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Locomotion and Energetics in Arthropods Locomotion and Energetics in Arthropods Edited by Clyde F. Herreid II and Charles R. Fourtner State University of New York Buffalo, New York PLENUM PRESS • NEW YORK AND LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Locomotion and energetics in arthropods. "Proceedings of a symposium on locomotion and exercise of arthropods, held December 27-28,1980, as part of the 1980 Seattle meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington" -Versot.p. Includes bibliographies and index. 1. Arthropoda-Physiology-Congresses. 2. Animal locomotion-Congresses. 3. Bioenergetics- Congresses. I. Herreid, Clyde F. II. Fourtner, Charles R. III. American Society of Zoologists. QL434.72.L63 595.2 '041852 81-13779 ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-4066-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-4064-5 AACR2 DO I: 10.1007/978-1-4684-4064-5 and EXERCISE of ARTHROPODS Proceedings of a symposium on Locomotion and Exercise of Arthropods. held December 27-28, 1980, as part of the 1980 Seattle meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington © 1981 Plenum Press, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1981 A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher PREFACE At the 1980 Christmas meetings of the American Society of zoologists in Seattle, Washington, the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry sponsored a symposium on the locomo tion and exercise of arthropods. This book is an outgrowth of that symposium. To our knowledge, the symposium and this volume are the first attempts to deal with all of the major modes of locomotion (flight, swimming, and pedestrian travel) among the arthropods in a comprehensive fashion. The time seems propitious to focus on arthropod locomotion. In the last decade enormous strides have been made in understand ing locomotion - both arthropod and vertebrate alike. There has been an explosion of new ideas, new techniques, and new data. These deserve greater attention and discussion than is possible in specialized journals. Hopefully this book will fill this gap; moreover, it should serve as a benchmark for newcomers to see what has happened to date and perhaps act as a launching pad for re search to come. Whatever the case, a symposium volume such as this serves to highlight our current strengths and weaknesses. In the present case it reveals the relative abundance of information on flying and walking and the dearth of data available on swimming; it exposes the fact that insects and crustaceans are fairly well studied and arachnids are not. Symposium volumes in general re flect the unevenness of knowledge, the diversity of approaches and idiosyncrasies of investigators perhaps better than any other method of publication. Such works, for better or worse, are microcosms of science. It is no different with this volume. Its major virtue is its immediacy - it is a good look at arthropod locomotion and exercise, circa 1981. There are many people to thank who assisted us in publishing this book, not the least of whom are the seminar speakers who became our authors, sometimes under duress. We thank our illus trator, James Stamos, who came to our rescue on many occasions. We thank Plenum Press for having the extraordinary ability to publish a manuscript in so short a time. We thank the American Society of zoologists and Mary Wiley for financial and spiritual assistance. We thank, and we bless, our manuscript typist, Jeanne Pease, for her expertise, good sense and good humor in the face of v PREFACE impossible demands. We thank Bob Full, Dan Golder, Larry Lee and Sandra Woolley for help with the indexing. And we thank the people of the United States of America who through NIH and NSF grants to the editors have supported work on locomotion of animals radically different from themselves. c. F. Herreid c. R. Fourtner CONTENTS I. EVOLUTION Locomotion in Arthropods: An Evolutionary Phantasmagoria 1 C.F. Herreid Evolution of Arthropod Locomotion: A Crustacean Model 9 R.R. Hessler II. MECHANICS AND KINEMATICS Decapod Crustacean Leg Coordination During walking 31 F. Clarac Arachnid Locomotion 73 R. Bowerman Insect Locomotion on Land 103 F. Delcomyn Insect Flight Aerodynamics 127 W. Nachtigal! III. NEUROMUSCULAR INTERACTIONS Neuromuscular Mechanisms of Insect Flight 163 A.E. Kammer and M.B. Rheuben Role of Muscle in Insect Posture and Locomotion 195 C.R. Fourtner Does Exercise Influence the Differentiation of Lobster Muscle? 215 C.K. Govind vii viii CONTENTS IV. MUSCLE BIOCHEMISTRY Biochemical Adaptations in Insect Muscle • 255 D. Stokes and C.R. Morgan V. CIRCULATION AND GAS EXCHANGE Respiratory and Circulatory Coordination in Decapod Crustaceans • 277 J .L. Wilkens Oxygen Uptake and Acid-Base Balance During Activity in Decapod Crustaceans • 299 B. McMahon Insects - Spiracle Control • 337 C. Kaars Ventilation in Active and in Inactive Insects • 367 P.L. Miller VI. TEMPERATURE REGULATION Temperature Regulation During Locomotion in Insects • 391 B. Heinrich VII. ENERGETICS Insect Flight Energetics • 419 T.M. Casey Energetics of Crustacean Swimming • 453 B.R. Hargreaves Energetics of Pedestrian Arthropods • 491 C.F. Herreid VIII. OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY Arthropod Locomotion as Seen Through a "Vertebrate" Eye • • 527 C. Gans Index • 541 LOCOMOTION IN ARTHROPODS: AN EVOLUTIONARY PHANTASMAGORIA Clyde F. Herreid II Department of Biological Sciences State University of New York Buffalo, New York Animals move. Movement is a hallmark of their "animalness". With their muscles, pseudopodia, flagella, and cilia aflutter, they burrow, flit, scamper and undulate through their environment using an amazing assortment of locomotory styles. Nowhere is this diver sity better seen than in the arthropods - animals that constitute over 75% of the world's species. Here among the insects, crusta ceans, spiders, centipedes and millipedes, we find the most beguiling array of fliers, swimmers, and pedestrians known to man. Consider the fliers: varying from diminutive fruit flies and mosquitoes with wing beat frequencies numbering in the hundreds per second to the giant tropical butterflies that lazily glide about. We see fliers that dart like fighter planes and others that hover like helicoptors. We see body forms that vary from the graceful filamentous dragonflies moving like exclamation marks over a summer pond to the bulbous bumble bee scrambling from flower to flower. We see monowings and biwings. We see fliers such as grasshoppers that are aloft for but a few wing beats to monarch butterflies that soar for thousands of kilometers. And what of the spiders that sail through the sky as arthropodial balloonists bouyed up by their silken threads into the clouds? Consider the swimmers: varying from backstroking water beetles, sidestroking blue crabs, to the upside-down and rightside-up shrimp sculling their way like translucent phantoms through the deeps. We see the explosive tailflipping escape reaction of a crayfish and long distance swimming by the blue crab that migrates over 100 km up the Chesapeake Bay. 2 C.F.HERREID Or consider the pedestrians: varying from the underwater walkers like the spiny lobsters moving with their eight-legged gait in single file in a queue stretching across the sandy bottom of the Great Bahama Bank and washed by the Gulf stream to the maurading six-legged army ants shredding a path through the tropical jungle. Among caterpillars, inchworms, praying mastises, cockroaches, scor pions, and centipedes, we see leggless locomotion, quadrupedalism, hexapedalism, octapedalism and polypedalism of ingenious variety. We see runners, jumpers, and burrowers aplenty: cockroaches sprinting, fleas catapulting and grubs grubbing. All this locomotor diversity is spectacular and is accompanied by an equally impressive array of internal support and control sys tems: skeletal, neuromuscular, respiratory, circulatory and the like. In the pages to follow, as we survey such diversity, one can easily be enchanted by the details, the virtuoso performance. However, we must not neglect the search for general patterns. To assist us in this effort there are two logical places to turn: evolutionary theory and the extensive literature describing loco motion systems among the vertebrates. Neither of these two frame works is as useful as they might be because our knowledge of the arthropods is still so rudimentary. Nevertheless, a few remarks about each will help set the stage for the papers to come. ORIGIN(S) OF THE ARTHROPODS Baron Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier called them Articulata. Later in 1949 van Siebold and Stanius designated them the phylum Arthropoda - segmented animals with a hard exoskel eton and jointed appendages: insects, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, crustaceans, and their relatives. The origin of the Arthropoda is murky at best. The earliest fossils appear cir. 600 million years ago in the Cambrian along with most other invertebrate phyla. The first fossils were marine and possessed many serially arranged jointed legs which were used for walking along the bottom. The limbs were biramous in nature with gill-like appendages on the ou~er branches. This group mayor may not have given rise to later arthropods. Because of structural and developmental similarities, most biologists believe the annelids and arthropods have close evolu tionary ties. Commonly, one will find in general text books that arthropods evolved from an annelid ancestor. There is little evidence to support this view. Certainly, the parapodia of the marine polychaete worms, long believed to be the ancestral limbs, have little relationship to the arthropod limb structure, (Manton, 1977). Today most specialists believe that both annelids and arth ropods have a common ancestral origin springing from some pre annelid, soft-bodied, segmented invertebrate. LOCOMOTION IN ARTHROPODS 3 There are two schools of thought about the origins and early evolution of the arthropods: the monophyletic and polyphyletic views. The monophyletic view until the last 25 years has been the accepted and unassailed version of arthropod evolution. Essen tially, this hypothesis postulates that there was a single ancestral arthropod type which subsequently evolved into the groups we have today. The monophyletic view has been promulgated by zoologists such as Snodgrass (1938), Sharov (1966), and more recently cham pioned by Boudreaux (1979). Fig. lA shows one example of the monophyletic hypothesis. Early arthropods are believed to have developed along two major lines: the Cheliceromorpha, animals with pincer-like appendages in front of their mouth and the Gnathomorpha, animals with true jaws. The Cheliceromorpha is represented by the Pycnogonida (sea spiders), the Xiphosurida (represented today by the horseshoe crab, Limulus ~.), the Eurypterida (extinct sea scorpions) and the Arachnida (spiders, mites, ticks, and scorpions). The latter are the first terrestrial arthropods, according to fossil evidence. The Gnathomorpha gave rise to the Trilobita and Crustacea (both of which are believed by some authorities to have arisen from proto chelicerate ancestors) and the Hexapoda (insects) and the Myriapoda (centipedes and millipedes). Fig. lA also shows two other groups of uncertain parentage which are sometimes included as arthropods: the Onychophora (e.g., Peripatus ~.), once believed to be an intermediate step linking annelids with arthropods, and the Tarti grada ("water bears") of ambiguous ancestry. The polyphyletic hypothesis of arthropod evolution was seri ously proposed by Tiegs and Manton (1958) and later expanded by Manton (1964, 1973, 1977, 1979) and Anderson (1973, 1979) among others. They point out that there is an absence of fossils linking major groups such as crustaceans, chelicerates, trilobites, and the insect-myriapod line. Their studies of functional morphology and embryology suggest to them independent origins of these groups from soft-bodied segmented ancestors. A polyphyletic view is presented in Fig. lB as envisioned by authors such as Manton(1977). There are at least three and possibly four groups that have independent origins and deserve status as distinct phyla: the Chelicerata, Crustacea, Uniramia and possibly the Trilobita. According to this view, the Uniramia are specialized into four groups: the hexapods, myriapods, onychophorans, and tartigrades. The limbs of the Unir amia are different from those of any known annelid, and Manton (1977) proposed they are specializations of the lobopodial type of limb seen only today in the Onychophora. In conclusion, both the monophyletic and polyphyletic view points of arthropod evolution have strong supporters, and their various positions have been laid out quite clearly in an important book "Arthropod Phylogeny" (Gupta, 1979). Unfortunately, the con fusions among specialists will hinder our appreciation of the possible evolution of locomotor mechanisms.

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