About this Manual We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual is the best copy we could find; it may be incomplete or contain dated information. If we find a more recent copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website. Support for Your Product Agilent no longer sells this product. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration and repair if necessary, but no other support from Agilent is available. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website, www.tm.agilent.com. HP References in this Manual This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. In other documentation, to reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product number/name was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. Service Guide ( HP 1660C/CS-Series Logic Analyzers Service Guide 'J' Publicationmunber01660-97022 Firsteclition,January1997 ForSafetyinformation, Warranties,andRegulatory information,seethepagesatthe endofthebook. © CopyrightHewlett-PackardCompany1987-1997 AllRightsReserved. HP 1660C/CS-Series Logic Analyzers HP 1660C-Series and HP 1660CS-Series Logic Analyzers TheHP 1660C-Seriesare 100-MHzState/500-MHzTirnillg Logic Analyzers. The HP 1660CS-Series includes allthe features ofthe HP 1660C-Series, aswellas a 2-channel, I GSa/s oscilloscope. Features Someofthemainfeatures oftheHP 1660C-SeriesLogicAnalyzers are as follows: • 128 datachannelsand6clock/datachannelsintheHP 1660C • 96datachannelsand6cloclddatachannelsinthe HP 1661C • 64datachannelsand4 cloclddatachannelsintheHP 1662C • 32 datachannelsand2clock/datachannelsintheHP 1663C • 3.5-inchflexible diskdrive • 540MBharddiskdrive • HP-lB,R8-232-C, and Centronicsprinterinterfaces • Variablesetup/holdtime • 4kstatesdeepmemoryonall channelswith8kinhalfchannelmode • Markermeasurements • 12levelsoftriggersequencingforstateand 10levels ofsequentialtriggeringfor timing • 100MHztime andnumber-of-statestagging • Fullprogranunability • DINmouse • DIN keyboardsupport The HP 1660CS-Series LogicAnalyzers also include the following features: • 1GSa/sdigitizingfor250MHzbandwidthsingleshotoscilloscope • 8000samplesperchannel • Automaticpulseparameters displaystimebetweenmarkers, acquires untilspecifiedtimebetweenmarkersis captured,performsstatisticalanalysisontimebetweenmarkers • Lightweightminiprobes Options • OptionalThinlanandEtherwistLANports ii Service Strategy The servicestrategyfor this instrumentis the replacementofdefective assemblies. Thisserviceguide containsinformationfor finding adefective assemblybytesting andservicingthe HP 1660C/CS-SeriesLogicAnalyzers. This logic analyzer canbe returnedto Hewlett-Packardfor allservicework, including troubleshooting. ContactyournearestHewlett-PackardSales Officefor more details. 01660E24 TheHP166D-SeriesLogicAnalyzer ill In This Book Thisbookistheserviceguideforthe HP1660C/CS-SeriesLogicAnalyzersandis dividedinto eightchapters. Chapter1containsinformationaboutthelogicanalyzerandincludes accessories, specificationsand characteristics,andequipmentrequiredfor servicing. Chapter2tellshowto preparethelogicanalyzerfor use. Chapter3givesinstructionsonhowtotesttheperformanceofthelogic analyzer. Chapter4containscalibrationinstructionsforthelogic analyzer. Chapter5containsself-testsandflowcharts fortroubleshootingthelogicanalyzer. Chapter6tellshowto replace assemblies ofthelogicanalyzerandhowtoreturnthemto Hewlett-Packard. Chapter7listsreplaceableparts, showsanexplodedview, andgives orderinginformation. Chapter8explainshowthelogicanalyzerworksandwhatthe self-testsarechecking. iv Contents 1 General Information Accessories 1-2 Specifications (logicanalyzer) 1-3 Specifications (oscilloscope) 1-4 Characteristics (logicanalyzer) 1-5 Characteristics (oscilloscope) 1-5 SupplementalCharacteristics (logicanalyzer) 1-6 SupplementalCharacteristics (oscilloscope) 1-9 RecommendedTestEquipment (logicanalyzer) 1-13 RecommendedTestEquipment (oscilloscope) 1-14 2 Preparingfor Use To inspectthelogic analyzer 2-2 To applypower 2-3 To operate theuserinterface 2-3 To setthelinevoltage 2-3 To degaussthe display 2-4 To cleanthelogicanalyzer 2-4 To testthelogicanalyzer 2-4 3 TestingPerformance Toperform the self-tests 3-3 Tomake the test connectors (logic analyzer) 3-6 To testthe thresholdaccuracy (logic analyzer) 3-8 Setupthe equipment 3-8 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-9 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-9 TesttheTTLthreshold 3-10 TesttheECLthreshold 3-12 Testthe-Userthreshold 3-13 Testthe +Userthreshold 3-14 Testthe0VUserthreshold 3-15 Testthenextpod 3-16 To testthe glitchcapture (logic analyzer) 3-17 Setup the equipment 3-17 Setup thelogicanalyzer 3-18 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-18 Testtheglitchcaptureonthe connectedcharmels 3-20 Testthenextcharmels 3-22 v ,"antents To testthe single-clock, single-edge, state acquisition (logic analyzer) 3-23 Setuptheequipment 3-23 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-24 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-26 Verifythetest signal 3-28 Checkthesetuplholdcombination 3-30 Testthenextchannels 3-34 To testthemultiple-clock, multiple-edge, stateacquisition (logic analyzer) 3-35 Setupthe equipment 3-35 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-36 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-38 Verifythetest signal 3-40 Checkthesetuplholdwith singleclockedges,multipleclocks 3-42 Testthenext channels 3-46 To testthe single-clock, multiple-edge, stateacquisition (logic analyzer) 3-47 Setupthe equipment 3-47 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-48 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-50 Verifythetest signal 3-52 Checkthesetuplholdwith singleclock, multipleclockedges 3-54 Testthenext channels 3-57 To testthe time intervalaccuracy (logic analyzer) 3-58 Setupthe equipment 3-58 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-59 Connectthelogic analyzer 3-62 Acquirethedata 3-62 To testthe CAL OUTPUTports (oscilloscope) 3-63 Setupthe equipment 3-63 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-64 VerifytheDC CAL OUTPUTport 3-65 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-66 VerifytheAC CAL OUTPUTport 3-66 To testthe inputresistance (oscilloscope) 3-67 Setupthe equipment 3-67 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-68 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-69 Acquirethe data 3-70 Performan operationalaccuracy calibration 3-70 vi \;ontenlS To testthevoltage measurement accuracy (oscilloscope) 3-71 Setupthe equipment 3-71 Setup thelogicanalyzer 3-72 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-73 Acquirethedata 3-74 To testthe offsetaccuracy (oscilloscope) 3-75 Setupthe equipment 3-75 Setup thelogicanalyzer 3-76 Connectthelogic analyzer 3-77 Acquirethezeroinput data 3-78 AcquiretheDCinputdata 3-79 To testthebandwidth (oscilloscope) 3-80 Setup the equipment 3-80 Setup thelogicanalyzer 3-81 Connectthelogic analyzer 3-83 Acquirethedata 3-84 To test thetime measurement accuracy (oscilloscope) 3-85 Setupthe equipment 3-85 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-86 Connectthelogic analyzer 3-88 Acquirethedata 3-88 To testthetrigger sensitivity (oscilloscope) 3-89 Setupthe equipment 3-89 Setupthelogicanalyzer 3-90 Connectthelogicanalyzer 3-92 Acquirethedata 3-92 Performance TestRecord (logic analyzer) 3-93 Performance TestRecord (oscilloscope) 3-100 4 Calibrating andAdjusting Logic analyzercalibration 4-2 To calibrate the oscilloscope 4-3 Setupthe equipment 4-3 LoadtheDefaultCalibrationFactors 4-4 SelfCalmenucalibrations 4-5 To adjustthe CRTmonitoraligrnnent 4-6 To adjust the CRTintensity 4-8 vii l;ontenlS 5 Troubleshooting To usethe flowcharts 5-2 To checkthepower-uptests 5-16 To runthe self-tests 5-17 To testthepowersupplyvoltages 5-23 To testthe CRTmonitorsignals 5-25 To testthe keyboardsignals 5-26 Totesttheflexible diskdrivevoltages 5-27 Totesttheharddiskdrivevoltages 5-29 ToperformtheENCtest 5-30 To testthelogicanalyzerprobe cables 5-31 Totestthe auxiliarypower 5-35 6 ReplacingAssemblies To removeandreplacethehandle 6-5 To removeandreplacethefeet andtiltstand 6-5 Toremoveandreplacethe cover 6-5 Toremoveandreplacethe diskdrive assembly 6-6 To removeandreplacethepowersupply 6-7 To removeandreplacethe CPUboard 6-7 To removeandreplaceSlMMmemory 6-8 Toremoveandreplacethe switchactuatorassembly 6-9 Toremoveandreplace therearpanelassembly 6-10 Toremoveandreplacethe acquisitionboard(andoscilloscopeboardfor HP1660CS-series) 6-11 To removeandreplacethefront panelandkeyboard 6-12 To removeand replacetheintensityadjustment 6-12 To removeandreplacethemonitor 6-13 Toremoveandreplacethehandleplate 6-13 Toremoveandreplacethefan 6-14 To removeandreplacethelinefilter 6-14 To removeandreplacetheHP-lBandRS-232-Ccables 6-15 To removeandreplacethe I/Oboard 6-16 To returnassemblies 6-17 7 Replaceable Parts ReplaceableParts Ordering 7-2 ReplaceablePartsList 7-3 ExplodedView 7-4 PowerCablesandPlug Configurations 7-8 viii