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hep-th/0201091 LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORIES VIA LOGARITHMIC DEFORMATIONS J. FJELSTAD, J. FUCHS, S. HWANG, A.M. SEMIKHATOV, AND I.YU. TIPUNIN 2 0 Abstra t. We onstru t logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theories starting from an ordinary on- V 0 formal (cid:28)eld theory(cid:22)with a hiral algebra C and the orresponding spa e of states (cid:22)via a 2 V EndK[[z,z−1]] two-step onstru tion: i) deforming the hiral algebra representation on ⊗ , n K where is an auxiliary (cid:28)nite-dimensional ve torspa e, and ii) extending C by operators or- a EndK K=C2 EndK J respondingtothe endomorphisms . For , with beingthetwo-dimensional 2 Cli(cid:27)ordalgebra,our onstru tion resultsin extending C by an operatorthat anbe thought of 2 ∂ 1E E (2,p) − as , where isa fermioni s reening. This oversthe Virasorominimal models as sl(2)H 2 well as the WZW theory. v b 1 9 c=0 N=2 0 Contents 4.2. The theory and the 1 0 super onformal algebra 19 1. Introdu tion 1 (2,p) 2 4.3. minimal models 21 0 2. A deformation of the energy-momentum 5. A further deformation example: h/ tensor 3 sl(2) logarithmi 23 -t 3. Deformation of a general hiral algebra 5 bsl(2) p 5.1. A fermioni s reening for 23 3.1. The OPA deformation 6 e 5.2. The deformation and indeb omposable h 3.2. Remarks 8 : representations 25 v 3.3. Extension of the state spa e 9 6. Con lusions 27 i X 3.4. Ward identities 12 (2,p) Appendix A. Proof of Theorem 3.1 29 r 4. Logarithmi Deformations: a Appendix B. The VOA setting 31 Virasoro Examples 15 c= 2 Referen es 33 4.1. The − theory: From free fermions to symple ti fermions 15 1. Introdu tion It issomewhatmira ulousthatlogarithmi onformal(cid:28)eldtheories[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8℄, although violating some of the fundamental prin iples usually assumed in CFT, nevertheless emerge in many situations where onformal symmetry plays a role. Appli ations that have re ently been attra ting attention rea h from gravitational dressing [9℄, extended symmetries in disordered systems, polymersandper olation[10,11,12,13,14℄andWZWmodelsonsupergroups [15,16,17, 18℄ to the D-brane dynami s in string theory [19,20℄ and the AdS/CFT orresponden e [21,22, 23,24,25,26,27℄. On the representation-theoreti side, logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theories are of interest be ause studying nondiagonalizable Virasoro representations [28,29℄ may require an 2 FJELSTAD, FUCHS, HWANG, SEMIKHATOV, AND TIPUNIN extension(and ertainly,newappli ations)oftheideasandmethodsthathave beensu essfully used in onstru ting mathemati al foundations of the (cid:16)standard(cid:17) onformal (cid:28)eld theory. Although there is no pre ise de(cid:28)nition of the lass of logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theories (cid:21) we omment on this issue at the end of Se . 6 (cid:21) the two hara teristi properties are the nondiagonalizable Virasoro a tion and the appearan e of logarithms in orrelation fun tions (these issues are losely related; see, e.g., [30℄ on how the maximum Jordan ell size restri ts the maximal power of logarithms). A trivial example of logarithms o urring in orrelation fun tions is provided by the onformal (cid:28)eld theory of a free boson. However, the logarithm in this ase merely orresponds to in ludingthe positionas an operator( onjugate to momentum) on the state spa e, and this in lusion does not lead to any interesting new stru ture for the u(1) representations of the relevant hiral algebra (the urrent algebra). On the other hand, in (cid:16)genuinely(cid:17) logarithmi models, thelogarithmsare loselytiedtoredu ible,butinde omposable modules over the Virasoro [28,29℄ or extended hiral algebras. In su h modules, the a tion of L 0 is not diagonalizable, but rather onne ts ve tors in a Jordan ell of a ertain size. In a number of examples studied in the literature, Jordan ells o ur at the top level of the module, whi h in the ase of the va uum module implies the existen e of a (cid:16)logarithmi partner totheidentity operator.(cid:17) However, this behaviorisnotgeneri . Moreover, logarithmi partners of the energy-momentum tensor need not ne essarily appear (although their existen e seems to have sometimes been taken nearly as the de(cid:28)nition of a logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theory). It was indeed already noti ed in [29℄ that Jordan ells an (cid:28)rst o ur at lower levels, giving rise to the so- alled staggered modules, in ontrast to Jordan highest-weight modules [29℄, where 1 Jordan ells are (cid:16)inherited(cid:17) from the top level of the module. The (cid:16)staggered(cid:17) ase is in fa t most frequent in appli ations, in parti ular in logarithmi ally extended minimal models. In this paper, we present a onstru tion of logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theories via a ertain deformation of onventional onformal (cid:28)eld theories. We onsider the ase where a given E(z) E hiral algebra C is a part of a larger algebra A that also in ludes a (cid:28)eld su h that E H is a s reening for C. When is in addition a fermion, irredu ible modules of A de ompose d= E into entire omplexes of modules over C, with the di(cid:27)erential . Inde omposable C- L H modules are then onstru ted by (cid:16)gluing together(cid:17) the modules in two adja ent terms of the d R d R d R L i i+1 i omplex ··· −→ −→ −→···, in su h a way that be omes a submodule of , while L/R R R i i+1 i+1 the quotient is isomorphi to . The pre-image of in the inde omposable module ∂ 1E − an be thought of as des endants of a (cid:28)eld involving the operator by whi h the hiral algebra is extended. Not surprisingly, extending the hiral algebra by an operator of the form ∂ 1E − leads to the o urren e of logarithms in operator produ ts. We apply this onstru tion 1 The ase studied in [29℄ is that of Jordan Verma modules(cid:22)the (cid:16)logarithmi version(cid:17) of Verma modules, whilewhato ursin manyspe i(cid:28) models arenotVerma,but Fo k(orrather,Feigin(cid:21)Fuks(FF) [31℄)modules. A ordingly,thenotionsintrodu edin[29℄shouldbeappliedmodulothe orresponding(cid:16) orre tion.(cid:17) Compared to Verma modules, the FF modules are distorted by inverting (cid:16)one half(cid:17) of the embeddings. This relationship arries over to their logarithmi versions. LOGARITHMIC DEFORMATIONS 3 (2,p) sl(2) of inde omposable modules to Virasoro minimal models and to in a realization that b admits a fermioni s reening. In the asso iated Virasoro representation given by the Sugawara L 2 0 onstru tion, the generator then a quires dimension- Jordan ells, whi h an again be 2 restated as the existen e of (cid:16)logarithmi partners(cid:17) to ertain states. In its simplest form, our approa h involves a deformation of the energy-momentum tensor thateventuallyleadstothe onstru tionofinde omposablerepresentations. Thisdeformationis des ribed in Se . 2. A deformation of general hiral algebras is onsidered in Se . 3. In Se . 3.1, we (cid:28)rst re all some basi fa ts about operator produ t algebras (OPAs). Then we pro eed to onstru t an OPA derivation and use it to perform the deformation (see Theorem 3.1). Thinking of this (outer) derivation as an inner one generated by a (cid:28)rst-order pole with some new operator then leads to an extension of the hiral algebra. In Se . 3.3, we show how the orresponding spa e of states is extended su h that the operator(cid:21)state orresponden e is maintained. The resulting spa e of states arries an inde omposablerepresentation of the hiral algebra. The onstru tion is reformulated and generalized in terms of vertex operator algebras. Ward identities for the energy-momentum tensor in the logarithmi theories onstru ted via a fermioni s reening are presented in Se . 3.4. Spe i(cid:28) examples of the general onstru tion are sl(2) studied inSe s. 4 (Virasoromodels)and 5 (the WZW theory). Finally,in Se . 6 we brie(cid:29)y b dis uss how our results (cid:28)t into the quest of gaininga deeper understanding of logarithmi CFT. 2. A deformation of the energy-momentum tensor As already mentioned, logarithmi onformal (cid:28)eld theories are naturally asso iated with the presen e of Jordan ells in Virasoro modules. In this se tion, we present a simple re ipe for deforming the energy-momentum tensor that leads to the appearan e of Jordan ells. To start, we onsider the simple problem of (cid:28)nding an energy-momentum tensor of the form T(z) = T(z)+T (z), 1 (2.1) T e T 1 where istheenergy-momentumtensorof a(standard) onformal(cid:28)eld theory and isan (cid:16)im- provement(cid:17) term that eventually leads to Jordan ells. Later on, we onstru t inde omposable T 1 Virasoro representations by allowing to a t on an auxiliary ve tor spa e, but at the present T stage, we (cid:28)rst ensure that has the orre t operator produ t to be an energy-momentum T e 1 tensor. A simple ansatz is to take to have regular OPE with itself and to be a primary (cid:28)eld h T of some weight with respe t to . In this ase we have 2T(w)+2hT (w) 1 T(z)T(w) = (T(z)+T (z))(T(w)+T (w)) = +... , (2.2) 1 1 (z w)2 − e e 2 The o urren eofJordan ells asthe hara teristi propertyofinde omposablerepresentationspertainsto the Virasoro algebra. The existen e of Jordan ells in a Virasoro module asso iated with an a(cid:30)ne Lie algebra via the Sugawara onstru tion implies that the a(cid:30)ne Lie algebra module is inde omposable. 4 FJELSTAD, FUCHS, HWANG, SEMIKHATOV, AND TIPUNIN h=1 whi h implies . To also have ompatibility between the grading of Laurent modes, we T 1 therefore take to be of the form 1 T (z) = E(z), (2.3) 1 z E(z) T (z)T (w) 1 1 with a weight-one primary (cid:28)eld. More general solutions, for whi h does possess a singular part are also possible. We further analyze the general ase in Se . 3. Here we ontinue our onstru tion with the parti ular deformation (2.3) for the parti ular ase of a single free boson with a ba kground harge. We show that ansatz (2.3) leads to sele ting the (1,n) (2,n) and minimal models and that it in fa t o(cid:27)ers a onstru tion of their logarithmi extension. ϕ ϕ(z)ϕ(w)= log(z w) Let be a anoni ally normalized free boson, − . Then the energy- momentum tensor T(z) = 1 :∂ϕ(z)∂ϕ(z):+Q∂2ϕ(z) (2.4) 2 c=1 12Q2 :eγϕ(z): has the entral harge − . The onformalweight of the vertex operator in this model is (the olon indi ating normal ordering is suppressed in what follows) h(eγϕ) = 1 γ2 Qγ. (2.5) 2 − T (z) 1 We now spe ialize ansatz (2.3) for as T (z) = 1 βeγϕ. (2.6) 1 z γ β Here is a number, while we keep the pre ise meaning of the quantity as yet unspe i(cid:28)ed. It may be a onstant or an operator in a (cid:28)nite-dimensionalve tor spa e, in whi h ase it a ounts forthepresen e of thelatter auxiliaryspa e withwhi h the representation spa es of the original β theory are to be tensored ( an then be regarded as a kind of zero mode operator, similar to the enter of mass oordinate of a free boson or to the gamma matri es in the Ramond se tor γ T 1 of fermions). We now determine the most general value of for this ansatz to work. For to 3 have a regular OPE with itself, i.e., 1 T (z)T (w) = β2(z w)γ2eγ(ϕ(z)+ϕ(w)) = 0, 1 1 (2.7) zw − γ2=p 0,1,2,... β2=0 we must require that ∈ { } or that . γ=√p eγϕ We begin with the (cid:28)rst possibilityand take . The requirement that is a weight-one operator then yields √p 1 Q = , (2.8) 2 − √p c=13 3p 12 T β and hen e − − p . Obviously, for 1 to be bosoni , must be bosoni (fermioni ) if eγϕ and only if is bosoni (fermioni ). We must therefore distinguish two ases: 3 A(z)B(w) As usual, in the left-hand side of operator produ ts stands for the singular part of the radially A(z) B(w) ordered operator produ t of and . LOGARITHMIC DEFORMATIONS 5 β p=2q q=1,2,3,... (1,q) 1. is bosoni and with . Then (2.8) gives the minimal series 1 1 Q = (√q ) (2.9) √2 − √q with the entral harge 6 c = 13 6q . (2.10) − − q β In this ase, an in parti ular be just a onstant. β p=2r+1 r=0,1,2,... (2,p) 2. is fermioni and with . This gives the minimal series with the entral harge 12 c = 10 6r . (2.11) − − 2r+1 c= 2 Note that the value − is ontained in both series. In the (cid:28)rst series it orresponds to γ2=4 γ2=1 using the vertex operator with ((cid:16)long s reening(cid:17)), while in the se ond ase one has ((cid:16)short s reening(cid:17)). β2=0 β The se ond option that follows from (2.7) is . The situation where is a nilpotent boson does not lead to any restri tions on the entral harge, and we do not onsider it here. β A more natural ase is that of a fermioni , whi h brings us ba k to the above ase 2. T(z) (1,q) To summarize, ansatz (2.6) for leads to two possible series of solutions: the (2,p) p minimal series, and the series with odd. β The idea on how this deformation gives rise to a logarithmi extension is to allow to be K T an operator a ting on a suitable auxiliary spa e su h that furnishes an inde omposable e representation of the Virasoroalgebra. The onstru tion of the state spa e then depends on the β β EndK dimK>2 representation hosen for . In parti ular, for ∈ with , generi ally we must deal with Jordan ells that an have size larger than two. (Correspondingly, higher powers of logarithmso ur inthe operatorprodu ts.) In ontrast, inthe fermioni ase we onlyen ounter Jordan ells of size two. 3. Deformation of a general hiral algebra Inthepreviousse tion,we onstru tedaparti ulardeformationofaspe i(cid:28) onformal(cid:28)eld(cid:22) T the energy-momentum tensor (cid:22)in a spe ial lass of models. We now extend the onstru tion beyond the one-boson ase, not relyingon the presen e of a free-(cid:28)eld realization, and deforming all (cid:28)elds in the hiral algebra. This is done in su h a way that the OPEs are preserved, but β is interwoven in the deformed operators su h that new, inde omposable representations are K β EndK obtained by tensoring with an auxiliary ve tor spa e and taking ∈ . The two basi ingredients of the onstru tion (cid:22) the deformation and the extension of the spa e of states (cid:22) are des ribed in Se s. 3.1 and 3.3, respe tively. 6 FJELSTAD, FUCHS, HWANG, SEMIKHATOV, AND TIPUNIN 3.1. The OPA deformation. Instead of working with operator produ t expansions of the form [A,B] (w) A(z)B(w) = n , (3.1) (z w)n Xn 1 − ≥ we use operator produ t algebras (OPAs) in the form introdu ed in [32℄. This onstitutes a on- venient formulation of the properties of operator produ ts that fa ilitates expli it al ulations, and an be regarded as an adaptation of (a part of) the axioms of vertex operator algebras (VOAs) [33,34,35℄. The essential ingredients of the OPA setting in [32℄ are as follows. The operators (or (cid:28)elds) A V Z V form a (super)ve tor spa e , whi h is graded over . The OPA stru ture on is given by a olle tion of bilinear operations [ , ] : V V V, n Z, (3.2) n × → ∈ 4 that are ompatible with the grading by onformal weight and satisfy the (cid:16)asso iativity(cid:17) on- dition [32, Eq.(2.3.21)℄ q 1 A,[B,C] = ( 1)AB B,[A,C] + − [[A,B] ,C] . (3.3) h piq − h qip Xℓ 1 (cid:18)ℓ−1(cid:19) ℓ p+q−ℓ ≥ ( 1)AB 1 A B +1 (The sign fa tor − is equal to − if and are both fermioni , and to otherwise.) 1 V There is also a distinguished element ∈ su h that [1,A] = δ A (3.4) n n,0 A V ∂ : V V forall ∈ , andan even linearmapping → su h that the(cid:16) ommutativity(cid:17) property [32, Eq.(2.3.16)℄ ( 1)i [B,A] = ( 1)AB − ∂i n[A,B] (3.5) n − (i n)! − i Xi n − ≥ A B is satis(cid:28)ed. For any two operators and , their OPE is then re onstru ted from the produ ts [ , ] n as in (3.1). In other words, operator produ t (3.1) should be regarded as a linearmapping V V V C[[z,z 1]] C − (3.6) ⊗ → ⊗ that furnishes a generating fun tion for the in(cid:28)nite family of produ ts in Eq. (3.2). E V To perform the deformation, we (cid:28)x an operator ∈ and de(cid:28)ne the operation ( 1)n+1 [E,A] (z) ∆ : A(z) logz [E,A] (z)+ − n+1 (3.7) E 7→ 1 n zn Xn 1 ≥ A V on ∈ . E V ∆ V E Theorem 3.1. For any ∈ , the operation is a superderivation of the OPA . 4 A h B h [A,B] h +h n A B n A B That is, when has weight and weight , then the (cid:28)eld has weight − . The T V existen e of the energy-momentum tensor ∈ is understood here; we omit the obvious details. LOGARITHMIC DEFORMATIONS 7 The proof is obtained by dire t al ulation; it is given in Appendix A. E β It follows from Theorem 3.1 that if is fermioni and a ordingly is also fermioni , so β2=0 that , deformation (3.7) gives rise to an OPA isomorphism A A+β∆ (A). E (3.8) 7→ E β βN=0 N If is bosoni and is bosoni and nilpotent, for some integer , then A exp(β∆ )A, E (3.9) 7→ ∆ E where the right-hand side is a polynomial in , is again an isomorphism. (In a number of E spe i(cid:28) examples, e.g. for models based on an a(cid:30)ne Lie algebra, and with taken to be a β β urrent in a nilpotent subalgebra, the right-hand side is a polynomial in without requiring to be nilpotent.) E 1 [E,T] =δ E n>0 If is a weight- primary (cid:28)eld (and hen e, n n,2 for ), the deformation of the energy-momentum tensor is given by T = exp(β∆ )T = T + 1 βE +β2(...)+... . (3.10) E z β e The term linear in reprodu es the parti ular deformation in Eq. (2.3) that was onsidered in β the one-boson ase in Se . 2. In Se . 3.3, we show that taking to be an endomorphism of a := exp(β∆ ) E (cid:28)nite-dimensionalspa e results in an inde omposable module over the algebra C C T e that in parti ular ontains the Virasoro algebra orresponding to . e In general, the proposed deformation (3.7) maps ea h (cid:28)eld in the algebra into a linear ombi- z logz nation of (cid:28)elds weighted with powers of and . The produ t (3.6) of the operator algebra V V is thereby lifted to an operator algebra for whi h the operator produ ts furnish a mapping 5 e ( f. [30℄) V V V C[[z,z 1]][logz]. C − (3.11) ⊗ → ⊗ logz e e e [E,A] =0 The terms involving do not appear in the transformed (cid:28)elds if and only if 1 for A V E all ∈ , or in other words, if and only if is a s reening operator for the hiral algebra (in expβ∆ H V V E that ase, although does not preserve the ve tor spa e , itmaps intoan isomorphi V E OPA ). Whenever is in addition a fermioni s reening, it an serve as a di(cid:27)erential in a H e omplex; the logarithmi deformationsof modules that appear in Se . 3.3 then involve elements of the adja ent members of the omplex. In appli ations, s reenings are often dealt with as follows. One starts by taking some (cid:16)large(cid:17) algebra, then hooses in it (cid:28)eld(s) whose integrals are de lared to be s reening(s), and (cid:28)nally sele ts a (cid:16)small(cid:17) algebra as the entralizer ( ommutant) of the s reenings in the large algebra. E Verifyingthat agivenoperator givesas reening uponintegrationinvolves onlythe(cid:28)rst-order [E, ] n [E, ] n 2 poles · 1, while all the order- poles · n with ≥ an be arbitrary and are irrelevant 5 ∆ E Sin e the operation a(cid:27)e ts the Laurent expansion of (cid:28)elds, it drasti ally hangesthe operator produ t expansions (3.1). To put it di(cid:27)erently, we deal with a deformation of the operator produ t expansion (3.1), [ , ] whi h is howevernot arbitrary, but su h that the produ ts n in Eq. (3.2) are preserved. 8 FJELSTAD, FUCHS, HWANG, SEMIKHATOV, AND TIPUNIN E to the properties of a onformal (cid:28)eld theory in the ommutant of . However, these poles H are (cid:16)reanimated(cid:17) by the logarithmi deformation pres ription, where their a tual role is to be responsible for (cid:16)logarithmi deformation dire tions(cid:17) of the given onformal (cid:28)eld theory. 3.2. Remarks. A a. We an think of the mapping (3.7) as indu ed by the operator produ t of with some new α ∂α(z)= E(z) (cid:28)eld, whi h we all . Taking the derivative, we then see that − . We therefore ∂ 1E(z) α(z) − use the symbol e as a suggestive notation for − . We aen then write ( 1)n+1 [E,A] (w) ∂ 1E(z)A(w) = [E,A] log(z w)+ e − n+1 . (3.12) − 1 − n (w z)n Xn 1 − ≥ ∂α(z)= E(z) α(z) However, the relation − does not determine the zero mode of ; as we see in the next subse tion, su he zero modes are expressed in terms of endomorphismes of an auxiliary spa e. E ∂E We note that if is repla ed with , the orresponding derivation an be written as ∆ A = [[ ,E] ,A] , ∂E O1 0 1 (z)= 1 with O1 z. This operation is obviously a derivation, be ause the (cid:28)rst-order pole with ∆ A E any operator is a derivation of the OPA. In ontrast, expressing in a similar way as ∆ A= [ ,∂ 1E] ,A V E /∂V E O1 − 0 1 involves an operator not from whenever ∈ . (cid:2) (cid:3) E 1 β b. If in (3.7) is not of weight , the parameter must be dimensionful, and the onstru tion exp(β∆ ) β z 1 E − of as a series in involves growing orders of derivatives and growing powers of . For instan e, taking the Virasoro algebra, whi h in the OPA language is generated by a single T element su h that c [T,T] = ∂T , [T,T] = 2T , [T,T] = , (3.13) 1 2 4 2 we have 2 c ∆ T = logz∂T + T + , T (3.14) z 6z3 logz 4 2logz 1 1 logz (∆ )2T = (logz)2∂2T +5 ∂T + − T +c 3 − 2 , T (3.15) z z2 z4 (logz)2 7(logz)2 19logz (∆ )3T = (logz)3∂3T +9 ∂2T − ∂T T (3.16) z − z2 4(logz)2 14logz +8 2(logz)2 17 logz + 2 + − T +c − 6 3 . z3 z5 LOGARITHMIC DEFORMATIONS 9 exp(β∆ ) E . As an example that learly displays the isomorphism property of (although is not E relevant to logarithmi theories), we onsider the situation where is a bosoni urrent, that 1 is, a weight- (cid:28)eld with the OPEs κ E(z)E(w) = , (3.17) (z w)2 − λ E(w) ∂E(w) T(z)E(w) = + + (3.18) (z w)3 (z w)2 z w − − − λ E (where the onstant is a possible (cid:16)anomaly(cid:17)), and moreover, is diagonal on all primaries of the theory, i.e., q Ψ (w) i i E(z)Ψ (w) = . i (3.19) z w − exp(β∆ ) E The operation is then readily evaluated to a t as κ exp(β∆ )E(z) = E(z)+β , (3.20) E z βE(z) βλ+β2κ exp(β∆ )T(z) = T(z)+ + , (3.21) E z 2z2 exp(β∆ )Ψ (z) = zβqi Ψ (z). E i i (3.22) logz zβqi β (In the last formula, an in(cid:28)nite series of powers of is summed up to .) With being β End(C) just a number (or, in the setting of the next subse tion, ∈ ), we re ognize this as the E spe tral (cid:29)ow transform asso iated with the urrent . 3.3. Extension of the state spa e. The observation leading to Eq. (3.12) indi ates that E /∂V for ∈ , the deformation an be des ribed in terms of a new (cid:28)eld introdu ed into the OPA ∆ E su h that the outer derivation be omes an inner one. We therefore onsider an extended OPA ontaining this new (cid:28)eld, assuming a de(cid:28)nite pres ription for the zero mode. In order to preserve the (cid:28)eld(cid:21)state orresponden e, we must then also extend the spa e of states (the va uum module). The ase onsidered in (3.10) already aptures ru ial features of the general situation. We V V Ω V take the va uum module of the OPA , with the highest-weight ve tor , and extend it by K taking the tensor produ t with some auxiliary (cid:28)nite-dimensional ve tor spa e . As a module V V K dimK V End(K) over , ⊗ isjust the dire t sum of opiesof , withoperators in generi ally ω K Ω V a ting between di(cid:27)erent opies. For a hosen ∈ , we an then identify with the ve tor Ω = Ω ω β End(K) V ⊗ . In the deformation formulas, we now take to be an element of su h that βΩ=0. (3.23) End(K) E We give the operators in the same parity (bosoni or fermioni ) as (so that in βE α End(K) parti ular is always bosoni ). Now, let ∈ satisfy [α,β] = 1 (3.24) 10 FJELSTAD, FUCHS, HWANG, SEMIKHATOV, AND TIPUNIN [ , ] E 1 with denoting the super ommutator. From (3.10) (where is a weight- (cid:28)eld), the modes L T αΩ n of the deformed energy-momentum tensor a t on as 1 e L αΩ = (T +e βE) αΩ. (3.25) n · z n · e In parti ular, L αΩ = E Ω. 1 1 (3.26) − · − − e Via the (cid:28)eld(cid:21)state orresponden e, the state in the right-hand side is asso iated to the (cid:28)eld E(z) α(z) αΩ . We therefore on lude that the operator orresponding to the state satis(cid:28)es ∂α(z) =e E(z), (3.27) − α(z)e= ∂−1E(z) whi h we also write suggestively as − . e This illustrates how the spa e of states (and hen e, the (cid:28)elds) an be extended. We now β analyze the onstru tion systemati ally, still assuming to be an endomorphism of an aux- K h =1 E iliary (cid:28)nite-dimensional ve tor spa e (with ). The ne essary manipulations are best des ribed in the language of vertex operator algebras [33,34,35℄, whi h we summarize in Ap- pendix B. K We begin with making the auxiliary ve tor spa e into a (cid:16)toy(cid:17) vertex operator algebra. [ , ] Having done so allows us to use the produ ts n of the orresponding (cid:16)(cid:28)elds,(cid:17) see Eqs. (B.4) End(K)[[z,z 1]] − and (B.5). These produ ts on , satisfying all the properties of the OPA opera- ∆ E tions ex ept the (cid:16) ommutativity(cid:17) ondition, then allow us to onstru t a generalization of in (3.7). ω K K We (cid:28)rst hoose an arbitrary element ∈ , whi h we all the va uum ve tor of . This EndK=(EndK) +(EndK) (EndK) + + gives rise to a ve tor spa e de omposition −, where is (EndK) ω=0 S (EndK) + de(cid:28)ned by the requirement that . We next (cid:28)x a set of elements from − K k=κω κ S su h that every ve tor in anbe written asa linear ombinationof ve tors with ∈ . (EndK) S + Elementsof aresaidtobeannihilationoperatorsandelementsof reationoperators. End(K) From the (super) ommutator in and the normal ordering asso iated with the hosen End(K)[[z,z 1]] − va uum ve tor, we an then de(cid:28)ne an OPA stru ture on by Eqs. (B.4)(cid:21)(B.6). Y(k,z)=κ k=κω κ S K Moreover, setting for with ∈ de(cid:28)nes a (toy) vertex operator algebra K K=(K,Y,ω) with the spa e of states given by . The data satisfy the list of properties of z Y VOAs ex ept those related to the Virasoro algebra. Here, is a dummy variable be ause K End(K) K (EndK) maps into and the orresponding OPA a tually oin ides with − (with [A,B] (EndK) the only nonzero bra ket being just 0 given by the multipli ation in −). V V ′ ′ Returning to the (cid:16)genuine(cid:17) VOAs, we (cid:28)x a VOA with the spa e of states and the V 1 E(z) V ′ ′ orresponding OPA . Sele ting a weight- (cid:28)eld ∈ (in general, several su h (cid:28)elds), V V ′ we de(cid:28)ne a VOA ⊂ as the ommutant ( entralizer) of its zero mode (in general, of the [E,A] =0 A V subalgebra of zero modes); we thus have 1 for every (cid:28)eld ∈ . For a VOA module W W W V V ′ ′ ′ , we similarly sele t a submodule ⊂ . Clearly, is a module over .

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