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Locked Quintessence and Cold Dark Matter Minos Axenides∗ Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, ∗ Agia Paraskevi Attikis, Athens 153 10, Greece Abstract A supersymmetric hybrid potential model with low energy supersymmetry breaking scale (MS ∼ 1−10Tev) is presented for both dark matter and dark energy. Cold dark matter is associated with a lightmodulusfield(∼10−100Mev)undergoingcoherentoscillationsaroundasaddlepointfalsevacuum with the presently observed energy density (ρ0 ∼ 10−12eV4). The latter is generated by its coupling 6 to a light dark energy scalar field (∼ 10−18eV) which is trapped at the origin (”locked quintessence”). 0 Throughnaturallyattainedinitialconditionsthemodelisconsistentwithcosmiccoincidencereproducing 0 LCDM cosmology. An exit from the cosmic acceleration phase is estimated to occur within some eight 2 Hubbletimes. n a J 1 Introduction 0 2 There is a growing observational evidence to the fact that we live in a spatially flat Universe (Ω 1) in tot a state of cosmic acceleration [1, 2, 3, 4]. Most of its content, by weight (Ωtot Ωbar 0.96), can≈not be 1 − ∼ accounted for by the standard model of particle physics. It is believed to be associated with an invisible v sector of Matter and Energy of, remarkably, almost equal energy density in a cosmic coincidence. Dark 8 7 Matter( ΩDM 0.3), responsible for the growthofstructure in our Universe,is believed to be non-baryonic ∼ 1 innaturewithsmallfreestreaminglengthbehavingasanon-relativisticgas(ColdDarkMatter-CDM).Itis 1 typically associated with weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) such as axions, axinos, neutralinos, 0 gravitinos, string moduli and others[5]. 6 Dark Energy (Ω 0.7), on the other hand, is probably a homogeneous perfect fluid component(p 0 DE / wρ) with negative press∼ure (w < 1) giving rise to the observed cosmic acceleration(for a review see [6]∼). h −3 In its most popular version it is attributed to the Cosmological Constant (w = 1) whose value must be p fine tuned to an unprecedent degree to be in accordance with the observational d−ata ( Λ 10 47). The p- emerging LCDM Cosmology, although economical and succesful is not lacking of theore8tπiGcal∼shor−tcomings. e Indeed a constant vacuum energy inevitably leads to eternal accelerated expansion , technically implying h : the presence of causal horizons and hence non-existence of well defined in and out states in the formulation v of the underlying quantum theory such as String theory[7]. i X Alternative scenariosemploy dynamical scalars , such as Quintessence fields ( 1<w< 1/3)[8] which − − r possess time varying energy density as they roll down their monotonically decreasing potential energies . a They typically predict an exit from the present accelerating phase. Eventhough these models dispense with the theoretical problems of the Cosmological Constant scenario they dont lack unnatural fine tunnings[9] associated typically with both their initial conditions, present value and/or their small mass (M 10 33 Q − ∼ eV).Inthecontextofsupergravitytheoriessuchalightfieldisdifficulttobeunderstoodbecausetheflatness ofitspotentialisliftedbyexcessivesupergravitycorrectionsorduetotheactionofnon-renormalizableterms, which become important at displacements of order M . P Cosmic acceleration in the very early universe has been extensively studied in supersymmetric hybrid models[14]. There the vacuum energy density required in order to generate the necessary number of e- foldings is fed into the slow rolling inflaton through its coupling to a second scalar field the ”waterfall” which is kept trapped along the inflaton track. In a fast-roll variation of this scenario, also dubbed ”locked inflation”[11, 12], the inflaton field undergoes rapid coherent oscillations around its ”Saddle point” vacuum before it is displaced away from it, prolonging consequently the inflationary phase. Interestingly it has been known for quite a while that coherent oscillations of massive (pseudo)scalar weakly interacting particles, such as the axion can mimic Cold Dark Matter (w =0) [15]. We have recently produced an interacting model that realizes LCDM Cosmology by putting these two ingredients together in the very late universe [13]. Other interacting models for Dark Matter and Dark Energy can be found in Ref. [10]. 1 OurmodelisagivenbyastandardSupersymmetricHybridPotentialwithonlytwocharacteristicenergy scales : the Planck Mass (M 1019GeV) and a low energy SUSY breaking scale (M M 1TeV). Pl S 3/2 ≈ ≈ ≈ WeassumethatthedarkmatterparticleisamodulusΦ,correspondingtoaflatdirectionofsupersymmetry. The modulus field is undergoing coherent oscillations, which are equivalent to a collection of massive Φ– particles(M = MS2 10 100MeV),thataretherequiredWIMPs. Asecondscalarfield(Ψ)interactswith Φ MPl ∼ − (Φ)inastandardway(λΦ2Ψ2). Thiscanbe thoughtofasourquintessencefieldanditcorrespondstoaflat direction lifted by non-renormalizableterms. Even though the Ψ–field is a light scalar (M MS3 10 18 Ψ ≈ MP2l ≈ − eV) , it is much more massive than the m mentioned above, so as not to be in danger from supergravity Q correctionsto its potential[16, 17]. Ourquintessence fieldis coupledto ourdarkmatter in a hybridmanner, which is quite natural in the context of a supersymmetric theory. Due to this coupling, the oscillating Φ, keepsΨ ‘locked’ontopofa potentialhill, givingriseto thedesireddarkenergy. Whenthe amplitude ofthe Φ–oscillations decreases enough, the dark energy dominates the Universe, causing the observed accelerated expansion as dictated by the cosmic coincidence. Within some eight Hubble times , when the oscillating amplitude falls below the width ofthe saddle,the ‘locked’quintessence fieldis releasedandrollsdownto its global minimum. The system reaches the true vacuum and accelerated expansion ceases. WeassumeaspatiallyflatUniverse,accordingtotheWMAPobservations[1]. Weusenaturalunitssuch that h¯ =c=1 and Newton’s gravitational constant is 8πG=MP−l2, where MPl =1018GeV is the reduced Planck mass. 2 A Supersymmetric Hybrid Model Consider two real scalar fields Φ and Ψ interacting through a hybrid type of potential of the form[13] 1 1 1 V(Φ,Ψ)= m2Φ2+ λΦ2Ψ2+ α(Ψ2 M2)2, (1) 2 Φ 2 4 − s where (λ 1) and (α= Ms4 ). Dark Matter is associated with Φ and Dark Energy with Ψ. All parameters ≤ MP4l are expressed in terms of two fundamental energy scales: the Planck mass (M 1018 GeV) and the Pl ∼ Susy breaking scale which is also taken to be the Gravitino mass (M m 1TeV). They should be s 3/2 ∼ ∼ consideredintheframeworkofgaugemediatedsupersymmetry[18]. Standardfeaturesofthepotentialwhich is depicted in the figure are: Two global minima (Φ,Ψ)=(0,M ) with an unstable saddle point at (Φ,Ψ)=(0,0) s • Ψ possesses a Φ dependent curvature (meff)2 =λΦ2 αM2) with a width of • Ψ − s 1 M3 Φ = s (2) w √λM2 Pl Cosmic Coincidence (Ω Ω (1))at present Hubble time demands small scalar masses : DE DM • m Ms2 10 100Me−V and m∼ O Ms3 10 18eV. The latter is conceivable to be due to Φ ∼ MPl ≈ − ψ ∼ MP2l ≈ − accidental cancellations in the K¨ahler potential or some other accidental symmetry protecting m . Ψ Our physical system acts as a two component perfect fluid with energy density (ρ =ρ +ρ ) which gets tot Φ Ψ diluted as the universe expands. When the system finds itself rolling at Φ Φw it is energeticallyfavorable ≥ for Ψ to be trapped in its origin Ψ=0. Φ performs coherent oscillations in a quadratic potential ∼ 1 V(Φ,Ψ=0)= m2Φ2+V . (3) 2 Φ 0 around a saddle point false vaccuum with energy density given by 1 M8 V = αM4 s 10 120M4 (4) 0 4 s ∼ M4 ∼ − Pl Pl 2 V Φ V0 m Φ P Φ osc c −M 0 M φ −Φ c −Φ osc Figure 1: Illustration of the scalar potential V(Φ,Ψ). Originally, Φ∼MPl and Ψ≃0. The field Φ begins oscillating with amplitude Φosc. Due to the expanding Universe its energy gets diluted until it reaches Φ¯end∼Φw, when the system departs fromthesaddleandrollstowardtheminimumat(Φ=0,Ψ=±Ms). theobservedpresentvacuumenergydensity. ItisassociatedwiththeDEcondensateΨactingasaneffective cosmological constant, i.e. behaving as a perfect fluid component with an equation of state (p = V ). In 0 − thehightemperaturephasetheenergydensityisdominatedbythekineticenergyoftheΦoscillationswhich behaves as a pressureles non-relativistic component of a collection of massive particles, hence Cold Dark Matter(CDM), which is given by : 1 1 ρ = Φ˙2+ m2Φ2, (5) Φ 2 2 Φ where the dot denotes derivative with respect to the cosmic time t. The model therefore identifies the following cosmic phases: CDM domination The overalldensity is dominated by the coherentoscillationsofΦ inEq.(5), when the oscillation amplitude is larger than √αM2 m M2 Φ Ψ M s (6) Λ s ∼ m ∼(cid:18)m (cid:19) ∼ M Φ Φ Pl Theybehaveasacollectionofnon-relativisticparticleswhoseenergygetsdilutedaccordinglyas(ρ Φ ∝ R 3) − Locked Quintessence The energy density is dominated by the Saddle Point Vacuum of eq.(4) for the range of Φ amplitude oscillations Φ <Φ <Φ (7) w 0 Λ ThecharacteristictimescalethatΦspendsonthesaddle(Φ <Φ )is(∆t Φw ). Aslongasitis 0 w w ∼ mΦΦ0 smallerthanthetimescale(∆t 1 )ittakesforΨtostarttorollawayfromthetopofthehillrapid Ψ ≈ mΨ coherentoscillationsofΦpersist(LockedQuintessence). Theeffectispresentduetotheratioofmasses chosen(mΦ MPl 1016). A(quasi)deSitter expansionphasesetsinwitha a exp(H ∆t),where mΨ ≈ Ms ≈ ≃ 0 0 ∆t=t t0 and H0 √V0/√3MPl = constant. For the oscillating Φ we have Φ √ρΦ a−3/2. We − ≃ ∝ ∝ can thus obtain an estimate of the length of the cosmic acceleration phase. 3 Post-Acceleration Phase OurtwofluidsystemwillreleaseitsstoredvacuumenergywhenΨwillstartto rollaway from the top of the hill away from its present false vacuum state into its future true vacuum of zero energy density when (Φ =Φ =Φ ) 0 w Λ 2 M Φw ≃ΦΛexp(−32H0∆tw) ⇒ ∆tw ≃ 3(cid:20)ln(cid:18)MPl(cid:19)+ln√λ(cid:21)H0−1, (8) S We see that the period of acceleration may last up to wight Hubble times (e-foldings) depending on the value of λ. 3 Dark Matter and Dark Energy Requiremenets CoherentOscillationsofthe modulus Φ fieldin a quadratic potentialbehave as a collectionofmassive • non-relativisticparticles. InorderthatwemayidentifythemwitharealisticCDMcomponent(Ω 1) ≈ 3 they must persist until today with the Φ quanta not having decayed , namely satisfying Γ <H , (9) Φ 0 where H0 ∼√ρ0/MPl is the Hubble parameter at present. Using that ΓΦ ∼gΦ2mΦ we find the bound mΦ 10−20MPl , (10) ≤ where we used that the coupling g of Φ with its decay products lies in the range mΦ g 1, with Φ MPl ≤ Φ ≤ the lower bound corresponding to the gravitational decay of Φ, for which Γ [m3]/M2 . We may Φ ∼ Φ Pl conclude that Φ has to be a rather light field with mass < 10-100 MeV. ∼ We must require that our dark matter field Φ should not decay into Ψ-particles, through their mu- • tual coupling, until the present time either perturbatively (Φ φφ) or non-perturbatively through → parametric resonance. The perturbative condition reads λ2Φ 2 0 Γ <H . (11) Φ φφ 0 → ≃ 8πmΦ Since Φ¯ a 3/2, it becomes obvious that the above constraint is the tightest in the early times after − ∝ the amplitude of oscillations become (Φ mΦ) which takes place in the radiation era. By imposing 0 ≈ √λ it we get an upperbound condition for λ : 2/5 m M λ< Φ Pl 10 19. (12) − M (cid:18) T (cid:19) ∼ Pl eq The condition that the oscillations of Φ are dominated by V of eq. 4 in the present Hubble era imply 0 • that (Φ Φ ) gets to be satisfied when (√λ mPl >1) which , in turn, gives us a lower bound for 0 ≤ Λ (cid:16) Ms (cid:17) the coupling constant λ>10 30. (13) − The onset of Φ-oscillations must occur in the radiationera (T >1eV) when (H m ) in the after- osc Φ • ∼ math of an early phase of inflation being followed right afterwards by reheating[19]. Their fractional contribution to the energy density is (ρρΦ ∝α∝H−21). They eventually dominate the energy density of the Universe. By requiring this to take place at (T = 1eV) we find the initial displacement of Φ eq to be muchsmallerthanthe Planckscalenamely (Φ 10 6M M ). Howeverthe inclusionof osc − Pl Pl ∼ ≪ supergravitycorrectionsto the potential(∆m2 H(t)2)[20]lift the flatnessof the Φ directionso that Φ ∝ Φ begins to roll down long before (H m ). Its motion is, however, overdamped by the excessive Φ ∼ friction of a large Hubble parameter (compared to its mass) imposing a freeze out to the value of Φ until H is reduced enough for the quadratic oscillations to commence. 4 Similarin spiritanalysiscanbe appliedto the study ofthe initial conditionsforthe Quintessencefield • Ψ which has to find itself near the origin (Ψ M )in order to get ”locked” when the Φ oscillations s ≤ begin. The oscillations of Ψ begin immediately after reheating with (Ψ √ρΨ H3/4). It can be ∝ ∝ analytically demonstrated that our original assumption for (Ψ 0) is well justified. ≈ The smallness of the saddle point vacuum energy does not only require a small mass for our tachy- • onic field Ψ but a small VEV as well (M 1 TeV). This can be done through higher order non- s ∼ renormalizable terms or logarithmic loop corrections[16]. Clearly the level of fine tuning implied by (m 1015H 109H ) is much less severe than the one required in most quintessence models Φ 0 eq ∼ ∼ (m H ). As a consequence and in contrastto quintessence models Sugra correctionsin the matter Q 0 ∼ era are negligible. 4 Conclusions Wehavepresentedaunifiedmodelofdarkmatteranddarkenergyinthecontextoflow-scalegauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Our LQCDM model retains the predictions of LCDM Cosmology, while avoiding eternal acceleration and achieving coincidence without significant fine-tuning. The initial conditions of our model are naturally attained due to the effect of supergravity corrections to the scalar potential in the early Universe, following a period of primordial inflation. Our oscillating Φ–condensate does not have to be the dark matter necessarily. Indeed, it is quite possible that Ψ–remains locked on top of the false vacuum while ρ is negligible at present. It is easy to see that indeed (ρmΦin 10 30λ 1). Depending on λ, Φ may Φ ρ0 ∼ − − contribute only by a smallfractionto dark matter at present,while still being able to lock quintessence and cause the observed accelerated expansion at present. This option appears less appealing to us. References [1] D. N. Spergel et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 148, 175 (2003). [2] M. Tegmark et al. [SDSS Collaboration], Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 103501 [3] M. Colless, astro-ph/0305051. [4] S. Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 517, 565 (1999); A. G. Riess et al. [Supernova Search Team Collaboration], Astron. J. 116, 1009 (1998). [5] G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski and K. Griest, Phys. Rept. 267 (1996) 195 J. R. Primack, D. Seckel and B. Sadoulet, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 38 (1988) 751. [6] P. J. E. Peebles and B. Ratra, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 559 (2003). [7] S. Hellerman, N. Kaloper and L. Susskind, JHEP 0106, 003 (2001); W. Fischler, A. Kashani-Poor, R. McNees and S. Paban, JHEP 0107, 003 (2001); E. 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