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1 2 Logical and practical astrology Author Vipul Joshi 3 (TARKIK EVM VYAWAHARIK JYOTISH BY VIPUL JOSHI) Logical and practical astrology © 2022 Vipul Joshi Editor – Arvind Kumar Sahu, Tel (Whatsapp) – 7007190413 / 9838833434 All Rights Reserved © No part of this publication can be reprinted, copied, distributed, recorded, filmed or reused in any other medium without specific permission of the author! First Edition : 2022 (Legal Information - This book is based on my acquired knowledge, belief and practical experience. The names of all real characters, places and events mentioned in this book have been changed or are fictional for the sake of confidentiality. However, if the names, characters or events in this book are found to be related to any livingor deadpersons orreal events, then it will be a mere coincidence.) 4 Foreword The task of translating the book was not an easy one.Notbeinga professionaltranslator and being completely unrelated to the field of astrology were the major roadblocks before me. Notwithstanding all this, I knew that this task had to be completed owing to my decade old friendship with the author Shri Joshi. However, the book turned out to be intriguing as soon as I started the translation. The book itself became my greatest help in the translation journey. It is pertinent to note that this book talks about practical aspects of astrology and does not portray astrology as a magic or celestial phenomenon. Owing to this aspect of the book, we have used the word ‘recourse’ for astrological solutions instead of the widely popular word ‘remedy’. Sincerely, ‘A friend of the author’ 5 Table of contents Foreword Table of contents Astrological Recourse and Routine Astrological Journey Market of Gems Group Events and Astrology Are Rahu recourses impossible ? Astrology, weak Rahu and Life Astrology and People Budhaditya Yoga and Astrology Astrology and premature death (suicide) Astrology - Friends and Fortune Rahu , Ketu and Astrology How to surprise a person ? Samudrika Shastra (The study of body features) and Predictions Astrology- Science , Astrologer- Artist After reading this you too will become an astrologer Astrological Journey The King, His Nine Gems and Astrology Astrology and Gems Astrology and Raj Yoga Astrologer: God's Postman Astrology, Marriage and the Materialistic Age Raj Yoga in Kundli Relation of Astrology and Yoga Government Job and Horoscope Place, time and Situation 6 Astrology and Career Astrology and ‘Pret Badha’, ‘Upari Hawa’ etc. Astrology and Recourses The market of Kaalsarp Astrology, Lock Profile and Rahu Benefits of Kaalsarp Yoga What is Navmansa , why is it useful ? Astrology, Life and Moon Karmayoga, Astrology and Life Graphology- Science of signature Marriage Matchmaking & Astrology Astrology and Preplanned Children Why don't astrologers change their fate ? Horoscope of great people and astrology How has astrology changed over time ? Astrology and ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ Yoga , Dosha (Defect) and Astrology Some Case Studies Case Study- 1 Case Study- 2 Case Study - 3 Case Studies - 4 and 5 Case Study - 6 Case Study - 7 Case Study- 8 Case Study-9 Case Study - 10 Case Study- 11 Astrologer cannot help you, if you…… 7 Astrological journey and some formulas We also have to learn astrology, what should we do ? 8 Astrological Recourse and Routine Out of thefiveor sixrecourses,I suggestonlytwo-three toeveryone.Often I suggestasingle recourse to people. But people have a habit of listening to complex recourses and that’sthe reason many times they don’t believe in the recourses suggested by me. Some of my astrologer friends also ask me to suggest gems to people, so that they take me seriously or follow the recourses suggested by me. But I am not into such practices. From my day one I knew that if I start selling the gems, I would keep onsellingthem. Thespiritualjourneywill turn into a torture. It's not that I don't suggest gems, but that’s the lastresort. Istrongly insistthat peoplefollow ontological solutions because the changes brought by them are permanent and positive. See! it's not that difficult either. Get up at sunrise, that’s therecoursefor the Sun.Walk three to four kilometres and your recourse for Mars is done. Try to remain silent as much as possible, that’s your recourse for Mercury. Keep in touch with good people andgoodbooks, the recourse for Jupiter (Guru) will be done. Plant flowersin yourhome andtherecoursefor Venus / Mercury is done. Do not misbehave with any poor / weak person and your Saturn stands resolved. Go to bed between 6 PM to 9 PM or sleep with water in an earthen pot on the side of your head, etc. There are such very easy solutions/recourses, which people do not follow even after telling. On the other hand, 80- 90% of the people who follow, definitely reap the benefits and in some cases the results have even exceeded their expectations. There were two purposes of writing this topic. First, try tofix yourroutineand second,try to follow ontological solutions. 9 Astrological Journey During the initial phase of my astrological journey, I was intrigued with a thought that if there’s a great astrologer (sort of omniscient) who knows the likely misfortunes hisnearand dear ones are about to face. In such case, will the astrologer feel sad? But now it seems tomethat whenyouhavetaken along astrologicaljourney, true spirituality also develops within you, even if a little bit. You understand that we are all travellers. Everyone has his or her own journey, everyone has different stations. Yes, it is possible that we may have some co-travellers, who stay with us for some time in the journey of life. But, after sometime we won’t be together. This is an irrefutable truth. Life is very easy yetthetoughest. If youareexpectinganything fromanyone inlife,then you are definitely inviting sorrow. Even if you are keeping any expectations from yourself, you will definitelybe sadatsome pointor theother. Because yourfuture doesnotdepend onyour hard work alone. There are so many possibilities that can make orbreaka game,over which you don’t have even the slightest control. An astrologer should, at his quickest, reach a level where there is neither sorrow nor happiness for him. Otherwise, he would keep crying after seeing hishoroscopethat if sucha planet was sitting here, I would have donethis, ifthis planetwasof exaltedposition,I would have had this, etc. etc. Every day I have many horoscopes in which I think that these things can be bad with it, or these things can be good. It is always my endeavour that I justshowa direction, suggest a recourse to the other person. To follow or not is solelytheirchoice.And we can also tell thatpersonthat thething whichis makingyoufeel bad,if youlookatit from a different perspective, thesamemay turn outtobethe best eventof yourlife. Myown belief is that the bad times happen to be the best timesofyour life.Because itis inthose timesthat everything is clearly visible to you that who is with you and who is against you? Even the worst yoga (planetary combination) has its advantages, even the best yoga (planetary combination)has its disadvantages.Amatriculate child isconsidered as acollector in an illiterate family and a person who has done double MA may beconsidered anilliterate in a family of collectors. 10 Market of Gems The word market is written in the title so that you try to avoid or stay away fromitas much as possible. Now let’s come back to the topic.Few days agoafriend ofmine wantedCitrine. I had gone to buy it from a known person, where gems are available at muchlower than the market price. There my eyes fellonthesehugegems (diamonds)andI couldnotstop myself. This is themagicof taking apicture.Theeffect of Venusmesmerises aman. Filmworld, new clothes, perfume etc. are its factors. I always get this advice from the known person where I buy gems that I should encourage everyone to buy gems. Well, I used to recommend gems as a last resort. But now, on being asked by the other person, I suggest that you can wear these gems but I don’t recommend from my side. Now let's talk a bit about its market part. What’s the cost of a gem? Believe me, gems have no cost. You’ll getaPearlrangingfromRs 5-10 toRs. 5000.Yes,therewillbe adifferencein their quality which you’ll never notice. Same is the case with other gems as well. Lets understand, which gem corresponds to whichplanet? Andotherthan that whichorwhat is the easiest solution we can do? There are 12 zodiac signs and there are nine planets. Every zodiac has a lord planet. Except the Sun and the Moon, every planet is the lord of two zodiacs. Neither Rahu nor Ketu isthe lord of any zodiac for these are shadow planets. Mars is the lord of Aries/Scorpio and the gem of Mars is Coral. The lord of Taurus/Libra is Venus, the gems of Venus areDiamondand Zircon.Thelord of Gemini/Virgois Mercury,the gems of Mercury are Emerald and Onyx. The lord of Cancer is Moon, the gem of Moon is pearl. The lord of Leo is Sun, the gem of Sun is Ruby. The lord of Sagittarius / Pisces is Jupiter (Guru), the gemstones of Jupiter are Topaz and Citrine. Saturn is the lord of Capricorn/Aquarius and Saturn's gemstones are Sapphire and Lolite. The gems of Rahu and Ketu are Onyx and Cats Eye respectively. Instead ofthesegems, one can find out the factors of these planets and follow easy recourses through them. Most of the astrologers will advise the person to wear topaz / sapphire / emerald / ruby, or possibly themselves try to sell those stones. Because through this they earn well i.e. their profit / margin is good. Secondly, some astrologers will tell you that they will perfectagem for you, which will cost a littlemore.I haveabout 18to19yearsof experienceandalso have a government diploma in astrology. So believe me, in my journey so far, I did not find anything as false as this. In the end, I would like to say that the one who is a perfect man or has the power toperfect something, he will perfect even a thread and will give it to you free of cost.

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