TobesubmittedtotheAstrophysicalJournal PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.01/23/15 LOG-NORMALSTARFORMATIONHISTORIESINSIMULATEDANDOBSERVEDGALAXIES BenediktDiemer1,MartinSparre2,3,LouisE.Abramson4,andPaulTorrey5,6 1InstituteforTheoryandComputation,Harvard-SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenSt.,Cambridge,MA02138,USA; [email protected] 2HeidelbergerInstitutfu¨rTheoretischeStudien,Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg35,69118Heidelberg,Germany 3DarkCosmologyCentre,NielsBohrInstitute,UniversityofCopenhagen,JulianeMariesVej30,2100Copenhagen,Denmark 4DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,UCLA,430PortolaPlaza,LosAngeles,CA90095-1547,USA 5MITKavliInstituteforAstrophysicsandSpaceResearch,77MassachusettsAve.37-241,CambridgeMA02139,USA 6CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology,Pasadena,CA91125,USA 7 TobesubmittedtotheAstrophysicalJournal 1 0 ABSTRACT 2 Gladders et al. have recently suggested that the star formation histories (SFHs) of individual galaxies are n characterized by a log-normal function in time, implying a slow decline rather than rapid quenching. We a test their conjecture on theoretical SFHs from the cosmological simulation Illustris and on observationally J inferred SFHs. While the log-normal form necessarily ignores short-lived features such as starbursts, it fits 9 the overall shape of the majority of SFHs very well. In particular, 85% of the cumulative SFHs are fitted to within a maximum error of 5% of the total stellar mass formed, and 99% to within 10%. The log-normal ] performssystematicallybetterthanthecommonlyuseddelayed-τmodel,andissupersededonlybyfunctions A withmorethanthreefreeparameters. Poorfitsaremostlyfoundingalaxiesthatwererapidlyquenchedafter G becoming satellites. We explore the log-normal parameter space of normalization, peak time, and full width at half maximum, and find that the simulated and observed samples occupy similar regions, though Illustris . h predictswider,later-formingSFHsonaverage. Theensembleoflog-normalfitscorrectlyreproducescomplex p metricssuchastheevolutionofIllustrisgalaxiesacrossthestarformationmainsequence,butoverpredictstheir - quenchingtimescales. SFHsinIllustrisareadiversepopulationnotdeterminedbyanyonephysicalproperty o r of galaxies, but follow a tight relation where width ∝ (peaktime)3/2. We show that such a relation can be t explained qualitatively (though not quantitatively) by a close connection between the growth of dark matter s a halosandtheirgalaxies. [ Keywords:cosmology: theory-methods: numerical-galaxies: starformation 1 v 8 1. INTRODUCTION kins & Beacom 2006; Madau & Dickinson 2014). At any 0 Oneofthemostfundamentalaspectsofgalaxyformationis redshiftalongthisglobaltrajectory,star-forminggalaxiesex- 3 the star formation history (SFH), both in individual galaxies hibit a correlation between their stellar mass and SFR, lead- 2 andintheuniverseoverall. Unfortunately, thetime-resolved ing to the concepts of a “star formation main sequence” and 0 SFHsofindividualgalaxiesaredifficulttomeasureobserva- aquiescentpopulation(Brinchmannetal.2004;Noeskeetal. . 2007; Elbaz et al. 2007; Karim et al. 2011; Whitaker et al. 1 tionally in all but the most local galaxies where we have ac- 2012; Speagle et al. 2014). Massive galaxies tend to form 0 cesstoresolvedstellarpopulations(Weiszetal.2011,2014; theirstarsearlier,atrendknownasdownsizing(Cowieetal. 7 Skillmanetal.2014;Williamsetal.2011;Lewisetal.2015). 1996;Heavensetal.2004;Treuetal.2005;Bundyetal.2006; 1 In more remote systems, we need to rely on stellar archae- Neistein et al. 2006; Kriek et al. 2007; Conroy & Wechsler : ology, i.e. measurements of stellar ages based on photomet- v 2009). Finally, the SFR has been connected to a number of ric or spectroscopic observations and stellar population syn- i physicalpropertiesofgalaxiessuchasmorphology(Postman X thesis models (Tinsley 1968; Gallagher et al. 1984; Sandage 1986;Kauffmannetal.2003;Thomasetal.2005;Kennicutt & Geller 1984; Wuyts et al. 2011) and environment, which r turnsouttobecloselyrelatedtowhetheragalaxyisasatel- a &Evans2012;McDermidetal.2015;Lejaetal.2016). The liteorcentral(Oemler1974;Dressler1980;Pengetal.2010, numberofindependenttimebinsinsuchSFHmeasurements 2012). isusuallysmall,thoughbettertimeresolutioncanbeachieved One might hope that these global observations would withmoreflexibleparameterizationsoftheSFH(Tojeiroetal. strongly constrain the SFHs of individual galaxies, but this 2007, 2009; Pacifici et al. 2013, 2016a,b). Instead of focus- connection is not easily established. For example, average ing on individual galaxies, one can try to measure the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxy populations at different red- SFHs can be inferred by integrating the main-sequence SFR over time (e.g., Leitner 2012), but this approach leads to in- shifts and connect them to their progenitors statistically, but consistencies (Leja et al. 2015). Instead, the most success- such inferences are complicated by scatter and merging in a ΛCDM universe (Behroozi et al. 2013a; Torrey et al. 2015, ful theoretical models link the growth of stellar mass to the growthofthedarkmatterhalosthatgalaxiesinhabit, forex- 2016;Wellons&Torrey2016). ample via subhalo abundance matching (e.g., Kravtsov et al. In a global sense, however, many fundamental aspects of 2004;Conroyetal.2006;Behroozietal.2013b),halooccupa- star formation in the universe are now well established. The tiondistributions(e.g.,Peacock&Smith2000;Seljak2000; star formation rate density (SFRD) peaks around z ≈ 2 and Hearin et al. 2016), semi-analytic models (Kauffmann et al. declinesthereafter(Lillyetal.1996;Madauetal.1998;Hop- 2 Diemeretal. 1993; Somerville et al. 2001; Guo et al. 2011), or other as- sumptions (Bouche´ et al. 2010; Dave´ et al. 2012; Lilly et al. Earlypeak, smallwidth Latepeak, smallwidth 2013;Tacchellaetal.2013;Mitraetal.2017). Oneimportant conclusion from these models is that there has to be signifi- cantscatterbetweenhaloandgalaxymasses(andthusgrowth histories)inordertoexplainobservations(Moreetal.2009; e t Behroozi et al. 2013b; Reddick et al. 2013; Gu et al. 2016). a r Asaresult,evenmodelsthatagreeonglobalconstraintscan n lead to orthogonal interpretations of the evolution of indi- o i t vidual galaxies. A good example for such disagreement are a m the“rapidquenching1”frameworkwheregalaxiesfollowthe r Earlypeak, largewidth Latepeak, largewidth mainsequenceuntiltheysharplyfallbelowthemainsequence o f (Pengetal.2012;Wetzeletal.2013;Tinkeretal.2016;Tac- r a chellaetal.2016b)andthe“stochastic”frameworkwherecor- t S relatedscatterandthecentrallimittheoremleadtothemain sequence(Kelson2014;Kelsonetal.2016). Recently, another rather different picture has been pro- posed. Inspired by the fact that the global SFRD is well fit byalog-normalintime,Gladdersetal.(2013,hereafterG13) suggestedthatthisformmightalsodescribetheSFHsofindi- Time since the Big Bang vidualgalaxies(G13;Dressleretal.2013,2016;Oemleretal. 2013a;Abramsonetal.2015,2016). Thelog-normalSFRis Figure1. Illustrationofthelog-normalSFH.Theshapeisdeterminedby givenbytheexpression thepeaktimetpeakandwidthσSFR(definedasfullwidthathalfmaximum). Thekeyfeatureofthelog-normalisthat,inlineartime,itrisesquicklyand (cid:32) (cid:33) A (lnt−T )2 declinesslowly,withthetwotimescalesinextricablylinked. SFR(t)= √ exp − 0 (1) 2πτ2×t 2τ2 talassumptionofG13,namelywhetherthelog-normalfunc- whereA,T ,andτarefreeparameters(throughoutthepaper, 0 tional form is a good fit for SFHs in the Illustris simulation t refers to the time since the Big Bang, not lookback time). and for the inferred SFHs of Pacifici et al. (2016b, hereafter G13 emphasize that the key assumption need not be the ex- P16). We find that log-normals fit the majority of Illustris actfunctionalformofthelog-normal,butratheritssteeprise galaxies very well, particularly in the mass range studied by andslowdeclineinlineartime,suggestingaphysicalpicture G13. We investigate the log-normal parameter space of nor- different from main sequence star formation interrupted by malization, peak time, and width as a common language for suddenquenching. Whilethereissomeevidencethatthema- simulatedandobservedSFHs. Ourgoalisnottotestthefit- jorityofgalaxiesceasetheirstarformationgradually(Noeske tingprocedureofG13indetail,ortocomparethegalaxypop- et al. 2007; Schawinski et al. 2014; Peng et al. 2015), the ulation in Illustris to that of G13. Instead, we study which log-normal SFR is no more than an assumption. The appeal physicalpropertiesofIllustrisgalaxiestranslateintoparticu- of this assumption is that it allows for wide-ranging predic- larvaluesofthelog-normalparameters. Wealsocomparethe tions if the log-normal parameters for a sample of galaxies log-normaltootherfittingfunctionsanddiscusstheimplica- can be inferred. This procedure was implemented by G13 tionsofthelog-normalframeworkintermsofquenchingand whofoundsurprisinglygoodagreementofthepredictedstel- theglobalstarformationpropertiesoftheuniverse. larmassfunctionsandtheirevolution,thestarformationmain Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2,wedescribe sequence, downsizing, and many more complicated metrics thesimulatedandobserveddataouranalysisisbasedon. In (G13; Abramson et al. 2016). These successes cannot triv- Section 3, we investigate the quality of the log-normal fits iallybereproducedwithsymmetricformsoftheSFHsuchas and the resulting parameter space. In Section 4, we discuss aGaussianinlineartime(G13). theimplicationsofourfindingsfortheglobalstarformation Given the scarcity of reliable, time-resolved SFH obser- properties of the universe and the quenching of star forma- vations, cosmological simulations of galaxy formation can tion. WesummarizeourresultsinSection5. InAppendices help to differentiate between the different physical pictures. AandBwegivemathematicalexpressionsofvariousfitting These simulations have recently reached a reasonable agree- functions and discuss additional details regarding fits and fit ment with a number of observables, providing some level of results. confidence in their predictions for individual galaxies (Vo- Throughout the paper, we extensively use the language of gelsbergeretal.2014b;Torreyetal.2014;Schayeetal.2015; log-normalfunctions(Equation1). Thisfunctionalformim- Dave´ et al. 2016). More specifically, Sparre et al. (2015b) posestheconstraintthattheriseanddeclineofstarformation showed that the galaxy population of the Illustris simula- aresymmetricinlogarithmictime. Hence,theparametersT tionbroadlymatchestheobservedmainsequence,andinves- 0 andτareinunitsoflogarithmictime,andcanbeinterpreted tigated individual SFHs using principal component analysis asthetimewhenhalfthestarshaveformedandtheduration (seealsotherelatedanalysesofSimhaetal.2014andCohn ofthegalaxy’sstarformation. However,thelog-normaldoes &vandeVoort2015). not peak at t = exp(T ), and we thus substitute the more in- In this paper, we systematically investigate the fundamen- 0 tuitive parameter space of the SFR’s peak time, t , and its peak full width at half maximum, σ . Figure 1 illustrates how 1 Theterm“quenching”issomewhatambiguous. Inthispaper, weuse SFR these parameters determine the shape of the log-normal. Fi- it to mean the cessation of star formation, without any presumption as to whetherthedecreasehappensquicklyorslowly,andwhetherithappensdue nally,thenormalization Acorrespondstothetotalintegrated toadiminishinggassupplyorotherphysicalprocesses. star formation, a quantity we re-cast as the total stellar mass StarFormationHistories 3 formed, tohavespecificstarformationrates Mfinal = A×109× fret (2) 0.2 sSFR(z )≤ (3) where fret = 0.6 is the retention factor due to stellar evolu- obs 109×tobs tion(seeSection2.3). WehavetakenintoaccountthatSFRs wherethesSFRisinunitsofyr−1 andt isthecosmictime are measured in M /yr whereas times are in Gyr. Detailed obs (cid:12) at observation in Gyr. For the comparisons with the Illustris expressions for a number of useful properties of log-normal and G13 samples, we set z = 0. We consider the median SFHsaregiveninAppendixA.1. obs SFHs in 6 bins in redshift and 6 bins in mass given by P16 (seetheirFigure5). 2. SIMULATION,DATA,ANDMETHODS In this section we introduce the observed and simulated 2.3. TheIllustrisSimulation datasets our analysis is based on, as well as our method for TheIllustrissimulation(Vogelsbergeretal.2014b)follows extractingandfittingSFHsfromsimulations. a comoving cosmological volume of 106.5 cubic Mpc. The cosmological parameters were set according to the WMAP9 2.1. TheGladdersetal. GalaxySample cosmologyofHinshawetal.(2013),andthesamecosmology was adapted for all calculations in this paper. The simula- Ourprimaryobserveddatasetconsistsofthestellarmasses, tion was run using the moving-mesh code Arepo (Springel SFRs,andbest-fitlog-normalparametersofG13. Theunder- 2010) which includes physical models for gas cooling, star lyinggalaxyobservationsweretakenfromanumberofgalaxy formation, metal enrichment, black hole growth, as well as surveys. Inparticular,thestellarmassesandSFRsforgalax- ieswithM >4×1010M weredrawnfromtheSloanDigital feedback from stellar winds, supernovae, and AGN (Vogels- ∗ (cid:12) berger et al. 2013, 2014a,b; Genel et al. 2014; Torrey et al. SkySurvey(seeOemleretal.2013b,andreferencestherein), 2014; Sijacki et al. 2015). For the purposes of this paper, whereasthePG2MCsurvey(Calvietal.2011)wasusedfor galaxieswith M < 4×1010 M . Duetothesmallervolume thestarformationprescriptionisofparticularinterest. InIl- ∗ (cid:12) lustris,starsareformedaccordingtoasub-gridmodelwhich of the latter survey, the samples were re-normalized to cre- stochasticallyplaces“star”particlesingascellsthatexceeda ateequalweights. Theresultingsamplecontains2094galax- thresholdnumberdensityof0.13cm−3(Springel&Hernquist ies with a mean redshift of 0.0678, and is complete above M =1010 M . WereferthereadertoG13andthereferences 2003;Vogelsbergeretal.2013). Eachstarparticlerepresents ∗ (cid:12) apopulationofstarsbornwithaChabrierinitialmassfunction thereinfordetailsonhowthestellarmassesandstarformation (Chabrier2003). Thetimescaleofstarformationdependson rateswerecomputed. the inverse root of the density, leading to a relation between The fundamental assertion of G13 is that the log-normal, surface density and star formation that roughly follows the afunctionalformthatdescribestheglobalSFRDoftheuni- observedKennicutt-Schmidtrelation(e.g.,Kennicutt1998). verse, might also be a good description of the SFHs of indi- Astheyage,simulationstarparticlesreturnmasstothein- vidualgalaxies. However,foreachobservedgalaxy,onlytwo terstellar medium via stellar winds and supernovae (Vogels- variables are known (M and SFR) whereas the log-normal ∗ berger et al. 2013). Star particles therefore have masses that hasthreefreeparameters(Equation1). Thus,G13usedaddi- evolvewithtimetovalueslowerthantheirinitialbirthmass. tional global constraints, namely the SFRD (accounting for the contribution from galaxies with M < 1010 M ) and Foranygivengalaxy,thisdecreasecausestheintegratedSFR ∗ (cid:12) tobehigherthanthesumofstellarparticlemasses. Through- SFR distributions back to z ≈ 1. Some of these observa- outthepaper,wedistinguishthesetwostellarmassdefinitions tions were drawn from the IMACS Cluster Building Survey carefully. The mass decrease in a stellar population can be (ICBS,Oemleretal.2013b;Dressleretal.2013;Oemleretal. expressedasaretentionfactorwhichwefindtovarybetween 2013a). Inacombinedfitovertheglobalconstraintsandthe 0.54 for the oldest and 0.62 for the youngest stellar popula- stellarmassesandSFRsofeachgalaxy, theyfoundthebest- tions in Illustris, with a mean of 0.57. We note that this is fit T and τ for the 2094 galaxies (see their Figure 9). The 0 veryclosetothevalueof0.6assumedbyG13,meaningthat normalization of the log-normals was set such that the inte- wecandirectlycomparethecumulativeSFRsoftheobserved grated SFR matches the observed M , meaning that one has ∗ andsimulatedgalaxysampleswithoutincurringalargeerror. to assume a retention factor, f , i.e. the ratio between the ret Dark matter halos, and the galaxies that inhabit them, are stellar mass initially formed to the stellar mass that survives identified using the Subfind algorithm (Davis et al. 1985; untilthegalaxyisobserved. G13assumedaretentionfactor Springel et al. 2001; Dolag et al. 2009). The various prop- of0.6whichweadoptthroughoutthispaper. erties of galaxies are computed based on the bound matter within twice the the stellar half-mass radius of a subhalo as 2.2. ThePacificietal. InferredSFHs identified by Subfind (Vogelsberger et al. 2014b). We use a P16 derived SFHs by fitting the multi-band photometry numberofgalaxypropertieslistedintheSubfindcatalogs,in- of 845 quiescent galaxies with spectral energy distributions cluding various mass and size definitions, metallicity, black (SEDs) computed from a large library of theoretical SFHs. hole mass, and properties of the parent group if applicable. TheSEDlibraryconsistsof500,000simulatedgalaxySEDs, Furthermore, we use the stellar assembly data provided by created by applying the semi-analytic model of De Lucia & Rodriguez-Gomezetal.(2016b),forexamplethefractionof Blaizot(2007)tothemergertreesfromtheMillenniumSim- agalaxy’sstellarmassthatwasformedinsitu,exsitu,andin ulation(Springeletal.2005,seealsoPacificietal.2012),and varioustypesofmergers. predictingtheemissionusingthestellarpopulationsynthesis We consider all galaxies with M ≥ 109 M , a sample of ∗ (cid:12) model of Bruzual & Charlot (2003). This library is flexible 29203 galaxies (19375 of which are centrals at z = 0, and enough not to introduce a particular shape of the SFH a pri- 9828 satellites). For the comparisons with the observational ori. P16 restricted themselves to quiescent galaxies, defined galaxy sample described in Section 2.1, we use the sub-set 4 Diemeretal. ofhigh-massgalaxieswith M ≥ 1010 M ,asampleof6947 correlated which a standard χ2 statistic would not account ∗ (cid:12) galaxies(4643centralsand2304satellites). Inbothsamples, for. Instead, we compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic thesatellitefractionisalmostexactly1/3. Giventhattheini- D, equivalent to the maximum difference of the cumulative tialmassofstarparticlesinIllustrisisabout1.6×106M ,all functionsatanytime. Wenormalizethisnumberbythetotal (cid:12) galaxiesareresolvedby600ormoreparticles,andthehigh- stellarmasscreatedinagalaxysuchthat masssampleby6000ormoreparticles. Sparreetal.(2015b) max(|cSFR (t)−cSFR (t)|) testedtheresolutiondependenceofstarformationinIllustris D≡ sim fit (5) cSFR(t ) usingalower-resolutionrun(Vogelsbergeretal.2014a),and 0 foundgoodconvergenceinkeypropertiessuchasthestarfor- wheret istheageoftheuniversetoday.WeuseDtoquantify 0 mationmainsequence,theSFHs,andtheirvariance. thequalityofourfitsinSection3.1. Finally, wenoteaninconvenientfeatureofthelog-normal 2.4. StarFormationHistoriesandLog-normalFitting functional form: when only data from times well before the We extract the SFHs of Illustris galaxies using the same peak is available, the peak time and width are not well con- procedureasSparreetal.(2015b). Inparticular,weconsider strained, resulting in a strong degeneracy between T and τ. 0 all stellar particles in the corresponding friends-of-friends ThisissuemanifestsitselfinasmallfractionofIllustrisgalax- subgroupandbinthembytheirbirthtimes,weightedbytheir ies that experience rising star formation rates z = 0 and are initialmass,in100equaltimebinsbetweenthefirstandlast sometimesassignedunphysicallyhighvaluesofT andτ.We 0 snapshotsofthesimulation(att=54Myrandt=13.75Gyr, shall later return to the question whether such galaxies exist respectively). Definedinthisway, theSFHincludesthestar intherealuniverse,butinafittingsense,theycauseinconve- formation in all progenitors that have merged with a galaxy nientartifactssuchasSFHsthatpeakhundredsofGyrinthe during its lifetime. This definition matches observations of future. stellar mass and SFR at z = 0 which do not distinguish be- Thus, we impose a prior on t such that the fit is unaf- peak tweenstarsformedinsitu(inthegalaxyinquestion)orexsitu fected at t < t (the time at z = 0). Later peak times peak 0 (inasmallergalaxythatmerged). However,itdoesnotmatch are penalized by multiplying χ2 by the square of the loga- the observational definitions at higher redshift if a galaxy is rithmic difference of t and t . This term effectively cuts peak 0 toaccreteasignificantamountofstarsatlatertimes, though offthedistributionat50Gyr,correspondingtoascalefactor the effect of such mergers is significant only for high-mass a =10intheIllustriscosmology. Asimilar,lessinfor- peak,max galaxies(Conroy&Wechsler2009;Rodriguez-Gomezetal. mative prior penalizes extreme widths of σ > 102.5. The 2016b). In some figures, we use the star formation rate at SFR vastmajority,over90%ofthegalaxiesinoursample,areun- z = 0 which was computed from the SFR in all gas cells in affectedbythesepriors. Galaxiesinthehigh-t tailexperi- a simulated galaxy. We have verified that this instantaneous encedrasticallydifferentbest-fitparameters,npaemakelychanges SFRmatchestheSFHaveragedover20Myrverywell. of 50% or greater for 4% of the galaxies. However, due to WenowinvestigatewhetherthetabulatedSFHsarewellfit the strong degeneracy of T and τ, the actual fitted SFHs of bylog-normalfunctions. Wenotethattheterm“fit”takeson 0 thesegalaxiesarealmostidenticaltothosefitwithoutaprior. a slightly unusual meaning in this context because the log- Thus,thefitqualityDisbarelyaffected:only3%oftheSFHs normalformisnotintendedtodescribethedetailsofaSFH. experienceachangeinfitqualityof20%orgreater. Theprior First, theSFHsincosmologicalsimulationssufferfromshot is even less important for the high-mass sample. For the in- noise due to the limited number of stellar particles formed ferencesandcomparisonsshowninthispaper,thetailsinthe in a given time bin. This noise grows as the bin size de- T andτdistributionsarenotimportant. creases, making it difficult to define a meaningful goodness- 0 of-fit statistic such as χ2. Second, the spatial resolution (or 2.5. HaloMassAccretionHistories force softening length) in Illustris is such that giant molecu- BesidestheSFH,wealsoconsiderthemassaccretionhis- larcloudsarenotresolved,whichiswhythesub-gridmodel tory(MAH)ofagalaxy’sdarkmatterhalowhichweextract described in Section 2.3 is employed. The short-term struc- fromtheSublinkmergertreesprovidedbyRodriguez-Gomez ture of a SFH is thus significantly influenced by the charac- etal.(2015). Foreachhaloatz = 0,wefollowitsmostmas- teristicsofthesub-gridISMmodelandresolution, asshown sive (or main branch) progenitor back in time and record its byhigh-resolutionzoom-insimulations(e.g.,Haywardetal. mass. In order to reduce the complex shape of the MAHs 2011; Torrey et al. 2012; Sparre et al. 2015a). We note that to characteristics such as a halo’s formation time, we fit the othercosmologicalhydrodynamicalsimulationsusesimilarly MAHswiththeexponentialformofWechsleretal.(2002), motivatedsub-gridstarformationmodels(Schayeetal.2015; Dave´etal.2016),meaningtheirSFHsmaybesubjecttocom- M(z)= M e−αz (6) 0 parableuncertaintiesonshorttimescales. Forthesereasons, wedisregardtheshort-termbehaviorof where M0 is the halo mass at z = 0. This function was de- thesimulatedSFHsandinsteadfocusontheoverall,cumula- signedtofittheMAHsofisolatedhalosandisnotequipped tiveevolutionofagalaxy’sstellarmass.Wefitthecumulative tocapturetheeffectsofsubhaloaccretionontoalargerhost. SFR, Thus, we restrict the fits to epochs when the halos were not (cid:90) t subhaloswhichimprovesthecorrelationbetweenhaloforma- cSFR(t)≡ SFR(t(cid:48))dt(cid:48) (4) tion redshift and the SFH of their respective galaxies (Sec- 0 tion 3.3). Following Wechsler et al. (2002), we define a with the integral of the log-normal SFR which turns out to formation redshift where the halo has formed half its mass, begivenbyacomplementaryerrorfunction(AppendixA.1). z =ln(2)/α. Wehavealsoexperimentedwiththemore wechsler We use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to minimize the flexible, three-parameter function of Tasitsiomi et al. (2004) squareresidualsbetweenthisfunctionalformandthecumula- and McBride et al. (2009), but find that the resulting forma- tiveSFRin100timebins. Thevaluesinthesebinsarehighly tionredshiftcorrelateslessstronglywiththeSFHs. StarFormationHistories 5 2000 7 a)Massive, early-forming b)Slowlyquenchedsatellite 3.5 c)Star-formingtoday d)RisingSFRtoday 6 3.0 1.5 1500 5 yr) yr) yr) 2.5 yr) /M(cid:12)1000 /M(cid:12) 1.0 /M(cid:12) 2.0 /M(cid:12) 4 R( R( R( 1.5 R( 3 F F F F S 500 S 0.5 S 1.0 S 2 0.5 1 0 0.0 0.0 0 1012 109 1010 1010 × × × × 2.0 6 3.5 M)(cid:12) 5 M)(cid:12) 1.5 M)(cid:12) 1.5 M)(cid:12) 3.0 R( 4 R( R( R( 2.5 F F F F S S S 1.0 S 2.0 ve 3 ve 1.0 ve ve ati ati ati ati 1.5 Cumul 2 Mtpefiankal==21.92.6Cumul 0.5 Mtpefiankal==29.8.1 Cumul 0.5 Mtpefiankal==81.30.7Cumul 1.0 Mtpefiankal==5172.5.4 1 σSFH=3.4 σSFH=3.1 σSFH=31.4 0.5 σSFH=259.9 D=0.019 D=0.073 D=0.020 D=0.009 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t(Gyr) t(Gyr) t(Gyr) t(Gyr) 2.0 20 e)Earlystarburst f)Latestarburst 30 g)Majormerger h)Rapidlyquenchedsatellite 500 400 15 25 1.5 /yr) /yr) /yr) 20 /yr) (M(cid:12)300 (M(cid:12) 10 (M(cid:12) 15 (M(cid:12) 1.0 R R R R F 200 F F F S S S 10 S 5 0.5 100 5 0 0 0 0.0 1011 109 1011 109 × × × 2.0 × 4 1.0 M)(cid:12) 1.5 M)(cid:12) M)(cid:12) M)(cid:12) 1.5 ( ( ( 0.8 ( R R 3 R R F F F F veS 1.0 veS veS 0.6 veS 1.0 Cumulati 0.5 MtσpSefiFanHkal===211..011.0Cumulati 12 MtσpSefiFanHkal===809..13.4 Cumulati 00..24 MtσpSefiFanHkal===611.121.5.0Cumulati 0.5 MtσpSefiFanHkal===439..42.0 D=0.168 D=0.019 D=0.039 D=0.152 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t(Gyr) t(Gyr) t(Gyr) t(Gyr) Figure2. Representativelog-normalfitstoSFHsfromIllustris.ThedarkbluelinesshowtheSFRandcumulativeSFHofasimulatedgalaxy(topandbottomof eachsetofpanels),andthelightbluelinethebest-fitlog-normal.Thegrayshadedareasindicatetimeswhenthegalaxywasasatellite.Thebest-fitparameters arelistedinthebottomrightcornersoftheSFHpanels,whereMfinalisinlog10unitsandtpeakandσSFRareinGyr.Fromtoplefttorightbottom:a)amassive, early-forminggalaxythatstoppedformingstarsafewGyrago;b)asatellitethatexperiencedaburstofstarformationafterinfallandslowlyquenchedthereafter; c)averybroadSFH;d)aSFHthatisstillrisingtoday,resultinginapeaktimeinthefarfuture;e)theworstfittedSFHinthehigh-masssample,asystemthat formsalmostallitsstarsintwoearlystarbursts;f)a“latebloomer”thatformedinoneintensestarburst;g)agalaxythatexperiencedastarburstduetoamajor merger;h)asatellitethatexperiencedastarburstuponbeingaccreted,andthenquenchedabruptly. Exceptforthecaseofrapidquenching,alargevarietyof cumulativeSFHsiswellfitbythelog-normalform,eveniftheSFRisnoisyorbursty. Finally, we attempt to draw a more direct connection to description, and if the MAH is well described by a pure ex- the SFH fits by fitting the MAHs with a log-normal in time. ponential, thethirdfreeparameterisunconstrained. Forthis Wefindthatthelog-normalisnotparticularlyadaptedtothe reason, aboutaquarterofthefitsfailtoconverge, evenwith shape of MAHs. The exponential rise at early times is gen- thepriorsdescribedinSection2.4. Wereturntotherelation erallywellfit, buttheadditionalfreeparametercomparedto betweenSFHandMAHlog-normalfitsinSection4.5. theWechsleretal.(2002)functionrarelyimprovesthefitsig- 3. RESULTS nificantly. IftheMAHflattensorevendecreases,thepower- law term in the Tasitsiomi et al. (2004) formula is a better In this section, we consider the quality of log-normal fits to Illustris and observationally inferred SFHs, and compare 6 Diemeretal. All 100 Gladders13 0.8 4000 Centrals Illustris Satellites 0.6 3000 /dx 10−1 N 0.4 d N 10−2 2000 0.2 10−3 0.0 1000 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 − − − − log M (M ) log SFR(M /yr) 10 10 ∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) 0 Figure4. ComparisonofthegalaxypopulationsintheG13(orange)and 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Illustris(blue)samples(withM∗ >1010M(cid:12)). Whilethestellarmassfunc- tions(leftpanel)aresimilar,Illustriscontainsfewerquiescentandmorestar- D forminggalaxiesthantheG13sample(rightpanel). Figure3. Distributionoffitquality,definedasthemaximumdeviationfrom thecumulativeSFH,D. Theplotcutsoutasmallfractionofoutlierswith SFHs of P16 (see Appendix B.1 and Figure 15). We find fit D>0.13).ThevastmajorityofSFHsisfitwellbythelog-normalform.The qualitiesverysimilartothoseoftheIllustrisSFHs,withDbe- tailatD>0.08isalmostentirelyduetolow-masssatellitesthatexperienced tween1.4and5%,andamedianof2.8%(comparedto3.1% rapidquenching. fortheIllustrissample). the best-fit parameters from the observational and simulated Insummary,thelog-normalfunctionalformprovidesanex- galaxysamples. cellentdescriptionofthemajorityofthesimulatedandobser- vationallyinferredcumulativeSFHsweconsidered. Thekey 3.1. TheQualityofLog-normalFits predictionofthelog-normalisasteepriseandslowdeclinein lineartime,andthatthetwotimescalesarecoupled.Thisfun- Figure 2 shows an array of example log-normal fits to a damental characteristic is shared with the delayed-τ model, rangeoftypesofSFH,namelythoseofearlyandlate-forming meaningthatmanyofthefollowingresultscouldprobablybe galaxies, centrals and satellites, slow and fast decliners, and obtainedbasedondelayed-τfitsaswell. Weconcludethata galaxies that underwent a major merger. Despite the ex- tremelydifferentshapesofthecorrespondingSFHs, thelog- steepriseandslowdeclinearekeyfeaturesoftheSFHscon- sideredhere,exceptforgalaxieswhosestarformationissud- normal captures the main features in the cumulative distri- denlytruncatedbyexternalprocessessuchassatellitequench- bution while glossing over the noise and spikes in the SFR. ing. Models where the rise and decline timescales are inde- Figure2highlightsalargerangeoffitqualities,includingthe worstfittoanySFHinthehigh-masssample(M >1010M ). pendent (such as the double power law) can achieve a better ∗ (cid:12) In the lower-mass sample (M < 1010 M ), one particularly fitinsomecases,thoughatthecostofpredictivepower. ∗ (cid:12) difficultcaseforthelog-normalfunctionisasharpcut-offin 3.2. TheLog-normalParameterSpace star formation, for example the rapid quenching of satellites after infall into their host (see Figure 2 for an example, or We now consider the distribution of best-fit parameters in Mistanietal.2016forananalysisofthiseffectinIllustris). theG13,P16,andIllustrissamples. Beforeattemptingsucha Figure 3 shows the distribution of D, the maximum frac- comparison,weneedtocheckthatthegalaxypopulationsin tionalresidualbetweenthefitandthecumulativeSFR.While IllustrisandintheG13sampleareatleastroughlycompara- Drangesfromalmostzeroto34%,thevastmajorityofgalax- ble. Figure 4 shows the abundance of galaxies as a function ies,namely85%(92%ofcentralsand73%ofsatellites),are ofstellarmassandSFRinIllustris(blue)andtheG13sample fit to 5% or better at all times. Only 1% of the fits are off (orange). The distributions of M are relatively similar (left ∗ by 10% or more at any time (0.4% of centrals and 2.7% of panel), but the SFRs (right panel) differ significantly. The satellites).Thestatisticsareevenbetterinthehigh-masssam- G13samplecontainsamuchlargerfractionofentirelyquies- ple,whereonly0.3%ofgalaxies(0.1%ofcentralsand0.8% cent,non-starforminggalaxies,whereasIllustriscontainsan of satellites) exhibit a D of 10% or greater. Figure 3 also excessofgalaxieswithSFRsbetween1and10M /yr. This (cid:12) demonstratesthatthetailtowardpoorfitqualitiesconsistsal- disagreementisnotsurprising,astheG13sampleismoreor mostentirelyofsatellites. Visualinspectionoftheseobjects lessrepresentativeofthequiescentandstar-formingfraction confirmsthatmostofthemarelow-masssatellitesthatexperi- inthez = 0universe(Abramsonetal.2015),whereasanex- encedrapidquenchingafterbeingaccretedintoalargerhalo. cess of blue, star-forming galaxies in Illustris at z = 0 has Thegenerallyexcellentqualityofthelog-normalfitsisby been noted before (Vogelsberger et al. 2014a). Furthermore, no means guaranteed, as we are fitting 100 time bins with a Sparre et al. (2015b) detected a paucity of starburst galax- function of only three free parameters. For comparison, we ies in Illustris compared to observations. Conversely, we re- alsoconsiderthedelayed-τmodel(e.g.,Gavazzietal.2002) mind the reader that the log-normal parameters of G13 are andthedoublepowerlaw(e.g.,Behroozietal.2013b)inAp- inferredfromasemi-globalfitratherthanmeasuredfromre- pendixA.Weshowthat,onaverage,thelog-normalfunction solvedSFHs. Withthesecaveatsinmind,weemphasizethat performs slightly better than the delayed-τ model which has ourgoalisnottotestthegalaxypopulationofIllustrisorthe the same number of free parameters. In contrast, the dou- fittingprocedureofG13,butrathertocomparetheregionsof ble power law has four free parameters (normalization, peak log-normalparameterspaceoccupiedbythetwosamples,and time,risingandfallingslope),leadingtoasignificantlymore to investigate the physical properties of galaxies that occupy accuratefit,particularlyforrapidlyquenchedsatellites. those regions. For those purposes, the populations shown in Wealsoapplyourfittingproceduretotheinferredmedian Figure4aresufficientlysimilar. StarFormationHistories 7 Illustris Gladders13 x x x d d d / / / N N N d d d 13 Illustris (peaktimeinGyr)peak 101 σ(widthinGyr)SFH 110012 Mlogfinal10 1112 011...505 10log(+1)N t 100 10 100 0.0 13 Gladders13 (peaktimeinGyr) 101 (widthinGyr)FH 110012 z=4 z=2 z=1 z=0 Mlogfinal10 1112 011...505 10log(+1)N peak σS t 100 10 100 0.0 10 11 12 13 100 101 100 101 102 log10Mfinal tpeak(peaktimeinGyr) σSFH(widthinGyr) Figure5. Log-normalparametersoftheIllustris(blue,M∗>1010M(cid:12))andG13(orange)samples.Thetoprowshowsthedistributionsofthethreefitparameters, namelythetotalstellarmassformed,peaktime,andfullwidthathalfmaximum.Thehistogramsarenormalizedtothesamesamplesize.Thebottomtworows showthedensityofgalaxiesasafunctionofpairsoftheseparameters. TheIllustrisandG13samplesoccupysimilarareasinthisparameterspace,butIllustris SFHsexhibitlargerwidthsandamorepronouncedcorrelationbetweentpeakandσSFR.ThetailoftheIllustrispopulationtowardhightpeakandσSFR(i.e.,SFHs whichwillpeakinthefuture)isinfluencedbyourpriorandshouldnotbetakentooseriously(Section2.4).SeeAppendixB.3foracomparisonintheoriginal T0-τparameterspaceofG13. Wecomparethebest-fitparametersoftheIllustrisandG13 tributetoM .Theleftandrightcolumnsshowtheexpected final samplesinFigure5. Thetoprowshowshistogramsforeach correlations,butalsoasignatureofthetailsdiscussedabove. parameter. While the distributions of final stellar masses Because the extremely late-forming SFHs in Illustris predict roughly agree, we notice that Illustris galaxies peak slightly significant future star formation, they lead to very high final later(highert )andhavesignificantlylargerwidths(higher masses. Thesegalaxiesmanifestthemselvesastailsinthetop peak σ ). These differences are partially due to the excess of righthandcornersoftheM -t (leftcolumn)andM -τ SFR final peak final blue, star-forming galaxies in Illustris compared to the G13 (rightcolumn)planes. Ignoringthesetails,wefindthatlarger sample (Figure 4). Moreover, we notice tails of a few per- galaxiesformearlier(havelowert )anddeclinerelatively peak cent of the population toward very high values in all three fast(havelowerσ ),inagreementwiththedownsizingpic- SFR parameters in the Illustris sample (Mfinal ∼> 1012, tpeak ∼> t0, ture. Atlowmasses,thescatterinpeaktimeincreases. Inter- σSFR ∼> 30). The corresponding fits are poorly constrained estingly, these trends are less significant in the G13 sample, andinfluencedbyourpriorwhichdiscouragest >t (Sec- especiallytherelationbetweenmassandpeaktime. peak 0 tion2.4). Wenowconsidertherelationbetweenpeaktimeandwidth ThebottomrowsofFigure5showthecorrelationsbetween (center column of Figure 5). Once again ignoring the Illus- each pair of parameters. We first investigate the trends with tris population with a peak time beyond z = 0, the G13 and stellar mass in the Illustris sample. M is a reflection of Illustrissamplesoccupyasimilarregionofparameterspace. final the stellar mass of galaxies, modulo their current age: for Inbothsamples,earlier-forminggalaxiesformfaster,butthe early-forming galaxies, M ≈ M (z = 0), whereas late- correlation is more significant in Illustris. Furthermore, at final ∗ forminggalaxieshaveyettoformsomeofthestarsthatcon- fixed t Illustris galaxies have broader widths, i.e. form peak 8 Diemeretal. z obs 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 102 Illustris ) r y G 1.5 lo ) n g nGyr 101 widthi 10(+N widthi σ(SFH 101 1.0 1) ( H 0.5 F S σ 100 100 log10(σSFH)=1.5log10(tpeak)−0.08 0.0 100 101 Gladders13 tpeak(peaktimeinGyr) Figure7. CorrelationbetweenpeaktimeandwidthfortheentireIllustris r) sample. Thedashedlineshowsthebest-fitpowerlaw,thedottedlinesthe y G 68%scatterof0.18dex(about50%). n 101 i galaxiesbelowthecorrespondingline. WenotethattheP16 h t pointsthemselveslieslightlyabovethelinesateachredshift, d wi indicating that the log-normal fits overestimate the sSFR at ( H theredshiftofobservation(seeAppendixB.1andFigure15). SF Nevertheless, the agreement between the observational sam- σ plesisreassuring,andlendscredibilitytotheinferredparam- etersofG13. 100 100 101 3.3. WhichGalaxyPropertiesDeterminetheSFH? Havingestablishedthatoursimulatedandobservedgalaxy t (peaktimeinGyr) peak samples occupy similar areas of the log-normal parameter Figure6. Comparison of the log-normal parameters of the Pacifici et al. space,wenowaskwhatgalaxyformationphysicscausespar- (2016b,roundpoints)samplewiththoseofIllustris(top)andG13(bottom). ticular shapes of the SFH: are they pre-determined by initial TheP16sampleisrestrictedtoquiescentgalaxieswhich,inlog-normalspace, conditionssuchasthedensityenvironment,influencedbythe liebelowtheredshift-dependentlines(samecolorscaleastheroundpoints). Ateachredshift,theSFRoftheP16fitsslightlyexceedsthequiescentcut, history of a galaxy’s halo, or do they arise from the compli- indicatingthatthelog-normalfitsoverestimatetheactuallyobservedSFR. catedphysicsofgalaxyformation? Forthisinvestigation,we considertheentireIllustrissamplewithM >109 M . ∗ (cid:12) starsforalongertimethaninferredbyG13. We note another potentially revealing difference between 3.3.1. ThePeakTime-WidthRelation theG13andIllustrissamples: theabsenceofyounggalaxies Figure7reproducesthet -σ relationfortheentireIl- peak SFR or“latebloomers”(G13,Oemleretal.2013a;Dressleretal. lustrissample. ThecorrelationswithM areverysimilarto final 2016) in Illustris. Those are galaxies that form the majority those in the high-mass sample shown in Figure 5. Figure 7 of their stars relatively quickly after z ≈ 1. The correspond- demonstratesthatthet -σ relationiswellapproximated peak SFR ing parameter space of t between z = 1 and z = 0 and byapowerlaw, peak lσuSsFtrRis∼<(5thoGuygrhisavfieswiblysupcohpgualalatexdieisneGx1is3t,ibnutthdeesleorwteedr-imnaIsls- σSFR =0.83tp3e/a2k, (7) sample,Section3.3). Thisdifferenceisanothermanifestation with a standarddeviation of 0.18 dex (about 50%). The line of the relatively wide SFHs in Illustris: if galaxies peak as fitandscatterfortheM >1010M samplearevirtuallyiden- ∗ (cid:12) late as z = 1, they are most likely still active today (at least tical. According to this relation, the SFHs in Illustris follow accordingtothelog-normalfits). a scaling relation between their peak time and width, where As an independent, observational check, we compare the early-forming galaxies also form quickly. We notice a few G13andIllustrissamplestothelog-normalparametersofthe outliers,forexamplerelativelylate,shortstarburstSFHs(see P16 median SFHs in Figure 6. The color scale of the P16 Figure 2 for an example), but overall the relation is surpris- pointsindicatestheirobservationredshift. TheG13andP16 inglytight. P16foundasimilarrelationbetweenSFHwidth samplesmatchverywellandoccupythesamet -σ re- and the age of the universe, but they referred to the time of peak SFR lation. ThelowerscatterintheP16sampleisexpectedsince observationratherthanpeaktime(theirFigure6). thoseparameterswerederivedfrommedianSFHsratherthan GivenhowwellthepeaktimeofaSFHpredictsitswidth, individualgalaxies. However,P16consideredonlyquiescent thequestionwhichgalaxypropertiesdeterminetheSFHcan galaxies as defined in Equation 3. The corresponding limits be divided into two separate questions: which properties at each redshift are shown with lines in Figure 6, and points change peak time and width along their degeneracy, and ofagivencolorshouldbecomparedtotheIllustrisandG13 whichproperties(ifany)influencewidthatfixedpeaktime? StarFormationHistories 9 All ) ts Centrals uni Satellites y r a r t bi r a ( x d / N d 9 10 11 12 13 100 101 100 101 102 0.5 0.0 0.5 − log10Mfinal tpeak(peaktimeinGyr) σSFH(widthinGyr) log10∆σSFH(deviation) Figure8. Dependence of the log-normal parameters on whether a galaxy is a central (orange) or a satellite (purple) at z = 0. The entire galaxy sample (M∗ >109M(cid:12))isshowningray. Thoughcentralsare,onaverage,moremassivethansatellites,satellitesformearlierandfaster,contrarytothegeneraltrend thatmoremassivegalaxiesformearlier.ThetailstowardveryhightpeakandσSFRarepredominantlycausedbyextremelylate-formingcentrals.Therightpanel showsthedeviationfromthecorrelationbetweentpeakandσSFR(Equation7),i.e.whetheraSFHisrelativelywideornarrowatfixedpeaktime. 3.3.2. Centralsvs.Satellites imum).Thecorrespondingrelationswithstellarmassarevery similar. For large, early-forming galaxies, M is roughly Partoftheanswertothesequestionsmightbefoundinthe final differences between central and satellite galaxies. Figure 8 equal to M∗ today which manifests itself in a well-defined stellarmass-halomassrelationatthehigh-massend. Asex- shows the distributions of their parameters compared to the pected,galaxiesinmoremassivegalaxiesformearlier.Atlow overall sample. The distributions do not strongly depend on haloorstellarmasses,however,thecorrelationdisappears(in mass, except at very high masses where most galaxies are agreementwith Dressleretal. 2016). Atfirstsight, this cor- early-forming. relationseemstobeinconflictwiththeexpectationthatlarge Figure8showsthateventhoughsatellitesare,onaverage, dark matter halos form late in hierarchical structure forma- slightlylessmassivethancentrals(firstpanel),theyformear- tion. However, while the halos of massive clusters are still lier (second panel), in contrast with the downsizing expec- growingtoday,theircentralgalaxiesaregrowingbymergers tation that larger galaxies form earlier. Moreover, satellites rather than star formation, meaning that their stellar popula- form significantly faster than centrals (third panel), both be- tions whose ages we investigate here were largely formed in cause they are an intrinsically older population and because otherhalos(Rodriguez-Gomezetal.2016b). Thus,largeha- their star formation may be quenched after infall into their los form late whereas large central galaxies form early (e.g., hosts(e.g.,vandenBoschetal.2008;Hearin&Watson2013; Neisteinetal.2006). Wetzeletal.2013). However, the differences between the central and satellite Thenextvariableweconsideristheenvironmentatz = 3, i.e. whetheragalaxywasborninanoverdenseorunderdense populationsdonotappeartoberesponsibleforthescatterin regionoftheuniverse. Wequantifydensitybythedistanceto thet -σ relation. TherightpanelofFigure8showsthe peak SFR the 5th nearest neighbor, but using a smoothed galaxy over- deviationfromthisrelationwhichismoreorlesssymmetric density gives similar results. The trend that galaxies born for both centrals and satellites, though centrals have a slight in overdense environments form earlier holds for all stellar tendencytolieabovetherelation(i.e.,exhibitrelativelywide masses,andisamanifestationoftheearliercollapsetimesof SFHs at fixed t ) and satellites below. The scatter around peak halos in overdense regions, known as “assembly bias” (Gao therelationiscomparableforthetwosub-samples, 0.16dex et al. 2005; Wechsler et al. 2006; Croton et al. 2007; Dalal forcentralsand0.2dexforsatellites. etal.2008;Zentneretal.2014;Miyatakeetal.2016;Tinker 3.3.3. TheGalaxy-HaloConnection etal.2016,seealsotheargumentsinDressler1980,Abram- sonetal.2016, andKelsonetal.2016). Theenvironmentat As discussed in Section 1, we expect the MAH of a halo earlier and later redshifts shows similar relations with t , tohavesignificantinfluenceontheevolutionaryhistoryofits peak but the correlation weakens at late (z < 1) and very early galaxy. Thus, we compare the log-normal parameters to a (z>4)redshifts. number of halo properties in Figure 9. The first impression Weexpectthattheageofagalaxyshouldbestronglyinflu- from the gray histograms is that all correlations are subject encedbytheageofitshalo. Wehavemeasuredhaloageina tolargescatter,particularlyatlowmass. Thisscatterimplies number of ways: as the redshift where half (or a quarter) of thatgalaxySFHsarediverseandnotdeterminedbyanyone today’smasshasbeenaccreted,byfittingwiththemassaccre- parameter (see Dressler et al. 2016 for an observational in- tion history models of Wechsler et al. (2002) and Tasitsiomi vestigation). Nevertheless, some trends are well-defined in etal.(2004),andasthestarvationredshiftz suggestedby anaveragesense. Manyhaloandgalaxypropertiescorrelate starve Hearin&Watson(2013)whichisdefinedasthemaximumof with halo and stellar mass, introducing a trivial correlation z ,theredshiftwherethehalofirstgrewto1012M ,and withpeaktimeandwidth. Thus, wesplittheoverallsample wechsler (cid:12) theredshiftwhenitwasaccretedifitisasatellite. Thecorre- into three stellar mass bins. We have also verified that the lationswithz andz areshownintherightcolumns central and satellite samples are similarly distributed for the wechsler starve ofFigure9. Forallstellarmasses,earlierhaloformationdoes correlationsshown. correspond to lower t as expected, though the correlation TheleftcolumnofFigure9showsthecorrelationswiththe peak exhibitslargescatter. Thisscatterisnotsurprisinggiventhat maximummassahalohasobtainedoveritshistory(forsub- the stellar mass-halo mass relation is subject to a scatter of halos,themasstodaycanbesignificantlylowerthanthismax- 10 Diemeretal. Maximum halo mass Environment (z = 3) Halo age Halo age x x x x d d d d / / / / N N N N d d d d 12 12 12 12 nal 11 nal 11 nal 11 nal 11 fi fi fi fi M M M M g10 g10 g10 g10 o o o o l 10 l 10 l 10 l 10 9<M <10 10<M∗ <11 11<M∗< 9 ∗ ∞ 9 9 9 yr) 101 yr) 101 yr) 101 yr) 101 G G G G n n n n i i i i e e e e m m m m ti ti ti ti k k k k a a a a e e e e p p p p ( ( ( ( tpeak tpeak tpeak SFR tpeak 100 100 100 ∝MAR 100 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 n) n) n) n) o o o o ati ati ati ati vi vi vi vi e e e e d d d d ( 0.0 ( 0.0 ( 0.0 ( 0.0 H H H H F F F F S S S S σ σ σ σ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ g10 g10 g10 g10 o o o o l l l l 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 − − − − 11 12 13 14 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 log10Mhalo,max log10d5thnearest(kpc/h) zwechsler zstarve Figure9. Thegalaxy-haloconnectioninthelog-normalparameterspace. Eachcolumnreferstoahaloorgalaxyproperty,namelyhalomass,environment (quantifiedbythedistancetothe5thnearestneighboratz=3),thehaloageaccordingtoWechsleretal.(2002),andthe“starvationredshift”whereahalois expectedtoquenchintheagematchingformalismofHearin&Watson(2013).Ineachcolumn,thetoppanelshowsthedistributionoftherespectivepropertyin oursimulatedgalaxysample(gray). ThebottomthreerowsshowthedistributionofMfinal,tpeak,andthedeviationfromthetpeak-σSFRrelationasafunctionof thehaloproperty(grayshading).Thelinesandshadedareasshowthemedianandstatisticaluncertaintyforeachofthreebinsinstellarmass.Theblackdashed anddottedlinesinthebottompanelshighlightthemeanand68%scatterofthetpeak-σSFRrelation.Inthethirdcolumn,thegraydashedlinesshowtherelation expectediftheSFRwasproportionaltothehalomassaccretionrate(MAR).SeeSections3.3and4.5foradetailedinterpretationofthisfigure. about 0.2 dex (e.g., More et al. 2009; Behroozi et al. 2013b; massgalaxies(purplelinesinFigure9). Allotherdefinitions Reddicketal.2013;Guetal.2016). of formation redshift are less correlated with t than z peak starve Interestingly, z exhibitsamorepronounced(andmore andz . starve wechsler orlessmass-independent)relationwitht .Byconstruction, Sofar,wehavediscussedhowt dependsonstellarmass, peak peak z issupposedtocorrespondtotheredshiftwhenahalo’s environment,andhaloage. Butwhatinfluencestheduration starve galaxy is expected to quench (Hearin & Watson 2013). The of a galaxy’s star formation at fixed peak time? From the strong correlation with t means that the Illustris galaxy bottom panels in Figure 9, we conclude that mass and en- peak population supports the age matching picture in which the vironment have little effect on whether a SFH lies above or SFR (or color) of a galaxy is directly connected to its halo’s belowthepeaktime-widthrelation. Itappearsthatverymas- accretion history. However, this connection is non-trivial: sivegalaxies(M >1011 M )generallylieslightlybelowthe ∗ (cid:12) massive, early-forming galaxies tend to live in halos with a relation, but this trend is not very strong. However, z wechsler highz (becausethehaloreached1012M early),whereas does correlate significantly, and for all stellar masses, with starve (cid:12) z forthesamehalomayindicatealateformationtime, the deviation from the relation. In particular, at fixed peak wechsler leadingtothelargedisagreementbetweenthetrendsforhigh time, galaxies in early-forming halos tend to have relatively