VOL. XXVIII, Xo. 10 MEDICAL-EVANGELISM SPECIAL OCTOBER, 1955 Loma Linda Sanitarium Dedication Fifty Years Ago In this recently discovered photograph cation ceremonies, as pictured here, were Ellen G. White is addressing the audience held on the lawn in front of the structure at the dedicatory services of the Loma that had been used as a hotel. This year's Linda campus of the College of Medical Anniversary Founders' Day ceremonies Evangelists fifty years ago. Through her were held in the Loma Linda Bowl less incessant demands and urgings the land than fifty feet from where this picture was purchased that gave birth to CME on was taken. For further interesting details May 26, 1905. On April 15, 1906, the dedi of this historic occasion turn to page 3. tyfH?tt«fl?Hf|»»tyW»»»N!fW»t«Hfl?Mf»»^ THE DISTINGUISHING SIGN r -RUE SYMPATHY between man and his fellow men is to be the sign distinguishing those who love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that Christ ex pressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world! His religion led to the doing of genuine medical missionary work. He was a healing power. "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice," He said. This is the test that the great Author of truth used to distin guish between true religion and false. God wants His medical mission aries to act with the tenderness and compassion that Christ would show were He in our world. Medical Ministry, p. 251. Why has it not been understood from the word of God that the work being done in medical missionary lines is a fulfilment of the Scripture, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. . . . The servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled"? This is a work that the churches in every locality, north and south and east and west, should do. The churches have been given the op portunity of answering this work. Why have they not done it? Some one must fulfil the commission. MRS. E. G. WHITE in The Review and Herald, May 25, 1897. In the future, our work is to be carried forward in self-denial and self-sacrifice even beyond that which we have seen in past years. God desires us to commit our souls to Him, that He may work through us in manifold ways. I feel intensely over these matters. Brethren, let us walk in meekness and lowliness of mind, and put before our associates an example of self-sacrifice. If we do our part in faith, God will open ways before us now undreamed of. "Loma Linda Messages," p. 215. We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deep ening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of hun dreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is covered as the waters cover the sea. Medical Ministry, p. 317. itoMtUM»'*MtU«»U«iU»u'uwMMWMM^^^ Page 2 ' THE MINISTRY Fifty Years Ago OUR cover this month is unique. It is taken from a highly prized photograph found in an old scrapbook belonging to one of our laymen in Jicial Organ of the Ontario, California. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Through the years we have had only one action Editor: picture of Ellen G. White the familiar scene of her ROY ALLAN ANDERSON addressing the 1901 General Conference session. Associate Editors: Now this photo appropriately discovered in 1955, REUBEX R. FIGUHR. ALBERT V. OLSOX when CME is observing its fiftieth anniversary LOUISE C. KLEUSER, GEORGE E. VANDEMAN gives us a second action picture of the messenger WALTER SCHUBERT, EARL E. CLEVELAND of the Lord. She is addressing "an audience of about Office Editor; Advertising and Circulation Manager: 500" at the dedication of Loma Linda Sanitarium BEN GLAXZER fifty years ago. She is shown speaking with her Consulting Advertising Manager: left hand outstretched toward the audience. R. J. CHRISTIAN The first payment on the Loma Linda property was made early in 1905. Some of the background information in The Story of Our Health Message, by Dores E. Robinson the only one of the workers present at the 1906 dedication still living points out the following interesting facts: VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 10 "Repeatedly in her utterances during 1905 Mrs. AT A GLANCE White expressed her conviction that the future o£ the work at Loma Linda was to be extraordinary, FEATURES ... __-_.- ... ................... 4 'The securing of this sanitarium, thoroughly equipped and furnished,' was to her 'one of the CME . . . The College With a Mission Medical Missionary Work The Spiritual Objectives of CME most wonderful providences that the Lord has How a Minister and a Doctor Can Work Together opened before us.' 'It is difficult,' she asserted, 'to EDITORIALS .................._._...........__...... 13 comprehend all that this transaction means to us.'" "Beloved Institution of Physicians" The Living Page 308. Ladder of God's Love Seemingly insurmountable obstacles had to be COUNSEL ...______..............____ 17 faced almost continuously in those early days. But Dr. John A. Burden and others had faith in the "Physicians and Ministers Are to Unite" Spirit of prophecy, and pressed forward. EVANGELISM .......................................... 19 "The training school for nurses was opened in Physicians Responsible for Souls as Well as Bodies November, 1905. . . . But Mrs. White urged broader How a Dentist and His Wife Pioneered The plans for the educational work at this center. ... In Doctor-Evangelist Combination in Ohio Health Evangelism in London Our Sanitariums a letter of December 10, 1905 . . . she wrote: 'In re gard to the school, I would say, Make it all you PASTOR __......___._.___................................ .... 30 possibly can in the education of nurses and physi The Adventist Doctor in My Congregation The cians.' Duty of the Minister and the People "During the next few months plans were laid BIBLE INSTRUCTOR ............................ 35 for the organization of 'an advanced training-schooi Will God Punish Sinners? (Study Outline) for workers in connection with the Sanitarium.' At HEALTH EVANGELISM _.._.._............................. 37 a council meeting held on the grounds in April, 1906, attended by Mrs. White and members of the Use of Physical Measures in Medicine Pacific Union Conference and the Southern Cali ARCHEOLOGY -----.........__..___._.._._._..._._._ 42 fornia Conference committees, definite arrangements How to Use Archeological Evidence Effectively were made for this educational work. The school was to be known as the Loma Linda College of BOOKS .__....._.........__...............__ ........__ 46 Evangelists [later, the College of Medical Evange NEWS .___--------..---.:_._..._......_.__.. 48 lists]. . . . "The presence of the members of this council POINTERS ........................... ...................... 52 made this a fitting time for the formal dedication of the I.oma Linda Sanitarium. Invitations had been sent not only to the members of our near-by Printed and published monthly for the Ministerial Association churches, but also to business men and leading of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publish ing Association, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., $2.50 a year; citizens of the surrounding cities, including several 25 cents a copy. Add 35 cents for yearly subscriptions to countries requiring extra postage. Entered as second-class mat (Continued on page 24} ter December 19, 1927, at the post office at Washington, D.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Cover Photo: Left to right, J. A. Burden, (next unknown) G. W. Reaser, Mrs. J. A. Burden, Dr. Julia White, Ellen G. White, E. S. Ballanger, J. N. Loughborough, W. C. White, (next two unknown), S. N. Haskell. OCTOBER, 1955 Page 3 CME . .. The College With a Mission Tracing Fifty Years of Medical Ministry at the College of Medical Evangelists W. P. ELLIOTT General Conference Field Secretary; Chairman of the Board, College of Medical Evangelists WE look back along the appointments of a previous, somewhat pathway the College of similar endeavor the American Medical Medical Evangelists has Missionary College which, in the crisis come, it is not difficult to rec in Battle Creek about the turn of the ognize and to trace the guid century, had been lost to the denomination ing hand of God in the found and stricken with an anemia that soon ing and development of this closed its doors (1909). Good reasons educational center on the based on the almost total lack of money Hill Beautiful Loma Linda. The cumu and the heavy commitments already made lative strength to the cause of God and to other new medical enterprises. The man lies in its 2,816 graduated physicians, Paradise Valley Sanitarium and the Glen- 1,690 graduated nurses, 235 dietitians, and dale Sanitarium had just been purchased 419 others trained in various related cate and opened, neither of which was ade gories, plus the excellent standing of the quately financed. Good reasons based on institution among the great medical edu the fact that the medical authorities who cation centers of the country. These are regulate medical education, and without convincing and indelible testimony of the whose approval no medical school would unnumbered times this beloved institution survive, had said the denomination was not has, out of its very weakness, been made able to conduct an approved medical strong. school and should not try it, that they "did Under the influence of the substantial not purpose to have any more one-horse and widespread activities of the college medical colleges." At that very time this today, some whose spiritual discernment authority, with increasing determination, is lacking may be inclined to take this was pointing out and aiding to weed out great training school for granted, or to ac all substandard medical schools in the count for its existence as a natural develop country. ment in the course of human events. But For that matter, the lack of money, that would not be true of the dedicated building, equipment, and a properly men and women who had most to do with trained faculty to staff such an educational its birth and oft-threatened growth. To center was apparent to all; and, further, them the hand of the God of heaven was though the interest of Adventist youth in repeatedly visible, opening closed doors, medical education was evident from the providing needed friends, and giving vi fact that more than one hundred of them sion, ability, and financial aid to surmount were at that time registered in other medi the endless array of obstacles. cal schools of the country, there was a deep- Fifty years ago there were no such tangi seated lack of confidence that the College ble realities as exist today to testify to the of Medical Evangelists could successfully advisability or the likely success of the train youth as physicians so that they undertaking. Almost the only substantial would be able to pass the necessary State building materials in hand were courage examinations or meet the requirements and faith in God. By and large, there were necessary to qualify for medical practice only mountainous obstacles and good rea in many foreign countries. The arguments sons, very good reasons, from the expe in this vein were warm and pointed. The rienced human viewpoint, why the project college was given a charter by the State could not succeed and should not be un of California in December, 1909, that au dertaken. Good reasons based on the dis- thorized it to grant a degree in medicine Page 4 THE MINISTRY and other professional fields, but the lack Loma Linda along the lines the Lord was of confidence on the part of Seventh-day calling for led to many differing opinions Adventist leaders, parents, and youth con among church leaders. Here are a few ex tinued. amples: Give the first two years of medi cine at the newly established missionary 1915—The Low Point of Uncertainty seminary in Washington and affiliate with George Washington University for the last In the fall of 1915, the low point of un two years; give two years at Loma Linda certainty for the school, the president re and let the students take the last two years ported to the constituency only three stu at schools of their choice; a medical school dents enrolled in the first-year class of the will bankrupt the denomination and regular medical course. This was partly should not be attempted; a school such as due, no doubt, to the raised standard of the church could possibly hope to conduct admittance that took effect that year, lift could not attain accreditation; give only ing the requirement from one year to two medical missionary courses and nurses' years of college training. Still more dis training at Loma Linda; the institution couraging to the school administration was has incurred a heavy indebtedness and is the fact that a number already in the continuing to increase it, so close it; and school, members of earlier classes, talked then there were those who stanchly main of leaving and completing their medical tained that, with due care to good manage education elsewhere. Another depressing ment, the counsel of the Spirit of prophecy discovery was the lack of sufficient popu should be followed with faith and courage, lation in and near Loma Linda to provide and that moving ahead in such a manner properly for the essential clinical training. the doors would open before them. The resulting talk of plans to do most of the clinical teaching in Los Angeles was Objectives Begin to Be Clarified disturbing to many, and gave rise to serious questions about the propriety of it. It is hard to realize, without seeing it and reading it, the volume of instruction that These perplexities in connection with came regarding Loma Linda from 1905, the school itself were accompanied by the when it was purchased, until Sister White's fact that the denomination was just then death in 1915. One collection alone con launching the greatest foreign mission tains one thousand pages. Nevertheless, it campaign it had yet undertaken. The goal seems that until 1910 it was not clear to was to push into the centers of great con many exactly what sort of school Sister tinents such as Africa and South America, White was calling for. In January of that as well as the islands of the seas. The year, at a session of the Pacific Union Con church was being urged to give every pos ference, it was decided to send a letter of sible dollar for that purpose, and it was direct inquiry to Sister White. This letter being used as fast as it came in. There was indicated that they had read the testimo little or no reserve capital. The leading nies she had given regarding Loma Linda brethren labored under a tremendous bur and believed them. den and sense of responsibility. Sister White was acquainted with all this and was "Our people are anxious to carry out the light party to the planning. Nevertheless, moved that the Lord has given, but there is a difference of opinion between us in regard to what you mean by the Spirit of God, she had urged again when you use the term 'a medical school.' " and again that a medical school be started at Loma Linda. At the same time she was The concluding paragraph read: not unaware or unappreciative of the prob "We are very anxious to preserve unity and lems the new institution had created. On harmony of action. In order to do this, we must this point she wrote: have a clear understanding of what is to be done. Are we to understand, from what you have written "It was the Lord's purpose that the Loma Linda concerning the establishment of a medical school Sanitarium should become the property of our at Loma Linda, that according to the light you people, and He brought it about at a time when the have received from the Lord, we are to establish a rivers of difficulty were full and overflowing their thoroughly equipped medical school, the graduates banks." Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 10, p. from which will be able to take State Board exami 30. nations and become registered, qualified physi The magnitude and the variety of the cians?" difficulties confronting the development of In that same month the letter was re- OCTOBER, 1955 Page 5 turned with her answer. Space here will those who attended it testify to this day. siot permit giving it in its entirety. One Among the principal matters considered thing is certain there was nothing equiv was what to do about Loma Linda and ocal about it. The very first sentence made the medical school. The divergence of it clear. She wrote: opinion was still great. At that meeting "The light given me is, we must provide that there was much prayer, earnest study of which is essential to qualify our youth who desire the testimonies regarding Loma Linda, to be physicians, so that they may intelligently fit careful consideration of its operating state themselves to be able to stand the examinations ments and reports, and of possible ways required to prove their efficiency as physicians." and means to proceed. There was, too, The second paragraph began: the very thrilling and inspiring offer pre sented to the council by fifty women who "The medical school at Loma Linda is to be o£ the highest order." "Loma Linda Messages," p. 17. had been holding meetings of their own on the side. They proposed that they be The letter produced the unity of under permitted to raise the money to build the standing needed among the attendants at much-needed hospital building in Los An that meeting. I. H. Evans' response, which geles, which was to become the White was one of many, is a good example of the Memorial Hospital. This thrilled the coun degree of confidence that able, godly men cil. Perhaps this proposal was even the felt in the guidance they received from God decisive factor in helping the council to through His messenger, Ellen G. White. reach a decision. Some still living think so. He pointed out numerous major moves At any rate, it was solidly voted to pro made in the work of the denomination ceed with the College of Medical Evange that were first proposed by Sister White lists, to establish the clinical division in and that met with opposition, but when Los Angeles, and to work to make the carried out had proved to be of the great school an approved medical education cen est strength and blessing to the movement. ter for the training of numerous classifi Here is a summarizing sentence: "I can cations of Seventh-day Adventist medical not think of a single enterprise that has workers, including physicians. And thus it been started by the Spirit of prophecy that was that the united support of the de has not worked out for the best good of nomination was at last assured Loma the Lord's work." Speaking of the letter Linda. The resolution passed that day is before them he said: one the denomination has never failed to "When the statement of Sister White is read, I honor, though many times since, the rivers am sure that the majority of our brethren will feel of difficulty have seemed altogether im as we feel tonight that the Lord has spoken and passable. we will obey. "Someone may say, 'The time is most inoppor It is as though the words of A. G. Daniells tune.' But the question is, When the Lord reveals on that occasion continue to ring in the to us his desire that we shall establish a medical ears of the church and its leaders: school, and do it soon, is the time inopportune for "We must face up to this now. We have con doing such a work? I can conjure up many rea sidered this matter seriously and prayerfully, and sons why at this time we are ill prepared to es have finally reached the decision set before you in tablish and operate a medical school. It is not hard these recommendations. Is there anything else in for any man to say that we have not the money at the world to do, but to encourage our young peo hand. Any man need not be very wise to say, 'We ple who contemplate taking the medical course, to do not know where we shall get medical men go to this school? When we pass this recommenda trained and qualified to take up this work.' But tion, we commit ourselves to the earnest support the question is, Will we establish this medical of this school. ... We do not say, stop. We say, school, when the Lord has indicated so plainly our go on and maintain this school, and make it a duty? I believe, brethren, if we step forward in the success. When I vote for that, I feel in duty bound fear of God, and make an effort to establish this from this day on to do all I can by my counsel school, the Lord will help us, and make the way and influence, to help them carry the school clear." through successfully, and that I am pledged to Thus the work of bringing about under do." Joint 1915 Fall Council and CME Constitu ency Meeting Minutes. standing and unity of mind regarding Loma Linda was advanced, but it did not The council closed without being able come to full fruit until five years later. to provide adequate financial help. It seems The Autumn Council of 1915 was held at it was planned that the institution should Loma Linda. It was a great council, as endeavor to raise the additional money Page 6 THE MINISTRY needed by increasing its income through would survive," but the Lord had a way, tuition and the operation of its hospitals, and the present splendid basic science build and by a vigorous campaign of solicitation. ings were provided. Dr. Magan told the Percy T. Magan, M.D., joined the adminis constituency in its 1938 meeting that if it tration and took over the main responsi had not been for those new buildings, the bility of developing the Los Angeles cam school would not have survived the 1936 pus, and what a valiant leader he proved inspection. Again the Lord had turned an to be. An example of the spirit and pur imminent catastrophe into a great blessing. pose of the school leaders is stated well Another evidence of God's care at that in a letter written after the council by time was this unexpected announcement Dr. Newton Evans, president of the college, in connection with the rules that would to Dr. David Paulson. Here is a paragraph: govern the inspection: "Medical schools "We have reason to be very thankful to the Lord which are to live will be those who have for His evident working in the plans for the future demonstrated that they have a mission." of Loma Linda, and are weighed down with the increased responsibility which the expansion of our The College of Medical Evangelists has a work necessarily entails. Personally, it is my great mission^ and it impressed the inspectors. est desire that we shall so study the instruction Each of these experiences is a thrilling with reference to the work which is to be done story in itself, and the same is true of many here that we can in some degree fulfill the Lord's others, the most recent being the establish plan with reference to the work." ment of the School of Dentistry. When The arm of Jehovah had been bared in God's purposes for it have been upheld, support of His plan for the college. The the College of Medical Evangelists has future looked more hopeful than at any never failed. We may be equally confident previous time, and yet it was a future in the future. There is only one condition crowded with difficulties and seeming im imposed: "We have nothing to fear for possibilities. On numerous occasions the the future, except as we shall forget the very life of the school would have surely way the Lord has led us, and His teaching been snuffed out had it not been that the in our past history." Life Sketches, p. 196. promises of God never fail. There was the time during World War I when the institution had only a C rating and was informed that be cause of this its med ical students would not be exempt from military duty.. Stu dents of schools hold ing an A or B rating were exempt. Provi dentially, friends of the school in high medical circles came to the rescue and were able to help it take the steps essen tial to obtain a B rat ing- There was the time when the laboratory at Loma Linda was condemned as unsafe, and its use forbidden. Class of '07, CME's first nursing graduates. Left to right Almeda Kerr, It looked as though Adrian Striplin, Lola Lowry, Grace Jennings (with baby), Ethel Hayes, Clyde the school "never Lowry, Lavina Herzer. Adrian Striplin is the only class member living. OCTOBER, 1955 Page 7 Medical Missionary Work Medical and Gospel Workers "Bound Together by Indissoluble Ties" ELLEN G. WHITE M1 "EDICAL missionary weary, the heavy-laden, the oppressed. He work is the pioneer fed the hungry and healed the sick. Con work of the gospel, stantly He went about doing good. By the the door through which the good He accomplished, by His loving truth for this time is to find words and kindly deeds, He interpreted the entrance to many homes. gospel to men. God's people are to be genu Brief as was the period of His public ine medical missionaries; for ministry, He accomplished the work He they are to learn to minister to the needs of came to do. How impressive were the both soul and body. The purest unselfish truths He taught! How complete His life- ness is to be shown by our workers as, with work! What spiritual food He daily im the knowledge and experience gained by parted as He presented the bread of life practical work, they go out to give treat to thousands of hungry souls! His life was ments to the sick. As they go from house to a living ministry of the word. He promised house they will find access to many hearts. nothing that He did not perform. Many will be reached who otherwise never The words of life were presented in such would have heard the gospel message. simplicity that a child could understand A demonstration of the principles of them. Men, women, and children were so health reform will do much toward- re impressed with His manner of explaining moving prejudice against our evangelical the Scriptures that they would catch the work. The Great Physician, the originator very intonation of His voice, place the of medical missionary work, will bless all same emphasis on their words, and imitate who thus seek to impart the truth for this His gestures. Youth caught His spirit of time. ministry, and sought to pattern after His Physical healing is bound up with the gracious ways by seeking to assist those gospel commission. When Christ sent His whom they saw needing help. disciples out on their first missionary Just as we trace the pathway of a stream journey, He bade them, "As ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. of water by the line of living green it pro Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the duces, so Christ could be seen in the deeds dead, cast out devils: freely ye have re of mercy that marked His pathway at every ceived, freely give." Matt. 10:7, 8. And step. Wherever He went, health sprang up, when at the close of His earthly ministry and happiness followed wherever He He gave them their commission, He said, passed. The blind and deaf rejoiced in His presence. His words to the ignorant opened "These signs shall follow them that be to them a fountain of life. He dispensed lieve; In My name shall they cast out His blessings abundantly and continuously. devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They were the garnered treasures of eter they shall take up serpents; and if they nity, given in Christ, the Lord's rich gift drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt to man. them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16:17, 18. ... Christ's work in behalf of man is not finished. It continues today. In like manner The Example of Christ His ambassadors are to preach the gospel The divine commission needs no reform. and to reveal His pitying love for lost and Christ's way of presenting truth cannot be perishing souls. By an unselfish interest in improved upon. The Saviour gave the dis those who need help they are to give a ciples practical lessons, teaching them how practical demonstration of the truth of the to work in such a way as to make souls glad gospel. Much more than mere sermonizing in the truth. He sympathized with the is included in this work. The evangeliza- Page 8 THE MINISTRY tion of the world is the work God has given Through their united labors the Sun of to those who go forth in His name.1 Righteousness is to rise, with healing in His wings, to lighten the benighted regions Teaching and Healing of the earth, where the people have long Never has the world's need for teaching lived in gross darkness. Many who are now and healing been greater than it is today. dwelling in the shadow of sin and death, The world is full of those who need to be as they see in God's faithful servants a ministered unto, the weak, the helpless, reflection of the Light of the world, will the ignorant, the degraded. The continual realize that they have a hope of salvation, transgression of man for nearly six thou and they will open their hearts to receive sand years has brought sickness, pain, and the healing beams, and will in turn become death as its fruit. Multitudes are perishing light bearers to others yet in darkness.2 for lack of knowledge. (Italics supplied.) As God's ministers behold the awful re Our Sanitariums sults of long-continued sin, their hearts are touched with the world's woe, and they Christ is no longer in this world in per are endeavoring to labor as the Master son, but He has commissioned us to carry Workman and His disciples labored. Con forward the medical missionary work that nected with the divine Healer, they are He began; and in this work we are to do going forth in the power of His might to our very best. For the furtherance of this teach and to heal. They realize that the work institutions for the care of the sick gospel is the only antidote for sin, and that are to be established, where men and as Christ's witnesses they are to bear testi women suffering from disease may be mony to its power. As they point the placed under the care of God-fearing phy afflicted ones to the Lamb of God, who sicians and nurses.3 taketh away the sin of the world, His trans The Lord has ordained that sanitariums forming grace and miracle-working power be established in many places to stand as are causing many to accept the message of memorials for Him. This is one of His truth that is borne. His healing power, chosen ways of proclaiming the third united with the gospel message, is bringing angel's message. By this means the truth success in emergencies. The Holy Spirit is will reach many who, but for these agencies, working upon hearts, and the salvation of would never be lightened by the bright God is being revealed. ness of the gospel message. In the presenta tion of truth, some will be attracted by one Ministers, Physicians, and Nurses to phase of the gospel message and some by Unite Their Labors another. We are instructed by the Lord to But the world's need today cannot be work in such a way that all classes will be met fully by the ministry of God's servants reached. The message must go to the whole who have been called to preach the ever world. Our sanitarium work is to help lasting gospel to every creature. While it make up the number of God's people. is well, so far as possible, for evangelical Through this line of missionary effort in workers to learn how to minister to the fidels will be converted. By the wonderful necessities of the body as well as of the restorations taking place in our sanitariums soul, thus following the example of Christ, many will be led to look to Christ as the yet they cannot spend all their time and healer of soul and body. strength in relieving those in need of help. Self-sacrificing workers, who have full The Lord has ordained that with those faith in God, should be chosen to take who preach the word shall be associated charge of these institutions. Wise men and His medical missionary workers, Chris women, acting in the capacity of nurses, tian physicians and nurses, who have re are to comfort and help the sick and suffer ceived special training in the healing of ing. Our sanitariums are to be as lights disease and in soul winning. shining in a dark place, because physicians, Medical missionaries and workers in the nurses, and helpers reflect the sunlight of gospel ministry are to be bound together Christ's righteousness. . . . by indissoluble ties. Their work is to be Sanitariums are to be so established and done with freshness and power. By their conducted that they will be educational combined efforts the world is to be pre in character. They are to show to the world pared for the second advent of Christ. (Continued on page 50} OCTOBER, 1955 Page 9 The Spiritual Objectives of CME HOWARD F. MAXSON Assistant Professor of Religion, College of Medical Evangelists T 1!H E spiritual responsi vision of Religion includes eleven full-time 'bilities of the Depart employees: Arthur L. Bietz, Charles W. ment of Religion of the Teel, Stanley R. Peterson, Horace E. Walsh, College of Medical Evange Frank A. Moran, Howard F. Maxson, Dud lists must be exercised in sev ley C. Newbold, Lavern Peterson, Kenneth eral areas. There is the min Hoover, Jerry Lohrke, and Bernice Mason istry to the patients, made up eight ordained ministers, one Bible in of about 15,000 admissions a structor, one ministerial intern, and one year on both campuses, as well as about secretary. The Division meets monthly, and 150,000 outpatient admissions; the min on occasion semimonthly, for integration istry to the campus churches, the combined of religious work. membership of which is some 2,500; and The Division offers sixteen courses in of course the ministry to the students. This religion for students of the various schools, ministry to the students is of two kinds: and students are required to take two se ministry to the student's personal growth mester hours in religion each semester and the preparation of the student to take throughout their stay at the college. This that spiritual consciousness into his clinical means two one-hour class sessions are held practice. during each week of the prescribed course The Division of Religion is responsible of study in any given school in which the for instruction in religion and for minister student is enrolled. ing to the spiritual needs of students in Since the teaching of religion at CME all schools of CME. It leads and directs has a unique import, a curriculum in line the college churches on both campuses; is with the objectives of the college and the responsible for the religious ministry, through the chap lains and their assist ants, at the White Me morial Hospital and the Loma Linda San itarium and Hospital; and gives compre hensive counseling service for spiritual and related problems of outpatients. The Division also seeks to bring about progres sive understanding be tween physicians and ministers at clinical conferences with stu dents and patients, which aids in achiev ing a sound religious- medical ministry, ac cording to the goals for which CME was established. Dudley C. Newbold, chaplain of the White Memorial Hospital, conducting The staff of the Di- worship with workers at CME. Page 10 THE MINISTRY