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Logic Pro 9 Effects - Support - Apple PDF

264 Pages·2011·13.49 MB·English
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Logic Pro 9 Effects Copyright©2011AppleInc.Allrightsreserved. Note: BecauseApplefrequentlyreleasesnewversions andupdatestoitssystemsoftware,applications,and Your rights to the software are governed by the Internetsites,imagesshowninthismanualmaybeslightly accompanying software license agreement. The owner or differentfromwhatyouseeonyourscreen. authorized user of a valid copy of Logic Pro software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to Apple use such software. No part of this publication may be 1InfiniteLoop reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such Cupertino,CA95014 as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid 408-996-1010 for support services. www.apple.com The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in Apple,theApplelogo,Finder,GarageBand,Logic, the U.S. and other countries. Use of the “keyboard” Apple Macintosh,andMainStagearetrademarksofAppleInc., logo (Shift-Option-K) for commercial purposes without registeredintheU.S.andothercountries. the prior written consent of Apple may constitute Othercompanyandproductnamesmentionedherein trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation aretrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies.Mentionof of federal and state laws. third-partyproductsisforinformationalpurposesonly Everyefforthasbeenmadetoensurethattheinformation andconstitutesneitheranendorsementnora inthismanualisaccurate.Appleisnotresponsiblefor recommendation.Appleassumesnoresponsibilitywith printingorclericalerrors. regardtotheperformanceoruseoftheseproducts. Contents Preface 7 An Introduction to the Logic Pro Effects 7 About the Logic Pro Effects 8 About the Logic Pro Documentation 8 AdditionalResources Chapter1 11 AmpsandPedals 11 Amp Designer 28 BassAmp 29 GuitarAmpPro 35 Pedalboard Chapter2 51 DelayEffects 51 Delay Designer 72 Echo 72 SampleDelay 73 StereoDelay 75 TapeDelay Chapter3 77 DistortionEffects 78 Bitcrusher 79 ClipDistortion 80 DistortionEffect 81 DistortionII 81 Overdrive 82 PhaseDistortion Chapter4 85 DynamicsProcessors 86 TypesofDynamicsProcessors 87 AdaptiveLimiter 88 Compressor 92 DeEsser 94 Ducker 96 Enveloper 98 Expander 3 99 Limiter 100 Multipressor 103 NoiseGate 106 SilverCompressor 107 SilverGate 107 SurroundCompressor Chapter5 111 Equalizers 112 ChannelEQ 115 DJ EQ 116 Fat EQ 117 Linear Phase EQ 121 Match EQ 127 Single-BandEQs 129 Silver EQ Chapter6 131 FilterEffects 131 AutoFilter 137 EVOC 20 Filterbank 141 EVOC 20 TrackOscillator 153 Fuzz-Wah 157 SpectralGate Chapter7 161 ImagingProcessors 161 BinauralPost-Processing 162 DirectionMixer 165 Stereo Spread Chapter8 167 MeteringTools 167 BPM Counter 168 CorrelationMeter 168 LevelMeterPlug-in 169 MultiMeter 174 SurroundMultiMeter 180 Tuner Chapter9 183 ModulationEffects 184 ChorusEffect 184 EnsembleEffect 186 FlangerEffect 187 Microphaser 187 ModulationDelay 190 PhaserEffect 191 Ringshifter 4 Contents 197 RotorCabinetEffect 199 ScannerVibratoEffect 201 Spreader 202 TremoloEffect Chapter10 203 PitchEffects 203 PitchCorrectionEffect 207 Pitch Shifter II 208 VocalTransformer Chapter11 213 ReverbEffects 214 Plates,DigitalReverbEffects,andConvolutionReverb 214 AVerb 215 EnVerb 218 GoldVerb 221 PlatinumVerb 225 SilverVerb Chapter12 227 Space Designer Convolution Reverb 228 Getting to Know the Space Designer Interface 229 Working with Space Designer’s Impulse Response Parameters 233 Working with Space Designer’s Envelope and EQ Parameters 239 Working with Space Designer’s Filter 241 Working with Space Designer’s Global Parameters 247 Automating Space Designer Chapter13 249 SpecializedEffectsandUtilities 249 Denoiser 251 EnhanceTiming 252 Exciter 253 Grooveshifter 255 SpeechEnhancer 256 SubBass Chapter14 259 UtilitiesandTools 259 DownMixer 260 GainPlug-in 261 I/O Utility 263 MultichannelGain 263 TestOscillator Contents 5 An Introduction to the Logic Pro e c a Effects ef r P Logic Pro has an extensive range of digital signal processing (DSP) effects and processors that are used to color or tonally shape existing audio recordings, software instruments, and external audio sources—in real time. These cover almost every audio processing and manipulation need you will encounter in your day-to-day work. ThemostcommonprocessingoptionsincludeEQs,dynamicprocessors,modulations, distortions,reverbs,anddelays. Lesscommonaresimulationsofamplifiersandspeakercabinets,whichenableyouto “play”yourinstrumentsorothersignalsthrougharangeofvintageandmodernsound reproductionsystems.Guitaristsandkeyboardplayerswillalsobenefitfromanumber ofclassicpedaleffectemulations. Furtheradvancedfeaturesincludeprecisesignalmetersandanalyzers,atesttone generator,noisereduction,pitchcorrection,imaging,bassenhancement,andtime-altering processorsandutilities. Asyoucansee,manyoftheincludedprocessorsandutilitiesdon’treallyfallintothe “effects”category,buttheymayprovetobeinvaluableinyourstudio. Thisprefacecoversthefollowing: • About the Logic Pro Effects(p.7) • About the Logic Pro Documentation(p.8) • AdditionalResources(p.8) About the Logic Pro Effects Alleffects,processors,andutilitiesprovideanintuitiveinterfacethatsimplifiesoperation, enablingyoutoworkquickly.Outstandingaudioqualityisassuredwhenneeded,or—at theotherendofthespectrum—extremeprocessingispossiblewhenyouneedtoradically alteryoursound.AlleffectsandprocessorsarehighlyoptimizedforefficientCPUusage. 7 About the Logic Pro Documentation Logic Pro comes with various documents that will help you get started as well as provide detailed information about the included applications. • Logic Pro User Manual: This manual provides comprehensive instructions for using Logic Pro to set up a recording system, compose music, edit audio and MIDI files, and output audio for CD productions. • Exploring Logic Pro: This booklet provides a fast-paced introduction to the main features and tasks in Logic Pro, encouraging hands-on exploration for new users. • Logic Pro Control Surfaces Support: This manual describes the configuration and use of control surfaces with Logic Pro. • Logic Pro Instruments: This manual provides comprehensive instructions for using the powerful collection of instruments included with Logic Pro. • Logic Pro Effects: This manual provides comprehensive instructions for using the powerful collection of effects included with Logic Pro. • WorkingwithApogeeHardware: This manual describes the use of Apogee hardware with Logic Pro. • Impulse Response Utility User Manual: This manual provides comprehensive instructions for using Impulse Response Utility to create your own mono, stereo, and surround impulse responses for Space Designer, the Logic Pro convolution-based reverb effect. Additional Resources Along with the documentation that comes with Logic Pro, there are a variety of other resources you can use to find out more. ReleaseNotesandNewFeatures Eachapplicationoffersdetaileddocumentationthatcoversneworchangedfeaturesand functions.Thisdocumentationcanbeaccessedinthefollowinglocation: • ClicktheReleaseNotesandNewFeatureslinksintheapplicationHelpmenu. Logic Pro Website For general information and updates, as well as the latest news on Logic Pro, go to: • http://www.apple.com/logicpro AppleServiceandSupportWebsites ForsoftwareupdatesandanswerstothemostfrequentlyaskedquestionsforallApple products,gotothegeneralAppleSupportwebpage.You’llalsohaveaccesstoproduct specifications,referencedocumentation,andAppleandthird-partyproducttechnical articles. • http://www.apple.com/support 8 Preface An Introduction to the Logic Pro Effects For software updates, documentation, discussion forums, and answers to the most frequently asked questions for Logic Pro, go to: • http://www.apple.com/support/logicpro FordiscussionforumsforallAppleproductsfromaroundtheworld,whereyoucansearch forananswer,postyourquestion,oranswerotherusers’questions,goto: • http://discussions.apple.com Preface An Introduction to the Logic Pro Effects 9

generator,noisereduction,pitchcorrection,imaging,bassenhancement,andtime- altering . articulate attack is great for funk, R & B, and intricate chord work. It.
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