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TheComputerJournal,Vol.47No.4,©TheBritishComputerSociety;allrightsreserved Location Tracking in a Wireless Sensor Network by Mobile Agents and Its Data Fusion Strategies Yu-CheeTseng,Sheng-PoKuo,Hung-WeiLeeandChi-FuHuang DepartmentofComputerScienceandInformationEngineering,NationalChiao-TungUniversity, Hsin-Chu,30050,Taiwan Email: {yctseng,spkuo,leehw,cfhuang}@csie.nctu.edu.tw Thewirelesssensornetworkisanemergingtechnologythatmaygreatlyaidhumansbyproviding ubiquitous sensing, computing and communication capabilities, through which people can more closelyinteractwiththeenvironmentwherevertheygo.Tobecontext-aware,oneofthecentralissues insensornetworksislocationtracking,whosegoalistomonitortheroamingpathofamovingobject. Whilesimilartothelocation-updateprobleminPCSnetworks, thisproblemismorechallenging in two senses: (1) there is neither a central control mechanism nor a backbone network in such anenvironmentand(2)thewirelesscommunicationbandwidthisverylimited. Inthispaper, we propose a novel protocol based on the mobile agent paradigm. Once a new object is detected, a mobileagentwillbeinitiatedtotracktheroamingpathoftheobject. Theagentismobilesinceit willchoosethesensorclosesttotheobjecttostay. Theagentmayinvitesomenearbyslavesensorsto cooperativelypositiontheobjectandinhibitotherirrelevant(i.e.farther)sensorsfromtrackingthe object. Asaresult,thecommunicationandsensingoverheadsaregreatlyreduced. Ourprototyping ofthelocation-trackingmobileagentbasedonIEEE802.11bNICsandourexperimentalexperiences arealsoreported. Received16June2003;revised5November2003 1. INTRODUCTION a mobile agent that follows a person and provides on-site services (such applications might be attractive for disabled Therapidprogressofwirelesscommunicationandembedded peoplewhohavehearingorvisualproblems). Sensorsmay micro-sensing MEMS technologies have made wireless alsobeusedincombinationwithGPStoimproveposition- sensor networks possible. Such environments may have ing accuracy. However, many issues remain to be resolved manyinexpensivewirelessnodes,eachcapableofcollecting, forthesuccessofsensornetworks. processing and storing environmental information and communicatingwithneighboringnodes. Inthepast,sensors • Scalability. Since a sensor network typically com- were connected by wire lines. Today, this environment prises a large number of nodes, the management of is combined with the novel ad hoc networking technology theseresourcesandinformationisnotaneasyjob. Dis- to facilitate inter-sensor communication [1]. Flexibility in tributed and localized algorithms are essential in such installationandconfigurationisgreatlyimproved. Therehas environments [2, 3, 4]. Also, scalability is a critical beenaflurryofresearchactivityrecentlyinsensornetworks. issueinhandlingtherelatedcommunicationproblems. With sensor networks, the physical world can interact In [5, 6, 7], the coverage and exposure of an irregular withtheinternetmoreclosely. Groupingthousandsofsen- sensornetworkareformulatedascomputationalgeom- sors together may revolutionize information gathering. For etryproblems. Thiscoverageproblemisrelatedtothe example,adisasterdetectorcouldbesetupsothattempera- Art Gallery Problem and can be solved optimally in a turesinaforestcanbemonitoredbysensorstopreventsmall two-dimensional(2D)plane,butisshowntobeNP-hard harmless brush fires from becoming monstrous infernos. in the 3D case [8]. Regular placement of sensors and Similartechniquescanbeappliedtofloodandtyphoonde- theirsensingabilityarediscussedin[9]and[10]. tection. Anotherapplicationisenvironmentcontrol;sensors • Stability. Since sensors are likely to be installed in can monitor factors such as temperature and humidity and outdoororevenhostileenvironments,itisreasonableto feed this information back to a central air conditioning and assumethatdevicefailurewillberegularandcommon. ventilationsystem. Byattachingsensorsonvehicles, roads Protocolsshould,therefore,bestableandfault-tolerant. and traffic lights, traffic information can be fed back to the • Power-saving. Since no plug-in power is available, traffic control center immediately. Location-based services sensor devices will be operated by battery power. can be combined with sensor networks. We can dispatch Energyconservationshouldbekeptinmindinallcases TheComputerJournal, Vol.47, No.4, 2004 LocationTrackinginaWirelessSensorNetwork 449 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE1. (a)Triangular,(b)squareand(c)irregularsensornetworks. andenergyconsumptionduringcommunicationsmight somesimulationresultsaregiveninSection5andSection6 beamajorfactor. Techniquessuchasdatafusionmay concludes. benecessary[11],butthetimelinessofdatashouldbe considered too. Data dissemination is investigated 2. NETWORKMODELANDPROBLEM in [12]. Mobile agent-based solutions are sometimes STATEMENT morepower-efficient[13]. Weconsiderasensornetworkthatconsistsofasetofsensor Since sensor networks are typically used to monitor the nodes placed in a 2D plane. Sensors may be arranged as a environment,onefundamentalissueisthelocation-tracking regularorirregularnetwork,asshowninFigure1. However, problem,whosegoalistotracetheroamingpathsofmoving unless otherwise stated, throughout the discussion we will objects in the network area [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Reference assumeatriangularnetworkasillustratedinFigure1a; our [19] also considers this problem by addressing how to frameworkcouldbeeasilyextendedtootherregular,oreven estimate the density or number of targets to be tracked and irregular,networks(thiswillbediscussedinSection3.3). In how to allocate resources to the sensing problem. The ordertotrackobjects’routes,eachsensorhastobeawareof location-tracking problem is similar to the location-update its physical location as well as the physical locations of its problem in PCS networks, but is more challenging in two neighboringsensors. Eachsensorhassensingcapabilityas senses: (1)thereisneitheracentralcontrolmechanismnor wellascomputingandcommunicationcapabilities,soasto a backbone network in such an environment and (2) the executeprotocolsandexchangemessages. wireless communication bandwidth is very limited. In this Eachsensorisabletodetecttheexistenceofnearbymoving paper,weproposeanovelprotocolbasedonthemobileagent objects. Weassumethatthesensingscopeisr,whichisequal paradigm. Once a new object is detected, a mobile agent to the side length of the triangles.1 Within the detectable willbeinitiatedtotracktheroamingpathoftheobject. The distance, a sensor is able to determine its distance to an agentismobilesinceitwillchoosethesensorclosesttothe object. This can be achieved either by using the fly time object to stay. In fact, the agent will follow the object by or signal strength that are transmitted by the object, or by hoppingfromsensortosensor. Theagentmayinvitesome usingsignalsthataretransmittedbythesensorandreflected nearbyslavesensorstocooperativelypositiontheobjectand bytheobject. inhibitotherirrelevant(i.e.farther)sensorsfromtrackingthe We assume that three sensors are sufficient to determine object. Usingmobileagentsmayhavetwoadvantages. First, thelocationofanobject. Specifically,supposethatanobject thesensing,computingandcommunicationoverheadscanbe resideswithinatriangleformedbythreeneighboringsensors greatlyreduced. Second,on-siteorfollow-meservicesmay S , S and S and that the distances to the object detected beprovidedbymobileagents. Inthiswork,wewilladdress 1 2 3 by these sensors are r , r and r respectively. As shown thefusionofthetrackingresults. Weproposetwoschemes 1 2 3 in Figure 2a, by the intersections of the circles centered to send the fused results to the outside world. The first at S and S , two possible positions of the object can be oneiscalledathreshold-based(TB)scheme, whichsimply 1 2 determined. With the assistance of S , the precise position forwardstheresultsasthedatasizereachesanupperbound. 3 canbedetermined. (Itshouldbenotedthat,inpractice,errors The second one is called a distance-based (DB) scheme, mayexist,andthusmoresensorswillbeneededtoimprove which considers both data size and the distance from the theaccuracy.) mobileagenttothegatewayofthenetwork. Ourprototyping Thegoalofthisworkistodeterminetheroamingpathofa of the location-tracking mobile agent based on IEEE movingobjectinthesensornetwork. Thetraceoftheobject 802.11b NICs and our experimental experiences are also should be reported to a location server from time to time, reported. dependingonwhetherthisisareal-timeapplicationornot. Theorganizationofthispaperisasfollows. Section2de- Theintersectionofthesensingscopesofthreeneighboring scribesournetworkmodelanddefinesthelocation-tracking sensorsisasshowninFigure2b. Wefurtherdividethearea problem. Ourprotocolbasedonmobileagentsispresented in Section 3. Fusion and delivery of tracking history are 1Inpractice,rshouldbeslightlylargerthanthesidelength. Wemake discussed in Section 4. Our prototyping experiences and suchanassumptionforeaseofpresentation. TheComputerJournal, Vol.47, No.4, 2004 456 Y.-C.Tsengetal. A 80 m B A 70m B (2) (3) (1) (4) C D C (a) (b) FIGURE 12. Experimental environment: (a) triangular sensor network and (b) square sensor network. Dashed lines represent testedroamingpaths. FIGURE14. Thepositionapproximationalgorithm. wherer ,r andr aretheestimateddistancestoA,B and A B C C respectively. The location of the object is determined to bethepoint(x,y)amongallpointssuchthatitsdifference functionσ isminimized. Inourexperiment,weconsider x,y FIGURE 13. Experiment of signal strength versus distance for onlyintegergridpointsontheplane. Wemeasurethelocation IEEE802.11b. of the object every second. Furthermore, to take sudden fluctuation of signal strength into account, we enforce a conditionthattheobjectdoesnotmovefasterthan5m/s. As sensors. Forbetteraccuracy,weaverage10samplesin1s. aresult,whensearchingfortheobject’slocation,onlythose Itisworthnotingthatusingthesignalstrengthisonlyoneof points in (x±5,y±5) are evaluated for their difference the possible methods of realizing the proposed idea. Other functions,where(x,y)representsthelocationintheprevious methods,suchasToAandTDoA,mayalsobeapplied. measurement. First,wemeasurethedegradationofsignalstrengthversus Ourexperimentsweredoneinanoutdoor,plainareawith distance. Figure 13 shows one set of data that we had noobstacles. TworoamingpathsasillustratedinFigure12a collected. Forevery5mfrom0to100mameasurementis were tested. For roaming path (1), three sets of results are recorded. Ascanbeexpected,signalstrengthsreceivedfrom shown in Figure 15. For roaming path (2), the results are IEEE 802.11b are not very stable. We use the ‘regression demonstrated in Figure 16. As can be seen, the predicted quadraticpolynomial’tosmoothoutthecurve,asillustrated pathsareclosetotheactualroamingpaths,buttherearestill bythesolidlineinFigure13. Thecurveisusedtoconverta largegapsremainingthatneedtobeimprovedfurther. receivedsignalstrengthintoanestimateddistance. We have also tested the arrangement in Figure 12b, Since signal strength is not an accurate measurement, where four sensors arranged as a square are used. The theaforementionedtrilaterationalgorithmcannotbeapplied extensionforthetrackingprotocolandpositioningalgorithm directly. Infact,asonemayexpect,signalstrengthschange isstraightforward. OurtestedresultsareshowninFigures17 allthetime,evenunderamotionlesssituation. Certaingaps and18. inherently exist between estimated distances and actual A larger-scale experiment with 12 sensors is shown in distances. The real situation is as shown in Figure 14, Figure 19a. With our agent-based approach, the object is where the three estimated circles centered at sensors have tracked by the four sensors with the strongest signals. The nocommonintersection. otherdistancedsensorswillbeinhibitedfrommonitoringthe To solve the problem, we propose an approximation object(andthusreportingtheirtrackingresults). Incontrast, algorithm as follows. Let A, B and C be the sensor ifallsensorswhichcandetecttheobjectareallowedtotrack nodes,whicharelocatedat(x ,y ),(x ,y )and(x ,y ) A A B B C C theobject,thetrackingresultwillbeasshowninFigure19b. respectively. Foranypoint(x,y)ontheplane,wethendefine Surprisingly, the result shows that the positioning accuracy adifferencefunction onlyimprovesveryslightly. Webelievethatthisisbecause (cid:3) thesignalstrengthfromadistancedsensoristypicallyvery σ =| (x−x )2+(y−y )2−r | x,y (cid:3) A A A unstable. Thisusuallyenlargestherangeoferror. Asaresult, +| (x−x )2+(y−y )2−r | usingouragent-basedapproachnotonlyreducestheamount (cid:3) B B B of data being transmitted, but also results in the same level +| (x−x )2+(y−y )2−r |, ofpositioningaccuracy. C C C TheComputerJournal, Vol.47, No.4, 2004

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