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Locally convex spaces and operator ideals PDF

184 Pages·1983·7.309 MB·English
by  JunekHeinz
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TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT TEUBNER-TEXT Doz. Dr. Heinz Junek Born in Trutnov in 1944. Studied Mathematics and Physics at the Pad- agogische Hochschule Potsdam from 1962 to 1966. After graduating he became an aspirant, obtained the Dr. rer. nat. in 1969 (universal algebra), joined the teaching staff of the Padagogische Hochschule Potsdam in 1970, changed to functional analysis and obtained Dr. sc. nat. in 1979 (locally convex spaces). Since 1980 lecturer in Potsdam, in 1977 he was at the University of Leningrad for a postgraduated study. Fields of research: Functional analysis. Manuskriptangebote bitte an/Proposals for manuscripts should be sent to: TEUBNER ISSN 01 ©BSB B 1. Auf 1 VLN 294 Lektor: Printed Druck: Einband Bestell DDR 17 TEUBNER-TEXTE zur Mathematik Band 56 Herausgeber/Editors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Kurke, Berlin Prof. Dr. Joseph Mecke, Jena Prof. Dr. Hans Triebel, Jena Dr. Rudiger Thiele, Halle Heinz Junek Locally Convex Spaces and Operator Ideals This book presents new techniques for the investigation of locally convex spaces. These methods were developed during the last ten years under the strong influence of the theory of operator ideals, and provide a relatively simple unified treatment of many important classes of locally convex spaces (including the nuclear spaces). Moreover, geometric properties of spaces can be handled in a natural way. Special attention is devoted to (F)- and (DF)-spaces. The theory is applied to classical locally convex spaces as well as to spaces of holomorphic functions and spaces of unbounded operators. 1 In diesem Buch werden neue Techniken zur Behandlung lokalkonvexer RSume dargestellt. Diese Methoden haben sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren unter dem starken EinflAfl der Theorie der Operatorenideale entwickelt und gestatten eine relativ einfache gemeinsame Behandlung vieler wichtiger Klassen lokalkonvexer RSume (einschliefclich der nuklearen RSume). Dartiber hinaus konnen geometrische Eigenschaften der Rdume auf elegante Weise einbezogen werden. Besondere Aufmerk- samkeit wird den (F)- und (DF)-Raumen gewidmet. Neben klassischen Beispielen werden auch Raume holomorpher Funktionen und R£ume unbe- schrankter Operatoren betrachtet. Dans ce livre, on prdsente des techniques nouvelles pour dtudier les espaces localement convexes. Ces mdthodes se sont ddveloppdes pendant les dix dernidres anndes sous 1*influence de la thdorie des iddaux d*opdrateurs. Elies permettend de traiter d'une manidre relativement simple des classes importantes d*espaces localement convexes (y compris les espaces nucldaires) sous un aspect commun. En outre, on est en mesure de prendre en compte de manidre dldgante des propridtds gdomdtriques des espaces. Les espaces des types (F) et (DF) sont l*objet d'une attention particuliere. A cfitd des exemples classiques, on considdre aussi des espaces de fonctions holomorphes et des opdrateurs non borndes. B 3T0ki khmtb npeflCTaB/ieHN HOBbie neTOflbi m 3y h e h h r /lOKa/ibHo BbinyK/ibix npo- CTpaHCTB. B TeHBHMM nOC/ieflHMX fleCflTM /leT 3TM MeTOflbl pa3BMBa/1HCT3 nofl CM/TbHblM B.TI MR H M BM TeopMM OnepaTOpHblX MflBa/lOB M flOnyCHaKJT CpaBHHTe/lbHO npocToe cobmbcthob paccMOTpsHMB mhothx BawHbix K/iaccoB /lOKa/ibHO BbinyH- zibix npocTpaHCTB (BK/noHaH flflepHbie npocTpaHCTBa) . KpoMB Toro mowho 3/ie- raHTHO B K JHOH MTb B paCCMOTpBHMB rB0MBTpMHeCKMe CBOMCTBa 3 T MX npOCTpaHCTB. 0co6oe BHMMaHMB yflB^eHO npocTpaHCTBaM (F)-m (DF)-. Hapflfly C KJiaCCMMBCKMMM npMMBpaMM M3ynaK)TCH. TaKwe npocTpaHCTBa rojioMop<t>Hbix $ y h k 14 m m m npocTpaHCTBa HBorpaHMHBHHbix onspaTopoB. 2 PREFACE The aim of this book is to present a systematic treatment of to­ pological and geometrical properties of locally convex spaces and of the linear continuous operators ranging in these spaces from a unified point of view. Of course, in a general theory of locally convex spaces above all those properties are of interest which are stable under linear continuous mappings. This leads directly to the notion of an operator ideal and A. Pietsch was the first to apply operator ideals (in Banach spaces) to the theory of nuclear spaces. It turns out that many properties of several classes of locally convex spaces such as nuclear spaces or Schwartz spaces which at first glance seem to depend on the very specific structure of nu­ clear of compact operators, are actually only a consequence of the stability properties of the ideals of the compact and nuclear opera­ tor, respectively. This explains why a general theory of locally convex spaces generated by operator ideals works successfully. The book can be divided into two parts. The first four sections present above all the background of the theory of linear topological and locally convex spaces as far as it is necessary for the second part, and they contain mostly classical fundamental theorems sup­ plied by metric results. In order to study dual spaces, parts of the theory of duality are included. Topologies generated by dual pairs are considered as functorial constructions. Special interest is placed on (F)-, (DF)-spaces and related classes. The second part is devoted to the theory of operator ideals in lo­ cally convex spaces and their applications to the investigation of topological and geometrical properties of locally convex spaces, especially of (F)- and (DF)-spaces. Most of these more recent re­ sults have not yet appeared in a textbook. Section 6 presents the key results, which, roughly speaking, deal with the question of transferring properties of the neighbourhood system in locally con­ vex spaces to the system of bounded sets and vice versa. These general results are applied in the final section to — spaces, where the Schwartz spaces and the nuclear spaces appear as special cases. Hence this book can also be used as a textbook on the theory of nuclear spaces. It should be said that only a small part of the applications could be included here but the methods used in this book prove useful for the investigation of other related problems. The reader should be familiar with the basic notions of general 3 topology and with the theory of Banach and Hilbert spaces. Some knowlegde of the theory of operator ideals in Hilbert and Banach spaces would help in reading the book. Only some examples given require further results of functional analysis. Potsdam,.March 1933 H. Junek 4 CONTENTS 1• Topological vector spaces 1..Topological spaces 7 2. Topological vector spaces and linear continuous operators 11 3. Completeness 14 4. Metrizable topological vector spaces 18 5. Locally convex spaces 25 2* Linear continuous operators 1. Basic properties 36 2. The Hahn-Banach Theorem 39 3. Bornological spaces 43 4« Injections and surjections 44 5. Projective and inductive constructions 48 6. Functorial topologies 58 7. (F)-, (DP)-spaces and related classes 61 3. Duality 1• Dual pairings and weak topologies 69 2. Adjoint operators 72 3. Topologies defined by dual pairings 73 4* Dual spaces 1. Continuity of operators 78 2* Barrelled and quasi-barrelled spaces 81 3• Reflexivity 84 4. Dual characterization of completeness 89 5* Dual characterization of (F)- and (DF)-spaces 90 5. Operator ideals 1♦ Basic, notations 93 2. Ban-ideals 95 3. Extension of operator ideals 1°5 4. The extensions^ 8 and 1°^ 6. Factorization of operators 1. The factorization problem 111 2. Factorization of operators mapping (DF)- into (F)-spaces 112 3* Factorization theorem for closed operator ideals 117 4* Factorization of operators mapping (F)- into (DF)-spaces 125 5 5. The geometry of the system of bounded subsets in (F)-spaces 128 7. Locally convex spaces of type sflr 1. ^-spaces and related classes 133 2. Permanence properties 136 3# Dual spaces of -spaces 140 4. The associated ^-topology and universal generators 143 5. Montel- and Schwartz-spaces 149 6. Nuclear spaces I 152 7* Absolutely summing and r-approximable operators 155 8. Nuclear spaces II 164 9. Counterexamples 170 References 173 Index 178 List of symbols 180 6 1. TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES This chapter presents the basic notations and facts of the theory of topological and locally convex vector spaces. The reader should be familiar with elementary definitions and results of the general topology. They are summarized here only for the sake of notification. All necessary details can be found e.g. in Kothe Cl], Pontrjagin [l] and Kelley [1J. Although we are mainly interested in the theory of locally convex spaces, some results concerning general topological spaces will be included here, since numerous spaces of linear operators (even if the operators range in Banach spaces) do not admit any complete locally convex topology. Of the general topological vector spaces the complete metrizable spaces are most important since there are sufficiently many non-trivial converging sequences in these spaces (1 .4.7..). For that reason we will pay them special attention* 1.1. Topological spaces We shall use the usual notations of the set theory. For any sets M and I, the set of all functions mapping I into M is denoted by M1. The elements x € M1 are often called families and will be denoted by x = C^)^. The power set of a set X, i.e. the set of all subsets of X, is denoted by 2^. The sets of all natural numbers, integers, real and complex numbers are denoted by H, 2, B and C, respectively. "Iff" will be used as the abbreviation of " if and only if”. 1 -1 « A pair (X, tr) is called a topological space if X is a non­ empty set and if 'z is a map from X into 2^ such that to any x €: X there corresponds some system U(x), called the system of all 'C -neighbourhoods of x, such that the following conditions are satisfied: (U1) If U 8 U(x), then x € U. (U2) For any 11, ,U2 € DUx) there is some U3 e DKx) such that u3 £ U-, n u2. (U3) Each set U € UKx) contains some subset W 6 UKx) such that for ali y e W there is a set V e UUy) with V S. W. (U4) The system l)Kx) is saturated, i.e., any set U 4= X containing some V 6 VMx) belongs to *UKx). 7 A system ['Ulfc(x) : x 6 x) of subsets l/l^Cx) 9 VKx) for all x e X satisfying the conditions (U1) - (U3) is called a fundamental sys­ tem or a basis of , if for any U G TJKx) there is some UQ 6 such that UQ £ U. Conversely, if to each point x e X there corre­ sponds some system TJl^(x) such that the conditions (U1) - (U3) are satisfied then there is obviously exactly one topology t on I such that = {U0(x) s x 6 x} is a basis for 't ♦ This 'C' is called the topology generated by V\s0. A topological space (XQ, is called to be a topological subspace of (Xj'C') and '&0 is called the induced topology, if XQ g X as a subset and if fU'0(x0) = {XQ <VU : U 6 UKx0)} for all xQ € XQ. Finally, a topology 'C on X is said to be Hausdorff or separated, if for any different points x,y € X there are disjoint sets U G TlKx) and V G TJV(y). If not stated otherwise all topological spaces will be supposed to be Hausdorff. a 1.1.2. Let (Xj'tf) be any topological space and let S be any subset of X. A point x G S is called an inner point of S, if there is some U G TJUx) such that U Q S. The set S is called to be open, if it only consists of inner points. The union of any system of open sets is open. According to (U3), any neighbourhood U 6 Wx) contains some open neighbourhood of x. A set M g X is called closed, if I \ M is open. The intersection of any system of closed sets is closed. The closure M (or the closed hull) of any subset M ^ X is defined as the intersection of all closed subsets of X containing M. An element x G X belongs to Miff U n M ^ 4 for all U G 'UUx). A set M 9 X is called dense in X, if M = X. A topological space is chlled separable, if it has a countable dense subset. 1.1.3. A pair (I, £ ) is called a directed set if < is a partial order on the non-void set I such that for all elements oo9 (6 G I there is some jj*6 I with oC, (2> < ^ . Let (I, 6 ) be any directed set and let X be another set. The functions (x^ G ^ are called nets. The nets indexed by (JU, £ ) are called sequences. Sup­ pose now that (X,'C ) is any topological space and that (x^ )a6l is any net. A point x G X is called a limit point of (x*,) if for any U g UKx) there is some oc G I such that x^ e U for all p> ^ oo . If (X,^) is Hausdorff, then any net in X has at most one limit point x and we write x = lim x

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