 TypesofSport 126 Games 134 TalkingaboutSport 127 Art 134 GoingtotheMatch 128 Music 135 Soccer 129 Cinema&Theatre 136 KeepingFit 131 StayinginTouch 139 Tennis&TableTennis 132 WritingLetters 139 Politics 141 Environment 143 SocialIssues 142 Drugs 144 MH!MJJI7TcWW—i LookingFor 145 Toiletries 151 MakingaPurchase 146 FortheBaby 152 Bargaining 147 Stationery&Publications 152 Souvenirs 148 Music 153 Clothing 149 Photography 154 Materials 150 Smoking 155 Colours 150 Sizes&Comparisons 156 Contents i 7 ThroughtheDay 157 TypicalKoreanDishes 164 Breakfast 158 Self-Catering 169 Snacks 159 AttheMarket 171 Vegetarian&SpecialMeals 160 Drinks 175 EatingOut 161 IntheBar 176 MSldUihlllJHAM Camping 179 GeographicalTerms 185 Hiking 180 Fauna 186 AttheBeach 182 Flora&Agriculture 187 Weather 184 ■!IJJh!—Wl AttheDoctor 189 AlternativeTreatments 195 Ailments 191 PartsoftheBody 196 Women'sHealth 193 AttheChemist 197 SpecialHealthNeeds 194 AttheDentist 198 DisabledTravellers 199 OnBusiness 202 GayTravellers 200 TracingRoots&History 203 TravellingwiththeFamily 201 Religion 205 CardinalNumbers 209 Fractions 215 CountingMarkers 212 UsefulAmounts 215 OrdinalNumbers 214 TellingtheTime 217 Festivals&Celebrations 225 DaysoftheWeek 218 Birthdays 228 Months 219 Christmas&NewYear 229 TheKoreanCalendar 219 Christenings&Weddings 231 NationalHolidays 222 Toasts&Condolences 231 General 233 Health 238 DealingwiththePolice 234 ENGLISH-KOREAN DICTIONARY. iiiii iilHililll IllisiiillliSIs liilii Ilifiillili W$mm9^^^B^§wMM$mSm ;^|i||ag

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